Java tutorial
/** * PureInfo SRM3.0 * @(#) 1.0 2007-4-10 * * Copyright(c) 2004-2005, PureInfo Information Technology Corp. Ltd. * All rights reserved, see the license file. * * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.pureinfo.ark.content.ArkContentHelper; import com.pureinfo.ark.content.domain.IContentMgr; import com.pureinfo.ark.content.model.ArkContent; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.DolphinHelper; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.context.LocalContextHelper; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.mapping.EntityMetadata; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.model.DolphinObject; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.model.IObjects; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.persister.ISession; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.persister.IStatement; import com.pureinfo.force.exception.PureException; import com.pureinfo.force.lang.StrUtil; import com.pureinfo.importer.ref.IImportorRef; import com.pureinfo.srm.SRMHelper; import com.pureinfo.srm.auth.domain.ISRMUserMgr; import com.pureinfo.srm.auth.domain.IUserOrgMapMgr; import com.pureinfo.srm.auth.model.SRMUser; import com.pureinfo.srm.auth.model.UserOrgMap; import; import; import; import com.pureinfo.srm.xls2srm.model.Xls2srmForm; /** * <P> * Created on 2007-4-10 11:37:47<BR> * Last modified on 2007-4-10 * </P> * TODO describe ResCenterMapRef here ... * * @author Administrator * @version 1.0, 2007-4-10 * @since SRM3.0 1.0 */ public class ResCenterMapRef implements IImportorRef { public Object convert(DolphinObject _old, DolphinObject _new, String _sFromProperty, String _sToProperty, ISession _fromSession, ISession _toSession, EntityMetadata _metadata, String _sKey, String _sToTable) throws PureException { int nImportType = Integer.parseInt(_sToProperty); // if (Xls2srmForm.JUSTFORCHECK == nImportType) return null; String sValue = _old.getStrProperty(_sFromProperty); int nOrgType = 1; if ("".equals(_sFromProperty)) nOrgType = OrganizationConstants.ORG_TYPE_LAB; else nOrgType = OrganizationConstants.ORG_TYPE_RESERCH_CENTER; int nUserId = 0; // if (Xls2srmForm.COVERDATAWHENREPEAT == nImportType || Xls2srmForm.LEAPDATAWHENREPEAT == nImportType) { if (sValue != null && sValue.trim().length() > 0) { // _sKey*.xls.xml<match-properties/>; if (_sKey != null && _sKey.trim().length() > 0) { StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer(); String[] sPropertyNames = StrUtil.split(_sKey, ","); ISRMUserMgr mgr = (ISRMUserMgr) ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(SRMUser.class); for (int i = 0; i < sPropertyNames.length; i++) { sbuff.append(" AND {this.").append(sPropertyNames[i]).append("} = '"); sbuff.append(_new.getProperty(sPropertyNames[i])).append('\''); } String strSQL = sbuff.toString(); if (sbuff.length() > 5) strSQL = strSQL.substring(5); IStatement stat = null; IObjects results = null; try { stat = mgr.createQuery("SELECT {} FROM {this} WHERE " + strSQL, 1); results = stat.executeQuery(false); SRMUser user = (SRMUser); results.clear(); stat.clear(false); if (user != null) { nUserId = user.getId(); if (Xls2srmForm.COVERDATAWHENREPEAT == nImportType) { SRMHelper.deleteAllOf(UserOrgMap.class, "userId", nUserId); } } } finally { if (sbuff != null) sbuff.setLength(0); DolphinHelper.clear(results, stat); } } } } // if (sValue != null) { // if (!(Xls2srmForm.LEAPDATAWHENREPEAT == nImportType && nUserId > 0)) { String[] names = StringUtils.split(sValue, ","); IUserOrgMapMgr mapMgr; try { mapMgr = (IUserOrgMapMgr) ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(UserOrgMap.class); LocalContextHelper.currentSession().autoGenerateProperty(_new, "id"); } catch (PureException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } int nId = _new.getIntProperty("id", -1); if (Xls2srmForm.COVERDATAWHENREPEAT == nImportType) { if (nUserId > 0) { nId = nUserId; } } IContentMgr mgr = null; if (nOrgType == OrganizationConstants.ORG_TYPE_LAB) { mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(Institute.class); } else { mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(ResearchCenter.class); } for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String sName = names[i].trim(); UserOrgMap uo = new UserOrgMap(); uo.setUserId(nId); uo.setOrgType(nOrgType); uo.setCreateUser("system"); try { ArkContent obj; IObjects result = null; IStatement query = null; try { String strSQL; if (nOrgType == OrganizationConstants.ORG_TYPE_LAB) { strSQL = "SELECT * FROM {this} WHERE {}=? AND {this.type}=1"; } else { strSQL = "SELECT * FROM {this} WHERE {}=?"; } query = mgr.createQuery(strSQL, 1); query.setString(0, sName); result = query.executeQuery(); obj = (ArkContent); } finally { DolphinHelper.clear(result, query); } if (obj != null) { uo.setOrgId(obj.getId()); } else { uo.setOrgId(0); }; } catch (PureException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } return null; } } return null; } }