Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.phoenixnap.oss.ramlapisync.pojo; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import com.phoenixnap.oss.ramlapisync.generation.CodeModelHelper; import com.phoenixnap.oss.ramlapisync.naming.NamingHelper; import com.sun.codemodel.ClassType; import com.sun.codemodel.JBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JClassAlreadyExistsException; import com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpr; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpression; import com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar; import com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation; import com.sun.codemodel.JMethod; import com.sun.codemodel.JMod; import com.sun.codemodel.JType; import com.sun.codemodel.JVar; /** * Builder pattern for POJO generation using jCodeModel. Provides basic utility methods including extension and * getter/setter generation * * @author kurtpa * @since 0.10.0 * */ public class PojoBuilder extends AbstractBuilder { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PojoBuilder.class); private JInvocation hashCodeBuilderInvocation = null; private JInvocation equalsBuilderInvocation = null; JVar otherObjectVar = null; public PojoBuilder() { super(); } /** * Constructor allowing chaining of JCodeModels * * @param config The Configuration object which controls generation * @param pojoModel Existing Codemodel to append to * @param className Class to be created * */ public PojoBuilder(PojoGenerationConfig config, JCodeModel pojoModel, String className) { super(config, pojoModel); withName(config.getPojoPackage(), className); if (config.isGenerateHashcodeEqualsToString()) { withToString(); withEquals(); withHashCode(); } } public PojoBuilder extendsClass(String className) { pojoCreationCheck(); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("A class cannot extend itself"); } this.pojo._extends(CodeModelHelper.findFirstClassBySimpleName(pojoModel, className)); return this; } public PojoBuilder extendsClass(PojoBuilder classBuilder) { if (classBuilder.pojo == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Supplied builder does not contain a class"); } return extendsClass(; } /** * Sets this Pojo's name * * @param pojoPackage The Package used to create POJO * @param className Class to be created * @return This instance */ public PojoBuilder withName(String pojoPackage, String className) { if (!NamingHelper.isValidJavaClassName(className)) { className = NamingHelper.cleanNameForJava(className); } final String fullyQualifiedClassName = pojoPackage + "." + className; // Initiate package if necessary if (this.pojoPackage == null) { withPackage(pojoPackage); } // Builders should only have 1 active pojo under their responsibility if (this.pojo != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Class already created"); } try { // create the class logger.debug("Creating class " + fullyQualifiedClassName); this.pojo = this.pojoModel._class(fullyQualifiedClassName); // Always add default constructor withDefaultConstructor(className); // Handle Serialization implementsSerializable(); // Add to shortcuts this.codeModels.put(fullyQualifiedClassName, this.pojo); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { // class already exists - reuse it! logger.debug("Enum {} already exists. Reusing it!", fullyQualifiedClassName); this.pojo = this.pojoModel._getClass(fullyQualifiedClassName); } return this; } private void withDefaultConstructor(String className) { // Create default constructor JMethod constructor = this.pojo.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC); constructor.javadoc().add("Creates a new " + className + "."); JBlock defaultConstructorBody = constructor.body(); defaultConstructorBody.invoke("super"); } private boolean parentContainsField(JClass pojo, String name) { if (pojo != null && !pojo.fullName().equals(Object.class.getName())) { JClass parent = pojo._extends(); if (parent != null) { //Our parent has a parent, lets check if it has it if (parentContainsField(parent, name)) { return true; } else { if (parent instanceof JDefinedClass) { return ((JDefinedClass) parent).fields().containsKey(name); } } } } return false; } public PojoBuilder withField(String name, String type, String comment, RamlTypeValidations validations, String defaultValue) { pojoCreationCheck(); logger.debug("Adding field: " + name + " to " +; JClass resolvedType = resolveType(type); try { //If this class is a collection (List)- lets add an import if (resolvedType.fullName().startsWith(List.class.getName() + "<")) { resolvedType = this.pojo.owner().ref(List.class).narrow(resolvedType.getTypeParameters().get(0)); } //If this class is a collection (Set) - lets add an import if (resolvedType.fullName().startsWith(Set.class.getName() + "<")) { resolvedType = this.pojo.owner().ref(Set.class).narrow(resolvedType.getTypeParameters().get(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { //skip import } //lets ignore this if parent contains it and we will use parent's in the constructor if (parentContainsField(this.pojo, name)) { return this; } JExpression jExpression = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(defaultValue)) { if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(Integer.valueOf(defaultValue)); } else if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue)); } else if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(Double.valueOf(defaultValue)); } else if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(Float.valueOf(defaultValue)); } else if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(Long.valueOf(defaultValue)); } else if ( { jExpression ="new BigDecimal(\"" + defaultValue + "\")"); } else if ( { jExpression = JExpr.lit(defaultValue); } else if (type.contains(".") && resolvedType instanceof JDefinedClass && ((JDefinedClass) resolvedType).getClassType().equals(ClassType.ENUM)) { jExpression = JExpr .direct( + "." + NamingHelper.cleanNameForJavaEnum(defaultValue)); } } else if (resolvedType.fullName().startsWith(List.class.getName() + "<")) { JClass narrowedListClass = this.pojoModel.ref(ArrayList.class) .narrow(resolvedType.getTypeParameters().get(0)); jExpression = JExpr._new(narrowedListClass); } // Add private variable JFieldVar field = this.pojo.field(JMod.PRIVATE, resolvedType, toJavaName(name), jExpression); if (this.config.isGenerateJSR303Annotations() && validations != null) { validations.annotateFieldJSR303(field); } if (StringUtils.hasText(comment)) { field.javadoc().add(comment); } String fieldName = NamingHelper.convertToClassName(name); // Add get method JMethod getter = this.pojo.method(JMod.PUBLIC, field.type(), "get" + fieldName); getter.body()._return(field); getter.javadoc().add("Returns the " + name + "."); getter.javadoc().addReturn().add(; // Add set method JMethod setter = this.pojo.method(JMod.PUBLIC, this.pojoModel.VOID, "set" + fieldName); setter.param(field.type(),; setter.body().assign(JExpr._this().ref(, JExpr.ref(; setter.javadoc().add("Set the " + name + "."); setter.javadoc().addParam("the new " +; //Add to Hashcode if (hashCodeBuilderInvocation != null) { hashCodeBuilderInvocation = hashCodeBuilderInvocation.invoke("append").arg(field); } if (equalsBuilderInvocation != null) { equalsBuilderInvocation = equalsBuilderInvocation.invoke("append").arg(field) .arg(otherObjectVar.ref(; } return this; } /** * Adds a constructor with all the fields in the POJO * * @return This builder instance */ public PojoBuilder withCompleteConstructor() { pojoCreationCheck(); // Create default constructor JMethod constructor = this.pojo.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC); Map<String, JVar> superParametersToAdd = getSuperParametersToAdd(this.pojo); addSuperConstructorInvocation(constructor, superParametersToAdd); constructor.javadoc().add("Creates a new " + + "."); Map<String, JVar> fieldsToAdd = getFieldsToAdd(this.pojo); for (JVar field : fieldsToAdd.values()) { addFieldToConstructor(field, constructor); } return this; } private void addSuperConstructorInvocation(JMethod constructor, Map<String, JVar> superParametersToAdd) { JBlock constructorBody = constructor.body(); JInvocation invocation = constructorBody.invoke("super"); for (JVar arg : superParametersToAdd.values()) { JVar param = constructor.param(arg.type(),; invocation.arg(param); } } private Map<String, JVar> getSuperParametersToAdd(JClass pojo) { Map<String, JVar> tFields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); JClass parent = pojo._extends(); if (! { parent = CodeModelHelper.findFirstClassBySimpleName(this.pojoModel,; if (parent instanceof JDefinedClass) { JDefinedClass jParent = (JDefinedClass) parent; JMethod constructor = null; Iterator<JMethod> constructors = jParent.constructors(); while (constructors.hasNext()) { JMethod targetConstructor =; if (constructor == null || constructor.params().size() < targetConstructor.params().size()) { constructor = targetConstructor; } } for (JVar var : constructor.params()) { tFields.put(, var); } } } return tFields; } private Map<String, JVar> getFieldsToAdd(JClass pojo) { Map<String, JVar> tFields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (pojo instanceof JDefinedClass) { tFields.putAll(((JDefinedClass) pojo).fields()); } return tFields; } private void addFieldToConstructor(JVar field, JMethod constructor) { if (((field.mods().getValue() & (JMod.STATIC | JMod.TRANSIENT)) == 0)) { // Ignore static variables constructor.param(field.type(),; constructor.body().assign(JExpr._this().ref(, JExpr.ref(; } } private void withToString() { pojoCreationCheck(); JMethod toString = this.pojo.method(JMod.PUBLIC, String.class, "toString"); Class<?> toStringBuilder = org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder.class; if (!config.isUseCommonsLang3()) { toStringBuilder = org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.class; } toString.body()._return( this.pojo.owner().ref(toStringBuilder).staticInvoke("reflectionToString").arg(JExpr._this())); } //Ada private void withHashCode() { JMethod hashCode = this.pojo.method(JMod.PUBLIC, int.class, "hashCode"); Class<?> hashCodeBuilder = HashCodeBuilder.class; if (!config.isUseCommonsLang3()) { hashCodeBuilder = org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder.class; } hashCodeBuilderInvocation = JExpr._new(this.pojo.owner().ref(hashCodeBuilder)); if (!this.pojo._extends().name().equals(Object.class.getSimpleName())) { hashCodeBuilderInvocation = hashCodeBuilderInvocation.invoke("appendSuper") .arg(JExpr._super().invoke("hashCode")); } hashCode.body()._return(hashCodeBuilderInvocation.invoke("toHashCode")); } private void withEquals() { JMethod equals = this.pojo.method(JMod.PUBLIC, boolean.class, "equals"); JVar otherObject = equals.param(Object.class, "other"); Class<?> equalsBuilder = org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder.class; if (!config.isUseCommonsLang3()) { equalsBuilder = org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder.class; } JBlock body = equals.body(); body._if(otherObject.eq(JExpr._this()))._then()._return(JExpr.TRUE); body._if(otherObject._instanceof(this.pojo).eq(JExpr.FALSE))._then()._return(JExpr.FALSE); otherObjectVar = body.decl(this.pojo, "otherObject").init(JExpr.cast(this.pojo, otherObject)); equalsBuilderInvocation = JExpr._new(this.pojo.owner().ref(equalsBuilder)); if (!this.pojo._extends().name().equals("Object")) { equalsBuilderInvocation = equalsBuilderInvocation.invoke("appendSuper").arg(JExpr.TRUE); } this.pojo.owner().ref(equalsBuilder).staticInvoke("reflectionEquals").arg(JExpr._this()).arg(otherObject); body._return(equalsBuilderInvocation.invoke("isEquals")); } }