Java tutorial
/* * Woo Minecraft Donation plugin * Author: Jerry Wood * Author URI: * License: GPLv2 * * Copyright 2014 All rights Reserved * */ package com.plugish.woominecraft; import com.plugish.woominecraft.Commands.WooCommand; import com.plugish.woominecraft.Lang.LangSetup; import com.plugish.woominecraft.Util.BukkitRunner; import com.plugish.woominecraft.Util.RcHttp; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; public final class WooMinecraft extends JavaPlugin { public static WooMinecraft instance; public String lang = "en"; public YamlConfiguration l10n; public YamlConfiguration config; public static BukkitRunner scheduler; @Override public void onEnable() { instance = this; this.config = (YamlConfiguration) getConfig(); // Save the default config.yml try { saveDefaultConfig(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { getLogger().warning(e.getMessage()); } this.lang = getConfig().getString("lang"); if (lang == null) { getLogger().warning("No default l10n set, setting to english."); this.lang = "en"; } initCommands(); getLogger().info(this.getLang("log.com_init")); // Setup the scheduler scheduler = new BukkitRunner(instance); scheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(instance, config.getInt("update_interval") * 20, config.getInt("update_interval") * 20); getLogger().info(this.getLang("log.enabled")); } @Override public void onDisable() { getLogger().info(this.getLang("log.com_init")); } /** * Helper method to get localized strings * * Much better than typing this.l10n.getString... * @param path Path to the config var * @return String */ public String getLang(String path) { if (null == this.l10n) { LangSetup lang = new LangSetup(instance); l10n = lang.loadConfig(); } return this.l10n.getString(path); } /** * Validates the basics needed in the config.yml file. * * Multiple reports of user configs not having keys etc... so this will ensure they know of this * and will not allow checks to continue if the required data isn't set in the config. * * @throws Exception */ public void validateConfig() throws Exception { if (1 > this.getConfig().getString("url").length()) { throw new Exception("Server URL is empty, check config."); } else if (this.getConfig().getString("url").equals("")) { throw new Exception("URL is still the default URL, check config."); } else if (1 > this.getConfig().getString("key").length()) { throw new Exception("Server Key is empty, this is insecure, check config."); } } /** * Checks all online players against the * website's database looking for pending donation deliveries * * @return boolean * @throws Exception */ public boolean check() throws Exception { // Make 100% sure the config has at least a key and url this.validateConfig(); URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(getConfig().getString("url")); uriBuilder.addParameter("wmc_key", getConfig().getString("key")); String url = uriBuilder.toString(); if (url.equals("")) { throw new Exception("WMC URL is empty for some reason"); } RcHttp rcHttp = new RcHttp(this); String httpResponse = rcHttp.request(url); // No response, kill out here. if (httpResponse.equals("")) { return false; } JSONObject pendingCommands = new JSONObject(httpResponse); if (!pendingCommands.getBoolean("success")) { Object dataCheck = pendingCommands.get("data"); if (dataCheck instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject errors = pendingCommands.getJSONObject("data"); String msg = errors.getString("msg"); throw new Exception(msg); } return false; } Object dataCheck = pendingCommands.get("data"); if (!(dataCheck instanceof JSONObject)) { return false; } JSONObject data = pendingCommands.getJSONObject("data"); Iterator<String> playerNames = data.keys(); JSONArray processedData = new JSONArray(); while (playerNames.hasNext()) { // Walk over players. String playerName =; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Player player = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayerExact(playerName); if (player == null) { continue; } // If the user isn't in a white-listed world, commands will not run here. if (!getConfig().getStringList("whitelist-worlds").contains(player.getWorld().getName())) { continue; } // Get all orders for the current player. JSONObject playerOrders = data.getJSONObject(playerName); Iterator<String> orderIDs = playerOrders.keys(); while (orderIDs.hasNext()) { String orderID =; // Get all commands per order JSONArray commands = playerOrders.getJSONArray(orderID); // Walk over commands, executing them one by one. for (Integer x = 0; x < commands.length(); x++) { final String command = commands.getString(x).replace("%s", playerName).replace(""", "\"") .replace("'", "'"); BukkitScheduler scheduler = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler(); // TODO: Make this better... nesting a 'new' class while not a bad idea is bad practice. scheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(instance, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), command); } }, 20L); } processedData.put(Integer.parseInt(orderID)); } } if (1 > processedData.length()) { return false; } HashMap<String, String> postData = new HashMap<>(); postData.put("processedOrders", processedData.toString()); String updatedCommandSet = rcHttp.send(url, postData); JSONObject updatedResponse = new JSONObject(updatedCommandSet); boolean status = updatedResponse.getBoolean("success"); if (!status) { Object dataSet = updatedResponse.get("data"); if (dataSet instanceof JSONObject) { String message = ((JSONObject) dataSet).getString("msg"); throw new Exception(message); } throw new Exception( "Failed sending updated orders to the server, got this instead:" + updatedCommandSet); } return true; } public void wmc_log(String message) { this.wmc_log(message, 1); } public void wmc_log(Exception message) { this.wmc_log(message.getMessage(), 3); } public void wmc_log(String message, Integer level) { if (!this.getConfig().getBoolean("debug")) { return; } switch (level) { case 1: this.getLogger().info(message); break; case 2: this.getLogger().warning(message); break; case 3: this.getLogger().severe(message); break; } } /** * Initialize Commands */ public void initCommands() { getCommand("woo").setExecutor(new WooCommand()); } }