Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.pinterest.terrapin.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.pinterest.terrapin.Constants; import com.pinterest.terrapin.TerrapinUtil; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.MultiKey; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.PartitionerType; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinGetErrorCode; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinGetException; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinInternalGetRequest; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinResponse; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinServerInternal; import com.pinterest.terrapin.thrift.generated.TerrapinSingleResponse; import com.pinterest.terrapin.zookeeper.FileSetInfo; import com.pinterest.terrapin.zookeeper.ViewInfo; import com.twitter.finagle.Service; import com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder; import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId; import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ThriftClientFramedCodecFactory; import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ThriftClientRequest; import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats; import com.twitter.util.Duration; import com.twitter.util.ExceptionalFunction; import com.twitter.util.ExecutorServiceFuturePool; import com.twitter.util.Function; import com.twitter.util.Function0; import com.twitter.util.Future; import com.twitter.util.FuturePool; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.Option; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * A client for communicating with the terrapin cluster. The client's job is to batch keys * by partitions within a resource and determining the right set of instances to issue the * requests against. It then collates the responses and returns back to the client. * * The public API(s) are getMany, getManyNoRetries, getOne and getOneNoRetries. * * TODO(varun): Add speculative execution for full shard failures. This would give us lower * latency. */ public class TerrapinClient { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TerrapinClient.class); // Of the format, terrapin-client-<cluster_name>- private String statsPrefix; private FileSetViewManager fileSetViewManager; private Cache<String, Pair<Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]>, TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface>> thriftClientCache; private int targetPort; private int connectTimeoutMs; private int timeoutMs; // Future pool establishing connections. private FuturePool connectionfuturePool; public TerrapinClient(PropertiesConfiguration configuration, int targetPort, int connectTimeoutMs, int timeoutMs) throws Exception { String zkQuorum = configuration.getString(Constants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM); String clusterName = configuration.getString(Constants.HELIX_CLUSTER); FileSetViewManager fileSetViewManager = new FileSetViewManager( TerrapinUtil.getZooKeeperClient(zkQuorum, 30), clusterName); init(fileSetViewManager, clusterName, targetPort, connectTimeoutMs, timeoutMs); } public TerrapinClient(FileSetViewManager fileSetViewManager, String clusterName, int targetPort, int connectTimeoutMs, int timeoutMs) throws Exception { init(fileSetViewManager, clusterName, targetPort, connectTimeoutMs, timeoutMs); } private void init(FileSetViewManager fileSetViewManager, String clusterName, int targetPort, int connectTimeoutMs, int timeoutMs) throws Exception { this.statsPrefix = "terrapin-client-" + clusterName + "-"; this.fileSetViewManager = fileSetViewManager; this.thriftClientCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(5000).expireAfterAccess(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .removalListener( new RemovalListener<String, Pair<Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]>, TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface>>() { @Override public void onRemoval( RemovalNotification<String, Pair<Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]>, TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface>> removalNotification) { removalNotification.getValue().getLeft().release();"Closing client connections to " + removalNotification.getKey()); } }) .build(); this.targetPort = targetPort; this.connectTimeoutMs = connectTimeoutMs; this.timeoutMs = timeoutMs; this.connectionfuturePool = new ExecutorServiceFuturePool(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)); } protected Future<TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface> getClientFuture(final String hostName) { return connectionfuturePool.apply(new Function0<TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface>() { @Override public TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface apply() { Pair<Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]>, TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface> client = thriftClientCache .getIfPresent(hostName); if (client == null) { Service<ThriftClientRequest, byte[]> service = ClientBuilder .safeBuild(ClientBuilder.get().hosts(new InetSocketAddress(hostName, targetPort)) .codec(new ThriftClientFramedCodecFactory(Option.<ClientId>empty())).retries(1) .connectTimeout(Duration.fromMilliseconds(connectTimeoutMs)) .requestTimeout(Duration.fromMilliseconds(timeoutMs)).hostConnectionLimit(100) .failFast(false)); client = new ImmutablePair(service, new TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceToClient(service, new TBinaryProtocol.Factory())); // A release is automatically called when an element is kicked out as part of the // removal listener. Doing a double release causes other issues. thriftClientCache.asMap().putIfAbsent(hostName, client); } return client.getRight(); } }); } /** * Issues multiple reads against a fileset but does not retry against replicas. Note * that partial failures are communicated through an errorCode inside the map * in the TerrapinResponse object. * * @param fileSet The file set to query. * @param keyList The list of keys to query. * @return a TerrapinResponse future. */ public Future<TerrapinResponse> getManyNoRetries(String fileSet, Set<ByteBuffer> keyList) { return getManyHelper(fileSet, keyList, false); } /** * Issues multiple reads against a fileset with retries against replicas. Note * that partial failures are communicated through an errorCode inside the map * in the TerrapinResponse object. * * @param fileSet The file set to query. * @param keyList The list of keys to query. * @return a TerrapinResponse future. */ public Future<TerrapinResponse> getMany(String fileSet, Set<ByteBuffer> keyList) { return getManyHelper(fileSet, keyList, true); } private ExceptionalFunction<TerrapinResponse, TerrapinSingleResponse> getManyToGetOneFunction( final ByteBuffer key) { return new ExceptionalFunction<TerrapinResponse, TerrapinSingleResponse>() { @Override public TerrapinSingleResponse applyE(TerrapinResponse response) throws Throwable { TerrapinSingleResponse singleResponse = response.getResponseMap().get(key); if (singleResponse == null) { return new TerrapinSingleResponse(); } else { if (singleResponse.isSetErrorCode()) { throw new TerrapinGetException().setErrorCode(singleResponse.getErrorCode()); } else { return singleResponse; } } } }; } /** * Get one API without any retries on a terrapin cluster. This will throw an exception if * an error occurs. If the value is not found, the value field in the response will not be * set. * * @param fileSet The fileset to use query against. * @param key The key to query against. * @return The TerrapinSingleResponse object. */ public Future<TerrapinSingleResponse> getOneNoRetries(String fileSet, ByteBuffer key) { return getManyNoRetries(fileSet, Sets.newHashSet(key)).map(getManyToGetOneFunction(key)); } /** * Get one API with retries against replicas. */ public Future<TerrapinSingleResponse> getOne(String fileSet, ByteBuffer key) { return getMany(fileSet, Sets.newHashSet(key)).map(getManyToGetOneFunction(key)); } /** * Issues a call for retrieving a response for multiple keys. Does appropriate batching. * Uses a 2 pass approach: * 1) Pass 1 - Batches the keys by partition, issues the requests to each relevant replica * and tracks failed keys and replicas with failures. * 2) Pass 2 - Batches the failed keys from pass 1 by host, issues the request to * relevant replicas, excluding the replicas with failures in pass 1. * * TODO(varun): Think about using speculative execution for the single key lookup use case. * It could provide better latency. * * @param fileSet The file set against which the request should be issued. * @param keyList The list of keys. * @param retry Whether to perform a second try on the cluster. * @return A future wrapping a TerrapinResponse object. */ protected Future<TerrapinResponse> getManyHelper(final String fileSet, final Set<ByteBuffer> keyList, final boolean retry) { Pair<FileSetInfo, ViewInfo> pair = null; try { pair = fileSetViewManager.getFileSetViewInfo(fileSet); } catch (TerrapinGetException e) { return Future.exception(e); } final FileSetInfo info = pair.getLeft(); final ViewInfo viewInfo = pair.getRight(); // This runs in two passes. In the first pass, we send a query to all the hosts // containing the keys in @keyList. We collect the list of failed keys in the first // pass and also the set of hosts which had errors. We send out a second query // with the failed keys to the respective set of hosts and attempt to exclude // the initial set of failed hosts. final Set<String> failedHostsFirstPass = Collections.synchronizedSet(Sets.<String>newHashSet()); final Map<ByteBuffer, TerrapinSingleResponse> failedKeysFirstPass = Collections .synchronizedMap(Maps.<ByteBuffer, TerrapinSingleResponse>newHashMap()); Map<String, Future<TerrapinResponse>> responseFutureMapFirstPass = getManyHelper(fileSet, info.servingInfo.helixResource, info.servingInfo.numPartitions, viewInfo, keyList, info.servingInfo.partitionerType, failedHostsFirstPass, failedKeysFirstPass, (Set) Sets.newHashSet(), 1); List<Future<TerrapinResponse>> responseFutureListFirstPass = Lists .newArrayListWithCapacity(responseFutureMapFirstPass.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Future<TerrapinResponse>> entry : responseFutureMapFirstPass.entrySet()) { responseFutureListFirstPass.add(entry.getValue()); } // For the failed keys. return Stats.timeFutureMillis(statsPrefix + fileSet + "-latency", Future.<TerrapinResponse>collect(responseFutureListFirstPass) .flatMap(new Function<List<TerrapinResponse>, Future<TerrapinResponse>>() { @Override public Future<TerrapinResponse> apply(final List<TerrapinResponse> responseListPass1) { // At this point, we have a black list of hosts and we also have a list of keys // which did not succeed in the first run. // If the first pass fully succeeded or we have explicitly disabled retries, // then don't perform a retry. if (failedKeysFirstPass.isEmpty() || !retry) { TerrapinResponse aggResponse = new TerrapinResponse(); aggResponse .setResponseMap((Map) Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(keyList.size())); for (TerrapinResponse response : responseListPass1) { aggResponse.getResponseMap().putAll(response.getResponseMap()); } aggResponse.getResponseMap().putAll(failedKeysFirstPass); return Future.value(aggResponse); } // Otherwise, we fire off a second set of futures. Map<String, Future<TerrapinResponse>> responseFutureMapSecondPass = getManyHelper( fileSet, info.servingInfo.helixResource, info.servingInfo.numPartitions, viewInfo, failedKeysFirstPass.keySet(), info.servingInfo.partitionerType, null, null, failedHostsFirstPass, 2); List<Future<TerrapinResponse>> responseFutureListSecondPass = Lists .newArrayListWithCapacity(responseFutureMapSecondPass.size()); responseFutureListSecondPass.addAll(responseFutureMapSecondPass.values()); return Future.collect(responseFutureListSecondPass) .map(new Function<List<TerrapinResponse>, TerrapinResponse>() { @Override public TerrapinResponse apply( List<TerrapinResponse> responseListPass2) { // The two responses (first pass and second pass) should be disjoint // in the set of keys they return, so we can safely merge them. TerrapinResponse aggResponse = new TerrapinResponse(); aggResponse.setResponseMap( (Map) Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(keyList.size())); for (TerrapinResponse response : responseListPass1) { aggResponse.getResponseMap().putAll(response.getResponseMap()); } for (TerrapinResponse response : responseListPass2) { aggResponse.getResponseMap().putAll(response.getResponseMap()); } return aggResponse; } }); } })); } /** * Helper function for the getMany call above. Responsible for batching the request * by host, tracking hosts/keys with failures and excluding any blacklisted hosts. * * @param fileSet The original fileset useful for metrics tracking. * @param resource The helix resource against which the lookups are being issued. * @param numPartitions The number of partitions in the resource. * @param keyList The list of keys to be looked up. * @param partitionerType The partitioner type (MODULUS etc.) * @param failedHostsContainer The container in which failed hosts need to be accumulated. * @param failedKeysContainer The container in which failed keys need to be accumulated. * If null, then we return the failed keys are part of the * response futures. * @param blacklistedHosts The list of hosts which should be excluded from issuing * rpc(s) against. * @param rpcPassNum The rpc pass we are on. The first pass is 1, second is 2 and so on. * @return A mapping from host name to a future wrapping a TerrapinResponse object. */ protected Map<String, Future<TerrapinResponse>> getManyHelper(final String fileSet, String resource, int numPartitions, final ViewInfo viewInfo, Set<ByteBuffer> keyList, PartitionerType partitionerType, final Set<String> failedHostsContainer, final Map<ByteBuffer, TerrapinSingleResponse> failedKeysContainer, Set<String> blacklistedHosts, final int rpcPassNum) { Map<String, Future<TerrapinResponse>> hostResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); TerrapinResponse offlinePartitionResponse = new TerrapinResponse(); offlinePartitionResponse.setResponseMap((Map) Maps.newHashMap()); Map<String, MultiKey> partitionKeyMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ByteBuffer key : keyList) { String partitionName = TerrapinUtil.getPartitionName(key, partitionerType, numPartitions); MultiKey existingMultiKey = partitionKeyMap.get(partitionName); if (existingMultiKey != null) { existingMultiKey.addToKey(key); } else { MultiKey multiKey = new MultiKey(); multiKey.setKey(Lists.newArrayList(key)); multiKey.setResource(resource); multiKey.setPartition(partitionName); partitionKeyMap.put(partitionName, multiKey); } } // Batch the requests by hostname. Map<String, TerrapinInternalGetRequest> hostRequestMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, MultiKey> entry : partitionKeyMap.entrySet()) { List<String> instanceList = viewInfo.getInstancesForPartition(resource + "$" + entry.getKey()); // Do a deterministic hash using the partitionName. The partitionName acts as the randomizing // function so that we don't always choose the alphabetically smallest instance otherwise // we will have some replicas (alphabetically largest) which never get any traffic. if (instanceList == null || instanceList.size() == 0) { for (ByteBuffer key : entry.getValue().getKey()) { offlinePartitionResponse.getResponseMap().put(key, new TerrapinSingleResponse().setErrorCode(TerrapinGetErrorCode.PARTITION_OFFLINE)); } continue; } int index = entry.getKey().hashCode() % instanceList.size(); int oldIndex = index; while (blacklistedHosts.contains(instanceList.get(index))) { if ((index + 1) % instanceList.size() == oldIndex) { break; } else { index = (index + 1) % instanceList.size(); } } String hostName = instanceList.get(index); TerrapinInternalGetRequest request = hostRequestMap.get(hostName); if (request != null) { request.getKeyList().add(entry.getValue()); } else { request = new TerrapinInternalGetRequest().setKeyList(Lists.newArrayList(entry.getValue())); hostRequestMap.put(hostName, request); } } // Grab the clients for each host and issue requests. for (final Map.Entry<String, TerrapinInternalGetRequest> entry : hostRequestMap.entrySet()) { final String hostName = entry.getKey(); String latencyStatsPrefix = statsPrefix + fileSet + "-host-" + rpcPassNum + "-latency"; hostResponseMap.put(hostName, Stats.timeFutureMillis(latencyStatsPrefix, getClientFuture(entry.getKey()) .flatMap(new Function<TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface, Future<TerrapinResponse>>() { @Override public Future<TerrapinResponse> apply(TerrapinServerInternal.ServiceIface c) { return c.get(entry.getValue()); } }).map(new Function<TerrapinResponse, TerrapinResponse>() { @Override public TerrapinResponse apply(TerrapinResponse response) { if (failedKeysContainer == null || failedHostsContainer == null) { return response; } Set<ByteBuffer> keysToRemove = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, TerrapinSingleResponse> entry : response.getResponseMap() .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isSetErrorCode()) { TerrapinGetErrorCode errorCode = entry.getValue().getErrorCode(); if (errorCode == TerrapinGetErrorCode.OTHER || errorCode == TerrapinGetErrorCode.READ_ERROR || errorCode == TerrapinGetErrorCode.NOT_SERVING_PARTITION || errorCode == TerrapinGetErrorCode.NOT_SERVING_RESOURCE) { // Do not add the keys to the response since we will follow up // with a retry on the failed keys. keysToRemove.add(entry.getKey()); failedKeysContainer.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); // This host did have a partial failure. failedHostsContainer.add(hostName); } } } for (ByteBuffer key : keysToRemove) { response.getResponseMap().remove(key); } return response; } }).rescue(new Function<Throwable, Future<TerrapinResponse>>() { @Override public Future<TerrapinResponse> apply(Throwable t) { // Track the number of failing rpc(s) for each fileset. Stats.incr(statsPrefix + fileSet + "-host-" + rpcPassNum + "-failures"); Stats.incr(statsPrefix + hostName + "-" + rpcPassNum + "-failures"); TerrapinGetErrorCode errorCode = TerrapinGetErrorCode.READ_ERROR; if (t instanceof TerrapinGetException) { errorCode = ((TerrapinGetException) t).getErrorCode(); } TerrapinResponse response = new TerrapinResponse(); response.setResponseMap((Map) Maps.newHashMap()); if (failedHostsContainer == null || failedKeysContainer == null) { // Populate the error code for the keys in the request. for (MultiKey multiKey : entry.getValue().getKeyList()) { for (ByteBuffer key : multiKey.getKey()) { response.getResponseMap().put(key, new TerrapinSingleResponse().setErrorCode(errorCode)); } } return Future.value(response); } else { failedHostsContainer.add(hostName); for (MultiKey multiKey : entry.getValue().getKeyList()) { for (ByteBuffer key : multiKey.getKey()) { failedKeysContainer.put(key, new TerrapinSingleResponse().setErrorCode(errorCode)); } } // Return an empty response since the keys failed and we will // do second retry. return Future.value(response); } } }))); } hostResponseMap.put("", Future.value(offlinePartitionResponse)); return hostResponseMap; } }