Java tutorial
/** * ApplicationManager * * @license Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * @author xxxzxxx * Copyright 2013, Primitive, inc. * The MIT Licens ( * GPL Version 2 licenses ( */ package com.primitive.applicationmanager; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.util.Base64; import com.primitive.applicationmanager.datagram.ApplicationSummary; import com.primitive.applicationmanager.datagram.Package; import com.primitive.applicationmanager.exception.ApplicationManagerException; import com.primitive.library.common.log.Logger; import com.primitive.library.helper.DateUtility; import com.primitive.library.helper.cipher.CipherHelper; import com.primitive.library.helper.cipher.CipherHelper.Mode; import com.primitive.library.helper.cipher.CipherHelper.Padding; import com.primitive.library.helper.cipher.HashMacHelper; import com.primitive.library.helper.cipher.exception.CipherException; /** * ApplicationManager */ public class ApplicationManager extends BaseApplicationManager { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8615069519678495614L; private static ApplicationManager instance = null; private static String ApplicationURI = "api/application"; private static String TimeStampURI = "api/timestamp"; private static String PackagesURI = "api/packages"; /** * ??????? * @param applicationID * @param config * @return ApplicationManager.instance */ public static ApplicationManager createInstance(final String applicationID, final ServerConfig config) { Logger.start(); synchronized (ApplicationManager.class) { if (ApplicationManager.instance == null) { ApplicationManager.instance = new ApplicationManager(applicationID, config); } } return ApplicationManager.instance; } /** * ????? * @return ApplicationManager.instance */ public static ApplicationManager getInstance() { return ApplicationManager.instance; } private String applicationID = null; private ApplicationSummary beforeSummary = null; private Date timestamp = null; private Package[] beforePackages = null; /** * ApplicationManager * @param applicationID * @param config */ protected ApplicationManager(final String applicationID, final ServerConfig config) { super(config); Logger.start(); this.applicationID = applicationID; } /** * ApplicationSummary???? * ????? AnsyncdTask?????????? * @return ApplicationSummary */ public synchronized ApplicationSummary getApplicationSummary() { Logger.start(); try { return this.requestApplicationSummary(); } catch (final ApplicationManagerException ex) { Logger.warm(ex); } return this.beforeSummary; } /** * Package Array ???? * ????? AnsyncdTask?????????? * @return Package[] */ public synchronized Package[] getPackages() { Logger.start(); try { return this.requestPackages(); } catch (final ApplicationManagerException ex) { Logger.warm(ex); } return this.beforePackages; } /** * Timestamp ???? * ????? AnsyncdTask?????????? * @return Date */ public synchronized Date getTimestamp() { Logger.start(); if (this.timestamp == null) { try { return this.requestTimeStamp(); } catch (final ApplicationManagerException e) { Logger.warm(e); } } return this.timestamp; } /** * ????ApplicationSummary??????ApplicationSummary????????? * @param afterSummary * @return boolean */ public boolean isUpgrade(final ApplicationSummary afterSummary) { Logger.start(); final ApplicationSummary beforeSummary = this.beforeSummary; if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { return true; } else if (beforeSummary == null || afterSummary == null) { return true; } else { final String afterVersion = afterSummary.getVersion(); final String beforeVersion = beforeSummary.getVersion(); final boolean result = !afterVersion.equals(beforeVersion); return result; } } /** * ApplicationSummary?????? * @return ApplicationSummary * @throws ApplicationManagerException */ private ApplicationSummary requestApplicationSummary() throws ApplicationManagerException { Logger.start(); final String url = this.config.buildServerURL(ApplicationManager.ApplicationURI); final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("id", this.applicationID); final JSONObject json = this.requestToResponse(url, params); try { final boolean success = json.getBoolean("sucess"); if (!success) { return this.beforeSummary; } final String hash = json.getString("hash"); final String result = json.getString("result"); final String passphrase = HashMacHelper.getHMACBase64(HashMacHelper.Algorithm.HmacSHA256, hash.getBytes("UTF-8"), this.config.passPhrase.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] passPhraseBytes = new byte[256 / 8]; System.arraycopy(passphrase.getBytes(), 0, passPhraseBytes, 0, 256 / 8); final byte[] decriptDataByte = CipherHelper.decrypt(CipherHelper.Algorithm.AES, Mode.CBC, Padding.PKCS7Padding, Base64.decode(result.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT), hash.getBytes("UTF-8"), passPhraseBytes); final String decriptData = new String(decriptDataByte, "UTF-8"); final JSONObject decript = new JSONObject(decriptData); final ApplicationSummary summary = new ApplicationSummary(decript); if (this.isUpgrade(summary)) { this.beforeSummary = summary; } this.beforeSummary = summary; } catch (final JSONException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } catch (CipherException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } return this.beforeSummary; } /** * Package?????? * @return Package[] * @throws ApplicationManagerException */ private Package[] requestPackages() throws ApplicationManagerException { Logger.start(); final ApplicationSummary summary = this.requestApplicationSummary(); if (this.beforePackages != null) { if (summary == null) { return null; } else { if (!this.isUpgrade(summary)) { return this.beforePackages; } } } final String applicationID = summary.getID(); final String applicationName = summary.getName(); final String url = this.config.buildServerURL(ApplicationManager.PackagesURI); final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("name", applicationName); params.put("application", applicationID); params.put("region", Locale.getDefault().getCountry()); final JSONObject json = super.requestToResponse(url, params); try { final boolean success = json.getBoolean("sucess"); if (!success) { return this.beforePackages; } final String secret = summary.getSecret(); final String hash = json.getString("hash"); final String result = json.getString("result"); final String passphrase = HashMacHelper.getHMACBase64(HashMacHelper.Algorithm.HmacSHA256, hash.getBytes("UTF-8"), secret.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] passPhraseBytes = new byte[256 / 8]; System.arraycopy(passphrase.getBytes(), 0, passPhraseBytes, 0, 256 / 8); final byte[] decriptDataByte = CipherHelper.decrypt(CipherHelper.Algorithm.AES, Mode.CBC, Padding.PKCS7Padding, Base64.decode(result.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.DEFAULT), hash.getBytes("UTF-8"), passPhraseBytes); final String decriptData = new String(decriptDataByte, "UTF-8"); final JSONObject decript = new JSONObject(decriptData); final JSONArray packagesJSON = decript.getJSONArray("packages"); final ArrayList<Package> packages = new ArrayList<Package>(); for (int i = 0; i < packagesJSON.length(); i++) { final JSONObject object = packagesJSON.getJSONObject(i); final Package packageObject = new Package(object); packages.add(packageObject); Logger.debug(packageObject); } this.beforePackages = packages.toArray(new Package[] {}); } catch (final JSONException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } catch (CipherException ex) { Logger.err(ex); } return this.beforePackages; } /** * Timestamp?????? * @return Date * @throws ApplicationManagerException */ private Date requestTimeStamp() throws ApplicationManagerException { Logger.start(); final String url = this.config.buildServerURL(ApplicationManager.TimeStampURI); final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); final JSONObject json = super.requestToResponse(url, params); try { this.timestamp = DateUtility.getUTCDate(json.getString("result")); } catch (final ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return this.timestamp; } }