Java tutorial
/* * Preferanser is a program to simulate and calculate Russian Preferans Card game deals. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Yuriy Lazarev <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see []. */ package com.preferanser.shared.domain; import; import; import; import; import; import com.preferanser.shared.domain.exception.DuplicateGameTurnException; import com.preferanser.shared.domain.exception.EditorException; import com.preferanser.shared.domain.exception.validation.*; import com.preferanser.shared.util.Clock; import com.preferanser.shared.util.EnumRotator; import com.preferanser.shared.util.GameUtils; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; public class Editor { private static final int NUM_OF_CARDS_PER_HAND = 10; private static final int NUM_OF_CONTRACTS = 3; private Long id; private String name; private String description; private Widow widow; private Players players; private Hand firstTurn; private Map<Card, Hand> centerCardHandMap; private Map<Hand, Contract> handContracts; private LinkedHashMultimap<Hand, Card> handCardMultimap; public Editor() { reset(); } public Editor reset() { name = null; description = null; firstTurn = null; players = null; widow = new Widow(); handContracts = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(Hand.PLAYING_HANDS.size()); centerCardHandMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); // order is important handCardMultimap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(TableLocation.values().length, Card.values().length); return this; } public Editor setFirstTurn(Hand firstTurn) { this.firstTurn = firstTurn; return this; } public Editor setThreePlayers() { players = Players.THREE; return this; } public Editor setFourPlayers() { players = Players.FOUR; return this; } public String getName() { return name; } public Editor setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public Editor setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; return this; } public Editor setWidow(Widow widow) { this.widow = widow; return this; } public Widow getWidow() { return widow; } public Editor setHandContract(Hand hand, Contract contract) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(hand); Preconditions.checkNotNull(contract); handContracts.put(hand, contract); return this; } public Editor setDeal(Deal deal) { id = deal.getId(); name = deal.getName(); description = deal.getDescription(); firstTurn = deal.getFirstTurn(); widow = deal.getWidow(); handContracts.clear(); if (deal.getEastContract() != null) handContracts.put(Hand.EAST, deal.getEastContract()); if (deal.getSouthContract() != null) handContracts.put(Hand.SOUTH, deal.getSouthContract()); if (deal.getWestContract() != null) handContracts.put(Hand.WEST, deal.getWestContract()); handCardMultimap.clear(); handCardMultimap.putAll(Hand.EAST, deal.getEastCards()); handCardMultimap.putAll(Hand.SOUTH, deal.getSouthCards()); handCardMultimap.putAll(Hand.WEST, deal.getWestCards()); return this; } public Editor putCards(Hand hand, Collection<Card> cards) { handCardMultimap.putAll(hand, cards); return this; } public Editor putCards(Hand hand, Card... cards) { putCards(hand, newArrayList(cards)); return this; } public Editor clearCards(TableLocation... tableLocations) { if (tableLocations.length == 0) { handCardMultimap.clear(); } else { for (TableLocation tableLocation : tableLocations) { switch (tableLocation) { case CENTER: centerCardHandMap.clear(); break; default: handCardMultimap.get(Hand.valueOf(tableLocation)).clear(); } } } return this; } public boolean moveCard(Card card, TableLocation newLocation) throws DuplicateGameTurnException { TableLocation oldLocation = findCardTableLocation(card); return removeCardFromOldLocation(card, oldLocation) && addCardToNewLocation(card, oldLocation, newLocation); } private TableLocation findCardTableLocation(Card card) { for (Map.Entry<Hand, Card> entry : handCardMultimap.entries()) { if (entry.getValue() == card) return TableLocation.valueOf(entry.getKey()); } if (widow.containsCard(card)) // TODO unit-test return TableLocation.WIDOW; checkArgument(centerCardHandMap.containsKey(card), "Cant find card %s on the table", card); return TableLocation.CENTER; } private boolean removeCardFromOldLocation(Card card, TableLocation oldLocation) { switch (oldLocation) { case CENTER: checkNotNull(centerCardHandMap.remove(card), "There is no %s in TableLocation.CENTER", card); return true; case WIDOW: // TODO unit-test widow.remove(card); handCardMultimap.replaceValues(Hand.WIDOW, widow.asList()); return true; default: Hand oldHand = Hand.valueOf(oldLocation); checkArgument(handCardMultimap.get(oldHand).contains(card), "There is no %s in Hand.%s", card, oldHand); return handCardMultimap.remove(oldHand, card); } } private boolean addCardToNewLocation(Card card, TableLocation oldLocation, TableLocation newLocation) throws DuplicateGameTurnException { switch (newLocation) { case CENTER: if (centerCardHandMap.size() == players.getNumPlayers()) return false; Hand oldHand = Hand.valueOf(oldLocation); if (centerCardHandMap.containsValue(oldHand)) // TODO unit-test throw new DuplicateGameTurnException(centerCardHandMap, oldHand); centerCardHandMap.put(card, oldHand); break; case WIDOW: return widow.add(card); // TODO unit-test default: handCardMultimap.put(Hand.valueOf(newLocation), card); } return true; } private Optional<List<EditorValidationError>> validate() { List<EditorValidationError> errors = newArrayList(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) errors.add(new DealNameNotSpecifiedValidationError()); // TODO: also check invalid names if (players == null) errors.add(new NumPlayersNotSpecifiedValidationError()); if (!widow.hasTwoCards()) errors.add(new WidowNotSpecifiedValidationError()); // TODO: unit test this check if (firstTurn == null) errors.add(new FirstTurnNotSpecifiedValidationError()); if (wrongNumberOfContracts()) errors.add(new WrongNumberOfContractsValidationError()); if (wrongFirstTurn()) errors.add(new WrongFirstTurnValidationError()); if (hasConflictingContracts()) errors.add(new HasConflictingContractsValidationError()); Set<Card> duplicateCards = findDuplicateCards(); if (!duplicateCards.isEmpty()) errors.add(new HasDuplicateCardsValidationError(duplicateCards)); Map<Hand, Integer> wrongHands = wrongNumberOfCardsPerHand(); if (!wrongHands.isEmpty()) errors.add(new WrongNumCardsPerHandValidationError(wrongHands)); if (errors.isEmpty()) return Optional.absent(); else return Optional.of(errors); } private boolean wrongNumberOfContracts() { int count = 0; for (Map.Entry<Hand, Contract> entry : handContracts.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) count++; } return count != NUM_OF_CONTRACTS; } private boolean wrongFirstTurn() { return players != null && players == Players.THREE && firstTurn != null && handContracts.get(firstTurn) == null; } private boolean hasConflictingContracts() { int numOfContracts = 0; int numOfPlayingContracts = 0; int numOfPasses = 0; for (Contract contract : handContracts.values()) { if (contract != null) { numOfContracts++; if (contract.isPlaying()) numOfPlayingContracts++; if (contract == Contract.PASS) numOfPasses++; } } return numOfContracts != 0 && numOfPlayingContracts != 1 && numOfPasses != numOfContracts; } private Set<Card> findDuplicateCards() { Set<Card> cardSet = newHashSet(); Set<Card> duplicateCardSet = newHashSet(); for (Card card : handCardMultimap.values()) { if (!cardSet.add(card)) { duplicateCardSet.add(card); } } return duplicateCardSet; } private Map<Hand, Integer> wrongNumberOfCardsPerHand() { Map<Hand, Integer> wrongHands = newHashMap(); for (Hand hand : Hand.PLAYING_HANDS) { Contract contract = handContracts.get(hand); if (contract != null) { int numberOfCards = handCardMultimap.get(hand).size(); if (numberOfCards != NUM_OF_CARDS_PER_HAND) wrongHands.put(hand, numberOfCards); } } return wrongHands; } public Deal build() throws EditorException { Optional<List<EditorValidationError>> validationErrors = validate(); if (validationErrors.isPresent()) throw new EditorException(validationErrors.get()); EnumRotator<Hand> handRotator = new EnumRotator<Hand>(Hand.values(), firstTurn); handRotator.setSkipValues(Hand.WIDOW); Deal deal = new Deal(); deal.setId(id); deal.setCreated(Clock.getNow()); deal.setName(name); deal.setDescription(description); deal.setPlayers(players); deal.setFirstTurn(firstTurn); deal.setShared(false); // consider setting it in the interface deal.setWidow(widow); deal.setEastContract(handContracts.get(Hand.EAST)); deal.setSouthContract(handContracts.get(Hand.SOUTH)); deal.setWestContract(handContracts.get(Hand.WEST)); deal.setEastCards(handCardMultimap.get(Hand.EAST)); deal.setSouthCards(handCardMultimap.get(Hand.SOUTH)); deal.setWestCards(handCardMultimap.get(Hand.WEST)); deal.setCurrentTrickIndex(0); return deal; } public Hand getFirstTurn() { return firstTurn; } public Map<Hand, Contract> getHandContracts() { return handContracts; } public Map<Hand, Set<Card>> getHandCards() { return GameUtils.copyDefensive(handCardMultimap); } public Map<Card, Hand> getCenterCards() { return Maps.newLinkedHashMap(centerCardHandMap); } }