Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException;
import org.apache.http.conn.OperatedClientConnection;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.LayeredSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;


/*get from 4.3, mixed 4.0*/
public final class ClientConnectionOperator implements org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionOperator {

     * The scheme registry for looking up socket factories.
    protected final SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry; // @ThreadSafe

     * the custom-configured DNS lookup mechanism.
    protected final DnsManager dnsResolver;

     * Creates a new client connection operator for the given scheme registry
     * and the given custom DNS lookup mechanism.
     * @param schemes     the scheme registry
     * @param dnsResolver the custom DNS lookup mechanism
    public ClientConnectionOperator(final SchemeRegistry schemes, final DnsManager dnsResolver) {
        if (schemes == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scheme registry must not be null.");
        this.schemeRegistry = schemes;
        this.dnsResolver = dnsResolver;

    public static boolean validIP(String ip) {
        if (ip == null || ip.length() < 7 || ip.length() > 15)
            return false;
        if (ip.contains("-"))
            return false;

        try {
            int x = 0;
            int y = ip.indexOf('.');

            if (y != -1 && Integer.parseInt(ip.substring(x, y)) > 255)
                return false;

            x = ip.indexOf('.', ++y);
            if (x != -1 && Integer.parseInt(ip.substring(y, x)) > 255)
                return false;

            y = ip.indexOf('.', ++x);
            return !(y != -1 && Integer.parseInt(ip.substring(x, y)) > 255
                    && Integer.parseInt(ip.substring(++y, ip.length() - 1)) > 255
                    && ip.charAt(ip.length() - 1) != '.');

        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return false;

    public OperatedClientConnection createConnection() {
        return new DefaultClientConnection();

    public void openConnection(final OperatedClientConnection conn, final HttpHost target, final InetAddress local,
            final HttpContext context, final HttpParams params) throws IOException {
        if (conn == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection must not be null.");
        if (target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target host must not be null.");
        // local address may be null
        //@@@ is context allowed to be null?
        if (params == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters must not be null.");
        if (conn.isOpen()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection must not be open.");

        final Scheme schm = schemeRegistry.getScheme(target.getSchemeName());
        final SocketFactory sf = schm.getSocketFactory();
        String host = target.getHostName();
        String[] ips;
        if (validIP(host)) {
            ips = new String[] { host };
        } else {
            ips = systemResolv(host);
            if (ips == null || ips.length == 0) {
                throw new UnknownHostException("no ip for " + host);

        final int port = schm.resolvePort(target.getPort());
        for (int i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) {
            final String ip = ips[i];
            final boolean last = i == ips.length - 1;

            Socket sock = sf.createSocket();
            conn.opening(sock, target);

            try {
                Socket connsock = sf.connectSocket(sock, ip, port, local, 0, params);
                if (sock != connsock) {
                    sock = connsock;
                    conn.opening(sock, target);
                prepareSocket(sock, context, params);
                conn.openCompleted(sf.isSecure(sock), params);
            } catch (ConnectException ex) {
                if (last) {
                    throw new HttpHostConnectException(target, ex);

    public void updateSecureConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn, HttpHost target, HttpContext context,
            HttpParams params) throws IOException {
        if (conn == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection must not be null.");
        if (target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target host must not be null.");
        if (params == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameters must not be null.");
        if (!conn.isOpen()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection must be open.");

        final Scheme schm = schemeRegistry.getScheme(target.getSchemeName());
        if (!(schm.getSocketFactory() instanceof LayeredSocketFactory)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Target scheme (" + schm.getName() + ") must have layered socket factory.");

        final LayeredSocketFactory lsf = (LayeredSocketFactory) schm.getSocketFactory();
        final Socket sock;
        try {
            sock = lsf.createSocket(conn.getSocket(), target.getHostName(), target.getPort(), true);
        } catch (ConnectException ex) {
            throw new HttpHostConnectException(target, ex);
        prepareSocket(sock, context, params);
        conn.update(sock, target, lsf.isSecure(sock), params);

     * Performs standard initializations on a newly created socket.
     * @param sock    the socket to prepare
     * @param context the context for the connection
     * @param params  the parameters from which to prepare the socket
     * @throws IOException in case of an IO problem
    protected void prepareSocket(final Socket sock, final HttpContext context, final HttpParams params)
            throws IOException {

        final int linger = HttpConnectionParams.getLinger(params);
        if (linger >= 0) {
            sock.setSoLinger(linger > 0, linger);

    private String[] systemResolv(String domain) throws UnknownHostException {
        if (dnsResolver == null) {
            InetAddress[] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(domain);
            String[] x = new String[addresses.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
                x[i] = addresses[i].getHostAddress();
            return x;
        try {
            return dnsResolver.query(new Domain(domain, true, false, 3600));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UnknownHostException(e.getMessage());