Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 PROS, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.pros.jsontransform; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.pros.jsontransform.constraint.Constraint; import com.pros.jsontransform.expression.Function; import com.pros.jsontransform.filter.ArrayFilter; import com.pros.jsontransform.plugin.PluginManager; import com.pros.jsontransform.sort.ArraySort; /** * Transform a source JSON tree into a target JSON tree. * It uses Jackson for JSON manipulations. */ public class ObjectTransformer { /** Names of reserved transform directives */ static final String COMMENT = "$comment"; static final String PATH = "$path"; static final String VALUE = "$value"; static final String STRUCTURE = "$structure"; static final String APPEND = "$append"; static final String FILTER_INCLUDE = "$include"; static final String FILTER_EXCLUDE = "$exclude"; static final String OPERATOR = "$op"; static final String EXPRESSION = "$expression"; static final String EXPRESSION_FUNCTION = "$function"; static final String EXPRESSION_$I = "$i"; static final String CONSTRAINTS = "$constraints"; static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "|"; static final String PATH_DOT = "."; static final String SORT = "$sort"; /** Configuration properties */ public Properties properties; /** The root node of the source JSON */ JsonNode sourceRoot; /** The root node of the transform JSON */ JsonNode transformRoot; /** The root node of the target JSON */ ObjectNode targetRoot; /** The processed node of the source JSON */ JsonNode sourceNode; /** The processed node of the transform JSON */ JsonNode transformNode; /** The name of the transform node field being traversed */ String transformNodeFieldName; /** The path to the source node computed by $path */ String sourceNodePath; /** Keep track of node parents in the source tree */ List<JsonNode> sourceNodeParents; /** Keep track of the index to visited elements in arrays in the source tree */ List<Integer> sourceArrayIndexes; /** The Jackson object mapper */ public ObjectMapper mapper; /** Plugin manager */ private PluginManager pluginManager; /** Log tool */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ObjectTransformer.class); public ObjectTransformer(final Properties properties, final ObjectMapper jacksonMapper) { = properties; this.mapper = jacksonMapper; this.pluginManager = new PluginManager(properties.getProperty("plugin.folder", ".")); if (logger.getLevel() == null) { logger.setLevel(logger.getParent().getLevel()); } } public ObjectTransformer(final ObjectMapper jacksonMapper) { this(new Properties(), jacksonMapper); } public Logger getLogger() { return logger; } public List<Integer> getSourceArrayIndexes() { return sourceArrayIndexes; } public int getIndexOfSourceArray() { return sourceArrayIndexes.get(sourceArrayIndexes.size() - 1); } public JsonNode getParentNode() { return sourceNodeParents.get(sourceNodeParents.size() - 1); } public JsonNode getSourceNode() { return sourceNode; } public String getTransformNodeFieldName() { return transformNodeFieldName; } public JsonNode transformValueNode(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { JsonNode resultNode = sourceNode; // use $value to determine transformed value JsonNode valuePath = transformNode.get(VALUE); if (valuePath != null) { String valuePathAsString = valuePath.asText(); if (!valuePathAsString.equalsIgnoreCase(PATH_DOT)) { // $value contains a path to a source node resultNode = updateSourceFromPath(sourceNode, valuePath); restoreSourceFromPath(sourceNode, valuePath); } } return resultNode; } public JsonNode transformExpression(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { JsonNode resultNode = transformValueNode(sourceNode, transformNode); JsonNode expressionNode = transformNode.path(EXPRESSION); if (expressionNode.isArray()) { for (JsonNode functionNode : expressionNode) { // the first field name identifies the function name // e.g. {"$replace":{"$what":"Chr", "$with":"Lou"}} String functionName = functionNode.fieldNames().next(); JsonNode arguments = functionNode.get(functionName); try { Function function = Function.valueOf(functionName.toUpperCase()); resultNode = function.evaluate(arguments, resultNode, this); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaEx) { // function name may be a Java class that identifies a function plugin String pluginClassName = functionName.replaceFirst("\\$", ""); resultNode = pluginManager.functionPluginEvaluate(pluginClassName, arguments, resultNode, this); } } } // validate node constraints validateNode(resultNode, transformNode); return resultNode; } public String transform(final String sourceJson, final String transformJson) throws ObjectTransformerException, JsonProcessingException, IOException { // TODO in case of parse error cannot see which JSON fails sourceRoot = mapper.readTree(sourceJson); transformRoot = mapper.readTree(transformJson); return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(transform(sourceRoot, transformRoot)); } public JsonNode transform(final JsonNode sourceRoot, final JsonNode transformRoot) throws ObjectTransformerException, JsonProcessingException, IOException { targetRoot = mapper.createObjectNode(); transformNodeFieldName = ""; sourceNodePath = ""; sourceNodeParents = new ArrayList<JsonNode>(); sourceArrayIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // always have root as parent sourceNodeParents.add(sourceRoot); // start from root transformNode(sourceRoot, transformRoot, targetRoot); return targetRoot; } private void transformNode(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode, final ObjectNode targetNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { this.sourceNode = sourceNode; this.transformNode = transformNode; if (logger.getLevel() == Level.DEBUG) { logger.debug("transform " + transformNode.toString()); logger.debug("source " + sourceNode.toString()); logger.debug("source path " + this.sourceNodePath); for (JsonNode parent : sourceNodeParents) { int trunc = parent.toString().length() > 100 ? 100 : parent.toString().length(); logger.debug("parent " + parent.toString().substring(0, trunc)); } } // process $path directive JsonNode newSourceNode = updateSourceFromPath(sourceNode, transformNode.get(PATH)); Iterator<String> fieldNames = transformNode.fieldNames(); while (fieldNames.hasNext()) { transformNodeFieldName =; if (transformNodeFieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(COMMENT)) { // ignore $comment nodes continue; } JsonNode transformChildNode = transformNode.get(transformNodeFieldName); if (transformChildNode.get(VALUE) != null || transformChildNode.get(EXPRESSION) != null) { // mapping value from transform map targetNode.put(transformNodeFieldName, transformExpression(newSourceNode, transformChildNode)); } else if (transformChildNode.get(STRUCTURE) != null) { transformStructure(newSourceNode, transformChildNode, targetNode); } else if (transformChildNode.isObject()) { transformObject(newSourceNode, transformChildNode, targetNode); } else if (transformChildNode.isArray()) { transformArray(newSourceNode, transformChildNode, targetNode); } else if (!transformNodeFieldName.startsWith("$")) { // simple JSON field, copy from transform map targetNode.put(transformNodeFieldName, transformChildNode); } } // restore path restoreSourceFromPath(sourceNode, transformNode.get(PATH)); } private void transformObject(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode, final ObjectNode targetNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { ObjectNode childNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); targetNode.replace(transformNodeFieldName, childNode); // visit child object transformNode(sourceNode, transformNode, childNode); } private void transformStructure(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode, final ObjectNode targetNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { // process $path directive JsonNode newSourceNode = updateSourceFromPath(sourceNode, transformNode.get(PATH)); JsonNode structureNode = transformNode.get(STRUCTURE); if (structureNode.isObject()) { // mapping an object ObjectNode childNode = (ObjectNode) targetNode.get(transformNode.path(APPEND).asText()); if (childNode == null) { // no $append directive found, need new object childNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); targetNode.replace(transformNodeFieldName, childNode); } // visit child object transformNode(newSourceNode, structureNode, childNode); } else if (structureNode.isArray()) { // mapping an array ArrayNode childNode = (ArrayNode) targetNode.get(transformNode.path(APPEND).asText()); if (childNode == null) { // no $append directive found, need new object childNode = mapper.createArrayNode(); targetNode.replace(transformNodeFieldName, childNode); } processArray(newSourceNode, transformNode, childNode); } // restore path restoreSourceFromPath(sourceNode, transformNode.get(PATH)); } private void transformArray(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode, final ObjectNode targetNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { // create new array ArrayNode targetArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); targetNode.replace(transformNodeFieldName, targetArray); processArray(sourceNode, transformNode, targetArray); } private void processArray(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode transformNode, final ArrayNode targetArray) throws ObjectTransformerException { // add array index sourceArrayIndexes.add(new Integer(-1)); int lastIndex = sourceArrayIndexes.size() - 1; // use $structure if any JsonNode transformArray = transformNode.get(STRUCTURE); if (transformArray == null) { transformArray = transformNode; } if (sourceNode.isArray()) { // target array is based on source array int count = 0; JsonNode transformElement = transformArray.path(0); for (JsonNode sourceArrayNode : sourceNode) { if (includeArrayNode(sourceArrayNode, transformNode)) { // increment array index to point to new node sourceArrayIndexes.set(lastIndex, sourceArrayIndexes.get(lastIndex) + 1); // add parent sourceNodeParents.add(sourceArrayNode); // update source path sourceNodePath += PATH_SEPARATOR + count; if (transformElement.has(VALUE) || transformElement.has(EXPRESSION)) { // simple values transform targetArray.add(transformExpression(sourceArrayNode, transformElement)); } else { ObjectNode targetElement = mapper.createObjectNode(); targetArray.add(targetElement); // visit array element, use transform array first element as model transformNode(sourceArrayNode, transformElement, targetElement); } // remove parent sourceNodeParents.remove(sourceNodeParents.size() - 1); // restore source path sourceNodePath = sourceNodePath.substring(0, sourceNodePath.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR)); } } // restore sourceNode to array node this.sourceNode = sourceNode; // sort directive sortArray(targetArray, transformNode); } else { // process each element of transform array for (JsonNode childElementNode : transformArray) { if (childElementNode.get(VALUE) != null || childElementNode.get(EXPRESSION) != null) { // simple values targetArray.add(transformExpression(sourceNode, childElementNode)); } else if (childElementNode.isObject()) { // object values ObjectNode targetElement = mapper.createObjectNode(); targetArray.add(targetElement); // visit array element transformNode(sourceNode, childElementNode, targetElement); } else if (childElementNode.isArray()) { // TODO nested arrays } else { // copy map value to target targetArray.add(childElementNode); } } } // remove array index sourceArrayIndexes.remove(lastIndex); } private boolean includeArrayNode(final JsonNode sourceArrayNode, final JsonNode transformNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { boolean include = false; // includes JsonNode includeFilterNode = transformNode.path(FILTER_INCLUDE); if (includeFilterNode.isArray()) { for (JsonNode filterNode : includeFilterNode) { if (filterResult(filterNode, sourceArrayNode)) { include = true; break; } } } else { include = true; } // excludes JsonNode excludeFilterNode = transformNode.path(FILTER_EXCLUDE); if (excludeFilterNode.isArray()) { for (JsonNode filterNode : excludeFilterNode) { if (filterResult(filterNode, sourceArrayNode)) { include = false; break; } } } return include; } private boolean filterResult(final JsonNode filterNode, final JsonNode sourceArrayNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { boolean result; // the first field name identifies the filter name // e.g. {"$contains":{"$value":"name", "$what":"txt"}} String filterName = filterNode.fieldNames().next(); try { ArrayFilter filter = ArrayFilter.valueOf(filterName.toUpperCase()); result = filter.evaluate(filterNode, sourceArrayNode, this); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaEx) { // filter name may be a Java class that identifies a filter plugin String pluginClassName = filterName.replaceFirst("\\$", ""); result = pluginManager.filterPluginEvaluate(pluginClassName, filterNode, sourceArrayNode, this); } return result; } private JsonNode updateSourceFromPath(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode pathNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { // use transformNode $path or $value to find the source node JsonNode resultNode = sourceNode; if (pathNode != null) { // remember current parent index int parentIndex = sourceNodeParents.size() - 1; // e.g path: items|0|items|0|items String regExp = "[" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "]"; String[] pathParts = pathNode.asText().split(regExp); for (String part : pathParts) { if (!part.equalsIgnoreCase("..")) { // reset pointer to current parent parentIndex = sourceNodeParents.size() - 1; } // $i in path refers to current array index if (sourceArrayIndexes.size() > 0) { part = part.replace(EXPRESSION_$I, String.valueOf(sourceArrayIndexes.get(sourceArrayIndexes.size() - 1))); } if (part.equalsIgnoreCase("..") && --parentIndex >= 0) { // parent object resultNode = sourceNodeParents.get(parentIndex); } else if (resultNode.isArray()) { try { // handle array indexes in path int index = Integer.parseInt(part); // array element access resultNode = resultNode.path(index); } catch (Exception e) { if (part.contains("=")) { // array search by fieldname=value String[] searchParts = part.split("="); for (JsonNode elementNode : resultNode) { if (elementNode.path(searchParts[0]).asText().contains(searchParts[1])) { resultNode = elementNode; break; } } } } } else if (part.isEmpty() && pathParts.length > 1) { // absolute path to source root resultNode = sourceRoot; } else if (resultNode.isObject()) { // find by field name resultNode = resultNode.path(part); } else { if (Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty("exception.on.path.resolution", "false")) == true) { throw new ObjectTransformerException("Cannot resolve path " + pathNode.asText() + " for source node " + sourceNode.toString()); } } sourceNodeParents.add(resultNode); } // update path sourceNodePath += PATH_SEPARATOR + pathNode.asText(); } return resultNode; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void restoreSourceFromPath(final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode pathNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { if (pathNode != null) { // e.g path structure: items|0|items|0|items int lastParentIndex = sourceNodeParents.size() - 1; String regExp = "[" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "]"; String[] pathParts = pathNode.asText().split(regExp); for (String part : pathParts) { sourceNodeParents.remove(lastParentIndex--); } sourceNodePath = sourceNodePath.substring(0, sourceNodePath.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR + pathNode.asText())); this.sourceNode = sourceNode; } } private void validateNode(final JsonNode resultNode, final JsonNode transformNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { JsonNode constraintsArray = transformNode.path(CONSTRAINTS); if (constraintsArray.isArray()) { for (JsonNode constraintNode : constraintsArray) { // the first field name identifies the constraint name // e.g. "$constraints":[{"$required":true}, {"$type":"string"}, {"$values":["a","b","c"]}] String constraintName = constraintNode.fieldNames().next(); try { Constraint constraint = Constraint.valueOf(constraintName.toUpperCase()); constraint.validate(constraintNode, resultNode, this); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaEx) { // contraint name may be a Java class that identifies a constraint plugin String pluginClassName = constraintName.replaceFirst("\\$", ""); pluginManager.constraintPluginValidate(pluginClassName, constraintNode, resultNode, this); } } } } private void sortArray(final ArrayNode targetArray, final JsonNode transformNode) throws ObjectTransformerException { JsonNode sortNode = transformNode.get(SORT); if (sortNode != null) { // the first field name identifies the sort handler // {"$sort":{"$ascending":{"$by":{"$value":"."}}}} String sortName = sortNode.fieldNames().next(); try { ArraySort sortHandler = ArraySort.valueOf(sortName.toUpperCase()); sortHandler.sort(targetArray, sortNode, this); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaEx) { // sort handler may be a Java class that identifies a sort plugin String pluginClassName = sortName.replaceFirst("\\$", ""); pluginManager.sortPluginSort(pluginClassName, targetArray, sortNode, this); } } } }