Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.pinterest.pinlater; import com.pinterest.pinlater.backends.common.PinLaterBackendUtils; import com.pinterest.pinlater.backends.common.PinLaterJobDescriptor; import com.pinterest.pinlater.commons.config.ConfigFileWatcher; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.Constants; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.ErrorCode; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterCheckpointJobRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterCheckpointJobsRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterDeleteJobsRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterDequeueMetadata; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterDequeueRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterDequeueResponse; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterEnqueueRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterEnqueueResponse; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterException; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterGetJobCountRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJob; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJobAckInfo; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJobAckRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJobInfo; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJobState; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterLookupJobRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterRetryFailedJobsRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterScanJobsRequest; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterScanJobsResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.twitter.common.base.MorePreconditions; import com.twitter.common.collections.Pair; import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore; import com.twitter.concurrent.Permit; import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats; import com.twitter.util.ExceptionalFunction; import com.twitter.util.ExceptionalFunction0; import com.twitter.util.ExecutorServiceFuturePool; import com.twitter.util.Function; import com.twitter.util.Future; import com.twitter.util.Try; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * PinLater backend base, which handles the FuturePool and batch logic for each PinLater thrift * service API. The operations to the backend should be implemented in the class which inherits * this base class. * * This base class is intended for backend class which does blocking operations to its backend. If * the request to the backend is async itself, then the backend class should not inherit this base * class. */ public abstract class PinLaterBackendBase implements PinLaterBackendIface { protected static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); private final AtomicLong claimSuffix = new AtomicLong(0); private final PropertiesConfiguration configuration; private final String serverHostName; private final long serverStartTimeMillis; private final int queryParallelism; private final int numAutoRetries; private final String backendName; private final String shardConfigFilePath; // All the queues in the same cluster share the priority levels. Priority level starts from // 1 (highest) to ``NUM_PRIORITY_LEVELS`` (lowest). The number of priority levels should be kept // as small as possible to make backend best performance. Typically it should not be greater // than 3. protected final int numPriorityLevels; protected ExecutorServiceFuturePool futurePool; private LoadingCache<String, AsyncSemaphore> dequeueSemaphoreMap; public PinLaterBackendBase(PropertiesConfiguration configuration, String backendName, String serverHostName, long serverStartTimeMillis) { this.configuration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration); this.backendName = MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank(backendName); this.serverHostName = MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank(serverHostName); this.serverStartTimeMillis = serverStartTimeMillis; this.queryParallelism = configuration.getInt("BACKEND_QUERY_PARALLELISM"); Preconditions.checkArgument(queryParallelism > 0); this.numAutoRetries = configuration.getInt("BACKEND_NUM_AUTO_RETRIES"); this.numPriorityLevels = configuration.getInt("NUM_PRIORITY_LEVELS"); Preconditions.checkArgument(numPriorityLevels >= 1); this.shardConfigFilePath = System.getProperty("backend_config"); } /* * After finishing its own initialization, each subclass needs to call this function to * register zk config update callback function and initialize the futurePool and dequeue * semaphoreMap. */ protected void initialize() throws Exception { if (this.shardConfigFilePath != null) { String fullFilePath = getClass().getResource("/" + shardConfigFilePath).getPath(); ConfigFileWatcher.defaultInstance().addWatch(fullFilePath, new ExceptionalFunction<byte[], Void>() { @Override public synchronized Void applyE(byte[] bytes) throws Exception { processConfigUpdate(bytes); return null; } }); } // Initialize the future pool we will use to make blocking calls to Redis. // We size the future pool such that there is one thread for every available connection. int futurePoolSize = configuration.getInt("BACKEND_CONNECTIONS_PER_SHARD") * getShards().size(); this.futurePool = new ExecutorServiceFuturePool(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(futurePoolSize, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat(backendName + "FuturePool-%d").build())); // Create a map of queueName -> aync semaphore to control dequeue concurrency. // We configure the map to create entries on demand since queues can be created at any time. final int dequeueConcurrencyPerQueue = configuration .getInt("BACKEND_DEQUEUE_CONCURRENCY_PER_QUEUE_PER_SHARD") * getShards().size(); // We set maxWaiters on the async semaphore to the max concurrency on the server as an // additional safety measure. final int maxWaiters = configuration.getInt("MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS"); this.dequeueSemaphoreMap = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<String, AsyncSemaphore>() { @Override public AsyncSemaphore load(String queueName) throws Exception { AsyncSemaphore asyncSemaphore = new AsyncSemaphore(dequeueConcurrencyPerQueue, maxWaiters); Stats.setGauge("dequeue-semaphore-waiters-" + queueName, asyncSemaphore.numWaiters()); return asyncSemaphore; } }); } /* * Returns all the shard ids of the backend. */ protected abstract ImmutableSet<String> getShards(); /* * Create the queue on all of the shards. */ protected abstract void createQueueImpl(final String queueName) throws Exception; /* * Delete the queue on all of the shards. */ protected abstract void deleteQueueImpl(final String queueName) throws Exception; /* * Enqueue a single job to the given queue. */ protected abstract String enqueueSingleJob(final String queueName, final PinLaterJob job, final int numAutoRetries) throws Exception; /* * Dequeue up to ``jobsNeeded`` number of jobs from the ``priority`` queue in the given shard. */ protected abstract PinLaterDequeueResponse dequeueJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final int priority, final String claimDescriptor, final int jobsNeeded, final int numAutoRetries, final boolean dryRun) throws Exception; /* * Ack a single job from the given queue. */ protected abstract void ackSingleJob(final String queueName, final boolean succeeded, final PinLaterJobAckInfo jobAckInfo, final int numAutoRetries) throws Exception; /* * Checkpoint a single job from the given queue. */ protected abstract void checkpointSingleJob(final String source, final String queueName, final PinLaterCheckpointJobRequest request, final int numAutoRetries) throws Exception; /* * Look up the job from the ``priority`` queue in the given shard. */ protected abstract PinLaterJobInfo lookupJobFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final int priority, final long localId, final boolean isIncludeBody) throws Exception; /* * Get the count of jobs from the ``priorities`` queue with ``jobState`` in the given shard. */ protected abstract int getJobCountFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final Set<Integer> priorities, final PinLaterJobState jobState, final boolean countFutureJobs, final String bodyRegexToMatch) throws Exception; /* * Get the names of all existing queues. */ protected abstract Set<String> getQueueNamesImpl() throws Exception; /* * Grab job information from a shard sorted by most recent first based on run_after, * where the jobs have the specified priority and job state. */ protected abstract List<PinLaterJobInfo> scanJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final Set<Integer> priorities, final PinLaterJobState jobState, final boolean scanFutureJobs, final String continuation, final int limit, final String bodyRegexToMatch) throws Exception; /* * Retry some failed jobs in a particular queue. Returns the number of failed jobs that were * granted retries. */ protected abstract int retryFailedJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final int priority, final int attemptsRemaining, final long runAfterTimestampMillis, final int limit) throws Exception; /* * Delete some jobs from a particular queue. Returns the number of failed jobs that were deleted. */ protected abstract int deleteJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final PinLaterJobState jobState, final int priority, final String bodyRegexToMatch, final int limit) throws Exception; /* * Update shard map when zk config file changed. This function doesn't need to be synchronized * because ConfigFileWatcher ensures only one update is active at any time. */ protected abstract void processConfigUpdate(byte[] bytes) throws Exception; public Future<Void> createQueue(final String name) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { createQueueImpl(name); return null; } }); } public Future<Void> deleteQueue(final String name, final String password) { String passwordHash; try { passwordHash = PinLaterBackendUtils.getSaltedHash(password); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return Future.exception(new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Error finding hashing algorithm.")); } if (!passwordHash.equals(configuration.getString("ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH"))) { return Future.exception(new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.PASSWORD_INVALID, "Invalid admin password.")); } return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { deleteQueueImpl(name); return null; } }); } /** * Identical to deleteQueue method above, but with no password and intended for testing use only. */ @VisibleForTesting public Future<Void> deleteQueue(final String name) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { deleteQueueImpl(name); return null; } }); } public Future<Integer> getJobCount(final PinLaterGetJobCountRequest request) { // If no priority is specified, search for jobs of all priorities. Range<Integer> priorityRange = request.isSetPriority() ? Range.closed((int) request.getPriority(), (int) request.getPriority()) : Range.closed(1, numPriorityLevels); final ContiguousSet<Integer> priorities = ContiguousSet.create(priorityRange, DiscreteDomain.integers()); // Execute count query on each shard in parallel. List<Future<Integer>> futures = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(getShards().size()); for (final String shardName : getShards()) { futures.add(futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Integer>() { @Override public Integer applyE() throws Throwable { return getJobCountFromShard(request.getQueueName(), shardName, priorities, request.getJobState(), request.isCountFutureJobs(), request.getBodyRegexToMatch()); } })); } return Future.collect(futures).map(new Function<List<Integer>, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(List<Integer> shardCounts) { int totalCount = 0; for (Integer shardCount : shardCounts) { totalCount += shardCount; } return totalCount; } }); } public Future<PinLaterEnqueueResponse> enqueueJobs(final PinLaterEnqueueRequest request) { // Partition the jobs in the enqueue request such that there are roughly // <queryParallelism> partitions. Then execute those in parallel. Within each partition, // enqueues are executed serially. List<Future<PinLaterEnqueueResponse>> futures = PinLaterBackendUtils.executePartitioned(request.getJobs(), queryParallelism, new Function<List<PinLaterJob>, Future<PinLaterEnqueueResponse>>() { @Override public Future<PinLaterEnqueueResponse> apply(final List<PinLaterJob> jobs) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<PinLaterEnqueueResponse>() { @Override public PinLaterEnqueueResponse applyE() throws Throwable { PinLaterEnqueueResponse response = new PinLaterEnqueueResponse(); for (PinLaterJob job : jobs) { // Collect stats around job body size. Stats.addMetric("job_body_size_" + request.getQueueName(), job.getBody().length); Stats.addMetric("job-body-size", job.getBody().length); // Check whether the priority is supported. if (job.getPriority() > numPriorityLevels || job.getPriority() < 1) { Stats.incr(String.format("%s-priority-not-supported-enqueue", backendName)); throw new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.PRIORITY_NOT_SUPPORTED, String.valueOf(job.getPriority())); } response.addToJobDescriptors( enqueueSingleJob(request.getQueueName(), job, numAutoRetries)); } return response; } }); } }); return Future.collect(futures).map(new Function<List<PinLaterEnqueueResponse>, PinLaterEnqueueResponse>() { @Override public PinLaterEnqueueResponse apply(List<PinLaterEnqueueResponse> subResponses) { PinLaterEnqueueResponse response = new PinLaterEnqueueResponse(Lists.<String>newArrayList()); for (PinLaterEnqueueResponse subResponse : subResponses) { response.getJobDescriptors().addAll(subResponse.getJobDescriptors()); } return response; } }); } public Future<PinLaterDequeueResponse> dequeueJobs(final String source, final PinLaterDequeueRequest request) { Future<PinLaterDequeueResponse> dequeueFuture; try { dequeueFuture = dequeueSemaphoreMap.get(request.getQueueName()).acquire() .flatMap(new Function<Permit, Future<PinLaterDequeueResponse>>() { @Override public Future<PinLaterDequeueResponse> apply(final Permit permit) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<PinLaterDequeueResponse>() { @Override public PinLaterDequeueResponse applyE() throws Throwable { return dequeueJobsImpl(source, request, numAutoRetries); } }).respond(new Function<Try<PinLaterDequeueResponse>, BoxedUnit>() { @Override public BoxedUnit apply(Try<PinLaterDequeueResponse> responseTry) { permit.release(); return BoxedUnit.UNIT; } }); } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // The dequeueSemaphoreMap's get() can in theory throw an ExecutionException, but we // never expect it in practice since our load method is simply new'ing up an AsyncSemaphore. dequeueFuture = Future.exception(e); } // Dequeue requests can contain ack requests as payloads. If so, we execute both in parallel. Future<Void> ackFuture = request.isSetJobAckRequest() ? ackDequeuedJobsImpl(request.getJobAckRequest()) : Future.Void(); return dequeueFuture.join(ackFuture) .map(new Function<Tuple2<PinLaterDequeueResponse, Void>, PinLaterDequeueResponse>() { @Override public PinLaterDequeueResponse apply(Tuple2<PinLaterDequeueResponse, Void> tuple) { return tuple._1(); } }); } public Future<Map<String, PinLaterJobInfo>> lookupJobs(final PinLaterLookupJobRequest request) { List<Future<Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>>> lookupJobFutures = Lists .newArrayListWithCapacity(request.getJobDescriptorsSize()); for (final String jobDescriptor : request.getJobDescriptors()) { Future<Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>> lookupJobFuture = futurePool .apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>>() { @Override public Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo> applyE() throws Throwable { PinLaterJobDescriptor jobDesc = new PinLaterJobDescriptor(jobDescriptor); PinLaterJobInfo jobInfo = lookupJobFromShard(jobDesc.getQueueName(), jobDesc.getShardName(), jobDesc.getPriority(), jobDesc.getLocalId(), request.isIncludeBody()); return new Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>(jobDescriptor, jobInfo); } }); lookupJobFutures.add(lookupJobFuture); } return Future.collect(lookupJobFutures) .map(new Function<List<Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>>, Map<String, PinLaterJobInfo>>() { @Override public Map<String, PinLaterJobInfo> apply(List<Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo>> jobPairs) { Map<String, PinLaterJobInfo> lookupJobMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Pair<String, PinLaterJobInfo> jobPair : jobPairs) { if (jobPair.getSecond() != null) { lookupJobMap.put(jobPair.getFirst(), jobPair.getSecond()); } } return lookupJobMap; } }); } public Future<Void> ackDequeuedJobs(final PinLaterJobAckRequest request) { return ackDequeuedJobsImpl(request); } public Future<Void> checkpointJobs(final String source, final PinLaterCheckpointJobsRequest request) { // Partition the requests such that there are roughly <queryParallelism> partitions. Then // execute those in parallel. Within each partition, each checkpoint is executed serially. List<Future<Void>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); if (request.getRequestsSize() > 0) { futures.addAll(PinLaterBackendUtils.executePartitioned(request.getRequests(), queryParallelism, new Function<List<PinLaterCheckpointJobRequest>, Future<Void>>() { @Override public Future<Void> apply(final List<PinLaterCheckpointJobRequest> checkpointRequests) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { for (PinLaterCheckpointJobRequest checkpointRequest : checkpointRequests) { checkpointSingleJob(source, request.getQueueName(), checkpointRequest, numAutoRetries); } return null; } }); } })); } return Future.collect(futures).voided(); } public Future<Set<String>> getQueueNames() { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<String> applyE() throws Throwable { return getQueueNamesImpl(); } }); } public Future<PinLaterScanJobsResponse> scanJobs(final PinLaterScanJobsRequest request) { // Validate continuation token. CONTINUATION_START is the only supported token right now. if (!request.getContinuation().equals(Constants.CONTINUATION_START)) { return Future.exception(new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.CONTINUATION_INVALID, "CONTINUATION_START is the only continuation token supported right now.")); } // If no priority is specified, search for jobs of all priorities. Range<Integer> priorityRange = request.isSetPriority() ? Range.closed((int) request.getPriority(), (int) request.getPriority()) : Range.closed(1, numPriorityLevels); final ContiguousSet<Integer> priorities = ContiguousSet.create(priorityRange, DiscreteDomain.integers()); // Execute scanJobs query on each shard in parallel. List<Future<List<PinLaterJobInfo>>> futures = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(getShards().size()); for (final String shardName : getShards()) { futures.add(futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<List<PinLaterJobInfo>>() { @Override public List<PinLaterJobInfo> applyE() throws Throwable { return scanJobsFromShard(request.getQueueName(), shardName, priorities, request.getJobState(), request.isScanFutureJobs(), request.getContinuation(), request.getLimit(), request.getBodyRegexToMatch()); } })); } // Perform a merge, and then truncate at the requested limit. return Future.collect(futures).map(new Function<List<List<PinLaterJobInfo>>, PinLaterScanJobsResponse>() { @Override public PinLaterScanJobsResponse apply(List<List<PinLaterJobInfo>> shardLists) { // First grab all of the lists of job info and perform a merge on them. List<PinLaterJobInfo> mergedList = PinLaterBackendUtils.mergeIntoList(shardLists, PinLaterBackendUtils.JobInfoComparator.getInstance(), request.getLimit()); // If we were to support continuation we would need to create and set the token here. // Right now, we just leave it as the default: CONTINUATION_END. return new PinLaterScanJobsResponse(mergedList); } }); } public Future<Integer> retryFailedJobs(final PinLaterRetryFailedJobsRequest request) { // Execute retryFailedJobs query on each shard until we have updated 'limit' number of jobs. return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Integer>() { @Override public Integer applyE() throws Throwable { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); int remainingLimit = request.getLimit(); List<String> shardNames = getRandomShardShuffle(); for (final String shardName : shardNames) { int numRetried = retryFailedJobsFromShard(request.getQueueName(), shardName, request.getPriority(), request.getAttemptsToAllow(), request.isSetRunAfterTimestampMillis() ? request.getRunAfterTimestampMillis() : currentTimeMillis, remainingLimit); remainingLimit -= numRetried; if (remainingLimit <= 0) { break; } } return request.getLimit() - remainingLimit; } }); } public Future<Integer> deleteJobs(final PinLaterDeleteJobsRequest request) { // Execute deleteJobs query on each shard until we have updated 'limit' number of jobs. return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Integer>() { @Override public Integer applyE() throws Throwable { int remainingLimit = request.getLimit(); List<String> shardNames = getRandomShardShuffle(); for (final String shardName : shardNames) { int numDeleted = deleteJobsFromShard(request.getQueueName(), shardName, request.getJobState(), request.getPriority(), request.getBodyRegexToMatch(), remainingLimit); remainingLimit -= numDeleted; if (remainingLimit <= 0) { break; } } return request.getLimit() - remainingLimit; } }); } private PinLaterDequeueResponse dequeueJobsImpl(final String source, final PinLaterDequeueRequest request, int numAutoRetries) throws Exception { List<String> shardNames = getRandomShardShuffle().subList(0, (int) Math.round(getShards().size() * request.getCoverage())); PinLaterDequeueResponse response = new PinLaterDequeueResponse(); String claimDescriptor = constructClaimDescriptor(source); int jobsNeeded = request.getLimit(); // Dequeue jobs in priority order, iterating over all shards till the desired number of // jobs have been retrieved. for (int priority = 1; priority <= numPriorityLevels; priority++) { for (final String shardName : shardNames) { PinLaterDequeueResponse shardResponse = dequeueJobsFromShard(request.getQueueName(), shardName, priority, claimDescriptor, jobsNeeded, numAutoRetries, request.isDryRun()); // Add this shard's response fields into the local response variable. Map<String, ByteBuffer> jobToBody = shardResponse.getJobs(); if (jobToBody != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, ByteBuffer> jobAndBody : jobToBody.entrySet()) { response.putToJobs(jobAndBody.getKey(), jobAndBody.getValue()); } } Map<String, PinLaterDequeueMetadata> jobToMetadata = shardResponse.getJobMetadata(); if (jobToMetadata != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, PinLaterDequeueMetadata> jobAndMetadata : jobToMetadata.entrySet()) { response.putToJobMetadata(jobAndMetadata.getKey(), jobAndMetadata.getValue()); } } jobsNeeded -= shardResponse.getJobsSize(); if (jobsNeeded <= 0) { return response; } } } return response; } private Future<Void> ackDequeuedJobsImpl(final PinLaterJobAckRequest request) { // Partition the jobs such that there are roughly <queryParallelism> partitions. Then execute // those in parallel. Within each partition, acks are executed serially. List<Future<Void>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); // Succeeded jobs. if (request.getJobsSucceededSize() > 0) { futures.addAll(PinLaterBackendUtils.executePartitioned(request.getJobsSucceeded(), queryParallelism, new Function<List<PinLaterJobAckInfo>, Future<Void>>() { @Override public Future<Void> apply(final List<PinLaterJobAckInfo> jobAckInfos) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { for (PinLaterJobAckInfo jobAckInfo : jobAckInfos) { ackSingleJob(request.getQueueName(), true, jobAckInfo, numAutoRetries); } return null; } }); } })); } // Failed jobs. if (request.getJobsFailedSize() > 0) { futures.addAll(PinLaterBackendUtils.executePartitioned(request.getJobsFailed(), queryParallelism, new Function<List<PinLaterJobAckInfo>, Future<Void>>() { @Override public Future<Void> apply(final List<PinLaterJobAckInfo> jobAckInfos) { return futurePool.apply(new ExceptionalFunction0<Void>() { @Override public Void applyE() throws Throwable { for (PinLaterJobAckInfo jobAckInfo : jobAckInfos) { ackSingleJob(request.getQueueName(), false, jobAckInfo, numAutoRetries); } return null; } }); } })); } return Future.collect(futures).voided(); } private List<String> getRandomShardShuffle() { List<String> shards = new ArrayList<String>(); shards.addAll(getShards()); Collections.shuffle(shards, RANDOM); return shards; } private String constructClaimDescriptor(String source) { return String.format("%s:%d:%d:%s:%d", serverHostName, configuration.getInt("THRIFT_PORT"), serverStartTimeMillis, source, claimSuffix.incrementAndGet()); } }