Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 Andrew Pietsch * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package com.pietschy.gwt.pectin.demo.client.misc; import*; import com.pietschy.gwt.pectin.client.form.metadata.HasVisible; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: andrew * Date: Jul 18, 2009 * Time: 12:14:12 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class VerySimpleForm extends Composite { private FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); protected FlexTable.FlexCellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getFlexCellFormatter(); public VerySimpleForm() { initWidget(table); setStylePrimaryName("VerySimpleForm"); } public Row addRow(String label, Widget widget) { int rowIndex = table.getRowCount(); table.setText(rowIndex, 0, label); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setWordWrap(rowIndex, 0, false); styleLabel(rowIndex); table.setWidget(rowIndex, 1, widget); styleWidgets(rowIndex); return new Row(rowIndex); } public Row addRow(Widget label, Widget widget) { int rowIndex = table.getRowCount(); table.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, label); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setWordWrap(rowIndex, 0, false); styleLabel(rowIndex); table.setWidget(rowIndex, 1, widget); return new Row(rowIndex); } protected Row addRow(String label, Widget widget, String hint) { return addRow(label, widget, createHint(hint)); } public Row addRow(String label, Widget widget, Widget... others) { return addRow(label, hp(widget, others)); } public Row addRow(Widget label, Widget widget, Widget... others) { return addRow(label, hp(widget, others)); } protected Row addTallRow(String label, Widget widget) { VerySimpleForm.Row row = addRow(label, widget); cellFormatter.addStyleName(row.getRowIndex(), 0, "verticalAlignTop"); return row; } private void styleLabel(int row) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, 0, "VerySimpleForm-Label"); } private void styleWidgets(int row) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, 1, "VerySimpleForm-Widgets"); } protected Label createHint() { return createHint(""); } protected Label createHint(String text) { return styleAs(new Label(text), "VerySimpleForm-Hint"); } private <T extends Widget> T styleAs(T widget, String style) { widget.addStyleName(style); return widget; } protected Row addNote(String text) { int rowIndex = table.getRowCount(); table.setText(rowIndex, 1, text); cellFormatter.setStylePrimaryName(rowIndex, 1, "VerySimpleForm-Note"); return new Row(rowIndex); } public Row addGap() { int rowIndex = table.getRowCount(); table.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, new HTML(" ")); cellFormatter.setColSpan(rowIndex, 0, 2); cellFormatter.setStylePrimaryName(rowIndex, 0, "VerySimpleForm-GapRow"); return new Row(rowIndex); } protected Widget hp(Widget first, Widget... others) { if (others.length == 0) { return first; } HorizontalPanel p = new HorizontalPanel(); p.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); p.add(first); for (Widget other : others) { // mmmm.. hacky. p.add(new HTML(" ")); p.add(other); } return p; } protected Widget hpWithNoGap(Widget first, Widget... others) { if (others.length == 0) { return first; } HorizontalPanel p = new HorizontalPanel(); p.setVerticalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); p.add(first); for (Widget other : others) { p.add(other); } return p; } public class Row implements HasVisible { private int rowIndex; public Row(int rowIndex) { this.rowIndex = rowIndex; } public int getRowIndex() { return rowIndex; } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { table.getRowFormatter().setVisible(rowIndex, visible); } public boolean isVisible() { return table.getRowFormatter().isVisible(rowIndex); } } }