Java tutorial
/** * PureInfo Command2 * @(#) 1.0 2007-11-11 * * Copyright(c) 2004-2005, PureInfo Information Technology Corp. Ltd. * All rights reserved, see the license file. * * */ package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.pureinfo.ark.content.ArkContentHelper; import com.pureinfo.ark.content.domain.IContentMgr; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.model.DolphinObject; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.model.IObjects; import com.pureinfo.dolphin.persister.IStatement; import com.pureinfo.force.exception.PureException; import com.pureinfo.srm.SRMConstants; import com.pureinfo.srm.SRMTypes; import; import; import com.pureinfo.srm.product.domain.IProductMgr; import com.pureinfo.srm.product.model.Product; import com.pureinfo.srm.project.model.OutlayUnit; import com.pureinfo.srm.reports.table.ITableDatabuilder; /** * <P> * Created on 2007-12-28 09:51:07<BR> * Last modified on 2007-12-28 * </P> * TODO describe WeightStatistic here ... * * * departmentcollege * * @author * @version 1.0, 2007-12-28 * @since Command2 1.0 */ public class WeightStatistic implements ITableDatabuilder { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private Object[][] m_datas; private final int TITLE_HEIGHT = 2; private final int LABEL_WIDTH = 2; private final int OUTLAY_WIDTH = 3; private final int BIG_PRJ_WIDTH = 3; private final int PRODUCT_WIDTH = 7; private final int SUM_ALL_WIDHT = 1; private final int OTHER_HEIGHT = 1; private final int SUM_HEIGHT = 1; private Map m_codeLabelMap = new TreeMap(); private Map m_codeCellMap = new TreeMap(); private static Map m_hHospitals = new TreeMap(); private static Map m_others = new TreeMap(); private final String HOSPITAL_CODE = "19"; private final String OTHER_CODE = "88"; private Map m_codeRowIndexMap = new TreeMap(); private IOrganizationMgr m_OrgMgr; private List m_dataOutlay = new ArrayList(); private IObjects m_dataProduct; private List m_dataBigPrj = new ArrayList(); private List m_dataBigPrjOther = new ArrayList(); private IObjects m_dataAll; private IObjects m_dataCitePaper; private IObjects m_dataPatent; private IObjects m_data3Index; private IObjects m_dataProductAbs; private final String ARRIVE_OUTLAY = "_OUT"; private final String OUTLAY_PROB_WEIGHT = "_OUTPROBWEIGHT"; private final String OUTLAY_ABS_WEIGHT = "_OUTABSWEIGHT"; private final String PRJ_TOTAL_NUM = "_PRJSUM"; private final String PRJ_PROB_WEIGHT = "_PRJPROBWEIGHT"; private final String PRJ_ABS_WEIGHT = "_PRJABSWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_PATENT_WEIGHT = "_PRJPATENTWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_HONOR_WEIGHT = "_PRJHONORWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_INDEX_WEIGHT = "_PRJINDEXWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_CITEPAPER_WEIGHT = "_PRJCITEPAPERWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_ZHUZUO_WEIGHT = "_PRJZHUZUOWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_SUM_WEIGHT = "_PRJSUMWEIGHT"; private final String PRD_ABS_WEIGHT = "_PRJABSWEIGHT"; private final String ALL_ABS_WEIGHT = "_SUMALL"; private final String DEPARTMENT = "_DEPARTMENT"; private final String PRODUCT_FORM = "_FORM"; private int m_nWeightYear; private final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); private final DecimalFormat NUM_FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat("#.###"); /* * deparment * */ static { m_hHospitals.put("91010", ""); m_hHospitals.put("91020", ""); m_hHospitals.put("91030", ""); m_hHospitals.put("91050", ""); m_hHospitals.put("91040", ""); m_hHospitals.put("91060", ""); m_others.put("88040", ""); m_others.put("88730", ""); m_others.put("88740", ""); m_others.put("88750", ""); } public Object[][] buildDatas(boolean _bAscOrder, boolean _bOrderByValue) throws PureException { //label initLabelOrgArea(); m_datas = new Object[TITLE_HEIGHT + m_codeRowIndexMap.size() + OTHER_HEIGHT + SUM_HEIGHT][LABEL_WIDTH + OUTLAY_WIDTH + BIG_PRJ_WIDTH + PRODUCT_WIDTH + SUM_ALL_WIDHT]; //titlelabelIndex3SCIStatistic renderTitleAndLabel(); logger.debug("it's outlay time now is" + DATE_FORMATTER.format(new Date())); // setUpData(doOutlayQuery(), new String[] { ARRIVE_OUTLAY, OUTLAY_PROB_WEIGHT, OUTLAY_ABS_WEIGHT }, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }); if (m_dataOutlay != null) m_dataOutlay.clear(); logger.debug("outlay time is over" + DATE_FORMATTER.format(new Date())); // doBigPrjQuery(); // setUpData(m_dataBigPrj, new String[] { PRJ_TOTAL_NUM }, new int[] { 5 }); if (m_dataBigPrj != null) m_dataBigPrj.clear(); logger.debug("doBigPrjQuery time is over" + DATE_FORMATTER.format(new Date())); // doBigPrjQueryOther(); // setUpData(m_dataBigPrjOther, new String[] { PRJ_PROB_WEIGHT, PRJ_ABS_WEIGHT }, new int[] { 6, 7 }); if (m_dataBigPrjOther != null) m_dataBigPrjOther.clear(); logger.debug("doBigPrjQueryOther time is over" + DATE_FORMATTER.format(new Date())); doProductQuery(); setUpProductData(m_dataProduct); setUpData(m_dataPatent, new String[] { PRD_PATENT_WEIGHT }, new int[] { 8 }); setUpData(m_dataCitePaper, new String[] { PRD_CITEPAPER_WEIGHT }, new int[] { 11 }); setUpData(m_data3Index, new String[] { PRD_ABS_WEIGHT }, new int[] { 10 }); setUpProductWeight(); setUpData(m_dataProductAbs, new String[] { PRD_ABS_WEIGHT }, new int[14]); setUpAllData(); // formatDatas(); clear(); return m_datas; } private void changeOutlay() { for (int i = 2; i < m_datas.length; i++) { m_datas[i][3] = new Double(doSubtration(m_datas[i][3], m_datas[i][6])); } } private void formatDatas() { for (int i = TITLE_HEIGHT; i < m_datas.length; i++) { for (int j = LABEL_WIDTH; j < m_datas[i].length; j++) { if (m_datas[i][j] != null) { Double d = new Double((m_datas[i][j]).toString()); m_datas[i][j] = NUM_FORMATTER.format(d); } } } } private void setUpAllData() { for (int i = 2; i < m_datas.length; i++) { double sum = (m_datas[i][4] != null ? Double.parseDouble( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(m_datas[i][4].toString()) ? m_datas[i][4].toString() : "0") : 0.0) + (m_datas[i][7] != null ? Double.parseDouble( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(m_datas[i][7].toString()) ? m_datas[i][7].toString() : "0") : 0.0) + (m_datas[i][14] != null ? Double.parseDouble( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(m_datas[i][14].toString()) ? m_datas[i][14].toString() : "0") : 0.0); m_datas[i][15] = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(String.valueOf(sum)) ? "0.0" : String.valueOf(sum); } } private void setUpProductWeight() { for (int i = 2; i < m_datas.length; i++) { double dblSumValue = 0.0; for (int j = 8; j <= 12; j++) { double dblValue = m_datas[i][j] != null ? Double.parseDouble( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(m_datas[i][j].toString()) ? m_datas[i][j].toString() : "0") : 0.0; dblSumValue += dblValue; m_datas[i][13] = String.valueOf(dblSumValue); } } } private void setUpProductData(IObjects _products) throws PureException { DolphinObject obj = null; for (Iterator iter = _products.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { obj = (DolphinObject); String sForm = obj.getStrProperty(PRODUCT_FORM); int nForm = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sForm) ? Integer.parseInt(sForm) : 0; switch (nForm) { // case 1: { addProductValue(obj, 12); break; } // case 2: { addProductValue(obj, 9); break; } default: break; } } } private void addProductValue(DolphinObject _obj, int _nColIndex) throws PureException { int nDept = _obj.getIntProperty(DEPARTMENT, 0); int nRowIndex = putDataToCell(nDept); double dblValue = _obj.getDoubleProperty(PRD_ABS_WEIGHT, 0.0); addValueToCell(_nColIndex, nRowIndex, dblValue); } private void doProductQuery() throws PureException { logger.debug(" it's productTime" + System.currentTimeMillis()); executeProductQuery(); execute3IndexQuery(); executeCitePaperQuery(); executePatentQuery(); executeSumProductAll(); logger.debug(" it's productTime over" + System.currentTimeMillis()); } private void execute3IndexQuery() throws PureException { String sSql = "select map.dept_id,map.obj_id AS _ID from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_prj_product prd on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and obj_id = prd.product_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and l_product_form = '3'"; IStatement query = null; IObjects objs = null; try { IProductMgr mgr = (IProductMgr) ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(Product.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); objs = query.executeQuery(false); DolphinObject obj = null; String sID = "''"; while ((obj = != null) { Product product = (Product) mgr.lookupById(obj.getIntProperty("_ID", 0)); double dblWeight = mgr.getTrueProbWeight(product); if (dblWeight <= 0.00000001) { sID += "," + "'" + product.getId() + "'"; } } String sIDs = "(" + sID + ")"; query.clear(false); String sSql2 = "select sum(map.PROB_WEIGHT) AS " + PRD_ABS_WEIGHT + ",prd.L_Product_form AS " + PRODUCT_FORM + ",map.dept_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + " from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_prj_product prd on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and obj_id = prd.product_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and map.is_temp = 0 and prd.l_product_form = '3' and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_id not in " + sIDs + " group by prd.L_Product_form,map.dept_id"; query = mgr.createQuery(sSql2, 0); m_data3Index = query.executeQuery(false); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); if (objs != null) objs.clear(); } } private void executeSumProductAll() throws PureException { String sSql = "select sum(map.ABS_WEIGHT) as " + PRD_ABS_WEIGHT + ",map.dept_id as " + DEPARTMENT + " from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_prj_product prd on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and obj_id = prd.product_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " group by map.dept_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); m_dataProductAbs = query.executeQuery(false); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); } } private void executePatentQuery() throws PureException { String sSql = "select sum(map.PROB_WEIGHT) AS " + PRD_PATENT_WEIGHT + ",map.dept_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + " from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_prj_patent patent on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PATENT + " and obj_id = patent.product_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PATENT + " group by map.dept_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); m_dataPatent = query.executeQuery(false); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); } } private void executeCitePaperQuery() throws PureException { String sSql = "select sum(map.PROB_WEIGHT) AS " + PRD_CITEPAPER_WEIGHT + ",map.dept_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + " from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_product_cite_paper cite on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.CITE_PAPER + " and obj_id = cite.cite_paper_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.CITE_PAPER + " group by map.dept_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); m_dataCitePaper = query.executeQuery(false); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); } } private void executeProductQuery() throws PureException { String sSql = "select sum(map.PROB_WEIGHT) AS " + PRD_ABS_WEIGHT + ",prd.L_Product_form AS " + PRODUCT_FORM + ",map.dept_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + " from srm_prj_obj_dept_mapping map inner join srm_prj_product prd on (obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " and obj_id = prd.product_id) where map.weight_year = " + m_nWeightYear + " and map.is_temp = 0 and map.obj_type = " + SRMTypes.PRODUCT + " group by prd.L_Product_form,map.dept_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); m_dataProduct = query.executeQuery(false); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); } } private void doBigPrjQuery() throws PureException { IObjects objs = null; String sSql = "select sum(TAB.total_num) as " + PRJ_TOTAL_NUM + ",TAB.department_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + ",TAB.outlayunit_id as _ID" + " from ((select outlayunit_id, unit0.PROB_WEIGHT,unit0.project_id,unit0.department_id,total_num, STATUS,DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date, 1 as _temp from srm_prj_outlay_unit0 unit0 inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit0.project_id where year(unit0.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit0.status<>2 and prj.is_big = 1 and prj.is_big_checked = 1 and unit0.DEDUCT_RATIO = '100') union (select outlayunit_id, unit.PROB_WEIGHT, unit.project_id, unit.department_id, total_num, STATUS, DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date,0 AS _TEMP from srm_prj_outlay_unit unit inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit.project_id where year(unit.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit.status<>2 and prj.is_big = 1 and prj.is_big_checked = 1 and unit.DEDUCT_RATIO = '100')) AS TAB group by TAB.department_id,TAB.outlayunit_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); objs = query.executeQuery(false); for (Iterator iter = objs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { OutlayUnit unit = (OutlayUnit); DolphinObject obj = prepareObject(unit, true); m_dataBigPrj.add(obj); } } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); if (objs != null) objs.clear(); } } private void doBigPrjQueryOther() throws PureException { IObjects objs = null; String sSql = "select " + " sum(TAB.PROB_WEIGHT) AS " + PRJ_PROB_WEIGHT + ", 0 AS " + PRJ_ABS_WEIGHT + ",TAB.department_id AS " + DEPARTMENT + ",TAB.outlayunit_id as _ID" + " from ((select outlayunit_id, unit0.PROB_WEIGHT,unit0.project_id,unit0.department_id,total_num, STATUS,DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date, 1 as _temp from srm_prj_outlay_unit0 unit0 inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit0.project_id where year(unit0.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit0.status<>2 and prj.is_big = 1 and prj.is_big_checked = 1) union (select outlayunit_id, unit.PROB_WEIGHT, unit.project_id, unit.department_id, total_num, STATUS, DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date,0 AS _TEMP from srm_prj_outlay_unit unit inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit.project_id where year(unit.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit.status<>2 and prj.is_big = 1 and prj.is_big_checked = 1)) AS TAB group by TAB.department_id,TAB.outlayunit_id"; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); objs = query.executeQuery(false); int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = objs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { OutlayUnit unit = (OutlayUnit); DolphinObject obj = prepareObject(unit, true); m_dataBigPrjOther.add(obj); } System.out.println("size2 is = " + i); } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); if (objs != null) objs.clear(); } } private List doOutlayQuery() throws PureException { List list = new ArrayList(); System.out.println("query to start::::" + new Date()); String sSql = "select sum(TAB.total_num) as " + ARRIVE_OUTLAY + ", sum(TAB.PROB_WEIGHT) as " + OUTLAY_PROB_WEIGHT + ", TAB.department_id as " + DEPARTMENT + ", TAB.outlayunit_id as _ID " + " from ((select outlayunit_id, unit0.PROB_WEIGHT,unit0.project_id,unit0.department_id,total_num, STATUS,DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date, 1 as _temp from srm_prj_outlay_unit0 unit0 inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit0.project_id where year(unit0.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit0.status<>2) union (select outlayunit_id, unit.PROB_WEIGHT, unit.project_id, unit.department_id, total_num, STATUS, DEDUCT_RATIO,arrived_date,0 AS _TEMP from srm_prj_outlay_unit unit inner join srm_prj_project prj on prj.project_id = unit.project_id where year(unit.arrived_date) = " + m_nWeightYear + " and unit.status<>2)) AS TAB group by TAB.department_id,TAB.outlayunit_id"; IObjects objs = null; IStatement query = null; try { IContentMgr mgr = ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(OutlayUnit.class); query = mgr.createQuery(sSql, 0); objs = query.executeQuery(false); int i = 0; System.out.println("query end::::" + new Date()); OutlayUnit unit = null; while ((unit = (OutlayUnit) != null) { // System.out.println("--------> " + unit.display()); list.add(prepareObject(unit, true)); } System.out.println("size1 is = " + list.size()); return list; } finally { if (query != null) query.clear(); if (objs != null) objs.clear(); } } /** * render * @param _unit * @param _bNeedBigWeight * @return * @throws PureException */ private DolphinObject prepareObject(OutlayUnit _unit, boolean _bNeedBigWeight) throws PureException { String sId = _unit.getPropertyAsString("_ID"); int nId = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sId) ? Integer.parseInt(sId) : 0; OutlayUnit unit = (OutlayUnit) ArkContentHelper.lookupById4Edit(OutlayUnit.class, nId); DolphinObject object = new DolphinObject(); if (unit != null) { String sArrivedOutlay = _unit.getPropertyAsString(ARRIVE_OUTLAY); String sProbWeight = _unit.getPropertyAsString(OUTLAY_PROB_WEIGHT); String sAbsWeight = _unit.getPropertyAsString(OUTLAY_ABS_WEIGHT); String sDepartmentId = _unit.getPropertyAsString(DEPARTMENT); String sPrjProbWeight = _unit.getPropertyAsString(PRJ_PROB_WEIGHT); String sPrjTotalNum = _unit.getPropertyAsString(PRJ_TOTAL_NUM); String sPrjAbsWeight = _unit.getPropertyAsString(PRJ_ABS_WEIGHT); double dblArrivedOutlay = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sArrivedOutlay) ? Double.parseDouble(sArrivedOutlay) : 0.0; double dblProbWeight = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sProbWeight) ? Double.parseDouble(sProbWeight) : 0.0; int nDepartmentId = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sDepartmentId) ? Integer.parseInt(sDepartmentId) : 0; double dblPrjProbWeight = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sPrjProbWeight) ? Double.parseDouble(sPrjProbWeight) : 0.0; double dblPrjTotalNum = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sPrjTotalNum) ? Double.parseDouble(sPrjTotalNum) : 0.0; double dblPrjAbsWeight = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sPrjAbsWeight) ? Double.parseDouble(sPrjAbsWeight) : 0.0; double dblAbsWeight = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sAbsWeight) ? Double.parseDouble(sAbsWeight) : 0.0; double dblBigProbWeight = unit.getBigProbWeight(); object.setProperty(ARRIVE_OUTLAY, dblArrivedOutlay); object.setProperty(OUTLAY_PROB_WEIGHT, dblProbWeight - dblBigProbWeight); object.setProperty(DEPARTMENT, nDepartmentId); object.setProperty(PRJ_PROB_WEIGHT, dblPrjProbWeight); object.setProperty(PRJ_ABS_WEIGHT, dblBigProbWeight); object.setProperty(PRJ_TOTAL_NUM, dblPrjTotalNum); } return object; } private void setUpData(IObjects _objs, String[] params, int[] colIndex) throws PureException { DolphinObject obj = null; for (Iterator iter = _objs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { obj = (DolphinObject); int nDept = obj.getIntProperty(DEPARTMENT, -1); int rowIndex = putDataToCell(nDept); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { double dblValue = obj.getDoubleProperty(params[i], 0.0); addValueToCell(colIndex[i], rowIndex, dblValue); } } } private void setUpData(List _objs, String[] params, int[] colIndex) throws PureException { DolphinObject obj = null; System.out.println("to start set up data::::" + new Date()); for (Iterator iter = _objs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { obj = (DolphinObject); int nDept = obj.getIntProperty(DEPARTMENT, -1); int rowIndex = putDataToCell(nDept); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { double dblValue = obj.getDoubleProperty(params[i], 0.0); addValueToCell(colIndex[i], rowIndex, dblValue); } obj.clear(); } System.out.println("end set up data::::" + new Date()); } private void addValueToCell(int _nCol, int _nRowIndex, double _dblValue) { Object cellValue = m_datas[_nRowIndex][_nCol]; if (cellValue == null) { m_datas[_nRowIndex][_nCol] = String.valueOf(_dblValue); } else { String sTemp = (String) m_datas[_nRowIndex][_nCol]; double dblValue = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sTemp) ? Double.parseDouble(sTemp) : 0.0; dblValue += _dblValue; m_datas[_nRowIndex][_nCol] = String.valueOf(dblValue); } } private int putDataToCell(int _nDept) throws PureException { Organization org = null; Integer row = null; try { org = getCollege(_nDept); if (org != null) { String sCode = org.getCode(); if (m_codeRowIndexMap.containsKey(sCode)) { row = (Integer) m_codeRowIndexMap.get(sCode); if (row != null) return row.intValue() - 1; } } return TITLE_HEIGHT + m_codeRowIndexMap.size() + OTHER_HEIGHT - 1; } finally { if (org != null) org = null; if (row != null) row = null; } } private Organization getCollege(int _nDept) throws PureException { IOrganizationMgr mgr = getOrgMgr(); Organization org = (Organization) mgr.lookupById(_nDept); if (org != null) { if (m_hHospitals.containsKey(org.getCode())) return org; if (m_others.containsKey(org.getCode())) return org; int nParentId = org.getParentId(); if (nParentId > 0 && !SRMConstants.ORG_TYPE.INSTITUTE.equals(org.getOrgType())) { org = (Organization) mgr.lookupById(nParentId); } } return org; } private void renderTitleAndLabel() { renderTitle(); renderLabel(); } private void renderLabel() { for (Iterator iter = m_codeRowIndexMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); String sCode = (String) en.getKey(); Integer rowIndex = (Integer) en.getValue(); // 1 int nRowIndex = rowIndex != null ? rowIndex.intValue() - 1 : 0; if (nRowIndex == 0) continue; m_datas[nRowIndex][0] = sCode; m_datas[nRowIndex][1] = m_codeLabelMap.get(sCode); } m_datas[TITLE_HEIGHT + m_codeRowIndexMap.size() + OTHER_HEIGHT - 1][1] = ""; m_datas[TITLE_HEIGHT + m_codeRowIndexMap.size() + OTHER_HEIGHT + SUM_HEIGHT - 1][1] = ""; } private void renderTitle() { m_datas[0] = new String[] { " ", " ", "", " ", " ", "", " ", " ", "", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "", "" }; m_datas[1] = new String[] { " ", "", "", "", "", "()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; } private void initLabelOrgArea() throws PureException { IOrganizationMgr mgr = getOrgMgr(); List colleges = mgr.findAllByType(SRMConstants.ORG_TYPE.COLLEGE, true); int nRowNumber = TITLE_HEIGHT + 1; for (Iterator iter = colleges.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Organization org = (Organization); String sCode = org.getCode(); m_codeLabelMap.put(sCode, org.getName()); m_codeRowIndexMap.put(sCode, new Integer(nRowNumber++)); } // other for (Iterator iter = m_others.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); String sCode = (String) en.getKey(); String sOrgName = (String) en.getValue(); m_codeLabelMap.put(sCode, sOrgName); m_codeRowIndexMap.put(sCode, new Integer(nRowNumber++)); } // hosptial for (Iterator iter = m_hHospitals.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); String sCode = (String) en.getKey(); String sOrgName = (String) en.getValue(); m_codeLabelMap.put(sCode, sOrgName); m_codeRowIndexMap.put(sCode, new Integer(nRowNumber++)); } } public void setParameters(Map _sParams) throws ParseException { String[] sYear = (String[]) _sParams.get("year"); m_nWeightYear = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sYear[0]) ? Integer.parseInt(sYear[0]) : 0; // m_nWeightYear = Integer.parseInt(((String) _sParams.get("year"))); } private IOrganizationMgr getOrgMgr() throws PureException { if (m_OrgMgr != null) return m_OrgMgr; return m_OrgMgr = (IOrganizationMgr) ArkContentHelper.getContentMgrOf(Organization.class); } private void clear() { if (m_codeCellMap != null) m_codeCellMap.clear(); if (m_codeLabelMap != null) m_codeLabelMap.clear(); if (m_codeRowIndexMap != null) m_codeRowIndexMap.clear(); if (m_hHospitals != null) m_hHospitals.clear(); if (m_others != null) m_others.clear(); if (m_dataAll != null) m_dataAll.clear(); if (m_dataBigPrj != null) m_dataBigPrj.clear(); if (m_dataOutlay != null) m_dataOutlay.clear(); if (m_dataProduct != null) m_dataProduct.clear(); if (m_dataProductAbs != null) m_dataProductAbs.clear(); if (m_data3Index != null) m_data3Index.clear(); if (m_dataPatent != null) m_dataPatent.clear(); } private double doSubtration(Object obj1, Object obj2) { double objValue1 = 0.0; double objValue2 = 0.0; if (obj1 != null) { objValue1 = Double.parseDouble(obj1.toString()); } if (obj2 != null) { objValue2 = Double.parseDouble(obj2.toString()); } return objValue1 - objValue2; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { WeightStatistic s = new WeightStatistic(); Map m = new HashMap(); String[] year = { "2007" }; m.put("year", year); s.setParameters(m); // s.doOutlayQuery(); Object[][] o = s.buildDatas(false, false); for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < o[i].length; j++) { System.out.print("\t" + "\t" + "\t" + o[i][j]); } System.out.println(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } finally { } } }