Java tutorial
package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.qaprosoft.carina.core.gui.AbstractPage; public abstract class BasePage extends AbstractPage { public static final String NEW_ANALYSIS_REPORT_NAME = L10N.getText("analysis_report"); public static final String NEW_IR_REPORT_NAME = L10N.getText("interactiveReportLabel"); public static final String NEW_DASHBOARD_NAME = L10N.getText("dashboard"); public static final String SEPARATOR = "/"; public static final String MEASURE = "/Measures/"; public static final String DIMENSION = "/Dimensions/"; public static final String CATEGORY = "/Categories/"; By by; // TODO: Come up with a better solution to deal with encoded characters such as < and > // "Next >" public static final String btnNextLabel = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(L10N.getText("nextStep")); // "< Back" public static final String btnBackLabel = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(L10N.getText("previousStep")); public static final String btnFinishLabel = L10N.getText("FINISH"); public static final String btnCancelLabel = L10N.getText("CANCEL"); @FindBy(xpath = "//td[text()='%s']") public ExtendedWebElement moduleItem; @FindBy(css = ".pentaho-tab-bar > .pentaho-tabWidget") protected List<ExtendedWebElement> listTabs; @FindBy(css = ".pentaho-tab-bar > .pentaho-tabWidget-selected") protected ExtendedWebElement activeTab; @FindBy(css = "div.pentaho-tabWidget-selected div") protected ExtendedWebElement openedFileTitle; @FindBy(css = "#pucUserDropDown > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div") protected ExtendedWebElement dropdownUserName; @FindBy(id = "okButton") protected ExtendedWebElement btnOK; @FindBy(id = "cancelButton") protected ExtendedWebElement btnCancel; @FindBy(id = "wizard-finish-button") public ExtendedWebElement btnWizardFinish; @FindBy(id = "openButton") public ExtendedWebElement lnkOpen; @FindBy(id = "navigationListBox") public ExtendedWebElement location; @FindBy(id = "fileNameTextBox") public ExtendedWebElement fileName; @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='mantle-perspective-switcher']/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/div") public ExtendedWebElement perspectiveSwitcher; @FindBy(css = "#mantle-perspective-switcher div.custom-dropdown-label") public ExtendedWebElement currentModule; @FindBy(id = "home.perspective") protected ExtendedWebElement homeFrame; @FindBy(id = "browser.perspective") protected ExtendedWebElement browserFrame; @FindBy(id = "DatasourceEditor") protected ExtendedWebElement datasourceEditorFrame; @FindBy(id = "schedulerParamsFrame") protected ExtendedWebElement schedulerParamsFrame; // View->Show Hidden Files @FindBy(id = "showHiddenFilesMenuItem") protected ExtendedWebElement showHiddenFilesMenuItem; // Help->About // 'About Pentaho User Console' @FindBy(xpath = "//*[contains(., '{L10N:aboutDialogTitle}')]") protected ExtendedWebElement textPentahoAbout; // 'Release' in resource file it has colon as well! @FindBy(xpath = "//div[@class='gwt-Label' and contains(., '{L10N:release} %s')]") protected ExtendedWebElement textReleaseNumber; // @FindBy( xpath = "//*[contains(., 'Copyright')]" ) @FindBy(xpath = "//*[contains(., '%s')]") protected ExtendedWebElement textCopyright; // Create buttons @FindBy(id = "btnCreateNew") protected ExtendedWebElement btnCreateNew; @FindBy(css = ".popover-content > #createNewanalyzerButton") protected ExtendedWebElement btnCreateNewAnalyzer; @FindBy(css = ".popover-content > #createNewinteractiveReportButton") protected ExtendedWebElement btnCreateNewIR; @FindBy(css = ".popover-content > #createNewdashboardButton") protected ExtendedWebElement btnCreateNewDashboard; @FindBy(css = "body > .pentaho-dialog") protected List<ExtendedWebElement> pentahoDialogs; @FindBy(css = ".pentaho-busy-indicator-message") public ExtendedWebElement busyIndicator; @FindBy(css = ".pentaho-busy-indicator-spinner") public ExtendedWebElement busyIndicatorSpinner; @FindBy(css = ".pageLoadingSpinner") public ExtendedWebElement loadingIndicatorSpinner; @FindBy(id = "pageLoadingSpinner") public ExtendedWebElement loadingIndicatorSpinnerId; @FindBy(xpath = "//button[@class='pentaho-button disabled']/span[text()='%s']") private ExtendedWebElement disabledButton; @FindBy(xpath = "//button[@class='pentaho-button']/span[text()='%s']") private ExtendedWebElement enabledButton; @FindBy(xpath = "//div[@class='popupContent']//div[@class='gwt-Label' and contains(text(),'%s')]") private ExtendedWebElement dropdownItem; // Save dialog // @FindBy( css = ".pentaho-dialog > [title^=Save]" ) @FindBy(xpath = "//div[@class='dialogTopCenterInner']/div[@class='Caption' and contains(text(),'{L10N:btnLabelSave}')]") protected ExtendedWebElement dlgSave; // Open dialog // 'Open' @FindBy(xpath = "//div[@class='dialogTopCenterInner']/div[@class='Caption' and contains(text(),'{L10N:open}')]") protected ExtendedWebElement dlgOpen; @FindBy(id = "deleteButton") protected ExtendedWebElement deleteBtn; @FindBy(id = "okButton") protected ExtendedWebElement okBtnDeleteDialog; @FindBy(css = "#themesmenu .gwt-MenuItem-checkbox-checked") private ExtendedWebElement menuSelectedTheme; public BasePage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } protected boolean isOpened(ExtendedWebElement element) { return isOpened(element, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT); } protected boolean isOpened(ExtendedWebElement element, long timeout) { return isElementPresent(element, timeout); } public void click(final ExtendedWebElement extendedWebElement, boolean wait) {; if (wait) { loading(); } } public void loading() { int i = 0; while ((!findExtendedWebElements(busyIndicator.getBy(), 1).isEmpty() || !findExtendedWebElements(busyIndicatorSpinner.getBy(), 1).isEmpty() || !findExtendedWebElements(loadingIndicatorSpinner.getBy(), 1).isEmpty() || !findExtendedWebElements(loadingIndicatorSpinnerId.getBy(), 1).isEmpty()) && ++i < 10) {"Busy indicator is present. Waiting for operation finalization..."); pause(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT / 10); } } public static Tree<String> menu = new Tree<String>(); // Menu /* * Usage example: menuPick(Menu.DATASOURCE); */ public enum Menu { FILE(menu.addNode(menu.getRoot(), new TreeNode<String>("filemenu"))), NEW( menu.addNode(FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>("newmenu"))), ANALYSIS_REPORT( menu.addNode(NEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>("new-analyzer"))), INTERACTIVE_REPORT( menu.addNode(NEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>("iadhoc"))), DASHBOARD( menu.addNode(NEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "dashboardMenuItem"))), DATASOURCE(menu.addNode(NEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>("newDatasourceItem"))), OPEN( menu.addNode(FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "openMenuItem"))), MANAGE_DATASOURCE( menu.addNode(FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "manageDatasourceItem"))), RECENT( menu.addNode( FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "recentmenu"))), FAVORITES( menu.addNode( FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "favoritesmenu"))), SAVE( menu.addNode( FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "saveMenuItem"))), SAVE_AS( menu.addNode( FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "saveAsMenuItem"))), LOGOUT( menu.addNode( FILE.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "logoutMenuItem"))), VIEW( menu.addNode( menu.getRoot(), new TreeNode<String>( "viewmenu"))), USE_DESCRIPTIONS_FOR_TOOLTIPS( menu.addNode( VIEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "useDescriptionsMenuItem"))), SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES( menu.addNode( VIEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "showHiddenFilesMenuItem"))), LANGUAGES( menu.addNode( VIEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "languagemenu"))), JAPANESE( menu.addNode( LANGUAGES .getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( L10N.getText( "MenuLanguage")))), DEUTSCH( menu.addNode( LANGUAGES .getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( L10N.getText( "MenuLanguage")))), FRENCH( menu.addNode( LANGUAGES .getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( L10N.getText( "MenuLanguage")))), ENGLISH( menu.addNode( LANGUAGES .getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( L10N.getText( "MenuLanguage")))), THEMES( menu.addNode( VIEW.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "themesmenu"))), ONYX( menu.addNode( THEMES.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "onyx_menu_item"))), CRYSTAL( menu.addNode( THEMES.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "crystal_menu_item"))), TOOLS( menu.addNode( menu.getRoot(), new TreeNode<String>( "toolsmenu"))), REFRESH( menu.addNode( TOOLS.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "refreshmenu"))), SYSTEM_SETTINGS( menu.addNode( REFRESH.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "refreshSystemSettingsMenuItem"))), REPORTING_METADATA( menu.addNode( REFRESH.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "refreshReportingMetadataMenuItem"))), GLOBAL_VARIABLES( menu.addNode( REFRESH.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "executeGlobalActionsMenuItem"))), MONDRIAN_SCEMA_CACHE( menu.addNode( REFRESH.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "purgeMondrianSchemaCacheMenuItem"))), REPORTING_DATA_CACHE( menu.addNode( REFRESH.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "purgeReportingDataCacheMenuItem"))), HELP( menu.addNode( menu.getRoot(), new TreeNode<String>( "helpmenu"))), DOCUMENTATION( menu.addNode( HELP.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "documentationMenuItem"))), PENTAHO( menu.addNode( HELP.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "pentahoDotComMenuItem"))), ABOUT( menu.addNode( HELP.getNode(), new TreeNode<String>( "aboutMenuItem"))); private TreeNode<String> node; private Menu(TreeNode<String> node) { this.node = node; } public TreeNode<String> getNode() { return this.node; } } public enum Theme { CRYSTAL("Crystal", Menu.CRYSTAL), ONYX("Onyx", Menu.ONYX); String name; Menu menuItem; private Theme(String name, Menu menuItem) { = name; this.menuItem = menuItem; } /** * Retrieves the corresponding Menu value for the theme. * * @return Returns the Menu item for the theme. */ public Menu getMenuItem() { return menuItem; } /** * Finds the correct Theme from the specified theme name. * * @param name * The name of the theme. * @return Returns the matched Theme. */ public static Theme getTheme(String name) { Theme matchedTheme = null; for (Theme theme : Theme.values()) { if ( { matchedTheme = theme; } } return matchedTheme; } } public void menuPick(Menu item) { ExtendedWebElement menuItem = getMenuItemElement(item); hoverMenuItem(menuItem); click(menuItem); } protected ExtendedWebElement getMenuItemElement(Menu item) { driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); List<TreeNode<String>> parents = item.getNode().getParents(); int size = parents.size() - 1; for (int i = parents.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String parentValue = parents.get(i).getItem();"Activating menu item: " + parentValue); ExtendedWebElement menuItem = findExtendedWebElement(, parentValue); if (i == size) { // add additional verification that after clicking on the global menu item next level is opened. click(menuItem); boolean foundChild = false; int index = 0; while (!foundChild && ++index < 4) { if (i > 1) { String childValue = parents.get(i - 1).getItem(); try { findExtendedWebElement(, childValue); foundChild = true; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "child menu item '" + childValue + "' is not found after attempt #" + index); // do nothing } } } } else { hoverMenuItem(menuItem); } } // 3rd level menu level should be activated by hovering first child at the beginning (to fix issue with FF) String firstChild = parents.get(0).getFirstChild().getItem(); String itemValue = (String) item.getNode().getItem(); // [BenF] - If we are only trying to logout, skip this because it may fail on users without creation permission (newmenu is not present). if (!itemValue.equals(Menu.LOGOUT.getNode().getItem())) { if (!firstChild.equals(itemValue) && !firstChild.equals(Menu.FILE.getNode().getItem())) { //there is no need to hover first child in menu ExtendedWebElement menuFirstChild = findExtendedWebElement(, firstChild); hover(menuFirstChild, 5, 5); } }"Activating menu item: " + itemValue); return findExtendedWebElement(, itemValue); } protected void hoverMenuItem(ExtendedWebElement menuItem) { hover(menuItem, 5, 5); } public enum Module { HOME("home_module"), BROWSE_FILES("browse_module"), OPENED("opened"), SCHEDULES( "schedules_module"), ADMINISTRATION("administration"); private String module; private Module(String module) { this.module = module; } public String getModule() { return this.module; } public static Module getModuleByValue(String value) { if (value != null) { for (Module mod : Module.values()) { if (value.equals(L10N.getText(mod.module))) { return mod; } } } return null; } } public BasePage activateModuleEx(Module module) { if (getCurrentModule() != null && !getCurrentModule().equals(module)) { click(perspectiveSwitcher); format(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT / 10, moduleItem, L10N.getText(module.getModule())).click(); // verification part LOGGER.warn("TODO: add module verification here!"); } BasePage modulePage = null; switch (module) { case BROWSE_FILES: modulePage = new BrowseFilesPageEx(getDriver()); BrowseService.setBrowseFilesPageEx((BrowseFilesPageEx) modulePage); break; case SCHEDULES: modulePage = new SchedulesPage(getDriver()); break; case ADMINISTRATION: modulePage = new AdministrationPage(getDriver()); AdministrationService.setAdministrationPage((AdministrationPage) modulePage); break; default: break; } return modulePage; } public BasePage activateModule(Module module) { if (getCurrentModule() != null && !getCurrentModule().equals(module)) { click(perspectiveSwitcher); format(moduleItem, L10N.getText(module.getModule())).click(); // verification part LOGGER.warn("TODO: add module verification here!"); } BasePage modulePage = null; switch (module) { case BROWSE_FILES: modulePage = new BrowseFilesPage(getDriver()); break; case SCHEDULES: modulePage = new SchedulesPage(getDriver()); break; case ADMINISTRATION: modulePage = new AdministrationPage(getDriver()); break; default: break; } return modulePage; } public Module getCurrentModule() { Module module = Module.HOME; if (isElementPresent(currentModule)) { module = Module.getModuleByValue(currentModule.getText()); } else { LOGGER.warn( "Unable to identify current Module as appropriate control is absent! HOME is specified by default."); } return module; } /* * public enum ReportType { ANALYZER("Analysis Report"), IR("Interactive Report"), DASHBOARD("Dashboard"); * * private String reportType; * * private ReportType(String reportType) { this.reportType = reportType; } * * public String getReportType() { return this.reportType; } } */ public enum View { CATEGORY("by Category"), TYPE("Measure - Level - Time"), NAME("A→Z"), SCHEMA("Schema"), HIDDEN( "Show Hidden Fields"); private String view; private View(String view) { this.view = view; } public String getView() { return this.view; } } /* * public BasePage createReport(Menu menu1) { * * activateModule(Module.HOME); menuPick(Menu.ANALYSIS_REPORT); driver.switchTo().frame(homeFrame.getElement()); * * if (!isElementPresent(btnCreateNew))"'Create New' button is not present on Home page!"); * pause(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT/10); click(btnCreateNew); * * if (!isElementPresent(btnCreateNewAnalyzer)) * "'Analysis Report' popover button is not appeared after clicking 'Create New' button!"); * * BasePage reportTypePage = null; switch (reportType) { case ANALYZER: click(btnCreateNewAnalyzer); * driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); reportTypePage = new AnalyzerDataSourcePage(driver); break; case IR: * click(btnCreateNewIR); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); reportType = new IRDataSourcePage(driver); break; case * DASHBOARD: click(btnCreateNewDashboard); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); reportType = new * DashboardPage(driver); break; default: break; } * * return new AnalyzerDataSourcePage(driver); } */ public void buttonOK() { click(btnOK); } public void buttonOpen() { click(btnOK); // the same id } public void buttonYes() { click(btnOK); // the same id } public void buttonNext() { if (isElementPresent(btnWizardFinish, 1)) { click(btnWizardFinish); } else if (isElementPresent(btnOK, 1)) { click(btnOK); } } public void buttonFinish() { click(btnWizardFinish); } public void menuCheck(Menu item) { String itemValue = item.getNode().getItem(); ExtendedWebElement menuItem = findExtendedWebElement(, itemValue); click(menuItem); } public void showHiddenFile(boolean show) { menuCheck(Menu.VIEW); String checked = "gwt-MenuItem-checkbox-checked"; String attrClass = showHiddenFilesMenuItem.getElement().getAttribute(HTML.CLASS); boolean changeState = false; if (show) { // show hidden if (!attrClass.contains(checked)) { changeState = true; } } else { // hide hidden if (attrClass.contains(checked)) { changeState = true; } } if (changeState) { String itemValue = Menu.SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES.getNode().getItem(); ExtendedWebElement menuItem = findExtendedWebElement(, itemValue);; } else { // close opened View menu menuCheck(Menu.VIEW); } pause(1); } public boolean verifyMenuAbout(String appVersion) { menuPick(Menu.ABOUT); boolean res = isElementPresent(textPentahoAbout); SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert(); softAssert.assertTrue(res, "TS042016: About Pentaho User Console is not opened!"); if (!appVersion.isEmpty() && !appVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !appVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("n/a")) { // replace all dashed with dots to be compatible with Help-About setting appVersion = appVersion.replace("-", "."); if (!format(textReleaseNumber, appVersion).isElementPresent()) { // make screenshot TestLogCollector.addScreenshotComment(Screenshot.capture(getDriver(), true), "TS042016: Release number is not valid!");"TS042016: Release number is not valid!"); } } String copyright = L10N.getText("licenseInfo"); // 1. get subtext between '<BR>' tags copyright = copyright.split("<BR>")[1]; // 2. replace '{0}' with the current year copyright = copyright.replace("{0}", getCurrentYear()).trim(); softAssert.assertTrue(format(textCopyright, copyright).isElementPresent(), "TS042016: Copyright years are not valid!"); click(btnOK); makeClickable(); softAssert.assertAll(); return res; } public void makeClickable() { // magic fix to make element clickable if div is on the front try { String css = "body > div[style*='display: block']"; List<WebElement> elements = getDriver().findElements(By.cssSelector(css)); if (!elements.isEmpty()) { WebElement elem = elements.get(0); click("makeClickable", elem); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("'Exception appeared during makeClickable operation: " + e.getMessage()); } } protected String getCurrentYear() { int currentYear = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US).get(Calendar.YEAR); return String.valueOf(currentYear); } protected String getCurrentDate() { int currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US).get(Calendar.DATE); return String.valueOf(currentDate); } // Short value will be returned protected String getCurrentMonth() { return new SimpleDateFormat("MMM ", Locale.US).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } /** * Verifies if an argument string contains current date (YYYY, MMM, dd) * * @param date * string with date * @return true if an argument string contains current date */ public boolean isCorrespondCurrentDate(String date) {"Expected date: " + date);"Actual date: %s ", new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM YYYY", Locale.US).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()))); return (date.contains(getCurrentDate()) && date.contains(getCurrentYear()) && date.contains(getCurrentMonth())); } /** * Verifies if an argument string contains current date in pattern format string with date * * @param pattern * @return true if an argument string contains current date */ public boolean isCorrespondCurrentDate(String date, String pattern) { String dateString = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.US).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());"Actual date: %s, Expected date: %s", dateString, date)); return date.contains(dateString); } public boolean isLogged(String user) { return getUserName().equals(user); } public String getUserName() { String curUser = ""; if (isElementPresent(dropdownUserName)) { curUser = dropdownUserName.getText(); }"Currently logged user is: " + curUser); return curUser; } public String getSelectedTabName() { return openedFileTitle.getText(); } /** * Return the title of top level dialog * * @return Dialog title value */ public String getTopPentahoDialog() { String zIndex; int maxValue = 0, maxIndex = 0; int[] zIndexs = new int[pentahoDialogs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pentahoDialogs.size(); i++) { zIndex = pentahoDialogs.get(i).getElement().getCssValue("z-index"); zIndexs[i] = Integer.parseInt(zIndex); if (maxValue < zIndexs[i]) { maxValue = zIndexs[i]; maxIndex = i; } } return pentahoDialogs.get(maxIndex).getElement().findElement(By.cssSelector(".Caption")).getText(); } public boolean isButtonEnabled(String caption) { return format(enabledButton, caption).getElement() != null; } public boolean isButtonDisabled(String caption) { return format(disabledButton, caption).getElement() != null; } // custom Pentaho dropdown selection public void selectPopup(ExtendedWebElement popup, String value) { click(popup); ExtendedWebElement tableItem = format(dropdownItem, value); click(tableItem); } // Works only for Strings protected boolean isSorted(List<String> actualList, Sort sort) { List<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(actualList); Collections.sort(tmp); if (sort == Sort.DESC) { Collections.reverse(tmp); } return tmp.equals(actualList); } public ExtendedWebElement getActiveTab() { return activeTab; } /** * Maximizes the browser window. */ public void maximizeBrowser() { getDriver().manage().window().maximize(); } /** * Resize the browser window to the specified width and height in pixels. * * @param width * The width of the browser in pixels. * @param height * The height of the browser in pixels. * @return Returns true if the browser properly resized to the expected dimensions. */ public boolean resizeBrowser(int width, int height) { Dimension newSize; getDriver().manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(width, height)); newSize = getDriver().manage().window().getSize(); return newSize.getWidth() == width && newSize.getHeight() == height; } /** * Changes the theme to the onyx theme. */ public void setThemeOnyx() { setTheme(Theme.ONYX); } /** * Changes the theme to the crystal theme. */ public void setThemeCrystal() { setTheme(Theme.CRYSTAL); } /** * Changes the theme to the specified theme. * * @param menuItem * The theme to change to. */ private void setTheme(Theme theme) { menuPick(theme.getMenuItem());; // The frame number resets to 0 after switching the theme. PentahoUser.resetOpenedTab(); } /** * Gets the current theme of PUC by determining which theme menu item is selected. * * @return Returns the current theme. */ public Theme getTheme() { // The selected theme can only be found when the menu is present. hoverMenuItem(getMenuItemElement(Menu.THEMES)); String selectedTheme = menuSelectedTheme.getText(); Theme currentTheme = Theme.getTheme(selectedTheme); makeClickable(); return currentTheme; } /** * Gets the property value of the specified element's "after" CSS pseudo-element. * * @param element * The element that contains a pseudo element. * @param property * The name of the property to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the value of the "after" pseudo-element's property. */ protected String getPseudoAfterPropretyValue(WebElement element, String property) { return getPseudoElementPropretyValue(element, property, "after"); } /** * Gets the property value of the specified element's CSS pseudo-element. * * @param element * The element that contains a pseudo element. * @param property * The name of the property to retrieve the value from. * @param pseudoElement * The name of the pseudo-element (i.e. "after" or "before"). * @return Returns the value of the pseudo-element's property. */ private String getPseudoElementPropretyValue(WebElement element, String property, String pseudoElement) { JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; return executor.executeScript("return window.getComputedStyle(arguments[0], ':" + pseudoElement + "').getPropertyValue('" + property + "');", element).toString(); } /** * Gets the width of the specified element. * * @param element * The element to retrieve the width from. * @return Returns an integer value of the width. */ protected int getElementWidth(ExtendedWebElement element) { return getElementDimension(element, true); } /** * Gets the height of the specified element. * * @param element * The element to retrieve the height from. * @return Returns an integer value of the height. */ protected int getElementHeight(ExtendedWebElement element) { return getElementDimension(element, false); } /** * Gets the width or the height of the specified element. * * @param element * The element to retrieve the dimension from. * @param getWidth * Flag that indicates which dimension to return: the width or the height. When true, the width will be * returned. * @return Returns the integer value of the specified element's width or height. */ private int getElementDimension(ExtendedWebElement element, boolean getWidth) { Dimension dimension = element.getElement().getSize(); return getWidth ? dimension.getWidth() : dimension.getHeight(); } /** * Gets the background color of the specified element. * * @param elem * The element to retrieve the background color from. * @return Returns a String of the RGB value of the background color. */ protected String getElementBackgroundColor(ExtendedWebElement elem) { return elem.getElement().getCssValue("background-color"); } /** * Sets the specified Checkbox EWE via click. * * @param theCheckBox the Checkbox EWE to be operated on. * @param check the boolean value theCheckBox should be set to. */ protected void setCheckBox(ExtendedWebElement theCheckBox, boolean check) { // if the state of theCheckBox does not currently match "check", toggle the state // TODO error checking to make sure theCheckBox is a checkBox if (check) theCheckBox.check(); else theCheckBox.uncheck(); } protected void executeJavaScript(String script) { ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(script); pause(IMPLICIT_TIMEOUT / 5); } }