Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.poka.util; import com.poka.entity.Arg; import com.poka.entity.FsnComProperty; import com.poka.entity.MachinesCfg; import com.poka.entity.OperationUser; import com.poka.dao.service.SQLiteService; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * * @author poka */ public class XmlSax { private XmlSax() { } private static XmlSax xmlSax = null; private static final String path = System.getProperty("user.dir"); private static final String regis = path + "\\registry.xml"; public static final String f = path + "\\hibernate.cfg.xml"; private static final String bankFile = path + "\\BankNum.xml"; // private static final String gzhFile = path + "\\GZH.xml"; private static final String sqlserverFile = path + "\\hibernate.cfg.sqlserver.xml"; private final String encodingType = "GBK"; private final String dbTyep = "mysql"; private String ip = ""; private String port = ""; private String user = ""; private String pwd = ""; private String names = ""; private String bankNum = ""; private String networkNum = ""; private String lastLoginer = ""; private String lastAddCom = ""; private String lastCom = ""; private String locatNO = ""; private String lastPaperSize = ""; private List<MachinesCfg> machines; private List<MachinesCfg> addMachines; private List<MachinesCfg> guaoMachines; private List<Arg> argList; public static XmlSax getInstance() { if (xmlSax == null) { xmlSax = new XmlSax(); } return xmlSax; } public Document load(String f, boolean isHiberConfig) { Document document = null; try { SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); //saxReader.setValidation(false); //saxReader.setFeature("", false); //document =; //?XML,document if (isHiberConfig) { saxReader.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() { @Override public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub InputSource is = new InputSource(this.getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("com/poka/images/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd")); is.setPublicId(publicId); is.setSystemId(systemId); return is; } }); saxReader.setValidation(true); } File tFile = new File(f); if (!tFile.exists() && !isHiberConfig) { document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); // document.addDocType("hibernate-configuration", "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN", ""); // Element root = DocumentHelper.createElement("root"); document.setRootElement(root); } else { document =; } } catch (DocumentException ex) { } return document; } public Document load(URL f) { Document document = null; try { SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); String ff = f.getFile(); File tem = new File(ff); if (!tem.exists()) { tem.createNewFile(); } document =; } catch (IOException | DocumentException ex) { } return document; } public boolean writeToXml(Document doc, String file) { try { OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding(encodingType); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileWriter(file), format); writer.write(doc); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(XmlSax.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } return true; } public void writeRegist(String reg) { Document doc = load(regis, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("regist"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("regist"); } root1Elm.setText(reg); writeToXml(doc, regis); } public void writeNeedLogin(String reg) { Document doc = load(regis, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("login"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("login"); } root1Elm.setText(reg); writeToXml(doc, regis); } public String getQuans(String mon, String kun) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("quans"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("quans"); root1Elm.addElement("A100A10").setText("5A"); root1Elm.addElement("A50A10").setText("5B"); root1Elm.addElement("A20A10").setText("5C"); root1Elm.addElement("A10A10").setText("5D"); root1Elm.addElement("A5A10").setText("5E"); root1Elm.addElement("A100A5").setText("9A"); root1Elm.addElement("A50A5").setText("9B"); root1Elm.addElement("A20A5").setText("9C"); root1Elm.addElement("A10A5").setText("9D"); root1Elm.addElement("A5A5").setText("9E"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } String tem; Element node = root1Elm.element("A" + mon.trim() + "A" + kun.trim()); if (node == null) { tem = null; } else { tem = node.getText(); } return tem; } public static String flowMoney = "flow"; public static String damagedMoney = "damaged"; public String getFlowMoney(String type) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("folwMoney"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("folwMoney"); root1Elm.addElement(flowMoney).setText("1|2"); root1Elm.addElement(damagedMoney).setText("3"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } String tem; Element node = root1Elm.element(type); if (node == null) { tem = null; } else { tem = node.getText(); } return tem; } public static String machineA = "ma"; public static String machineB = "mb"; public String getGRMech(String type) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("grmachine"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("grmachine"); root1Elm.addElement(machineA).setText("1"); root1Elm.addElement(machineB).setText("2"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } String tem; Element node = root1Elm.element(type); if (node == null) { tem = null; } else { tem = node.getText(); } return tem; } public int getLastQF() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("QFJ"); if (root1Elm == null) { return 0; } Element node = root1Elm.element("laftQF"); if (node == null) { return 0; } return Integer.parseInt(node.getText().trim()); } public void setLastQF(int item) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("QFJ"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("QFJ"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("laftQF"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("laftQF"); } node.setText("" + item); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public String readRegist() { Document doc = load(regis, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("regist"); if (root1Elm == null) { return ""; } else { return root1Elm.getText(); } } public String getDiaoChaoLogin() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("login"); String res = ""; if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("login"); root1Elm.setText("0"); res = "0"; writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } else { res = root1Elm.getText().trim(); } return res; } public String getZCXDFileNameL() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("zcxdL"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("zcxdL"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9]{8}_[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]*_1_(CNY)[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9]{8}_[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]*_1_(CNY)[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public String getZCXDFileNameC() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("zcxdC"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("zcxdC"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9]{8}_[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]*_2_(CNY)[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9]{8}_[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]*_2_(CNY)[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public String getGDFileNameL() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("dgL"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("dgL"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]{14}_[0-9A-Za-z]{8}_[0-9]*_(1|2|3)[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]{14}_[0-9A-Za-z]{8}_[0-9]*_(1|2|3)[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public String getGDFileNameC() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("dgC"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("dgC"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]{14}_[0-9A-Za-z]{8}_[0-9]*_(4|8|12)[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9A-Za-z]*_[0-9]{14}_[0-9A-Za-z]{8}_[0-9]*_(4|8|12)[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public String getLLJLFileNameL() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("lljlL"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("lljlL"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9A-Z]*_1_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{17}[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9A-Z]*_1_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{17}[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public String getLLJLFileNameC() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("lljlC"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("lljlC"); root1Elm.setText("[0-9A-Z]*_2_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{17}[.]FSN$"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return "[0-9A-Z]*_2_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{17}[.]FSN$"; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public boolean isNeedBreakQF() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("breadqf"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("breadqf"); root1Elm.setText("0"); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); return false; } else { String tem = root1Elm.getTextTrim(); return tem.equals("1"); } } public boolean isNeedLogin() { Document doc = load(regis, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("login"); if (root1Elm == null) { return false; } else { String tem = root1Elm.getTextTrim(); return tem.equals("0"); } } public boolean isRegist() { Document doc = load(regis, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElm == null) { rootElm = doc.addElement("root"); } Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("regist"); if (root1Elm == null) { return false; } else { String tem = root1Elm.getTextTrim(); String tem1 = RegistrationUtil.getRegistration(); return tem.equals(tem1); } } /** * SqlServer? * * @return */ public boolean changeSqlServerXmlAtt() { Document doc = load(sqlserverFile, true); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("session-factory"); List nodes = root1Elm.elements("property"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String name = elm.attributeValue("name"); if (name.equals("connection.url")) { //String url = "jdbc:mysql://"+ip+":"+port+"/"+names; String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://" + ip + ":" + port + ";DatabaseName=" + names; elm.setText(url); } if (name.equals("connection.username")) { elm.setText(user); } if (name.equals("connection.password")) { elm.setText(pwd); } } return writeToXml(doc, sqlserverFile); } /** * ?sqlserver?? * * @return */ public void getSqlServerXmlVal() { Document doc = load(sqlserverFile, true); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("session-factory"); List nodes = root1Elm.elements("property"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String name = elm.attributeValue("name"); if (name.equals("connection.url")) { String url = elm.getText(); int begingan = url.indexOf("//"); ip = url.substring(begingan + 2, url.lastIndexOf(":")); port = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, url.lastIndexOf(";")); names = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("=") + 1); } if (name.equals("connection.username")) { user = elm.getText(); } if (name.equals("connection.password")) { pwd = elm.getText(); } } } public boolean changeXmlAtt() { Document doc = load(f, true); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("session-factory"); List nodes = root1Elm.elements("property"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String name = elm.attributeValue("name"); if (name.equals("connection.url")) { String url = ""; if (dbTyep.equals("mysql")) { url = " jdbc:mysql://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + names + "?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8"; } else { url = "jdbc:sqlserver://" + ip + ":" + port + ";DatabaseName=" + names; } elm.setText(url); } if (name.equals("connection.username")) { elm.setText(user); } if (name.equals("connection.password")) { elm.setText(pwd); } } return writeToXml(doc, getF()); } public boolean changeBankNumXmlAtt() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankInfos"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("bankInfos"); } boolean flag = false; List nodes = root1Elm.elements("bankInfo"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String attr = elm.attributeValue("id"); if (attr.equals("1")) { flag = true; elm.setAttributeValue("ip", this.ip); elm.setAttributeValue("port", this.port); elm.setAttributeValue("bankNum", this.bankNum); elm.setAttributeValue("NetWorkNum", this.networkNum); } else { continue; } } if (!flag) { Element elm = root1Elm.addElement("bankInfo"); elm.setAttributeValue("ip", this.ip); elm.setAttributeValue("port", this.port); elm.setAttributeValue("bankNum", this.bankNum); elm.setAttributeValue("NetWorkNum", this.networkNum); elm.setAttributeValue("id", "1"); } return writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public String getHPort() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("hport"); if (root1Elm == null) { return null; } else { return root1Elm.getTextTrim(); } } public void setHPort(String name) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("hport"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("hport"); } root1Elm.setText(name.trim()); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public String getBnakName() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankName"); if (root1Elm == null) { return null; } Element node = root1Elm.element("name"); if (node == null) { return null; } else { return node.getTextTrim(); } } public void setBnakName(String name) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankName"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("bankName"); } boolean flag = false; Element node = root1Elm.element("name"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("name"); } node.setText(name.trim()); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public String getMechineNO() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("mechineNo"); if (root1Elm == null) { return null; } Element node = root1Elm.element("title"); if (node == null) { return null; } else { return node.getTextTrim(); } } public void setMechineNO(String title) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("mechineNo"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("mechineNo"); } boolean flag = false; Element node = root1Elm.element("title"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("title"); } node.setText(title.trim()); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public void getBankInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankInfos"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("bankInfos"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("bankInfo"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String attr = elm.attributeValue("id"); if (attr.equals("1")) { this.setIp(elm.attributeValue("ip")); this.setPort(elm.attributeValue("port")); setBankNum(elm.attributeValue("bankNum")); setNetworkNum(elm.attributeValue("NetWorkNum")); } } } public void getMachineInfo() { this.machines = new ArrayList<MachinesCfg>(); Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("type").equals("" + FsnComProperty.comBusType)) { MachinesCfg cfg = new MachinesCfg(); cfg.setIp(elm.attributeValue("ip")); cfg.setMachineType(elm.attributeValue("machineType")); cfg.setMachineNum(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("machineNum").trim())); cfg.setUser1(elm.attributeValue("user1")); cfg.setUser2(elm.attributeValue("user2")); cfg.setType(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("type").trim())); this.machines.add(cfg); } } } public MachinesCfg getMachineInfo(int type, String ip) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("type").equals("" + type) && elm.attributeValue("ip").equals(ip.trim())) { MachinesCfg cfg = new MachinesCfg(); cfg.setIp(elm.attributeValue("ip")); cfg.setMachineType(elm.attributeValue("machineType")); cfg.setMachineNum(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("machineNum").trim())); cfg.setUser1(elm.attributeValue("user1")); cfg.setUser2(elm.attributeValue("user2")); cfg.setType(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("type").trim())); return cfg; } } return null; } public void getAddMachineInfo() { this.addMachines = new ArrayList<>(); Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("type").equals("" + FsnComProperty.atmAddBusType)) { MachinesCfg cfg = new MachinesCfg(); cfg.setIp(elm.attributeValue("ip")); cfg.setMachineType(elm.attributeValue("machineType")); cfg.setMachineNum(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("machineNum").trim())); cfg.setUser1(elm.attributeValue("user1")); cfg.setUser2(elm.attributeValue("user2")); cfg.setType(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("type").trim())); this.addMachines.add(cfg); } } } public void getGuaoMachineInfo() { this.guaoMachines = new ArrayList<MachinesCfg>(); Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("type").equals("" + FsnComProperty.guaoBusType)) { MachinesCfg cfg = new MachinesCfg(); cfg.setIp(elm.attributeValue("ip")); cfg.setMachineType(elm.attributeValue("machineType")); cfg.setMachineNum(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("machineNum").trim())); cfg.setUser1(elm.attributeValue("user1")); cfg.setUser2(elm.attributeValue("user2")); cfg.setType(Integer.parseInt(elm.attributeValue("type").trim())); this.guaoMachines.add(cfg); } } } public int updateOrAddMachineInfo(MachinesCfg cfg) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); boolean flag = false; for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("ip").trim().equals(cfg.getIp().trim()) && elm.attributeValue("type").trim().equals("" + cfg.getType())) { elm.setAttributeValue("machineType", cfg.getMachineType().trim()); elm.setAttributeValue("machineNum", "" + cfg.getMachineNum()); elm.setAttributeValue("user1", cfg.getUser1().trim()); elm.setAttributeValue("user2", cfg.getUser2().trim()); elm.setAttributeValue("type", "" + cfg.getType()); flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { Element tem = root1Elm.addElement("machine"); tem.addAttribute("machineType", cfg.getMachineType().trim()); tem.setAttributeValue("machineNum", "" + cfg.getMachineNum()); tem.addAttribute("ip", cfg.getIp().trim()); tem.addAttribute("user1", cfg.getUser1().trim()); tem.addAttribute("user2", cfg.getUser2().trim()); tem.addAttribute("type", "" + cfg.getType()); } try { OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); // format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); format.setEncoding(encodingType); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileWriter(bankFile), format); writer.write(doc); writer.flush(); writer.close(); if (flag) {// return 0; } else {// return 1; } // return true; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(XmlSax.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return -1; } public OperationUser getUser1AndUser2(String sIp, int type) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); OperationUser usr = new OperationUser(); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("ip").trim().equals(sIp.trim()) && elm.attributeValue("type").trim().equals("" + type)) { usr.setUser1(elm.attributeValue("user1").trim()); usr.setUser2(elm.attributeValue("user2").trim()); } } return usr; } public boolean isCfgIp(String sIp, int type) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); boolean flag = false; for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("ip").trim().equals(sIp.trim()) && elm.attributeValue("type").trim().equals("" + type)) { return true; } } return false; } public synchronized void clearMon() { SQLiteService.clearMon(); } public synchronized boolean isRepeatMon(String mon, int limit) { return SQLiteService.isRepeatMon(1, mon, limit); } public synchronized boolean isRepeatMonATMAdd(String mon, int limit) { return SQLiteService.isRepeatMon(2, mon, limit); } public boolean deleteMachineInfo(MachinesCfg cfg) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("machines"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("machines"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("machine"); boolean flag = false; for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); if (elm.attributeValue("ip").trim().equals(cfg.getIp().trim()) && elm.attributeValue("type").trim().equals("" + cfg.getType())) { root1Elm.remove(elm); break; } } return writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * ???dddddd * * @return */ public void getHibernateXmlVal() { Document doc = load(f, true); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("session-factory"); List nodes = root1Elm.elements("property"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String name = elm.attributeValue("name"); if (name.equals("connection.url")) { String url = elm.getText(); if (this.dbTyep.equals("mysql")) { if (url.contains("mysql")) { int begingan = url.indexOf("//"); ip = url.substring(begingan + 2, url.lastIndexOf(":")); port = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, url.lastIndexOf("/")); names = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.lastIndexOf("?")); } else { ip = ""; port = ""; names = ""; } } else { if (url.contains("sqlserver")) { int begingan = url.indexOf("//"); ip = url.substring(begingan + 2, url.lastIndexOf(":")); port = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, url.lastIndexOf(";")); names = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("=") + 1); } else { ip = ""; port = ""; names = ""; } } } if (name.equals("connection.username")) { user = elm.getText(); } if (name.equals("connection.password")) { pwd = elm.getText(); } } }//lastPaperSize public void getLastlastPaperSizeInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("paperSize"); if (root1Elm == null) { return; } Element node = root1Elm.element("lastSize"); if (node == null) { return; } this.lastPaperSize = node.getText(); } public void getLastAddComInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("addcoms"); if (root1Elm == null) { return; } Element node = root1Elm.element("com"); if (node == null) { return; } this.lastAddCom = node.getText(); } public void getLastComInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("coms"); if (root1Elm == null) { return; } Element node = root1Elm.element("com"); if (node == null) { return; } this.lastCom = node.getText(); } public void getLocalNOInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("localnos"); if (root1Elm == null) { return; } Element node = root1Elm.element("NO"); if (node == null) { return; } this.locatNO = node.getText(); } public void getLastInfo() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("loginers"); if (root1Elm == null) { return; } Element node = root1Elm.element("loginer"); if (node == null) { return; } this.lastLoginer = node.getText(); } public void getSoftTitle() { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankInfos"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("bankInfos"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements("bankInfo"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String attr = elm.attributeValue("id"); if (attr.equals("2")) { StaticVar.showSoftName = elm.attributeValue("myname"); } } } public void setSoftTitle(String title) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("bankInfos"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("bankInfos"); } boolean flag = false; List nodes = root1Elm.elements("bankInfo"); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); String attr = elm.attributeValue("id"); if (attr.equals("2")) { flag = true; elm.setAttributeValue("myname", title); } } if (!flag) { Element elm = root1Elm.addElement("bankInfo"); elm.setAttributeValue("myname", title); elm.setAttributeValue("id", "2"); } writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @return the ip */ public String getIp() { return ip; } /** * @param ip the ip to set */ public void setIp(String ip) { this.ip = ip; } /** * @return the port */ public String getPort() { return port; } /** * @param port the port to set */ public void setPort(String port) { this.port = port; } /** * @return the user */ public String getUser() { return user; } /** * @param user the user to set */ public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } /** * @return the pwd */ public String getPwd() { return pwd; } /** * @param pwd the pwd to set */ public void setPwd(String pwd) { this.pwd = pwd; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return names; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { this.names = name; } /** * @return the bankNum */ public String getBankNum() { return bankNum; } /** * @param bankNum the bankNum to set */ public void setBankNum(String bankNum) { this.bankNum = bankNum; } /** * @return the networkNum */ public String getNetworkNum() { return networkNum; } /** * @param networkNum the networkNum to set */ public void setNetworkNum(String networkNum) { this.networkNum = networkNum; } /** * @return the machines */ public List<MachinesCfg> getMachines() { getMachineInfo(); return machines; } /** * @return the addMachines */ public List<MachinesCfg> getAddMachines() { getAddMachineInfo(); return addMachines; } public List<MachinesCfg> getGuaoMachines() { getGuaoMachineInfo(); return guaoMachines; } /** * @return the lastLoginer */ public String getLastLoginer() { getLastInfo(); return lastLoginer; } /** * @param lastLoginer the lastLoginer to set */ public void setLastLoginer(String lastLoginer) { this.lastLoginer = lastLoginer; Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("loginers"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("loginers"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("loginer"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("loginer"); } node.setText(this.lastLoginer); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @return the f */ public static String getF() { return f; } /** * @return the lastAddCom */ public String getLastAddCom() { this.getLastAddComInfo(); return lastAddCom; } /** * @param lastAddCom the lastAddCom to set */ public void setLastAddCom(String lastAddCom) { this.lastAddCom = lastAddCom; Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("addcoms"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("addcoms"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("com"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("com"); } node.setText(this.lastAddCom); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } public String getLastPaperSize() { this.getLastlastPaperSizeInfo(); return lastPaperSize; } public void setLastPaperSize(String lastPaperSize) { this.lastPaperSize = lastPaperSize; Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("paperSize"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("paperSize"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("lastSize"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("lastSize"); } node.setText(this.lastPaperSize); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @return the lastCom */ public String getLastCom() { this.getLastComInfo(); return lastCom; } /** * @param lastCom the lastCom to set */ public void setLastCom(String lastCom) { this.lastCom = lastCom; Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("coms"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("coms"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("com"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("com"); } node.setText(this.lastCom); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @return the locatNO */ public String getLocatNO() { this.getLocalNOInfo(); return locatNO; } /** * @param locatNO the locatNO to set */ public void setLocatNO(String locatNO) { this.locatNO = locatNO; Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("localnos"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("localnos"); } Element node = root1Elm.element("NO"); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement("NO"); } node.setText(this.lastCom); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @return the argList */ public List<Arg> getArgList() { getArgListInfo(); return argList; } public void getArgListInfo() { this.argList = new ArrayList<Arg>(); Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("args"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("args"); } List nodes = root1Elm.elements(); for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elm = (Element); Arg cfg = new Arg(); cfg.setAkey(elm.getName().trim()); cfg.setAvalue(elm.getTextTrim()); this.argList.add(cfg); } } public void updateArg(Arg ar) { Document doc = load(bankFile, false); Element rootElm = doc.getRootElement(); Element root1Elm = rootElm.element("args"); if (root1Elm == null) { root1Elm = rootElm.addElement("args"); } Element node = root1Elm.element(ar.getAkey().trim()); if (node == null) { node = root1Elm.addElement(ar.getAkey().trim()); } node.setText(ar.getAvalue().trim()); writeToXml(doc, bankFile); } /** * @param argList the argList to set */ public void setArgList(List<Arg> argList) { this.argList = argList; } }