Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Prowide Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Check the LGPL at <> for more details. *******************************************************************************/ package com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.DeleteSchedule; import; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.BIC; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.Tag; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.utils.SwiftFormatUtils; /** * Base class implemented by classes that provide a general access to field components. * * @author * @since 6.0 */ public abstract class Field implements PatternContainer { private static final transient java.util.logging.Logger log = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger(Field.class.getName()); /** * Zero based list of field components in String format.<br /> * For example: for field content ":FOO//EUR1234 will be components[0]=FOO, components[1]=EUR and components[1]=1234 */ protected List<String> components; /** * @deprecated usar {@link #Field(int)} */ @Deprecated protected Field() { } /** * Creates a field with the list of components initialized to the given number of components. * @see #init(int) * @param components the number of components to initialize */ protected Field(final int components) { super(); init(components); } /** * Initialize the list of components to the indicated size and sets all values to <code>null</code> * @param components the number of components to initialize * @since 7.8 */ protected void init(final int components) { this.components = new ArrayList<String>(components); for (int i = 0; i < components; i++) { this.components.add(null); } } /** * Creates a new field and initializes its components with content from the parameter value. * The value is parsed with {@link #parse(String)} * @param value complete field value including separators and CRLF */ protected Field(final String value) { super(); parse(value); } /** * Parses the parameter value into the internal components structure. * Used to update all components from a full new value, as an alternative * to setting individual components. Previous components value is overwritten. * <br> * Implemented by subclasses with logic for each specific field structure. * * @param value complete field value including separators and CRLF * @since 7.8 */ /* * sebastian oct 2015 * Este metodo debe ser abstract. No lo es ahroa solamente por compatibilidad * con SRU2014 donde el parseo esta impementado en el constructor. Esto puede * ponerse como abstract en caso de regenerar con codegen fields de SRU2014 o * bien cuando se implemente SRU2016 y quede deprecado SRU2014. */ public void parse(final String value) { }; /** * Copy constructor.<br> * Initializes the components list with a deep copy of the source components list. * @param source a field instance to copy * @since 7.7 */ protected Field(final Field source) { this.components = new ArrayList<String>(source.getComponents()); } /** * Implementation of toString using ToStringBuilder from commons-lang */ @Override public String toString() { return org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } /** * Implementation of equals using EqualsBuilder from commons-lang */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { return org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj); } /** * Implementation of hashCode using HashCodeBuilder from commons-lang */ @Override public int hashCode() { return org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this); } /** * Format the given object as a money number without currency information in format * @param aValue * @return the formatted amount as String */ protected static String formatNumber(final Object aValue) { //create formatter for financial amounts final DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,###.00"); final NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); if (f instanceof DecimalFormat) { ((DecimalFormat) f).setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true); fmt.setDecimalFormatSymbols(((DecimalFormat) f).getDecimalFormatSymbols()); } final String formatted = fmt.format(aValue); return formatted; } /** * @param d Date object to format * @return the formatted date as dd/MM/yyyy or empty if exception occurs during formatting */ protected static String format(final Calendar d) { try { return DateFormatUtils.format(d.getTime(), "dd/MM/yyyy"); } catch (final Exception ignored) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } /** * A formatted amount with a fixed format nnnn-nnnnn-nnn-n * @param a string with an account number or <code>null</code> * @return the formatted account or an empty String if param is <code>null</code> */ // TODO support user formatting masks from property file protected static String formatAccount(final String a) { if (a == null) { //be gentle with null return StringUtils.EMPTY; } final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(a); try { result.insert(4, '-'); result.insert(9, '-'); result.insert(12, '-'); } catch (final Exception ignored) { } return result.toString(); } /** * Append each lines in a new lines, empty lines are ignored * @param sb must not be null, target buffer * @param lines may be null or empty, nothing is done in this case */ protected void appendInLines(final StringBuilder sb, final String... lines) { Validate.notNull(sb); if (lines == null) { log.finest("lines is null"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lines[i])) { if ((i != 0) || ((i == 0) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(sb.toString()))) { sb.append(FINWriterVisitor.SWIFT_EOL); } sb.append(lines[i]); } } } } /** * Append each component between componentStart and componentEnd in a new lines, empty components are ignored * @param sb must not be null, target buffer * @param componentStart starting component number to add * @param componentEnd ending component number to add */ protected void appendInLines(final StringBuilder sb, final int componentStart, final int componentEnd) { Validate.notNull(sb); boolean first = true; for (int i = componentStart; i <= componentEnd; i++) { final String c = getComponent(i); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(c)) { if (!first || StringUtils.isNotBlank(sb.toString())) { sb.append(FINWriterVisitor.SWIFT_EOL); } sb.append(c); first = false; } } } /** * @return comopnents list */ public List<String> getComponents() { return components; } /** * @param components list to set */ public void setComponents(final List<String> components) { this.components = components; } /** * Inserts a component String value into the list of components, using the component number to position the value into the List. * @param number component number, first component of a field should be number one * @param value String value of the parsed component (without component separators ':', '/', '//') */ public void setComponent(final int number, final String value) { Validate.isTrue(number > 0, "component number is 1-based"); //internal position index is zero based final int position = number - 1; if (this.components == null) { this.components = new ArrayList<String>(); } if (position >= 0) { if (position >= this.components.size()) { //TODO deal with this error } else { this.components.set(position, value); } } else { log.severe("components are named starting at 1, cannot insert a component with number " + number); } } /** * Gets a specific component from the components list. * @param number one-based index of component, first component of a field should be number one * @return found component or <code>null</code> */ public String getComponent(final int number) { //internal position index is zero based final int position = number - 1; if (this.components != null) { if ((position >= 0) && (position < this.components.size())) { return this.components.get(position); } } return null; } /** * @see #getValueDisplay(Locale) */ public String getValueDisplay() { return getValueDisplay(null); } /** * Get a localized, suitable for showing to humans string of the field values. * This method is overwritten when necessary by subclasses. * * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return a concatenation of formated components with " " separator * @see #getValueDisplay(int, Locale) * @since 7.8 */ public String getValueDisplay(Locale locale) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= components.size(); i++) { final String s = getValueDisplay(i, locale); if (s != null) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(" "); } result.append(s); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component. * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8 */ public abstract String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale); /** * Get the given component as the given object type. * If the class is not recognized, it returns null, as well as if conversion fails. * @param component one-based index of the component to retrieve * @see #getComponent(int) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if c is not any of: String, BIC, Currency, Number, BigDecimal Character or Integer */ public Object getComponentAs(final int component, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class c) { try { final String s = getComponent(component); log.finest("converting string value: " + s); if (c.equals(String.class)) { return s; } else if (c.equals(Number.class) || c.equals(BigDecimal.class)) { return SwiftFormatUtils.getNumber(s); } else if (c.equals(BIC.class)) { return new BIC(s); } else if (c.equals(Currency.class)) { return Currency.getInstance(s); } else if (c.equals(Character.class)) { return SwiftFormatUtils.getSign(s); } else if (c.equals(Integer.class)) { return Integer.valueOf(s); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle " + c.getName()); } } catch (final Exception e) { log.severe("Error converting component content: " + e); } return null; } /** * Get the given component as a number object * This method internall y calls {@link #getComponentAs(int, Class)}, and casts the result * @since 7.8 */ public Number getComponentAsNumber(final int component) { return (Number) getComponentAs(component, Number.class); } /** * Returns a string with joined components values. * * @param start starting index of components to join (zero based) * @param skipLast if true the last component will not be included in the join, and where * the "last" component is understood as the last not empty component (this is not necessary * the last component of the field's component list. * * @return s */ public String joinComponents(final int start, final boolean skipLast) { // FIXME para que se crea el list intermedio toAdd? no le veo razon de ser, se podria iterar en el segundo loop directo sobre this.components final List<String> toAdd = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = start; i < this.componentsSize(); i++) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.components.get(i))) { toAdd.add(this.components.get(i)); } } final int end = skipLast ? toAdd.size() - 1 : toAdd.size(); final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { result.append(toAdd.get(i)); } return result.toString(); } /** * Returns a string with all field's components joined. * @param skipLast * @return s * @see #joinComponents(int, boolean) */ public String joinComponents(final boolean skipLast) { return joinComponents(0, skipLast); } /** * Returns a string with all field's components joined * @param start * @return s * @see #joinComponents(int, boolean) */ public String joinComponents(final int start) { return joinComponents(start, false); } /** * Returns a string with all field's components joined. * @return s * @see #joinComponents(int, boolean) */ public String joinComponents() { return joinComponents(0, false); } /** * Gets a BigDecimal from a generic Number argument * @param number * @return BigDecimal value of number parameter */ static public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal(final Number number) { if (number instanceof BigDecimal) { return (BigDecimal) number; } else if (number instanceof Long) { return new BigDecimal(((Long) number).longValue()); } else if (number instanceof Integer) { return new BigDecimal(((Integer) number).intValue()); } else if (number instanceof Short) { return new BigDecimal(((Short) number).intValue()); } else if (number instanceof Double) { return new BigDecimal(number.toString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("class " + number.getClass().getName() + " is not supported"); } } /** * Returns the first component starting with the given prefix value or <code>null</code> if not found. * @param prefix * @return s */ public String findComponentStartingWith(final String prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < this.components.size(); i++) { final String c = this.components.get(i); if (StringUtils.startsWith(c, prefix)) { return c; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first component starting with the given codeword between slashes, and returns the component subvalue. * For example, for the following field value<br /> * /ACC/BLABLABLA CrLf<br /> * //BLABLABLA CrLf<br /> * /INS/CITIUS33MIA CrLf<br /> * //BLABLABLA CrLf<br /> * A call to this method with parameter "INS" will return "CITIUS33MIA" * * @param codeword * @see #findComponentStartingWith(String) * @return the found value or <code>null</code> if not found */ public String getValueByCodeword(final String codeword) { final String key = "/" + codeword + "/"; final String c = findComponentStartingWith(key); if (c != null) { return StringUtils.substringAfter(c, key); } return null; } /** * Serializes the fields' components into the single string value (SWIFT format). * Must be overwritten by by subclasses. * @return SWIFT formatted value */ public String getValue() { return joinComponents(); } /** * Returns true if all field's components are blank or null * @return true if all field's components are blank or null */ public boolean isEmpty() { for (final String c : getComponents()) { if ((c != null) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(c)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Creates a Field instance for the given Tag object, using reflection. * The created object is populated with parsed components data from the Tag. * @param t a tag with proper name and value content * @return a specific field object, ex: Field32A. Or <code>null</code> if exceptions occur during object creation. */ static public Field getField(final Tag t) { return getField(t.getName(), t.getValue()); } /** * Creates a Field instance for the given it's name and and optional value, using reflection. * * @param name a proper field name, ex: 32A, 22F, 20 * @param value an optional field value or <code>null</code> to create the field with no initial content * @return a specific field object, ex: Field32A. Or <code>null</code> if exceptions occur during object creation. * @since 7.8 */ static public Field getField(final String name, final String value) { Object r = null; try { final Class<?> c = Class.forName("com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field.Field" + name); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class[] argsClass = new Class[] { String.class }; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Constructor ct = c.getConstructor(argsClass); final Object arglist[] = new Object[] { value }; r = ct.newInstance(arglist); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Field class for Field" + name + " not found. This is normally caused by an unrecognized field in the message. Please check the structure validation problems reported by the validation.", e); } catch (final Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "An error occured while creating an instance of " + name, e); } return (Field) r; } /** * @deprecated field labels varies depending on the specific MT and sequence, label should be retrieve using {@link #getLabel(String, String, String, Locale)} with proper MT and sequence identifiers */ @Deprecated @DeleteSchedule(2018) public String getLabel() { return getLabel(Locale.getDefault()); } /** * @deprecated field labels varies depending on the specific MT and sequence, label should be retrieve using {@link #getLabel(String, String, String, Locale)} with proper MT and sequence identifiers */ @Deprecated @DeleteSchedule(2018) public String getLabel(final Locale locale) { return getLabel(getName(), locale); } /** * @deprecated field labels varies depending on the specific MT and sequence, label should be retrieve using {@link #getLabel(String, String, String, Locale)} with proper MT and sequence identifiers */ @Deprecated @DeleteSchedule(2018) static public String getLabel(final String fieldName, final Locale locale) { return _getLabel(fieldName, null, null, locale); } /* * Legacy implementation for backward compatibility * This method is used only by deprecated label API, to maintain the old version of labels. * * The usage of this deprecated bundle and labels API is discourage because labels are context dependent, meaning * the proper label for a field depends on the MT at least, and in some occasions also depends on the particular * sequence. * * The new bundles include proper names for each combination of field name, MT and sequences as needed. There are * small subset of fields sharing the same naming cross MTs and cross sequences, but most of the new labels include * variations per MT and in several cases per sequence. */ @Deprecated @DeleteSchedule(2018) static private String _getLabel(final String fieldName, final String mt, final String sequence, final Locale locale) { final String bundle = "deprecated_labels"; String key = null; String result = null; //try { final ResourceBundle labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle, locale); if (labels != null) { if ((sequence != null) && (mt != null)) { key = "field" + fieldName + "[" + mt + "][" + sequence + "].name"; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "a[" + mt + "][" + sequence + "].name"; result = getString(labels, key); } } if ((result == null) && (mt != null)) { key = "field" + fieldName + "[" + mt + "][" + sequence + "].name"; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "a[" + mt + "].name"; result = getString(labels, key); } } if (result == null) { key = "field" + fieldName + ".name"; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + ""; result = getString(labels, key); } } if (result == null) { key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + ".name"; result = getString(labels, key); } } //} catch (MissingResourceException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); //} if (result != null) { return result; } return key; } /** * Same as {@link #getLabel(String, String, String, Locale)} using default locale * @since 7.8 */ static public String getLabel(final String fieldName, final String mt, final String sequence) { return getLabel(fieldName, mt, sequence, Locale.getDefault()); } /** * Returns the field business description name, using resource bundle from pw_swift_labels property files. * Field names may be generic for all usages, or may differ for particular letter option, message type * or even sequence of a message type. The property supports all this kind of definitions with generic * labels and specific ones. The following example illustrate the precedence of bundle keys that are checked for * field 50:<br /> * <ul> * <li>50K[103][B]</li> * <li>50a[103][B]</li> * <li>50K[103]</li> * <li>50a[103]</li> * <li>50K</li> * <li>50a</li> * <li>50</li> * </ul> * * @param fieldName field name of the field to retrieve its label, if the combination of number and letter option * is provided then a specific label is returned; is the letter option is omitted then a more generic label is returned. * @param mt optional indication of message type or <code>null</code>. * @param sequence optional indication of sequence or <code>null</code> if does not apply for the specific MT and field. * @param locale the locale for which a resource bundle is desired * * @return a resource bundle based label for the given locale or the tag name, or the resource key if not found */ static public String getLabel(final String fieldName, final String mt, final String sequence, final Locale locale) { return _getLabel(fieldName, mt, sequence, locale, "name"); } /** * Similar to {@link #getLabelComponents(String, String, String, Locale)} but returning the components property in bundle * @since 7.8.4 */ static public String getLabelComponents(final String fieldName, final String mt, final String sequence, final Locale locale) { Locale l = locale != null ? locale : Locale.getDefault(); return _getLabel(fieldName, mt, sequence, l, "components"); } static private String _getLabel(final String fieldName, final String mt, final String sequence, final Locale locale, final String prop) { final String bundle = "pw_swift_labels"; String key = null; String result = null; //try { final ResourceBundle labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle, locale); if (labels != null) { if ((sequence != null) && (mt != null)) { /* * sequence + mt */ key = "field" + fieldName + "[" + mt + "][" + sequence + "]." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { /* * sequence + mt + generic letter option */ key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "a[" + mt + "][" + sequence + "]." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); } } if ((result == null) && (mt != null)) { /* * mt only */ key = "field" + fieldName + "[" + mt + "]." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { /* * mt + generic letter option */ key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "a[" + mt + "]." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); } } if (result == null) { /* * tag only */ key = "field" + fieldName + "." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); if (result == null) { /* * tag + generic letter option */ key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "a." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); } } if (result == null) { /* * number only */ key = "field" + getNumber(fieldName) + "." + prop; result = getString(labels, key); } } //} catch (MissingResourceException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); //} if (result != null) { return result; } return key; } /** * Helper implementation of getString from bundle without throwing exception * @param labels * @param key * @return the found resource or <code>null</code> if not found for the given key */ private static String getString(final ResourceBundle labels, final String key) { try { return labels.getString(key); } catch (final MissingResourceException e) { return null; } } private static String getNumber(final String fieldName) { if (fieldName != null) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldName.length(); i++) { final char c = fieldName.charAt(i); if (Character.isDigit(c)) { sb.append(c); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { return sb.toString(); } } return null; } /** * Returns the field's name composed by the field number and the letter option (if any) * @return the static value of FieldNN.NAME */ public abstract String getName(); /** * Returns the field's components pattern * @since 7.8 */ public abstract String componentsPattern(); /** * Returns the field's validator pattern * @since 7.8 */ public abstract String validatorPattern(); public abstract boolean isOptional(int component); public abstract boolean isGeneric(); /** * Moved to GenericField Interface */ @Deprecated public String getDSS() { return null; } /** * Moved to GenericField Interface */ @Deprecated public boolean isDSSPresent() { return false; } /** * Moved to GenericField Interface */ @Deprecated public String getConditionalQualifier() { return null; } // FIXME debido a esto: el nombre del field deberia ser validado y eliminado como atributo dinamico /** * Return the letter option of this field as given by it classname or <code>null</code> if this field has no letter option */ public Character letterOption() { final String cn = getClass().getName(); final char c = cn.charAt(cn.length() - 1); if (Character.isLetter(c)) { return c; } return null; } /** * Tell if this field is of a given letter option. * letter is case sensitive */ public boolean isLetterOption(final char c) { final Character l = letterOption(); if (l != null) { return l.charValue() == c; } return false; } /** * * @param names must not be null nor empty * @return <code>true</code> if this field names equals one in the list of names and <code>false</code> * in other case * @throws IllegalArgumentException if names is null or empty * @deprecated confusing name, use {@link #isNameAnyOf(String...)} instead * @see #isNameAnyOf(String...) */ @Deprecated public boolean isAnyOf(final String... names) { Validate.isTrue(names != null && names.length > 0, "name list must have at least one element"); for (final String n : names) { if (StringUtils.equals(getName(), n)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * * @param names must not be null nor empty * @return <code>true</code> if this field names equals one in the list of names and <code>false</code> * in other case * @throws IllegalArgumentException if names is null or empty * */ public boolean isNameAnyOf(final String... names) { Validate.isTrue(names != null && names.length > 0, "name list must have at least one element"); for (final String n : names) { if (StringUtils.equals(getName(), n)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Compare the value of the component1 of this field with <code>compare</code> * Same as <code>is(1, compare)</code> */ public boolean is(final String compare) { return StringUtils.equals(compare, getComponent(1)); } /** * Compare the value of the component <code>componentNumber</code> of this field with <code>compare</code> */ public boolean is(final int componentNumber, final String compare) { return StringUtils.equals(compare, getComponent(componentNumber)); } /** * Compare the value of the component1 of this field with <code>compare1</code> and the value of component2 with <code>compare2</code> */ public boolean is(final String compare1, final String compare2) { return StringUtils.equals(compare1, getComponent(1)) && StringUtils.equals(compare2, getComponent(2)); } /** * Get the generic tag object of this field. */ public Tag asTag() { return new Tag(getName(), getValue()); } /** * Returns the defined amount of components.<br> * This is not the amount of components present in the field instance, but the total amount of components * that this field accepts as defined. */ public abstract int componentsSize(); /** * Base implementation for subclasses getLine API. * * Notice that line instance numbers are static and relevant to the * field components definition, and not relative to the particular * instance value. For example field 35B Line[1] will be the line with the * ISIN number, regardless of the ISIN number present or not in the particular * field instance. If that ISIN line is not present in the parameter field, * the method will return null.<br><br> * * Also notice that a line may be composed by several components, there is * no linear relation between component numbers and lines numbers.<br> * * @param cp a copy of the subclass (this object is altered during method execution) * @param start a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1; if null returns all found lines. * @param end a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1; if null returns all found lines. * @param offset an optional component number used as offset when counting lines * @return found line content or null */ protected String getLine(final Field cp, final Integer start, final Integer end, final int offset) { final String hash = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); for (int i = 1; i <= componentsSize(); i++) { if (i < offset) { /* * blank fields below the offset */ cp.setComponent(i, null); } else if (getComponent(i) == null) { /* * fill empty components above offset */ cp.setComponent(i, hash); } } /* * get all meaningful lines from value */ final List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String l : SwiftParseUtils.getLines(cp.getValue())) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(l) && !onlySlashes(l)) { lines.add(l); } } /* * if the query includes a component offset, we remove meaningless prefix separators from result. */ boolean removeSeparators = offset > 0; if (start != null) { if (lines.size() >= start) { if (end != null) { if (end >= start) { /* * return line subset */ return asString(hash, lines.subList(start - 1, end), removeSeparators); } else { log.warning("invalid lines range [" + start + "-" + end + "] the ending line number (" + end + ") must be greater or equal to the starting line number (" + start + ")"); } } else { /* * return a single line */ return clean(hash, lines.get(start - 1), removeSeparators); } } } else { /* * return all lines from offset */ return asString(hash, lines, removeSeparators); } return null; } /** * Returns true if the value only contains '/' characters * (one or many but only that character) */ private boolean onlySlashes(final String value) { for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { if (value.charAt(i) != '/') { return false; } } return true; } /** * Creates a string from the list of lines, replacing the hash by blank, and ignoring empty lines * @param hash hash used during getLine process * @param list list of lines * @param removeSeparators true to remove meaningless prefix separators, * @return a string with the final, cleaned, joined lines */ private String asString(final String hash, final List<String> list, boolean removeSeparators) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { final String l = list.get(i); boolean b = i == 0 ? removeSeparators : false; //remove prefix only for first line final String trimmed = clean(hash, l, b); if (trimmed != null) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(FINWriterVisitor.SWIFT_EOL); } result.append(trimmed); } } if (result.length() == 0) { return null; } else { return result.toString(); } } /** * Replaces the hash by empty and trims to null.<br> * * It also can remove meaningless component separators (If the resulting string only * contains the component separator "/", or starts with ":" or starts with "/" separators * all of them will also be removed). * * @param hash hash string used by the get lines method * @param value current value to clean * @param removeSeparators if true, meaningless starting separators (: and /) are removed * @return proper final line value or null if the original field didn't contained content for such line */ private String clean(final String hash, final String value, boolean removeSeparators) { /* * try to replace /hash first just in case the component is optional * then replace the hash only if present */ String trimmed = StringUtils .trimToNull(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(value, "/" + hash, ""), hash, "")); if (trimmed != null && !onlySlashes(trimmed)) { /* * sebastian Oct 2015 * La logica para remover separadores debiera depender de si el offset * abarca la linea entera o si el componente del offset esta en al mitad * de una linea, y removerlo solo en este ultimo caso. * Esto es dificil de implementar porque no esta modelada la relacion * entre componentes y lineas. * Por lo tanto de momento se deja el parametro removeSeparators pero * con el codigo de aca abajo comentado. Y se coloca a cambio el patch * para el caso especifico de :// que es el que aparentemente no esta * contemplado segun los test. * if (removeSeparators) { for (int i = 0; i < trimmed.length(); i++) { char c = trimmed.charAt(i); if (c != ':' && c != '/') { return trimmed.substring(i); } } } else { return trimmed; } */ if (trimmed.startsWith("://")) { return StringUtils.substringAfter(trimmed, "://"); } else if (removeSeparators && (trimmed.startsWith(":") || trimmed.startsWith("/"))) { return StringUtils.trimToNull(StringUtils.substring(trimmed, 1)); } else { return trimmed; } } /* * otherwise return null */ return null; } /** * Returns true if the field name is valid. * Valid field names are for example: 20, 20C, 108 * @param name a field name to validate * @return true if valid, false otherwise * @since 7.8 */ public static boolean validName(final String name) { if (name == null) { return false; } if (name.length() < 2 || name.length() > 3) { //log.warning("field name must be present and have 2 or 3 characters length and found: "+field); return false; } if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(name.substring(0, 2))) { //log.warning("field name should start with a numeric prefix and found: "+field.substring(0, 2)); return false; } if ((name.length() == 3 && !(Character.isDigit(name.charAt(2)) || name.charAt(2) == 'a' || Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(2))))) { //log.warning("letter option if present should be a single capital letter or an 'a' for all letter options, and found: "+field.charAt(2)); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns english label for components. * <br /> * The index in the list is in sync with specific field component structure. * @see #getComponentLabel(int) * @since 7.8.4 */ protected abstract List<String> getComponentLabels(); /** * Returns english label for the component. * <br /> * @param number one-based index of component, first component of a field should be number one * @return found label or <code>null</code> if it is not defined * @since 7.8.4 */ public String getComponentLabel(final int number) { //internal position index is zero based final int position = number - 1; final List<String> labels = getComponentLabels(); if (labels != null) { if ((position >= 0) && (position < labels.size())) { return labels.get(position); } } return null; } /* * TO DO: * this will take the result of getLabelComponents * and use that as key to access bundle with translations. * For example Name And Address will be name-and-address key * in resource bundle */ //public abstract List<String> getComponentLabels(Locale locale); //public String getComponentLabel(Locale locale); }