Java tutorial
/* * #%L * PortfolioEffect - Quant Client * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Snowfall Systems, Inc. * %% * This file is part of PortfolioEffect Quant Client. * * PortfolioEffect Quant Client is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PortfolioEffect Quant Client is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with PortfolioEffect Quant Client. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.portfolio; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.ClientConnection; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.model.ConnectFailedException; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.result.MethodResult; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.util.Console; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.util.DateTimeUtil; import com.portfolioeffect.quant.client.util.MessageStrings; public class Portfolio { private static final int MAX_PDF_POINTS = 300; private static final int NUMBER_OF_TRIES = 20; private boolean isDebug = false; private PortfolioData portfolioData = new PortfolioData(); private HashMap<String, ArrayCache> symbolUserDataMap; private HashMap<String, ArrayCache> symbolUserDataTimeMap; private Set<String> userData; private ClientConnection clientConnection; private ArrayList<String> batchMetricsPosition; private ArrayList<String> batchMetricsPortfolio; private long[] samplingTimes = null; private boolean isBatchStart = false; private List<CacheKey> cachedValueList; private PortfolioCache portfolioCache; public Portfolio(Portfolio portfolio) throws Exception { this.portfolioData = new PortfolioData(portfolio.portfolioData); this.clientConnection = portfolio.clientConnection; this.symbolUserDataMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayCache>(); this.symbolUserDataTimeMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayCache>(); this.cachedValueList = new ArrayList<CacheKey>(); this.userData = new HashSet<String>(); this.isDebug = portfolio.isDebug; this.portfolioCache = new PortfolioCache(); for (String symbol : portfolio.userData) { addUserData(symbol, portfolio.symbolUserDataMap.get(symbol).getDoubleArray(), portfolio.symbolUserDataTimeMap.get(symbol).getLongArray()); } batchMetricsPosition = null; batchMetricsPortfolio = null; } public Portfolio(ClientConnection clientConnection) { this.portfolioCache = new PortfolioCache(); this.clientConnection = clientConnection; this.symbolUserDataMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayCache>(); this.symbolUserDataTimeMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayCache>(); this.cachedValueList = new ArrayList<CacheKey>(); this.userData = new HashSet<String>(); this.batchMetricsPosition = null; this.batchMetricsPortfolio = null; setDefaultParams(); } private void setDefaultParams() { portfolioData.setFromTime("#"); portfolioData.setToTime("#"); clearCache(); } private String getMetricTypeList(String metric) throws Exception { String result = ""; try { Gson gson = new Gson(); Type mapTypeMetrics = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>() { }.getType(); HashMap<String, String> metricArgs = gson.fromJson(metric, mapTypeMetrics); metricArgs.putAll(portfolioData.getSettings()); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> paramsArgs = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); paramsArgs.add(metricArgs); result = gson.toJson(paramsArgs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage().split(":")[1]); } return result; } private String getMetricTypeList(ArrayList<String> metrics) throws Exception { String result = ""; try { Gson gson = new Gson(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> paramsArgs = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); for (String e : metrics) { Type mapTypeMetrics = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>() { }.getType(); HashMap<String, String> metricArgs = gson.fromJson(e, mapTypeMetrics); metricArgs.putAll(portfolioData.getSettings()); paramsArgs.add(metricArgs); } result = gson.toJson(paramsArgs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage().split(":")[1]); } return result; } public void setParam(String key, String value) { portfolioData.getSettings().put(key, value); if (key.equals("samplingInterval")) { removeUserData("sampligTimes"); } clearCache(); } public String getParam(String key) { if (portfolioData.getSettings().containsKey(key)) return portfolioData.getSettings().get(key); else return ""; } public void setPortfolioSettings(Map<String, String> map) { portfolioData.setSettings(new HashMap<String, String>(map)); clearCache(); } public void setPortfolioSettings(String settingsJSON) { portfolioData.setSettingJSON(settingsJSON); clearCache(); } public HashMap<String, String> getPortfolioSettings() { return portfolioData.getSettings(); } public String getPortfolioSettingsJSON() { return portfolioData.getSettingJSON(); } public MethodResult addIndex(String assetName) { if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() != null) { portfolioData.setIndexPrice(null); portfolioData.setIndexTimeMillisec(null); } portfolioData.getPriceID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); portfolioData.setIndexSymbol(assetName); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addIndex(double[] indexPrice, long timeStepMilliSec) { long[] timeMilliSec = new long[indexPrice.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indexPrice.length; i++) timeMilliSec[i] = i * timeStepMilliSec + 1000; return addIndex(indexPrice, timeMilliSec); } public MethodResult addIndex(double[] price, long[] timeMilliSec) { if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() != null) { portfolioData.setIndexPrice(null); portfolioData.setIndexTimeMillisec(null); } if (price.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE); } if (timeMilliSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_TIME); } if (timeMilliSec.length != price.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE_AND_TIME); try { portfolioData.setIndexPrice(new ArrayCache(price)); portfolioData.setIndexTimeMillisec(new ArrayCache(timeMilliSec)); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } portfolioData.setIndexSymbol("index"); portfolioData.getPriceID().put("index", portfolioData.getNextDataId()); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addIndex(float[] indexPrice, long timeStepMilliSec) { long[] timeMilliSec = new long[indexPrice.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indexPrice.length; i++) timeMilliSec[i] = i * timeStepMilliSec + 1000; return addIndex(indexPrice, timeMilliSec); } public MethodResult addIndex(float[] price, long[] timeMilliSec) { if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() != null) { portfolioData.setIndexPrice(null); portfolioData.setIndexTimeMillisec(null); } if (price.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE); } if (timeMilliSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_TIME); } if (timeMilliSec.length != price.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE_AND_TIME); try { portfolioData.setIndexPrice(new ArrayCache(price)); portfolioData.setIndexTimeMillisec(new ArrayCache(timeMilliSec)); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } portfolioData.setIndexSymbol("index"); portfolioData.getPriceID().put("index", portfolioData.getNextDataId()); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public ClientConnection getClient() { return clientConnection; } public void clearCache() { for (CacheKey key : cachedValueList) { try { portfolioCache.remove(key); } catch (IOException e) { processException(e); } } cachedValueList = new ArrayList<CacheKey>(); } public MethodResult addPosition(String[] assetName, int[] quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < assetName.length; i++) { MethodResult result = addPosition(assetName[i], quantity[i]); if (result.hasError()) { return result; } } return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, int quantity) { if (portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() == null) return new MethodResult("Add index first"); int quantityArray[] = new int[1]; quantityArray[0] = quantity; long quantityTime[] = new long[1]; quantityTime[0] = -1; return addPosition(assetName, quantityArray, quantityTime); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, int[] quantity, long[] timeMillSec) { removePositionQuantity(assetName); removePositionPrice(assetName); portfolioData.getPriceID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); if (portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() == null) { return new MethodResult("Add index first"); } MethodResult result = addQuantity(assetName, quantity, timeMillSec); portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().add(assetName); clearCache(); return result; } private MethodResult addQuantity(String assetName, int[] quantity, long[] timeMillSec) { portfolioData.getQuantityID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); ArrayCache cashQuantity; ArrayCache cashQuantityTime; if (timeMillSec.length != quantity.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_AND_TIME); try { cashQuantity = new ArrayCache(quantity); portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().put(assetName, cashQuantity); cashQuantityTime = new ArrayCache(timeMillSec); portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityTimeMap().put(assetName, cashQuantityTime); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } private MethodResult addQuantity(String assetName, ArrayCache quantity, ArrayCache timeMillSec) { portfolioData.getQuantityID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().put(assetName, quantity); portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityTimeMap().put(assetName, timeMillSec); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, double[] price, int[] quantity, long[] timeMillSec) { return addPosition(assetName, price, timeMillSec, quantity, timeMillSec); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, double[] price, int[] quantity, long timeStepMilliSec) { if (price.length != quantity.length) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_AND_TIME); } long[] timeMilliSec = new long[price.length]; for (int i = 0; i < price.length; i++) timeMilliSec[i] = i * timeStepMilliSec + 1000; return addPosition(assetName, price, quantity, timeMilliSec); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, double[] price, int quantity, long timeStepMilliSec) { long[] timeMilliSec = new long[price.length]; for (int i = 0; i < price.length; i++) { timeMilliSec[i] = i * timeStepMilliSec + 1000; } return addPosition(assetName, price, quantity, timeMilliSec); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, double[] price, int quantity, long[] priceTimeMillSec) { int quantityArray[] = new int[1]; quantityArray[0] = quantity; long quantityTime[] = new long[1]; quantityTime[0] = -1; return addPosition(assetName, price, priceTimeMillSec, quantityArray, quantityTime); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, float[] price, int quantity, long[] priceTimeMillSec) { int quantityArray[] = new int[1]; quantityArray[0] = quantity; long quantityTime[] = new long[1]; quantityTime[0] = -1; return addPosition(assetName, price, priceTimeMillSec, quantityArray, quantityTime); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, double[] price, long[] priceTimeMillSec, int[] quantity, long[] quantityTimeMillSec) { portfolioData.getPriceID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); if (price.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE); } else if (priceTimeMillSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_TIME); } else if (quantity.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY); } else if (quantityTimeMillSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_TIME); } else if (portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() == null) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ADD_INDEX); } if (quantityTimeMillSec.length != quantity.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_AND_TIME); if (priceTimeMillSec.length != price.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE_AND_TIME); removePositionQuantity(assetName); removePositionPrice(assetName); MethodResult resultQuantity = addQuantity(assetName, quantity, quantityTimeMillSec); if (resultQuantity.hasError()) { return resultQuantity; } ArrayCache cashPrice; ArrayCache cashPriceTime; try { cashPrice = new ArrayCache(price); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceMap().put(assetName, cashPrice); cashPriceTime = new ArrayCache(priceTimeMillSec); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceTimeMap().put(assetName, cashPriceTime); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().add(assetName); portfolioData.getUserPrice().add(assetName); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addPosition(String assetName, float[] price, long[] priceTimeMillSec, int[] quantity, long[] quantityTimeMillSec) { portfolioData.getPriceID().put(assetName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); if (price.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE); } else if (priceTimeMillSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE_TIME); } else if (quantity.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY); } else if (quantityTimeMillSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_TIME); } else if (portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() == null) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ADD_INDEX); } if (quantityTimeMillSec.length != quantity.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_QUANTITY_AND_TIME); if (priceTimeMillSec.length != price.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_PRICE_AND_TIME); removePositionQuantity(assetName); removePositionPrice(assetName); MethodResult resultQuantity = addQuantity(assetName, quantity, quantityTimeMillSec); if (resultQuantity.hasError()) { return resultQuantity; } ArrayCache cashPrice; ArrayCache cashPriceTime; try { cashPrice = new ArrayCache(price); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceMap().put(assetName, cashPrice); cashPriceTime = new ArrayCache(priceTimeMillSec); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceTimeMap().put(assetName, cashPriceTime); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().add(assetName); portfolioData.getUserPrice().add(assetName); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addUserData(String dataName, double[] value, long[] timeMillSec) { portfolioData.getPriceID().put(dataName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); if (value.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_DATA); } else if (timeMillSec.length == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_TIME); } if (value.length != timeMillSec.length) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_DATA_AND_TIME); removeUserData(dataName); ArrayCache cashData; ArrayCache cashTime; try { cashData = new ArrayCache(value); symbolUserDataMap.put(dataName, cashData); cashTime = new ArrayCache(timeMillSec); symbolUserDataTimeMap.put(dataName, cashTime); } catch (IOException e) { return processException(e); } userData.add(dataName); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult addUserData(String dataName, ArrayCache value, ArrayCache timeMillSec) { portfolioData.getPriceID().put(dataName, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); if (value.getSize() == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_DATA); } else if (timeMillSec.getSize() == 0) { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.WRONG_VECTOR_LEN_TIME); } removeUserData(dataName); symbolUserDataMap.put(dataName, value); symbolUserDataTimeMap.put(dataName, timeMillSec); userData.add(dataName); clearCache(); return new MethodResult(); } /** * Remove position from portfolio * * @param symbol */ public void removePositionPrice(String symbol) { if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(symbol)) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(symbol)) { portfolioData.getUserPrice().remove(symbol); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceMap().remove(symbol); portfolioData.getSymbolPriceTimeMap().remove(symbol); portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().remove(symbol); } portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().remove(symbol); clearCache(); } } public void removeUserData(String symbol) { if (userData.contains(symbol)) { userData.remove(symbol); symbolUserDataMap.remove(symbol); symbolUserDataTimeMap.remove(symbol); } clearCache(); } public void removePositionQuantity(String symbol) { if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(symbol)) { portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().remove(symbol); portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityTimeMap().remove(symbol); clearCache(); } } public MethodResult setPositionQuantity(String name, int quantity) { int quantityArray[] = new int[1]; quantityArray[0] = quantity; long quantityTime[] = new long[1]; quantityTime[0] = -1; return setPositionQuantity(name, quantityArray, quantityTime); } public MethodResult setPositionQuantity(String name, int[] quantity, long[] timeMillesc) { if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(name)) { removePositionQuantity(name); return addQuantity(name, quantity, timeMillesc); } else { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, name)); } } public MethodResult setPositionQuantity(String name, ArrayCache quantity, ArrayCache timeMillesc) { if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(name)) { removePositionQuantity(name); return addQuantity(name, quantity, timeMillesc); } else { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, name)); } } public MethodResult setPositionQuantity(String name, double[] quantityD, long[] timeMillesc) { int[] quantity = new int[quantityD.length]; for (int i = 0; i < quantity.length; i++) { quantity[i] = (int) quantityD[i]; } if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(name)) { removePositionQuantity(name); return addQuantity(name, quantity, timeMillesc); } else { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, name)); } } public MethodResult setPositionQuantity(String name, int[] quantity, String[] timeMillesc) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(name)) { double[] price; long[] time; try { price = portfolioData.getSymbolPriceMap().get(name).getDoubleArray(); time = portfolioData.getSymbolPriceTimeMap().get(name).getLongArray(); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(e.getMessage()); } return addPosition(name, price, time, quantity, DateTimeUtil.toPOSIXTime(timeMillesc)); } else { return addPosition(name, quantity, DateTimeUtil.toPOSIXTime(timeMillesc)); } } public PortfolioData getPortfolioData() { return portfolioData; } public void addMetricToBatch(String metricType) { if (batchMetricsPortfolio != null || batchMetricsPosition != null) { if (metricType.contains("PORTFOLIO")) { batchMetricsPortfolio.add(metricType); } if (metricType.contains("POSITION") || metricType.contains("INDEX")) { batchMetricsPosition.add(metricType); } } } public void addMetricToBatch(Map<String, String> metricType) { Gson gson = new Gson(); addMetricToBatch(gson.toJson(metricType)); } public MethodResult runBatch(List<Map<String, String>> metrics) { startBatch(); for (Map<String, String> e : metrics) { addMetricToBatch(e); } return finishBatch(); } public MethodResult runBatchList(List<String> metrics) { startBatch(); for (String e : metrics) { addMetricToBatch(e); } return finishBatch(); } public MethodResult runBatch(String metricsStr) { Gson gson = new Gson(); Type mapType = new TypeToken<List<Map<String, String>>>() { }.getType(); List<Map<String, String>> list = gson.fromJson(metricsStr, mapType); return runBatch(list); } public MethodResult getMetric(Map<String, String> metricType) { Gson gson = new Gson(); MethodResult result = getMetric(gson.toJson(metricType), ""); return result; } public MethodResult getMetric(String metricType) { if (isBatchStart) { addMetricToBatch(metricType); return new MethodResult(); } MethodResult result = getMetric(metricType, ""); return result; } private void processNoCashError(String str) throws Exception { if (str.contains("No data in cache")) throw new Exception(str); } private MethodResult transmitData(ArrayList<String> dataList) throws Exception { if (isDebug) { System.out.println("\n transmitData: " + dataList); System.out.println("" + getParam("windowLength") + "\t" + getParam("priceSamplingInterval") + "\t"); } String windowLength = getParam("windowLength"); String priceSamplingInterval = getParam("priceSamplingInterval"); String momentsModel = getParam("riskMethodology"); MethodResult result = clientConnection.transmitDataList(portfolioData.getFromTime(), portfolioData.getToTime(), dataList, windowLength, priceSamplingInterval, momentsModel); if (result.hasError()) { processNoCashError(result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } if (result.getMessage().length() == 0) return new MethodResult(); Gson gson = new Gson(); Type mapType = new TypeToken<String[]>() { }.getType(); String[] dataTransmit = gson.fromJson(result.getMessage(), mapType);// result.getMessage().split(";"); for (String e : dataTransmit) { String[] ePars = e.split("-"); if (ePars[0].equals("h") || ePars[0].equals("hI")) { result = new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ERROR_HIST_PRICE); if (result.hasError()) { processNoCashError(result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } } else if (ePars[0].equals("u")) { String position = ePars[1].split(":")[1]; if (position.equals("index")) { result = clientConnection.transmitUserPrice(ePars[1], portfolioData.getIndexPrice().getFloatArray(), portfolioData.getIndexTimeMillisec().getLongArray()); if (result.hasError()) { processNoCashError(result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } } else { ArrayCache cache = portfolioData.getSymbolPriceMap().get(position); if (cache == null) cache = symbolUserDataMap.get(position); if (cache == null) throw new Exception(String.format(MessageStrings.PRICE_FOR_SYMBOL_NO, position)); float price[] = cache.getFloatArray(); cache = portfolioData.getSymbolPriceTimeMap().get(position); if (cache == null) cache = symbolUserDataTimeMap.get(position); if (cache == null) throw new Exception(String.format(MessageStrings.TIME_FOR_SYMBOL_NO, position)); long time[] = cache.getLongArray(); if (price == null || time == null) throw new Exception(String.format(MessageStrings.PRICE_FOR_SYMBOL_NO, position)); result = clientConnection.transmitUserPrice(ePars[1], price, time); if (result.hasError()) { processNoCashError(result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } } } else if (ePars[0].equals("q")) { String position = ePars[1].split(":")[1]; ArrayCache xq = portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().get(position); if (xq == null) throw new Exception(String.format(MessageStrings.QUANTITY_FOR_SYMBOL_NO, position)); int quantity[] = xq.getIntArray(); ArrayCache xt = portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityTimeMap().get(position); if (xt == null) throw new Exception(String.format(MessageStrings.TIME_FOR_SYMBOL_NO, position)); long time[] = xt.getLongArray(); result = clientConnection.transmitQuantity(ePars[1], quantity, time); if (result.hasError()) { processNoCashError(result.getErrorMessage()); return result; } } else { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ERROR_TRANSMIT); } } return new MethodResult(); } public MethodResult getMetric(String metricType, String params) { if (portfolioData.getFromTime().length() == 0 || portfolioData.getToTime().length() == 0) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult("Set time interval first"); } for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_TRIES; ii++) { try { if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().size() == 0) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.EMPTY_PORTFOLIO); } String metricTypeFull = getMetricTypeList(metricType);// , // params); String[] positions = null; CacheKey key = new CacheKey(metricTypeFull, params); if (portfolioCache.containsKey(key)) { MethodResult result = new MethodResult(); result.setData("value", portfolioCache.getMetric(key)); result.setData("time", portfolioCache.getTime(key)); return result; } clientConnection.printProgressBar(0); { MethodResult result = clientConnection.validateStringRequest(metricTypeFull); if (result.hasError()) throw new Exception(result.getErrorMessage()); positions = result.getStringArray("positions"); } MethodResult result = null; ArrayList<String> positionList = new ArrayList<String>(); String indexPosition = ""; if (Arrays.asList(positions).contains("@_ALL_PORTFOLIO_")) { String position = ""; if (metricTypeFull.contains("position")) { String[] firstSplit = metricTypeFull.split(":"); if (firstSplit.length == 2) { firstSplit[1] = firstSplit[1].trim(); if (firstSplit[1].length() != 0) { String[] secondSplit = firstSplit[1].split(","); for (int i = 0; i < secondSplit.length; i++) { String[] thirdSplit = secondSplit[i].split("="); if (thirdSplit[0].trim().equals("position")) { position = thirdSplit[1].trim(); } } } } } if (position.length() != 0 && !portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(position)) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, position)); } if (position.length() != 0) { positionList.add(position); } for (String symbol : portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList()) { if (!symbol.equals(position)) { positionList.add(symbol); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { if (positions[i].equals("@_INDEX_")) { } else { if (!portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(positions[i])) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult( String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, positions[i])); } positionList.add(positions[i]); } } } // ------------------------------ ArrayList<String> dataList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() == null) { dataList.add("hI-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(portfolioData.getIndexSymbol())); indexPosition = portfolioData.getIndexSymbol(); } else { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + "index" + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(portfolioData.getIndexSymbol())); indexPosition = "index"; } for (String symbol : portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList()) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(symbol)) { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(symbol)); } else { dataList.add("h-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(symbol)); } dataList.add("q-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(symbol)); } // ------------------------------ ArrayList<String> positionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String e : positionList) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(e)) positionNames.add(portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(e)); else positionNames.add("h-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(e)); } if (indexPosition.length() != 0) { if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() != null) indexPosition = portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(indexPosition) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(indexPosition); else indexPosition = "hI-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(indexPosition) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(indexPosition); } for (String e : userData) { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e)); positionNames.add( portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e)); } MethodResult resultTransmit = transmitData(dataList); if (resultTransmit.hasError()) { throw new Exception(resultTransmit.getErrorMessage()); // return new MethodResult(resultTransmit.getErrorMessage()); } if (isDebug) { Console.writeln("\n " + metricTypeFull); Console.writeln(indexPosition); Console.writeln(positionNames + "\n"); } result = clientConnection.estimateTransactional(metricTypeFull, indexPosition, positionNames, params); if (!result.hasError()) { portfolioCache.addMetric(key, result.getDataArrayCache("value")); portfolioCache.addTime(key, result.getDataArrayCache("time")); cachedValueList.add(key); } else { clientConnection.createCallGroup(1); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { MethodResult result = processException(e); if (result.getErrorMessage().equals("Server too busy, try again later")) continue; return result; } } clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.FAILED_SERVER_TIME_OUT); } public MethodResult getAllSymbolsList() { for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_TRIES; ii++) { CacheKey keyId = new CacheKey("[{name:\"allSymbolsId\"}]", ""); CacheKey keyDescription = new CacheKey("[{name:\"allSymbolsDescription\"}]", ""); CacheKey keyExchange = new CacheKey("[{name:\"allSymbolsExchange\"}]", ""); if (portfolioCache.containsKey(keyId)) { MethodResult result = new MethodResult(); result.setData("id", portfolioCache.getMetric(keyId)); result.setData("description", portfolioCache.getMetric(keyDescription)); result.setData("exchange", portfolioCache.getMetric(keyExchange)); return result; } try { MethodResult result = clientConnection.getAllSymbolsList(); portfolioCache.addMetric(keyId, result.getDataArrayCache("id")); portfolioCache.addMetric(keyDescription, result.getDataArrayCache("description")); portfolioCache.addMetric(keyExchange, result.getDataArrayCache("exchange")); return result; } catch (Exception e) { MethodResult result = processException(e); if (result.getErrorMessage().equals("Server too busy, try again later")) continue; return result; } } return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.FAILED_SERVER_TIME_OUT); } public void clearBatchMetricT() { batchMetricsPortfolio.clear(); batchMetricsPosition.clear(); batchMetricsPortfolio = null; batchMetricsPosition = null; } public MethodResult finishBatch() { isBatchStart = false; if (batchMetricsPortfolio == null && batchMetricsPosition == null) return new MethodResult(); String factorModel = portfolioData.getParam("factorModel"); if (factorModel == "sim" || factorModel == null) { batchMetricsPortfolio.addAll(batchMetricsPosition); MethodResult result = computeBatch(batchMetricsPortfolio); clearBatchMetricT(); return result; } else { MethodResult result; if (batchMetricsPortfolio.size() != 0 && batchMetricsPosition.size() != 0) { clientConnection.createCallGroup(2); result = computeBatch(batchMetricsPortfolio); if (result.hasError()) { clearBatchMetricT(); clientConnection.createCallGroup(1); return result; } result = computeBatch(batchMetricsPosition); clearBatchMetricT(); clientConnection.createCallGroup(1); return result; } else { batchMetricsPortfolio.addAll(batchMetricsPosition); result = computeBatch(batchMetricsPortfolio); clearBatchMetricT(); return result; } } } private MethodResult processException(Exception e) { if (isDebug) Console.writeStackTrace(e); if (e instanceof ConnectFailedException) { MethodResult isRestarted = clientConnection.restart(); if (isRestarted.hasError()) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(isRestarted.getErrorMessage()); } return new MethodResult("Server too busy, try again later"); } if (e.getMessage() == null || e.getMessage().contains("No data in cache") || e.getMessage().contains("null")) { MethodResult isRestarted = clientConnection.restart(); if (isRestarted.hasError()) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(isRestarted.getErrorMessage()); } return new MethodResult("Server too busy, try again later"); } if (e.getMessage() == null) { Console.writeStackTrace(e); return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ERROR_101); } clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(e.getMessage()); } private MethodResult computeBatch(ArrayList<String> batchMetrics) { ArrayList<String> metricsTypeNewList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String e : batchMetrics) { CacheKey key; try { String metricTypeFull = getMetricTypeList(e); key = new CacheKey(metricTypeFull, ""); } catch (Exception e1) { return processException(e1); } if (portfolioCache.containsKey(key)) continue; else metricsTypeNewList.add(e); } if (metricsTypeNewList.size() == 0) { return new MethodResult(); } batchMetrics.clear(); clientConnection.printProgressBar(0); if (portfolioData.getFromTime().length() == 0 || portfolioData.getToTime().length() == 0) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult("Set time interval first"); } for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_TRIES; ii++) { try { String metricsType = getMetricTypeList(metricsTypeNewList); if (portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().size() == 0) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.EMPTY_PORTFOLIO); } String[] positions = null; { MethodResult result = clientConnection.validateStringRequest(metricsType); if (result.hasError()) { throw new Exception(result.getErrorMessage()); } positions = result.getStringArray("positions"); } MethodResult result = null; ArrayList<String> positionList = new ArrayList<String>(); String indexPosition = ""; if (Arrays.asList(positions).contains("@_ALL_PORTFOLIO_")) { for (String symbol : portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList()) { positionList.add(symbol); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { if (positions[i].equals("@_INDEX_")) { } else { if (!portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().contains(positions[i])) { clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult( String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, positions[i])); } positionList.add(positions[i]); } } } ArrayList<String> positionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String e : positionList) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(e)) { positionNames.add(portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(e)); } else { positionNames.add("h-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(e)); } } ArrayList<String> dataList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() == null) { dataList.add("hI-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + portfolioData.getIndexSymbol() + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(portfolioData.getIndexSymbol())); indexPosition = portfolioData.getIndexSymbol(); } else { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + "index" + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(portfolioData.getIndexSymbol())); indexPosition = "index"; } for (String symbol : portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList()) { if (portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(symbol)) { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(symbol)); } else { dataList.add("h-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(symbol)); } dataList.add("q-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + symbol + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(symbol)); } // ------------------------------ if (indexPosition.length() != 0) { if (portfolioData.getIndexPrice() != null) { indexPosition = portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(indexPosition) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(indexPosition); } else { indexPosition = "hI-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(indexPosition) + "=" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + indexPosition + ":" + portfolioData.getQuantityID().get(indexPosition); } } for (String e : userData) { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e)); } for (String e : userData) { dataList.add("u-" + portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e)); positionNames.add( portfolioData.getPortfolioId() + ":" + e + ":" + portfolioData.getPriceID().get(e)); } MethodResult resultTransmit = transmitData(dataList); if (resultTransmit.hasError()) { throw new Exception(resultTransmit.getErrorMessage()); //return new MethodResult(resultTransmit.getErrorMessage()); } if (isDebug) { Console.writeln("\n " + metricsType); Console.writeln(indexPosition); Console.writeln(positionNames + "\n"); } result = clientConnection.estimateTransactional(metricsType, indexPosition, positionNames, ""); if (!result.hasError()) { ArrayCache batchValues[] = ArrayCache.splitBatchDouble(result.getDataArrayCache("value")); for (int k = 0; k < metricsTypeNewList.size(); k++) { String metricTypeFull = getMetricTypeList(metricsTypeNewList.get(k)); CacheKey key = new CacheKey(metricTypeFull, ""); portfolioCache.addMetric(key, batchValues[k]); portfolioCache.addTime(key, ArrayCache.copyArrayCacheLong(result.getDataArrayCache("time"))); cachedValueList.add(key); } metricsTypeNewList.clear(); } else { clientConnection.createCallGroup(1); } return new MethodResult(); } catch (Exception e) { MethodResult result = processException(e); if (result.getErrorMessage().equals("Server too busy, try again later")) continue; return result; } } clientConnection.resetProgressBar(); return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.FAILED_SERVER_TIME_OUT); } private MethodResult processException(IOException e) { if (isDebug) { Console.writeStackTrace(e); } if (e.getMessage() != null) { return new MethodResult(e.getMessage()); } else { return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ERROR_FILE); } } public MethodResult getPDF(double from, double to, int number) throws Exception { return getPDF(from, to, number, ""); } public MethodResult getPDF(int number) throws Exception { return getPDF(0, 1, number, ""); } public MethodResult getPDF(int number, String position) throws Exception { return getPDF(0, 1, number, position); } public MethodResult getPDF(double from, double to, int number, String position) throws Exception { if (getSymbolNamesList().size() == 0) return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.EMPTY_PORTFOLIO); number = number > MAX_PDF_POINTS ? 300 : number; HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); String sampling = getSamplingInterval(); Gson gson = new Gson(); MethodResult result; if (position.length() == 0) { params.put("metric", "PORTFOLIO_PDF"); } else { params.put("metric", "POSITION_PDF"); params.put("position", position); } params.put("from", "" + from); params.put("to", "" + to); params.put("number", "" + number); result = getMetric(gson.toJson(params)); long[] time = null; double[][] PDF = null; double[][] x = null; if (!result.hasError()) { time = result.getLongArray("time"); PDF = new double[time.length][number]; x = new double[time.length][number]; ArrayCache qResult = result.getDataArrayCache("value"); try { qResult.openInput(); for (int j = 0; j < time.length; j++) for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { x[j][i] = qResult.getNextDouble(); PDF[j][i] = qResult.getNextDouble(); } qResult.closeInput(); } catch (Exception e) { if (isDebug()) Console.writeStackTrace(e); if (e.getMessage() != null) return new MethodResult(e.getMessage()); else return new MethodResult(MessageStrings.ERROR_FILE); } } else { return new MethodResult(result.getErrorMessage()); } if (sampling.equals("last")) { double[][] newPDF = new double[1][number]; double[][] newX = new double[1][number]; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { newPDF[0][i] = PDF[PDF.length - 1][i]; newX[0][i] = x[x.length - 1][i]; } PDF = newPDF; x = newX; long newTime[] = new long[] { time[time.length - 1] }; time = newTime; } getClient().resetProgressBar(); MethodResult resultP = new MethodResult(); resultP.setData("time", new ArrayCache(time)); resultP.setData("x", new ArrayCache(x)); resultP.setData("pdf", new ArrayCache(PDF)); return resultP; } public MethodResult getPositionQuantity(String symbol) { if (portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().containsKey(symbol)) try { double[] value = portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().get(symbol).getIntAsDoubleArray(); long[] time = portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityTimeMap().get(symbol).getLongArray(); String samplingInterval = getParam("samplingInterval"); if (samplingInterval.equals("last")) { MethodResult result = new MethodResult(); result.setData("value", new ArrayCache(new double[] { value[value.length - 1] })); result.setData("time", new ArrayCache(new long[] { time[time.length - 1] })); return result; } MethodResult result = new MethodResult(); result.setData("value", new ArrayCache(value)); result.setData("time", new ArrayCache(time)); return result; } catch (Exception e) { return processException(e); } else { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.POSITION_NOT_FOUND, symbol)); } } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list of symbols that have non-zero position * weights in the portfolio * * @return symbol array */ public String[] getSymbols() { String[] names = new String[portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList().size()]; int i = 0; for (String name : portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList()) { names[i] = name; i++; } return names; } public int[] getQuantities() throws Exception { String[] positions = getSymbols(); int[] quantities = new int[positions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { quantities[i] = portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap().get(positions[i]).getIntArray()[0]; } return quantities; } public void createCallGroup(int groupSize) { clientConnection.createCallGroup(groupSize); } public List<String> getSymbolNamesList() { return portfolioData.getSymbolNamesList(); } public Map<String, ArrayCache> getSymbolQuantityMap() { return portfolioData.getSymbolQuantityMap(); } public boolean isPriceJumpsFilterEnabled() { return getParam("isPriceJumpsFilterEnabled").equals("true"); } public boolean isHoldingPeriodEnabled() { return getParam("isHoldingPeriodEnabled").equals("true"); } public void setHoldingPeriodEnabled(boolean isHoldingPeriodEnabled) { setParam("isHoldingPeriodEnabled", String.valueOf(isHoldingPeriodEnabled)); } public String getFromTime() { return portfolioData.getFromTime(); } public MethodResult setFromTime(String fromTime) { updatePriceData(); portfolioData.setFromTime(""); if (fromTime.contains("t")) { int daysBack; if (fromTime.trim().equals("t")) { portfolioData.setFromTime(fromTime); return new MethodResult(); } else { String[] a = fromTime.trim().split("-"); try { portfolioData.setFromTime(fromTime); return new MethodResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_FROM, fromTime)); } } } else if (!fromTime.contains(":")) { String s = fromTime.trim() + " 09:30:01"; try { Timestamp t = Timestamp.valueOf(s); portfolioData.setFromTime(fromTime); return new MethodResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_FROM, fromTime)); } } try { Timestamp t = Timestamp.valueOf(fromTime); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_FROM, fromTime)); } portfolioData.setFromTime(fromTime); return new MethodResult(); } public String getToTime() { return portfolioData.getToTime(); } public void updatePriceData() { for (String e : portfolioData.getPriceID().keySet()) { if (!portfolioData.getUserPrice().contains(e)) portfolioData.getPriceID().put(e, portfolioData.getNextDataId()); } clearCache(); } public MethodResult setToTime(String toTime) { updatePriceData(); portfolioData.setToTime(""); if (toTime.contains("t")) { if (toTime.trim().equals("t")) { portfolioData.setToTime(toTime); return new MethodResult(); } else { String[] a = toTime.trim().split("-"); try { int daysBack = Integer.parseInt(a[1].split("d")[0]); portfolioData.setToTime(toTime); return new MethodResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_TO, toTime)); } } } else if (!toTime.contains(":")) { String s = toTime.trim() + " 09:30:01"; try { Timestamp t = Timestamp.valueOf(s); portfolioData.setToTime(toTime); return new MethodResult(); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_TO, toTime)); } } try { Timestamp t = Timestamp.valueOf(toTime); } catch (Exception e) { return new MethodResult(String.format(MessageStrings.WRONG_TIME_FORMAT_TO, toTime)); } portfolioData.setToTime(toTime); return new MethodResult(); } public String getSamplingInterval() { return getParam("samplingInterval"); } /** * set times when the data are calculated * * @param samplingIntervalServer * "all" or - with out sampling ; "Xs" X -seconds; "Xm" X * -minutes; "Xh" X - hours; "Xd" X -days; "Xw" X -weeks; "Xmo" X * - months; "Xy" X - years; "last" - only final result */ public void setSamplingInterval(String samplingIntervalServer) { setParam("samplingInterval", samplingIntervalServer); removeUserData("sampligTimes"); samplingTimes = null; clearCache(); } public long[] getSamplingIntervalArray() { return samplingTimes; } /** * set times when the data are calculated * * @param samplingTimes - arrays of data milliseconds */ public void setSamplingInterval(long[] samplingTimes) { this.samplingTimes = samplingTimes; double[] value = new double[samplingTimes.length + 1]; long[] time = new long[samplingTimes.length + 1]; value[0] = 0; time[0] = samplingTimes[0] - 1000; for (int i = 1; i < value.length; i++) { value[i] = i; time[i] = samplingTimes[i - 1]; } setParam("samplingInterval", "all"); addUserData("sampligTimes", value, time); clearCache(); } public void startBatch() { isBatchStart = true; batchMetricsPosition = new ArrayList<String>(); batchMetricsPortfolio = new ArrayList<String>(); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { clearCache(); super.finalize(); } public boolean isNoiseModelEnabled() { return getParam("isNoiseModelEnabled").equals("true"); } public void setNoiseModelEnabled(boolean isNoiseFilterEnabled) { setParam("isNoiseModelEnabled", String.valueOf(isNoiseFilterEnabled)); clearCache(); } public boolean isNonGaussianModelEnabled() { return getParam("isNonGaussianModelEnabled").equals("true"); } public void setNonGaussianModelEnabled(boolean isNonGaussianModelEnabled) { setParam("isNonGaussianModelEnabled", String.valueOf(isNonGaussianModelEnabled)); clearCache(); } public String getShortSalesMode() { return getParam("shortSalesMode"); } /** * * @param shortSalesMode = "lintner" or "markowitz" */ public void setShortSalesMode(String shortSalesMode) { setParam("shortSalesMode", shortSalesMode); clearCache(); } public String getPriceSamplingInterval() { return getParam("priceSamplingInterval"); } /** * set sampling times for price from data base * * @param priceSamplingInterval * "all" or - with out sampling ; "Xs" X -seconds; "Xm" X * -minutes; "Xh" X - hours; "Xd" X -days; "Xw" X -weeks; "Xmo" X * - months; "Xy" X - years; "last" - only final result */ public void setPriceSamplingInterval(String priceSamplingInterval) { setParam("priceSamplingInterval", priceSamplingInterval); clearCache(); } public String getIndexSymbol() { return portfolioData.getIndexSymbol(); } /** * * * @param factorModel = "sim" for single index model or "direct" for direct model * */ public void setFactorModel(String factorModel) { setParam("factorModel", factorModel); clearCache(); } public String getFactorModel() { return getParam("factorModel"); } public boolean isJumpsModelEnabled() { return getParam("isJumpsModelEnabled").equals("true"); } /** * set model type for filtering jumps * * @param jumpsModel = "moments" - filtering jumps happens only in the calculation of moments and related metrics, * "none" jumps is not filtering, "all" filtering jumps happens for all metrics including price as metrics */ public void setJumpsModel(String jumpsModel) { setParam("jumpsModel", jumpsModel); clearCache(); } public String getJumpsModel() { return getParam("jumpsModel"); } /** * * @param windowLengthString * "Xs" X -seconds; "Xm" X * -minutes; "Xh" X - hours; "Xd" X -days; "Xw" X -weeks; "Xmo" X * - months; "Xy" X - years; * * "all" - cumulative value without window * */ public void setWindowLength(String windowLengthString) { setParam("windowLength", windowLengthString); clearCache(); } public String getWindowLength() { return getParam("windowLength"); } /** * time scale * * "Xs" X -seconds; "Xm" X * -minutes; "Xh" X - hours; "Xd" X -days; "Xw" X -weeks; "Xmo" X * - months; "Xy" X - years; * * * @param timeScaleSecString */ public void setTimeScale(String timeScaleSecString) { setParam("timeScale", timeScaleSecString); clearCache(); } public String getTimeScale() { return getParam("timeScale"); } public boolean isDebug() { return isDebug; } public void setDebug(boolean isDebug) { this.isDebug = isDebug; } public long getNewDataId() { return portfolioData.getNextDataId(); } public ClientConnection getClientConnection() { return clientConnection; } public void setClientConnection(ClientConnection clientConnection) { this.clientConnection = clientConnection; } /** * transaction cost per share * @param value */ public void setTxnCostPerShare(double value) { setParam("txnCostPerShare", String.valueOf(value)); } public double getTxnCostPerShare() { return Double.valueOf(getParam("txnCostPerShare")); } /** * transaction cost fixed * * @param value */ public void setTxnCostFixed(double value) { setParam("txnCostFixed", String.valueOf(value)); } public double getTxnCostFixed() { return Double.valueOf(getParam("txnCostFixed")); } public boolean isDriftEnabled() { return Boolean.valueOf(getParam("isDriftEnabled")); } public void setDriftEnabled(boolean isDriftEnabled) { setParam("isDriftEnabled", String.valueOf(isDriftEnabled)); } /** * * @param model = "PortfolioEffect" or "RiskMetrics" */ public void setRiskMethodology(String model) { setParam("riskMethodology", model); if (getParam("priceSamplingInterval").equals("") && model.equals("RiskMetrics")) setParam("priceSamplingInterval", "1d"); } public String getRiskMethodology() { return getParam("riskMethodology"); } public void setLambdaRiskMetrics(double lambda) { setParam("lambdaRiskMetrics", String.valueOf(lambda)); } public double getLambdaRiskMetrics() { return Double.valueOf(getParam("lambdaRiskMetrics")); } /** * * * @param densityApproxModel = "GLD" -generalized lambda distribution, * "CORNISH_FISHER" - Cornish Fisher expansion * "NORMAL" - normal distribution */ public void setDensityApproxModel(String densityApproxModel) { setParam("densityApproxModel", densityApproxModel); } public String getDensityApproxModelString() { return getParam("densityApproxModel"); } public void setPortfolioMetricsMode(String mode) { setParam("portfolioMetricsMode", mode); } public String getPortfolioMetricsMode() { return getParam("portfolioMetricsMode"); } public void setStartWhenBurn(boolean mode) { setParam("isStartWhenBurn", "" + mode); } public boolean isStartWhenBurn() { return Boolean.valueOf(getParam("isStartWhenBurn")); } public void setFractalPriceModelEnabled(boolean flag) { setParam("isFractalPriceModelEnabled", "" + flag); } public boolean isFractalPriceModelEnabled() { return Boolean.valueOf(getParam("isFractalPriceModelEnabled")); } public MethodResult findSymbols(String searchStr, int numResults) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> id = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> description = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> exchange = new ArrayList<String>(); MethodResult allSymbols = getAllSymbolsList(); String[] idStrings = allSymbols.getStringArray("id"); String[] descriptionString = allSymbols.getStringArray("description"); String[] exchangeString = allSymbols.getStringArray("exchange"); for (int i = 0; i < idStrings.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(idStrings[i], searchStr) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(descriptionString[i], searchStr)) { id.add(idStrings[i]); description.add(descriptionString[i]); exchange.add(exchangeString[i]); } if (id.size() >= numResults) { break; } } MethodResult result = new MethodResult(); ArrayCache idCache = new ArrayCache(id.toArray(new String[0])); result.setData("id", idCache); ArrayCache descriptionCache = new ArrayCache(description.toArray(new String[0])); result.setData("description", descriptionCache); ArrayCache exchangeCache = new ArrayCache(exchange.toArray(new String[0])); result.setData("exchange", exchangeCache); return result; } }