Java tutorial
package com.pnf.pdfscan; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.PropertiesConfiguration; import com.pnf.jebauto.AutoClient; import com.pnf.jebauto.AutoUtil; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.Artifact; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.ICoreContext; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.IEnginesContext; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.ILiveArtifact; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.IRuntimeProject; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.JebCoreService; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.IDataProvider; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.IFileDatabase; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.IFileStore; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.impl.DataProvider; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.impl.JEB2FileDatabase; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.dao.impl.SimpleFSFileStore; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.input.FileInput; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output.text.ITextDocument; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output.text.TextDocumentUtil; import; import; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.IUnit; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.IUnitNotification; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.UnitUtil; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.WellKnownUnitTypes; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.util.logging.GlobalLog; import com.pnfsoftware.jeb.util.logging.ILogger; /** * A PDF file scanner using the JEB2 PDF module. * <p> * This sample class shows the structure of a simple headless clients that scans PDF files, examines * the PDF units, assess the notifications reported by the PDF module, and makes a determination as * whether or not the PDF module is suspicious / potentially malicious. There is much more that * could be done, such as: complex heuristics (ex: corrupt records), examining sub-units (ex: * JavaScript doc) and determine their own suspicion level, etc. but it is beyond the scope of this * sample script. * <p> * Note: the heuristic used in this example is trivial: we are looking for X notifications having a * minimum suspicion level of Y. By default, (X, Y) is set to (2, 70). * */ public class PDFScanner { static final ILogger logger = GlobalLog.getLogger(AutoClient.class); static { // disabled to avoid JEB log interferences // GlobalLog.addDestinationStream(System.out); } private static String jebEnginesCfg; private static String licenseKey; static { jebEnginesCfg = System.getProperty("jeb.engcfg"); licenseKey = System.getProperty("jeb.lickey"); } public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { if (jebEnginesCfg == null || licenseKey == null) { System.out .format("Please set the jeb.engcfg and jeb.lickey properties before executing this program.\n"); System.exit(-1); } if (argv.length <= 0) { System.out.format("PDF scanner using JEB2 Business/Enterprise -- PNF Software (c) 2015\n"); System.out.format("Usage:\n"); System.out.format( " [java] PDFScanner -Djeb.engcfg=<enginesCfgPath> -Djeb.lickey=<licenseKey> <location>\n"); System.exit(-1); } System.out.format("Scanning files...\n"); List<File> files = AutoUtil.retrieveFiles(argv[0]); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // simple heuristic (see javadoc) PDFScanner scanner = new PDFScanner(2, 70); scanner.scanFiles(files); System.out.format("\nScanned %d files (%d suspicious) in %ds\n", scanner.getScannedCount(), scanner.getSuspiciousCount(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) / 1000); } private int thDangerCount; private int thDangerLevel; private int cntScanned; private int cntSuspicious; private boolean dumpJS = false; public PDFScanner(int thDangerCount, int thDangerLevel) { this.thDangerCount = thDangerCount; this.thDangerLevel = thDangerLevel; } public void scanFiles(List<File> files) throws Exception { // create or retrieve a core context (engines container) ICoreContext core = JebCoreService.getInstance(licenseKey); // create an engines context (project container) String baseDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); IFileDatabase projectdb = new JEB2FileDatabase(baseDir); IFileStore filestore = new SimpleFSFileStore(baseDir); IFileStore pluginstore = null; PropertiesConfiguration enginesConfig = AutoUtil.createPropertiesConfiguration(jebEnginesCfg); IConfiguration enginesConfigWrapper = new CommonsConfigurationWrapper(enginesConfig); Object o = enginesConfigWrapper.getProperty(".PluginsFolder"); if (o == null) { System.out.format("Your JEB engines configuration must contain a \".PluginsFolder\"" + " property pointing to your JEB2 back-end plugins.\nTypically, " + "this is the \"coreplugins/\" folder within your installation directory.\n"); System.exit(-1); } IDataProvider dataProvider = new DataProvider(null, projectdb, filestore, pluginstore, null, enginesConfigWrapper); // engines context IEnginesContext engctx = core.createEnginesContext(dataProvider, null); for (File file : files) { System.out.format("\nFile %d/%d : %s ...\n", cntScanned + 1, files.size(), file.getName()); // create or load a project (artifact container) IRuntimeProject prj = engctx.loadProject("ProjectTest" + cntScanned); // process the artifact, get units try { ILiveArtifact art = prj.processArtifact(new Artifact(file.getName(), new FileInput(file))); cntScanned++; // we check top-level units only (this is a demo file) // if the files were within a zip archive, JEB will process the archive, and PDF units should be at level 2 List<IUnit> units = art.getUnits(); for (IUnit unit : units) { if (unit.getFormatType().equals(WellKnownUnitTypes.typePdf)) { if (assessPdf(file, unit)) { System.out.format("=> +++ SUSPICIOUS PDF FILE +++\n"); cntSuspicious++; } } // ENABLE TO TRY: search and dump all extracted JS blobs if (dumpJS) { List<IUnit> jsUnits = UnitUtil.findDescendantsByFormatType(unit, "Javascript"); System.out.format("*** %s ***\n", jsUnits); for (IUnit jsUnit : jsUnits) { ITextDocument textDoc = (ITextDocument) jsUnit.getFormatter().getPresentation(0) .getDocument(); String js = TextDocumentUtil.buildText(textDoc).toString(); System.out.format("Javascript:\n %s \n", js); } } } engctx.unloadProject(prj.getKey()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(); } } JebCoreService.getInstance().closeEnginesContext(engctx); } public int getScannedCount() { return cntScanned; } public int getSuspiciousCount() { return cntSuspicious; } private boolean assessPdf(File file, IUnit unit) { int dangerCount = 0; List<? extends IUnitNotification> notifications = unit.getNotificationManager().getNotifications(); for (IUnitNotification n : notifications) { // suspicion level of a notification is in [0, 100] int level = n.getType().getLevel(); System.out.format("- %d (%s): %s @ %s\n", level, n.getType().getDescription(), n.getDescription(), n.getAddress()); if (level >= thDangerLevel) { dangerCount++; } } return dangerCount >= thDangerCount; } }