Source code

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 * ***************************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Qcadoo Limited
 * Project: Qcadoo MES
 * Version: 1.3
 * This file is part of Qcadoo.
 * Qcadoo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * ***************************************************************************
package com.qcadoo.mes.basic.shift;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;

import com.qcadoo.commons.dateTime.DateRange;
import com.qcadoo.commons.dateTime.TimeRange;
import com.qcadoo.commons.functional.BiFunction;
import com.qcadoo.commons.functional.Fold;
import com.qcadoo.mes.basic.constants.TimetableExceptionType;
import com.qcadoo.model.api.Entity;

 * Shift with some common methods for checking its work time.
 * This class assumes that first day of week is Monday (as opposite to the Calendar constants, where first day of week is Sunday).
 * Be aware of that.
 * @author Marcin Kubala
 * @since 1.2.1
public class Shift {

    private final Entity shift;

    private final Long shiftId;

    private final Multimap<Integer, WorkingHours> workingHoursPerDay;

    private final ShiftTimetableExceptions timetableExceptions;

    public Shift(final Entity shiftEntity) {
        Entity shiftEntityCopy = shiftEntity.copy();
        this.shift = shiftEntityCopy;
        this.shiftId = shiftEntityCopy.getId();
        this.workingHoursPerDay = getWorkingHoursPerDay(shiftEntityCopy);
        this.timetableExceptions = new ShiftTimetableExceptions(shiftEntityCopy);

    private Multimap<Integer, WorkingHours> getWorkingHoursPerDay(final Entity shiftEntity) {
        ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<Integer, WorkingHours> builder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> dayNumToName : Constants.DAYS_OF_WEEK.entrySet()) {
            String hoursRanges = shiftEntity.getStringField(dayNumToName.getValue() + "Hours");
            WorkingHours workingHoursForGivenDay = new WorkingHours(hoursRanges);
            builder.put(dayNumToName.getKey(), workingHoursForGivenDay);

     * Check if this shift works at given day of week and time. This method is NOT aware of timetable exceptions.
     * @param dayOfWeek
     *            1 == MONDAY !
     * @param time
     * @return true if this shift works at given day of week and time.
    public boolean worksAt(final int dayOfWeek, final LocalTime time) {
        return findWorkTimeAt(dayOfWeek, time).isPresent();

     * Check if this shift works at given day of week. This method is NOT aware of timetable exceptions.
     * @param dayOfWeek
     *            1 == MONDAY !
     * @return true if this shift works at given day of week.
    public boolean worksAt(final int dayOfWeek) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(dayOfWeek > 0 && dayOfWeek <= 7, "Given day of week have to be > 0 and <= 7.");
        return shift.getBooleanField(Constants.DAYS_OF_WEEK.get(dayOfWeek) + "Working");

     * Check if this shift will be working at given local date. This method is NOT aware of timetable exceptions
     * @param localDate
     * @return true if this shift will be working at given local date.
    public boolean worksAt(final LocalDate localDate) {
        return worksAt(localDate.getDayOfWeek());

     * Check if this shift will be working at given date and time. This method is aware of timetable exceptions
     * @param dateTime
     * @return true if this shift will be working at given date and time.
    public boolean worksAt(final DateTime dateTime) {
        return worksAt(dateTime.toDate());

     * Check if this shift will be working at given date and time. This method is aware of timetable exceptions
     * @param date
     * @return true if this shift will be working at given date and time.
     * @deprecated use worksAt(DateTime) if you want to check if shift works at given date and time, or works(LocalDate) if all
     *             you want is just check if shift works at given day.
    public boolean worksAt(final Date date) {
        DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(date);
        return (worksAt(dateTime.getDayOfWeek(), dateTime.toLocalTime())
                && !timetableExceptions.hasFreeTimeAt(date)) || timetableExceptions.hasWorkTimeAt(date);

     * Returns date range containing given date. This method IS AWARE of timetable exceptions.
     * <b>Be aware</b> - this method doesn't compose returned date range with the timetable exclusions/inclusions. This means that
     * if you have a shift which works at Monday from 8:00-16:00 and there is defined work time exclusion from 12:00-20:00 and you
     * ask for 10:00 then you will get date range from 8:00-16:00 (as in plan). But if you ask for 14:00 you will get
     * Optional.absent().
     * @param date
     *            date with time for which work dates range you want to find.
     * @return
    public Optional<DateRange> findWorkTimeAt(final Date date) {
        if (timetableExceptions.hasFreeTimeAt(date)) {
            return Optional.absent();
        DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(date);
        Optional<TimeRange> maybeTimeRangeFromPlan = findWorkTimeAt(dateTime.getDayOfWeek(),
        for (TimeRange timeRangeFromPlan : maybeTimeRangeFromPlan.asSet()) {
            return Optional.of(buildDateRangeFrom(timeRangeFromPlan, date));
        return timetableExceptions.findDateRangeFor(TimetableExceptionType.WORK_TIME, date);

    private DateRange buildDateRangeFrom(final TimeRange timeRange, final Date date) {
        DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(date);
        DateTime midnight = dateTime.withTimeAtStartOfDay();
        DateTime from;
        DateTime to;
        if (timeRange.startsDayBefore()) {
            if (dateTime.toLocalTime().isBefore(timeRange.getFrom())) {
                from = timeRange.getFrom().toDateTime(midnight.minusDays(1));
                to = timeRange.getTo().toDateTime(midnight);
            } else {
                from = timeRange.getFrom().toDateTime(midnight);
                to = timeRange.getTo().toDateTime(midnight.plusDays(1));
        } else {
            from = timeRange.getFrom().toDateTime(midnight);
            to = timeRange.getTo().toDateTime(midnight);
        return new DateRange(from.toDate(), to.toDate());

     * Returns date range of shift work time that occurs at given day of week and time. This method IS NOT AWARE of timetable
     * exceptions.
     * @param dayOfWeek
     *            1 == MONDAY !
     * @param time
     * @return shift work time that occurs at given day of week and time
    public Optional<TimeRange> findWorkTimeAt(final int dayOfWeek, final LocalTime time) {
        for (WorkingHours workingHours : workingHoursPerDay.get(dayOfWeek)) {
            Optional<TimeRange> timeRange = workingHours.findRangeFor(time);
            if (timeRange.isPresent()) {
                return timeRange;
        return Optional.absent();

     * Returns a list with shift work time ranges for whole given day (of the week, to be precise). This method IS NOT AWARE of
     * timetable exceptions, it just check if shift works at given day of week and returns working hours.
     * @param localDate
     *            date to check
     * @return shift's work time ranges for given date
     * @since 1.4
    public List<TimeRange> findWorkTimeAt(final LocalDate localDate) {
        return Fold.fold(workingHoursPerDay.get(localDate.getDayOfWeek()), Lists.<TimeRange>newArrayList(),
                new BiFunction<List<TimeRange>, WorkingHours, List<TimeRange>>() {

                    public List<TimeRange> apply(final List<TimeRange> acc, final WorkingHours wh) {
                        return acc;

     * Returns a copy of the underlying entity.
     * @return a copy of the underlying entity.
    public Entity getEntity() {
        return shift.copy();

     * Returns shift's identifier
     * @return shift's identifier
    public Long getId() {
        return shiftId;

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder().append(shiftId).append(timetableExceptions).append(workingHoursPerDay)

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;

        if (!(obj instanceof Shift)) {
            return false;

        Shift other = (Shift) obj;

        return new EqualsBuilder().append(shiftId, other.shiftId)
                .append(timetableExceptions, other.timetableExceptions)
                .append(workingHoursPerDay, other.workingHoursPerDay).isEquals();

    private static final class Constants {

        public static final String SUNDAY_LITERAL = "sunday";

        public static final String SATURDAY_LITERAL = "saturday";

        public static final String FRIDAY_LITERAL = "friday";

        public static final String THURSDAY_LITERAL = "thursday";

        // value of this constant refers to name of field in shift model, which currently has a typo..
        public static final String WEDNESDAY_LITERAL = "wensday";

        public static final String TUESDAY_LITERAL = "tuesday";

        public static final String MONDAY_LITERAL = "monday";

        public static final Map<Integer, String> DAYS_OF_WEEK = buildDayNumToNameMap();

        private static Map<Integer, String> buildDayNumToNameMap() {
            Map<Integer, String> dayNumsToDayName = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(7);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.MONDAY, MONDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.TUESDAY, TUESDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.THURSDAY, THURSDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.FRIDAY, FRIDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.SATURDAY, SATURDAY_LITERAL);
            dayNumsToDayName.put(DateTimeConstants.SUNDAY, SUNDAY_LITERAL);
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(dayNumsToDayName);

        private Constants() {

