Java tutorial
package com.primovision.lutransport.service; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormatter; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.util.StringUtil; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Hours; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.primovision.lutransport.core.dao.GenericDAO; import com.primovision.lutransport.core.util.WorkerCompUtils; import com.primovision.lutransport.core.util.MathUtil; import com.primovision.lutransport.core.util.TicketUtils; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.AbstractBaseModel; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.BillingRate; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.Driver; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.DriverFuelCard; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.ErrorData; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.EzToll; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.FuelCard; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.FuelDiscount; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.FuelLog; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.FuelVendor; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.Location; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.LocationDistance; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.LocationPair; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.MileageLog; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.SearchCriteria; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.State; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.StaticData; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.SubContractor; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.SubcontractorRate; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.Ticket; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.TollCompany; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.User; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.Vehicle; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.VehiclePermit; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.VehicleTollTag; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.WMInvoice; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.WMLocation; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.WMTicket; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.accident.Accident; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.accident.AccidentCause; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.accident.AccidentRoadCondition; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.accident.AccidentWeather; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.driver.DriverFuelLog; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.driver.Odometer; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.driver.TripSheet; import; import; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.injury.Injury; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.injury.InjuryIncidentType; import com.primovision.lutransport.model.injury.InjuryToType; import; import; import; @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class ImportMainSheetServiceImpl implements ImportMainSheetService { public static SimpleDateFormat drvdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ImportMainSheetServiceImpl.class.getName()); private static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm-DD-yy"); private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); public static SimpleDateFormat mileageSearchDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM yyyy"); @Autowired protected GenericDAO genericDAO; public GenericDAO getGenericDAO() { return genericDAO; } @Autowired private ReportService reportService; public void setReportService(ReportService reportService) { this.reportService = reportService; } public String getAsIntegerString(String value) { return value.replaceAll("\\.\\d*$", ""); } private Date getAsDate(String validCellValue) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM"); return dateFormat.parse(validCellValue); } private void validateAndResetTollTagAndPlateNumber(HSSFRow row, EzToll ezToll) { String tollNum = getCellValue(row.getCell(3)).toString(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tollNum)) { return; } String tollQuery = "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='" + tollNum + "'"; if (ezToll.getToolcompany() != null) { tollQuery += " and obj.tollCompany='" + ezToll.getToolcompany().getId() + "'"; } List<VehicleTollTag> vehicleTollTags = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(tollQuery); if (vehicleTollTags != null && vehicleTollTags.size() > 0) { String plateNum = getCellValue(row.getCell(4)).toString(); if (StringUtils.contains(tollNum, plateNum) || StringUtils.contains(plateNum, tollNum)) { row.getCell(4).setCellValue(StringUtils.EMPTY); } } else { row.getCell(3).setCellValue(StringUtils.EMPTY); } } private Vehicle retrieveVehicleForPlate(String plateNum, HSSFRow row) { String transactiondate = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat.format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } String vehicleQuery = "select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.plate='" + plateNum + "'" + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'"; System.out.println("******* vehicleQuery ======>" + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery.toString()); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return vehicleList.get(0); } } private List<Vehicle> retrieveVehicle(VehicleTollTag vehicletolltag, String transactionDate) throws ParseException { /***Correction for unit no. mapping to multiple vehicle ids***/ /*String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where" + vehicletolltag.getVehicle().getId() + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactionDate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactionDate + "'"; System.out.println("******************** First vehicle query is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.isEmpty()) { vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.unit=" + vehicletolltag.getVehicle().getUnit() + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactionDate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactionDate + "' order by DESC"; System.out.println("******************** Second vehicle query is " + vehicleQuery); vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); }*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleList = retrieveVehicleForUnit(vehicletolltag.getVehicle().getUnit(), transactionDate); if (vehicleList.size() <= 1) { return vehicleList; } List<Ticket> ticketList = getTicketsForVehicle(vehicleList, transactionDate); vehicleList = new ArrayList<Vehicle>(); if (ticketList.isEmpty()) { return vehicleList; } vehicleList.add(ticketList.get(0).getVehicle()); return vehicleList; } private List<Vehicle> retrieveVehicleForUnit(Integer unit, String transactionDate) { String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.unit=" + unit + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactionDate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactionDate + "'" + " order by DESC"; System.out.println("******************** Vehicle query is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); return vehicleList; } private List<Vehicle> retrieveVehicleForUnit(Integer unit, Date transactionDate, int type) { if (unit == null || transactionDate == null) { return null; } String transactionDateStr = dateFormat.format(transactionDate); String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.unit=" + unit + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactionDateStr + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactionDateStr + "'" + " and obj.type=" + type + " order by DESC"; System.out.println("******************** Vehicle query is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); return vehicleList; } private List<StaticData> retrieveStaticData(String staticDataType, String dataText) { Map criterias = new HashMap(); criterias.put("dataType", staticDataType); criterias.put("dataText", dataText); return genericDAO.findByCriteria(StaticData.class, criterias); } private Location retrieveLocationById(String locationIdStr) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(locationIdStr)) { return null; } return retrieveLocationById(Long.valueOf(locationIdStr)); } private Location retrieveLocationById(Long locationId) { Location location = genericDAO.getById(Location.class, locationId); return location; } private List<Location> retrieveLocationDataByQualifier(int locationType, String qualifierType, String qualifier) { Map<String, Object> criterias = new HashMap<String, Object>(); criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("type", locationType); criterias.put(qualifierType, qualifier); return genericDAO.findByCriteria(Location.class, criterias, "name", false); } private List<Location> retrieveLocationDataByLongName(int locationType, String locationLongName) { Map<String, Object> criterias = new HashMap<String, Object>(); criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("type", locationType); criterias.put("longName", locationLongName); return genericDAO.findByCriteria(Location.class, criterias, "name", false); } private List<Location> retrieveLocationData(int locationType, String locationName) { Map<String, Object> criterias = new HashMap<String, Object>(); criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("type", locationType); criterias.put("name", locationName); return genericDAO.findByCriteria(Location.class, criterias, "name", false); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importLoadMiles(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { List<LocationDistance> locationDistanceList = new ArrayList<LocationDistance>(); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount == 1) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; boolean fatalRecordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); LocationDistance locationDistance = null; try { String originName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", originName)) { break; } locationDistance = new LocationDistance(); List<Location> originList = retrieveLocationData(1, originName); if (originList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Transfer Station,"); } else { locationDistance.setOrigin(originList.get(0)); } String destinationName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); List<Location> destinationList = retrieveLocationData(2, destinationName); if (destinationList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Landfill,"); } else { locationDistance.setDestination(destinationList.get(0)); } Double miles = row.getCell(5).getNumericCellValue(); if (miles == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Miles,"); } else { locationDistance.setMiles(miles); } if (checkDuplicate(locationDistance)) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate record,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record, Line: " + recordCount); } if (recordError) { String msgPreffix = fatalRecordError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add(msgPreffix + "Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalRecordError) { locationDistanceList.add(locationDistance); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records being loaded: " + locationDistanceList.size()); if (!locationDistanceList.isEmpty()) { for (LocationDistance aLocationDistance : locationDistanceList) { aLocationDistance.setStatus(1); aLocationDistance.setCreatedBy(createdBy); aLocationDistance.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(aLocationDistance); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Location Distancedata: " + ex); } return errorList; } private boolean checkDuplicate(LocationDistance entity) { Location origin = entity.getOrigin(); Location destination = entity.getDestination(); if (origin == null || destination == null) { return false; } String query = "select count(obj) from LocationDistance obj where 1=1" + " and" + origin.getId() + " and" + destination.getId(); Long recordCount = (Long) genericDAO.getEntityManager().createQuery(query.toString()).getSingleResult(); return (recordCount > 0); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importSubcontractorRateMainSheet(InputStream is, Date validFrom, Date validTo, Long createdBy) throws Exception { List<SubcontractorRate> subcontractorRateList = new ArrayList<SubcontractorRate>(); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount == 1) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; boolean fatalRecordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); SubcontractorRate subcontractorRate = null; try { String subcontractorName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", subcontractorName)) { break; } String companyName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); String transferStationName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2))); String landfillName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); String billUsing = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); String sortBy = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); String rateType = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); // Load date - 1, Unload date - 2 String rateUsing = "Load date"; Double rate = row.getCell(7).getNumericCellValue(); Double fuelSurchargeAmount = row.getCell(8).getNumericCellValue(); Double otherCharges = row.getCell(9).getNumericCellValue(); subcontractorRate = new SubcontractorRate(); String query = "select obj from SubContractor obj where " + " obj.status=1" + " and'" + subcontractorName + "'"; List<SubContractor> subcontractorList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); if (subcontractorList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Subcontractor,"); } else { subcontractorRate.setSubcontractor(subcontractorList.get(0)); } List<Location> companyList = retrieveLocationData(3, companyName); if (companyList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Company,"); } else { subcontractorRate.setCompanyLocation(companyList.get(0)); } List<Location> transferStationList = retrieveLocationData(1, transferStationName); if (transferStationList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Transfer Station,"); } else { subcontractorRate.setTransferStation(transferStationList.get(0)); } List<Location> landfillList = retrieveLocationData(2, landfillName); if (landfillList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Landfill,"); } else { subcontractorRate.setLandfill(landfillList.get(0)); } List<StaticData> rateTypesList = retrieveStaticData("RATE_TYPE", rateType); List<StaticData> billUsingList = retrieveStaticData("BILL_USING", billUsing); List<StaticData> sortByList = retrieveStaticData("BILL_USING", sortBy); List<StaticData> rateUsingList = retrieveStaticData("RATE_USING", rateUsing); subcontractorRate.setRateType(new Integer(rateTypesList.get(0).getDataValue())); subcontractorRate.setBillUsing(new Integer(billUsingList.get(0).getDataValue())); subcontractorRate.setSortBy(new Integer(sortByList.get(0).getDataValue())); subcontractorRate.setRateUsing(new Integer(rateUsingList.get(0).getDataValue())); subcontractorRate.setFuelSurchargeAmount(fuelSurchargeAmount); subcontractorRate.setOtherCharges(otherCharges); subcontractorRate.setValue(rate); subcontractorRate.setValidFrom(validFrom); subcontractorRate.setValidTo(validTo); if (checkDuplicate(subcontractorRate)) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate record,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record,"); } if (recordError) { String msgPreffix = fatalRecordError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add(msgPreffix + "Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalRecordError) { subcontractorRateList.add(subcontractorRate); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records being loaded: " + subcontractorRateList.size()); if (!subcontractorRateList.isEmpty()) { for (SubcontractorRate aSubcontractorRate : subcontractorRateList) { aSubcontractorRate.setStatus(1); aSubcontractorRate.setCreatedBy(createdBy); aSubcontractorRate.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(aSubcontractorRate); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Subcontractor Rate data: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importWMInvoice(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat wmDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat wmDateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy"); // 5/30/2017 4:15:53 AM SimpleDateFormat wmDateTimeStrFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a"); SimpleDateFormat requiredTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = TicketUtils.getWMInvoiceColMapping(); if (colMapping.size() <= 0) { errorList.add("Location not supported"); return errorList; } int recordsToBeSkipped = TicketUtils.getWMInvoiceRecordsToBeSkipped(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); WMInvoice currentWMInvoice = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentWMInvoice = new WMInvoice(); Integer ticketCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TICKET); String ticketStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(ticketCol))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ticketStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Ticket, "); } else { Long ticket = Long.parseLong(ticketStr); currentWMInvoice.setTicket(ticket); } Integer txnDateCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TXN_DATE); Object txnDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(txnDateCol), true); if (txnDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Date, "); } else if (txnDateObj instanceof Date) { currentWMInvoice.setTxnDate((Date) txnDateObj); } else { String txnDateStr = txnDateObj.toString(); Date txnDate = wmDateFormat.parse(txnDateStr); currentWMInvoice.setTxnDate(txnDate); } Integer timeInCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TIME_IN); Object timeInObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(timeInCol), true); if (timeInObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time In, "); } else { SimpleDateFormat timeInDateFormat = wmDateTimeFormat; if (!(timeInObj instanceof Date)) { timeInDateFormat = wmDateTimeStrFormat; } String timeInStr = timeInObj.toString(); timeInStr = StringUtils.replace(timeInStr, ".", StringUtils.EMPTY); String reqTimeInStr = convertDateFormat(timeInStr, timeInDateFormat, requiredTimeFormat); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(reqTimeInStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time In, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setTimeIn(reqTimeInStr); } } Integer timeOutCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TIME_OUT); Object timeOutObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(timeOutCol), true); if (timeOutObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time Out, "); } else { SimpleDateFormat timeOutDateFormat = wmDateTimeFormat; if (!(timeOutObj instanceof Date)) { timeOutDateFormat = wmDateTimeStrFormat; } String timeOutStr = timeOutObj.toString(); timeOutStr = StringUtils.replace(timeOutStr, ".", StringUtils.EMPTY); String reqTimeOutStr = convertDateFormat(timeOutStr, timeOutDateFormat, requiredTimeFormat); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(reqTimeOutStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time Out, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setTimeOut(reqTimeOutStr); } } Integer wmOriginCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_ORIGIN); String wmOriginStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmOriginCol))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(wmOriginStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Origin, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setWmOrigin(wmOriginStr); List<Location> originList = retrieveLocationDataByLongName(1, wmOriginStr); if (originList == null || originList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Origin, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setOrigin(originList.get(0)); } } Integer wmDestinationCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_DESTINATION); String wmDestinationStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmDestinationCol))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(wmDestinationStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Destination, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setWmDestination(wmDestinationStr); List<Location> destinationList = retrieveLocationDataByLongName(2, wmDestinationStr); if (destinationList == null || destinationList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Destination, "); } else { currentWMInvoice.setDestination(destinationList.get(0)); } } Integer wmVehicleCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_VEHICLE); if (wmVehicleCol != null) { String wmVehicleStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmVehicleCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmVehicleStr)) { currentWMInvoice.setWmVehicle(wmVehicleStr); } } Integer wmTrailerCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TRAILER); if (wmTrailerCol != null) { String wmTrailerStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmTrailerCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmTrailerStr)) { currentWMInvoice.setWmTrailer(wmTrailerStr); } } Integer grossCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_GROSS); Object grossObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(grossCol), true); Double grossWeight = null; if (grossObj instanceof Double) { grossWeight = (Double) grossObj; } else { String grossObjStr = (String) grossObj; grossObjStr = StringUtils.replace(grossObjStr, ",", StringUtils.EMPTY); grossWeight = Double.valueOf(grossObjStr); } currentWMInvoice.setGross(grossWeight); Integer tareCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TARE); Object tareObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(tareCol), true); Double tareWeight = null; if (tareObj instanceof Double) { tareWeight = (Double) tareObj; } else { String tareObjStr = (String) tareObj; tareObjStr = StringUtils.replace(tareObjStr, ",", StringUtils.EMPTY); tareWeight = Double.valueOf(tareObjStr); } currentWMInvoice.setTare(tareWeight); Integer netCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_NET); Object netObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(netCol), true); Double netWeight = null; if (netObj instanceof Double) { netWeight = (Double) netObj; } else { String netObjStr = (String) netObj; netObjStr = StringUtils.replace(netObjStr, ",", StringUtils.EMPTY); netWeight = Double.valueOf(netObjStr); } currentWMInvoice.setNet(netWeight); Integer amountCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_AMOUNT); Object amountObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(amountCol), true); Double amount = null; if (amountObj instanceof Double) { amount = (Double) amountObj; } else { amount = Double.valueOf((String) amountObj); } currentWMInvoice.setAmount(amount); Integer fscCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_FSC); Object fscObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(fscCol), true); Double fsc = null; if (fscObj instanceof Double) { fsc = (Double) fscObj; } else { fsc = Double.valueOf((String) fscObj); } currentWMInvoice.setFsc(fsc); Integer totalAmountCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_TOTAL_AMOUNT); Object totalAmountObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalAmountCol), true); Double totalAmount = null; if (totalAmountObj instanceof Double) { totalAmount = (Double) totalAmountObj; } else { totalAmount = Double.valueOf((String) totalAmountObj); } currentWMInvoice.setTotalAmount(totalAmount); Integer wmStatusCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_STATUS); if (wmStatusCol != null) { String wmStatusStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmStatusCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmStatusStr)) { currentWMInvoice.setWmStatus(wmStatusStr); } } Integer wmStatusCodeCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_STATUS_CODE); if (wmStatusCodeCol != null) { String wmStatusCodeStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmStatusCodeCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmStatusCodeStr)) { currentWMInvoice.setWmStatusCode(wmStatusCodeStr); } } Integer wmTicketCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_INVOICE_COL_WM_TICKET); if (wmTicketCol != null) { String wmTicketStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmTicketCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmTicketStr)) { currentWMInvoice.setWmTicket(wmTicketStr); } } WMInvoice existingWMInvoice = checkDuplicateWMInvoice(currentWMInvoice); if (existingWMInvoice != null) { if (StringUtils.equals(currentWMInvoice.getWmStatusCode(), existingWMInvoice.getWmStatusCode())) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate WM Invoice, "); } else { existingWMInvoice.setWmStatusCode(currentWMInvoice.getWmStatusCode()); existingWMInvoice.setWmStatus(currentWMInvoice.getWmStatus()); existingWMInvoice.setModifiedBy(createdBy); existingWMInvoice.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(existingWMInvoice); successCount++; continue; } } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } currentWMInvoice.setStatus(1); currentWMInvoice.setCreatedBy(createdBy); currentWMInvoice.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMInvoice); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing WM Invoice: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importAccidentNotReportedData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat accidentDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getAccidentNotReportedColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Accident currentAccident = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentAccident = new Accident(); Integer driverNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_NOT_REPORTED_COL_NAME); String driverName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverNameCol))); driverName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(driverName); Driver driver = null; if (StringUtils.contains(driverName, ",")) { driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriverByCommaSep(driverName, genericDAO); } else { driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriver(driverName, genericDAO, true); } if (driver == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, "); } else { currentAccident.setDriver(driver); } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_NOT_REPORTED_COL_INCIDENT_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentAccident.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); incidentDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(incidentDateStr); Date incidentDate = accidentDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentAccident.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } Accident existingAccident = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveMatchingAccident(currentAccident, genericDAO); if (existingAccident == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("No matching existing Accident record found to update costs, "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } Integer totalCostCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_NOT_REPORTED_COL_TOTAL_COST); Object totalCostObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalCostCol), true); Double totalCost = null; if (totalCostObj != null) { if (totalCostObj instanceof Double) { totalCost = (Double) totalCostObj; } else { String totalCostStr = (String) totalCostObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(totalCostStr)) { totalCost = Double.valueOf(totalCostStr); } } existingAccident.setTotalCost(totalCost); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } existingAccident.setModifiedBy(createdBy); existingAccident.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(existingAccident); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Accident Not Reported record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing accidents not reported...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Accident Not Reported data: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importAccidentReportedData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat accidentDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getAccidentReportedColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Accident currentAccident = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentAccident = new Accident(); Integer insuranceCompanyCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_INUSRANCE_COMPANY); String inuranceCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceCompanyCol))); inuranceCompanyStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(inuranceCompanyStr); InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany = WorkerCompUtils .retrieveInsuranceCompanyByName(inuranceCompanyStr, genericDAO); if (insuranceCompany == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Inurance Company, "); } else { currentAccident.setInsuranceCompany(insuranceCompany); } Integer insuranceClaimNoCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_CLAIM); String claimNo = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceClaimNoCol))); claimNo = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(claimNo); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(claimNo)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Claim No, "); } else { currentAccident.setClaimNumber(claimNo); } Integer driverNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_EMPLOYEE); String driverName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverNameCol))); driverName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(driverName); Driver driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriver(driverName, genericDAO, true); if (driver == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, "); } else { currentAccident.setDriver(driver); } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_INCIDENT_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentAccident.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); incidentDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(incidentDateStr); Date incidentDate = accidentDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentAccident.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } Accident existingAccident = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveMatchingAccident(currentAccident, genericDAO); if (existingAccident == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("No matching existing Accident record found to update costs, "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } Integer statusCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_STATUS); String statusStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(statusCol))); statusStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(statusStr); StaticData status = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveAccidentStatus(statusStr, genericDAO); if (status == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Status, "); } else { existingAccident.setAccidentStatus(Integer.valueOf(status.getDataValue())); } Integer deductibleCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_DEDUCTIBLE); Object deductibleObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(deductibleCol), true); Double deductible = null; if (deductibleObj != null) { if (deductibleObj instanceof Double) { deductible = (Double) deductibleObj; } else { String deductibleStr = (String) deductibleObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deductibleStr)) { deductible = Double.valueOf(deductibleStr); } } existingAccident.setDeductible(deductible); } Integer expenseCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_EXPENSE); Object expenseObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(expenseCol), true); Double expense = null; if (expenseObj != null) { if (expenseObj instanceof Double) { expense = (Double) expenseObj; } else { String expenseStr = (String) expenseObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expenseStr)) { expense = Double.valueOf(expenseStr); } } existingAccident.setExpense(expense); } Integer reserveCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_RESERVE); Object reserveObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(reserveCol), true); Double reserve = null; if (reserveObj != null) { if (reserveObj instanceof Double) { reserve = (Double) reserveObj; } else { String reserveStr = (String) reserveObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(reserveStr)) { reserve = Double.valueOf(reserveStr); } } existingAccident.setReserve(reserve); } Integer paidCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_PAID); Object paidObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(paidCol), true); Double paid = null; if (paidObj != null) { if (paidObj instanceof Double) { paid = (Double) paidObj; } else { String paidStr = (String) paidObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paidStr)) { paid = Double.valueOf(paidStr); } } existingAccident.setPaid(paid); } Integer totalCostCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_REPORTED_COL_TOTAL_COST); Object totalCostObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalCostCol), true); Double totalCost = null; if (totalCostObj != null) { if (totalCostObj instanceof Double) { totalCost = (Double) totalCostObj; } else { String totalCostStr = (String) totalCostObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(totalCostStr)) { totalCost = Double.valueOf(totalCostStr); } } existingAccident.setTotalCost(totalCost); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } existingAccident.setModifiedBy(createdBy); existingAccident.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(existingAccident); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Accident Reported record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing accidents reported...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Accident Reported data: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importAccidentMainData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat accidentDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getAccidentMainColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Accident currentAccident = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentAccident = new Accident(); Integer insuranceCompanyCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_INUSRANCE_COMPANY); String inuranceCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceCompanyCol))); inuranceCompanyStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(inuranceCompanyStr); InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany = null; if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(inuranceCompanyStr, "Not Reported")) { insuranceCompany = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInsuranceCompanyByName(inuranceCompanyStr, genericDAO); if (insuranceCompany == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Inurance Company, "); } else { currentAccident.setInsuranceCompany(insuranceCompany); } } Integer insuranceClaimNoCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_CLAIM_NO); String claimNo = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceClaimNoCol))); claimNo = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(claimNo); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(claimNo)) { claimNo = null; } currentAccident.setClaimNumber(claimNo); boolean missingDriver = false; Integer driverNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_DRIVER_NAME); String driverName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverNameCol))); driverName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(driverName); Driver driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriverByCommaSep(driverName, genericDAO); if (driver == null) { /*recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, ");*/ missingDriver = true; } else { currentAccident.setDriver(driver); } if (missingDriver) { Integer subcontractorNameCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_SUBCONTRACTOR); String subcontractorName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(subcontractorNameCol))); subcontractorName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(subcontractorName); SubContractor subcontractor = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveSubcontractor(subcontractorName, genericDAO); if (subcontractor == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Either Employee or Subcontractor is required "); } else { currentAccident.setSubcontractor(subcontractor); } } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_INCIDENT_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentAccident.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); incidentDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(incidentDateStr); Date incidentDate = accidentDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentAccident.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } String dayOfWeek = WorkerCompUtils.deriveDayOfWeek(currentAccident.getIncidentDate()); currentAccident.setIncidentDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek); Integer vehicleCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_UNIT); String unit = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(vehicleCol))); unit = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(unit); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(unit)) { Vehicle vehicle = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveVehicleForUnit(unit, currentAccident.getIncidentDate(), genericDAO); if (vehicle == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg .append("Vehicle (either unit is invalid or not valid for incident date), "); } else { currentAccident.setVehicle(vehicle); } } Integer monthsOfServiceCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_MONTHS_OF_SERVICE); String monthsOfServiceStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(monthsOfServiceCol), true)); monthsOfServiceStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(monthsOfServiceStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(monthsOfServiceStr)) { //if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(monthsOfServiceStr)) { monthsOfServiceStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(monthsOfServiceStr, "."); Integer monthsOfService = Integer.valueOf(monthsOfServiceStr); currentAccident.setDriverMonthsOfService(monthsOfService); //} } Integer hireDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_HIRE_DATE); Object hireDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(hireDateCol), true); if (hireDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Hire Date, "); } else if (hireDateObj instanceof Date) { currentAccident.setDriverHiredDate((Date) hireDateObj); } else { String hireDateStr = hireDateObj.toString(); hireDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(hireDateStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(hireDateStr)) { Date hireDate = accidentDateFormat.parse(hireDateStr); currentAccident.setDriverHiredDate(hireDate); } } Integer loationCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_LOCATION); String locationStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(loationCol))); locationStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(locationStr); currentAccident.setLocation(locationStr); Integer companyCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_COMPANY); String companyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(companyCol))); companyStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(companyStr); List<Location> locationList = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveCompanyTerminal(companyStr, genericDAO); if (locationList == null || locationList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Company, "); } else { currentAccident.setDriverCompany(locationList.get(0)); currentAccident.setDriverTerminal(locationList.get(1)); } Integer stateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_STATE); String stateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(stateCol))); stateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(stateStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(stateStr)) { State state = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveState(stateStr, genericDAO); if (state == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("State, "); } else { currentAccident.setState(state); } } Integer accidentCauseCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_CAUSE); String accidentCauseStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(accidentCauseCol))); accidentCauseStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(accidentCauseStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accidentCauseStr)) { AccidentCause accidentCause = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveAccidentCause(accidentCauseStr, genericDAO); if (accidentCause == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Accident Cause, "); } else { currentAccident.setAccidentCause(accidentCause); } } Integer accidentRoadConditionCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_ROAD); String accidentRoadConditionStr = ((String) getCellValue( row.getCell(accidentRoadConditionCol))); accidentRoadConditionStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(accidentRoadConditionStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accidentRoadConditionStr)) { AccidentRoadCondition accidentRoadCondition = WorkerCompUtils .retrieveAccidentRoadCondition(accidentRoadConditionStr, genericDAO); if (accidentRoadCondition == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Road Condition, "); } else { currentAccident.setRoadCondition(accidentRoadCondition); } } Integer accidentWeatherCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_WEATHER); String accidentWeatherStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(accidentWeatherCol))); accidentWeatherStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(accidentWeatherStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accidentWeatherStr)) { AccidentWeather accidentWeather = WorkerCompUtils .retrieveAccidentWeather(accidentWeatherStr, genericDAO); if (accidentWeather == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Weather, "); } else { currentAccident.setWeather(accidentWeather); } } Integer commentsCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_ACCIDENT_COMMENTS); String commentsStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(commentsCol))); commentsStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(commentsStr); currentAccident.setNotes(commentsStr); Integer vehicleDamageCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_VEHICLE_DAMAGE); String vehicleDamageStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(vehicleDamageCol))); vehicleDamageStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(vehicleDamageStr); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(vehicleDamageStr, "Yes")) { currentAccident.setVehicleDamage("Yes"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(vehicleDamageStr, "No")) { currentAccident.setVehicleDamage("No"); } Integer towedCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_TOWED); String towedStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(towedCol))); towedStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(towedStr); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(towedStr, "Yes")) { currentAccident.setTowed("Yes"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(towedStr, "No")) { currentAccident.setTowed("No"); } Integer noInjuredCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_NO_INJURED); String noInjuredStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(noInjuredCol))); noInjuredStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(noInjuredStr); currentAccident.setNoInjured(noInjuredStr); Integer citationCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_CITATION); String citationStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(citationCol))); citationStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(citationStr); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(citationStr, "Yes")) { currentAccident.setCitation("Yes"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(citationStr, "No")) { currentAccident.setCitation("No"); } Integer recordableCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_RECORDABLE); String recordableStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(recordableCol))); recordableStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(recordableStr); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(recordableStr, "Yes")) { currentAccident.setRecordable("Yes"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(recordableStr, "No")) { currentAccident.setRecordable("No"); } Integer hmRelaseCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_HM_RELEASE); String hmReleaseStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(hmRelaseCol))); hmReleaseStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(hmReleaseStr); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(hmReleaseStr, "Yes")) { currentAccident.setHmRelease("Yes"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(hmReleaseStr, "No")) { currentAccident.setHmRelease("No"); } Integer claimRepCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_CLAIM_REP); String claimRepStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(claimRepCol))); claimRepStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(claimRepStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(claimRepStr) && insuranceCompany != null) { InsuranceCompanyRep claimRep = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveClaimRep(claimRepStr, insuranceCompany, genericDAO); /*if (claimRep == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Claim Rep, "); } else {*/ currentAccident.setClaimRep(claimRep); //} } Integer statusCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.ACCIDENT_MAIN_COL_STATUS); String statusStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(statusCol))); statusStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(statusStr); StaticData status = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveAccidentStatus(statusStr, genericDAO); if (status == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Status, "); } else { currentAccident.setAccidentStatus(Integer.valueOf(status.getDataValue())); } if (WorkerCompUtils.checkDuplicateAccident(currentAccident, genericDAO)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate Accident, "); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } currentAccident.setStatus(1); currentAccident.setCreatedBy(createdBy); currentAccident.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentAccident); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Accident Main record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing accidents...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Accident Main: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importInjuryMainData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat injuryDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getInjuryMainColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Injury currentInjury = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentInjury = new Injury(); Integer insuranceCompanyCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_INUSRANCE_COMPANY); String inuranceCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceCompanyCol))); InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany = null; if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(inuranceCompanyStr, "Not Reported")) { insuranceCompany = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInsuranceCompanyByName(inuranceCompanyStr, genericDAO); if (insuranceCompany == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Inurance Company, "); } else { currentInjury.setInsuranceCompany(insuranceCompany); } } Integer insuranceClaimNoCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_CLAIM_NO); String claimNo = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceClaimNoCol))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(claimNo)) { claimNo = null; } currentInjury.setClaimNumber(claimNo); Integer driverLastNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_LAST_NAME); String driverLastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverLastNameCol))); Integer driverFirstNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_FIRST_NAME); String driverFirstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverFirstNameCol))); Driver driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriver(driverFirstName, driverLastName, genericDAO); if (driver == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, "); } else { currentInjury.setDriver(driver); } Integer driverAgeCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_AGE); String driverAgeStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverAgeCol), true)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(driverAgeStr)) { //if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(driverAgeStr)) { driverAgeStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(driverAgeStr, "."); Integer driverAge = Integer.valueOf(driverAgeStr); currentInjury.setDriverAge(driverAge); //} } Integer monthsOfServiceCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_MONTHS_OF_SERVICE); String monthsOfServiceStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(monthsOfServiceCol), true)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(monthsOfServiceStr)) { //if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(monthsOfServiceStr)) { monthsOfServiceStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(monthsOfServiceStr, "."); Integer monthsOfService = Integer.valueOf(monthsOfServiceStr); currentInjury.setDriverMonthsOfService(monthsOfService); //} } Integer companyCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_COMPANY); String companyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(companyCol))); List<Location> locationList = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveCompanyTerminal(companyStr, genericDAO); if (locationList == null || locationList.isEmpty()) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Company, "); } else { currentInjury.setDriverCompany(locationList.get(0)); currentInjury.setDriverTerminal(locationList.get(1)); } Integer positionCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_POSITION); String positionStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(positionCol))); EmployeeCatagory employeeCategory = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveEmployeeCategory(positionStr, genericDAO); if (employeeCategory == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Position, "); } else { currentInjury.setDriverCategory(employeeCategory); } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_INCIDENT_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentInjury.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); Date incidentDate = injuryDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentInjury.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } String dayOfWeek = WorkerCompUtils.deriveDayOfWeek(currentInjury.getIncidentDate()); currentInjury.setIncidentDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek); Integer timeOfDayCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_TIME_OF_DAY); Object timeOfDayObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(timeOfDayCol), true); Integer amPMCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_AM_PM); String amPMStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(amPMCol))); String incidentTime = WorkerCompUtils.deriveIncidentTime(timeOfDayObj, amPMStr); currentInjury.setIncidentTime(incidentTime); currentInjury.setIncidentTimeAMPM(amPMStr); Integer returnToWorkCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_RETURN_TO_WORK); Object returnToWorkObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(returnToWorkCol), true); String returnToWorkStr = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (returnToWorkObj != null) { if (returnToWorkObj instanceof Date) { returnToWorkStr = injuryDateFormat.format((Date) returnToWorkObj); } else { returnToWorkStr = (String) returnToWorkObj; } } currentInjury.setReturnToWork(returnToWorkStr); Integer incidentTypeCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_INCIDENT_TYPE); String incidentTypeStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentTypeCol))); InjuryIncidentType injuryIncidentType = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveIncidentType(incidentTypeStr, genericDAO); if (injuryIncidentType == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Type, "); } else { currentInjury.setIncidentType(injuryIncidentType); } Integer injuryToCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_INJURY_TO); String injuryToStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(injuryToCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(injuryToStr)) { InjuryToType injuryToType = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInjuryToType(injuryToStr, genericDAO); if (injuryToType == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Injury To, "); } else { currentInjury.setInjuryTo(injuryToType); } } Integer commentsCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_INJURY_COMMENTS); String commentsStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(commentsCol))); currentInjury.setNotes(commentsStr); Integer lostWorkDaysCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_LOST_WORK_DAYS); String lostWorkDaysStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(lostWorkDaysCol), true)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lostWorkDaysStr)) { //if (StringUtils.isNumeric(lostWorkDaysStr)) { lostWorkDaysStr = StringUtils.substringBefore(lostWorkDaysStr, "."); Integer lostWorkDays = Integer.valueOf(lostWorkDaysStr); currentInjury.setNoOfLostWorkDays(lostWorkDays); //} } Integer tarpRelatedInjuryCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_TARP_RELATED_INJURY); String tarpRelatedInjuryStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(tarpRelatedInjuryCol))); if (StringUtils.equals(tarpRelatedInjuryStr, "Yes") || StringUtils.equals(tarpRelatedInjuryStr, "No")) { currentInjury.setTarpRelatedInjury(tarpRelatedInjuryStr); } Integer firstReportOfInjuryCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_FIRST_INJURY); String firstReportOfInjuryStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(firstReportOfInjuryCol))); if (StringUtils.equals(firstReportOfInjuryStr, "Yes") || StringUtils.equals(firstReportOfInjuryStr, "No")) { currentInjury.setFirstReportOfInjury(firstReportOfInjuryStr); } Integer claimRepCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_CLAIM_REP); String claimRepStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(claimRepCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(claimRepStr) && insuranceCompany != null) { InsuranceCompanyRep claimRep = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveClaimRep(claimRepStr, insuranceCompany, genericDAO); /*if (claimRep == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Claim Rep, "); } else {*/ currentInjury.setClaimRep(claimRep); //} } Integer statusCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_STATUS); String statusStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(statusCol))); StaticData status = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInjuryStatus(statusStr, genericDAO); if (status == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Status, "); } else { currentInjury.setInjuryStatus(Integer.valueOf(status.getDataValue())); } Integer loationCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_MAIN_COL_LOCATION); String locationStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(loationCol))); currentInjury.setLocation(locationStr); /*if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(locationStr)) { Location location = InjuryUtils.retrieveInjuryLocation(locationStr, genericDAO); if (location == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Location, "); } else { currentInjury.setLocation(location); } }*/ if (WorkerCompUtils.checkDuplicateInjury(currentInjury, genericDAO)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate Injury, "); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } currentInjury.setStatus(1); currentInjury.setCreatedBy(createdBy); currentInjury.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentInjury); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Injury Main record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing injuries...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Injury Main: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importInjuryReportedData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat injuryDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getInjuryReportedColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Injury currentInjury = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentInjury = new Injury(); Integer insuranceCompanyCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_INUSRANCE_COMPANY); String inuranceCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(insuranceCompanyCol))); InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany = null; insuranceCompany = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInsuranceCompanyByName(inuranceCompanyStr, genericDAO); if (insuranceCompany == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Inurance Company, "); } else { currentInjury.setInsuranceCompany(insuranceCompany); } Integer employeeCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_EMPLOYEE); String employeeName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(employeeCol))); Driver driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriver(employeeName, genericDAO, true); if (driver == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee, "); } else { currentInjury.setDriver(driver); } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_INCIDENT_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Incident Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentInjury.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); Date incidentDate = injuryDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentInjury.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } Injury existingInjury = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveMatchingInjury(currentInjury, genericDAO); if (existingInjury == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("No matching existing Injury record found to update costs, "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } Integer employedCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_EMPLOYED); String employedStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(employedCol))); if (StringUtils.equals(employedStr, "Yes") || StringUtils.equals(employedStr, "No")) { existingInjury.setEmployed(employedStr); } Integer workingCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_WORKING); String workingStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(workingCol))); if (StringUtils.equals(workingStr, "Yes") || StringUtils.equals(workingStr, "No")) { existingInjury.setWorking(workingStr); } Integer statusCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_STATUS); String statusStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(statusCol))); StaticData status = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveInjuryStatus(statusStr, genericDAO); if (status == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Status, "); } else { existingInjury.setInjuryStatus(Integer.valueOf(status.getDataValue())); } Integer medicalCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_MEDICAL); Object medicalObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(medicalCol), true); Double medical = null; if (medicalObj != null) { if (medicalObj instanceof Double) { medical = (Double) medicalObj; } else { String medicalStr = (String) medicalObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(medicalStr)) { medical = Double.valueOf(medicalStr); } } existingInjury.setMedicalCost(medical); } Integer indemnityCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_INDEMNITY); Object indemnityObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(indemnityCol), true); Double indemnity = null; if (indemnityObj != null) { if (indemnityObj instanceof Double) { indemnity = (Double) indemnityObj; } else { String indemnityStr = (String) indemnityObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(indemnityStr)) { indemnity = Double.valueOf(indemnityStr); } } existingInjury.setIndemnityCost(indemnity); } Integer expenseCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_EXPENSE); Object expenseObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(expenseCol), true); Double expense = null; if (expenseObj != null) { if (expenseObj instanceof Double) { expense = (Double) expenseObj; } else { String expenseStr = (String) expenseObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expenseStr)) { expense = Double.valueOf(expenseStr); } } existingInjury.setExpense(expense); } Integer reserveCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_RESERVE); Object reserveObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(reserveCol), true); Double reserve = null; if (reserveObj != null) { if (reserveObj instanceof Double) { reserve = (Double) reserveObj; } else { String reserveStr = (String) reserveObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(reserveStr)) { reserve = Double.valueOf(reserveStr); } } existingInjury.setReserve(reserve); } Integer totalPaidCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_TOTAL_PAID); Object totalPaidObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalPaidCol), true); Double totalPaid = null; if (totalPaidObj != null) { if (totalPaidObj instanceof Double) { totalPaid = (Double) totalPaidObj; } else { String totalPaidStr = (String) totalPaidObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(totalPaidStr)) { totalPaid = Double.valueOf(totalPaidStr); } } existingInjury.setTotalPaid(totalPaid); } Integer totalClaimCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_TOTAL_CLAIM); Object totalClaimObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalClaimCol), true); Double totalClaim = null; if (totalClaimObj != null) { if (totalClaimObj instanceof Double) { totalClaim = (Double) totalClaimObj; } else { String totalClaimStr = (String) totalClaimObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(totalClaimStr)) { totalClaim = Double.valueOf(totalClaimStr); } } existingInjury.setTotalClaimed(totalClaim); } Integer attorneyCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_REPORTED_COL_ATTORNEY); String attorneyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(attorneyCol))); if (StringUtils.equals(attorneyStr, "Yes") || StringUtils.equals(attorneyStr, "No")) { existingInjury.setAttorney(attorneyStr); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } existingInjury.setModifiedBy(createdBy); existingInjury.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(existingInjury); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Injury Reported record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing injuries...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Injury Reported data: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importInjuryNotReportedData(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat injuryDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Map<String, Integer> colMapping = WorkerCompUtils.getInjuryNotReportedColMapping(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); int recordsToBeSkipped = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); Injury currentInjury = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentInjury = new Injury(); Integer driverLastNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_LAST_NAME); String driverLastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverLastNameCol))); Integer driverFirstNameCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_FIRST_NAME); String driverFirstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(driverFirstNameCol))); Driver driver = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveDriver(driverFirstName, driverLastName, genericDAO); if (driver == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, "); } else { currentInjury.setDriver(driver); } Integer incidentDateCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_INJURY_DATE); Object incidentDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(incidentDateCol), true); if (incidentDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Injury Date, "); } else if (incidentDateObj instanceof Date) { currentInjury.setIncidentDate((Date) incidentDateObj); } else { String incidentDateStr = incidentDateObj.toString(); Date incidentDate = injuryDateFormat.parse(incidentDateStr); currentInjury.setIncidentDate(incidentDate); } Injury existingInjury = WorkerCompUtils.retrieveMatchingInjury(currentInjury, genericDAO); if (existingInjury == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("No matching existing Injury record found to update costs, "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } Integer returnToWorkDateCol = colMapping .get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_RETURN_TO_WORK_DATE); Object returnToWorkDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(returnToWorkDateCol), true); if (returnToWorkDateObj != null) { if (returnToWorkDateObj instanceof Date) { existingInjury.setReturnToWorkDate((Date) returnToWorkDateObj); } else { String returnToWorkDateStr = returnToWorkDateObj.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(returnToWorkDateStr)) { Date returnToWorkDate = injuryDateFormat.parse(returnToWorkDateStr); existingInjury.setReturnToWorkDate(returnToWorkDate); } } } Integer lostWorkDaysCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_LOST_DAYS); String lostWorkDaysStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(lostWorkDaysCol), true)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lostWorkDaysStr)) { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(lostWorkDaysStr)) { Integer lostWorkDays = Integer.valueOf(lostWorkDaysStr); existingInjury.setNoOfLostWorkDays(lostWorkDays); } } Integer medicalCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_MEDICAL); Object medicalObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(medicalCol), true); Double medical = null; if (medicalObj != null) { if (medicalObj instanceof Double) { medical = (Double) medicalObj; } else { String medicalStr = (String) medicalObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(medicalStr)) { medical = Double.valueOf(medicalStr); } } existingInjury.setMedicalCost(medical); } Integer indemnityCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_INDEMNITY); Object indemnityObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(indemnityCol), true); Double indemnity = null; if (indemnityObj != null) { if (indemnityObj instanceof Double) { indemnity = (Double) indemnityObj; } else { String indemnityStr = (String) indemnityObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(indemnityStr)) { indemnity = Double.valueOf(indemnityStr); } } existingInjury.setIndemnityCost(indemnity); } Integer totalPaidCol = colMapping.get(WorkerCompUtils.INJURY_NOT_REPORTED_COL_TOTAL_PAID); Object totalPaidObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(totalPaidCol), true); Double totalPaid = null; if (totalPaidObj != null) { if (totalPaidObj instanceof Double) { totalPaid = (Double) totalPaidObj; } else { String totalPaidStr = (String) totalPaidObj; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(totalPaidStr)) { totalPaid = Double.valueOf(totalPaidStr); } } existingInjury.setTotalPaid(totalPaid); } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } existingInjury.setModifiedBy(createdBy); existingInjury.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(existingInjury); successCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error while processing Injury Not Reported record: " + recordCount + ". " + ex); recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing injuries not reported...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Injury Not Reported data: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importWMTickets(InputStream is, String locationType, String destinationLocation, Long createdBy) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat wmDateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy"); // 5/30/2017 4:15:53 AM SimpleDateFormat wmDateTimeStrFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a"); // 2017-02-03 00:00:00 SimpleDateFormat requiredDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat requiredTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int successCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Location origin = null; Location destination = null; Location locationPtr = null; if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, locationType)) { origin = retrieveOriginForWM(sheet); locationPtr = origin; if (origin == null) { errorList.add("Origin could not be determined"); } } else { //destination = retrieveDestinationForWM(sheet); destination = retrieveDestinationForWM(destinationLocation); locationPtr = destination; if (destination == null) { errorList.add("Destination could not be determined"); } } if (!errorList.isEmpty()) { return errorList; } Map<String, Integer> colMapping = TicketUtils.getWMTicketColMapping(locationPtr.getId()); if (colMapping.size() <= 0) { errorList.add("Location not supported"); return errorList; } int recordsToBeSkipped = TicketUtils.getWMTicketRecordsToBeSkipped(locationPtr.getId()); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); WMTicket currentWMTicket = null; Ticket ticketToBeSaved = null; try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { break; } currentWMTicket = new WMTicket(); if (origin != null) { currentWMTicket.setTicketType(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE); currentWMTicket.setOrigin(origin); } else { currentWMTicket.setTicketType(WMTicket.DESTINATION_TICKET_TYPE); currentWMTicket.setDestination(destination); } Integer ticketCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TICKET); String ticketStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(ticketCol))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ticketStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Ticket, "); } else { Long ticket = Long.parseLong(ticketStr); currentWMTicket.setTicket(ticket); if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, currentWMTicket.getTicketType())) { currentWMTicket.setOriginTicket(ticket); } else { currentWMTicket.setDestinationTicket(ticket); } } Integer haulingTicketCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_HAULING_TICKET); if (haulingTicketCol != null) { String haulingTicketStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(haulingTicketCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(haulingTicketStr) && StringUtils.isNumeric(haulingTicketStr)) { currentWMTicket.setHaulingTicket(Long.parseLong(haulingTicketStr)); } } Integer txnDateCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TXN_DATE); Object txnDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(txnDateCol), true); if (txnDateObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Date, "); } else if (txnDateObj instanceof Date) { currentWMTicket.setTxnDate((Date) txnDateObj); } else { String txnDateStr = txnDateObj.toString(); Date txnDate = wmDateTimeStrFormat.parse(txnDateStr); currentWMTicket.setTxnDate(txnDate); } Integer timeInCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TIME_IN); Object timeInObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(timeInCol), true); if (timeInObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time In, "); } else { SimpleDateFormat timeInDateFormat = wmDateTimeFormat; if (!(timeInObj instanceof Date)) { timeInDateFormat = wmDateTimeStrFormat; } String timeInStr = timeInObj.toString(); String reqTimeInStr = convertDateFormat(timeInStr, timeInDateFormat, requiredTimeFormat); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(reqTimeInStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time In, "); } else { currentWMTicket.setTimeIn(reqTimeInStr); } } Integer timeOutCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TIME_OUT); Object timeOutObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(timeOutCol), true); if (timeOutObj == null) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time Out, "); } else { SimpleDateFormat timeOutDateFormat = wmDateTimeFormat; if (!(timeOutObj instanceof Date)) { timeOutDateFormat = wmDateTimeStrFormat; } String timeOutStr = timeOutObj.toString(); String reqTimeOutStr = convertDateFormat(timeOutStr, timeOutDateFormat, requiredTimeFormat); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(reqTimeOutStr)) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Time Out, "); } else { currentWMTicket.setTimeOut(reqTimeOutStr); Date loadUnloadDate = convertDate(timeOutStr, timeOutDateFormat, requiredDateFormat); if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, currentWMTicket.getTicketType())) { currentWMTicket.setLoadDate(loadUnloadDate); } else { currentWMTicket.setUnloadDate(loadUnloadDate); Date batchDate = TicketUtils.calculateBatchDate(loadUnloadDate); currentWMTicket.setBillBatch(batchDate); } } } Integer wmCompanyCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_COMPANY); if (wmCompanyCol != null) { String wmCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmCompanyCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmCompanyStr)) { currentWMTicket.setWmCompany(wmCompanyStr); } } if (checkCompanyToBeSkipped(currentWMTicket)) { continue; } Integer wmHaulingCompanyCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_HAULING_COMPANY); if (wmHaulingCompanyCol != null) { String wmHaulingCompanyStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmHaulingCompanyCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmHaulingCompanyStr)) { currentWMTicket.setWmHaulingCompany(wmHaulingCompanyStr); if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.DESTINATION_TICKET_TYPE, currentWMTicket.getTicketType())) { /*List<Location> derivedOriginList = retrieveLocationDataByQualifier(1, "haulingName", wmHaulingCompanyStr); if (derivedOriginList != null && !derivedOriginList.isEmpty()) { currentWMTicket.setOrigin(derivedOriginList.get(0)); }*/ List<WMLocation> wmLocationList = retrieveWMLocationByName(wmHaulingCompanyStr, 1); if (wmLocationList != null && !wmLocationList.isEmpty()) { currentWMTicket.setOrigin(wmLocationList.get(0).getLocation()); } } } } Integer wmDestinationCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_DESTINATION); if (wmDestinationCol != null) { String wmDestinationStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmDestinationCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmDestinationStr)) { currentWMTicket.setWmDestination(wmDestinationStr); } } Integer wmVehicleCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_VEHICLE); if (wmVehicleCol != null) { String wmVehicleStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmVehicleCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmVehicleStr)) { currentWMTicket.setWmVehicle(wmVehicleStr); } } Integer wmTrailerCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TRAILER); if (wmTrailerCol != null) { String wmTrailerStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(wmTrailerCol))); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wmTrailerStr)) { currentWMTicket.setWmTrailer(wmTrailerStr); } } Integer grossCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_GROSS); Object grossObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(grossCol), true); Double grossWeight = null; if (grossObj instanceof Double) { grossWeight = (Double) grossObj; } else { grossWeight = Double.valueOf((String) grossObj); } currentWMTicket.setGross(grossWeight); Integer tareCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TARE); Object tareObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(tareCol), true); Double tareWeight = null; if (tareObj instanceof Double) { tareWeight = (Double) tareObj; } else { tareWeight = Double.valueOf((String) tareObj); } currentWMTicket.setTare(tareWeight); Integer netCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_NET); if (netCol != null) { Object netObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(netCol), true); Double netWeight = null; if (netObj instanceof Double) { netWeight = (Double) netObj; } else { netWeight = Double.valueOf((String) netObj); } currentWMTicket.setNet(netWeight); } Integer tonsCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_TONS); if (tonsCol != null) { Object tonsObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(tonsCol), true); Double tonWeight = null; if (tonsObj instanceof Double) { tonWeight = (Double) tonsObj; } else { tonWeight = Double.valueOf((String) tonsObj); } currentWMTicket.setTons(tonWeight); } Integer rateCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_RATE); if (rateCol != null) { Object rateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(rateCol), true); Double rate = null; if (rateObj instanceof Double) { rate = (Double) rateObj; } else { rate = Double.valueOf((String) rateObj); } currentWMTicket.setRate(rate); } Integer amountCol = colMapping.get(TicketUtils.WM_COL_AMOUNT); if (amountCol != null) { Object amountObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(amountCol), true); Double amount = null; if (amountObj instanceof Double) { amount = (Double) amountObj; } else { amount = Double.valueOf((String) amountObj); } currentWMTicket.setAmount(amount); } mapBasedOnTicketType(currentWMTicket); TicketUtils.calculateNetAndTons(currentWMTicket); if (checkDuplicateWMTicket(currentWMTicket)) { /*recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate WM Ticket, ");*/ continue; } if (recordError) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } currentWMTicket.setStatus(1); currentWMTicket.setCreatedBy(createdBy); currentWMTicket.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); Ticket existigTicket = retrieveMatchingTicket(currentWMTicket); if (existigTicket != null) { currentWMTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_TICKET_ALREADY_EXISTS); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMTicket); /*recordError = true; errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + "Ticket already exists" + "<br/>"); errorCount++;*/ continue; } StringBuffer errorMsgBuff = new StringBuffer(); WMTicket destinationTicketCopy = checkAndSetUpAsDestinationWMTicket(currentWMTicket, errorMsgBuff); if (errorMsgBuff.length() != 0) { recordError = true; errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + errorMsgBuff.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } TripSheet tripSheet = retrieveMatchingTripsheet(currentWMTicket); if (tripSheet == null) { currentWMTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_NO_TRIPSHEET); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMTicket); if (destinationTicketCopy != null) { destinationTicketCopy.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_NO_TRIPSHEET); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(destinationTicketCopy); } /*recordError = true; errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + "Did not find matching Trip sheet. WM Ticket is saved for further processing." + "<br/>"); errorCount++;*/ continue; }, tripSheet); if (destinationTicketCopy != null) {, tripSheet); destinationTicketCopy.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_PROCESSING); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(destinationTicketCopy); } // Driver subcontractor change 2 - 21st Jul 2017 if (!TicketUtils.canCreateTicket(tripSheet)) { currentWMTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_PROCESSING); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMTicket); continue; } WMTicket wmOriginTicket = null; WMTicket wmDestinationTicket = null; WMTicket correspondingTicket = null; if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, currentWMTicket.getTicketType())) { wmDestinationTicket = TicketUtils.retrieveWMTicket(tripSheet.getDestinationTicket(), tripSheet.getDestination().getId(), false, WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_PROCESSING, genericDAO); if (wmDestinationTicket != null) { currentWMTicket.setLandfillGross(wmDestinationTicket.getLandfillGross()); currentWMTicket.setLandfillTare(wmDestinationTicket.getLandfillTare()); currentWMTicket.setLandfillTimeIn(wmDestinationTicket.getLandfillTimeIn()); currentWMTicket.setLandfillTimeOut(wmDestinationTicket.getLandfillTimeOut()); ticketToBeSaved = new Ticket(); correspondingTicket = wmDestinationTicket; } } else { wmOriginTicket = TicketUtils.retrieveWMTicket(tripSheet.getOriginTicket(), tripSheet.getOrigin().getId(), true, WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_PROCESSING, genericDAO); if (wmOriginTicket != null) { currentWMTicket.setTransferGross(wmOriginTicket.getTransferGross()); currentWMTicket.setTransferTare(wmOriginTicket.getTransferTare()); currentWMTicket.setTransferTimeIn(wmOriginTicket.getTransferTimeIn()); currentWMTicket.setTransferTimeOut(wmOriginTicket.getTransferTimeOut()); ticketToBeSaved = new Ticket(); correspondingTicket = wmOriginTicket; } } if (ticketToBeSaved == null) { currentWMTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_PROCESSING); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMTicket); continue; } map(ticketToBeSaved, currentWMTicket); TicketUtils.calculateNetAndTons(ticketToBeSaved); TicketUtils.setAutomaticTicketData(ticketToBeSaved);, "complete", recordErrorMsg, genericDAO); if (recordErrorMsg.length() != 0) { errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": Error while saving Ticket: " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; continue; } successCount++; currentWMTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_DONE); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(currentWMTicket); if (correspondingTicket != null) { correspondingTicket.setProcessingStatus(WMTicket.PROCESSING_STATUS_DONE); correspondingTicket.setModifiedBy(createdBy); correspondingTicket.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(correspondingTicket); } } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; errorCount++; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record: " + recordCount + ", "); errorList.add("Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records loaded: " + successCount); } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing WM Tickets: " + ex); } return errorList; } private WMTicket checkAndSetUpAsDestinationWMTicket(WMTicket wmTicket, StringBuffer errorMsgBuff) { if (!StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { return null; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(wmTicket.getWmDestination())) { return null; } long originId = wmTicket.getOrigin().getId().longValue(); List<LocationPair> locationPairList = retrieveLocationPairForOrigin(originId); if (locationPairList == null || locationPairList.isEmpty()) { return null; } /*if (originId != 67l // Varick I Transfer && originId != 70l) { // Waverly Transfer return null; }*/ /*List<Location> derivedDestinationList = retrieveLocationDataByQualifier(2, "haulingName", wmTicket.getWmDestination()); if (derivedDestinationList == null || derivedDestinationList.isEmpty()) { return null; } Location derivedDestination = derivedDestinationList.get(0); if (derivedDestination.getId() != 230l // Varick II Landfill && derivedDestination.getId() != 82l // Reco Landfill && derivedDestination.getId() != 384l // Chesapeake Landfill && derivedDestination.getId() != 379l) { // Shamrock Landfill return null; }*/ List<WMLocation> wmLocationList = retrieveWMLocationByName(wmTicket.getWmDestination(), 2); if (wmLocationList == null || wmLocationList.isEmpty()) { errorMsgBuff.append("Destination not found"); return null; } Location derivedDestination = wmLocationList.get(0).getLocation(); long derivedDestinationId = derivedDestination.getId().longValue(); boolean copyAsDest = false; for (LocationPair aLocationPair : locationPairList) { if (derivedDestinationId == aLocationPair.getDestination().getId().longValue()) { copyAsDest = true; break; } } if (!copyAsDest) { return null; } WMTicket destinationWMTicket = new WMTicket(); copyAsDestination(destinationWMTicket, wmTicket, derivedDestination); return destinationWMTicket; } private boolean checkCompanyToBeSkipped(WMTicket wmTicket) { if (!StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.DESTINATION_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { return false; } if (wmTicket.getDestination().getId().longValue() != 392l) { // Fairless Landfill return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(wmTicket.getWmCompany())) { return true; } if (StringUtils.equals("LU", wmTicket.getWmCompany()) || StringUtils.equals("WB", wmTicket.getWmCompany())) { return false; } return true; } private void copyAsDestination(WMTicket copy, WMTicket orig, Location destination) { copy.setTicket(orig.getTicket()); copy.setTxnDate(orig.getTxnDate()); copy.setCreatedAt(orig.getCreatedAt()); copy.setCreatedBy(orig.getCreatedBy()); copy.setStatus(orig.getStatus()); copy.setProcessingStatus(orig.getProcessingStatus()); copy.setWmVehicle(orig.getWmVehicle()); copy.setWmTrailer(orig.getWmTrailer()); copy.setWmCompany(orig.getWmCompany()); copy.setVehicle(orig.getVehicle()); copy.setTrailer(orig.getTrailer()); copy.setDriver(orig.getDriver()); copy.setDriverCompany(orig.getDriverCompany()); copy.setTerminal(orig.getTerminal()); copy.setTimeIn(orig.getTimeIn()); copy.setTimeOut(orig.getTimeOut()); copy.setGross(orig.getGross()); copy.setTare(orig.getTare()); copy.setNet(orig.getNet()); copy.setTons(orig.getTons()); copy.setTicketType(WMTicket.DESTINATION_TICKET_TYPE); copy.setDestination(destination); copy.setDestinationTicket(orig.getTicket()); copy.setOrigin(orig.getOrigin()); copy.setHaulingTicket(orig.getTicket()); copy.setUnloadDate(orig.getLoadDate()); Date batchDate = TicketUtils.calculateBatchDate(copy.getUnloadDate()); copy.setBillBatch(batchDate); copy.setLandfillTimeIn(orig.getTransferTimeIn()); copy.setLandfillTimeOut(orig.getTransferTimeOut()); copy.setLandfillGross(orig.getTransferGross()); copy.setLandfillTare(orig.getTransferTare()); copy.setLandfillNet(orig.getTransferNet()); copy.setLandfillTons(orig.getTransferTons()); } private Location retrieveOriginForWM(HSSFSheet sheet) { int originRowNo = 2; HSSFRow originRow = sheet.getRow(originRowNo); String originName = ((String) getCellValue(originRow.getCell(0))); originName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(originName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(originName)) { return null; } List<WMLocation> wmLocationList = retrieveWMLocationByName(originName, 1); if (wmLocationList == null || wmLocationList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return wmLocationList.get(0).getLocation(); } /*if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.FORGE_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.FORGE_TRANSFER_STATION; } else if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.PHILADELPHIA_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.PHILADELPHIA_TRANSFER_STATION; } else if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.BQE_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.BQE_TRANSFER_STATION; } else if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.VARICK_I_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.VARICK_I_TRANSFER_STATION; } else if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.YONKERS_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.YONKERS_TRANSFER_STATION; } else if (StringUtils.contains(originName, Location.WAVERLY_TRANSFER_STATION)) { originName = Location.WAVERLY_TRANSFER_STATION; } List<Location> originList = retrieveLocationDataByLongName(1, originName); if (originList == null || originList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return originList.get(0); }*/ } private Location retrieveDestinationForWM(HSSFSheet sheet) { HSSFRow destinationRow = sheet.getRow(1); String destinationName = ((String) getCellValue(destinationRow.getCell(0))); destinationName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(destinationName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(destinationName)) { return null; } List<Location> destinationList = retrieveLocationDataByLongName(2, destinationName); if (destinationList == null || destinationList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return destinationList.get(0); } } private Location retrieveDestinationForWM(String destinationLocation) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(destinationLocation)) { return null; } return retrieveLocationById(destinationLocation); } private void mapBasedOnTicketType(WMTicket wmTicket) { if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { wmTicket.setTransferGross(wmTicket.getGross()); wmTicket.setTransferTare(wmTicket.getTare()); wmTicket.setTransferTimeIn(wmTicket.getTimeIn()); wmTicket.setTransferTimeOut(wmTicket.getTimeOut()); } else { wmTicket.setLandfillGross(wmTicket.getGross()); wmTicket.setLandfillTare(wmTicket.getTare()); wmTicket.setLandfillTimeIn(wmTicket.getTimeIn()); wmTicket.setLandfillTimeOut(wmTicket.getTimeOut()); } } private String convertDateFormat(String actualDateStr, SimpleDateFormat actualDateFormat, SimpleDateFormat requiredDateFormat) throws ParseException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actualDateStr)) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } Date actualDate = actualDateFormat.parse(actualDateStr); String requiredDateStr = requiredDateFormat.format(actualDate); return requiredDateStr; } private Date convertDate(String actualDateStr, SimpleDateFormat actualDateFormat, SimpleDateFormat requiredDateFormat) throws ParseException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actualDateStr)) { return null; } Date actualDate = actualDateFormat.parse(actualDateStr); String requiredDateStr = requiredDateFormat.format(actualDate); return requiredDateFormat.parse(requiredDateStr); } private void map(Ticket ticket, WMTicket wmTicket) { ticket.setVehicle(wmTicket.getVehicle()); ticket.setTrailer(wmTicket.getTrailer()); ticket.setDriver(wmTicket.getDriver()); ticket.setDriverCompany(wmTicket.getDriverCompany()); ticket.setTerminal(wmTicket.getTerminal()); ticket.setBillBatch(wmTicket.getBillBatch()); ticket.setOrigin(wmTicket.getOrigin()); ticket.setDestination(wmTicket.getDestination()); ticket.setOriginTicket(wmTicket.getOriginTicket()); ticket.setDestinationTicket(wmTicket.getDestinationTicket()); ticket.setLoadDate(wmTicket.getLoadDate()); ticket.setUnloadDate(wmTicket.getUnloadDate()); ticket.setTransferTimeIn(wmTicket.getTransferTimeIn()); ticket.setTransferTimeOut(wmTicket.getTransferTimeOut()); ticket.setLandfillTimeIn(wmTicket.getLandfillTimeIn()); ticket.setLandfillTimeOut(wmTicket.getLandfillTimeOut()); ticket.setTransferGross(wmTicket.getTransferGross()); ticket.setTransferTare(wmTicket.getTransferTare()); ticket.setLandfillGross(wmTicket.getLandfillGross()); ticket.setLandfillTare(wmTicket.getLandfillTare()); // Driver subcontractor change 2 - 21st Jul 2017 ticket.setSubcontractor(wmTicket.getSubcontractor()); } private Ticket retrieveMatchingTicket(WMTicket wmTicket) { Ticket ticket = null; if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { ticket = retrieveTicket(wmTicket.getTicket(), wmTicket.getOrigin(), null); } else { ticket = retrieveTicket(wmTicket.getTicket(), null, wmTicket.getDestination()); } return ticket; } private Ticket retrieveTicket(Long ticketNo, Location origin, Location destination) { String query = "select obj from Ticket obj where"; if (origin != null) { query += (" obj.origin=" + origin.getId() + " and obj.originTicket=" + ticketNo); } else { query += (" obj.destination=" + destination.getId() + " and obj.destinationTicket=" + ticketNo); } List<Ticket> ticketList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return (ticketList == null || ticketList.isEmpty()) ? null : ticketList.get(0); } private TripSheet retrieveMatchingTripsheet(WMTicket wmTicket) { TripSheet tripSheet = null; if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { tripSheet = retrieveTripSheet(wmTicket.getTicket(), wmTicket.getOrigin(), null); } else { tripSheet = retrieveTripSheet(wmTicket.getTicket(), null, wmTicket.getDestination()); } return tripSheet; } private TripSheet retrieveTripSheet(Long ticketNo, Location origin, Location destination) { String query = "select obj from TripSheet obj where"; if (origin != null) { query += (" obj.origin=" + origin.getId() + " and obj.originTicket=" + ticketNo); } else { query += (" obj.destination=" + destination.getId() + " and obj.destinationTicket=" + ticketNo); } List<TripSheet> tripSheetList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return (tripSheetList == null || tripSheetList.isEmpty()) ? null : tripSheetList.get(0); } private List<LocationPair> retrieveLocationPairForOrigin(Long originId) { String query = "select obj from LocationPair obj where"; query += (" obj.origin=" + originId); List<LocationPair> locationPairList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return locationPairList; } private List<WMLocation> retrieveWMLocationByName(String wmLocationName, int type) { String query = "select obj from WMLocation obj where"; query += (" obj.wmLocationName='" + wmLocationName + "'"); query += (" and obj.location.type=" + type); List<WMLocation> wmLocationList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return wmLocationList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importEmployeeMainSheet(InputStream is, Long createdBy) throws Exception { List<Driver> driverListToBeSaved = new ArrayList<Driver>(); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); SimpleDateFormat dobFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy"); int recordCount = 0; int dataSetIndex = 0; int errorCount = 0; String employeeName = StringUtils.EMPTY; boolean dataSetError = false; boolean fatalDataSetError = false; StringBuffer dataSetErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); List<Driver> dataSetDriverList = null; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); /*if (recordCount < 10) { continue; }*/ try { String endOfData = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", endOfData)) { if (dataSetError) { String msgPreffix = fatalDataSetError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add(msgPreffix + "Data set: " + (dataSetIndex) + "," + " For employee: " + employeeName + "->Errors: " + dataSetErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalDataSetError && dataSetDriverList != null && !dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { driverListToBeSaved.addAll(dataSetDriverList); } break; } String codeHeader = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); if (StringUtils.equals("Code:", codeHeader)) { dataSetIndex++; if (dataSetError) { String msgPreffix = fatalDataSetError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add(msgPreffix + "Data set: " + (dataSetIndex - 1) + "," + " For employee: " + employeeName + "->Errors: " + dataSetErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalDataSetError && dataSetDriverList != null && !dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { driverListToBeSaved.addAll(dataSetDriverList); } dataSetDriverList = null; dataSetError = false; fatalDataSetError = false; dataSetErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); employeeName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); employeeName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(employeeName); dataSetDriverList = retrieveDriver(employeeName); if (dataSetDriverList == null || dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("Employee Name, "); continue; } String ssn = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(9))); ssn = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(ssn); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ssn)) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("SSN, "); continue; } if (!fatalDataSetError && dataSetDriverList != null && !dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { for (Driver driver : dataSetDriverList) { driver.setSsn(ssn); } } } String licenseHeader = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); if (StringUtils.equals("License Number:", licenseHeader)) { String driverLicense = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); driverLicense = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(driverLicense); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(driverLicense)) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("Driver License, "); continue; } String driverLicenseStateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); driverLicenseStateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(driverLicenseStateStr); State driverLicenseState = retrieveStateByCode(driverLicenseStateStr); if (driverLicenseState == null) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("Driver License State, "); continue; } if (!fatalDataSetError && dataSetDriverList != null && !dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { for (Driver driver : dataSetDriverList) { driver.setDriverLicense(driverLicense); driver.setDriverLicenseState(driverLicenseState); } } } String dobHeader = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); if (StringUtils.equals("Date of Birth:", dobHeader)) { String dobStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); dobStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(dobStr); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dobStr)) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("DOB, "); continue; } Date dob = null; try { dob = dobFormat.parse(dobStr); } catch (ParseException pe) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("DOB, "); continue; } if (!fatalDataSetError && dataSetDriverList != null && !dataSetDriverList.isEmpty()) { for (Driver driver : dataSetDriverList) { driver.setDob(dob); } } } /*if (checkDuplicate()) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("Duplicate Record, "); }*/ } catch (Exception ex) { dataSetError = true; fatalDataSetError = true; dataSetErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record, "); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Data set count: " + dataSetIndex + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records being loaded: " + driverListToBeSaved.size()); for (Driver driverToBeSaved : driverListToBeSaved) { System.out.println("Now loading employee: " + driverToBeSaved.getFullName()); driverToBeSaved.setModifiedBy(createdBy); driverToBeSaved.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(driverToBeSaved); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Employee data: " + ex); } return errorList; } private List<Driver> retrieveDriver(String fullName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fullName)) { return null; } if (fullName.contains("'")) { return null; } String nameTokens[] = fullName.split("[\\s]", 2); if (nameTokens.length < 2) { return null; } String baseQuery = "select obj from Driver obj where"; String whereClause = " obj.firstName='" + nameTokens[0] + "' and obj.lastName='" + nameTokens[1] + "'"; List<Driver> driverList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(baseQuery + whereClause); return driverList; } private State retrieveStateByCode(String stateCode) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { return null; } String baseQuery = "select obj from State obj where"; String whereClause = " obj.code='" + stateCode + "'"; List<State> stateList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(baseQuery + whereClause); if (stateList == null || stateList.isEmpty() || stateList.size() > 1) { return null; } return stateList.get(0); } private boolean checkOldGPSMileageLoaded(Date period) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String periodStr = dateFormat.format(period); String query = "select obj from MileageLog obj where obj.source='OLD_GPS'" + " and obj.period = '" + periodStr + "'"; List<MileageLog> mileageLogs = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); if (mileageLogs != null && !mileageLogs.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importMileageLogMainSheet(InputStream is, Date period, Double resetMiles, Long createdBy) throws Exception { List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!checkOldGPSMileageLoaded(period)) { String errorMsg = "Please upload old mileage first"; errorList.add(errorMsg); return errorList; } List<MileageLog> mileageLogList = new ArrayList<MileageLog>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; int recordsToBeSkipped = 6; DecimalFormat milesFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.0"); try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(1); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); /*if (recordCount == 1) { continue; }*/ if (recordCount <= recordsToBeSkipped) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; boolean fatalRecordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); MileageLog mileageLog = null; try { String unit = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0), true)); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", unit)) { break; } if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(unit)) { continue; } String stateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1), true)); /*if (StringUtils.equals("Total", stateStr)) { continue; }*/ mileageLog = new MileageLog(); Date firstInState = (Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(3), true); if (firstInState == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("First in State,"); } else { mileageLog.setFirstInState(firstInState); } Date lastInState = (Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4), true); if (lastInState == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Last in State,"); } else { mileageLog.setLastInState(lastInState); } Vehicle vehicle = retrieveVehicle(unit, lastInState); if (vehicle == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Unit,"); } else { mileageLog.setUnitNum(unit); mileageLog.setUnit(vehicle); mileageLog.setVin(vehicle.getVinNumber()); mileageLog.setCompany(vehicle.getOwner()); } State state = retrieveStateByCode(stateStr); if (state == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("State,"); } else { mileageLog.setState(state); } String miles = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7), true)); Double milesDbl = processMiles(miles, resetMiles); if (milesDbl == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Miles,"); } else { String formattedMilesStr = milesFormat.format(milesDbl.doubleValue()); Double formattedMiles = new Double(formattedMilesStr); mileageLog.setMiles(formattedMiles); } /*String vin = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); if (!validateVin(vin)) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("VIN,"); } else { mileageLog.setVin(vin); } String groups = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); groups = StringUtils.isEmpty(groups) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : groups; mileageLog.setGroups(groups);*/ mileageLog.setPeriod(period); VehiclePermit vehiclePermit = retrieveVehiclePermit(mileageLog); if (vehiclePermit != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(vehiclePermit.getPermitNumber())) { mileageLog.setVehiclePermit(vehiclePermit); mileageLog.setVehiclePermitNumber(vehiclePermit.getPermitNumber()); } else { mileageLog.setVehiclePermit(null); mileageLog.setVehiclePermitNumber(StringUtils.EMPTY); if (mileageLog.getState() != null && StringUtils.equals("NY", mileageLog.getState().getCode())) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Could not determine vehicle permit,"); } } mileageLog.setGps("Y"); mileageLog.setSource(MileageLog.SOURCE_NEW_GPS); MileageLog existingMileageLog = checkDuplicate(mileageLog); if (existingMileageLog != null) { /*if (!StringUtils.equals(MileageLog.SOURCE_OLD_GPS, existingMileageLog.getSource())) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate record,"); } else {*/ Double consolidatedMiles = existingMileageLog.getMiles() + mileageLog.getMiles(); existingMileageLog.setMiles(consolidatedMiles); existingMileageLog.setLastInState(mileageLog.getLastInState()); if (StringUtils.equals(MileageLog.SOURCE_OLD_GPS, existingMileageLog.getSource()) && StringUtils.equals(MileageLog.SOURCE_NEW_GPS, mileageLog.getSource())) { existingMileageLog.setSource(MileageLog.SOURCE_OLD_NEW_GPS); } existingMileageLog.setModifiedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); existingMileageLog.setModifiedBy(createdBy); mileageLog = existingMileageLog; } } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record,"); } if (recordError) { String msgPreffix = fatalRecordError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add( msgPreffix + "Line " + (recordCount + 1) + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalRecordError) { mileageLogList.add(mileageLog); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records being loaded: " + mileageLogList.size()); if (!mileageLogList.isEmpty()) { for (MileageLog aMileageLog : mileageLogList) { if (aMileageLog.getCreatedBy() == null) { aMileageLog.setCreatedBy(createdBy); aMileageLog.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(aMileageLog); } uploadNoGPSMileageLogData(period, createdBy); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Mileage log: " + ex); } return errorList; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importOldGPSMileageLogMainSheet(InputStream is, Date period, Double resetMiles, Long createdBy) throws Exception { List<MileageLog> mileageLogList = new ArrayList<MileageLog>(); List<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>(); int recordCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow); recordCount++; System.out.println("Processing record No: " + recordCount); if (recordCount == 1) { continue; } boolean recordError = false; boolean fatalRecordError = false; StringBuffer recordErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); MileageLog mileageLog = null; try { String unit = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); if (StringUtils.equals("END_OF_DATA", unit)) { break; } String stateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2))); if (StringUtils.equals("Total", stateStr)) { continue; } mileageLog = new MileageLog(); String firstInStateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); Date firstInState = processFirstInState(firstInStateStr); if (firstInState == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("First in State,"); } else { mileageLog.setFirstInState(firstInState); } String lastInStateStr = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); Date lastInState = processLastInState(lastInStateStr); if (lastInState == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Last in State,"); } else { mileageLog.setLastInState(lastInState); } Vehicle vehicle = retrieveVehicle(unit, lastInState); if (vehicle == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Unit,"); } else { mileageLog.setUnitNum(unit); mileageLog.setUnit(vehicle); mileageLog.setCompany(vehicle.getOwner()); } State state = retrieveStateByLongName(stateStr); if (state == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("State,"); } else { mileageLog.setState(state); } String miles = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); Double milesDbl = processMiles(miles, resetMiles); if (milesDbl == null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Miles,"); } else { mileageLog.setMiles(milesDbl); } String vin = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); if (!validateVin(vin)) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("VIN,"); } else { mileageLog.setVin(vin); } String groups = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); groups = StringUtils.isEmpty(groups) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : groups; mileageLog.setGroups(groups); mileageLog.setPeriod(period); VehiclePermit vehiclePermit = retrieveVehiclePermit(mileageLog); if (vehiclePermit != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(vehiclePermit.getPermitNumber())) { mileageLog.setVehiclePermit(vehiclePermit); mileageLog.setVehiclePermitNumber(vehiclePermit.getPermitNumber()); } else { mileageLog.setVehiclePermit(null); mileageLog.setVehiclePermitNumber(StringUtils.EMPTY); if (mileageLog.getState() != null && StringUtils.equals("NY", mileageLog.getState().getCode())) { recordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Could not determine vehicle permit,"); } } MileageLog existingMileageLog = checkDuplicate(mileageLog); if (existingMileageLog != null) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Duplicate record,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { recordError = true; fatalRecordError = true; recordErrorMsg.append("Error while processing record,"); } if (recordError) { String msgPreffix = fatalRecordError ? "Record NOT loaded->" : "Record LOADED, but has errors->"; errorList.add(msgPreffix + "Line " + recordCount + ": " + recordErrorMsg.toString() + "<br/>"); errorCount++; } if (!fatalRecordError) { mileageLogList.add(mileageLog); } } System.out.println("Done processing...Total record count: " + recordCount + ". Error count: " + errorCount + ". Number of records being loaded: " + mileageLogList.size()); if (!mileageLogList.isEmpty()) { for (MileageLog aMileageLog : mileageLogList) { aMileageLog.setGps("Y"); aMileageLog.setSource(MileageLog.SOURCE_OLD_GPS); aMileageLog.setCreatedBy(createdBy); aMileageLog.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(aMileageLog); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorList.add("Not able to upload XL!!! Please try again."); log.warn("Error while importing Mileage log: " + ex); } return errorList; } private List<MileageLog> aggregateMileageLogByUnitState(List<MileageLog> srcMileageLogList) { List<MileageLog> aggreateMileageLogList = new ArrayList<MileageLog>(); if (srcMileageLogList == null || srcMileageLogList.isEmpty()) { return aggreateMileageLogList; } Map<String, MileageLog> aggreateMileageLogMap = new HashMap<String, MileageLog>(); for (MileageLog aSrcMileageLog : srcMileageLogList) { String key = aSrcMileageLog.getUnitNum() + "|" + aSrcMileageLog.getState().getName(); MileageLog aggregateMileageLog = aggreateMileageLogMap.get(key); if (aggregateMileageLog == null) { aggreateMileageLogMap.put(key, aSrcMileageLog); } else { Double aggregateMiles = aggregateMileageLog.getMiles() + aSrcMileageLog.getMiles(); aggregateMileageLog.setMiles(aggregateMiles); if (aSrcMileageLog.getFirstInState().before((aggregateMileageLog.getFirstInState()))) { aggregateMileageLog.setFirstInState(aSrcMileageLog.getFirstInState()); } if (aSrcMileageLog.getLastInState().after((aggregateMileageLog.getLastInState()))) { aggregateMileageLog.setLastInState(aSrcMileageLog.getLastInState()); } } } SortedSet<String> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<String>(aggreateMileageLogMap.keySet()); for (String aKey : sortedKeys) { aggreateMileageLogList.add(aggreateMileageLogMap.get(aKey)); } return aggreateMileageLogList; } private void uploadNoGPSMileageLogData(Date period, Long createdBy) { List<MileageLog> noGPSMileageLogList = retrieveNoGPSMileageLogData(period); if (noGPSMileageLogList == null || noGPSMileageLogList.isEmpty()) { return; } for (MileageLog aMileageLog : noGPSMileageLogList) { aMileageLog.setPeriod(period); MileageLog existingMileageLog = checkDuplicate(aMileageLog); if (existingMileageLog != null) { continue; } aMileageLog.setGps("N"); aMileageLog.setSource(MileageLog.SOURCE_TICKET); aMileageLog.setCreatedBy(createdBy); aMileageLog.setCreatedAt(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(aMileageLog); } } private List<MileageLog> retrieveNoGPSMileageLogData(Date period) { MileageLogReportInput input = new MileageLogReportInput(); String periodStr = mileageSearchDateFormat.format(period); input.setPeriodFrom(periodStr); input.setPeriodTo(periodStr); List<MileageLog> noGPSMileageLogList = reportService.generateNoGPSMileageLogData(null, input, null, null, null); List<MileageLog> aggregateMileageLogList = aggregateMileageLogByUnitState(noGPSMileageLogList); return aggregateMileageLogList; } private VehiclePermit retrieveVehiclePermit(MileageLog mileageLog) { if (mileageLog.getUnit() == null || mileageLog.getCompany() == null || mileageLog.getLastInState() == null) { return null; } SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String lastInStateStr = dateFormat.format(mileageLog.getLastInState()); String query = "select obj from VehiclePermit obj where obj.status=1" + " and obj.issueDate <= '" + lastInStateStr + "'" + " and obj.expirationDate > '" + lastInStateStr + "'" + " and obj.vehicle.unitNum = " + mileageLog.getUnit().getUnitNum(); //+ " and obj.companyLocation = " + mileageLog.getCompany().getId(); List<VehiclePermit> permits = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); if (permits != null && !permits.isEmpty()) { return permits.get(0); } else { return null; } } private MileageLog checkDuplicate(MileageLog aMileageLog) { if (aMileageLog.getPeriod() == null || aMileageLog.getState() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(aMileageLog.getUnitNum())) { return null; } SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String period = dateFormat.format(aMileageLog.getPeriod()); String query = "select obj from MileageLog obj where obj.period='" + period + "'" + " and obj.state=" + aMileageLog.getState().getId() + " and obj.unitNum='" + aMileageLog.getUnitNum() + "'"; List<MileageLog> existingMileageLogList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); if (existingMileageLogList != null && !existingMileageLogList.isEmpty()) { return existingMileageLogList.get(0); } else { return null; } } private boolean checkDuplicateWMTicket(WMTicket wmTicket) { if (wmTicket == null || wmTicket.getTicket() == null || (wmTicket.getOrigin() == null && wmTicket.getDestination() == null)) { return false; } String query = "select obj from WMTicket obj where obj.ticket=" + wmTicket.getTicket(); if (StringUtils.equals(WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE, wmTicket.getTicketType())) { query += (" and obj.origin=" + wmTicket.getOrigin().getId()); query += (" and obj.ticketType='" + WMTicket.ORIGIN_TICKET_TYPE + "'"); } else { query += (" and obj.destination=" + wmTicket.getDestination().getId()); query += (" and obj.ticketType='" + WMTicket.DESTINATION_TICKET_TYPE + "'"); } List<WMTicket> wmTicketList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return !wmTicketList.isEmpty(); } private WMInvoice checkDuplicateWMInvoice(WMInvoice wmInvoice) { if (wmInvoice == null || wmInvoice.getTicket() == null || wmInvoice.getOrigin() == null || wmInvoice.getDestination() == null) { return null; } String baseQuery = "select obj from WMInvoice obj where obj.ticket=" + wmInvoice.getTicket(); String originQuery = /*baseQuery + */ " and obj.origin=" + wmInvoice.getOrigin().getId(); String destinationQuery = /*baseQuery + */ " and obj.destination=" + wmInvoice.getDestination().getId(); /*List<WMInvoice> wmInvoiceList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(originQuery); if (wmInvoiceList == null || wmInvoiceList.isEmpty()) { wmInvoiceList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(destinationQuery); }*/ List<WMInvoice> wmInvoiceList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(baseQuery + originQuery + destinationQuery); return ((wmInvoiceList == null || wmInvoiceList.isEmpty()) ? null : wmInvoiceList.get(0)); } private boolean checkDuplicate(SubcontractorRate aSubcontractorRate) { if (aSubcontractorRate.getValidFrom() == null || aSubcontractorRate.getValidTo() == null || aSubcontractorRate.getSubcontractor() == null || aSubcontractorRate.getCompanyLocation() == null || aSubcontractorRate.getTransferStation() == null || aSubcontractorRate.getLandfill() == null) { return false; } SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String validFrom = dateFormat.format(aSubcontractorRate.getValidFrom()); String validTo = dateFormat.format(aSubcontractorRate.getValidTo()); String query = "select obj from SubcontractorRate obj where " + " obj.validFrom='" + validFrom + "'" + " and obj.validTo='" + validTo + "'" + " and obj.subcontractor=" + aSubcontractorRate.getSubcontractor().getId() + " and obj.companyLocation=" + aSubcontractorRate.getCompanyLocation().getId() + " and obj.transferStation=" + aSubcontractorRate.getTransferStation().getId() + " and obj.landfill=" + aSubcontractorRate.getLandfill().getId(); List<SubcontractorRate> subcontractorRateList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); return !subcontractorRateList.isEmpty(); } private boolean validateVin(String vin) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(vin)) { return false; } return true; } private Double processMiles(String miles, Double resetMiles) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(miles)) { return null; } Double maxMiles = 100000.0; Double milesDbl = null; try { miles = StringUtils.replace(miles, "*", StringUtils.EMPTY); miles = StringUtils.replace(miles, ",", StringUtils.EMPTY); milesDbl = new Double(miles); if (milesDbl > maxMiles) { milesDbl = resetMiles; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while processing miles", ex); } return milesDbl; } private Date processLastInState(String lastInStateStr) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lastInStateStr)) { return null; } //1/30/16 11:35 AM EDT SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("M/dd/yy h:mm a z"); Date lastInState = null; try { lastInState = sdf.parse(lastInStateStr); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while processing lastInState: " + lastInStateStr, ex); } return lastInState; } private Date processFirstInState(String firstInStateStr) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(firstInStateStr)) { return null; } //5/17/16 10:29 PM EDT SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("M/dd/yy h:mm a z"); Date firstInState = null; try { firstInState = sdf.parse(firstInStateStr); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while processing firstInState: " + firstInStateStr, ex); } return firstInState; } private Vehicle retrieveVehicle(String unit, Date lastInState) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unit) || lastInState == null) { return null; } List<Vehicle> vehicleList = null; String lastInStateStr = dateFormat.format(lastInState); try { vehicleList = retrieveVehicleForUnit(new Integer(unit), lastInStateStr); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while retrieving vehicle: " + unit, ex); } if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return vehicleList.get(0); } } private State retrieveStateByLongName(String stateLongName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(stateLongName)) { return null; } State state = null; try { Map criterias = new HashMap(); criterias.put("longName", stateLongName); state = genericDAO.getByCriteria(State.class, criterias); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while retrieving state: " + stateLongName, ex); } return state; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importeztollMainSheet(InputStream is, Boolean override) throws Exception { // initializing the InputStream from a file using // POIFSFileSystem, before converting the result // into an HSSFWorkbook instance //XSSFWorkbook HSSFWorkbook wb = null; StringBuffer buffer = null; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<EzToll> eztolls = new ArrayList<EzToll>(); // List<String> emptydatalist=new ArrayList<String>(); int count = 1; int errorcount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); ErrorData edata = new ErrorData(); // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("e:/errordata.txt"); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); int numOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); Map criterias = new HashMap(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; EzToll eztoll = null; Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); StringBuffer lineError; while (rows.hasNext()) { boolean error = false; buffer = new StringBuffer(); int cellCount = 0; row = (HSSFRow); if (count == 1) { count++; continue; } lineError = new StringBuffer(""); try { eztoll = new EzToll(); // FOR Toll COMPANY String tollcompany = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", tollcompany); TollCompany tollcompanyName = genericDAO.getByCriteria(TollCompany.class, criterias); if (tollcompanyName == null) throw new Exception("Invalid Toll Company Name"); eztoll.setToolcompany(tollcompanyName); } catch (Exception ex) { // System.out.println("\n\n Error in Driver first // name========>"+ex); error = true; lineError.append("Toll Company Name,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR COMPANY String company = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 3); criterias.put("name", company); Location companyName = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); // System.out.println("\ncompanyName====>"+companyName+"\n"); if (companyName == null) throw new Exception("Invalid Company Name"); eztoll.setCompany(companyName); } catch (Exception ex) { // System.out.println("\n\n Error in Driver first // name========>"+ex); error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Company Name,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR TERMINAL /* * try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new * Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { * criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } * Location location = * genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new * Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { * error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); * log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } */ if (override == false) { Date date2 = row.getCell(10).getDateCellValue(); try { if (validDate(date2)) { eztoll.setInvoiceDate(dateFormat1.parse(dateFormat1.format(date2))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice Date,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice Date,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(10)))) eztoll.setInvoiceDate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); else { eztoll.setInvoiceDate(null); } } validateAndResetTollTagAndPlateNumber(row, eztoll); String plateNum = null; if (getCellValue(row.getCell(4)) == null) { // do nothing } else if (getCellValue(row.getCell(4)).equals("")) { // do nothing } else { plateNum = getCellValue(row.getCell(4)).toString(); } String tollNum = null; if (getCellValue(row.getCell(3)) == null) { // do nothing } else if (getCellValue(row.getCell(3)).equals("")) { // do nothing } else { tollNum = getCellValue(row.getCell(3)).toString(); } // if both toll number and plate number is empty if (tollNum == null && plateNum == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Either tolltag number or plate number is required,"); log.warn("Either Toll tag number or Plate number is required "); } else { // for toll number if (tollNum != null) { try { String transactiondate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer( "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='" + (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3)) + "'"); if (eztoll.getToolcompany() != null) { query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='" + eztoll.getToolcompany().getId() + "'"); } query.append(" and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'"); List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); if (vehicletolltags.isEmpty() && vehicletolltags.size() == 0) throw new Exception("no such Toll tag Number"); else { /***Correction for unit no. mapping to multiple vehicle ids***/ /*String vehquery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.unit=" + vehicletolltags.get(0).getVehicle().getUnit() + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'"; String vehquery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where" + vehicletolltags.get(0).getVehicle().getId() + " and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'"; System.out.println("******************** the vehicle query is " + vehquery); List<Vehicle> vehicle = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehquery.toString());*/ List<Vehicle> vehicle = retrieveVehicle(vehicletolltags.get(0), transactiondate); if (vehicle.isEmpty() && vehicle.size() == 0) { throw new Exception( "TOLL_ERROR_MSG: Invalid Toll Tag Number - No matching vehicle found for given id and txn date"); } else { eztoll.setUnit(vehicle.get(0)); eztoll.setTollTagNumber(vehicletolltags.get(0)); String drv_name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(drv_name))) { /*criterias.clear(); criterias.put("fullName", getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); Driver driver = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias);*/ Driver driver = getDriverObjectFromName(drv_name, row); if (driver == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Driver Name, "); } else { eztoll.setDriver(driver); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.unloadDate>='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.vehicle=" + vehicle.get(0).getId(); System.out.println(" my query is " + drivequery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery);*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleList = retrieveVehicleForUnit( vehicletolltags.get(0).getVehicle().getUnit(), transactiondate); List<Ticket> tickets = getTicketsForVehicle(vehicleList, transactiondate); // More than one driver fix - 13th May 2016 String txnTime = getCellValue(row.getCell(7)).toString(); Date txnDate = (Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)); tickets = determineCorrectTicket(tickets, txnDate, txnTime); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Ticket ticket : tickets) { boolean d = driverid.contains(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(tickets.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, tickets.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String driverFuelLogQuery = "select obj from DriverFuelLog obj where obj.transactionDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.get(0).getId(); System.out.println(" my query is " + driverFuelLogQuery); List<DriverFuelLog> driverFuelLog = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driverFuelLogQuery); if (!driverFuelLog.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DriverFuelLog drvFuelLog : driverFuelLog) { boolean d = driverid .contains(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue( row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria( Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String driverOdometerQuery = "select obj from Odometer obj where obj.recordDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.get(0).getId(); System.out.println(" odometer query is " + driverOdometerQuery); List<Odometer> odometer = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driverOdometerQuery); if (!odometer.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Odometer odometerObj : odometer) { boolean d = driverid .contains(odometerObj.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(odometerObj.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue( row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(odometer.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, odometer.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append( "No matching Ticket, Fuel Log, Odometer entry, "); } else { try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; //lineError.append("Invalid Toll Tag Number, "); String errMsg = "Invalid Toll Tag Number"; String exceptionMsg = StringUtils.substringAfter(ex.getMessage(), "TOLL_ERROR_MSG: "); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exceptionMsg)) { errMsg = exceptionMsg; } lineError.append(errMsg + ", "); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } // FOR PLATE# if (plateNum != null) { try { /**Correction for plate no. verification - adding txn date***/ /*criterias.clear(); criterias.put("plate", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); Vehicle vehicle = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criterias);*/ Vehicle vehicle = retrieveVehicleForPlate((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4)), row); if (vehicle == null) throw new Exception("no such Plate or Toll tag Number"); else { if (tollNum != null) { String transactiondate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); System.out.println("\n****--****\n"); } StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer( "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='" + (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3)) + "'"); if (eztoll.getToolcompany() != null) { query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='" + eztoll.getToolcompany().getId() + "'"); } query.append(" and obj.vehicle='" + vehicle.getId() + "' and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'"); System.out.println("******* query ======>" + query); try { List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); if (vehicletolltags.isEmpty() && vehicletolltags.size() == 0) throw new Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); else { /* * Code to get the active plate * numbers */ /*List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery( // Correction for unit no. mapping to multiple vehicle ids //"select o from Vehicle o where o.unit=" //+ vehicletolltags.get(0).getUnit() //+ " and o.validFrom<=SYSDATE() and o.validTo>=SYSDATE() "); "select o from Vehicle o where" + vehicletolltags.get(0).getVehicle().getId() + " and o.validFrom <='"+ transactiondate + "' and o.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'");*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleList = retrieveVehicle(vehicletolltags.get(0), transactiondate); if (vehicleList.isEmpty() && vehicleList.size() == 0) throw new Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); else eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicleList.get(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\n*******\n"); } } else { String transactiondate1 = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate1 = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); System.out.println("\n****--****\n"); } StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer( "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where "); query.append("obj.vehicle='" + vehicle.getId() + "' and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate1 + "' and obj.validTo >= '" + transactiondate1 + "'"); if (eztoll.getToolcompany() != null) { query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='" + eztoll.getToolcompany().getId() + "'"); } System.out.println("******* query ======>" + query); try { List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); if (vehicletolltags.isEmpty() && vehicletolltags.size() == 0) { // throw new Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); } else { eztoll.setTollTagNumber(vehicletolltags.get(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\n*******\n"); } String drv_name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(drv_name))) { /*criterias.clear(); criterias.put("fullName", getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); Driver driver = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias);*/ Driver driver = getDriverObjectFromName(drv_name, row); if (driver == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Driver Name, "); } else { eztoll.setDriver(driver); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String transactiondate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.unloadDate>='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.vehicle=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println(" my query is " + drivequery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery);*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleListForDriver = new ArrayList<Vehicle>(); vehicleListForDriver.add(vehicle); List<Ticket> tickets = getTicketsForVehicle(vehicleListForDriver, transactiondate); // More than one driver fix - 13th May 2016 String txnTime = getCellValue(row.getCell(7)).toString(); Date txnDate = (Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)); tickets = determineCorrectTicket(tickets, txnDate, txnTime); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Ticket ticket : tickets) { boolean d = driverid.contains(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(tickets.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, tickets.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String driverFuelLogQuery = "select obj from DriverFuelLog obj where obj.transactionDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println(" my query is " + driverFuelLogQuery); List<DriverFuelLog> driverFuelLog = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driverFuelLogQuery); if (!driverFuelLog.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DriverFuelLog drvFuelLog : driverFuelLog) { boolean d = driverid .contains(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue( row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria( Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String driverOdometerQuery = "select obj from Odometer obj where obj.recordDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println(" odometer query is " + driverOdometerQuery); List<Odometer> odometer = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driverOdometerQuery); if (!odometer.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Odometer odometerObj : odometer) { boolean d = driverid .contains(odometerObj.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(odometerObj.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } else { tic = false; try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue( row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } if (tic) { eztoll.setDriver(odometer.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, odometer.get(0).getDriver().getId()); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { if (override == false) { error = true; lineError.append( "No matching Ticket, Fuel Log, Odometer entry, "); } else { try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); // System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO .getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } } } eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicle); eztoll.setUnit(vehicle); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Plate or Toll tag Number, "); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { if (eztoll.getTollTagNumber() != null) { String transactiondate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } VehicleTollTag vehicletoll = genericDAO.getById(VehicleTollTag.class, eztoll.getTollTagNumber().getId()); /* Code to get the active plate numbers */ /*List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery( // Correction for unit no. mapping to multiple vehicle ids //"select o from Vehicle o where o.unit=" + vehicletoll.getUnit() //+ " and o.validFrom<=SYSDATE() and o.validTo>=SYSDATE() "); "select o from Vehicle o where" + vehicletoll.getVehicle().getId() + " and o.validFrom <='"+ transactiondate + "' and o.validTo >= '" + transactiondate + "'");*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleList = retrieveVehicle(vehicletoll, transactiondate); if (vehicleList.isEmpty() && vehicleList.size() == 0) //throw new Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); throw new Exception( "Invalid Toll Tag Number - no matching vehicle found for given id and txn date"); else eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicleList.get(0)); // eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicletoll.getVehicle()); } } } // FOR TRANSACTION DATE try { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) eztoll.setTransactiondate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); else { error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Date,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\nERROR IN TRANSACTION DATE\n"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR TRANSACTION TIME try { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(7)))) { eztoll.setTransactiontime(dateFormat2.format((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(7)))); } else { String trxTime1 = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7)); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(trxTime1))) { if (trxTime1.length() == 5 || trxTime1.length() == 8 || trxTime1.length() == 7) { StringBuilder time = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7)), 4, '0')); // time.insert(2, ':'); if (trxTime1.length() == 8) { eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 5)); } else if (trxTime1.length() == 7) { eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 4)); } else { eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); } } else { // System.out.println("\ntrx time is not // valid\n"); error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Time,"); } } else { lineError.append("Transaction Time,"); } } } catch (Exception e) { } /* * if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { * StringBuilder time = new * StringBuilder(StringUtils.leftPad((String)getCellValue( * row.getCell(6)),4,'0')); int * hh=Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,2)); int * mm=Integer.parseInt(time.substring(2)); * * if(hh==24) { if(mm==0) { time.insert(2, ':'); * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); // * System.out.println("\nTRANSACTION TIME ====>"+time+"\n"); * } else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction time,"); } } else { * if(hh<24) { if(mm<=59) { time.insert(2, ':'); * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); // * System.out.println("\nTRANSACTION TIME ====>"+time+"\n"); * } else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction time minut is > 59,"); } } * else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction time hours is > 24,"); } } * } else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction time more than 5 degits,"); * * } */ // FOR AGENCY try { eztoll.setAgency((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Agency,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR AMOUNTS String amount1 = row.getCell(9).toString(); Double amount2 = getValidGallon(amount1); if (amount2 != null) { //eztoll.setAmount(Math.abs(amount2)); eztoll.setAmount(amount2); } else { lineError.append("Amount,"); error = true; } /**Added dup check**/ // END OF CELL if (override == false) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 0"); if (!error) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 1"); Map prop = new HashMap(); prop.put("toolcompany", eztoll.getToolcompany().getId()); prop.put("company", eztoll.getCompany().getId()); prop.put("driver", eztoll.getDriver().getId()); prop.put("terminal", eztoll.getTerminal().getId()); prop.put("unit", eztoll.getUnit().getId()); prop.put("agency", eztoll.getAgency()); prop.put("invoiceDate", dateFormat1.format(eztoll.getInvoiceDate())); prop.put("transactiondate", dateFormat1.format(eztoll.getTransactiondate())); prop.put("transactiontime", eztoll.getTransactiontime()); if (eztoll.getTollTagNumber() != null) { prop.put("tollTagNumber", eztoll.getTollTagNumber().getId()); } if (eztoll.getPlateNumber() != null) { prop.put("plateNumber", eztoll.getPlateNumber().getId()); } prop.put("amount", eztoll.getAmount()); boolean rst = genericDAO.isUnique(EzToll.class, eztoll, prop); System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 2" + rst); if (!rst) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 3"); lineError.append("Toll tag entry already exists(Duplicate),"); error = true; errorcount++; } if (eztolls.contains(eztoll)) { lineError.append("Duplicate eztoll in excel,"); error = true; } // Toll upload improvement - 23rd Jul 2016 /*else { eztolls.add(eztoll); }*/ } else { errorcount++; } } else { if (!error) { eztolls.add(eztoll); } else { errorcount++; } } /**End of adding dup check**/ /*// END OF CELL if (!error) { if (eztolls.contains(eztoll)) { lineError.append("Duplicate eztoll,"); error = true; } else { eztolls.add(eztoll); } //eztolls.add(eztoll); } else { errorcount++; }*/ } // TRY INSIDE SHILE(LOOP) catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Exception while processing toll upload records,"); log.warn(ex); } if (lineError.length() > 0) { System.out.println("Error :" + lineError.toString()); list.add("Line " + count + ":" + lineError.toString() + "<br/>"); } // Toll upload improvement - 23rd Jul 2016 else { eztolls.add(eztoll); } System.out.println("Record No :" + count); count++; } // CLOSE while (rows.hasNext()) } // FIRST TRY catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error in import eztoll :" + e); // Toll upload improvement - 23rd Jul 2016 throw e; } // Toll upload improvement - 23rd Jul 2016 //if (errorcount == 0) { for (EzToll etoll : eztolls) { Map criti = new HashMap(); criti.clear(); criti.put("id", etoll.getDriver().getId()); Driver drvOBj = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criti); if (drvOBj != null) etoll.setDriverFullName(drvOBj.getFullName()); criti.clear(); criti.put("id", etoll.getUnit().getId()); Vehicle vehObj = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criti); if (vehObj != null) etoll.setUnitNum(vehObj.getUnitNum()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(etoll); } // Toll upload improvement - 23rd Jul 2016 //} return list; } /* * @Override * * @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) * public List<String> importeztollMainSheet(InputStream is,Boolean * override) throws Exception { // initializing the InputStream from a file * using // POIFSFileSystem, before converting the result // into an * HSSFWorkbook instance //XSSFWorkbook HSSFWorkbook wb = null; StringBuffer * buffer = null; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<EzToll> * eztolls = new ArrayList<EzToll>(); // List<String> emptydatalist=new * ArrayList<String>(); int count = 1; int errorcount = 0; try { * POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); ErrorData edata = new * ErrorData(); // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("e:/errordata.txt"); * wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); int numOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); Map * criterias = new HashMap(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow * row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; EzToll eztoll = null; * * Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); StringBuffer lineError; while * (rows.hasNext()) { boolean error = false; buffer = new StringBuffer(); * int cellCount = 0; row = (HSSFRow); if (count == 1) { * count++; continue; } lineError = new StringBuffer(""); try { eztoll = new * EzToll(); //FOR Toll COMPANY String tollcompany = ((String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); try { criterias.clear(); * criterias.put("name", tollcompany); TollCompany tollcompanyName = * genericDAO.getByCriteria(TollCompany.class,criterias); if * (tollcompanyName == null) throw new * Exception("Invalid Toll Company Name"); * eztoll.setToolcompany(tollcompanyName); } catch(Exception ex) { * //System.out.println("\n\n Error in Driver first name========>"+ex); * error = true; lineError.append("Toll Company Name,"); * log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } //FOR COMPANY String company = ((String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); try { criterias.clear(); * criterias.put("type", 3); criterias.put("name", company); Location * companyName = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class,criterias); * //System.out.println("\ncompanyName====>"+companyName+"\n"); * * if (companyName == null) throw new Exception("Invalid Company Name"); * eztoll.setCompany(companyName); } catch(Exception ex) { * //System.out.println("\n\n Error in Driver first name========>"+ex); * error = true; lineError.append("Company,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } * //FOR TERMINAL try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else * { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location * location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } * * * * String plateNum=null; * * if(getCellValue(row.getCell(4))==null){ //do nothing } else * if(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)).equals("")){ //do nothing } else{ * plateNum=getCellValue(row.getCell(4)).toString(); } * * * String tollNum=null; * * if(getCellValue(row.getCell(3))==null){ //do nothing } else * if(getCellValue(row.getCell(3)).equals("")){ //do nothing } else{ * tollNum=getCellValue(row.getCell(3)).toString(); } * * * //if both toll number and plate number is empty if(tollNum==null && * plateNum==null) { error = true; * lineError.append("Either tolltag number or plate number is required,"); * log.warn("Either Toll tag number or Plate number is required "); } else { * //for toll number if(tollNum!=null ) { try { String transactiondate = * null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { * transactiondate=dateFormat.format(((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } StringBuffer query=new * StringBuffer( * "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='"+(String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(3))+"'") ; //String * query="select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='" * if(eztoll.getToolcompany()!=null){ * query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='"+eztoll.getToolcompany().getId()+"'" * ); } * * * query.append(" and obj.validFrom <='"+ transactiondate+ * "' and obj.validTo >= '"+transactiondate+"'"); * System.out.println("************ query =======>"+query.toString()); * * List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); * * System.out.println(" Size of vehicle is "+vehicletolltags.size()); if * (vehicletolltags.isEmpty()&& vehicletolltags.size()==0) throw new * Exception("no such Toll tag Number"); else { String * vehquery="Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.unit="+vehicletolltags. * get(0).getVehicle().getUnit()+" and obj.validFrom <='"+ transactiondate+ * "' and obj.validTo >= '"+transactiondate+"'"; * System.out.println("******************** the vehicle query is "+vehquery) * ; List<Vehicle> vehicle = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehquery.toString()); if(vehicle.isEmpty() * && vehicle.size()==0){ throw new Exception("no such Toll tag Number"); } * else{ eztoll.setUnit(vehicle.get(0)); * eztoll.setTollTagNumber(vehicletolltags.get(0)); String drv_name=(String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); if(!(StringUtils.isEmpty(drv_name))){ * criterias.clear(); * criterias.put("fullName",getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); List<Driver> * driver =genericDAO.findByCriteria(Driver.class,criterias); Driver * driver=genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); * if(driver==null) { error = true; * lineError.append("Invalid Driver Name, "); } else { * eztoll.setDriver(driver); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } * else{ String * drivequery="select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" * +transactiondate+"' and obj.unloadDate>='"+transactiondate+ * "' and obj.vehicle="+vehicle.get(0).getId(); * * System.out.println(" my query is "+drivequery); List<Ticket> * tickets=genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery); * if(!tickets.isEmpty()){ boolean tic=true; boolean first=true; * List<String> driverid=new ArrayList<String>(); for(Ticket * ticket:tickets){ boolean * d=driverid.contains(ticket.getDriver().getId()+""); * driverid.add(ticket.getDriver().getId()+""); if(first){ first=false; * continue; } if(!d){ if(override==false){ error = true; * lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic=false; }else{ tic=false; * * try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else * { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location * location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } * * * } } } if(tic){ eztoll.setDriver(tickets.get(0).getDriver()); Driver * driver=genericDAO.getById(Driver.class,tickets.get(0).getDriver().getId() * ); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } }else{ * if(override==false){ error = true; * lineError.append("Ticket Data Does not match with Toll Tag, "); } else{ * try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else * { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location * location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } * * } } * * } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Invalid Toll Tag Number, "); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); * } } * * * * * * //FOR PLATE# if(plateNum!=null) { try { criterias.clear(); * criterias.put("plate", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); Vehicle * vehicle = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criterias); if (vehicle * == null) throw new Exception("no such Plate Number"); else { * * if(tollNum!=null) { String transactiondate = null; * * if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { * transactiondate=dateFormat.format(((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); * System.out.println("\n****--****\n"); } * * * StringBuffer query=new StringBuffer( * "select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='"+(String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(3))+"'"); if(eztoll.getToolcompany()!=null){ * query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='"+eztoll.getToolcompany().getId()+"'" * ); } query.append(" and obj.vehicle='"+vehicle.getId()+ * "' and obj.validFrom <='"+ transactiondate+ * "' and obj.validTo >= '"+transactiondate+"'"); * * String * query="select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where obj.tollTagNumber='" * +(String)getCellValue(row.getCell(3))+"' and obj.vehicle='" * +vehicle.getId()+"' and obj.validFrom <='" + transactiondate+ * "' and obj.validTo >= '" +transactiondate+"'"; * System.out.println("******* query ======>"+query); try{ * List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); if * (vehicletolltags.isEmpty()&& vehicletolltags.size()==0) throw new * Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); else { * eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicletolltags.get(0).getVehicle()); } } * catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("\n*******\n"); } } else { * * String transactiondate1 = null; if * (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { * transactiondate1=dateFormat.format(((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); * System.out.println("\n****--****\n"); } * * StringBuffer query=new * StringBuffer("select obj from VehicleTollTag obj where "); * query.append("obj.vehicle='"+vehicle.getId()+"' and obj.validFrom <='"+ * transactiondate1+ "' and obj.validTo >= '"+transactiondate1+"'"); * if(eztoll.getToolcompany()!=null){ * query.append(" and obj.tollCompany='"+eztoll.getToolcompany().getId()+"'" * ); } * * * System.out.println("******* query ======>"+query); try{ * List<VehicleTollTag> vehicletolltags = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); if * (vehicletolltags.isEmpty()&& vehicletolltags.size()==0){ //throw new * Exception("Invalid Plate Number"); }else { * eztoll.setTollTagNumber(vehicletolltags.get(0)); } } catch(Exception ex){ * System.out.println("\n*******\n"); } * * * * String drv_name=(String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); * if(!(StringUtils.isEmpty(drv_name))){ criterias.clear(); * criterias.put("fullName",getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); List<Driver> * driver =genericDAO.findByCriteria(Driver.class,criterias); Driver * driver=genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); * if(driver==null) { error = true; * lineError.append("Invalid Driver Name, "); } else { * eztoll.setDriver(driver); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } * else{ * * String transactiondate = null; if * (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { * transactiondate=dateFormat.format(((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(6))).getTime()); } * * String drivequery="select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" * +transactiondate+"' and obj.unloadDate>='"+transactiondate+ * "' and obj.vehicle="+vehicle.getId(); * * System.out.println(" my query is "+drivequery); List<Ticket> * tickets=genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery); * if(!tickets.isEmpty()){ boolean tic=true; boolean first=true; * List<String> driverid=new ArrayList<String>(); for(Ticket * ticket:tickets){ boolean * d=driverid.contains(ticket.getDriver().getId()+""); * driverid.add(ticket.getDriver().getId()+""); if(first){ first=false; * continue; } if(!d){ if(override==false){ error = true; * lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic=false; }else{ tic=false; * * try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else * { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location * location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } * * * } } } if(tic){ eztoll.setDriver(tickets.get(0).getDriver()); Driver * driver=genericDAO.getById(Driver.class,tickets.get(0).getDriver().getId() * ); eztoll.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } }else{ * if(override==false){ error = true; * lineError.append("Ticket Data Does not match with Toll Tag, "); } else{ * try { criterias.clear(); String name = (String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); * //System.out.println("\nTerminal====>"+name+"\n"); if * (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else * { criterias.put("name", name); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location * location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if * (location == null) throw new Exception("no such Terminal"); else * eztoll.setTerminal(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Terminal,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } } * * * eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicle); } * * } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Invalid Plate Number, "); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } * * } else { if(eztoll.getTollTagNumber()!=null) { VehicleTollTag * vehicletoll=genericDAO.getById(VehicleTollTag.class,eztoll. * getTollTagNumber().getId()); * eztoll.setPlateNumber(vehicletoll.getVehicle()); } } * * } * * //FOR TRANSACTION DATE try { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) * eztoll.setTransactiondate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); else { * error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Date,"); } } catch(Exception * ex) { System.out.println("\nERROR IN TRANSACTION DATE\n"); * log.warn(ex.getMessage()); * * } //FOR TRANSACTION TIME try{ if * (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(7)))){ * eztoll.setTransactiontime(dateFormat2.format((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(7)))); } else{ String trxTime1=(String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(7)); * * if(!(StringUtils.isEmpty(trxTime1))){ if (trxTime1.length() == 5 || * trxTime1.length() == 8||trxTime1.length() == 7){ StringBuilder time = new * StringBuilder(StringUtils.leftPad((String)getCellValue(row.getCell(7)),4, * '0')); //time.insert(2, ':'); if(trxTime1.length() == 8){ * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 5)); } else * if(trxTime1.length() == 7){ * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 4)); } else{ * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); } * * } else { //System.out.println("\ntrx time is not valid\n"); error = true; * lineError.append("Transaction Time,"); } } else{ * lineError.append("Transaction Time,"); } * * } } catch(Exception e){ * * } if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { StringBuilder * time = new * StringBuilder(StringUtils.leftPad((String)getCellValue(row.getCell(6)),4, * '0')); int hh=Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,2)); int * mm=Integer.parseInt(time.substring(2)); * * if(hh==24) { if(mm==0) { time.insert(2, ':'); * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); // * System.out.println("\nTRANSACTION TIME ====>"+time+"\n"); } else { error * = true; lineError.append("transaction time,"); } } else { if(hh<24) { * if(mm<=59) { time.insert(2, ':'); * eztoll.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); // * System.out.println("\nTRANSACTION TIME ====>"+time+"\n"); } else { error * = true; lineError.append("transaction time minut is > 59,"); } } else { * error = true; lineError.append("transaction time hours is > 24,"); } } } * else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction time more than 5 degits,"); * * } * * //FOR AGENCY try { eztoll.setAgency((String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Agency,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } //FOR AMOUNTS * String amount1=row.getCell(9).toString(); Double amount2 = * getValidGallon(amount1); if (amount2 != null) { * eztoll.setAmount(Math.abs(amount2)); } else { * lineError.append("Amount,"); error = true; } //END OF CELL * * if (!error) { java.sql.Date transacDt = new * java.sql.Date(eztoll.getTransactiondate().getTime()); try { StringBuffer * query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select obj from EzToll obj "); * query.append(" where'"+tollcompany+"'"); * query.append(" and'"+company+"' "); if(tollNum != null) * query.append(" and obj.tollTagNumber.tollTagNumber="+tollNum+" "); * if(plateNum != null) * query.append(" and obj.plateNumber.plate="+plateNum+" "); * query.append(" and obj.transactiondate='"+transacDt+"' "); * query.append(" and obj.amount="+amount1); * query.append(" and obj.driver.fullName='"+getCellValue(row.getCell(5))+ * "'"); query.append(" and'"+getCellValue(row.getCell(8))+"'"); * * List<EzToll> duplicateCheck = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); * * if(duplicateCheck!= null && duplicateCheck.size()>0){ * * error=true; errorcount++; lineError.append("Toll Tag already exists, "); * } * * } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * if (eztolls.contains(eztoll)) { lineError.append("Duplicate eztoll,"); * error = true; errorcount++; }else{ eztolls.add(eztoll); } } else { * errorcount++; } * * if (!error) { java.sql.Date transacDt = new * java.sql.Date(eztoll.getTransactiondate().getTime()); * * try { * * StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); * query.append("select obj from EzToll obj "); * query.append(" where'"+tollcompany+"'"); * query.append(" and'"+company+"' "); if(tollNum != null) * query.append(" and obj.tollTagNumber.tollTagNumber="+tollNum+" "); * if(plateNum != null) * query.append(" and obj.plateNumber.plate="+plateNum+" "); * query.append(" and obj.transactiondate='"+transacDt+"' "); * query.append(" and obj.amount="+amount1); * query.append(" and obj.driver.fullName='"+getCellValue(row.getCell(5))+ * "'"); query.append(" and'"+getCellValue(row.getCell(8))+"'"); * * List<EzToll> duplicateCheck = * genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query.toString()); * * if(duplicateCheck!= null && duplicateCheck.size()>0){ * * error=true; errorcount++; lineError.append("Toll Tag already exists, "); * } * * } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * * if (eztolls.contains(eztoll)) { lineError.append("Duplicate eztoll,"); * error = true; errorcount++; } * * eztolls.add(eztoll); } else { errorcount++; } * * }//TRY INSIDE SHILE(LOOP) catch (Exception ex) { error=true; * log.warn(ex); } if (lineError.length()>0) { * System.out.println("Error :"+lineError.toString()); * list.add("Line "+count+":"+lineError.toString()+"<br/>"); } * System.out.println("Record No :"+count); count++; }//CLOSE while * (rows.hasNext()) }//FIRST TRY catch (Exception e) { * log.warn("Error in import customer :" + e); } if (errorcount==0) { * for(EzToll etoll:eztolls) { * etoll.setTerminal(etoll.getDriver().getTerminal()); * etoll.setCompany(etoll.getDriver().getCompany()); * genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(etoll); } } return list; } */ // Fuel log - subcontractor private void processSubContractor(HSSFRow row, FuelLog fuelLog) { String driverLastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); String driverFirstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(driverLastName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(driverFirstName)) { return; } Map criterias = new HashMap(); List<Driver> driversList = getDriversFromName(criterias, driverLastName, driverFirstName); if (!driversList.isEmpty()) { return; } SubContractor subContractor = getSubcontractorObjectFromName(driverLastName, driverFirstName); if (subContractor == null) { return; } fuelLog.setSubContractor(subContractor); row.getCell(7).setCellValue("Subcontractor"); // Last name row.getCell(8).setCellValue("Subcontractor"); // First name row.getCell(6).setCellValue("0"); // Unit # } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public List<String> importfuellogMainSheet(InputStream is, Boolean override) throws Exception { // initializing the InputStream from a file using // POIFSFileSystem, before converting the result // into an HSSFWorkbook instance //XSSFWorkbook HSSFWorkbook wb = null; StringBuffer buffer = null; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<FuelLog> fuellogs = new ArrayList<FuelLog>(); // List<String> emptydatalist=new ArrayList<String>(); int count = 1; int errorcount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); ErrorData edata = new ErrorData(); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); int numOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); Map criterias = new HashMap(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; FuelLog fuellog = null; Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); StringBuffer lineError; while (rows.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Parsing row.."); boolean error = false; buffer = new StringBuffer(); int cellCount = 0; row = (HSSFRow); if (count == 1) { count++; continue; } lineError = new StringBuffer(""); try { fuellog = new FuelLog(); // Fuel log - subcontractor processSubContractor(row, fuellog); String Fname = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0)); if (override == false) { try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(Fname)) { error = true; lineError.append("Fuel Vendor is blank,"); } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", Fname); FuelVendor fuelvendor = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelVendor.class, criterias); if (fuelvendor == null) { error = true; lineError.append("no such Fuel Vendor,"); // throw new Exception("no such // fuelvender"); } else { fuellog.setFuelvendor(fuelvendor); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("fuelvendor,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", Fname); FuelVendor fuelvendor = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelVendor.class, criterias); fuellog.setFuelvendor(fuelvendor); } // FOR COMPANY String company = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1))); if (override == false) { try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(company)) { error = true; lineError.append("Company is blank,"); } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 3); criterias.put("name", company); Location companyName = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (companyName == null) { error = true; lineError.append("no such Company,"); } else { fuellog.setCompany(companyName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Company,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 3); criterias.put("name", company); Location companyName = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); fuellog.setCompany(companyName); } if (override == false) { Date date2 = row.getCell(2).getDateCellValue(); try { if (validDate(date2)) { fuellog.setInvoiceDate(dateFormat1.parse(dateFormat1.format(date2))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice Date,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice Date,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(2)))) fuellog.setInvoiceDate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(2))); else { fuellog.setInvoiceDate(null); } } // FOR UNVOICED NUMBER // System.out.println("\nInvoiceNo====>"+(String) // getCellValue(row.getCell(4))+"\n"); String invoiceNo = ""; try { invoiceNo = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3)); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Invoice Number, "); } if (override == false) { try { if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(invoiceNo))) { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice# is blank,"); } else { fuellog.setInvoiceNo((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Invoice Number,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(invoiceNo))) fuellog.setInvoiceNo(null); else { fuellog.setInvoiceNo((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3))); } } // FOR TRANSACTION DATE /* * try { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(5)))) * fuellog.setTransactiondate((Date) * getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); else { error = true; * lineError.append("transaction date,"); } } * catch(Exception ex) { * //System.out.println("\nERROR IN TRANSACTION DATE\n"); * log.warn(ex.getMessage()); * * } */ if (override == false) { try { Date date4 = row.getCell(4).getDateCellValue(); if (validDate(date4)) { fuellog.setTransactiondate(dateFormat1.parse(dateFormat1.format(date4))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Date,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Date,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { fuellog.setTransactiondate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); } else { fuellog.setTransactiondate(null); } } try { if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(5)))) { fuellog.setTransactiontime(dateFormat2.format((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)))); } else { // new trx time,uploading in 00:00 format String trxTime1 = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(trxTime1))) { if (override == false) { if (trxTime1.length() == 5 || trxTime1.length() == 8) { StringBuilder time = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)), 4, '0')); // time.insert(2, ':'); if (trxTime1.length() == 8) { fuellog.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 5)); } else { fuellog.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); } } else { // System.out.println("\ntrx time is not // valid\n"); error = true; lineError.append("Transaction Time,"); } } else { if (trxTime1.length() == 5 || trxTime1.length() == 8) { StringBuilder time = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5)), 4, '0')); // time.insert(2, ':'); if (trxTime1.length() == 8) { fuellog.setTransactiontime(time.toString().substring(0, 5)); } else { fuellog.setTransactiontime(time.toString()); } } else { fuellog.setTransactiontime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); } } } else { fuellog.setTransactiontime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); // System.out.println("\nElse trxTime // empty=="+trxTime1+"\n"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { fuellog.setTransactiontime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); } //String unit = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))); // if(override==false){ //error = setUnitNumberInFuelLog(criterias, row, fuellog, lineError, error, unit); try { String unit = validateAndResetUnitNumber(criterias, row); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unit)) { String lastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); String firstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); if (!lastName.isEmpty() && !firstName.isEmpty()) { Driver driver = getDriverObjectFromName(criterias, firstName, lastName, row); if (driver == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Unit is blank (check driver name),"); } else { // HEMA: Added fuellog.setDriversid(driver); fuellog.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); String transdate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { transdate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))).getTime()); } /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" + transdate + "' and obj.unloadDate>='" + transdate + "' and obj.driver=" + driver.getId();*/ /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where (obj.loadDate ='" + transdate + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transdate + "') and obj.driver=" + driver.getId(); System.out.println("******** query is " + drivequery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery);*/ List<Ticket> tickets = getAllTicketsForDriver(String.valueOf(driver.getId()), transdate); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> vehicleid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Ticket ticket : tickets) { boolean d = vehicleid.contains(ticket.getVehicle().getId() + ""); vehicleid.add(ticket.getVehicle().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one vehicle, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setUnit(tickets.get(0).getVehicle()); } } else { String driveFuelLogquery = "select obj from DriverFuelLog obj where obj.transactionDate='" + transdate + "' and obj.driver=" + driver.getId(); System.out.println("********driver fuel query is " + driveFuelLogquery); List<DriverFuelLog> driverFuelLog = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driveFuelLogquery); if (!driverFuelLog.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> truckid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DriverFuelLog drvFuelLog : driverFuelLog) { boolean d = truckid.contains(drvFuelLog.getTruck().getId() + ""); truckid.add(drvFuelLog.getTruck().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one vehicle, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setUnit(driverFuelLog.get(0).getTruck()); } } else { String odometerQery = "select obj from Odometer obj where obj.recordDate='" + transdate + "' and obj.driver=" + driver.getId(); System.out.println("********odometer query is " + odometerQery); List<Odometer> driverOdometer = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(odometerQery); if (!driverOdometer.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> vehid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Odometer odometer : driverOdometer) { boolean d = vehid.contains(odometer.getTruck().getId() + ""); vehid.add(odometer.getTruck().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one vehicle, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setUnit(driverOdometer.get(0).getTruck()); } } else { error = true; lineError.append( "Unit is either blank or not valid for given transaction date and no matching Ticket, Fuel Log, Odometer entry found while detrmining correct unit "); } } } } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Unit is blank,"); } } else { criterias.clear(); String transactionDate = null; System.out.println("********** date value is " + getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { transactionDate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))).getTime()); } Vehicle vehicle = null; String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.type=1 and obj.unit=" + Integer.parseInt((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))) + " and obj.validFrom<='" + transactionDate + "' and obj.validTo>='" + transactionDate + "'"; System.out.println("******* The vehicle query for fuel upload is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.size() == 0) { System.out.println("Entered here "); error = true; lineError.append("no such Vehicle,"); } else { fuellog.setUnit(vehicleList.get(0)); vehicle = vehicleList.get(0); // ***** newly added ********* String lastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("lastName", lastName); Driver lname = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); if (lname == null) { error = true; lineError.append("No such Last Name,"); } else { // fuellog.setDriverLname(lname); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Driver Last Name,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } String firstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("firstName", firstName); Driver fname = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); if (fname == null) { error = true; lineError.append("No such First Name,"); } else { // fuellog.setDriverFname(fname); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Driver First Name,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // taking driverFname and driverLName and // storing as fullname try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName)) { String transactiondate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { transactiondate = dateFormat .format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))).getTime()); } /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.loadDate<='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.unloadDate>='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.vehicle=" + vehicle.getId();*/ /*String drivequery = "select obj from Ticket obj where (obj.loadDate ='" + transactiondate + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transactiondate + "') and obj.vehicle=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println("******** query is " + drivequery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(drivequery);*/ List<Vehicle> vehicleListForDriver = new ArrayList<Vehicle>(); vehicleListForDriver.add(vehicle); List<Ticket> tickets = getTicketsForVehicle(vehicleListForDriver, transactiondate); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Ticket ticket : tickets) { boolean d = driverid.contains(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(ticket.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setDriversid(tickets.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, tickets.get(0).getDriver().getId()); fuellog.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String driveFuelLogquery = "select obj from DriverFuelLog obj where obj.transactionDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println("********driver fuel query is " + driveFuelLogquery); List<DriverFuelLog> driverFuelLog = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(driveFuelLogquery); if (!driverFuelLog.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DriverFuelLog drvFuelLog : driverFuelLog) { boolean d = driverid .contains(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(drvFuelLog.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setDriversid(driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, driverFuelLog.get(0).getDriver().getId()); fuellog.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { String odometerQery = "select obj from Odometer obj where obj.recordDate='" + transactiondate + "' and obj.truck=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println("********odometer query is " + odometerQery); List<Odometer> driverOdometer = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(odometerQery); if (!driverOdometer.isEmpty()) { boolean tic = true; boolean first = true; List<String> driverid = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Odometer odometer : driverOdometer) { boolean d = driverid .contains(odometer.getDriver().getId() + ""); driverid.add(odometer.getDriver().getId() + ""); if (first) { first = false; continue; } if (!d) { error = true; lineError.append("More than one Driver, "); tic = false; } } if (tic) { fuellog.setDriversid(driverOdometer.get(0).getDriver()); Driver driver = genericDAO.getById(Driver.class, driverOdometer.get(0).getDriver().getId()); fuellog.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } else { error = true; lineError.append( "No matching Ticket, Fuel Log, Odometer entry, "); } } } } else { Driver driver = getDriverObjectFromName(criterias, firstName, lastName, row); if (driver == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Driver,"); //throw new Exception("Invalid Driver"); } else { fuellog.setDriversid(driver); fuellog.setTerminal(driver.getTerminal()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // ******** newly added ends here ******** } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Unit,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR FUEL CARD NUMBER String cardNo = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(9))); /* * if(override==false) { try { * //fuellog.setFuelCardNumber(((String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(10)))); if(!cardNo.isEmpty()){ * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber((String)getCellValue(row. * getCell(10))); } else{ error = true; * lineError.append("Card Number is blank,"); } } catch * (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Card Number,"); } } else{ * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber((String)getCellValue(row. * getCell(10))); } */ /// try { // fuellog.setFuelCardNumber(((String) // getCellValue(row.getCell(10)))); if (override == false) {// StringUtils.isEmpty /* if(!cardNo.isEmpty()){ */ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cardNo)) { if (handleExcludedCardNumberChecks(fuellog, cardNo)) { // reset cardNo cardNo = StringUtils.EMPTY; } else { criterias.clear(); if (fuellog.getFuelvendor() != null) criterias.put("", fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId()); criterias.put("fuelcardNum", cardNo); System.out.println("Criterias for getting fuelcard = " + " = " + fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId() + ", fuelcardNum = " + cardNo); List<FuelCard> fuelcard = genericDAO.findByCriteria(FuelCard.class, criterias); if (!fuelcard.isEmpty() && fuelcard.size() > 0) { if (fuellog.getDriversid() != null && fuellog.getFuelvendor() != null) { // HEMA: Added to get fuel card using IN clause for driver String firstName = fuellog.getDriversid().getFirstName(); String lastName = fuellog.getDriversid().getLastName(); List<Driver> listOfDrivers = getDriversFromName(criterias, lastName, firstName); String listOfDriversStr = getCommaSeparatedListOfDriverID( listOfDrivers); criterias.clear(); System.out.println("Criterias for choosing card number -> DriverID: " + listOfDriversStr + ", FuelVendorID: " + fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId() + ", FuelCardID: " + fuelcard.get(0).getId()); String fuelCardQuery = "select obj from DriverFuelCard obj where " + "obj.driver IN (" + listOfDriversStr + ") " + " and obj.fuelvendor =" + fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId() + " and obj.fuelcard = " + fuelcard.get(0).getId(); System.out.println("********fuelcard query is " + fuelCardQuery); List<DriverFuelCard> driverfuelcard = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(fuelCardQuery); if (!driverfuelcard.isEmpty() && driverfuelcard.size() > 0) { fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelcard.get(0)); } else { if (validateFuelCardForVehicle(fuellog, fuelcard.get(0))) { fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelcard.get(0)); } else { error = true; lineError.append( " Invalid Fuel Card# for entered Fuel Vendor and Driver/Vehicle, "); } } } } else { error = true; lineError.append(" Invalid Card Number,"); } } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Card Number is blank,"); } } else { System.out.println("\nELSE OVerride card Number1\n"); /* if(!cardNo.isEmpty()){ */ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cardNo)) { System.out.println("\nOVerride card Number2\n"); criterias.clear(); if (fuellog.getFuelvendor() != null) criterias.put("", fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId()); criterias.put("fuelcardNum", cardNo); List<FuelCard> fuelcard = genericDAO.findByCriteria(FuelCard.class, criterias); if (!fuelcard.isEmpty() && fuelcard.size() > 0) { if (fuellog.getDriversid() != null && fuellog.getFuelvendor() != null) { // HEMA: Added to get fuel card using IN clause for driver String firstName = fuellog.getDriversid().getFirstName(); String lastName = fuellog.getDriversid().getLastName(); List<Driver> listOfDrivers = getDriversFromName(criterias, lastName, firstName); String listOfDriversStr = getCommaSeparatedListOfDriverID(listOfDrivers); criterias.clear(); System.out.println("Criterias for choosing card number -> DriverID: " + listOfDriversStr + ", FuelVendorID: " + fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId() + ", FuelCardID: " + fuelcard.get(0).getId()); String fuelCardQuery = "select obj from DriverFuelCard obj where " + "obj.driver IN (" + listOfDriversStr + ") " + " and obj.fuelvendor =" + fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId() + " and obj.fuelcard = " + fuelcard.get(0).getId(); System.out.println("********fuelcard query is " + fuelCardQuery); List<DriverFuelCard> driverfuelcard = genericDAO .executeSimpleQuery(fuelCardQuery); if (!driverfuelcard.isEmpty() && driverfuelcard.size() > 0) fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelcard.get(0)); } } /* * FuelCard fuelCard=null; * fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelCard); * System.out.println( * "\nOVerride card Number3\n"); */ } else { System.out.println("\nOVerride card Number4\n"); FuelCard fuelCard = null; fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelCard); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); error = true; System.out.println("\n\n Error in Card Number\n"); lineError.append("Card Number,"); } /// // new FOR FUEL CARD NUMBER for long /* * String cardNo = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); * if(override==false) { try { * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber(Long.parseLong((String) * getCellValue(row.getCell(10)))); if(!cardNo.isEmpty()){ * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber((String)getCellValue(row. * getCell(10))); * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber((Long)getCellValue(row.getCell( * 10))); } else{ error = true; * lineError.append("Card Number is blank,"); } } catch * (Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Card Number,"); } } else{ * fuellog.setFuelCardNumber((Long)getCellValue(row.getCell( * 10))); } */ String fueltext = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); if (override == false) { try { if (!fueltext.isEmpty()) { fuellog.setFueltype((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("dataType", "fuel_type"); criterias.put("dataText", fueltext); StaticData staticdata = genericDAO.getByCriteria(StaticData.class, criterias); if (staticdata == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Fuel Type,"); } else { /* * System.out.println("\nstaticdata---id=>"+ * staticdata.getId()+"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\nstaticdata---dataType=>"+staticdata. * getDataType()+"\n"); System.out.println( * "\nstaticdata---dataText=>"+staticdata. * getDataText()+"\n"); */ fuellog.setFueltype((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Fuel Type is blank,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Fuel Type,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { fuellog.setFueltype((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); } // FOR FUEL TYPE /* * String fueltype=((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(11))); * if(override==false){ try { if(!fueltype.isEmpty()){ * fuellog.setFueltype((String)getCellValue(row.getCell(11)) * ); } else{ error = true; * lineError.append("Fueltype is blank,"); } } * catch(Exception ex) { error = true; * lineError.append("Fueltype,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); * } } else{ * fuellog.setFueltype((String)getCellValue(row.getCell(11)) * ); } */ // FOR CITY String city = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(11))); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(city))) { if (override == false) { try { if (!city.isEmpty()) { fuellog.setCity((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(11))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("City is blank,"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("City,"); } } else { fuellog.setCity((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(11))); } } else { fuellog.setCity(""); System.out.println("\ncity is empty\n" + fuellog.getCity()); } // FOR STATE String name = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(12)); if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(name))) { if (override == false) { try { criterias.clear(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { error = true; lineError.append("State is blank,"); // throw new Exception("Invalid state // name"); } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", name); State state = genericDAO.getByCriteria(State.class, criterias); if (state == null) { error = true; lineError.append("no such State,"); // throw new Exception("no such state"); } else { fuellog.setState(state); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("State,"); System.out.println("\nerroe in state==>" + ex + "\n"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", name); State state = genericDAO.getByCriteria(State.class, criterias); fuellog.setState(state); } } else { // System.out.println("\nstate is empty 11\n"); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("id", 3600l); State state = genericDAO.getByCriteria(State.class, criterias); // System.out.println("\nstate is empty44\n"); fuellog.setState(state); System.out.println("\nstate is empty55\n"); } // for GALLONS /* * String testgallon=row.getCell(14).toString(); Double * gallon = getValidGallon(testgallon); if (gallon != null) * { fuellog.setGallons(gallon); } else { * lineError.append("gallons,"); error = true; } */ String gallon = ""; if (override == false) { if (row.getCell(13) != null) { gallon = row.getCell(13).toString(); } Double gallon2 = getValidGallon(gallon); if (gallon2 != null) { fuellog.setGallons(gallon2); } else { lineError.append("Gallon is blank,"); error = true; } } else { if (row.getCell(13) != null) { gallon = row.getCell(13).toString(); } Double gallon2 = getValidGallon(gallon); if (gallon2 != null) { fuellog.setGallons(gallon2); } else { } } // for unitprice /* * String unitprice=row.getCell(15).toString(); Double * unitprice1 = getValidGallon(unitprice); if (unitprice1 != * null) { fuellog.setUnitprice(unitprice1); } else { * System.out.println("\nunitprice is null\n"); * lineError.append("unitprice,"); error = true; } */ String unitprice1 = ""; if (override == false) { if (row.getCell(14) != null) { unitprice1 = row.getCell(14).toString(); } Double unitprice2 = getValidGallon(unitprice1); if (unitprice2 != null) { fuellog.setUnitprice(unitprice2); } else { lineError.append("Unit Price is blank,"); error = true; } } else { if (row.getCell(14) != null) { unitprice1 = row.getCell(14).toString(); } Double unitprice2 = getValidGallon(unitprice1); if (unitprice2 != null) { fuellog.setUnitprice(unitprice2); } else { } } // Gross Cost String grossamount1 = ""; if (override == false) { if (row.getCell(15) != null) { grossamount1 = row.getCell(15).toString(); } if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(grossamount1))) { Double grossamount2 = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount2 != null) { fuellog.setGrosscost(grossamount2); } else { lineError.append("Gross Cost,"); error = true; } } } else { if (row.getCell(15) != null) { grossamount1 = row.getCell(15).toString(); } Double grossamount2 = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount2 != null) { fuellog.setGrosscost(grossamount2); } else { } } // Gross Cost // FOR FEES String fees1 = ""; if (override == false) { if (row.getCell(16) != null) { fees1 = row.getCell(16).toString(); } Double fees2 = getValidGallon(fees1); if (fees2 != null) { fuellog.setFees(fees2); } else { lineError.append("Fees is blank,"); error = true; } } else { if (row.getCell(16) != null) { fees1 = row.getCell(16).toString(); } Double fees2 = getValidGallon(fees1); if (fees2 != null) { fuellog.setFees(fees2); } else { } } // FOR DISCOUNTS String discount1 = ""; // System.out.println("\ndiscount1===>"+discount1+"\n"); if (override == false) { if (row.getCell(17) != null) { discount1 = row.getCell(17).toString(); } Double discount2 = getValidGallon(discount1); if (discount2 != null) { discount2 = Math.abs(discount2); fuellog.setDiscounts(discount2); } else { lineError.append("Discount is blank,"); error = true; } } else { if (row.getCell(17) != null) { discount1 = row.getCell(17).toString(); } Double discount2 = getValidGallon(discount1); if (discount2 != null) { discount2 = Math.abs(discount2); fuellog.setDiscounts(discount2); } else { } } // FOR AMOUNTS /* * String amount1=row.getCell(18).toString(); Double amount2 * = getValidGallon(amount1); if (amount2 != null){ * fuellog.setAmount(amount2); } else { * System.out.println("\namount2 is null\n"); * lineError.append("amount,"); error = true; } */ String amount1 = null; /* * try{ amount1=row.getCell(18).toString(); } catch * (Exception e) { lineError.append("amount,"); error = * true; } */ if (override == false) { try { amount1 = row.getCell(18).toString(); Double amount2 = getValidGallon(amount1); if (amount2 != null) { fuellog.setAmount(amount2); } else { lineError.append("Amount is blank,"); error = true; } } catch (Exception e) { lineError.append("Amount,"); error = true; } } else { if (row.getCell(18) != null) amount1 = row.getCell(18).toString(); Double amount2 = getValidGallon(amount1); if (amount2 != null) { fuellog.setAmount(amount2); } else { } } // CALCULATING DISCOUNT AND NET AMMOUNT IF FUELDISCOUNT // PERCENTAGE IS PRESENT if (override == false) { if (!error) { try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(grossamount1)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", Fname); FuelVendor vendor = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelVendor.class, criterias); if (vendor != null) { System.out.println("\nDiscount first\n"); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("", vendor.getId()); FuelDiscount fueldicount = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelDiscount.class, criterias); System.out.println("\nDiscount Second\n"); if (fueldicount != null) { double firstdiscountamount = fuellog.getDiscounts(); double seconddiscountpercentage = fueldicount .getFuelDiscountPercentage(); double seconddiscountAmount = 0.0; double totalDiscount = 0.0; Double grossamount = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount != null) { if (grossamount != 0) { // System.out.println("\nFirst // grossamount--->"+grossamount+"\n"); grossamount = grossamount - firstdiscountamount; seconddiscountAmount = (grossamount * seconddiscountpercentage); grossamount = grossamount - seconddiscountAmount; totalDiscount = firstdiscountamount + seconddiscountAmount; totalDiscount = MathUtil.roundUp(totalDiscount, 2); grossamount = MathUtil.roundUp(grossamount, 2); fuellog.setDiscounts(totalDiscount); fuellog.setAmount(grossamount); /* * System.out.println( * "\nfirstdiscountamount==>" * +firstdiscountamount+"\n" * ); System.out.println( * "\nseconddiscountpercentage==>" * +seconddiscountpercentage * +"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\nseconddiscountAmount==>" * +seconddiscountAmount+ * "\n"); * System.out.println( * "\ntotalDiscount==>"+ * totalDiscount+"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\nsetAmount(grossamount)==>" * +grossamount+"\n"); */ } } } } } Double grossamount = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount == null) { double discountAmount = fuellog.getDiscounts(); double feesAmount = fuellog.getFees(); // System.out.println("grossamount == // null"); Double NetAmount = getValidGallon(amount1); // System.out.println("NetAmount == // "+NetAmount+"\n"); if (discountAmount == 0 && feesAmount == 0) { // double // grossAmount=NetAmount+(discountAmount-feesAmount); fuellog.setGrosscost(NetAmount); } else { lineError.append("Discount and Fees should be zero,"); error = true; } } if (grossamount == 0) { double discountAmount = fuellog.getDiscounts(); double feesAmount = fuellog.getFees(); // System.out.println("grossamount == // null"); Double NetAmount = getValidGallon(amount1); // System.out.println("NetAmount == // "+NetAmount+"\n"); if (discountAmount == 0 && feesAmount == 0) { // double // grossAmount=NetAmount+(discountAmount-feesAmount); fuellog.setGrosscost(NetAmount); } else { lineError.append("Discount and Fees should be zero,"); error = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("error calculating total discount"); } } } /// If override is true else { /* if (!error) { */ try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(grossamount1)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", Fname); FuelVendor vendor = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelVendor.class, criterias); if (vendor != null) { System.out.println("\nDiscount first\n"); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("", vendor.getId()); FuelDiscount fueldicount = genericDAO.getByCriteria(FuelDiscount.class, criterias); System.out.println("\nDiscount Second\n"); if (fueldicount != null) { double firstdiscountamount = fuellog.getDiscounts(); double seconddiscountpercentage = fueldicount.getFuelDiscountPercentage(); double seconddiscountAmount = 0.0; double totalDiscount = 0.0; Double grossamount = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount != null) { if (grossamount != 0) { // System.out.println("\nFirst // grossamount--->"+grossamount+"\n"); grossamount = grossamount - firstdiscountamount; seconddiscountAmount = (grossamount * seconddiscountpercentage); grossamount = grossamount - seconddiscountAmount; totalDiscount = firstdiscountamount + seconddiscountAmount; totalDiscount = MathUtil.roundUp(totalDiscount, 2); grossamount = MathUtil.roundUp(grossamount, 2); fuellog.setDiscounts(totalDiscount); fuellog.setAmount(grossamount); /* * System.out.println( * "\nfirstdiscountamount==>"+ * firstdiscountamount+"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\nseconddiscountpercentage==>" * +seconddiscountpercentage+ * "\n"); System.out.println( * "\nseconddiscountAmount==>"+ * seconddiscountAmount+"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\ntotalDiscount==>"+ * totalDiscount+"\n"); * System.out.println( * "\nsetAmount(grossamount)==>" * +grossamount+"\n"); */ } } } } } Double grossamount = getValidGallon(grossamount1); if (grossamount == null) { /* * double discountAmount=fuellog.getDiscounts(); * double feesAmount=fuellog.getFees(); */ // System.out.println("grossamount == null"); Double NetAmount = getValidGallon(amount1); System.out.println("\ngrossamount == null when orride true\n"); System.out.println("\nNetAmount==>" + NetAmount + "\n"); // System.out.println("NetAmount == // "+NetAmount+"\n"); /* if(discountAmount ==0 && feesAmount ==0){ */ // double // grossAmount=NetAmount+(discountAmount-feesAmount); fuellog.setGrosscost(NetAmount); /* } */ /* * else{ lineError.append( * "discount and fees should be zero,"); error = * true; } */ } if (grossamount == 0) { /* * double discountAmount=fuellog.getDiscounts(); * double feesAmount=fuellog.getFees(); */ // System.out.println("grossamount == null"); Double NetAmount = getValidGallon(amount1); System.out.println("\ngrossamount == 0 when orride true\n"); System.out.println("\nNetAmount==>" + NetAmount + "\n"); // System.out.println("NetAmount == // "+NetAmount+"\n"); /* if(discountAmount ==0 && feesAmount ==0){ */ // double // grossAmount=NetAmount+(discountAmount-feesAmount); fuellog.setGrosscost(NetAmount); /* } */ /* * else{ lineError.append( * "discount and fees should be zero,"); error = * true; } */ } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("exp--->" + ex + "\n"); System.out.println("error calculating total discount when override id true"); } // } } // END OF CELL if (override == false) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 0"); if (!error) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 1"); Map prop = new HashMap(); prop.put("fuelvendor", fuellog.getFuelvendor().getId()); prop.put("driversid", fuellog.getDriversid().getId()); prop.put("company", fuellog.getCompany().getId()); prop.put("terminal", fuellog.getTerminal().getId()); prop.put("state", fuellog.getState().getId()); prop.put("unit", fuellog.getUnit().getId()); prop.put("invoiceDate", dateFormat1.format(fuellog.getInvoiceDate())); prop.put("invoiceNo", fuellog.getInvoiceNo()); prop.put("transactiondate", dateFormat1.format(fuellog.getTransactiondate())); prop.put("transactiontime", fuellog.getTransactiontime()); if (fuellog.getFuelcard() != null) { prop.put("fuelcard", fuellog.getFuelcard().getId()); } prop.put("fueltype", fuellog.getFueltype()); prop.put("city", fuellog.getCity()); prop.put("gallons", fuellog.getGallons()); prop.put("unitprice", fuellog.getUnitprice()); prop.put("fees", fuellog.getFees()); prop.put("discounts", fuellog.getDiscounts()); prop.put("amount", fuellog.getAmount()); boolean rst = genericDAO.isUnique(FuelLog.class, fuellog, prop); System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 2" + rst); if (!rst) { System.out.println("***** eneter here ok 3"); lineError.append("Fuel log entry already exists(Duplicate),"); error = true; errorcount++; } if (fuellogs.contains(fuellog)) { lineError.append("Duplicate Fuel log record in file,"); error = true; errorcount++; } else { fuellogs.add(fuellog); } } else { errorcount++; } } else { if (!error) { fuellogs.add(fuellog); } else { errorcount++; } } } // TRY INSIDE WHILE(LOOP) catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("***** Entered here in exception" + ex.getMessage()); error = true; log.warn(ex); } if (lineError.length() > 0) { System.out.println("Error :" + lineError.toString()); list.add("Line " + count + ":" + lineError.toString() + "<br/>"); } System.out.println("Record No :" + count); count++; } // CLOSE while (rows.hasNext()) } // FIRST TRY catch (Exception e) { list.add("Not able to upload XL !!! please try again"); log.warn("Error in import Fuel log :" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Done here.. " + errorcount); if (errorcount == 0) { System.out.println("Error count = 0"); for (FuelLog fuelog : fuellogs) { /*String ticktQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.driver=" + fuelog.getDriversid().getId() + " and obj.loadDate <='" + drvdf.format(fuelog.getTransactiondate()) + "' and obj.unloadDate>='" + drvdf.format(fuelog.getTransactiondate()) + "'";*/ String ticktQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where obj.driver=" + fuelog.getDriversid().getId() + " and (obj.loadDate ='" + drvdf.format(fuelog.getTransactiondate()) + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + drvdf.format(fuelog.getTransactiondate()) + "')"; System.out.println("Fuel Log Violation query = " + ticktQuery); List<Ticket> tickObj = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(ticktQuery); if (tickObj.size() > 0 && tickObj != null) { fuelog.setFuelViolation("Not Violated"); } else { fuelog.setFuelViolation("Violated"); } Map criti = new HashMap(); criti.clear(); criti.put("id", fuelog.getDriversid().getId()); Driver drvOBj = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criti); if (drvOBj != null) fuelog.setDriverFullName(drvOBj.getFullName()); criti.clear(); criti.put("id", fuelog.getUnit().getId()); Vehicle vehObj = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criti); if (vehObj != null) fuelog.setUnitNum(vehObj.getUnitNum()); genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(fuelog); } } else { System.out.println("Line Error = " + list); } System.out.println("Returning list"); return list; } private String validateAndResetUnitNumber(Map criterias, HSSFRow row) { String unit = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unit)) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } criterias.clear(); String transactionDate = null; System.out.println("********** date value is " + getCellValue(row.getCell(4))); if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { transactionDate = dateFormat.format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))).getTime()); } Vehicle vehicle = null; String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.type=1 and obj.unit=" + Integer.parseInt(unit) + " and obj.validFrom<='" + transactionDate + "' and obj.validTo>='" + transactionDate + "'"; System.out.println("******* The vehicle query for fuel upload is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.size() == 0) { System.out.println("User given unit number " + unit + " is not valid, returning EMPTY"); return StringUtils.EMPTY; } else { System.out.println("User given unit number " + unit + " is valid"); return unit; } } private Driver getDriverObjectFromName(String fullName, HSSFRow row) { List<Driver> drivers = getDriversFromName(fullName); if (drivers.size() == 0) { // no driver, continue to existing flow System.out.println( "<<Custom code for Driver>>: No driver matching fullName = " + fullName + " was found."); return null; } if (drivers.size() == 1) { // exactly 1 matching driver, continue to existing flow System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Exactly 1 matching driver was found with id = " + drivers.get(0).getId()); return drivers.get(0); } // more than 1 driver found //return retrieveActualDriver(drivers, row); String transdate = getTransactionDateFromExcel(row, 6); return retrieveActualDriver(drivers, transdate); } // Fuel log - subcontractor private SubContractor getSubcontractorObjectFromName(String lastName, String firstName) { String baseSubcontractorQuery = "select obj from SubContractor obj where " + " LIKE '"; String name = lastName + " " + firstName + "%"; String subcontractorQuery = baseSubcontractorQuery + name + "'"; System.out.println( "******* The subcontractor query for fuel upload - first attempt is " + subcontractorQuery); List<SubContractor> subContractorList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(subcontractorQuery); if (subContractorList.isEmpty()) { name = firstName + " " + lastName + "%"; subcontractorQuery = baseSubcontractorQuery + name + "'"; System.out.println( "******* The subcontractor query for fuel upload - second attempt is " + subcontractorQuery); subContractorList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(subcontractorQuery); } if (!subContractorList.isEmpty()) { return subContractorList.get(0); } else { return null; } } private Driver getDriverObjectFromName(Map criterias, String firstName, String lastName, HSSFRow row) { /*// Existing Buggy code criterias.clear(); System.out.println("Firstname = " + firstName + ", lastname = " + lastName); criterias.put("firstName", firstName); criterias.put("lastName", lastName); Driver driver = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); return driver; */ List<Driver> drivers = getDriversFromName(criterias, lastName, firstName); if (drivers.size() == 0) { // no driver, continue to existing flow System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: No driver matching firstname = " + firstName + ", lastname = " + lastName + " was found."); return null; } if (drivers.size() == 1) { // exactly 1 matching driver, continue to existing flow System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Exactly 1 matching driver was found with id = " + drivers.get(0).getId()); return drivers.get(0); } // more than 1 driver found //return retrieveActualDriver(drivers, row); String transdate = getTransactionDateFromExcel(row, 4); return retrieveActualDriver(drivers, transdate); } //private Driver retrieveActualDriver(List<Driver> drivers, HSSFRow row) { private Driver retrieveActualDriver(List<Driver> drivers, String transdate) { //String transdate = getTransactionDateFromExcel(row); String listOfDrivers = getCommaSeparatedListOfDriverID(drivers); Ticket ticket = getTicketForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (ticket != null) { // got matching ticket return ticket.getDriver(); } DriverFuelLog driverFuelLog = getDriverFuelLogForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (driverFuelLog != null) { // got matching DriverFuelLog return driverFuelLog.getDriver(); } Odometer odometer = getOdometerForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (odometer != null) { // got matching Odometer return odometer.getDriver(); } // could not set using Ticket, DriverFuelLog, Odometer, try to set the driver using Active flag // already sorted in desc order of ID System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Most Recent driver ID = " + drivers.get(0).getId()); return drivers.get(0); //return getRecentDriver(drivers) ; } private boolean setUnitNumberInFuelLogRefactored(Map criterias, HSSFRow row, FuelLog fuellog, StringBuffer lineError, String unit) { boolean isError = false; try { String lastName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7))); String firstName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); // Unit is EMPTY, Driver Name is EMPTY if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unit) && StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName)) { isError = true; lineError.append("Unit is empty, Driver is empty"); return isError; } // if unit number is NOT EMPTY if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(unit)) { String transdate = getTransactionDateFromExcel(row, 4); if (!setVehicleInFuelLogFromUnitNumber(row, transdate, fuellog)) { isError = true; lineError.append("no such Vehicle,"); return isError; } // else : able to set the unit number, proceed down to set driver } // else : derive unit number using driver, so first proceed down to set driver // If driverName is NOT EMPTY isError = setDriverAndOrUnitInFuelLog(criterias, row, fuellog, lineError, lastName, firstName, unit); /*if (StringUtils.isEmpty(unit)) { isError = true; lineError.append("Unit is blank, No matching Ticket, Fuel Log, Odometer entry for given driver"); return isError; } */ } catch (Exception ex) { isError = true; lineError.append("Unit,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } return isError; } private boolean setDriverAndOrUnitInFuelLog(Map criterias, HSSFRow row, FuelLog fuellog, StringBuffer lineError, String lastName, String firstName, String unit) { boolean isError = false; List<Driver> driver = new ArrayList<Driver>(); if (!lastName.isEmpty() && !firstName.isEmpty()) { // user has given driver name driver = getDriversFromName(criterias, lastName, firstName); if (driver.size() == 0) { // No drivers found for given name, do not try to derive name, send error isError = true; lineError.append("Invalid Driver,"); return isError; } } // driver -> can be 0 , 1 , > 1 return setDriverAndOrUnitUsingNameInFuelLog(criterias, row, fuellog, lineError, lastName, firstName, driver, unit); } private boolean setDriverAndOrUnitUsingNameInFuelLog(Map criterias, HSSFRow row, FuelLog fuellog, StringBuffer lineError, String lastName, String firstName, List<Driver> driver, String unit) { boolean isError = false; String listOfDrivers = null; // 1 or more drivers found if (driver.size() > 0) { listOfDrivers = getCommaSeparatedListOfDriverID(driver); } String transdate = getTransactionDateFromExcel(row, 4); // pass the Stringbuffer lineError -> to capture the right error if (setFuelLogDetailsUsingTicket(listOfDrivers, transdate, fuellog, unit)) { // driver, terminal, unit set using ticket, so return return isError; } if (setFuelLogDetailsUsingDriverFuelLog(listOfDrivers, transdate, fuellog, unit)) { // driver, terminal, unit set using driverfuellog, so return return isError; } if (setFuelLogDetailsUsingOdometer(listOfDrivers, transdate, fuellog, unit)) { // driver, terminal, unit set using Odometer, so return return isError; } // could not set using Ticket, DriverFuelLog, Odometer, try to set the driver using Active flag if (setActiveDriverInFuelLog(criterias, fuellog, lastName, firstName)) { // could set the right driver using active flag return isError; } isError = true; lineError.append("Invalid Driver,"); return isError; } private List<Driver> getDriversFromName(String fullName) { Map criterias = new HashMap(); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("fullName", fullName); List<Driver> driver = genericDAO.findByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias, "id", true); return driver; } private List<Driver> getDriversFromName(Map criterias, String lastName, String firstName) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("firstName", firstName); criterias.put("lastName", lastName); List<Driver> driver = genericDAO.findByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias, "id", true); return driver; } private boolean setActiveDriverInFuelLog(Map criterias, FuelLog fuellog, String lastName, String firstName) { boolean error; criterias.clear(); criterias.put("firstName", firstName); criterias.put("lastName", lastName); criterias.put("status", 1); List<Driver> activeDrivers = genericDAO.findByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); if (activeDrivers.size() == 0) { // no drivers found return false; } else { // take first one blindly !! :( fuellog.setDriversid(activeDrivers.get(0)); fuellog.setTerminal(activeDrivers.get(0).getTerminal()); return true; } } private boolean setVehicleInFuelLogFromUnitNumber(HSSFRow row, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog) { String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.type=1 and obj.unit=" + Integer.parseInt((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6))) + " and obj.validFrom<='" + transdate + "' and obj.validTo>='" + transdate + "'"; System.out.println("******* The vehicle query for fuel upload is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.size() == 0) { System.out.println("Entered here "); return true; } else { fuelLog.setUnit(vehicleList.get(0)); return true; } } private Vehicle getVehicleInFuelLogFromUnitNumber(String unit, String transdate) { String vehicleQuery = "Select obj from Vehicle obj where obj.type=1 and obj.unit=" + Integer.parseInt(unit) + " and obj.validFrom<='" + transdate + "' and obj.validTo>='" + transdate + "'"; System.out.println("******* The vehicle query for fuel upload is " + vehicleQuery); List<Vehicle> vehicleList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(vehicleQuery); if (vehicleList == null || vehicleList.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return vehicleList.get(0); } } private boolean setFuelLogDetailsUsingOdometer(String listOfDrivers, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog, String unit) { Odometer matchingOdometer = getOdometerForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (matchingOdometer == null) { return false; } fuelLog.setDriversid(matchingOdometer.getDriver()); fuelLog.setTerminal(matchingOdometer.getTerminal()); fuelLog.setUnit(matchingOdometer.getTruck()); return true; } private Odometer getOdometerForDriver(String listOfDrivers, String transdate) { String odometerQuery = "select obj from Odometer obj where " + "obj.recordDate='" + transdate + "' and obj.driver IN (" + listOfDrivers + ")"; System.out.println("Select Odomoeter with list of drivers -> " + odometerQuery); List<Odometer> driverOdometer = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(odometerQuery); if (driverOdometer.size() == 0) { return null; } Odometer matchingOdometer = driverOdometer.get(0); System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Matching Odometer = " + matchingOdometer.getId()); return matchingOdometer; } private boolean setFuelLogDetailsUsingDriverFuelLog(String listOfDrivers, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog, String unit) { DriverFuelLog matchingDriverFuelLog = getDriverFuelLogForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (matchingDriverFuelLog == null) { return false; } fuelLog.setDriversid(matchingDriverFuelLog.getDriver()); fuelLog.setTerminal(matchingDriverFuelLog.getTerminal()); fuelLog.setUnit(matchingDriverFuelLog.getTruck()); return true; } private DriverFuelLog getDriverFuelLogForDriver(String listOfDrivers, String transdate) { String driveFuelLogquery = "select obj from DriverFuelLog obj where " + "obj.transactionDate='" + transdate + "' and obj.driver IN (" + listOfDrivers + ")"; System.out.println("Select DriverFuelLog with list of drivers -> " + driveFuelLogquery); List<DriverFuelLog> driverFuelLog = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(driveFuelLogquery); if (driverFuelLog.size() == 0) { return null; // could not set } DriverFuelLog matchingDriverFuelLog = driverFuelLog.get(0); System.out.println( "<<Custom code for Driver>>: Matching DriverFuelLog ID = " + matchingDriverFuelLog.getId()); return matchingDriverFuelLog; } private boolean setFuelLogDetailsUsingTicket(String listOfDrivers, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog, String unit) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(listOfDrivers)) { // retrieve and set using unit return setFuelLogUsingUnit(listOfDrivers, transdate, fuelLog, unit); } else { return setFuelLogUsingDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate, fuelLog, unit); } } private boolean setFuelLogUsingUnit(String listOfDrivers, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog, String unit) { Vehicle vehicle = getVehicleInFuelLogFromUnitNumber(unit, transdate); String driverquery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "(obj.loadDate ='" + transdate + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transdate + "') and obj.vehicle=" + vehicle.getId(); System.out.println("******** query is " + driverquery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(driverquery); if (tickets.size() == 0) { // no matching tickets found return false; } // set Driver, Terminal, Vehicle Ticket matchingTicket = tickets.get(0); fuelLog.setDriversid(matchingTicket.getDriver()); fuelLog.setTerminal(matchingTicket.getTerminal()); fuelLog.setUnit(matchingTicket.getVehicle()); return false; } private boolean setFuelLogUsingDriver(String listOfDrivers, String transdate, FuelLog fuelLog, String unit) { Ticket matchingTicket = getTicketForDriver(listOfDrivers, transdate); if (matchingTicket == null) { return false; } fuelLog.setDriversid(matchingTicket.getDriver()); fuelLog.setTerminal(matchingTicket.getTerminal()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(unit)) { // validate if ticket.unit == unit System.out.println("Unit number does not match the unit number retrieved through ticket = " + matchingTicket.getVehicle().getUnitNum()); return false; } fuelLog.setUnit(matchingTicket.getVehicle()); return true; } // More than one driver fix - 13th May 2016 private int calculateDuration(String startTime, String endTime) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startTime) || StringUtils.isEmpty(endTime)) { return 0; } DateTimeFormatter durationFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm"); DateTime dtStart = durationFormat.parseDateTime(startTime); DateTime dtStop = durationFormat.parseDateTime(endTime); if (dtStop.isBefore(dtStart)) { DateTime temp = dtStart; dtStart = dtStop; dtStop = temp; } /*System.out.print(Days.daysBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getDays() + " days, "); System.out.print(Hours.hoursBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getHours() % 24 + " hours, "); System.out.print(org.joda.time.Minutes.minutesBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getMinutes() % 60 + " minutes, "); System.out.println(Seconds.secondsBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getSeconds() % 60 + " seconds.");*/ int hours = Hours.hoursBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getHours() % 24; int mins = org.joda.time.Minutes.minutesBetween(dtStart, dtStop).getMinutes() % 60; return mins + (hours * 60); } // More than one driver fix - 13th May 2016 private List<Ticket> determineCorrectTicket(List<Ticket> ticketsList, Date txnDate, String txnTime) { if (ticketsList.isEmpty()) { return ticketsList; } if (ticketsList.size() == 1) { return ticketsList; } List<Long> driverIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Ticket aTicket : ticketsList) { if (!driverIdList.contains(aTicket.getDriver().getId())) { driverIdList.add(aTicket.getDriver().getId()); } } if (driverIdList.size() == 1) { return ticketsList; } Map<Integer, Ticket> ticketDurationMap = new HashMap<Integer, Ticket>(); for (Ticket aTicket : ticketsList) { List<Integer> durationsList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (DateUtils.isSameDay(txnDate, aTicket.getLoadDate())) { durationsList.add(calculateDuration(aTicket.getTransferTimeIn(), txnTime)); durationsList.add(calculateDuration(aTicket.getTransferTimeOut(), txnTime)); } if (DateUtils.isSameDay(txnDate, aTicket.getUnloadDate())) { durationsList.add(calculateDuration(aTicket.getLandfillTimeIn(), txnTime)); durationsList.add(calculateDuration(aTicket.getLandfillTimeOut(), txnTime)); } if (!durationsList.isEmpty()) { Object[] sortedDurations = durationsList.toArray(); Arrays.sort(sortedDurations); ticketDurationMap.put((Integer) sortedDurations[0], aTicket); } } List<Ticket> correctTicketsList = new ArrayList<Ticket>(); if (!ticketDurationMap.isEmpty()) { Integer[] finalDurations = ticketDurationMap.keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]); Arrays.sort(finalDurations); correctTicketsList.add(ticketDurationMap.get(finalDurations[0])); } return correctTicketsList; } private List<Ticket> getTicketsForVehicle(List<Vehicle> vehicleList, String transDateStr) throws ParseException { String vehicleIds = getCommaSeparatedListOfVehicleId(vehicleList); String ticketQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "(obj.loadDate ='" + transDateStr + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transDateStr + "') and obj.vehicle IN (" + vehicleIds + ")"; System.out.println( "<<Custom code for Vehicle>>: Select Ticket with list of vehicles query 1-> " + ticketQuery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(ticketQuery); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { return tickets; } Date transDate = dateFormat.parse(transDateStr); //Date transDateMin = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, -3); Date transDateMin = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, 0); Date transDateMax = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, 4); String transDateMinStr = dateFormat.format(transDateMin); String transDateMaxStr = dateFormat.format(transDateMax); ticketQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "( (obj.loadDate between '" + transDateMinStr + "' and '" + transDateMaxStr + "')" + " OR (obj.unloadDate between '" + transDateMinStr + "' and '" + transDateMaxStr + "')" + ") and obj.vehicle IN (" + vehicleIds + ")"; System.out.println( "<<Custom code for Vehicle>>: Select Ticket with list of vehicles query 2-> " + ticketQuery); tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(ticketQuery); return tickets; } private String getCommaSeparatedListOfVehicleId(List<Vehicle> vehicleList) { StringBuffer vehicleIdBuff = new StringBuffer(); for (Vehicle v : vehicleList) { vehicleIdBuff.append("," + v.getId()); } return vehicleIdBuff.toString().replaceFirst(",", ""); } private List<Ticket> getAllTicketsForDriver(String listOfDrivers, String transDateStr) throws ParseException { String ticketQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "(obj.loadDate ='" + transDateStr + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transDateStr + "') and obj.driver IN (" + listOfDrivers + ")"; System.out .println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Select Ticket with list of drivers query 1-> " + ticketQuery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(ticketQuery); if (!tickets.isEmpty()) { return tickets; } Date transDate = dateFormat.parse(transDateStr); //Date transDateMin = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, -3); Date transDateMin = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, 0); Date transDateMax = DateUtils.addDays(transDate, 4); String transDateMinStr = dateFormat.format(transDateMin); String transDateMaxStr = dateFormat.format(transDateMax); ticketQuery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "( (obj.loadDate between '" + transDateMinStr + "' and '" + transDateMaxStr + "')" + " OR (obj.unloadDate between '" + transDateMinStr + "' and '" + transDateMaxStr + "')" + ") and obj.driver IN (" + listOfDrivers + ")"; System.out .println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Select Ticket with list of drivers query 2-> " + ticketQuery); tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(ticketQuery); return tickets; } private Ticket getTicketForDriver(String listOfDrivers, String transdate) { String driverquery = "select obj from Ticket obj where " + "(obj.loadDate ='" + transdate + "' OR obj.unloadDate ='" + transdate + "') and obj.driver IN (" + listOfDrivers + ")"; System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Select Ticket with list of drivers -> " + driverquery); List<Ticket> tickets = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(driverquery); if (tickets.size() == 0) { // no matching tickets found return null; } Ticket matchingTicket = tickets.get(0); System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Matching Ticket ID = " + matchingTicket.getId()); return matchingTicket; } private String getCommaSeparatedListOfDriverID(List<Driver> drivers) { StringBuffer driverIdList = new StringBuffer(); for (Driver d : drivers) { driverIdList.append("," + d.getId()); } return driverIdList.toString().replaceFirst(",", ""); } private String getTransactionDateFromExcel(HSSFRow row, int colIndex) { String transdate = null; if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))) { transdate = dateFormat.format(((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(4))).getTime()); } System.out.println("<<Custom code for Driver>>: Transaction date = " + transdate); return transdate; } private boolean handleExcludedCardNumberChecks(FuelLog fuellog, String cardNo) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("EXCLUDE_ERROR_CHECK", cardNo)) { return false; } System.out.println("\nOVerride card Number\n"); FuelCard fuelCard = null; fuellog.setFuelcard(fuelCard); return true; } private boolean validateFuelCardForVehicle(FuelLog fuelLog, FuelCard fuelCard) { if (fuelLog.getUnit() == null || fuelLog.getUnit().getId() == null || fuelLog.getFuelvendor() == null || fuelLog.getFuelvendor().getId() == null || fuelCard == null || fuelCard.getId() == null) { return false; } String fuelCardVehicleQuery = "select obj from DriverFuelCard obj where " + " obj.vehicle =" + fuelLog.getUnit().getId() + " and obj.fuelvendor =" + fuelLog.getFuelvendor().getId() + " and obj.fuelcard =" + fuelCard.getId(); System.out.println("********Fuel card vehicle query is " + fuelCardVehicleQuery); List<DriverFuelCard> driverFuelCardList = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(fuelCardVehicleQuery); return (driverFuelCardList != null && !driverFuelCardList.isEmpty()); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importMainSheet(InputStream is) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); // initializing the InputStream from a file using // POIFSFileSystem, before converting the result // into an HSSFWorkbook instance System.out.println("***** Here step 2"); HSSFWorkbook wb = null; StringBuffer buffer = null; List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Ticket> tickets = new ArrayList<Ticket>(); // List<String> emptydatalist=new ArrayList<String>(); int count = 1; int errorcount = 0; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); ErrorData edata = new ErrorData(); // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("e:/errordata.txt"); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); // loop for every worksheet in the workbook int numOfSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets(); Map criterias = new HashMap(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; Ticket ticket = null; Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); StringBuffer lineError; while (rows.hasNext()) { boolean error = false; buffer = new StringBuffer(); int cellCount = 0; row = (HSSFRow); if (count == 1) { count++; continue; } lineError = new StringBuffer(""); try { ticket = new Ticket(); ticket.setTicketStatus(1); ticket.setPayRollStatus(1); Object loadDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(0), true); if (loadDateObj == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Load Date,"); } else if (loadDateObj instanceof Date) { ticket.setLoadDate((Date) loadDateObj); } else { String loadDateStr = loadDateObj.toString(); loadDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(loadDateStr); Date loadDate = sdf.parse(loadDateStr); ticket.setLoadDate(loadDate); } /*try { Date loadDate = sdf.parse((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0), true)); ticket.setLoadDate(loadDate); } catch (ParseException p) { error = true; lineError.append("Load Date,"); }*/ /*if (validDate(getCellValue(row.getCell(0)))) ticket.setLoadDate((Date) getCellValue(row.getCell(0))); else { error = true; lineError.append("Load Date,"); }*/ if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1)))) { StringBuilder timeIn = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1)), 4, '0')); timeIn.insert(2, ':'); ticket.setTransferTimeIn(timeIn.toString()); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Transfer Time In,"); } if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)))) { StringBuilder timeOut = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)), 4, '0')); timeOut.insert(2, ':'); ticket.setTransferTimeOut(timeOut.toString()); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Transfer Time Out,"); } try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 1); criterias.put("unit", Integer.parseInt((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3)))); Vehicle vehicle = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criterias); if (vehicle == null) throw new Exception("no such truck"); else ticket.setVehicle(vehicle); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Truck,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 2); criterias.put("unit", Integer.parseInt((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(4)))); Vehicle vehicle = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criterias); if (vehicle == null) throw new Exception("no such trailer"); else ticket.setTrailer(vehicle); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Trailer,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } Object unloadDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(5), true); if (unloadDateObj == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Unload Date,"); } else if (unloadDateObj instanceof Date) { ticket.setUnloadDate((Date) unloadDateObj); } else { String unloadDateStr = unloadDateObj.toString(); unloadDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(unloadDateStr); Date unloadDate = sdf.parse(unloadDateStr); ticket.setUnloadDate(unloadDate); } /*try { Date unloadDate = sdf.parse((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(5))); ticket.setUnloadDate(unloadDate); } catch (ParseException p) { error = true; lineError.append("Unload Date,"); }*/ /*Object unloadDate = getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); if (validDate(unloadDate)) ticket.setUnloadDate((Date) unloadDate); else { error = true; lineError.append("" + " Date,"); }*/ if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)))) { StringBuilder timeIn = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(6)), 4, '0')); timeIn.insert(2, ':'); ticket.setLandfillTimeIn(timeIn.toString()); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Landfill Time In,"); } if (validTime((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7)))) { StringBuilder timeOut = new StringBuilder( StringUtils.leftPad((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(7)), 4, '0')); timeOut.insert(2, ':'); ticket.setLandfillTimeOut(timeOut.toString()); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Landfill Time Out,"); } try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 1); criterias.put("name", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such origin"); else ticket.setOrigin(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Origin,"); // log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } try { ticket.setOriginTicket(Long.parseLong((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(9)))); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Origin Ticket,"); } try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 2); criterias.put("name", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) throw new Exception("no such destination"); else ticket.setDestination(location); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Destination,"); // log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // FOR CUSTOMER AND COMPANY_LACATION BillingRate billingRate = null; try { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 1); criterias.put("name", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(8))); Location originid = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("type", 2); criterias.put("name", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(10))); Location destinationid = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (originid != null && destinationid != null) { // BillingRate billingRate = null; String query = "select obj from BillingRate obj where transferStation=" + originid.getId() + " and landfill=" + destinationid.getId(); List<BillingRate> rates = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); for (BillingRate rate : rates) { if (rate.getRateUsing() == null) { billingRate = rate; break; } else if (rate.getRateUsing() == 1) { // calculation for a load date if ((ticket.getLoadDate().getTime() >= rate.getValidFrom().getTime()) && (ticket.getLoadDate().getTime() <= rate.getValidTo().getTime())) { billingRate = rate; break; } } else if (rate.getRateUsing() == 2) { // calculation for a unload date if ((ticket.getUnloadDate().getTime() >= rate.getValidFrom().getTime()) && (ticket.getUnloadDate().getTime() <= rate.getValidTo().getTime())) { billingRate = rate; break; } } } if (billingRate != null) { ticket.setCompanyLocation((billingRate.getCompanyLocation() != null) ? billingRate.getCompanyLocation() : null); ticket.setCustomer( (billingRate.getCustomername() != null) ? billingRate.getCustomername() : null); } else { System.out.println("Customer and Company Location"); } /* * { error = true; lineError.append( * "Rate is expired for this origin and destination,please contact to administrator," * ); } */ } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Customer and Company Location"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } try { ticket.setDestinationTicket(Long.parseLong((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(11)))); } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Destination Ticket,"); } if (ticket.getOrigin() != null) { if (reportService.checkDuplicate(ticket, "O")) { lineError.append("Duplicate Origin Ticket,"); error = true; } } if (ticket.getDestination() != null) { if (reportService.checkDuplicate(ticket, "D")) { lineError.append("Duplicates Dest. Ticket,"); error = true; } } if (ticket.getUnloadDate() != null && ticket.getLoadDate() != null) { if (ticket.getUnloadDate().before(ticket.getLoadDate())) { lineError.append("Unload Date is before Load Date,"); error = true; } } Double tgross = getValidAmount((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(12))); if (tgross != null) ticket.setTransferGross(tgross); else { error = true; lineError.append("Transfer Gross,"); } Double ttare = getValidAmount((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(13))); if (ttare != null) ticket.setTransferTare(ttare); else { lineError.append("Transfer Tare,"); error = true; } if (tgross != null && ttare != null) { ticket.setTransferNet(tgross - ttare); ticket.setTransferTons((tgross - ttare) / 2000); /* if(billingRate.getBilledby().equals("bygallon")){ */ // Change to 8.35 - 28th Dec 2016 ticket.setGallons(ticket.getTransferNet() / 8.35); // } } Double lgross = getValidAmount((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(16))); if (lgross != null) ticket.setLandfillGross(lgross); else { error = true; lineError.append("Landfill Gross,"); } Double ltare = getValidAmount((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(17))); if (ltare != null) ticket.setLandfillTare(ltare); else { lineError.append("Landfill Tare,"); error = true; } if (lgross != null && ltare != null) { ticket.setLandfillNet(lgross - ltare); ticket.setLandfillTons((lgross - ltare) / 2000); } String driverName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(21))); Driver driver = null; try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(driverName)) throw new Exception("Invalid driver"); else { // String[] names = driverName.split(" "); criterias.clear(); /* * criterias.put("firstName", names[1]); * criterias.put("lastName", names[0]); */ criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("fullName", driverName); driver = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); if (driver == null) throw new Exception("Invalid driver"); ticket.setDriver(driver); // ticket.setDriverCompany(driver.getCompany()); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Driver,"); } try { String employeeCompanyName = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(23))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(employeeCompanyName)) throw new Exception("Invalid company"); else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("name", employeeCompanyName); Location employeeCompany = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (employeeCompany == null) throw new Exception("Invalid company"); ticket.setDriverCompany(employeeCompany); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("employee company,"); } String subcontractor = ((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(20))); try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(subcontractor)) { /* * if (driver != null && !"Subcontractor" * .equalsIgnoreCase(driver .getLastName().trim())) * { throw new Exception("Invalid subcontractor"); } * * * else { */ //String subcontractorMod = subcontractor.replace("&", "\"&\""); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", subcontractor); SubContractor contractor = genericDAO.getByCriteria(SubContractor.class, criterias); if (contractor == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid subcontractor"); } else { ticket.setSubcontractor(contractor); } criterias.clear(); } // } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Sub Contractor,"); } Object billbatchDateObj = getCellValue(row.getCell(22), true); if (billbatchDateObj == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Bill Batch Date,"); } else if (billbatchDateObj instanceof Date) { ticket.setBillBatch((Date) billbatchDateObj); } else { String billbatchDateStr = billbatchDateObj.toString(); billbatchDateStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(billbatchDateStr); Date billbatchDate = sdf.parse(billbatchDateStr); ticket.setBillBatch(billbatchDate); } /*try { Date billBatch = sdf.parse((String) getCellValue(row.getCell(22))); ticket.setBillBatch(billBatch); } catch (ParseException p) { error = true; lineError.append("Batch Date,"); }*/ /*Object billBatch = getCellValue(row.getCell(22)); if (validDate(billBatch)) ticket.setBillBatch((Date) billBatch); else { error = true; lineError.append("Batch Date,"); }*/ try { criterias.clear(); String locCode = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(24)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(locCode)) throw new Exception("Invalid terminal"); else { criterias.put("code", locCode); criterias.put("type", 4); } Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) { throw new Exception("no such terminal"); } else { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("status", 1); criterias.put("fullName", driverName); criterias.put("terminal", location); Driver driverobj = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Driver.class, criterias); if (driverobj == null) { throw new Exception("Terminal does not match with driver"); } else { ticket.setTerminal(location); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("Terminal does not match with driver,"); log.warn(ex.getMessage()); } try { User user = genericDAO.getByUniqueAttribute(User.class, "username", (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(25))); if (user == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid user"); } else { ticket.setCreatedBy(user.getId()); ticket.setEnteredBy(user.getName()); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; lineError.append("User,"); } if (!error) { if (tickets.contains(ticket)) { lineError.append("Duplicate Ticket,"); error = true; errorcount++; } else { tickets.add(ticket); //genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(ticket); } } else { errorcount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; log.warn(ex); } if (lineError.length() > 0) { System.out.println("Error :" + lineError.toString()); list.add("Line " + count + ":" + lineError.toString() + "<br/>"); } System.out.println("Record No :" + count); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error in import customer :" + e); } if (errorcount == 0) { for (Ticket ticket : tickets) { genericDAO.saveOrUpdate(ticket); } } return list; } /** * This is a helper method to retrieve the value of a cell regardles of its * type, which will be converted into a String. * * @param cell * @return */ private Object getCellValue(HSSFCell cell) { if (cell == null) { return null; } Object result = null; int cellType = cell.getCellType(); switch (cellType) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: result = ""; break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: result = cell.getBooleanCellValue() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: result = "ERROR: " + cell.getErrorCellValue(); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: result = cell.getCellFormula(); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle(); short dataFormat = cellStyle.getDataFormat(); // assumption is made that dataFormat = 14, // when cellType is HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC // is equal to a DATE format. if (dataFormat == 164) { result = cell.getDateCellValue(); } else { result = cell.getNumericCellValue(); } break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: result = cell.getStringCellValue(); break; default: break; } if (result instanceof Double) { return String.valueOf(((Double) result).longValue()); } if (result instanceof Date) { return result; } return result.toString(); } private Object getCellValue(HSSFCell cell, boolean resolveFormula) { if (cell == null) { return null; } Object result = null; int cellType = cell.getCellType(); switch (cellType) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: result = ""; break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: result = cell.getBooleanCellValue() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: result = "ERROR: " + cell.getErrorCellValue(); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: switch (cell.getCachedFormulaResultType()) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: /*System.out.println("Last evaluated as: " + cell.getNumericCellValue()); result = cell.getNumericCellValue(); break;*/ if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { result = cell.getDateCellValue(); } else { result = cell.getNumericCellValue(); } System.out.println("Numeric cell value == " + result); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: System.out.println("Last evaluated as \"" + cell.getRichStringCellValue() + "\""); result = cell.getRichStringCellValue(); break; } //result = cell.getCellFormula(); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle(); short dataFormat = cellStyle.getDataFormat(); System.out.println("Data format for " + cell.getColumnIndex() + " = " + dataFormat); // assumption is made that dataFormat = 14, // when cellType is HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC // is equal to a DATE format. //if (dataFormat == 165 || dataFormat == 164 || dataFormat == 14) { if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { result = cell.getDateCellValue(); } else { result = cell.getNumericCellValue(); } if (dataFormat == 0) { // alternative way of getting value : can this be replaced for the entire block result = new HSSFDataFormatter().formatCellValue(cell); } System.out.println("Numeric cell value == " + result); break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: //result = cell.getStringCellValue(); result = cell.getRichStringCellValue(); System.out.println("String -> " + result); break; default: break; } if (result instanceof Integer) { return String.valueOf((Integer) result); } else if (result instanceof Double) { return String.valueOf(((Double) result)); //.longValue()); } if (result instanceof Date) { return result; } return result.toString(); } private boolean validTime(String cellValue) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cellValue)) return false; if (cellValue.length() > 4) return false; return true; } private boolean validDate(Object cellValue) { if (cellValue instanceof Date) return true; else return false; } private Double getValidAmount(String cellValue) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cellValue) || cellValue.length() > 5) return null; try { return Double.parseDouble(cellValue); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } private Double getValidGallon(String cellValue) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cellValue)) return null; try { return Double.parseDouble(cellValue); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public List<String> importVehiclePermitMainSheet(InputStream is) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<VehiclePermit> vehiclePermits = new ArrayList<VehiclePermit>(); int errorcount = 0; HSSFWorkbook wb = null; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); Map criterias = new HashMap(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row = null; Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); VehiclePermit vehiclePermit = null; int count = 1; while (rows.hasNext()) { row = (HSSFRow); if (count == 1) { count++; continue; } boolean error = false; StringBuffer lineError = new StringBuffer(); vehiclePermit = new VehiclePermit(); String unitNum = ""; try { unitNum = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(0)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(unitNum)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("unitNum", unitNum); Vehicle vehicle = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Vehicle.class, criterias); if (vehicle == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Vehicle Number, "); } else { vehiclePermit.setVehicle(vehicle); } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Vehicle Number is Empty, "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; lineError.append("Unit,"); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } String company = ""; try { company = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(1)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(company)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("name", company); criterias.put("type", 3); Location location = genericDAO.getByCriteria(Location.class, criterias); if (location == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Company Name, "); } else { vehiclePermit.setCompanyLocation(location); } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Company is Empty, "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; lineError.append("Company, "); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } String permitType = ""; try { permitType = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(2)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(permitType)) { criterias.clear(); criterias.put("dataType", "PERMIT_TYPE"); criterias.put("dataLabel", permitType); SetupData setUpdata = genericDAO.getByCriteria(SetupData.class, criterias); if (setUpdata == null) { error = true; lineError.append("Permit Type doesn't exists,"); } else { SetupData data = genericDAO.getById(SetupData.class, setUpdata.getId()); vehiclePermit.setPermitType(data); } } else { error = true; lineError.append("Permit Type is Empty, "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; lineError.append("Permit Type, "); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } String permitNumber = ""; try { permitNumber = (String) getCellValue(row.getCell(3)); vehiclePermit.setPermitNumber(permitNumber); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; lineError.append("Permit Number, "); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } Date date4 = row.getCell(4).getDateCellValue(); try { if (validDate(date4)) { vehiclePermit.setIssueDate(dateFormat1.parse(dateFormat1.format(date4))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Effective date, "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Effective Date, "); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } Date date5 = row.getCell(5).getDateCellValue(); try { if (validDate(date5)) { vehiclePermit.setExpirationDate(dateFormat1.parse(dateFormat1.format(date5))); } else { error = true; lineError.append("Invalid Expiration Date"); } } catch (Exception e) { error = true; e.printStackTrace(); lineError.append("Invalid Expiration Date, "); log.warn(e.getMessage()); } if (!error) { java.sql.Date issueDate = new java.sql.Date(vehiclePermit.getIssueDate().getTime()); java.sql.Date expirationDate = new java.sql.Date(vehiclePermit.getExpirationDate().getTime()); criterias.clear(); criterias.put("dataType", "PERMIT_TYPE"); criterias.put("dataLabel", permitType); SetupData setupData = genericDAO.getByCriteria(SetupData.class, criterias); String query; try { query = "select obj from VehiclePermit obj " + " where obj.vehicle.unitNum='" + unitNum + "'" + " and'" + company + "' " + " and obj.companyLocation.type=3 " + " and obj.permitType=" + setupData.getId() + " " + " and (('" + issueDate + " 00:00:00' BETWEEN obj.issueDate and obj.expirationDate)" + " or ('" + expirationDate + " 00:00:00' BETWEEN obj.issueDate and obj.expirationDate)" + " or obj.issueDate>='" + issueDate + " 00:00:00' AND obj.expirationDate<='" + expirationDate + " 00:00:00')"; // +" and obj.issueDate='"+dateFormat1.format(date4)+"' // " // +" and // obj.expirationDate='"+dateFormat1.format(date5)+"'"; List<VehiclePermit> duplicateCheck = genericDAO.executeSimpleQuery(query); if (duplicateCheck != null && duplicateCheck.size() > 0) { lineError.append("Vehicle Permit Already exists for specified date range, "); errorcount++; } /* * else{ * *; } */ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } vehiclePermits.add(vehiclePermit); } else { errorcount++; } if (lineError.length() > 0) { list.add("Line " + count + ":" + lineError.toString() + "<br/>"); } count++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); list.add("Not able to upload the file, please try again"); } if (errorcount == 0) { for (VehiclePermit vPermit : vehiclePermits) {; } } return list; } @Override public List<LinkedList<Object>> importVendorSpecificFuelLog(InputStream is, LinkedHashMap<String, String> vendorSpecificColumns, Long vendor, HashMap<String, Object> additionalVendorData) throws Exception { List<LinkedList<Object>> data = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Object>>(); try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Row titleRow = sheet.getRow(sheet.getFirstRowNum()); LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> orderedColIndexes = getOrderedColumnIndexes(titleRow, vendorSpecificColumns); Set<Entry<String, Integer>> keySet = orderedColIndexes.entrySet(); System.out.println("Physical number of rows in Excel = " + sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows()); System.out.println("While reading values from vendor specific Excel Sheet: "); Map criterias = new HashMap(); criterias.put("id", vendor); FuelVendor fuelVendor = genericDAO.findByCriteria(FuelVendor.class, criterias, "name", false).get(0); boolean stopParsing = false; for (int i = titleRow.getRowNum() + 1; !stopParsing && i <= sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() - 1; i++) { LinkedList<Object> rowObjects = new LinkedList<Object>(); rowObjects.add(fuelVendor.getName()); rowObjects.add(fuelVendor.getCompany().getName()); Row row = sheet.getRow(i); Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> iterator = keySet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Integer> entry =; // corresponding column not found in actual column list, find in additionalVendorData if (entry.getValue() == -1) { System.out.println("Additional vendor data = " + additionalVendorData); System.out.println("Column " + entry.getKey() + " not found in Vendor Excel, checking in additionalVendorData"); Object cellValueObj = additionalVendorData.get(entry.getKey()); if (cellValueObj != null) { rowObjects.add(cellValueObj); } else { rowObjects.add(StringUtils.EMPTY); } continue; } Object cellValueObj = getCellValue((HSSFCell) row.getCell(entry.getValue()), true); if (cellValueObj != null && cellValueObj.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END_OF_DATA")) { System.out.println("Received END_OF_DATA"); stopParsing = true; rowObjects.clear(); break; } rowObjects.add(cellValueObj); } if (!stopParsing) { data.add(rowObjects); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return data; } @Override public List<LinkedList<Object>> importTollCompanySpecificTollTag(InputStream is, LinkedHashMap<String, String> tollCompanySpecificColumns, Long tollCompanyId) throws Exception { List<LinkedList<Object>> data = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Object>>(); try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(is); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Row titleRow = sheet.getRow(sheet.getFirstRowNum()); LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> orderedColIndexes = getOrderedColumnIndexes(titleRow, tollCompanySpecificColumns); Set<Entry<String, Integer>> keySet = orderedColIndexes.entrySet(); System.out.println("Physical number of rows in Excel = " + sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows()); System.out.println("While reading values from vendor specific Excel Sheet: "); Map criterias = new HashMap(); criterias.put("id", tollCompanyId); TollCompany tollCompany = genericDAO.findByCriteria(TollCompany.class, criterias, "name", false).get(0); //boolean stopParsing = false; for (int i = titleRow.getRowNum() + 1; i <= sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() - 1; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); Object firstCellValueObj = getCellValue((HSSFCell) row.getCell(0), true); if (firstCellValueObj != null && firstCellValueObj.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END_OF_DATA")) { System.out.println("Received END_OF_DATA"); break; } LinkedList<Object> rowObjects = new LinkedList<Object>(); rowObjects.add(tollCompany.getName()); /*// TODO: For now, need to get logic String company = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(tollCompany.getName(), " "); company = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(company, "LU"); rowObjects.add(company);*/ rowObjects.add(tollCompany.getCompany().getName()); Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> iterator = keySet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Integer> entry =; if (entry.getValue() == -1) { // corresponding column not found rowObjects.add(StringUtils.EMPTY); continue; } Object cellValueObj = getCellValue((HSSFCell) row.getCell(entry.getValue()), true); if (cellValueObj != null) { System.out.println("Adding " + cellValueObj.toString()); } else { System.out.println("Adding NULL"); } rowObjects.add(cellValueObj); } data.add(rowObjects); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return data; } private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> getOrderedColumnIndexes(Row titleRow, LinkedHashMap<String, String> vendorSpecificColumns) { LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> orderedColumnIndexesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); int startCellNumber = titleRow.getFirstCellNum(); Set<Entry<String, String>> keySet = vendorSpecificColumns.entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = keySet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entry.getValue())) { orderedColumnIndexesMap.put(entry.getKey(), -1); } boolean foundExpectedColumn = false; for (int i = startCellNumber; i < titleRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) { String columnHeader = (String) getCellValue(((HSSFCell) titleRow.getCell(i))); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(columnHeader.trim()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(entry.getValue().trim())) { continue; } if (columnHeader.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getValue().trim())) { // match found foundExpectedColumn = true; // orderedColumnIndexes.add(i); orderedColumnIndexesMap.put(entry.getKey(), i); System.out.println("Column Index Mapping for " + entry.getKey() + " = " + columnHeader + " @ index = " + i); break; } } if (!foundExpectedColumn) { // throw error?? System.out.println("Could not find expected column " + entry.getValue()); orderedColumnIndexesMap.put(entry.getKey(), -1); } } System.out.println("Ordered Column Indexes Map = " + orderedColumnIndexesMap); return orderedColumnIndexesMap; } }