Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Created by Carlos Yaconi * Copyright 2012 Fork Ltd. All rights reserved. * License: GPLv3 * Full license at "/LICENSE" ******************************************************************************/ package com.prey.receivers; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncTask; import com.prey.FileConfigReader; import com.prey.PreyConfig; import com.prey.PreyLogger; import com.prey.PreyUtils; import com.prey.beta.actions.PreyBetaController; import com.prey.exceptions.PreyException; import; import; public class C2DMReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("")) { handleRegistration(context, intent); } else if (intent.getAction().equals("")) { handleMessage(context, intent); } } private void handleMessage(Context context, Intent intent) { PreyLogger.d("PUSH_______________"); PreyConfig config = PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(context); Set<String> set = intent.getExtras().keySet(); Iterator<String> ite = set.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { String key =; PreyLogger.d("___[" + key + "]" + intent.getExtras().getString(key)); } String body = intent.getExtras().getString("body"); String version = intent.getExtras().getString("version"); String api_key = intent.getExtras().getString("api_key"); String remote_email = intent.getExtras().getString("remote_email"); String cmd = intent.getExtras().getString("cmd"); if ((api_key != null && !"".equals(api_key)) || (body != null && body.indexOf("api_key") > 0)) { registrationPlanB(context, api_key, remote_email, body); } else { handleMessageBeta(context, body, version, cmd); config.setVersion(PreyConfig.VERSION_V2); } } private void registrationPlanB(Context context, String apiKey, String remoteEmail, String pushedMessage) { if (apiKey == null) { try { JSONObject jsnobject = new JSONObject(pushedMessage); apiKey = jsnobject.getString("api_key"); remoteEmail = jsnobject.getString("remote_email"); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (apiKey != null) { try { PreyWebServices.getInstance().registerNewDeviceWithApiKeyEmail(context, apiKey, remoteEmail, PreyUtils.getDeviceType(context)); } catch (PreyException e) { PreyLogger.e("Error, causa:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void handleMessageBeta(Context context, String body, String version, String cmd) { PreyLogger.d("Push notification received, waking up Prey right now!"); PreyLogger.i("Push message received " + body + " version:" + version); PreyBetaController.startPrey(context, cmd); } private void handleRegistration(Context context, Intent intent) { String registration = intent.getStringExtra("registration_id"); if (intent.getStringExtra("error") != null) { PreyLogger.d("Couldn't register to c2dm: " + intent.getStringExtra("error")); PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(context).setRegisterC2dm(false); PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(context).setNotificationId(""); } else if (intent.getStringExtra("unregistered") != null) { // unregistration done, new messages from the authorized sender will // be rejected PreyLogger.d("Unregistered from c2dm: " + intent.getStringExtra("unregistered")); PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(context).setRegisterC2dm(false); PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(context).setNotificationId(""); } else if (registration != null) { //PreyLogger.d("Registration id: " + registration); new UpdateCD2MId().execute(registration, context); // Send the registration ID to the 3rd party site that is sending // the messages. // This should be done in a separate thread. // When done, remember that all registration is done. } } private class UpdateCD2MId extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Object... data) { try { Context ctx = (Context) data[1]; String registration = FileConfigReader.getInstance(ctx).getGcmIdPrefix() + (String) data[0]; PreyHttpResponse response = PreyWebServices.getInstance().setPushRegistrationId(ctx, registration); PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(ctx).setNotificationId(registration); if (response != null) { PreyLogger.d("response:" + response.toString()); } PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(ctx).setRegisterC2dm(true); PreyBetaController.startPrey(ctx); } catch (Exception e) { PreyLogger.e("Failed registering to CD2M: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return null; } } }