Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.pinterest.pinlater.backends.redis; import com.pinterest.pinlater.backends.common.BackendQueueMonitorBase; import com.pinterest.pinlater.commons.healthcheck.HealthChecker; import com.pinterest.pinlater.thrift.PinLaterJobState; import; import; import; import; import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats; import com.twitter.util.Function; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Implements a scheduled task used by the PinLaterRedisBackend for various types of * job queue cleanup, including ACK timeouts and GC'ing finished jobs. */ public class RedisQueueMonitor extends BackendQueueMonitorBase<RedisPools> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisQueueMonitor.class); private int logCount; private int numTimeoutDone; private int numTimeoutRetry; private long numSucceededGC; private long numFailedGC; private int numTimeoutEvict; private final HealthChecker healthChecker; public RedisQueueMonitor(ImmutableMap<String, RedisPools> shardMap, PropertiesConfiguration configuration, HealthChecker healthChecker) { super(shardMap, configuration); this.healthChecker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(healthChecker); } @VisibleForTesting public RedisQueueMonitor(ImmutableMap<String, RedisPools> shardMap, int updateMaxSize, int maxAutoRetries, int logInterval, long jobClaimedTimeoutMillis, long jobSucceededGCTimeoutMillis, long jobFailedGCTimeoutMillis, int numPriorityLevels, HealthChecker healthChecker) { super(shardMap, updateMaxSize, maxAutoRetries, logInterval, jobClaimedTimeoutMillis, jobSucceededGCTimeoutMillis, jobFailedGCTimeoutMillis, numPriorityLevels); this.healthChecker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(healthChecker); } @Override protected void jobMonitorImpl(long runStartMillis, final Map.Entry<String, RedisPools> shard, int numAutoRetries) { // Skip the shard if it is unhealthy. if (!healthChecker.isServerLive(shard.getValue().getHost(), shard.getValue().getPort())) { LOG.warn(String.format("Skipped monitoring shard %s because it is unhealthy.", shard.getKey())); return; } final double runStartTimeSeconds = runStartMillis / 1000.0; final double succeededGCTimeSeconds = (runStartMillis - getJobSucceededGCTimeoutMillis()) / 1000.0; final double failedGCTimeSeconds = (runStartMillis - getJobFailedGCTimeoutMillis()) / 1000.0; final double timeoutTimeSeconds = (runStartMillis - getJobClaimedTimeoutMillis()) / 1000.0; try { RedisUtils.executeWithConnection(shard.getValue().getMonitorRedisPool(), new Function<Jedis, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(Jedis conn) { Set<String> queueNames = RedisBackendUtils.getQueueNames(conn, shard.getKey()); for (String queueName : queueNames) { for (int priority = 1; priority <= numPriorityLevels; priority++) { String pendingQueueRedisKey = RedisBackendUtils.constructQueueRedisKey(queueName, shard.getKey(), priority, PinLaterJobState.PENDING); String inProgressQueueRedisKey = RedisBackendUtils.constructQueueRedisKey(queueName, shard.getKey(), priority, PinLaterJobState.IN_PROGRESS); String succeededQueueRedisKey = RedisBackendUtils.constructQueueRedisKey(queueName, shard.getKey(), priority, PinLaterJobState.SUCCEEDED); String failedQueueRedisKey = RedisBackendUtils.constructQueueRedisKey(queueName, shard.getKey(), priority, PinLaterJobState.FAILED); String hashRedisKeyPrefix = RedisBackendUtils.constructHashRedisKeyPrefix(queueName, shard.getKey()); // Handle timed out jobs. List<String> keys = Lists.newArrayList(inProgressQueueRedisKey, hashRedisKeyPrefix, pendingQueueRedisKey, failedQueueRedisKey); List<String> argv = Lists.newArrayList(String.valueOf(timeoutTimeSeconds), String.valueOf(getUpdateMaxSize()), String.valueOf(runStartTimeSeconds)); Object nums = conn.eval(RedisLuaScripts.MONITOR_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, keys, argv); List<Object> tmp = (List<Object>) nums; numTimeoutDone += Integer.valueOf((String) tmp.get(0)); numTimeoutRetry += Integer.valueOf((String) tmp.get(1)); numTimeoutEvict += Integer.valueOf((String) tmp.get(2)); // Succeeded job GC. keys = Lists.newArrayList(succeededQueueRedisKey, hashRedisKeyPrefix); argv = Lists.newArrayList(String.valueOf(succeededGCTimeSeconds), String.valueOf(getUpdateMaxSize())); numSucceededGC += (Long) conn.eval(RedisLuaScripts.MONITOR_GC_DONE_JOBS, keys, argv); // Failed job GC. keys = Lists.newArrayList(failedQueueRedisKey, hashRedisKeyPrefix); argv = Lists.newArrayList(String.valueOf(failedGCTimeSeconds), String.valueOf(getUpdateMaxSize())); numFailedGC += (Long) conn.eval(RedisLuaScripts.MONITOR_GC_DONE_JOBS, keys, argv); logCount++; if (logCount % getLogInterval() == 0) {"JobQueueMonitor: " + "Shard: %s Queue: %s Priority: %d Timeout Done: %d Timeout Retry: %d " + "Succeeded GC: %d Failed GC: %d", shard.getKey(), queueName, priority, numTimeoutDone, numTimeoutRetry, numSucceededGC, numFailedGC)); if (numTimeoutEvict != 0) { LOG.error(String.format( "JobQueueMonitor: Shard: %s Queue: %s Priority: %d Timeout Evict: %d", shard.getKey(), queueName, priority, numTimeoutEvict)); } Stats.incr(queueName + "_timeout_done", numTimeoutDone); Stats.incr(queueName + "_timeout_retry", numTimeoutRetry); Stats.incr(queueName + "_timeout_evict", numTimeoutEvict); Stats.incr(queueName + "_succeeded_gc", (int) numSucceededGC); Stats.incr(queueName + "_failed_gc", (int) numFailedGC); logCount = 0; numTimeoutDone = 0; numTimeoutRetry = 0; numSucceededGC = 0; numFailedGC = 0; numTimeoutEvict = 0; } } } return null; } }); } catch (Exception e) { Stats.incr("PinLater.RedisQueueMonitor.errors." + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); LOG.error("Exception in JobQueueMonitor task", e); } } }