Java tutorial
package com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datafeed; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.Constants; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.activities.StartActivity; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.database.PreferenceHandler; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.Event; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.ListElement; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.ListHeader; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.ListItem; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.Match; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.datatypes.Team; import com.plnyyanks.frcnotebook.json.JSONManager; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; /** * File created by phil on 4/2/14. * Copyright 2014, Phil Lopreiato * This file is part of FRC Notebook. * FRC Notebook is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * FRC Notebook is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FRC Notebook. If not, see */ public class TBADatafeed { public static String fetchEventDetails_TBAv1(String eventKey) { String data = GET_Request .getWebData("" + eventKey, true); JsonObject eventObject = JSONManager.getAsJsonObject(data); JsonArray teams = eventObject.getAsJsonArray("teams"); JsonArray matches = eventObject.getAsJsonArray("matches"); Event event = new Event(); event.setEventKey(eventKey); String name = eventObject.get("name").getAsString(); event.setEventName(name); String shortName = eventObject.get("short_name").getAsString(); event.setShortName(shortName); String year = eventObject.get("year").getAsString(); event.setEventYear(Integer.parseInt(year)); String location = eventObject.get("location").getAsString(); event.setEventLocation(location); String start = eventObject.get("start_date").getAsString(); event.setEventStart(start); String end = eventObject.get("end_date").getAsString(); event.setEventEnd(end); Log.d(Constants.LOG_TAG, "official: " + eventObject.get("official")); event.setOfficial(eventObject.get("official").getAsBoolean()); long eventResult = StartActivity.db.addEvent(event); if (eventResult == -1) { return "Error writing event to database"; } Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = teams.iterator(); JsonElement teamElement; Team team; long teamResult = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && teamResult != -1) { teamElement =; team = new Team(); team.setTeamKey(teamElement.getAsString()); team.setTeamNumber(Integer.parseInt(team.getTeamKey().substring(3))); team.addEvent(eventKey); teamResult = StartActivity.db.addTeam(team); } if (teamResult == -1) { return "Error writing teams to database"; } else { if (matches.size() > 0) { TBADatafeed.fetchMatches_TBAv1(matches.toString()); } return "Info downloaded for " + eventKey; } } public static String fetchEventDetails_TBAv2(String eventKey) { String eventData = GET_Request.getWebData("" + eventKey, true); String teamData = GET_Request .getWebData("" + eventKey + "/teams", true); JsonObject eventObject = JSONManager.getAsJsonObject(eventData); JsonArray teams = JSONManager.getasJsonArray(teamData); Event event = new Event(); event.setEventKey(eventKey); event.setEventName(eventObject.get("name").getAsString()); event.setShortName(eventObject.get("short_name").getAsString()); event.setEventYear(eventObject.get("year").getAsInt()); event.setEventLocation(eventObject.get("location").getAsString()); event.setEventStart(eventObject.get("start_date").getAsString()); event.setEventEnd(eventObject.get("end_date").getAsString()); event.setOfficial(eventObject.get("official").getAsBoolean()); long eventResult = StartActivity.db.addEvent(event); if (eventResult == -1) { return "Error writing event to database"; } Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = teams.iterator(); JsonObject teamObject; Team team; long teamResult = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && teamResult != -1) { teamObject =; team = new Team(); team.setTeamKey(teamObject.get("key").getAsString()); team.setTeamNumber(teamObject.get("team_number").getAsInt()); team.addEvent(eventKey); teamResult = StartActivity.db.addTeam(team); } if (teamResult == -1) { return "Error writing teams to database"; } else { if (PreferenceHandler.getDataSource() == Constants.DATAFEED_SOURCES.TBAv2) fetchMatches_TBAv2(eventKey); else if (PreferenceHandler.getDataSource() == Constants.DATAFEED_SOURCES.USFIRST) { String matchResult = USFIRSTParser.fetchMatches_USFIRST(eventKey); if (!matchResult.isEmpty()) return matchResult; } } return "Info downloaded for " + eventKey; } public static LinkedHashMap<String, ListItem> fetchEvents_TBAv1(String year) { String data = GET_Request.getWebData("" + year, true); JsonArray result = JSONManager.getasJsonArray(data); //now, add the events to the event picker activity Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = result.iterator(); JsonObject element; String eventName, eventKey; ArrayList<Event> list = new ArrayList<Event>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.size() && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { element =; eventName = element.get("name").getAsString(); eventKey = element.get("key").getAsString(); Event e = new Event(); e.setEventKey(eventKey); e.setEventName(eventName); e.setEventStart(element.get("start_date").getAsString()); list.add(e); } Collections.sort(list); int eventWeek = Integer.parseInt(Event.weekFormatter.format(new Date())), currentWeek; LinkedHashMap<String, ListItem> output = new LinkedHashMap<String, ListItem>(); for (Event e : list) { currentWeek = e.getCompetitionWeek(); if (eventWeek != currentWeek) { String header; if (currentWeek == 9) { header = year + " Championship Event"; } else { header = year + " Week " + currentWeek; } output.put("week" + currentWeek, new ListHeader(header)); } eventWeek = currentWeek; output.put(e.getEventKey(), new ListElement(e.getEventName(), e.getEventKey())); } return output; } /* Can't do this without lots of API requests because v2 of the API only gives an array of event keys. So we'll stick with v1 for this part now */ public static HashMap<String, ListItem> fetchEvents_TBAv2(String year) { /*String data = GET_Request.getWebData("" + year, true); JsonArray result = JSONManager.getasJsonArray(data); //now, add the events to the event picker activity Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = result.iterator(); JsonObject element; String eventName, eventKey; ArrayList<Event> list = new ArrayList<Event>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.size() && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { Event e = new Event(); e.setEventKey(eventKey); e.setEventName(eventName); e.setEventStart(element.get("start_date").getAsString()); list.add(e); } Collections.sort(list); int eventWeek = Integer.parseInt(Event.weekFormatter.format(new Date())), currentWeek;*/ HashMap<String, ListItem> output = new HashMap<String, ListItem>(); /*for (Event e : list) { currentWeek = e.getCompetitionWeek(); if (eventWeek != currentWeek) { String header; if (currentWeek == 9) { header = year + " Championship Event"; } else { header = year + " Week " + currentWeek; } output.put("week" + currentWeek,new ListHeader(header)); } eventWeek = currentWeek; output.put(e.getEventKey(),new ListElement(e.getEventName(), e.getEventKey())) } */ return output; } public static void fetchMatches_TBAv1(String matchesToFetch) { String matchList = matchesToFetch.replaceAll("\"", ""); matchList = matchList.substring(1, matchList.length() - 1); String requestString = "" + matchList; String result = GET_Request.getWebData(requestString, true); JsonArray matches = JSONManager.getasJsonArray(result); Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = matches.iterator(); Match match; JsonObject element, alliances, red, blue; JsonArray redTeams, blueTeams; while (iterator.hasNext()) { //for each match we get data for... element =; match = new Match(); match.setMatchKey(element.get("key").getAsString()); match.setMatchType(Constants.MATCH_LEVELS.get(element.get("competition_level").getAsString())); match.setMatchNumber(Integer.parseInt(element.get("match_number").getAsString())); match.setSetNumber(Integer.parseInt(element.get("set_number").getAsString())); //now, for alliances. Hardest part of JSON wizardry... alliances = element.get("alliances").getAsJsonObject(); red = alliances.get("red").getAsJsonObject(); redTeams = red.get("teams").getAsJsonArray(); blue = alliances.get("blue").getAsJsonObject(); blueTeams = blue.get("teams").getAsJsonArray(); match.setRedScore(Integer.parseInt(red.get("score").getAsString())); match.setBlueScore(Integer.parseInt(blue.get("score").getAsString())); match.setRedAlliance(redTeams.toString()); match.setBlueAlliance(blueTeams.toString()); StartActivity.db.addMatch(match); } } public static void fetchMatches_TBAv2(String eventKey) { String requestString = "" + eventKey + "/matches"; String result = GET_Request.getWebData(requestString, true); JsonArray matches = JSONManager.getasJsonArray(result); Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = matches.iterator(); Match match; JsonObject element, alliances, red, blue; JsonArray redTeams, blueTeams; while (iterator.hasNext()) { //for each match we get data for... element =; match = new Match(); match.setMatchKey(element.get("key").getAsString()); match.setMatchType(Constants.MATCH_LEVELS.get(element.get("comp_level").getAsString())); match.setMatchNumber(element.get("match_number").getAsInt()); match.setSetNumber(element.get("set_number").getAsInt()); //now, for alliances. Hardest part of JSON wizardry... alliances = element.get("alliances").getAsJsonObject(); red = alliances.get("red").getAsJsonObject(); redTeams = red.get("teams").getAsJsonArray(); blue = alliances.get("blue").getAsJsonObject(); blueTeams = blue.get("teams").getAsJsonArray(); match.setRedScore(red.get("score").getAsInt()); match.setBlueScore(blue.get("score").getAsInt()); match.setRedAlliance(redTeams.toString()); match.setBlueAlliance(blueTeams.toString()); StartActivity.db.addMatch(match); } } }