Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. * */ package com.qaant.threadModels; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import com.qaant.structures.Qunderlying; /** * * @author pseoane Modelo OK, chequeado valores aca: */ public class TBlackScholes extends TGenericModel implements Runnable { static { modelMap.put(1, "Black Scholes -QAANT"); } public TBlackScholes() { super(); } public TBlackScholes(Qunderlying und, char callPut, double strike, double daysToExpiration, double rate, double optionMktValue) { super(und, callPut, strike, daysToExpiration, rate, optionMktValue); } public TBlackScholes(char tipoContrato, double underlyingValue, double underlyingHistVolatility, double dividendRate, char callPut, double strike, double daysToExpiration, double rate, double optionMktValue) { super(tipoContrato, underlyingValue, underlyingHistVolatility, dividendRate, callPut, strike, daysToExpiration, rate, optionMktValue); } @Override public void run() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (opcionConVida && strike != 0) { opcionConVida(); } else { opcionSinVida(); } endRun(); } private void opcionConVida() { tipoEjercicio = EUROPEAN; double q = (tipoContrato == STOCK) ? dividendRate : rate; //q: si es una accion q es el dividendo, si es un futuro q se toma la rate para descontar el valor futr a presente //Se hace este reemplazo para poder usar la misma form en STOCK y FUTURO //drift=Math.exp((q-rate)*dayYear); double drift = (tipoContrato == 'F') ? z : 1; double x = (tipoContrato == 'F') ? 1 : 0; double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingNPV / strike) + dayYear * (rate - q + volatModel * volatModel / 2)) / (volatModel * sqrDayYear); double d2 = d1 - volatModel * sqrDayYear; double CNDFd1 = new NormalDistribution().cumulativeProbability(d1); double CNDFd2 = new NormalDistribution().cumulativeProbability(d2); double PDFd1 = new NormalDistribution().density(d1); //gamma y vega son iguales para call y put gamma = PDFd1 * drift / (underlyingNPV * volatModel * sqrDayYear); vega = underlyingNPV * drift * sqrDayYear * PDFd1 / 100; switch (callPut) { case CALL: prima = underlyingValue * Math.exp(-q * dayYear) * CNDFd1 - z * strike * CNDFd2; delta = Math.exp(-q * dayYear) * CNDFd1; theta = (-(underlyingNPV * drift * volatModel * PDFd1 / (2 * sqrDayYear)) - strike * 1 * rate * CNDFd2) / (365); rho = z * dayYear * (strike * CNDFd2 - x * underlyingNPV * CNDFd1) / 100; break; case PUT: double CNDF_d1 = new NormalDistribution().cumulativeProbability(-d1); double CNDF_d2 = new NormalDistribution().cumulativeProbability(-d2); prima = -underlyingValue * Math.exp(-q * dayYear) * CNDF_d1 + z * strike * CNDF_d2; delta = Math.exp(-q * dayYear) * (CNDFd1 - 1); theta = (-(underlyingNPV * drift * volatModel * PDFd1 / (2 * sqrDayYear)) + strike * 1 * rate * CNDF_d2) / 365; rho = -z * dayYear * (strike * CNDF_d2 - x * underlyingNPV * CNDF_d1) / 100; break; default: prima = delta = gamma = theta = rho = 0; break; }//end switch } @Override protected double modelGetPrima(double volForLambda) { TBlackScholes opt = new TBlackScholes(tipoContrato, underlyingValue, volForLambda, dividendRate, callPut, strike, daysToExpiration, rate, -1);; return opt.getPrima(); } }