Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.parser; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators.FilterIterator; /** * * @author vigneshm */ public class EntryList implements Iterable<Entry> { private List<Entry> list; private Map<Entry, Boolean> taken; public Set<String> authorlist; private int sorttype;//0-no sort 1-date t 2-date f 3-cit t 4-cit f public EntryList() { list = new ArrayList<>(); taken = new HashMap<>(); authorlist = new HashSet<>(); this.sorttype = 0; } public EntryList(List<Entry> elist) { list = new ArrayList<>(); taken = new HashMap<>(); authorlist = new HashSet<>(); this.sorttype = 0; for (Entry e : elist) { this.add(e); } } public void add(Entry e) { boolean mark = false; list.add(e); for (String name : { name = name.replace(".", ""); if (authorlist.contains(name)) { mark = true; } else { authorlist.add(name); mark = true; } } taken.put(e, mark); } @Override public Iterator<Entry> iterator() { return new FilterIterator(list.iterator(), new takenCheckPredicate()); } public List<Entry> datesearchlist(int beginyr, int endyr) { return (List<Entry>), new yearIntervalPredicate(beginyr, endyr)); } class takenCheckPredicate implements Predicate<Entry> { public boolean evaluate(Entry e) { return taken.get(e); } } class yearIntervalPredicate implements Predicate<Entry> { private int begin; private int end; public yearIntervalPredicate(int beginyr, int endyr) { this.begin = beginyr; this.end = endyr; } @Override public boolean evaluate(Entry e) { int yr = e.year; return (taken.get(e) && yr >= begin && yr <= end); } } public int size() { int size = 0; for (Boolean b : taken.values()) { if (b) size++; } return size; //return list.size(); } public Entry get(int i) { if (taken.get(list.get(i))) return list.get(i); //return null; return list.get(i); } public void sortByYear(boolean ascending) { Collections.sort(list, new DateCompare(ascending)); if (ascending) this.sorttype = 1; else this.sorttype = 2; } public void sortByCitations(boolean ascending) { Collections.sort(list, new CitCompare(ascending)); if (ascending) this.sorttype = 3; else this.sorttype = 4; } public static void sortListByYear(List<Entry> entrylist, boolean ascending) { Collections.sort(entrylist, (new EntryList()).new DateCompare(ascending)); } public static void sortListByCit(List<Entry> entrylist, boolean ascending) { Collections.sort(entrylist, (new EntryList()).new CitCompare(ascending)); } public class DateCompare implements Comparator<Entry> { public boolean ascending; @Override public int compare(Entry e1, Entry e2) { if (e1.year == -1) return -1; if (e2.year == -1) return 1; if (ascending) return Integer.valueOf(e1.year).compareTo(e2.year); else return -(Integer.valueOf(e1.year).compareTo(e2.year)); } public DateCompare(boolean a) { this.ascending = a; } } public class CitCompare implements Comparator<Entry> { public boolean ascending; @Override public int compare(Entry e1, Entry e2) { if (e1.citationcount == -1) return -1; if (e2.citationcount == -1) return 1; if (ascending) return Integer.valueOf(e1.citationcount).compareTo(e2.citationcount); else return -(Integer.valueOf(e1.citationcount).compareTo(e2.citationcount)); } public CitCompare(boolean a) { this.ascending = a; } } public void addAuthor(String name) { if (!authorlist.contains(name)) { authorlist.add(name); return; } for (Entry e : list) { if ( taken.put(e, Boolean.TRUE); } this.restoreSort(this.sorttype); } public void removeAuthor(String name) { if (!authorlist.contains(name)) { return; } authorlist.remove(name); for (Entry e : list) { if (taken.get(e)) { boolean mark = false; for (String an : { if (authorlist.contains(an)) { mark = true; //System.out.println("mark true at "+name); break; } } taken.put(e, mark); } } this.restoreSort(this.sorttype); } public void restoreSort(int type) { if (type == 0) return; if (type == 1) this.sortByYear(true); if (type == 2) this.sortByYear(false); if (type == 3) this.sortByCitations(true); if (type == 4) this.sortByCitations(false); } public int getHIndex() { int countarr[] = new int[this.size() + 1]; for (Entry e : this) { countarr[Math.min(e.year, this.size())]++; } int sum = 0; for (int i = countarr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sum += countarr[i]; if (sum >= i) return i; } return list.size() - 1; } public int getIIndex() { int oldtype = this.sorttype; int count = 0; this.sortByYear(false); for (Entry e : list) { if (e.citationcount < 10) return count; } return this.size(); } }