Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Alexandr Evstigneev * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException; import com.intellij.execution.ExecutionResult; import com.intellij.execution.actions.StopProcessAction; import com.intellij.execution.ui.ConsoleView; import com.intellij.execution.ui.ConsoleViewContentType; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.CharsetToolkit; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.concurrency.Semaphore; import com.intellij.util.containers.ByteArrayList; import com.intellij.xdebugger.XDebugSession; import; import*; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Created by hurricup on 04.05.2016. */ public class PerlDebugThread extends Thread { public static final boolean DEV_MODE = false; //ApplicationManager.getApplication().isInternal(); private static Executor ourExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); private final ExecutionResult myExecutionResult; private final Gson myGson; private final PerlDebugProfileState myDebugProfileState; private final PerlScriptsPanel myScriptListPanel; private final PerlScriptsPanel myEvalsListPanel; private XDebugSession mySession; private Socket mySocket; private ServerSocket myServerSocket; private OutputStream myOutputStream; private InputStream myInputStream; private boolean myStop = false; private List<PerlLineBreakPointDescriptor> breakpointsDescriptorsQueue = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PerlLineBreakPointDescriptor>(); private boolean isReady = false; private int transactionId = 0; private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler> transactionsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler>(); private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private PerlRemoteFileSystem myPerlRemoteFileSystem = PerlRemoteFileSystem.getInstance(); private PerlDebugOptions myPerlDebugOptions; public PerlDebugThread(XDebugSession session, PerlDebugProfileState state, ExecutionResult executionResult) { super("PerlDebugThread"); mySession = session; myGson = createGson(); myDebugProfileState = state; myExecutionResult = executionResult; myScriptListPanel = new PerlScriptsPanel(session.getProject(), this); myEvalsListPanel = new PerlScriptsPanel(session.getProject(), this); myPerlRemoteFileSystem.dropFiles(); myPerlDebugOptions = state.getDebugOptions(); } public void queueLineBreakpointDescriptor(PerlLineBreakPointDescriptor descriptor) { if (descriptor != null) { // fixme potentially risk of race condition between clar and add breakpointsDescriptorsQueue.add(descriptor); if (isReady) { sendQueuedBreakpoints(); } } } protected void sendQueuedBreakpoints() { sendCommand("b", breakpointsDescriptorsQueue); breakpointsDescriptorsQueue.clear(); } protected void setUpDebugger() { PerlSetUpDescriptor perlSetUpDescriptor = new PerlSetUpDescriptor(breakpointsDescriptorsQueue, myDebugProfileState.getDebugOptions()); sendString(myGson.toJson(perlSetUpDescriptor)); breakpointsDescriptorsQueue.clear(); } @Override public void run() { try { String debugHost = myPerlDebugOptions.getDebugHost(); int debugPort = myDebugProfileState.getDebugPort(); String debugName = debugHost + ":" + debugPort; if (myPerlDebugOptions.getPerlRole().equals(PerlDebugOptions.ROLE_SERVER)) { ((ConsoleView) myExecutionResult.getExecutionConsole()) .print("Connecting to " + debugName + "...\n", ConsoleViewContentType.SYSTEM_OUTPUT); mySocket = new Socket(debugHost, debugPort); } else { ((ConsoleView) myExecutionResult.getExecutionConsole()).print("Listening on " + debugName + "...\n", ConsoleViewContentType.SYSTEM_OUTPUT); myServerSocket = new ServerSocket(debugPort, 50, InetAddress.getByName(debugHost)); mySocket = myServerSocket.accept(); } ((ConsoleView) myExecutionResult.getExecutionConsole()).print("Connected\n", ConsoleViewContentType.SYSTEM_OUTPUT); myOutputStream = mySocket.getOutputStream(); myInputStream = mySocket.getInputStream(); ByteArrayList response = new ByteArrayList(); while (!myStop) { response.clear(); if (DEV_MODE) { System.err.println("\nReading data"); } // reading bytes while (myInputStream != null) { int dataByte =; if (dataByte == '\n') { break; } else if (dataByte == -1) { return; } else { response.add((byte) dataByte); } } if (DEV_MODE) { System.err.println("Got response " + response.size()); System.err.println(new String(response.toNativeArray(), CharsetToolkit.UTF8_CHARSET)); } processResponse(response); } } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } finally { setStop(); } } private void processResponse(ByteArrayList responseBytes) { final String response = new String(responseBytes.toNativeArray(), CharsetToolkit.UTF8_CHARSET); final PerlDebuggingEvent newEvent = myGson.fromJson(response, PerlDebuggingEvent.class); if (newEvent != null) { if (newEvent instanceof PerlDebuggingEventReady) { if (((PerlDebuggingEventReady) newEvent).isValid()) { isReady = true; setUpDebugger(); } else { setStop(); } } else { newEvent.setDebugSession(mySession); newEvent.setDebugThread(this); ourExecutor.execute(newEvent); // ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread()invokeLater( // executeOnPooledThread - fixme concurrency problems } } } public void sendString(String string) { if (mySocket == null) { return; } string = string + "\n"; try { if (DEV_MODE) { System.err.println("Going to send string " + string); } lock.lock(); if (DEV_MODE) { System.err.println("Sent string " + string); } myOutputStream.write(string.getBytes(CharsetToolkit.UTF8)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void sendCommand(String command, Object data) { sendString(command + " " + myGson.toJson(data)); } public void sendCommandAndGetResponse(String command, Object data, PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler transactionHandler) { if (mySocket == null) { return; } try { lock.lock(); PerlDebuggingTransactionWrapper transaction = new PerlDebuggingTransactionWrapper(transactionId++, data); transactionsMap.put(transaction.getTransactionId(), transactionHandler); sendCommand(command, transaction); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public Socket getSocket() { return mySocket; } public void setStop() { if (myStop) { return; } myStop = true; try { if (myInputStream != null) { myInputStream.close(); myInputStream = null; } } catch (IOException e) { } try { if (myOutputStream != null) { myOutputStream.close(); myOutputStream = null; } } catch (IOException e) { } try { if (mySocket != null) { mySocket.close(); mySocket = null; } } catch (IOException e) { } try { if (myServerSocket != null) { myServerSocket.close(); myServerSocket.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } StopProcessAction.stopProcess(myExecutionResult.getProcessHandler()); ((ConsoleView) myExecutionResult.getExecutionConsole()).print("Disconnected\n", ConsoleViewContentType.SYSTEM_OUTPUT); } protected Gson createGson() { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(PerlDebuggingEvent.class, new PerlDebuggingEventsDeserializer(this)); return builder.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT).create(); } @Nullable public PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler getTransactionHandler(int transactionId) { return transactionsMap.remove(transactionId); } public PerlScriptsPanel getScriptListPanel() { return myScriptListPanel; } public PerlScriptsPanel getEvalsListPanel() { return myEvalsListPanel; } public PerlRemoteFileSystem getPerlRemoteFileSystem() { return myPerlRemoteFileSystem; } @Nullable public VirtualFile loadRemoteSource(String filePath) { if (DEV_MODE) { System.err.println("Loading file " + filePath); } final Semaphore responseSemaphore = new Semaphore(); responseSemaphore.down(); final String[] response = new String[] { "# Source could not be loaded..." }; PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler perlDebuggingTransactionHandler = new PerlDebuggingTransactionHandler() { @Override public void run(JsonObject eventObject, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) { response[0] = eventObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("data").getAsString(); responseSemaphore.up(); } }; if (mySocket != null) { sendCommandAndGetResponse("get_source", new PerlSourceRequestDescriptor(filePath), perlDebuggingTransactionHandler); responseSemaphore.waitFor(2000); } return myPerlRemoteFileSystem.registerRemoteFile(filePath, response[0]); } public PerlDebugProfileState getDebugProfileState() { return myDebugProfileState; } }