Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 Puppet Labs, Inc. and other contributors, as listed below.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *   Puppet Labs
package com.puppetlabs.geppetto.graph.dependency;

import static com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.Forge.METADATA_JSON_NAME;
import static com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.Forge.MODULEFILE_NAME;
import static com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.model.ModuleName.safeName;
import static com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.model.ModuleName.safeOwner;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;

import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.diagnostic.Diagnostic;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.diagnostic.DiagnosticType;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.model.Dependency;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.model.Metadata;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.forge.model.ModuleName;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.graph.DependencyGraphProducer;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.graph.IHrefProducer;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.PPPackage;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.pp.pptp.PPTPPackage;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.semver.Version;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.semver.VersionRange;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.validation.runner.AllModuleReferences;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.validation.runner.AllModuleReferences.Export;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.validation.runner.BuildResult;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.validation.runner.MetadataInfo;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.ICancel;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.ICancel.NullIndicator;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.IVertex;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.elements.Edge;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.elements.GraphElement;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.elements.RootGraph;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.elements.Vertex;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.graphcss.GraphCSS;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.graphcss.IFunctionFactory;
import com.puppetlabs.graph.graphcss.StyleSet;

 * Calculates dependency data for a set of modules. The logic handles:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Existing and non existing modules</li>
 * <li>Resolved dependencies (stated in Modulefiles)</li>
 * <li>Unresolved dependencies (dependency on existing module, but unsatisfied version range).</li>
 * <li>Unresolved dependencies to missing modules (all versions aggregated into one 'missing module')</li>
 * <li>Implied 'dependencies' existing due to use of export from module</li>
 * <li>Self references are included in the result</li>
 * </ul>
 * Each module is represented by an instance of {@link ModuleNodeData}, and each relationship is represented
 * by an {@link ModuleEdge}. An edge is further described by an {@link EdgeType} as well as the implied meaning
 * of the given set of non null fields. It is up to the user of this data to decide how to represent multiple
 * edges, although it is suggested that a combination of resolved/implied is to be treated as "normal", and
 * unresolved/implied as "unresolved", if a dependency was not stated there may be only "implied" edges.
 * For all unresolved references (not found anywhere), the edge leads to a "null" {@link ModuleEdge}.
public class DependencyDataCalculator implements DependencyGraphStyles, DependencyGraphProducer {

    public static enum EdgeType {

    public static class ModuleEdge {
        final ModuleNodeData from;

        final ModuleNodeData to;

        final EdgeType edgeType;

        final Iterable<Export> imported;

        final Iterable<String> unresolved;

         * null if edgeType == IMPLIED
        Dependency dependency;

        private Vertex vertex;

         * A (sub) collection of imported Exports that are ambiguous. May be null.
        final Collection<Export> ambiguities;

         * @param from
         * @param implied
         * @param unresolvedNames
        public ModuleEdge(ModuleNodeData from, EdgeType implied, Iterable<String> unresolvedNames) {
            this(from, null, implied, null, null, unresolvedNames, null);

        public ModuleEdge(ModuleNodeData from, ModuleNodeData to, EdgeType type, Dependency d) {
            this(from, to, type, d, null, null, null);

        public ModuleEdge(ModuleNodeData from, ModuleNodeData to, EdgeType type, Dependency d,
                Iterable<Export> imported, Iterable<String> unresolved, Collection<Export> ambiguities) {
            this.from = from;
   = to;
            this.edgeType = type;
            this.dependency = d;
            this.imported = imported;
            this.unresolved = unresolved;
            this.ambiguities = ambiguities;
            from.addOutgoing(to, this);

         * @param from
         * @param to
         * @param type
         * @param imported
        public ModuleEdge(ModuleNodeData from, ModuleNodeData to, EdgeType type, Iterable<Export> imported,
                Collection<Export> ambiguities) {
            this(from, to, type, null, imported, null, ambiguities);

        public Vertex getVertex() {
            return vertex;

         * @param edgeVertex
        public void setVertex(Vertex edgeVertex) {
            this.vertex = edgeVertex;

    public static class ModuleNodeData {
        public static ModuleNodeData existing(ModuleName name, Version version, boolean isNode, String href) {
            return new ModuleNodeData(name, version, isNode ? ModuleType.PPNODE : ModuleType.MODULE, href);

         * Formats the label of the node as [NameOf(root.parent)/]NameOf(root)
         * @param root
         * @return
        public static ModuleNodeData root(File root) {
            File parent = root.getParentFile();
            ModuleName moduleName;
            if (parent != null)
                moduleName = ModuleName.create(safeOwner(parent.getName()), safeName(root.getName(), false), false);
                moduleName = ModuleName.create("root", ModuleName.safeName(root.getName(), false), false);
            return new ModuleNodeData(moduleName, null, ModuleType.ROOT, "");

        public static ModuleNodeData unresolved(ModuleName name) {
            return new ModuleNodeData(name, null, ModuleType.NON_EXISTING, "");

        IVertex vertex;

        ModuleName name;

        Version version;

        ModuleType moduleType;

        String href;

        boolean marked;

        Multimap<ModuleNodeData, ModuleEdge> outgoing;

        private int ambiguous;

        private ModuleNodeData(ModuleName name, Version version, ModuleType type, String href) {
   = name;
            this.version = version;
            this.moduleType = type;
            this.outgoing = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            this.href = href;
            this.ambiguous = 0;

        private void addOutgoing(ModuleNodeData to, ModuleEdge edge) {
            // filter out direct self references
            if (to == this)
            outgoing.put(to, edge);

        public boolean exists() {
            return moduleType != ModuleType.NON_EXISTING;

        private IVertex getVertex() {
            return vertex;

        public boolean isAmbiguous() {
            return this.ambiguous > 0;

        public boolean isNode() {
            return moduleType == ModuleType.PPNODE;

         * mark all reachable module nodes.
        public void mark() {
            if (marked)
            marked = true;
            for (ModuleNodeData reachable : outgoing.keySet())
                if (reachable != null) // i.e. if resolved

         * @param b
        public void setAmbiguous(int counter) {
            this.ambiguous = counter;

        private void setVertex(IVertex v) {
            vertex = v;


    public static enum ModuleType {

    private IStyleFactory styles;

    private DependencyGraphTheme theme;

    private DotRenderer dotRenderer;

    private IHrefProducer hrefProducer;

    private GraphCSS instanceRules;

    private Map<Object, ModuleNodeData> moduleNodeData = Maps.newHashMap();

    private List<ModuleEdge> moduleEdges = Lists.newArrayList();

    private ModuleNodeData nonModularNode;

    private ModuleNodeData pptpNode;

    private File root;

    public static final DiagnosticType DEPENDENCY_DATA_CALCULATOR = new DiagnosticType("DEPENDENCY_DATA_CALCULATOR",

    private ModuleNodeData _file2Module(File f, Map<File, ModuleNodeData> index) {
        String path = f.getPath();
        ModuleNodeData md;
        if (path.endsWith(MODULEFILE_NAME) || path.endsWith(METADATA_JSON_NAME))
            md = index.get(f);
        else {
            md = index.get(new File(path + '/' + MODULEFILE_NAME));
            if (md == null)
                md = index.get(new File(path + '/' + METADATA_JSON_NAME));
        return md;

    private void addEdgeHref(ModuleNodeData a, ModuleNodeData b, GraphElement... elements) {
        String aId = idOfVertex(a);
        String hrefForEdge = null;
        String bId = b == null || b == pptpNode ? "" : idOfVertex(b);
        boolean splitEdge = elements.length > 1;
        if (b == null)
            hrefForEdge = hrefProducer.hrefForEdgeToUnresolved(aId, splitEdge);
        else if (b == pptpNode)
            hrefForEdge = hrefProducer.hrefForEdgeToPptp(aId);
            hrefForEdge = hrefProducer.hrefForEdge(aId, bId, splitEdge);
        IStyle<String> hrefStyle = styles.href(hrefForEdge);
        for (GraphElement e : elements)

    private void addStyleClasses(List<String> classes, GraphElement... elements) {
        for (GraphElement e : elements)

     * Install tooltip as instance style for edge.
     * @param tooltip
     * @param edges
    private void addTooltip(String tooltip, GraphElement... elements) {
        for (GraphElement e : elements)

     * Calculates dependency data and returns a map from Modulefiles to ModuleNodeData.
     * @param moduleData
     * @param exportData
     * @return
    public Map<File, ModuleNodeData> calculateDependencyData(File root,
            Multimap<ModuleName, MetadataInfo> moduleData, AllModuleReferences exportData) {

        // create node data for all existing modules and check if there are ambiguities
        Multimap<ModuleName, ModuleNodeData> processedModules = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (MetadataInfo mi : moduleData.values()) {
            Metadata m = mi.getMetadata();
            ModuleNodeData mnd = ModuleNodeData.existing(m.getName(), m.getVersion(), mi.isRole(), toHREF_URL(mi));
            moduleNodeData.put(mi, mnd);
            processedModules.put(m.getName(), mnd);
        for (ModuleName key : processedModules.keySet()) {
            Collection<ModuleNodeData> modules = processedModules.get(key);
            if (modules.size() > 1) {
                int counter = 0;
                for (ModuleNodeData mnd : modules)
        // moduleData is keyed by "fullName" to lower case

        // Create pseudo module for non modular content
        nonModularNode = ModuleNodeData.root(root);
        pptpNode = new ModuleNodeData(ModuleName.create("root", "puppet", false), null, ModuleType.PPTP, ""); // will not be rendered

        // create module nodes for missing (unsatisfied dependencies)
        // unless dependency is to represented module name, but version is not matched (in which case
        // the unmatched but existing node is used.
        // if a dependency appears more than once, use the first (skip the rest with same name)
        for (MetadataInfo mi : moduleData.values()) {
            final ModuleNodeData a = moduleNodeData.get(mi);
            Set<ModuleName> processed = Sets.newHashSet();
            for (Dependency d : mi.getUnresolvedDependencies()) {
                final ModuleName name = d.getName();
                if (!processed.add(name))
                Collection<MetadataInfo> existingVersions = moduleData.get(name);
                ModuleNodeData b = null;
                if (existingVersions == null || existingVersions.size() < 1) {
                    b = moduleNodeData.get(name);
                    if (b == null) {
                        // need a node for the missing module
                        b = ModuleNodeData.unresolved(name);
                        // need to generate one that can not be found if name is null
                        moduleNodeData.put(name == null ? ModuleName.create("no", "name", false) : name, b);
                } else {
                    // pick (one of) the existing versions (it is actually illegal to have more
                    // than one, so just pick the first one).
                    MetadataInfo first = Iterables.get(existingVersions, 0);
                    b = moduleNodeData.get(first);
                createUnresolvedEdge(a, b, d);
            // Add edges for all resolved dependencies
            for (MetadataInfo.Resolution r : mi.getResolvedDependencies()) {
                createResolvedEdge(a, moduleNodeData.get(r.metadata), r.dependency);
        Map<File, ModuleNodeData> fileIndex = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<Object, ModuleNodeData> m : moduleNodeData.entrySet()) {
            if (!(m.getKey() instanceof ModuleName)) {
                MetadataInfo mi = (MetadataInfo) m.getKey();
                fileIndex.put(mi.getFile(), m.getValue());
        Map<File, Multimap<File, Export>> ambiguities = exportData.getAmbiguityMap();
        for (Map.Entry<File, Multimap<File, AllModuleReferences.Export>> x : exportData.getImportMap().entrySet()) {
            // get the imported
            File fromFile = x.getKey();
            Multimap<File, Export> m = x.getValue();

            // get any ambiguities
            Multimap<File, Export> ambiguitiesForFile = ambiguities.get(fromFile);
            for (File toFile : m.keySet()) {
                createImportEdge(file2Module(fromFile, fileIndex), file2Module(toFile, fileIndex), m.get(toFile),
                        ambiguitiesForFile != null ? ambiguitiesForFile.get(toFile) : null);

        for (File fromFile : exportData.getUnresolvedMap().keySet()) {
            createUnresolvedEdge(file2Module(fromFile, fileIndex), exportData.getUnresolvedMap().get(fromFile));

        return fileIndex;

    private List<String> classesFor(ModuleNodeData from, ModuleNodeData to) {
        List<String> styleClasses = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (from != null)
            styleClasses.add("FROM__" + idOfVertex(from));
        if (to != null && to != pptpNode)
            styleClasses.add("TO__" + idOfVertex(to));
        return styleClasses;

    private List<String> classesOfEdge(ModuleEdge edge) {
        return classesFor(edge.from,;

    private void createImportEdge(ModuleNodeData from, ModuleNodeData to, Iterable<Export> imported,
            Collection<Export> ambiguities) {
        moduleEdges.add(new ModuleEdge(from, to, EdgeType.IMPLIED, imported, ambiguities));


    private void createResolvedEdge(final ModuleNodeData a, final ModuleNodeData b, Dependency d) {
        moduleEdges.add(new ModuleEdge(a, b, EdgeType.RESOLVED, d));

    private void createUnresolvedEdge(ModuleNodeData from, Iterable<String> unresolvedNames) {
        moduleEdges.add(new ModuleEdge(from, EdgeType.IMPLIED, unresolvedNames));


    private void createUnresolvedEdge(final ModuleNodeData a, final ModuleNodeData b, Dependency d) {
        moduleEdges.add(new ModuleEdge(a, b, EdgeType.UNRESOLVED, d));

    private Vertex createVertexForEdge(ModuleEdge me) {
        if (me.imported == null && me.unresolved == null)
            // if neither imported nor unresolved, a vertex is not needed
            return null;

        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        stringBuilder.append("References from ");
        String tooltipString = stringBuilder.toString();
        Vertex edgeVertex = null;
        if (me.imported != null) {
            edgeVertex = new Vertex("", STYLE_CLASS_IMPORTS);
            edgeVertex.setStyles(labelStyleForImported(me.imported, me.ambiguities)
        } else {
            edgeVertex = new Vertex("", STYLE_CLASS_UNRESOLVED_IMPORTS);
        // Set style classes for FROM and TO
        return edgeVertex;

    private Vertex createVertexForModuleNode(ModuleNodeData mnd) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        if (mnd.isAmbiguous()) {
            builder.append(" [");
        if (mnd.version != null) {
        String label = builder.toString();

        String style = mnd.exists()
        Vertex v = new Vertex(label, style);
        v.putUserData(IFunctionFactory.ID_KEY, idOfVertex(mnd));
        return v;

    private Vertex createVertexForPPNodeNode(ModuleNodeData mnd) {
        String label = == null ? "" :;
        // no version (user is not aware of one).
        String style = STYLE_CLASS_PPNODE_MODULE;
        Vertex v = new Vertex(label, style);
        v.putUserData(IFunctionFactory.ID_KEY, idOfVertex(mnd));
        return v;

    private Vertex createVertexForRootNode(ModuleNodeData mnd) {
        String label =;
        if (mnd.version != null)
            label += "\n" + mnd.version;
        Vertex v = new Vertex(label, STYLE_CLASS_ROOT);
        return v;

    protected void dumpInfo() {
        for (ModuleNodeData m : moduleNodeData.values()) {
            System.err.printf("module %s(%s) = %s\n",, m.version, m.exists() ? "exists" : "missing");
            for (ModuleNodeData to : m.outgoing.keySet()) {
                System.err.printf("    -> %s\n", to != null ? : "null 'to'");
                for (ModuleEdge edge : m.outgoing.get(to)) {
                    System.err.printf("        %s, ", edge.edgeType);
                    if (edge.imported != null)
                        for (Export e : edge.imported)
                            System.err.printf("%s ", e.getName());
                    if (edge.unresolved != null)
                        for (String s : edge.unresolved)
                            System.err.printf("(unresolved) %s ", s);
                    if (edge.imported != null || edge.unresolved != null)
                    if (edge.dependency != null)
                        if (edge.dependency.getVersionRequirement() == null)
                            System.err.println(">= 0");
                            System.err.printf("%s\n", edge.dependency.getVersionRequirement());



    private ModuleNodeData file2Module(File f, Map<File, ModuleNodeData> index) {
        if (f.getPath().equals("_pptp"))
            return pptpNode;
        ModuleNodeData mnd = _file2Module(f, index);
        return mnd != null ? mnd : nonModularNode;

    public String getVersionLabel(ModuleEdge edge) {
        VersionRange vreq = edge.dependency.getVersionRequirement();
        if (vreq == null)
            return "unversioned";
        return vreq.toString();


     * Produce id on the form NAME[@ambiguityIdx] e.g. Foo, Bar-1, Bar-2
     * @param mnd
     * @return
    private String idOfVertex(ModuleNodeData mnd) {
        StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        if (mnd.isAmbiguous()) {
        return idBuilder.toString();


    private String labelOfType(EClass clazz) {
        if (clazz == PPPackage.Literals.DEFINITION)
            return "define";
        if (clazz == PPPackage.Literals.HOST_CLASS_DEFINITION)
            return "class";
        if (clazz == PPPackage.Literals.NODE_DEFINITION)
            return "node";
        if (clazz == PPTPPackage.Literals.FUNCTION)
            return "function";
        if (clazz == PPTPPackage.Literals.TYPE)
            return "type";
        return clazz.getName(); // give up, but output something (should not really happen)

    private StyleSet labelStyleForImported(Iterable<Export> imports, Collection<Export> ambiguities) {
        List<LabelRow> labelRows = Lists.newArrayList();
        Export[] sortedImports = Iterables.toArray(imports, Export.class);
        Arrays.sort(sortedImports, new Comparator<Export>() {

            public int compare(Export o1, Export o2) {
                // they are not supposed to be null, but just to make sure we don't get a NPE
                // because of a bug elsewhere
                if (o1 == null || o2 == null)
                    return 0;
                return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());

        for (Export a : sortedImports) {
            if (a == null) {
                System.err.println("Null Export found");
            final boolean ambiguous = ambiguities == null ? false : ambiguities.contains(a);
            labelRows.add(styles.labelRow(STYLE__IMPORT_ROW, //
                    styles.labelCell( //
                            ambiguous ? STYLE__IMPORT_AMBIGUOUS_NAME_CELL : STYLE__IMPORT_NAME_CELL, //
                                    styles.href(toHREF_URL(a))), //
                    styles.labelCell(STYLE__IMPORT_TYPE_CELL, labelOfType(a.getEClass()))));
        return StyleSet.withStyle(
                styles.labelFormat(styles.labelTable(STYLE__IMPORT_TABLE, labelRows.toArray(new LabelRow[0]))));


    private StyleSet labelStyleForUnresolved(ModuleEdge me) {
        Iterable<String> unresolved = me.unresolved;

        List<LabelRow> labelRows = Lists.newArrayList();
        String[] sortedImports = Iterables.toArray(unresolved, String.class);
        Arrays.sort(sortedImports, new Comparator<String>() {

            public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                return o1.compareTo(o2);

        for (String a : sortedImports) {
            labelRows.add(styles.labelRow(STYLE__UNRESOLVED_ROW, //
                    styles.labelCell(STYLE__UNRESOLVED_NAME_CELL, a).withStyle( //
                            styles.href(toHREF_UNRESOLVED(, a))) //

        return StyleSet.withStyle(
                styles.labelFormat(styles.labelTable(STYLE__IMPORT_TABLE, labelRows.toArray(new LabelRow[0]))));


     * @param a
     * @param b
     * @return
    private String makeTooltip(ModuleNodeData a, ModuleNodeData b) {
        final StringBuilder tooltipBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        tooltipBuilder.append(" &#8658; "); // i.e. &rArr; a non defined entity in SVG
        if (b != null)
        return tooltipBuilder.toString();

    public void produceGraph(ICancel cancel, String title, File[] roots, OutputStream output,
            BuildResult buildResult, Diagnostic chain) {
        if (title == null)
            title = "Module Dependencies";

        AllModuleReferences all = buildResult.getAllModuleReferences();
        produceGraph(cancel, title, roots, output, all.getRoot(), buildResult.getModuleData(), all, chain);

     * @param root
     * @param moduleData
     *            Name -> 0* MetadataInfo representing one version of a module with given name
    public void produceGraph(ICancel cancel, String title, File[] roots, OutputStream output, File root,
            Multimap<ModuleName, MetadataInfo> moduleData, AllModuleReferences exportData, Diagnostic chain) {

        if (cancel == null)
            cancel = new NullIndicator();

        this.root = root;

        Map<File, ModuleNodeData> fileMap = calculateDependencyData(root, moduleData, exportData);

        // Render all unless there is a list of roots to include. If roots are given, mark their
        // transitive closures, and tell renderer to render only those that are marked.
        boolean renderAll = roots == null || roots.length == 0;
        if (!renderAll)
            for (File f : roots) {
                ModuleNodeData x = file2Module(f, fileMap);
                if (x != null)
        else {
            // mark all
            for (ModuleNodeData x : fileMap.values())
        RootGraph g = produceRootGraph(cancel, title, moduleData, exportData, renderAll, chain);

        dotRenderer.write(cancel, output, g, theme.getDefaultRules(), instanceRules);

     * Produces the graph with vertex and edge data. If renderAll is false, only marked ModuleNodeData
     * will be rendered.
     * @param title
     * @param moduleData
     * @param exportData
     * @param renderAll
     * @return
    private RootGraph produceRootGraph(ICancel cancel, String title, Multimap<ModuleName, MetadataInfo> moduleData,
            AllModuleReferences exportData, boolean renderAll, Diagnostic chain) {

        if (title == null)
            title = "";
        if (cancel == null)
            cancel = new NullIndicator();

        RootGraph g = new RootGraph(title, "RootGraph", "root");

        // Create Graph vertexes, one per existing module
        // and one for the root/non-modular
        for (ModuleNodeData mnd : moduleNodeData.values()) {
            if (renderAll || mnd.marked)
                if (mnd.isNode())

        // only draw the root node if it has been marked (incoming dependency), or has outgoing
        // when not rendering all, the non modular must have incoming dependencies to show.
        if (renderAll && nonModularNode.outgoing.size() > 0 || nonModularNode.marked) {
            Vertex v = createVertexForRootNode(nonModularNode);

        // Create Vertexes for all Edges that have data
        // (very large labels on edges does not work that well as they often overlap)
        // Skip edges that are from non marked module nodes unless everything is rendered
        for (ModuleEdge me : moduleEdges) {
            // filter out self references
            if (me.from ==
            if (renderAll || me.from.marked) {
                Vertex v = createVertexForEdge(me);
                if (v != null) {

        // Create Edges
        // If an edge has a vertex, it needs to be drawn as two separate graph edges

        for (ModuleNodeData a : Iterables.concat(moduleNodeData.values(), Collections.singleton(nonModularNode))) {
            if (!(renderAll || a.marked))
                continue; // skip non marked unless all is rendered

            for (ModuleNodeData b : a.outgoing.keySet()) {

                int resolved = 0;
                int unresolved = 0;
                int implied = 0;
                int count = 0;
                List<ModuleEdge> edges = new ArrayList<ModuleEdge>();
                Collection<ModuleEdge> outgoing = a.outgoing.get(b);
                for (ModuleEdge e : outgoing) {
                    switch (e.edgeType) {
                    case IMPLIED:
                    case UNRESOLVED:
                    case RESOLVED:
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal edge type found");
                String tooltipString = makeTooltip(a, b);
                List<String> styleClasses = classesFor(a, b);

                // CASE 1
                // A --> [...] --> B
                // A imports from resolved B
                if (count == 2 && resolved == 1 && implied == 1) {
                    Edge e1 = new Edge("", STYLE_EDGE__IMPORT, a.getVertex(), edges.get(1).getVertex());
                    Edge e2 = new Edge(getVersionLabel(edges.get(0)), STYLE_EDGE__RESOLVED_DEP, //
                            edges.get(1).getVertex(), b.getVertex());
                    g.addEdge(e1, e2);
                    addTooltip(tooltipString, e1, e2);
                    addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1, e2);
                    addEdgeHref(a, b, e1, e2);
                } else if (count == 1 && implied == 1) {
                    // CASE 5
                    // A --> [...]
                    if (edges.get(0).to == null) {
                        Edge e1 = new Edge("unresolved", STYLE_EDGE__UIMPORT, a.getVertex(),
                        addTooltip(tooltipString, e1);
                        addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1);
                        addEdgeHref(a, b, e1);
                    // CASE 8 (reference to pptp - do not draw imports -> pptp part)
                    // A -->[...]
                    else if (edges.get(0).to == pptpNode) {
                        Edge e1 = new Edge("puppet", STYLE_EDGE__IMPORT, a.getVertex(), edges.get(0).getVertex());
                        // default tooltip == label
                        addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1);
                        addEdgeHref(a, b, e1);

                    // CASE 2 (and CASE 0 - self reference)
                    // A -->[...] ~~> B
                    else {
                        if (edges.get(0).from != edges.get(0).to) { // skip self references
                            Edge e1 = new Edge("", STYLE_EDGE__IMPORT, a.getVertex(), edges.get(0).getVertex());
                            Edge e2 = new Edge("implicit", STYLE_EDGE__IMPLIED_DEP, edges.get(0).getVertex(),
                            g.addEdge(e1, e2);
                            addTooltip(tooltipString, e1, e2);
                            addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1, e2);
                            addEdgeHref(a, b, e1, e2);
                // CASE 3
                // A --> [...] ~~>(not in range) B
                else if (count == 2 && implied == 1 && unresolved == 1) {
                    Edge e1 = new Edge("", STYLE_EDGE__IMPORT, a.getVertex(), edges.get(1).getVertex());
                    String label = "implicit\\nunresolved\\n" + getVersionLabel(edges.get(0));
                    Edge e2 = new Edge(label, STYLE_EDGE__UNRESOLVED_IMPLIED_DEP, //
                            edges.get(1).getVertex(), edges.get(1).to.getVertex());
                    g.addEdge(e1, e2);
                    addTooltip(tooltipString, e1, e2);
                    addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1, e2);
                    addEdgeHref(a, b, e1, e2);

                else if (count == 1 && unresolved == 1) {
                    // CASE 7
                    // A ~~> B where B is not in range
                    if (edges.get(0).to.exists()) {
                        String label = "unresolved\\n" + getVersionLabel(edges.get(0));
                        Edge e1 = new Edge(label, STYLE_EDGE__UNRESOLVED_IMPLIED_DEP, //
                                a.getVertex(), b.getVertex());
                        addTooltip(tooltipString, e1);
                        addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1);
                        addEdgeHref(a, b, e1);
                    // CASE 4
                    // A --> B where B does not exist
                    else {
                        String label = "unresolved\\n" + getVersionLabel(edges.get(0));
                        Edge e1 = new Edge(label, STYLE_EDGE__UNRESOLVED_DEP, //
                                a.getVertex(), b.getVertex());
                        addTooltip(tooltipString, e1);
                        addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1);
                        addEdgeHref(a, b, e1);
                // CASE 6
                // A --> B
                // (nothing is imported from B)
                else if (count == 1 && resolved == 1) {
                    Edge e1 = new Edge(getVersionLabel(edges.get(0)), STYLE_EDGE__RESOLVED_DEP, //
                            a.getVertex(), b.getVertex());
                    addTooltip(tooltipString, e1);
                    addStyleClasses(styleClasses, e1);
                    addEdgeHref(a, b, e1);
                } else if (count == implied) {
                    // TODO: Figure out what this means. It happens when importing puppetlabs/stdlib into
                    // cloudsmith/wordpress:
                    // a=thallgren/wordpress
                    // b=root/puppet
                } else {
                    //               StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    //               builder.append("Internal Error - illegal combination of recorded edges");
                    //               builder.append(" count=");
                    //               builder.append(count);
                    //               builder.append(" resolved=");
                    //               builder.append(resolved);
                    //               builder.append(" unresolved=");
                    //               builder.append(unresolved);
                    //               builder.append(" a =");
                    //               builder.append(;
                    //               builder.append(" b=");
                    //               builder.append(b == null
                    //                     ? "implied"
                    //                     :;
                    //               chain.addChild(new Diagnostic(Diagnostic.ERROR, DEPENDENCY_DATA_CALCULATOR, builder.toString()));

        return g;

    public String toHREF_UNRESOLVED(ModuleName fromModuleName, String name) {
        return hrefProducer.hrefForUnresolved(fromModuleName, name);

    private String toHREF_URL(Export e) {
        return hrefProducer.href(e, this.root);

    public String toHREF_URL(MetadataInfo mi) {
        return hrefProducer.href(mi, this.root);