Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 PonySDK * Owners: * Luciano Broussal <luciano.broussal AT> * Mathieu Barbier <mathieu.barbier AT> * Nicolas Ciaravola < AT> * * WebSite: * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.ponysdk.core.terminal.ui.converter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PAlignment; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PFontSize; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PHorizontalAlignment; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PJustification; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PUnit; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PVerticalAlignment; public final class GWTConverter { public static final HorizontalAlignmentConstant asHorizontalAlignmentConstant(final byte byteValue) { final PHorizontalAlignment alignment = PHorizontalAlignment.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT == alignment) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT; else if (PHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER == alignment) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER; else if (PHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT == alignment) return HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined alignement : " + byteValue); } public static final VerticalAlignmentConstant asVerticalAlignmentConstant(final byte byteValue) { final PVerticalAlignment alignment = PVerticalAlignment.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP == alignment) return HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP; else if (PVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE == alignment) return HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE; else if (PVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM == alignment) return HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined alignement : " + byteValue); } public static final Alignment asAlignment(final byte byteValue) { final PAlignment alignment = PAlignment.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PAlignment.BEGIN == alignment) return Alignment.BEGIN; else if (PAlignment.END == alignment) return Alignment.END; else if (PAlignment.STRETCH == alignment) return Alignment.STRETCH; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined alignement : " + byteValue); } public static final FontSize asFontSize(final byte byteValue) { final PFontSize fontSize = PFontSize.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PFontSize.XX_LARGE == fontSize) return FontSize.XX_LARGE; else if (PFontSize.X_LARGE == fontSize) return FontSize.X_LARGE; else if (PFontSize.LARGE == fontSize) return FontSize.LARGE; else if (PFontSize.MEDIUM == fontSize) return FontSize.MEDIUM; else if (PFontSize.SMALL == fontSize) return FontSize.SMALL; else if (PFontSize.X_SMALL == fontSize) return FontSize.X_SMALL; else if (PFontSize.XX_SMALL == fontSize) return FontSize.XX_SMALL; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined font size : " + byteValue); } public static final Justification asJustification(final byte byteValue) { final PJustification justification = PJustification.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PJustification.CENTER == justification) return Justification.CENTER; else if (PJustification.FULL == justification) return Justification.FULL; else if (PJustification.LEFT == justification) return Justification.LEFT; else if (PJustification.RIGHT == justification) return Justification.RIGHT; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined justification : " + byteValue); } public static final Unit asUnit(final byte byteValue) { final PUnit unit = PUnit.fromRawValue(byteValue); if (PUnit.PX == unit) return Unit.PX; else if (PUnit.EM == unit) return Unit.EM; else if (PUnit.PCT == unit) return Unit.PCT; else if (PUnit.CM == unit) return Unit.CM; else if (PUnit.EX == unit) return Unit.EX; else if (PUnit.IN == unit) return Unit.IN; else if (PUnit.MM == unit) return Unit.MM; else if (PUnit.PC == unit) return Unit.PC; else if (PUnit.PT == unit) return Unit.PT; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined unit : " + byteValue); } }