Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Alexandr Evstigneev * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.perl5.lang.perl.psi.mixins; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.navigation.ItemPresentation; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.SmartList; import com.perl5.lang.perl.idea.presentations.PerlItemPresentationSimple; import com.perl5.lang.perl.idea.stubs.subsdefinitions.PerlSubDefinitionStub; import com.perl5.lang.perl.psi.*; import; import com.perl5.lang.perl.psi.utils.PerlSubArgument; import com.perl5.lang.perl.psi.utils.PerlThisNames; import com.perl5.lang.perl.psi.utils.PerlVariableType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * Created by hurricup on 25.05.2015. */ public abstract class PerlSubDefinitionImplMixin extends PerlSubBaseMixin<PerlSubDefinitionStub> implements PsiPerlSubDefinition { public PerlSubDefinitionImplMixin(@NotNull ASTNode node) { super(node); } public PerlSubDefinitionImplMixin(@NotNull PerlSubDefinitionStub stub, @NotNull IStubElementType nodeType) { super(stub, nodeType); } @Override public PerlLexicalScope getLexicalScope() { PerlLexicalScope scope = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, PerlLexicalScope.class); assert scope != null; return scope; } @Override public boolean isMethod() { PerlSubDefinitionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) return stub.isMethod(); if (super.isMethod()) return true; List<PerlSubArgument> arguments = getSubArgumentsList(); if (arguments.size() == 0) return false; PerlSubArgument firstArgument = arguments.get(0); return firstArgument.getArgumentType() == PerlVariableType.SCALAR && PerlThisNames.NAMES_SET.contains(firstArgument.getArgumentName()); } @Override public String getSubArgumentsListAsString() { List<PerlSubArgument> subArguments = getSubArgumentsList(); if (isMethod() && subArguments.size() > 0) subArguments.remove(0); int argumentsNumber = subArguments.size(); List<String> argumentsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PerlSubArgument argument : subArguments) { // todo we can mark optional subArguments after prototypes implementation argumentsList.add(argument.toStringShort()); int compiledListSize = argumentsList.size(); if (compiledListSize > 4 && argumentsNumber > compiledListSize) { argumentsList.add("..."); break; } } return argumentsList.size() > 0 ? "(" + StringUtils.join(argumentsList, ", ") + ")" : ""; } @Override public List<PerlSubArgument> getSubArgumentsList() { PerlSubDefinitionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) return stub.getSubArgumentsList(); List<PerlSubArgument> arguments = new ArrayList<PerlSubArgument>(); // todo add stubs reading here PsiPerlBlock subBlock = getBlock(); if (subBlock.isValid()) { for (PsiElement statement : subBlock.getChildren()) { PsiPerlAssignExpr assignExpression = PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(statement, PsiPerlAssignExpr.class); if (assignExpression != null) { Collection<PsiPerlExpr> assignTerms = assignExpression.getExprList(); assert assignTerms instanceof SmartList; if (assignTerms.size() == 2) { // fixme need to implement things in assignExpr PsiPerlExpr leftTerm = (PsiPerlExpr) ((SmartList) assignTerms).get(0); PsiPerlExpr rightTerm = (PsiPerlExpr) ((SmartList) assignTerms).get(1); if (leftTerm instanceof PsiPerlVariableDeclarationLexical) { PsiPerlVariableDeclarationLexical declaration = (PsiPerlVariableDeclarationLexical) leftTerm; PerlNamespaceElement variableClass = declaration.getNamespaceElement(); String definitionClassName = ""; if (variableClass != null) definitionClassName = variableClass.getCanonicalName(); if ("@_".equals(rightTerm.getText())) { for (PerlVariable variable : PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(declaration, PerlVariable.class)) { PerlVariableNameElement variableNameElement = variable.getVariableNameElement(); if (variableNameElement != null) arguments.add(new PerlSubArgument(variable.getActualType(), variableNameElement.getName(), definitionClassName, true)); } break; } else if ("shift".equals(rightTerm.getText())) { PerlVariable variable = PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(declaration, PerlVariable.class); if (variable != null) { PerlVariableNameElement variableNameElement = variable.getVariableNameElement(); if (variableNameElement != null) arguments.add(new PerlSubArgument(variable.getActualType(), variableNameElement.getName(), definitionClassName, true)); } } } else // todo dunno what can else be here break; } else // todo dunno how to handle this yet like my $scalar = my $something = shift; break; } else // not an assignment here break; } } return arguments; } @Override public ItemPresentation getPresentation() { return new PerlItemPresentationSimple(this, getPresentableName()); } @Override public String getPresentableName() { String args = getSubArgumentsListAsString(); return this.getName() + (args.isEmpty() ? "()" : args); } }