Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Brown Bag Consulting. * This file is part of the PureCRUD project. * Author: Juan Osuna * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY * Brown Bag Consulting, Brown Bag Consulting DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF * NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the PureCRUD software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. These activities * include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, providing * services from a web application, shipping PureCRUD with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact Brown Bag Consulting at this * address: */ package com.purebred.core.view; import; import com.purebred.core.util.ReflectionUtil; import com.purebred.core.view.field.FormField; import com.purebred.core.view.field.FormFields; import com.purebred.core.view.field.LabelDepot; import com.purebred.core.view.field.format.DefaultFormats; import com.purebred.core.view.layout.FormGridLayout; import; import com.purebred.core.view.util.MessageSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import org.vaadin.jouni.animator.Animator; import org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.ContextMenu; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.Resource; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A form that can be data-bound to a POJO. * * @param <T> type of POJO */ public abstract class FormComponent<T> extends CustomComponent { @Resource protected MessageSource uiMessageSource; @Resource protected MessageSource entityMessageSource; @Resource private DefaultFormats defaultFormat; @Resource protected LabelDepot labelDepot; @Resource private SecurityService securityService; private FormFields formFields; private ConfigurableForm form; private TabSheet tabSheet; private Map<String, Integer> tabPositions = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); protected LayoutContextMenu menu; private Button toggleFormVisibilityButton; /** * Get the user-friendly display caption for the form. This is called whenever a new POJO is bound * to this form. So, the caption can be dynamic derived/refreshed from property data in the POJO. * * @return display caption */ public abstract String getEntityCaption(); /** * Configure the form fields, e.g. positioning, custom field components, listeners, etc. * * @param formFields to configure */ protected abstract void configureFields(FormFields formFields); /** * Create the layout for holding footer buttons. * * @param footerButtons layout for holding footer buttons */ protected abstract void createFooterButtons(HorizontalLayout footerButtons); /** * Get the form fields for this form. * * @return form fields */ public FormFields getFormFields() { return formFields; } @Resource public void setFormFields(FormFields formFields) { this.formFields = formFields; formFields.setForm(this); } public MessageSource getUiMessageSource() { return uiMessageSource; } public MessageSource getEntityMessageSource() { return entityMessageSource; } public DefaultFormats getDefaultFormat() { return defaultFormat; } /** * Get the type of business entity for this entry point. * * @return type of business entity for this entry point */ public Class getEntityType() { return ReflectionUtil.getGenericArgumentType(getClass()); } /** * Get the Vaadin form that is wrapped by this form component. * * @return Vaadin form */ public Form getForm() { return form; } /** * Called after Spring constructs this bean. Overriding methods should call super. */ @PostConstruct public void postConstruct() { setSizeUndefined(); form = new ConfigurableForm(); form.setSizeUndefined(); form.setWriteThrough(true); form.setInvalidCommitted(true); form.setImmediate(true); form.setValidationVisibleOnCommit(true); form.addStyleName("p-form-component"); configureFields(getFormFields()); form.setFormFieldFactory(new EntityFieldFactory(getFormFields())); final GridLayout gridLayout = getFormFields().createGridLayout(); form.setLayout(gridLayout); form.getFooter().addStyleName("p-form-component-footer"); createFooterButtons((HorizontalLayout) form.getFooter()); VerticalLayout tabsAndForm = new VerticalLayout(); tabsAndForm.setSizeUndefined(); if (getFormFields().hasTabs()) { initializeTabs(tabsAndForm); if (getFormFields().hasOptionalTabs()) { initializeOptionalTabs(tabsAndForm); } } tabsAndForm.addComponent(form); Label spaceLabel = new Label("</br>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); spaceLabel.setSizeUndefined(); tabsAndForm.addComponent(spaceLabel); VerticalLayout formComponentLayout = new VerticalLayout(); formComponentLayout.addComponent(animate(tabsAndForm)); setCompositionRoot(formComponentLayout); setCustomSizeUndefined(); labelDepot.trackLabels(getFormFields()); } private void initializeTabs(VerticalLayout layout) { final Set<String> tabNames = getFormFields().getTabNames(); tabSheet = new TabSheet(); tabSheet.addStyleName("borderless"); tabSheet.setSizeUndefined(); int tabPosition = 0; for (String tabName : tabNames) { Label emptyLabel = new Label(); emptyLabel.setSizeUndefined(); tabSheet.addTab(emptyLabel, tabName, null); tabPositions.put(tabName, tabPosition++); } layout.addComponent(tabSheet); tabSheet.addListener(new TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener() { @Override public void selectedTabChange(TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { String tabName = getCurrentlySelectedTabName(); form.getLayout().removeAllComponents(); FormGridLayout gridLayout = (FormGridLayout) form.getLayout(); gridLayout.setFormColumns(getFormFields().getColumns(tabName)); gridLayout.setRows(getFormFields().getRows(tabName)); Set<FormField> formFields = getFormFields().getFormFields(tabName); for (FormField formField : formFields) { String propertyId = formField.getPropertyId(); Field field = formField.getField(); form.attachField(propertyId, field); } } }); } private void initializeOptionalTabs(VerticalLayout layout) { final Set<String> tabNames = getFormFields().getTabNames(); menu = new LayoutContextMenu(layout); for (String tabName : tabNames) { TabSheet.Tab tab = getTabByName(tabName); if (getFormFields().isTabOptional(tabName)) { tab.setClosable(true); menu.addAction(uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.add") + " " + tabName, this, "executeContextAction").setVisible(true); menu.addAction(uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.remove") + " " + tabName, this, "executeContextAction").setVisible(false); setIsRequiredEnable(tabName, false); tab.setVisible(false); } tab.setDescription(uiMessageSource.getMessage("")); } tabSheet.setCloseHandler(new TabSheet.CloseHandler() { @Override public void onTabClose(TabSheet tabsheet, Component tabContent) { String tabName = tabsheet.getTab(tabContent).getCaption(); String actionName = uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.remove") + " " + tabName; executeContextAction(actionName); } }); } /** * Animate the component by visually wrapping it with a layout and button for toggling * the component's visibility. This allows the user to expand/collapse the given component in order * to free space for viewing other components. * * Uses horizontal layout for placing toggle button and animated component. * * @param component component to show/hide * * @return the newly created layout that contains the toggle button and animated component */ protected Component animate(Component component) { return animate(component, false); } /** * Animate the component by visually wrapping it with a layout and button for toggling * the component's visibility. This allows the user to expand/collapse the given component in order * to free space for viewing other components. * * @param component component to show/hide * @param useVerticalLayout true if toggle button should be laid out vertically next to animated component * * @return the newly created layout that contains the toggle button and animated component */ protected Component animate(Component component, boolean useVerticalLayout) { final Animator formAnimator = new Animator(component); formAnimator.setSizeUndefined(); AbstractOrderedLayout animatorLayout; if (useVerticalLayout) { animatorLayout = new VerticalLayout(); } else { animatorLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); } animatorLayout.setMargin(false, false, false, false); animatorLayout.setSpacing(false); toggleFormVisibilityButton = new Button(null, new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { formAnimator.setRolledUp(!formAnimator.isRolledUp()); if (formAnimator.isRolledUp()) { event.getButton().setIcon(new ThemeResource("../pureCrudTheme/icons/expand-icon.png")); } else { event.getButton().setIcon(new ThemeResource("../pureCrudTheme/icons/collapse-icon.png")); } } }); toggleFormVisibilityButton .setDescription(uiMessageSource.getMessage("entryPoint.toggleSearchForm.description")); toggleFormVisibilityButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("../pureCrudTheme/icons/collapse-icon.png")); toggleFormVisibilityButton.addStyleName("borderless"); if (useVerticalLayout) { HorizontalLayout toggleFormButtonAndCaption = new HorizontalLayout(); toggleFormButtonAndCaption.setSizeUndefined(); toggleFormButtonAndCaption.addComponent(toggleFormVisibilityButton); toggleFormButtonAndCaption.addComponent(new Label(getEntityCaption())); animatorLayout.addComponent(toggleFormButtonAndCaption); animatorLayout.addComponent(formAnimator); } else { animatorLayout.addComponent(toggleFormVisibilityButton); animatorLayout.addComponent(formAnimator); } return animatorLayout; } /** * Set visibility of the animator toggle button. Sometimes it is useful to hide the toggle button * when hiding the animated component provides no benefit in terms of free space, e.g. when editing new entity, * there are no to-many tabs and no point in hiding the form. * * @param isVisible true to hide visibility of toggle button */ public void setFormAnimatorToggleButtonVisible(boolean isVisible) { toggleFormVisibilityButton.setVisible(isVisible); } void executeContextAction(ContextMenu.ContextMenuItem item) { executeContextAction(item.getName()); } void executeContextAction(String name) { if (name.startsWith(uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.add") + " ")) { String tabName = name.substring(4); FormFields.AddRemoveMethodDelegate addRemoveMethodDelegate = getFormFields() .getTabAddRemoveDelegate(tabName); addRemoveMethodDelegate.getAddMethodDelegate().execute(); TabSheet.Tab tab = getTabByName(tabName); setIsRequiredEnable(tabName, true); tab.setVisible(true); tabSheet.setSelectedTab(tab.getComponent()); } else if (name.startsWith(uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.remove") + " ")) { String tabName = name.substring(7); FormFields.AddRemoveMethodDelegate addRemoveMethodDelegate = getFormFields() .getTabAddRemoveDelegate(tabName); addRemoveMethodDelegate.getRemoveMethodDelegate().execute(); TabSheet.Tab tab = getTabByName(tabName); setIsRequiredEnable(tabName, false); tab.setVisible(false); } BeanItem beanItem = createBeanItem(getEntity()); getForm().setItemDataSource(beanItem, getFormFields().getPropertyIds()); resetContextMenu(); } /** * Reset the context menu for the tabs so that optional tabs can be added/removed, if there are any. */ protected void resetContextMenu() { if (getFormFields().hasOptionalTabs()) { Set<String> tabNames = getFormFields().getViewableTabNames(); for (String tabName : tabNames) { TabSheet.Tab tab = getTabByName(tabName); String caption = uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.add") + " " + tabName; if (menu.containsItem(caption)) { menu.getContextMenuItem(caption).setVisible(!tab.isVisible()); } caption = uiMessageSource.getMessage("formComponent.remove") + " " + tabName; if (menu.containsItem(caption)) { menu.getContextMenuItem(caption).setVisible(tab.isVisible()); } } } } /** * Enables or disables whether fields in this form's tab are required. Enabling restores is-required settings * to originally configured values. * * @param tabName tab for enabling/disabling fields * @param isEnabled true to restore is-required settings to originally configured values */ protected void setIsRequiredEnable(String tabName, boolean isEnabled) { Set<FormField> fields = getFormFields().getFormFields(tabName); for (FormField field : fields) { if (isEnabled) { field.restoreIsRequired(); } else { field.setRequired(false); } } } /** * Get tab by its name. * * @param tabName name of the tab to find * * @return Vaadin tab */ public TabSheet.Tab getTabByName(String tabName) { if (tabSheet == null) { return null; } else { Integer position = tabPositions.get(tabName); return tabSheet.getTab(position); } } /** * Get currently selected tab. * * @return currently selected tab */ public String getCurrentlySelectedTabName() { if (tabSheet == null || tabSheet.getSelectedTab() == null) { return getFormFields().getFirstTabName(); } else { return tabSheet.getTab(tabSheet.getSelectedTab()).getCaption(); } } /** * Select the first tab. */ public void selectFirstTab() { if (tabSheet != null && getFormFields().getTabNames().iterator().hasNext()) { String firstTabName = getFormFields().getTabNames().iterator().next(); tabSheet.setSelectedTab(getTabByName(firstTabName).getComponent()); } } /** * Ask if this form has tabs, i.e. more than one. Note that one logical tab is actually displayed as no tabs to * the user. * * @return true if form has more than one tab */ public boolean hasTabs() { return tabSheet != null; } /** * Add component to Vaadin composition root * * @param component component to add */ @Override public void addComponent(Component component) { ((ComponentContainer) getCompositionRoot()).addComponent(component); } private void setCustomSizeUndefined() { setSizeUndefined(); getCompositionRoot().setSizeUndefined(); } /** * Get the entity (POJO) that is data-bound to this form. * * @return data-bound entity */ public T getEntity() { BeanItem beanItem = (BeanItem) getForm().getItemDataSource(); return (T) beanItem.getBean(); } protected BeanItem createBeanItem(Object entity) { List<String> propertyIds = getFormFields().getPropertyIds(); Map<String, VaadinPropertyDescriptor> descriptors = new HashMap<String, VaadinPropertyDescriptor>(); for (String propertyId : propertyIds) { VaadinPropertyDescriptor descriptor = new EnhancedNestedPropertyDescriptor(propertyId, getEntityType(), getFormFields().getField(propertyId)); descriptors.put(propertyId, descriptor); } return new EnhancedBeanItem(entity, descriptors); } /** * Can be overridden if any initialization is required after all Spring beans have been wired. * Overriding methods should call super. */ public void postWire() { } private static class EntityFieldFactory implements FormFieldFactory { private FormFields formFields; public EntityFieldFactory(FormFields formFields) { this.formFields = formFields; } @Override public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) { FormField formField = formFields.getFormField(propertyId.toString()); return formField.getField(); } } private class ConfigurableForm extends Form { @Override public void commit() throws SourceException, Validator.InvalidValueException { super.commit(); } @Override protected void attachField(Object propertyId, Field field) { FormGridLayout gridLayout = (FormGridLayout) form.getLayout(); FormFields formFields = getFormFields(); String currentTabName = getCurrentlySelectedTabName(); if (formFields.containsPropertyId(currentTabName, propertyId.toString())) { if (FormComponent.this instanceof SearchForm || securityService.getCurrentUser() .isViewAllowed(getEntityType().getName(), propertyId.toString())) { gridLayout.addField(getFormFields().getFormField(propertyId.toString())); } } } @Override protected void detachField(final Field field) { FormGridLayout formGridLayout = (FormGridLayout) form.getLayout(); FormField formField = getFormFields().findByField(field); formGridLayout.removeField(formField); } } }