Java tutorial
package com.prosnav.oms.dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage.StringNameHelper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import; import; import; import; import com.prosnav.core.jwt.domain.User; import com.prosnav.oms.mail.SentMailInfoBean; import com.prosnav.oms.util.jdbcUtil; import com.prosnav.oms.util.mailCache; import com.prosnav.oms.util.sendMail; import sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystemProvider; public class CustDao { private JdbcTemplate jt = (JdbcTemplate) jdbcUtil.getBean("template"); /** * (?) * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiryAll(int m, int n) { String sql = "select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell," + "t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq," + "t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id," + "t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state," + "t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type, " + "t7.dict_name dist_name,t7.dict_value dist_value,t7.dict_type dist_type " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "order by t1.cust_id " + "limit ? OFFSET ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, n, m); return list; } /** * * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiry_sale(int m, int n, long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell," + "t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq," + "t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id," + "t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state," + "t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type, " + "t7.dict_name dist_name,t7.dict_value dist_value,t7.dict_type dist_type " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "where t6.user_id = ?" + "order by t1.cust_id " + "limit ? OFFSET ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, user_id, n, m); return list; } /** * ? * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiry_leader(int m, int n, long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell," + "t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq," + "t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id," + "t2.sales_id,t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state," + "t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type, " + "t7.dict_name dist_name,t7.dict_value dist_value,t7.dict_type dist_type " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,workgroup_id from upm_user where user_id=?) b " + "where a.workgroup_id=b.workgroup_id)" + "order by t1.cust_id " + "limit ? OFFSET ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, user_id, n, m); return list; } /** * () * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiry(int m, int n, long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell," + "t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq," + "t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id," + "t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,t2.sales_id," + "t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type, " + "t7.dict_name dist_name,t7.dict_value dist_value,t7.dict_type dist_type " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,org_code from upm_user where user_id=?) b " + "where a.org_code=b.org_code) " + "order by t1.cust_id " + "limit ? OFFSET ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, user_id, n, m); return list; } /** * ?? * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> distribution_inquiry(int limit, int offset, String userArea) { String sql = "select distinct b.cust_id, a.real_name, c.cust_belong_state, b.cust_name from upm_user a, " + "cust_info b, sales_cust_rel c " + "where a.user_id = c.sales_id and b.cust_id = c.cust_id and a.area = ?" + "limit ? OFFSET ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, userArea, limit, offset); return list; } /** * ?? ? * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> distribution_inquiryCount(String user_area) { String sql = "select count(*) from sales_cust_rel c, upm_user u, cust_info s where u.user_id = c.sales_id " + "and s.cust_id = c.cust_id and u.area = ?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, user_area); } /** * ?? ?? * @param customerName * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> distribution_cust_select(String userArea, String state, String customerName, String customerMobile, String salesName, String customerLevel, int offset, int limit) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select distinct b.cust_id, a.real_name, c.cust_belong_state, b.cust_name from upm_user a, " + "cust_info b, sales_cust_rel c " + "where a.user_id = c.sales_id and b.cust_id = c.cust_id"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(salesName)) { sb.append(" and c.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + salesName + "%"); } if ("0".equals(state) || "1".equals(state)) { sb.append(" and c.cust_belong_state = ?"); argsList.add(state); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(customerName)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + customerName + "%"); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(customerMobile)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + customerMobile + "%"); } if ("1".equals(customerLevel) || "2".equals(customerLevel)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_level = ?"); argsList.add(customerLevel); } sb.append(" and a.area = ?"); argsList.add(userArea); sb.append(" limit " + limit + " OFFSET " + offset + " "); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForList(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ?? ??? * @param cust_name * @return */ public int distribution_cust_select1(String userArea, String state, String customerName, String customerMobile, String salesName, String customerLevel) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("select count(*) from sales_cust_rel c, upm_user a, cust_info b where a.user_id = c.sales_id " + "and b.cust_id = c.cust_id"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(salesName)) { sb.append(" and c.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + salesName + "%"); } if ("0".equals(state) || "1".equals(state)) { sb.append(" and c.cust_belong_state = ?"); argsList.add(state); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(customerName)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + customerName + "%"); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(customerMobile)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + customerMobile + "%"); } if ("1".equals(customerLevel) || "2".equals(customerLevel)) { sb.append(" and b.cust_level = ?"); argsList.add(customerLevel); } sb.append(" and a.area = ?"); argsList.add(userArea); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForInt(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ?? ? * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> transferSalesSelect(String userArea) { String sql = "select a.real_name, a.user_id from upm_user a where a.role_codes && Array " + "['sale_self','sale_team_manage','sale_company_manage']::character varying[] " + "and a.status = 'ok' " + "and a.area = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, userArea); return list; } /** * ?? * @param cust_id * @return */ public void transferSales(long cust_id, long sales_id) { String sql = "UPDATE sales_cust_rel " + "SET sales_id = ?, cust_belong_state = '1' WHERE cust_id = ?"; jt.update(sql, sales_id, cust_id); System.out.println("cust_id:" + cust_id + " sales_id:" + sales_id); } /** * excel() * @return */ public SqlRowSet cust_report_sale(long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct row_number() OVER () as rownum, t7.dict_name dist_name,t1.cust_name,t5.dict_name sex_name,t1.cust_cell," + "t2.sales_name,t4.dict_name level_name,t3.dict_name state_name,t8.dict_name idtype_name,t1.cust_idnum," + "t1.cust_birth,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,t1.address,,t1.profession,t1.cust_reg_time " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "left join data_dict t8 on t8.dict_value = t1.cust_idtype and t8.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "where t6.user_id = " + user_id + "" + "order by rownum"; return jt.queryForRowSet(sql); } /** * excel() * @return */ public SqlRowSet cust_report_team(long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct row_number() OVER () as rownum, t7.dict_name dist_name,t1.cust_name,t5.dict_name sex_name,t1.cust_cell," + "t2.sales_name,t4.dict_name level_name,t3.dict_name state_name,t8.dict_name idtype_name,t1.cust_idnum," + "t1.cust_birth,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,t1.address,,t1.profession,t1.cust_reg_time " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "left join data_dict t8 on t8.dict_value = t1.cust_idtype and t8.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,workgroup_id from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b " + "where a.workgroup_id=b.workgroup_id) " + "order by rownum"; return jt.queryForRowSet(sql); } /** * excel(?) * @return */ public SqlRowSet cust_report_leader(long user_id) { String sql = "select distinct row_number() OVER () as rownum, t7.dict_name dist_name,t1.cust_name,t5.dict_name sex_name,t1.cust_cell," + "t2.sales_name,t4.dict_name level_name,t3.dict_name state_name,t8.dict_name idtype_name,t1.cust_idnum," + "t1.cust_birth,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,t1.address,,t1.profession,t1.cust_reg_time " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "left join data_dict t8 on t8.dict_value = t1.cust_idtype and t8.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,org_code from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b " + "where a.org_code=b.org_code) " + "order by rownum"; return jt.queryForRowSet(sql); } /** * excel(?) * @return */ public SqlRowSet cust_report() { String sql = "select distinct row_number() OVER () as rownum, t7.dict_name dist_name,t1.cust_name,t5.dict_name sex_name,t1.cust_cell," + "t2.sales_name,t4.dict_name level_name,t3.dict_name state_name,t8.dict_name idtype_name,t1.cust_idnum," + "t1.cust_birth,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,t1.address,,t1.profession,t1.cust_reg_time " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' " + "left join data_dict t8 on t8.dict_value = t1.cust_idtype and t8.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "order by rownum"; return jt.queryForRowSet(sql); } // public List<Map<String, Object>> detail(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.cust_id,t3.see_id,t3.cust_id,t3.see_date,t3.see_member,t3.see_desc,t3.email_id " + "FROM cust_info t1,cust_see_info t3 where t1.cust_id=t3.cust_id and t1.cust_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //? public List<Map<String, Object>> detaillist(long id) { String sql = "select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell," + "t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq," + "t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id," + "t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,t2.sales_id," + "t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t6.dict_name idtype_name,t6.dict_value idtype_value,t6.dict_type idtype_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type " + "from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t6 on t6.dict_value = t1.cust_idtype and t6.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "where t1.cust_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //? public List<Map<String, Object>> detailOrderlist(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t2.area, t2.part_comp, t2.contract_type, t2.contract_no, t2.is_checked, t2.stateflag, " + "to_char(coalesce(t2.order_amount,0), 'fm99,999,999,999,999,999,990.00') order_amount, t2.create_time,t2.prod_diffcoe, " + "t2.order_version, t2.order_type, t2.order_no, t2.cust_no, t2.prod_no, t2.email_id," + "t3.sales_point, t3.stateflag, t3.order_no, t3.sales_id, to_char(coalesce(t3.magt_fee,0), 'fm99,999,999,999,999,999,990.00') mag_fee, t3.sales_name, " + "t3.order_version, t3.email_id,t3.magt_fee, t3.cost_model,t4.prod_id, t4.prod_name, t4.prod_type,t8.partner_com_name," + "t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t1.cust_idnum, t1.cust_idtype, t1.state, t1.cust_cell, t1.cust_risk," + "t5.dict_name as order_state_name, t6.dict_name as area_name, t7.dict_name as prod_type_name " + "FROM public.order_info t2 " + "inner JOIN public.sale_order t3 on t2.order_no = t3.order_no " + "LEFT JOIN public.product_info t4 on t2.prod_no = t4.prod_id " + "LEFT JOIN lp_info t8 on t2.part_comp = t8.lp_id " + "LEFT JOIN public.cust_info t1 on t2.cust_no = t1.cust_id " + "LEFT JOIN data_dict t5 on t5.dict_type = 'ord_flag' and t5.dict_value = t2.is_checked " + "LEFT JOIN data_dict t6 on t6.dict_type = 'dist' and t6.dict_value = t2.area " + "LEFT JOIN data_dict t7 on t7.dict_type = 'prodType' and t7.dict_value = t4.prod_type " + "where t2.is_checked = '2' and t1.cust_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //?? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_com(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.comp_id,t1.comp_name,t1.comp_type,t1.license,,t1.taxid,t1.org_code_cert," + "to_char(coalesce(t1.reg_capital,0), 'fm99,999,999,999,999,999,990.00')money," + "t1.reg_address,t1.reg_date,t1.opera_period,t1.state,t2.cust_id,t2.cust_name,t3.comp_id,t3.cust_id " + "FROM comp_info t1,cust_info t2,cust_comp_rel t3 " + "where t1.comp_id=t3.comp_id and t2.cust_id=t3.cust_id and t2.cust_id=? " + "order by t1.comp_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_com1(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.comp_id,t1.comp_name,t2.cust_id " + "FROM comp_info t1,cust_info t2,cust_comp_rel t3 where t1.comp_id=t3.comp_id and t2.cust_id=t3.cust_id and t2.cust_id=?" + " order by t1.comp_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //??id? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_com2(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.comp_id " + "FROM cust_comp_rel t1 where t1.cust_id=?" + " order by t1.comp_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } /** * ? * @param id * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> compList(long cust_id, long comp_id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.comp_id,t1.comp_name,t1.comp_type,t1.license,,t1.taxid,t1.org_code_cert," + "to_char(coalesce(t1.reg_capital,0), 'fm99,999,999,999,999,999,990.00')money,t1.reg_address," + "t1.reg_date,t1.opera_period,t1.state,t3.email_id,t2.cust_id,t2.cust_name,t3.comp_id,t3.cust_id " + "FROM comp_info t1,cust_info t2,cust_comp_rel t3 where t1.comp_id=t3.comp_id and t2.cust_id=t3.cust_id and t2.cust_id=? and t1.comp_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, cust_id, comp_id); } //?? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_fam(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t2.family_id, t2.family_name, t2.family_cust_host_id, t2.family_cust_name, " + "t2.family_cust_desc, t2.family_mem_num, t2.recorder, t2.reg_time, t2.remark, t2.family_cust_level," + "t3.family_cust_name, t3.relation, t3.family_id, t3.cust_id, t3.email_id, t3.cust_reg_time, " + "t3.cust_name, t3.cust_sex, t3.cust_cell, t3.cust_birth, t3.cust_idtype, t3.cust_idnum,, " + ", t3.wechat, t3.qq, t3.address,, t3.id_address, t3.profession, " + "t3.see_date, t3.see_member, t3.see_desc, t3.member_id, t3.state, t3.cust_level," + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type," + "t6.dict_name state_name,t6.dict_value state_value,t6.dict_type state_type," + "t7.dict_name idtype_name,t7.dict_value idtype_value,t7.dict_type idtype_type, " + "t8.dict_name family_state_name,t8.dict_value family_state_value,t8.dict_type family_state_type " + "FROM family_info t2 " + "inner join family_member_rel t3 on t2.family_id=t3.family_id " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t3.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t3.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t6 on t6.dict_value = t3.state and t6.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t3.cust_idtype and t7.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "left join data_dict t8 on t8.dict_value = t2.family_cust_level and t8.dict_type = 'family_state' " + "where t2.family_cust_host_id=? " + "ORDER BY t3.member_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //?? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_fam1(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.family_id, t1.family_name, t1.family_cust_host_id, t1.reg_time," + "t2.family_cust_name, t2.relation, t2.family_id, t2.cust_id, t2.member_id, t2.cust_name " + " FROM family_info t1,family_member_rel t2 " + " where t1.family_id=t2.family_id and t1.family_cust_host_id=?" + " order by t2.member_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //? ?id? public List<Map<String, Object>> detail_fam2(long id) { String sql = "SELECT t1.family_id, t1.family_cust_host_id, t2.family_id, t2.cust_id, t2.cust_name, t2.member_id " + "FROM family_info t1,family_member_rel t2 " + "where t1.family_id=t2.family_id and t1.family_cust_host_id=? " + " ORDER BY t2.member_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, id); } //?? public List<Map<String, Object>> show_detail(long family_id, long member_id) { String sql = "SELECT t2.family_id,t2.family_name,t2.family_cust_name,t2.family_cust_desc,t2.family_mem_num,t2.reg_time,t2.family_cust_level," + "t3.family_cust_name, t3.relation, t3.family_id, t3.cust_id, t3.email_id, t3.member_id, t3.cust_reg_time, t3.cust_name, t3.cust_sex, t3.cust_cell, " + "t3.cust_birth, t3.cust_idtype, t3.cust_idnum,,, t3.wechat, t3.qq, t3.address,, t3.id_address, t3.profession, t3.see_date, " + "t3.see_member, t3.see_desc, " + "t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, " + "t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type," + "t6.dict_name state_name,t6.dict_value state_value,t6.dict_type state_type," + "t7.dict_name idtype_name,t7.dict_value idtype_value,t7.dict_type idtype_type " + "FROM family_info t2 " + "inner join family_member_rel t3 on t2.family_id = t3.family_id " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t3.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t3.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "left join data_dict t6 on t6.dict_value = t3.state and t6.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t3.cust_idtype and t7.dict_type = 'idtype' " + "where t2.family_id =t3.family_id and t2.family_id=? and t3.member_id = ?" + " order by t3.member_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, family_id, member_id); } /** * ?(?) * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiryCountAll() { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ?() * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiryCount(long user_id) { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,org_code from upm_user where user_id=?) b " + "where a.org_code=b.org_code) "; return jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); } /** * ?(?) * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiry_leaderCount(long user_id) { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a," + "(select user_id,workgroup_id from upm_user where user_id=?) b " + "where a.workgroup_id=b.workgroup_id) "; return jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); } /** * ?() * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> inquiry_saleCount(long user_id) { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_info t1 " + "inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' " + "left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id " + "left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' " + "left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' " + "left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' " + "where t6.user_id = ?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); } /** * ??() * @param cust_name * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> sale_cust_select(String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, long user_id, String sales_name, String cust_level, int m, int n) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell, "); sb.append(" t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,"); sb.append(" t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id,"); sb.append(" t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,"); sb.append(" t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type,"); sb.append(" t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, "); sb.append(" t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type,t7.dict_name dist_name "); sb.append(" from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append("left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' "); sb.append(" where t6.user_id = " + user_id + " "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } sb.append(" order by t1.cust_id "); sb.append(" limit " + n + " OFFSET " + m + " "); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForList(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??() * @param cust_name * @return */ public int sale_cust_select1(String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, long user_id, String sales_name, String cust_level) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select count(*) from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append(" where t6.user_id = " + user_id + " "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForInt(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??(?) * @param cust_name * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> team_cust_select(long user_id, String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level, int m, int n) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell, "); sb.append(" t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,"); sb.append(" t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id,"); sb.append(" t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,t2.sales_id,"); sb.append(" t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type,"); sb.append(" t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, "); sb.append(" t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type,t7.dict_name dist_name "); sb.append(" from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append("left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' "); sb.append( " where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a,(select user_id,workgroup_id from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b where a.workgroup_id=b.workgroup_id) "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } sb.append(" order by t1.cust_id "); sb.append(" limit " + n + " OFFSET " + m + " "); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForList(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??(?) * @param cust_name * @return */ public int team_cust_select1(long user_id, String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select count(*) from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append( " where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a,(select user_id,workgroup_id from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b where a.workgroup_id=b.workgroup_id) "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForInt(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??() * @param cust_name * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> leader_cust_select(long user_id, String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level, int m, int n) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell, "); sb.append(" t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,"); sb.append(" t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id,"); sb.append(" t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,t2.sales_id,"); sb.append(" t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type,"); sb.append(" t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, "); sb.append(" t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type,t7.dict_name dist_name "); sb.append(" from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append("left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' "); sb.append( " where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a,(select user_id,org_code from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b where a.org_code=b.org_code) "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } sb.append(" order by t1.cust_id "); sb.append(" limit " + n + " OFFSET " + m + " "); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForList(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??() * @param cust_name * @return */ public int leader_cust_select1(long user_id, String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select count(*) from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append( " where t2.sales_id in(select a.user_id from upm_user a,(select user_id,org_code from upm_user where user_id=" + user_id + ") b where a.org_code=b.org_code) "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForInt(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??(?) * @param cust_name * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> all_cust_select(String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level, int m, int n) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select distinct t1.cust_id,t1.cust_reg_time,t1.cust_name,t1.cust_sex,t1.cust_cell, "); sb.append(" t1.cust_birth,t1.cust_level,t1.cust_idnum,t1.cust_idtype,,,t1.wechat,t1.qq,"); sb.append(" t1.address,,t1.id_address,t1.profession,t1.state,t2.email_id,"); sb.append(" t2.sales_name,t2.sales_area,t2.cust_belong_state,"); sb.append(" t3.dict_name state_name,t3.dict_value state_value,t3.dict_type state_type,"); sb.append(" t4.dict_name level_name,t4.dict_value level_value,t4.dict_type level_type, "); sb.append(" t5.dict_name sex_name,t5.dict_value sex_value,t5.dict_type sex_type,t7.dict_name dist_name "); sb.append(" from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join upm_user t6 on t2.sales_id=t6.user_id "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append("left join data_dict t7 on t7.dict_value = t6.area and t7.dict_type = 'dist' "); sb.append(" where 1=1 "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } sb.append(" order by t1.cust_id "); sb.append(" limit " + n + " OFFSET " + m + " "); Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForList(sb.toString(), parms); } /** * ??(?) * @param cust_name * @return */ public int all_cust_select1(String state, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String sales_name, String cust_level) { List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select count(*) from cust_info t1 "); sb.append(" inner join sales_cust_rel t2 on t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t2.cust_belong_state='1' "); if (!"".equals(sales_name) && sales_name != null) { sb.append(" and t2.sales_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + sales_name + "%"); } sb.append(" left join data_dict t3 on t3.dict_value = t1.state and t3.dict_type = 'state' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t4 on t4.dict_value = t1.cust_level and t4.dict_type = 'level' "); sb.append(" left join data_dict t5 on t5.dict_value = t1.cust_sex and t5.dict_type = 'sex' "); sb.append(" where 1=1 "); if (!"".equals(state) && state != null && state != "0" && !state.equals("0")) { sb.append(" and t3.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(state); } if (!"".equals(cust_name) && cust_name != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_name like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_name + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_cell) && cust_cell != null) { sb.append(" and t1.cust_cell like ? "); argsList.add("%" + cust_cell + "%"); } if (!"".equals(cust_level) && cust_level != null) { sb.append(" and t4.dict_value = ? "); argsList.add(cust_level); } Object[] parms = new Object[argsList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) { String str = argsList.get(i); parms[i] = str; } return jt.queryForInt(sb.toString(), parms); } /*?*/ /** * * @param addsee * @return */ public int addSee(long cust_id, String see_date, String see_member, String see_desc) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date seedate = null; if (see_date != "") { seedate = sdf.parse(see_date); } long see_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); long email_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sql = "INSERT INTO public.cust_see_info" + "(see_id, cust_id, see_date, see_member, see_desc, email_id) " + "VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; return jt.update(sql, see_id, cust_id, seedate, see_member, see_desc, email_id); } /** * ? * @param addMember * @return */ public void addMember(long cust_id, String comp_name, String comp_type, String license, String legal, String taxid, String org_code_cert, double reg_capital, String reg_address, String reg_date, String opera_period, String state) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date seedate = null; Date operaperiod = null; if (reg_date != "") { seedate = sdf.parse(reg_date); } if (opera_period != "") { operaperiod = sdf.parse(opera_period); } Object[] o = new Object[] { comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, taxid, org_code_cert, reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, state }; long comp_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sql = "INSERT INTO comp_info(comp_id, comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, taxid, org_code_cert, " + "reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, state) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql, comp_id, comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, taxid, org_code_cert, reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, state); /*int comp_id1 = insertAndGetKey(sql, o, "comp_id");*/ long email_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sql1 = "INSERT INTO public.cust_comp_rel(cust_id, comp_id, email_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql1, cust_id, comp_id, email_id); } //?id public int insertAndGetKey(final String sql, final Object[] o, String id) { KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); jt.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException { // String sql_sms = "insert into // sms(title,content,date_s,form,sffs,by1,by2,by3) values // (?,?,'"+dates+"',?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { ps.setObject(i + 1, o[i]); } return ps; } }, keyHolder); Map<String, Object> generatedId = keyHolder.getKeyList().get(0); Integer com_id = (Integer) generatedId.get(id); // Long generatedId = keyHolder.getKey().longValue(); // int a =Integer.parseInt(o_id); return com_id; } /** * ?? * * @param condition * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> querycust(String condition) { String sql = "SELECT t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t1.cust_cell, " + "t2.sales_id, t2.cust_id, t2.sales_name, t2.sales_area " + "FROM cust_info t1, sales_cust_rel t2 " + "where t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t1.cust_cell=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, condition); } /** * ??? * @param custcell * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> checkcustcell(String cust_cell) { String sql = "select count(1) from cust_info where cust_cell=? limit 1"; return jt.queryForList(sql, cust_cell); } /** * ? * @param addCustinfo * @return */ public long addCustinfo(User user, String cust_reg_time, String cust_name, String cust_sex, String cust_birth, String cust_level, String cust_idnum, String cust_idtype, String city, String email, String wechat, String qq, String address, String company, String id_address, String profession, String state, String cust_cell, String cust_risk, String see_date, String see_member, String see_desc, String sales_name, String sales_post, String allot_date, String recycle_date, String recycle_reason, String sales_area, String cust_state, String cust_type, String effect_sign, String family_name, String reg_time, String textarea, String comp_name, String comp_type, String license, String legal, String org_code_cert, double reg_capital, String reg_address, String reg_date, String opera_period, String taxid, String family_cust_desc, String family_mem_num, String recorder, String remark, String family_cust_level, String relation) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date seedate = null; if (see_date != "") { seedate = sdf.parse(see_date); } long cust_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); long see_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); long email_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); long sales_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); Object[] o = new Object[] { cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, cust_level, cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, cust_cell, cust_risk }; String sql = "INSERT INTO cust_info(cust_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, " + "cust_birth, cust_level, cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company," + " id_address, profession, state, cust_cell, cust_risk) " + "VALUES (?, current_date, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '1', ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql, cust_id, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, "1", cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, cust_cell, cust_risk); /*int cust_id1 = insertAndGetKey(sql, o, "cust_id");*/ // String sql1 = "INSERT INTO cust_see_info(see_id, cust_id, see_date, see_member, see_desc, email_id)" + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql1, see_id, cust_id, seedate, see_member, see_desc, email_id); String sql2 = "INSERT INTO public.sales_cust_rel(sales_id, cust_id, sales_name, sales_post, allot_date, recycle_date, " + "recycle_reason, sales_area, cust_belong_state, email_id) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, '', '', '', ?, '1', ?)"; jt.update(sql2, user.get_id(), cust_id, user.getRealName(), user.getPosition(), user.getArea(), jdbcUtil.seq()); String sql3 = "INSERT INTO public.bill_info(id, cust_type, effect_sign, email_id) " + "VALUES (?, '1', '0', ?)"; jt.update(sql3, cust_id, jdbcUtil.seq()); return cust_id; } /** * ?? * @param addCompinfo * @return */ public void addCompinfo(long cust_id, String comp_name, String comp_type, String license, String legal, String taxid, String org_code_cert, double reg_capital, String reg_address, String reg_date, String opera_period, String state) { long comp_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sql = "INSERT INTO comp_info(comp_id, comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, taxid, org_code_cert, " + "reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, state) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql, comp_id, comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, taxid, org_code_cert, reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, state); long email_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sql1 = "INSERT INTO public.cust_comp_rel(cust_id, comp_id, email_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sql1, cust_id, comp_id, email_id); } /** * ???? * @param see_desc1 * @param see_member1 * @return */ public void addFamilyinfo(long cust_id, long family_id, String family_name, String family_cust_desc, String family_cust_level, String relation, String cust_reg_time, String cust_name, String cust_name1, String cust_sex1, String cust_cell1, String cust_birth1, String cust_idtype1, String cust_idnum1, String city1, String email1, String wechat1, String qq1, String address1, String company1, String id_address1, String profession1, String see_date1, String see_member1, String see_desc1, List<Object[]> custList) { //?? /*long family_id = jdbcUtil.seq();*/ String sqlFamily = "INSERT INTO public.family_info(family_id, " + "family_name, family_cust_host_id, family_cust_name, family_cust_desc, " + " reg_time, family_cust_level) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, '1')"; jt.update(sqlFamily, family_id, family_name, cust_id, cust_name, family_cust_desc); String sqlfamilymember = "insert into public.family_member_rel(relation, family_id, cust_id, email, cust_reg_time, " + "cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth,cust_level,cust_idnum, cust_idtype, " + "city, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, " + "member_id, state, cust_cell )" + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; jt.batchUpdate(sqlfamilymember, custList); long email_id1 = jdbcUtil.seq(); long member_id1 = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sqlFamily_rel = "INSERT INTO public.family_member_rel(family_cust_name, relation, " + "family_id, email_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_cell, " + "cust_birth, cust_idtype, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, " + "id_address, profession, see_date, see_member, see_desc, member_id ) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sqlFamily_rel, cust_name, relation, family_id, email_id1, cust_reg_time, cust_name1, cust_sex1, cust_cell1, cust_birth1, cust_idtype1, cust_idnum1, city1, email1, wechat1, qq1, address1, company1, id_address1, profession1, see_date1, see_member1, see_desc1, member_id1); } /** * ?? * @param family_id * @return *//* public List<Map<String, Object>> select_family_id(long family_id){ String sqlCust = "SELECT family_id, family_name, family_cust_host_id, family_cust_name, " + "family_cust_desc, family_mem_num, recorder, reg_time, remark, family_cust_level " + " FROM public.family_info where family_id = ?"; return jt.queryForList(sqlCust,family_id); }*/ /** * ?? * @param cust_id * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> select_cust_id(long cust_id) { String sqlCust = "SELECT cust_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, cust_level," + " cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, " + "state, cust_cell FROM public.cust_info where cust_id = ?"; return jt.queryForList(sqlCust, cust_id); } /** * ??? * * * @return */ public void addFamilymember(long family_id, String relation, String cust_reg_time, String cust_name, String cust_name3, String cust_sex3, String cust_cell3, String cust_birth3, String cust_idtype3, String cust_idnum3, String relation3, String city3, String email3, String wechat3, String qq3, String address3, String company3, String id_address3, String profession3, String see_date3, String see_member3, String see_desc3, List<Object[]> custList) { String sqlfamilymember = "insert into public.family_member_rel(relation, family_id, cust_id, email, cust_reg_time, " + "cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth,cust_level,cust_idnum, cust_idtype, " + "city, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, " + "member_id, state, cust_cell )" + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; jt.batchUpdate(sqlfamilymember, custList); long email_id3 = jdbcUtil.seq(); long member_id3 = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sqlFamily_rel = "INSERT INTO public.family_member_rel(family_cust_name, relation, " + "family_id, email_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_cell, " + "cust_birth, cust_idtype, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, " + "id_address, profession, see_date, see_member, see_desc, member_id ) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sqlFamily_rel, cust_name, relation3, family_id, email_id3, cust_reg_time, cust_name3, cust_sex3, cust_cell3, cust_birth3, cust_idtype3, cust_idnum3, city3, email3, wechat3, qq3, address3, company3, id_address3, profession3, see_date3, see_member3, see_desc3, member_id3); } /** * * ?????? * * @param condition * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryFamMem(String queryfm) { String sql = "SELECT t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t1.cust_reg_time, t1.cust_sex, t1.cust_birth, t1.cust_level, t1.cust_idnum, " + "t1.cust_idtype,,, t1.wechat, t1.qq, t1.address,, t1.id_address, t1.profession, " + "t1.state, t1.cust_cell, t1.cust_risk, " + "t2.sales_id, t2.cust_id, t2.sales_name, t2.sales_area " + "FROM cust_info t1, sales_cust_rel t2 " + "where t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t1.cust_cell=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, queryfm); } /** * * ???? * * @param condition * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryFamilyMember(String queryFM) { String sql = "SELECT t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t1.cust_reg_time, t1.cust_sex, t1.cust_birth, t1.cust_level, t1.cust_idnum, " + "t1.cust_idtype,,, t1.wechat, t1.qq, t1.address,, t1.id_address, t1.profession, " + "t1.state, t1.cust_cell, t1.cust_risk, " + "t2.sales_id, t2.cust_id, t2.sales_name, t2.sales_area " + "FROM cust_info t1, sales_cust_rel t2 " + "where t1.cust_id=t2.cust_id and t1.cust_cell=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, queryFM); } /** * ?(??) * @param saveCust * @return */ public void saveCust(long cust_id, String cust_name, String cust_sex, String cust_birth, String cust_level, String cust_idnum, String cust_idtype, String city, String email, String wechat, String qq, String address, String company, String profession, String cust_risk) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET cust_name=?, cust_sex=?, cust_birth=?, cust_level=?, cust_idnum=?, " + "cust_idtype=?, city=?, email=?, wechat=?, qq=?, address=?, company=?, " + " profession=?, cust_risk=?, " + "state='3' WHERE cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, cust_level, cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, profession, cust_risk, cust_id); } /** * ? * @param cust_submit * @return */ public void cust_submit(long cust_id, String cust_name, String cust_sex, String cust_birth, String cust_level, String cust_idnum, String cust_idtype, String city, String email, String wechat, String qq, String address, String company, String profession, String cust_cell, String cust_risk) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET cust_name=?, cust_sex=?, cust_birth=?, cust_level=?, cust_idnum=?, " + "cust_idtype=?, city=?, email=?, wechat=?, qq=?, address=?, company=?, " + " profession=?, cust_risk=? " + "WHERE cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, cust_level, cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, profession, cust_risk, cust_id); } /** * ???? * @param json * @param id * @param remark * @param type */ public void addtask(JSONObject json, long id, String remark, String type, long user_id) { String sql = "insert into task(content,id,remark,type,version,user_id)values('" + json + "',?,?,?,default,?) "; jt.update(sql, id, remark, type, user_id); } /** * ? * @param cust_submit * @return */ public void cust_pass(long cust_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET state='3' WHERE state='2' and cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_id); } /** * ?? * @param cust_submit * @return */ public void cust_nopass(long cust_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET state='4' WHERE state='2' and cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_id); } /** * ????? * @param fammember_submit * @return */ public void fammember_submit(long family_id, long member_id, String family_cust_desc, String family_cust_name, String relation, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String cust_birth, String cust_idnum, String city, String email, String wechat, String qq, String address, String company, String id_address, String profession) { String sql = "UPDATE public.family_info " + "SET family_cust_level = '2', family_cust_desc=? WHERE family_id=?"; jt.update(sql, family_cust_desc, family_id); String sql1 = "UPDATE public.family_member_rel " + "SET family_cust_name=?, relation=?,cust_name=?, cust_cell=?, cust_birth=?, " + " cust_idnum=?, city=?, email=?, wechat=?, qq=?, address=?, company=?, id_address=?, " + "profession=? " + "WHERE family_id=? and member_id=?"; jt.update(sql1, family_cust_name, relation, cust_name, cust_cell, cust_birth, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, family_id, member_id); } /** * ?? * @param fammember_pass * @return */ public void fammember_pass(long family_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.family_info " + "SET family_cust_level='3' WHERE family_cust_level='2' and family_id=?"; jt.update(sql, family_id); } /** * ??? * @param fammember_nopass * @return */ public void fammember_nopass(long family_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.family_info " + "SET family_cust_level='4' WHERE family_cust_level='2' and family_id=?"; jt.update(sql, family_id); } /** * ?? * @param cust_submit * @return */ public void skipaddsave(long cust_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET state='1' WHERE cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_id); } /** * ??? * @param cust_submit * @return */ public void skipaddpass(long cust_id, String cust_name, String cust_sex, String cust_cell, String see_desc, User user, String email_leader, String real_name_leader) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET state='2' WHERE state='1' and cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, cust_id); SimpleDateFormat sdfg = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SentMailInfoBean sentmsg = new SentMailInfoBean(); //sentmsg.setFirmId("001"); sentmsg.setSubjectId("" + cust_id); sentmsg.setSentMailaddr(mailCache.from); sentmsg.setReviceMailaddr(email_leader); sentmsg.setCcAddress(user.getEmail()); sentmsg.setMail_busstype(""); sentmsg.setMail_businessprocess("com.prosnav.oms.mail.mailbusinessdw.mailcust"); sentmsg.setMailContent(" \n" + "" + real_name_leader + " \n" + "" + sdfg.format(new Date()) + " " + user.getRealName() + "???OMS?\n" + " ????yes??no??\n" + "---InfoBegin--- \n" + "??? " + cust_name + " \n" + "? " + cust_sex + " \n" + "???" + cust_cell + " \n" + "? " + see_desc + " \n" + "---InfoEnd--- \n"); sentmsg.setSubject(""); sendMail.sendMessage(sentmsg, true); } /** * ? * @param cust_id * @param status */ public void mail_check(long cust_id, String state) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info SET state=? WHERE cust_id=?"; jt.update(sql, state, cust_id); } /** * ?? * @param cust_id * @param status */ public void mail_check_family(long family_id, String state) { String sql = "UPDATE public.family_info SET family_cust_level=? WHERE family_id=?"; jt.update(sql, state, family_id); } /** * ?? * @param saveCust * @return */ public void saveComp(long cust_id, long comp_id, String comp_name, String comp_type, String license, String legal, String org_code_cert, double reg_capital, String reg_address, String reg_date, String opera_period, String taxid) { String sql = "UPDATE public.comp_info " + "SET comp_name=?, comp_type=?, license=?, legal=?, org_code_cert=?, " + "reg_capital=?, reg_address=?, reg_date=?, opera_period=?, taxid=? " + "WHERE comp_id=?"; jt.update(sql, comp_name, comp_type, license, legal, org_code_cert, reg_capital, reg_address, reg_date, opera_period, taxid, comp_id); } /** * ???? * @param saveCust * @return */ public void fammember_edit(long family_id, long member_id, String family_cust_desc, String family_cust_name, String relation, String cust_name, String cust_cell, String cust_birth, String cust_idnum, String city, String email, String wechat, String qq, String address, String company, String id_address, String profession) { String sql = "UPDATE public.family_info " + "SET family_cust_desc=? WHERE family_id=?"; jt.update(sql, family_cust_desc, family_id); String sql1 = "UPDATE public.family_member_rel " + "SET family_cust_name=?, relation=?,cust_name=?, cust_cell=?, cust_birth=?, " + " cust_idnum=?, city=?, email=?, wechat=?, qq=?, address=?, company=?, id_address=?, " + "profession=? " + "WHERE family_id=? and member_id=?"; jt.update(sql1, family_cust_name, relation, cust_name, cust_cell, cust_birth, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, family_id, member_id); } /** * ???? ?? * @param add * @return */ public void addFamilymem(long cust_id, String family_name, String family_cust_desc, String reg_time, String family_cust_level, String relation, String cust_reg_time, String cust_name, String cust_sex, String cust_cell, String cust_birth, String cust_idtype, String cust_idnum, String city, String email, String wechat, int count_num, String qq, String address, String company, String id_address, String profession, String see_date, String see_member, String see_desc) { String sqlfam = "select count(*) into count_num from family_member_rel where cust_id = ?"; if (count_num <= 0) { //?? long family_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sqlFamily = "INSERT INTO public.family_info(family_id, " + "family_name, family_cust_host_id, family_cust_name, family_cust_desc, " + " recorder, reg_time, family_cust_level) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?)"; jt.update(sqlFamily, family_id, family_name, cust_id, cust_name, family_cust_desc, family_cust_level); } else { long email_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); long member_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); String sqlFamily_rel = "INSERT INTO public.family_member_rel(family_cust_name, relation, " + "family_id, cust_id, email_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_cell, " + "cust_birth, cust_idtype, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, " + "id_address, profession, see_date, see_member, see_desc, member_id ) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; jt.update(sqlFamily_rel, cust_name, relation, cust_id, email_id, cust_reg_time, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_cell, cust_birth, cust_idtype, cust_idnum, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, see_date, see_member, see_desc, member_id); } } /** * ?? * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> fam() { String sql = "select t3.dict_name lel_name,t3.dict_value lel_value,t3.dict_type lel_type " + "from data_dict t3 WHERE t3.dict_type = 'level' UNION ALL " + "SELECT t4.dict_name sex_name,t4.dict_value sex_value,t4.dict_type sex_type " + "FROM data_dict T4 WHERE t4.dict_type = 'sex' UNION ALL " + "SELECT t5.dict_name idtype_name,t5.dict_value idtype_value,t5.dict_type idtype_type " + " FROM data_dict T5 WHERE t5.dict_type = 'idtype'"; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * kyc * @param datas */ public void kycinsert(String[] datas) { } /** * ??? * @param json * @param family_id */ public void family_reset(JSONObject json, long family_id, long member_id) { String familysql = "UPDATE public.family_info SET family_cust_desc=? WHERE family_id=?"; List<Map<String, Object>> family_list = (List<Map<String, Object>>) json.get("family_list"); List<Map<String, Object>> member_list = (List<Map<String, Object>>) json.get("member_list"); String relation = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("relation")); String cust_name = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("cust_name")); String cust_cell = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("cust_cell")); String cust_idnum = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("cust_idnum")); String wechat = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("wechat")); String qq = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("qq")); String company = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("company")); String profession = (String) member_list.get(0).get(("profession")); String membersql = "UPDATE public.family_member_rel " + "SET relation=?,cust_name=?, cust_cell=?, cust_idnum=?, " + "wechat=?, qq=?, company=?, profession=? " + "WHERE family_id =? and member_id=?"; jt.update(familysql, family_list.get(0).get("family_cust_desc"), family_id); jt.update(membersql, relation, cust_name, cust_cell, cust_idnum, wechat, qq, company, profession, family_id, member_id); } /** * ?? * @param family_id * @param member_id * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> member_list(long family_id, long member_id) { String sql = "SELECT family_cust_name, relation, family_id, cust_id, email_id, cust_reg_time, " + "cust_name, cust_sex, cust_cell, cust_birth, cust_idtype, cust_idnum, " + "city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, id_address, profession, " + "see_date, see_member, see_desc, member_id, state, cust_level " + "FROM public.family_member_rel where family_id=? and member_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, family_id, member_id); } /** * ?? * @param family_id * @param member_id * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> family_list(long family_id) { String sql = "SELECT family_id, family_name, family_cust_host_id, family_cust_name, " + "family_cust_desc, family_mem_num, recorder, reg_time, remark, " + "family_cust_level " + "FROM public.family_info where family_id=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, family_id); } /** * ? * @param json * @param cust_id */ public void cust_reset(JSONObject json, long cust_id) { String sql = "UPDATE public.cust_info " + "SET cust_name=?, cust_sex=?, cust_birth=?, cust_level=?, cust_idnum=?, " + "cust_idtype=?, city=?, email=?, wechat=?, qq=?, address=?, company=?, " + " profession=?, cust_cell=?, cust_risk=? " + "WHERE cust_id=?"; String cust_name = json.get("cust_name").toString(); String cust_cell = json.get("cust_cell").toString(); String cust_idtype = json.get("cust_idtype").toString(); String cust_idnum = json.get("cust_idnum").toString(); String cust_sex = json.get("cust_sex").toString(); String cust_birth = json.get("cust_birth").toString(); String cust_level = json.get("cust_level").toString(); String city = json.get("city").toString(); String email = json.get("email").toString(); String wechat = json.get("wechat").toString(); String qq = json.get("qq").toString(); String profession = json.get("profession").toString(); String company = json.get("company").toString(); String address = json.get("address").toString(); String cust_risk = json.get("cust_risk").toString(); jt.update(sql, cust_name, cust_sex, cust_birth, cust_level, cust_idnum, cust_idtype, city, email, wechat, qq, address, company, profession, cust_cell, cust_risk, cust_id); } /** * @param orig_email * @param orig_name */ public void add_originator(String orig_email, String orig_name, long user_id, String user_name) { String sql = "INSERT INTO cust_orig(id, email, name, c_time, c_user_id, c_user_name)VALUES (?, ?, ?, current_date, ?, ?);"; jt.update(sql, jdbcUtil.seq(), orig_email, orig_name, user_id, user_name); } /** * @param sub_name */ public void add_subject(String sub_name, long user_id, String user_name) { String sql = "INSERT INTO cust_subject(id, name, c_time, c_user_id, c_user_name) VALUES (?, ?, current_date, ?, ?);"; jt.update(sql, jdbcUtil.seq(), sub_name, user_id, user_name); } /** * ?? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getOriginatorList() { String sql = "SELECT mail_user_username FROM mail_user_info where type='customer'"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql); return list; } /** * ? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getSubjectListByUserId(long user_id) { String sql = "SELECT id, name, c_time, c_user_id, c_user_name FROM cust_subject where c_user_id =?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); return list; } /** * ??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustListByName(String cust_name) { String sql = "select c.cust_id, c.cust_name,, u.real_name from cust_info c, upm_user u, sales_cust_rel s where c.cust_id = s.cust_id and u.user_id = s.sales_id and c.cust_name=?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, cust_name); return list; } /** * ? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustEmailById(Long cust_id) { String sql = "select email from cust_info where cust_id = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, cust_id); return list; } /** * ????? * */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getMailConfig(String email) { String sql = "select * from mail_user_info where mail_user_username=?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, email); return list; } /** * ?? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getMailByUser(Long user_id) { String sql = "select mail_user_username from mail_user_info where user_id = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); return list; } /** * ? */ public int updateMailPwdByUserAndMail(String email, Long user_id, String pwd) { String sql = "update mail_user_info set mail_user_pwd=?, u_time=current_date where mail_user_username=? and user_id = ?"; return jt.update(sql, pwd, email, user_id); } /** * ??? */ public int insertCustMailInfo(Long mail_subjectid, String mail_subject, String mail_sendperson, String mail_reciveperson, String mail_content, String fileNames, Long user_id, String user_name, String mail_receive_name) { String sql = "INSERT INTO cust_mail_info(mail_subjectid, mail_subject, mail_sendperson, mail_reciveperson, mail_content, mail_files_name, user_id, user_name, c_time, mail_receive_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?);"; return jt.update(sql, mail_subjectid, mail_subject, mail_sendperson, mail_reciveperson, mail_content, fileNames, user_id, user_name, mail_receive_name); } /** * */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustMailInfoList(int pageSize, int offset, String cust_name, String subject, long user_id) { String sql = "select mail_subjectid, mail_subject, mail_receive_name, c_time, mail_files_name, mail_content from cust_mail_info where user_id=" + user_id; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name.trim())) { sql += " and mail_receive_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (subject != null && !"".equals(subject.trim())) { sql += " and mail_subject='" + subject + "'"; } sql += " order by mail_subject desc"; sql += " limit " + pageSize + " OFFSET " + offset + ""; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustMailTotalCount(String cust_name, String subject, long user_id) { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_mail_info where user_id=" + user_id; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name.trim())) { sql += " and mail_receive_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (subject != null && !"".equals(subject.trim())) { sql += " and mail_subject='" + subject + "'"; } return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ?subjectid??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustMailBySubjectId(String subjectid) { String sql = "select mail_content from cust_mail_info where mail_subjectid=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, subjectid); } /** * ?? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallCustInfoList(String cust_name, String area, String prod_no) { String sql = "select oi.order_no, ci.cust_name, u.real_name, u.user_id, pi.prod_name from order_info oi, product_info pi, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel s, upm_user u where oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id and ci.cust_id = oi.cust_no and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id and u.user_id = s.sales_id"; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name.trim())) { sql += " and ci.cust_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (prod_no != null && !"".equals(prod_no.trim())) { sql += " and oi.prod_no = " + Long.parseLong(prod_no); } return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ?? */ public void insertCustDistrib(Long service_id, String service_name, Long user_id, String user_name, String[] orderNos, String distrib_id) { String sql = ""; if (distrib_id == null || "".equals(distrib_id)) { sql = "INSERT INTO call_distrib(id, service_id, service_name, c_user_id, c_user_name, c_time, u_user_id, u_user_name, u_time, status)VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?, ?, current_date, ?);"; Long cust_distrib_id = jdbcUtil.seq(); jt.update(sql, cust_distrib_id, service_id, service_name, user_id, user_name, user_id, user_name, 1); if (orderNos != null && orderNos.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < orderNos.length; i++) { sql = "INSERT INTO call_order_rel(call_distrib_id, order_no, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; jt.update(sql, cust_distrib_id, Long.parseLong(orderNos[i]), 1); } } } else { sql = "UPDATE call_distrib SET service_id=?, service_name=?, u_user_id=?, u_user_name=?, u_time=current_date where id=?"; jt.update(sql, service_id, service_name, user_id, user_name, Long.parseLong(distrib_id)); sql = "UPDATE call_order_rel SET status=2 where call_distrib_id=" + Long.parseLong(distrib_id); if (orderNos != null && orderNos.length > 0) { sql += " and order_no not in ("; for (int i = 0; i < orderNos.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { sql += Long.parseLong(orderNos[i]); } else { sql += "," + Long.parseLong(orderNos[i]); } List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String str = "select count(*) from call_order_rel where order_no = ? and call_distrib_id =?"; list = jt.queryForList(str, Long.parseLong(orderNos[i]), Long.parseLong(distrib_id)); if ((Long) list.get(0).get("count") == 0) { str = "INSERT INTO call_order_rel(call_distrib_id, order_no, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; jt.update(str, Long.parseLong(distrib_id), Long.parseLong(orderNos[i]), 1); } else { str = "UPDATE call_order_rel SET status=2 where call_distrib_id=? and order_no=?"; jt.update(str, jdbcUtil.seq(), Long.parseLong(orderNos[i])); } } sql += ")"; } jt.update(sql); } } /** * ? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallDistribList() { String sql = "select id, service_name, service_id from call_distrib where status=1"; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ?id? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallCustListById(Long id) { String sql = "select oi.order_no, ci.cust_name, cd.service_id, u.real_name, pi.prod_name from call_distrib cd, call_order_rel cl, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel s, upm_user u, order_info oi, product_info pi where = cl.call_distrib_id and oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id and oi.order_no=cl.order_no and oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id and s.sales_id = u.user_id and and cl.status=1"; List<Map<String, Object>> custList = jt.queryForList(sql, id); sql = "select o.org_name as cust_name, oi.order_no, pi.prod_name from order_info oi, org_info o, product_info pi, call_distrib cd, call_order_rel co where co.order_no = oi.order_no and co.call_distrib_id = and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no and o.org_id = oi.cust_no and and co.status=1"; List<Map<String, Object>> orgList = jt.queryForList(sql, id); for (Map<String, Object> m : orgList) { m.put("real_name", ""); custList.add(m); } return custList; } /** * ??id? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallCustListByServiceId(Long service_id, int offset, int pageSize, String cust_name, String prod_name) { String sql = "select oi.order_no, ci.cust_name, cd.service_id, u.real_name, pi.prod_name from call_distrib cd, call_order_rel cl, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel s, upm_user u, order_info oi, product_info pi where = cl.call_distrib_id and oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id and oi.order_no=cl.order_no and oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id and s.sales_id = u.user_id and cd.service_id=? and cl.status=1"; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and ci.cust_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (prod_name != null && !"".equals(prod_name)) { sql += " and pi.prod_name = '" + prod_name + "'"; } sql += " limit " + pageSize + " OFFSET " + offset; List<Map<String, Object>> custList = jt.queryForList(sql, service_id); sql = "select o.org_name as cust_name, oi.order_no, pi.prod_name from order_info oi, org_info o, product_info pi, call_distrib cd, call_order_rel co where co.order_no = oi.order_no and co.call_distrib_id = and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no and o.org_id = oi.cust_no and cd.service_id=? and co.status=1"; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and o.org_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (prod_name != null && !"".equals(prod_name)) { sql += " and pi.prod_name = '" + prod_name + "'"; } sql += " limit " + pageSize + " OFFSET " + offset; List<Map<String, Object>> orgList = jt.queryForList(sql, service_id); for (Map<String, Object> m : orgList) { m.put("real_name", ""); custList.add(m); } return custList; } public Long getCallCustListCount(Long service_id, String cust_name, String prod_name) { String sql = "select count(*) from call_distrib cd, call_order_rel cl, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel s, upm_user u, order_info oi, product_info pi where = cl.call_distrib_id and oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id and oi.order_no=cl.order_no and oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id and s.sales_id = u.user_id and cd.service_id=? and cl.status=1"; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and ci.cust_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (prod_name != null && !"".equals(prod_name)) { sql += " and pi.prod_name = '" + prod_name + "'"; } List<Map<String, Object>> custList = jt.queryForList(sql, service_id); sql = "select count(*) from order_info oi, org_info o, product_info pi, call_distrib cd, call_order_rel co where co.order_no = oi.order_no and co.call_distrib_id = and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no and o.org_id = oi.cust_no and cd.service_id=? and co.status=1"; if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and o.org_name = '" + cust_name + "'"; } if (prod_name != null && !"".equals(prod_name)) { sql += " and pi.prod_name = '" + prod_name + "'"; } List<Map<String, Object>> orgList = jt.queryForList(sql, service_id); Long count = (Long) custList.get(0).get("count") + (Long) orgList.get(0).get("count"); return count; } /** * ? */ public void delCallCust(Long call_distrib_id) { String sql = "update call_distrib set status = 2 where id = ?"; jt.update(sql, call_distrib_id); sql = "update call_order_rel set status = 2 where call_distrib_id = ?"; jt.update(sql, call_distrib_id); } /** * ?id?? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustListById(Long cust_id) { String sql = "select cust_cell, cust_name, real_name from cust_info ci, upm_user u, sales_cust_rel s where ci.cust_id = ? and u.user_id = s.sales_id and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql, cust_id); } /** * ?? */ public Long insertCallRecode(String remark, String user_name, Long user_id, Long order_no, String cust_email, String is_self, String is_id_no, String id_no, String is_id_address, String id_address, String is_partnership, String partnership, String is_order_amount, String order_amount, String is_mail_address, String mail_address, String work_address, String is_email) { String sql = "INSERT INTO call_record(record_id, remark, c_user_id, c_user_name, order_no, c_time, cust_email, is_self, is_id_match, id_no, is_id_address_match, id_address, is_partership_match, partnership, is_order_amount_match, order_amount, is_mail_address_match, mail_address, work_address, is_email) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; Long id = jdbcUtil.seq(); jt.update(sql, id, remark, user_id, user_name, order_no, cust_email, is_self, is_id_no, id_no, is_id_address, id_address, is_partnership, partnership, is_order_amount, order_amount, is_mail_address, mail_address, work_address, is_email); return id; } /** * ??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustCountByEmail(String cust_email) { String sql = "select count(*) from cust_info where email=?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, cust_email); } /** * ? */ public void validateCallRecordEmail(Long id, String comment) { String sql = "update call_record set email_comment = ?, email_status = '2' where record_id = ?"; jt.update(sql, comment); } /** * ?????? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getVerifyInfoByOrderNo(Long order_no, Long service_id) { String sql = "select distinct(oi.order_no), oi.cust_no, li.partner_com_name, oi.cust_type, oi.investor_no, oi.id_no, oi.order_amount, pi.prod_name, oi.mail_address, oi.work_address, oi.cust_address from order_info oi, product_info pi, call_order_rel cl, call_distrib cd, lp_info li where cl.order_no = oi.order_no and cl.call_distrib_id = and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no and oi.order_no = ? and cd.service_id =? and cl.status=1 and li.lp_id = oi.part_comp"; return jt.queryForList(sql, order_no, service_id); } /** * ???? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getProdInfoExistOrder() { String sql = "select distinct(oi.prod_no), pi.prod_name from order_info oi, product_info pi where oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id"; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCustOrderList(String prod_no, String order_no, String cust_name) { String sql = "select oi.order_no, u.real_name, ci.cust_name, pi.prod_name from order_info oi, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel s, upm_user u, product_info pi where oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id and oi.cust_type = '1' and u.user_id = s.sales_id and ci.cust_id = s.cust_id and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no"; if (prod_no != null && !"".equals(prod_no)) { sql += " and oi.prod_no=" + Long.parseLong(prod_no); } if (order_no != null && !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " and oi.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and ci.cust_name='" + cust_name + "'"; } return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getOrgOrderList(String prod_no, String order_no, String cust_name) { String sql = "select oi.order_no, o.org_name as cust_name, pi.prod_name, u.real_name from order_info oi, org_info o, product_info pi, upm_user u, cust_info ci, sales_cust_rel sl where u.user_id = sl.sales_id and ci.cust_id = sl.cust_id and ci.cust_id = oi.investor_no and oi.cust_type = '2' and pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no and o.org_id = oi.cust_no"; if (prod_no != null && !"".equals(prod_no)) { sql += " and oi.prod_no=" + Long.parseLong(prod_no); } if (order_no != null && !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " and oi.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } if (cust_name != null && !"".equals(cust_name)) { sql += " and o.org_name='" + cust_name + "'"; } return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ???????? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getOrderListByProdNo(String prod_no, String order_no) { String sql = "select pi.prod_name, oi.cust_type, oi.cust_no, oi.order_no, oi.investor_no from order_info oi, product_info pi where oi.prod_no = pi.prod_id"; if (prod_no != null && !"".equals(prod_no)) { sql += " and oi.prod_no=" + Long.parseLong(prod_no); } if (order_no != null && !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " and oi.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ? */ public void insertCustRecord(Long user_id, String real_name, Long order_no, String record_id) { String sql = "INSERT INTO cust_record(cust_record_id, order_no, record_id, c_user_id, c_user_name, c_time)VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_date);"; jt.update(sql, jdbcUtil.seq(), order_no, record_id, user_id, real_name); } /** * */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallRecordByOrdeno(Long order_no) { String sql = "select record_id from cust_record where order_no = ?"; return jt.queryForList(sql, order_no); } /** * ?id */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallRecordList(Long user_id, String order_no, int pageSize, int offset) { String sql = "select distinct(cr.order_no), pi.prod_name, ci.cust_name, o.org_name, u.real_name from cust_record cr left join order_info oi on oi.order_no = cr.order_no left join product_info pi on pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no left join cust_info ci on oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id left join org_info o on o.org_id = oi.cust_no left join sales_cust_rel sc on sc.cust_id = ci.cust_id left join upm_user u on u.user_id = sc.sales_id where cr.c_user_id = ?"; if (order_no == null || !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " and cr.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } sql += " limit " + pageSize + " OFFSET " + offset; return jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); } /** * ?id? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getCallRecordCount(Long user_id, String order_no) { String sql = "select distinct(order_no) from cust_record cr where cr.c_user_id = ?"; if (order_no == null || !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " and cr.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } return jt.queryForList(sql, user_id); } /** * ? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllCallRecordList(String order_no, int pageSize, int offset) { String sql = "select distinct(cr.order_no), pi.prod_name, ci.cust_name, o.org_name, u.real_name from cust_record cr left join order_info oi on oi.order_no = cr.order_no left join product_info pi on pi.prod_id = oi.prod_no left join cust_info ci on oi.cust_no = ci.cust_id left join org_info o on o.org_id = oi.cust_no left join sales_cust_rel sc on sc.cust_id = ci.cust_id left join upm_user u on u.user_id = sc.sales_id"; if (order_no == null || !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " where cr.order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } sql += " limit " + pageSize + " OFFSET " + offset; return jt.queryForList(sql); } /** * ?? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getAllCallRecordCount(String order_no) { String sql = "select distinct(order_no) from cust_record"; if (order_no == null || !"".equals(order_no)) { sql += " where order_no=" + Long.parseLong(order_no); } return jt.queryForList(sql); } }