Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2007 Pari Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Pari Networks, Inc. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import com.pari.api.utils.CompressionUtils; import com.pari.api.utils.DevicePropertyProviderIf; import com.pari.nm.modules.dsp.DSPHandler; import com.pari.nm.modules.dsp.ZipImportDSPHandler; import; import; import com.pari.nm.modules.dsp.pojo.DSPZipImportData; import com.pari.nm.modules.dsp.pojo.DevProperties; import com.pari.nm.utils.performance.NCCMObserver; import com.pari.pcb.PCBFile; import com.pari.swim.ScriptInfo; public class ZIPProcessor extends Thread implements DevicePropertyProviderIf { public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ZIPProcessor.class); // Pattern for checking the Valid version number private static Pattern validVersionPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\s]*([-:_0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\[\\]()]+).*$"); // ----------------------------------------------------------- Generic Hostname & Version Patterns // ----------------------------------------------/ private static Pattern generic_configVersionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*version [ \t]*(.*)"); private static Pattern generic_VersionPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^.*Version(.*)"); private static Pattern generic_configVersionPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^vesrsion (.*)"); private static Pattern generic_configVersionPattern4 = Pattern.compile("^#[ \t]*version [ \t]*(.*)"); private static Pattern generic_configHostNamePattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*host-name[ \t](.*)?;$"); private static Pattern generic_configHostNamePattern2 = Pattern.compile("^switchname[ \t](.*)$"); private static Pattern generic_configHostNamePattern3 = Pattern.compile("^hostname[ \t](.*)$"); private static Pattern generic_configHostNamePattern4 = Pattern.compile("^host-name\\s+(.*)$"); private static Pattern generic_configHostNamePattern5 = Pattern.compile("^switchname (.*)"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern1 = Pattern.compile("^Hostname:\\s+(.*)"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern2 = Pattern .compile("^[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]+uptime[ \t]+is[ \t]+.*$"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern3 = Pattern.compile("^(.*)\\s+up.*hours"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern4 = Pattern.compile("^.*Device name:(.*)"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern5 = Pattern.compile("^(.*)up.*year.*"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern6 = Pattern.compile("^(.*).*up.*hours"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern7 = Pattern.compile("^(.*).*up.*secs"); private static Pattern generic_versionHostNamePattern8 = Pattern.compile("^(.*) uptime.*"); // ----------------- Patterns to identify SCE // devices----------------------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern sceVersion_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^RDR-formatter (.*)"); // --------------------- Patterns to identify IOS devices-----------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern iosxrConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*interface.*CPU0.*$"); private static Pattern iosxrConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile(".*IOS XR Configuration (.*)"); private static Pattern iosxrVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern .compile("^Cisco IOS XR Software, Version (.*)"); private static Pattern iosVersionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^.*Cisco.*IOS Software.*"); private static Pattern iosVersionPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^Cisco IOS.*"); // -----Patterns to identify ASR5k devices-------------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern asr5k_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*license key.*"); private static Pattern asr5k_ConfigPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*aaa large-configuration"); private static Pattern asr5k_ConfigPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*require active-charging"); private static Pattern asr5kHostName_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*system hostname (.*)"); private static Pattern asr5kVersion_Pattern = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]* Image Version:\\s+(.*)\\s.*"); // --------------------- Patterns to identify CAT-OS device ------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern catosHostName_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^set system name (.*)"); private static Pattern catosVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern.compile(".*Version.*SW: [ \t]*(.*)"); // ----------------------- Patterns to identify PIX devices // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern PIXVersion_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*PIX Version (.*)"); private static Pattern pixVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern.compile("^Cisco PIX .* Version (.*)"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- Patterns to identify Juniper devices // --------------------------------------------------------/ private static Pattern juniper_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^[\t\\s]*root-authentication[\t\\s]*.*"); private static Pattern juniper_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile(".*[jJ]uniper Networks.*"); private static Pattern juniper_VersionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^.*JUNOS Base .*"); private static Pattern juniperVersion_ShowVersionPattern1 = Pattern .compile("^.*JUNOS Routing Software Suite\\s+(.*)"); // Patterns to identify NXOS // devices---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*interface cmp-mgmt.*$"); private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*role name.*$"); private static Pattern nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^.*kickstart:.*version(.*).*"); // Some NXOS configurations dont have cpm-mgmt or role name patterns. But they have username .... role network-admin private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*username .* role network-admin.*$"); private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern4 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*username .* role vdc-admin.*$"); private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern5 = Pattern.compile("^feature\\s+(telnet|bgp|udld|lacp|dhcp)"); private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern6 = Pattern.compile("^boot\\s+kickstart\\s+bootflash.*"); private static Pattern nxosConfigPattern7 = Pattern.compile("^vdc.*"); private static Pattern nxosHostName_VersionPattern = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*Device name:[ \t]+(.*)$"); private static Pattern nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern .compile("[ \t]*system:[ \t]+version\\s+(\\S+).*"); private static Pattern nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern2 = Pattern .compile("^[\\s]*NXOS:[\\s]*version\\s+(\\S+).*"); private static Pattern nxosVersionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^Cisco Nexus Operating System.*"); // Patterns to identify WLC devices // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*System Inventory.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*.*WLAN Controller.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*.*mgmtuser[ \t]+add.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern4 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*.*wlan[ \t]+enable.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern5 = Pattern.compile("^Web\\s+Mode\\.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern6 = Pattern.compile("^Fast\\s+SSID\\s+Change\\s+\\.*"); private static Pattern wlcConfigPattern7 = Pattern.compile("^Apple\\s+Talk\\s+\\.*"); private static Pattern WLCHostName_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("System Name\\.+[ \t]+(.*)"); private static Pattern WLCHostName_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*sysname[ \t]+(.*)"); private static Pattern WLCVersion_Pattern = Pattern.compile("Product Version\\.*[ \t]+(.*)"); // --------------------------------- Patterns to identify IPS devices // ------------------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern ipsVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern .compile("^Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version (.*)"); private static Pattern ips_ConfigPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^virtual-sensor.*"); private static Pattern ips_ConfigPattern2 = Pattern.compile(".*Signature Update.*"); // ----------------------------------- Patterns to identify ASA devices // -------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern ASAVersion_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*ASA Version (.*)"); private static Pattern asaVersion_ShowVersionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^Cisco ASA.* Version (.*)"); private static Pattern asaVersion_ShowVersionPattern2 = Pattern .compile("^Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance.* Version (.*)"); // ----------------------------- Patterns to identify FWSM devices // ---------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern fwsmVersionPattern = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*This FWSM has a.*"); private static Pattern FWSMVersion_ConfigPattern = Pattern.compile("^FWSM Version (.*)"); private static Pattern FWSMVersion_ShowVersionPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*FWSM Firewall Version (.*)"); // ------------------------ Patterns to identify MDS devices // ----------------------------------------------------------> // Added config and version patterns for MDS devices private static Pattern mds_versionPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^Cisco Strorage Area.*"); private static Pattern mds_versionPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^[ \t]*system:[ \t]*version (.*)"); private static Pattern mdshostname_versionPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^(.*)[ \t]*kernel uptime.*"); private static Pattern mds_configPattern2 = Pattern.compile("^kernel core target.*"); private static Pattern mds_configPattern3 = Pattern.compile("^kernel core limit.*"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> private static Pattern bannerStartPattern = Pattern.compile("^[\",]*banner .*\\^[Cc].*"); private static Pattern bannerStartPattern1 = Pattern.compile("^[\",]*banner .*"); private static Pattern bannerSameLinePattern = Pattern.compile("^.*\\^[Cc].*\\^[Cc].*"); private static Pattern bannerEndPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*\\^[Cc]"); // Note: Show tech gathered from Cisco Works contains " and , chars before and after the command. private static Pattern showTechCommandPattern = Pattern.compile("^[\",]*[-*]+ (.*[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}.*) [-*]+.*$"); private static Pattern nxosshowTechCommandPattern = Pattern.compile("^[\",]*`(.*[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}.*)`.*$"); private static Pattern showTechStartingPattern = Pattern .compile("^.*#?[sS][hH][oO]?[wW]?[ \t]+[Tt][Ee][Cc]?[Hh]?.*"); private static Pattern nxosShowTechStartingPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*---- show tech-support ----.*"); private static Pattern ipAddrFromShowTech = Pattern .compile("^[\",]*Report for ([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) .*$"); private static Pattern ipsshowTechCommandPattern = Pattern.compile("^Output from (.*)"); // BUG: 4528 private static Pattern ipAddrFromFileName = Pattern.compile("^\\D*([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9+]\\.[0-9]+).*$"); private static final Pattern[] shFlashPatterns = new Pattern[] { Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of processor board System flash.*") }; private static final Pattern[] shFileSysPatterns = new Pattern[] { Pattern.compile(".*\\*[ \t][ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t].*flash:.*") }; private static Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); private static final Pattern[] verFlashPatterns = new Pattern[] { Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memor.*"), Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of processor board System flash.*"), Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of processor board Boot flash.*"), Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of flash on board.*"), Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of ATA CompactFlash.*"), Pattern.compile("(.*) bytes of Flash internal SIMM.*") }; public static Map<String /* command */, Map<String /* PCB Attributes */, String[]/* Applicable OS Names */>> datasetMap; static { datasetMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String[]>>(); HashMap<String, String[]> attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("showInterfaces", null); attrs.put("DeviceIntfStats", null); datasetMap.put("show interfaces", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("showInterfaces", null); attrs.put("DeviceIntfStats", null); attrs.put("DevicePixInterface", new String[] { "PIX", "ASA" }); datasetMap.put("show interface", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("showInventory", null); datasetMap.put("show inventory", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("showDiag", null); datasetMap.put("show diag", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("PixMemory", new String[] { "PIX", "ASA" }); datasetMap.put("show memory", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("PixConnCount", new String[] { "PIX", "ASA" }); datasetMap.put("show conn count", attrs); attrs = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); attrs.put("DeviceNeighbors", null); datasetMap.put("show cdp neighbors detail", attrs); } private static class FileInfo { String ostype; ZIPFileType fileType; String hostName; String version; String entryName; } private HashMap<String, String> showVerFileMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String/* deviceName */, String/* tmpFile */> showVerMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> showTechFileMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> cmdOutputMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); private HashMap<String, String> runConfigFileMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> runConfigMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> osTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> versionNumberMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> ipAddressMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> dupVersionsFileMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); private HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> dupConfigsFileMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); private HashMap<String, FileInfo> versionFileInfoMap = new HashMap<String, FileInfo>(); private HashMap<String, FileInfo> configFileInfoMap = new HashMap<String, FileInfo>(); private LinkedHashMap<String/* fileName */, ZIPFileResult> fileResultMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ZIPFileResult>(); private int numEntries = 0; private int currentEntryIdx = 0; private String currentEntryName = null; private String fileName = ""; private String errMsg = null; private String warnMsg = null; private ZIPProcessorProgressListener progressIf = null; private File zipFile = null; private boolean inProgress = false; private boolean isCancelled = false; private File tmpRoot = null; private boolean isIOSXRtechfile = false; private int customerId = -1; public int getCustomerId() { return customerId; } public void setCustomerId(int customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } private ZIPProcessor(String name) { this.fileName = name; } public LinkedHashMap<String, ZIPFileResult> getFileResultMap() { return fileResultMap; } public static ZIPProcessor open(File zipFile, int custId) { return open(zipFile, null, custId); } public static ZIPProcessor openShowTechFile(final File shTechFile) { ZIPProcessor zipProcessor = new ZIPProcessor(shTechFile.getName()); zipProcessor.inProgress = true; zipProcessor.zipFile = shTechFile; InputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(shTechFile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Unable to open file: " + shTechFile + " for reading", ex); zipProcessor.errMsg = "Unable to open file: " + shTechFile + " for reading"; return zipProcessor; } finally { try { if (inStream != null) { inStream.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } ZIPFileType fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; try { // fileType = zipProcessor.processZipEntry(inStream, shTechFile.getName()); zipProcessor.processShowTechFile(shTechFile.getName(), false, new InputStreamGetter() { @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new FileInputStream(shTechFile); } }, null); ZIPFileResult fileResult = zipProcessor.fileResultMap.get(shTechFile.getName()); if (fileResult != null) { fileType = fileResult.fileType; } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to process zip file: " + shTechFile, e); zipProcessor.errMsg = "Unable to process zip file: " + shTechFile; return zipProcessor; } if (fileType != ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH) { logger.debug("Passed file: " + shTechFile + " is not a valid show tech file"); zipProcessor.errMsg = "Passed file: " + shTechFile + " is not a valid show tech file"; return zipProcessor; } return zipProcessor; } public static ZIPProcessor open(File zipFile, ZIPProcessorProgressListener progressIf, int custId) { ZIPProcessor zipProcessor = new ZIPProcessor(zipFile.getName()); zipProcessor.inProgress = true; zipProcessor.zipFile = zipFile; zipProcessor.progressIf = progressIf; zipProcessor.setCustomerId(custId); if (progressIf != null) { zipProcessor.start(); } else { zipProcessor.process(true); } return zipProcessor; } public void cacelProcessing() { isCancelled = true; } public boolean isCancelledProcessing() { return isCancelled; } public boolean isCompleted() { return !inProgress; } public int percentCompleted() { if (numEntries == 0) { return 100; } return (currentEntryIdx * 100) / numEntries; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public int getCurrentEntryIdx() { return currentEntryIdx; } public String getCurrentEntryName() { return currentEntryName; } public int getNumEntries() { return numEntries; } public String[] getDeviceNames() { if (runConfigMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } return runConfigMap.keySet().toArray(new String[runConfigMap.size()]); } public String getErrorMessage() { return errMsg; } public String getWarningMessage() { return warnMsg; } public String getIpAddress(String dname) { if (ipAddressMap == null) { return null; } return ipAddressMap.get(dname); } public String[] getCommands(String dname) { if (cmdOutputMap == null) { return new String[0]; } HashMap<String, String> cmds = cmdOutputMap.get(dname); if (cmds != null) { return cmds.keySet().toArray(new String[cmds.size()]); } return new String[0]; } public String getCommandOutput(String dname, String cmd) { if (cmdOutputMap == null) { return null; } HashMap<String, String> cmds = cmdOutputMap.get(dname); if (cmds != null) { String fName = cmds.get(cmd); if (fName != null) { try { File f = new File(fName); return readFileContents(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } } return null; } public String getConfiguration(String dname) { String fName = runConfigMap.get(dname); if (fName != null) { try { File f = new File(fName); return readFileContents(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } return null; } public String getConfigFileName(String dname) { return runConfigFileMap.get(dname); } public String getShowVersion(String dname) { String fName = showVerMap.get(dname); if (fName != null) { try { File f = new File(fName); return readFileContents(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } return null; } public String getShowTechFileName(String dname) { return showTechFileMap.get(dname); } public String getShowVersionFileName(String dname) { return showVerFileMap.get(dname); } public String getOsType(String dname) { if (osTypeMap.containsKey(dname)) { return osTypeMap.get(dname); } else { return "IOS"; } } public String getVersion(String dname) { return versionNumberMap.get(dname); } @Override public void run() { process(false); } public void process(boolean blocking) { tmpRoot = new File("TEMP" + File.separator + "ZIP_TMP_" + System.nanoTime()); tmpRoot.mkdirs(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!zipFile.exists()) { errMsg = "File " + fileName + " does not exist"; setCompleted(); return; } if (!zipFile.canRead()) { errMsg = "Unable to read the contents of the file " + fileName; setCompleted(); return; } try { ZipFile inZip = new ZipFile(zipFile); numEntries = inZip.size(); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entryEnumeration = inZip.entries(); if (numEntries == 0) { errMsg = "Empty ZIP file."; setCompleted(); return; } while (entryEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entryEnumeration.nextElement(); currentEntryName = entry.getName(); if (entry.isDirectory()) { if (numEntries > 1) { numEntries--; } continue; } currentEntryIdx++; if (currentEntryIdx % 100 == 0) { System.gc(); NCCMObserver.getInstance().logMemoryUsage( "After handling " + currentEntryIdx + " files in Zip Processor, Memory Usage"); } InputStream ipStream = inZip.getInputStream(entry); String fileName = entry.getName(); System.err.println("Processing file: " + fileName); String line = null; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ipStream)); line = br.readLine(); CharsetDetector detector = new CharsetDetector(); if (entry.getSize() == 0) { logger.error("No Contents found in the file"); continue; } else { detector.setText(line.getBytes()); charset = Charset.forName(detector.detect().getName()); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error while getting the charset encoding of the file"); } finally { try { ipStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while closing the stream"); } } ipStream = inZip.getInputStream(entry); processZipEntry(ipStream, fileName, entry, inZip); if (progressIf != null) { progressIf.updateProgress(currentEntryName, currentEntryIdx, numEntries); } if (fileResultMap.get(fileName) == null) { ZIPFileResult fr = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); fr.fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; fr.msg = "Unable to process the file."; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fr); } try { ipStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Unable to close the inputstream for entry " + entry.getName(), ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (isCancelled) { break; } if (!blocking) { Thread.sleep(100 /* msec */); } if (isCancelled) { break; } } if (!isCancelled) { processCatOsVersionFiles(inZip); processFileResult(); } inZip.close(); } catch (ZipException e) { errMsg = "File is not a valid Zip file"; logger.error("Exception while processing ZipFile: " + fileName, e); } catch (IOException e) { errMsg = "Unable to parse Zip file "; logger.error("IOException while processing ZipFile: " + fileName, e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { errMsg = "Zip processing Interrupted internally."; logger.error("Interrupted while processing ZipFile: " + fileName, e); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Exception while processing zip file."; logger.error("Exception while processing ZipFile: " + fileName, e); } logger.debug("Done with : " + numEntries + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); String[] devNames = getDeviceNames(); if (devNames == null || devNames.length == 0) { addWarning("No valid devices found in the specified Zip file."); } setCompleted(); return; } private void processFileResult() { for (String dname : showVerFileMap.keySet()) { if (getConfiguration(dname) == null) { String fileName = showVerFileMap.get(dname); ZIPFileResult fileResult = fileResultMap.get(fileName); if (fileResult == null) { fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); } if (fileResult.msg == null) { fileResult.msg = ""; } fileResult.msg += " No corresponding configuration file found. Device not added."; } } } private void processCatOsVersionFiles(ZipFile inZip) { // CatOS show version files dont have hostnames in them. // Hence, we have to use some heuristics to marry the version files to corresponding config files. Map<String/* fileName */, Set<String>/* set of matching hostnames */> file2HostNameMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); Map<String/* hostName */, Set<String>/* set of matching filenames */> hostName2fileMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); // Step 1: Match the os version number in show version to corresponding version number in config. for (String fileName : versionFileInfoMap.keySet()) { FileInfo fileInfo = versionFileInfoMap.get(fileName); if ((fileInfo == null) || (fileInfo.ostype == null) || (!fileInfo.ostype.equals("CATOS"))) { continue; } String osVersion = fileInfo.version; for (String f : configFileInfoMap.keySet()) { FileInfo cfgFileInfo = configFileInfoMap.get(f); if ((cfgFileInfo == null) || (cfgFileInfo.ostype == null) || (!cfgFileInfo.ostype.equals("CATOS")) || (cfgFileInfo.version == null)) { continue; } if (cfgFileInfo.version.equals(osVersion)) { String hostName = cfgFileInfo.hostName; Set<String> hnSet = file2HostNameMap.get(fileName); if (hnSet == null) { hnSet = new HashSet<String>(); file2HostNameMap.put(fileName, hnSet); } hnSet.add(hostName); Set<String> fnSet = hostName2fileMap.get(hostName); if (fnSet == null) { fnSet = new HashSet<String>(); hostName2fileMap.put(hostName, fnSet); } fnSet.add(fileName); } } } // Step 2: Once the filename 2 hostname is uniquely resolved, // That gets the higher priority. Remove that hostname from other lists. Map<String/* hostName */, String /* FileName */> uniqHn2fnMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); trimWithHostAndFileNames(file2HostNameMap, hostName2fileMap); Map<String/* hostName */, String /* FileName */> newUniqHn2fnMap = getUniqMap(uniqHn2fnMap, file2HostNameMap, hostName2fileMap); while (!newUniqHn2fnMap.isEmpty()) { processUniqMaps(newUniqHn2fnMap, file2HostNameMap, hostName2fileMap); trimWithHostAndFileNames(file2HostNameMap, hostName2fileMap); newUniqHn2fnMap = getUniqMap(uniqHn2fnMap, file2HostNameMap, hostName2fileMap); for (String hn : newUniqHn2fnMap.keySet()) { uniqHn2fnMap.put(hn, newUniqHn2fnMap.get(hn)); } } for (String fileName : file2HostNameMap.keySet()) { Set<String> hnSet = file2HostNameMap.get(fileName); if (hnSet.size() == 1) { String hostName = hnSet.iterator().next(); Set<String> fnSet = hostName2fileMap.get(hostName); if (fnSet.size() == 1) { String fn = fnSet.iterator().next(); if (fn.equals(fileName)) { FileInfo fileInfo = versionFileInfoMap.get(fileName); fileInfo.hostName = hostName; ZIPFileResult fileResult = fileResultMap.get(fileName); if (fileResult == null) { fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; fileResult.osType = "CATOS"; } if (fileResult.msg == null) { fileResult.msg = ""; } fileResult.msg += " Setting hostname as " + hostName + " version match."; processVersionFile(fileName, fileInfo, null, inZip); } } } } } private void processUniqMaps(Map<String, String> newUniqHn2fnMap, Map<String, Set<String>> file2HostNameMap, Map<String, Set<String>> hostName2fileMap) { for (String hostName : newUniqHn2fnMap.keySet()) { String fileName = newUniqHn2fnMap.get(hostName); for (String fn : file2HostNameMap.keySet()) { if (fn.equals(fileName)) { continue; } Set<String> hnSet = file2HostNameMap.get(fn); hnSet.remove(hostName); } for (String hn : hostName2fileMap.keySet()) { if (hn.equals(hostName)) { continue; } Set<String> fnSet = hostName2fileMap.get(hn); fnSet.remove(fileName); } } } private void trimWithHostAndFileNames(Map<String, Set<String>> file2HostNameMap, Map<String, Set<String>> hostName2fileMap) { for (String fileName : file2HostNameMap.keySet()) { Set<String> hnSet = file2HostNameMap.get(fileName); if (hnSet.size() > 1) { Set<String> matchingHnSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String hn : hnSet) { if (fileName.contains(hn)) { matchingHnSet.add(hn); } } if (matchingHnSet.size() == 1) { String matchingHn = matchingHnSet.iterator().next(); hnSet.clear(); hnSet.add(matchingHn); } } } for (String hostName : hostName2fileMap.keySet()) { Set<String> fnSet = hostName2fileMap.get(hostName); if (fnSet.size() > 1) { Set<String> matchingFnSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String fn : fnSet) { if (fn.contains(hostName)) { matchingFnSet.add(fn); } } if (matchingFnSet.size() == 1) { String matchingFn = matchingFnSet.iterator().next(); fnSet.clear(); fnSet.add(matchingFn); } } } } private Map<String, String> getUniqMap(Map<String, String> uniqHn2fnMap, Map<String, Set<String>> file2HostNameMap, Map<String, Set<String>> hostName2fileMap) { Map<String, String> newMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String fileName : file2HostNameMap.keySet()) { Set<String> hnSet = file2HostNameMap.get(fileName); if (hnSet.size() == 1) { String hostName = hnSet.iterator().next(); Set<String> fnSet = hostName2fileMap.get(hostName); if (fnSet == null || fnSet.size() == 1) { if (uniqHn2fnMap.get(hostName) == null) { newMap.put(hostName, fileName); } } } } return newMap; } private void setCompleted() { inProgress = false; if (progressIf != null) { progressIf.processCompleted(); } } private void setVersionIfNull(FileInfo fileInfo, String version) { if (fileInfo.version != null && fileInfo.version.length() > 0) { return; } Matcher m = validVersionPattern.matcher(version); if (m.matches()) { version =; fileInfo.version = version; } else { logger.warn("Illegal version string: " + version); } } private void setVersion(FileInfo fileInfo, String version) { Matcher m = validVersionPattern.matcher(version); if (m.matches()) { version =; fileInfo.version = version; } else { logger.warn("Illegal version string: " + version); } } private void handleVersionLine(FileInfo fileInfo, String line, DSPZipImportData d) { Matcher m; // Handle Version from show version checks. if (d != null) { Map<String, Object> map = d.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); m = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); boolean test = false; while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("hostName")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("command")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechCommandPattern")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechStartPattern")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("osType")) { fileInfo.ostype = prop.getProperty("osType"); } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("version")) { setVersion(fileInfo,; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("fileType")) { if (prop.getProperty("fileType").equals("Configuration")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; } else if (prop.getProperty("fileType").equals("Version")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; } } } if (!test) { return; } } } } // -----------To identify IOSXR devices-----------------------------------> m = iosxrVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IOSXR"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } m = iosVersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.ostype == null) { fileInfo.ostype = "IOS"; } if (fileInfo.fileType == null) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; } return; } m = iosVersionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.ostype == null) { fileInfo.ostype = "IOS"; } if (fileInfo.fileType == null) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; } return; } // To identify Juniper Version File m = juniper_VersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "JunOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; return; } m = juniperVersion_ShowVersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // To identify NXOS version Files m = nxosVersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; return; } m = nxosHostName_VersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; return; } m = nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; // setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } m = nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; fileInfo.version =; return; } m = nxosVersion_ShowVersionPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // To identify WLC device Version -----------------------------------------------------> m = WLCVersion_Pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // ------------------------- To identify FWSM devices-----------------------------------------> m = FWSMVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "FWSM"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } m = fwsmVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "FWSM"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; return; } // ------------------- To identify MDS devices ----------------------------------------------> m = mds_versionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SAN-OS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; return; } m = mds_versionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SAN-OS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } m = mdshostname_versionPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SAN-OS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; fileInfo.hostName = (fileInfo.hostName == null) ? : fileInfo.hostName; return; } // ---------- To Identify IPS Devices ----------------------------------------------------> m = ipsVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IPS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; fileInfo.version =; return; } // --------------To identify ASA Devices ---------------------------------------------------> m = asaVersion_ShowVersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "ASA"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } m = asaVersion_ShowVersionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "ASA"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // ----------- To identify PIX devices -------------> m = pixVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "PIX"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // -------------- To identify CATOS devices----------------------------> m = catosVersion_ShowVersionPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "CATOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // -------------------------To identify ASR5k/STAROS devices-------------------------> m = asr5kVersion_Pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "STAROS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // Generic Patterns to get hostname, fileType, Version m = generic_versionHostNamePattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern4.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern5.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern6.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern7.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_versionHostNamePattern8.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } private void handleConfigurationLine(FileInfo fileInfo, String line, DSPZipImportData d) { Matcher m; // Handle Version from Configuration if (d != null) { Map<String, Object> map = d.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); m = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); boolean test = false; while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("hostName")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("command")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechCommandPattern")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechStartPattern")) { test = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("osType")) { fileInfo.ostype = prop.getProperty("osType"); } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("version")) { setVersion(fileInfo,; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("fileType")) { if (prop.getProperty("fileType").equals("Configuration")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; } else if (prop.getProperty("fileType").equals("Version")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; } } System.out.println("Gaurav getting the object" + prop); } if (!test) { return; } } } } // -------------To identify IOSXR devices---------------------------------------------> m = iosxrConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IOSXR"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = iosxrConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IOSXR"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // --------- For Identifying Juniper Devices -------------------------------> m = juniper_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "JunOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = juniper_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "JunOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } // ------------For Identifying NXOS devices // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> m = nxosConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern4.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern5.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern6.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = nxosConfigPattern7.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "NXOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } // ---------------- For Identifying WLC devices ------------------------------------------------> m = wlcConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern4.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern5.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern6.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = wlcConfigPattern7.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "WLC"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = WLCHostName_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); return; } m = WLCHostName_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); return; } m = WLCVersion_Pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // ---------------------- To identify FWSM devices--------------------------------------> m = FWSMVersion_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "FWSM"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // ---------------------To identify MDS devices -------------------------------------> m = mds_configPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SAN-OS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = mds_configPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SAN-OS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } // --------------------- Patterns to idntify IPS devices // -------------------------------------------------------------------> m = ips_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IPS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = ips_ConfigPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "IPS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } // Patterns to identify ASA devices-------------------------------------> m = ASAVersion_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "ASA"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // -- Patterns to identify SCE devices -------------------------------------------> m = sceVersion_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "SCOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; setVersion(fileInfo,; return; } // ----------------- Patterns to identify PIX devices ---------------------------------------> m = PIXVersion_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "PIX"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; return; } // -------------------- Patterns to identify CATOS devices-----------------------------------------> m = catosHostName_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "CATOS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); return; } // -------------------- Patterns to identify ASR5K/STAROS devices-----------------------------------------> m = asr5k_ConfigPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "STAROS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = asr5k_ConfigPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "STAROS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = asr5k_ConfigPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = "STAROS"; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; return; } m = asr5kHostName_ConfigPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.ostype = (fileInfo.ostype == null) ? "STAROS" : fileInfo.ostype; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); setVersionIfNull(fileInfo, "14.0"); // As version is not present in config file. return; } // ----------------------- Generic Patterns -----------------------------------------------> m = generic_configHostNamePattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_configHostNamePattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; } m = generic_configHostNamePattern4.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } m = generic_configHostNamePattern5.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_configHostNamePattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null) { fileInfo.hostName =; fileInfo.hostName = fileInfo.hostName.replaceAll("\"", ""); } } m = generic_configVersionPattern1.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; } m = generic_VersionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; } m = generic_configVersionPattern3.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; } m = generic_configVersionPattern4.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; } m = generic_VersionPattern2.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { setVersionIfNull(fileInfo,; } } private ZIPFileType processZipEntry(InputStream inStream, String fileName, ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip) throws IOException { return processZipEntryInternal(inStream, fileName, false, entry, inZip); } private ZIPFileType processZipEntryInternal(InputStream inStream, String fileName, boolean ignoreBanner, final ZipEntry entry, final ZipFile inZip) throws IOException { // logger.debug("" + fileName + "..."); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(); ZIPFileResult fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean insideBanner = false; int linesInsideBanner = 0; fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; String line = null; DSPHandler dspHandler = new ZipImportDSPHandler(); DSPZipImportData data = new DSPZipImportData(); List<ScriptInfo> sysScripts = DeviceScriptManagerImpl.getInstance() .getSystemDefinedZipPackages(PackageType.ZipInventory, "System"); dspHandler.handlePackages(data, sysScripts); List<ScriptInfo> userScripts = DeviceScriptManagerImpl.getInstance() .getUserDefinedZipPackages(PackageType.ZipInventory, customerId, "User"); dspHandler.handlePackages(data, userScripts); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, charset)); int lineno = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { lineno++; if (line.length() >= 35000) // CSCup58209 - Changed from 30000 to 35000 as some lines were very lengthy. { fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; fileResult.msg = "Not an ASCII file."; this.errMsg = "Length of one or more lines is greater than 35K"; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); // Most probably, not an ascii file logger.debug("\tNot an ASCII file. Length of one or more lines is greater than 35K. Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); return ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; } if (!ignoreBanner) { // note: If the configuration is // pulled using tftp copy, then the banner contains some unprintable characters (ETX=003) // instead of ^C. if (insideBanner) { if (bannerEndPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = false; } else { int idx = line.indexOf(3); if (idx >= 0) { insideBanner = false; } } linesInsideBanner++; continue; } else { if (bannerStartPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = true; if (bannerSameLinePattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = false; } } else if (bannerStartPattern1.matcher(line).matches()) { int idx1 = line.indexOf(3); if (idx1 >= 0) { insideBanner = true; int idx2 = line.lastIndexOf(3); if (idx2 > idx1) { insideBanner = false; } } continue; } } } if (data != null) { Map<String, Object> map = data.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Matcher m; Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); m = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("fileType")) { if (prop.getProperty("fileType").equals("ShowTech")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH; } } } } } } if (fileInfo.fileType == ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH) { break; } Matcher m = showTechCommandPattern.matcher(line); boolean matched = m.matches(); if (matched) { String cmd =; String cmdLC = cmd.toLowerCase(); if (cmdLC.contains("show version") || cmdLC.contains("show running-") || cmdLC.contains("show config")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH; // logger.debug("Found out to be show tech file."); // If we figure out it is a Show tech output, that overrides everything. break; } } m = nxosshowTechCommandPattern.matcher(line); matched = m.matches(); if (matched) { String cmd =; String cmdLC = cmd.toLowerCase(); if (cmdLC.contains("show version") || cmdLC.contains("show running-") || cmdLC.contains("show config")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH; // If we figure out it is a Show tech output, that overrides everything. break; } } m = ipsshowTechCommandPattern.matcher(line); matched = m.matches(); if (matched) { String cmd =; String cmdLC = cmd.toLowerCase(); if (cmdLC.contains("show version") || cmdLC.contains("show configuration")) { fileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH; // If we figure out it is a Show tech output, that overrides everything. break; } } handleConfigurationLine(fileInfo, line, data); handleVersionLine(fileInfo, line, data); } if (!ignoreBanner) { if (insideBanner) { // Something is wrong! We never found the end of a banner. Something wrong with // the end-of-banner detection code. Let us try it one more time, this time // let us ignore the banner.. just in case. logger.warn("File: " + fileName + " Unable to find end of banner commands. " + "Running once more and ignoring banner commands now."); try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } inStream = inZip.getInputStream(entry); return processZipEntryInternal(inStream, fileName, true, entry, inZip); } else { if (lineno > 0) { int percentLinesInsideBanner = (linesInsideBanner * 100) / lineno; if (percentLinesInsideBanner > 85) { // Something wrong. Somehow, looks like 85% of the file is under banner commands! // Let us try it one more time, this time // let us ignore the banner.. just in case. logger.warn("File: " + fileName + " major portion of the file: (" + percentLinesInsideBanner + "%) " + "is found to be inside banner commands. Trying again by ignoring the banners."); try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } inStream = inZip.getInputStream(entry); return processZipEntryInternal(inStream, fileName, true, entry, inZip); } } } } try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } switch (fileInfo.fileType) { case CONFIG: { if (fileInfo.ostype != null) { if (fileInfo.ostype.equals("CATOS")) { // BUG: 0005383 if (fileInfo.hostName == null || fileInfo.hostName.trim().length() == 0) { fileInfo.hostName = "Switch"; } // END BUG: 0005383 configFileInfoMap.put(fileName, fileInfo); } if (fileInfo.ostype.equals("FWSM")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null || fileInfo.hostName.trim().length() == 0) { fileInfo.hostName = "FWSM"; } } if (fileInfo.ostype.equals("PIX")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null || fileInfo.hostName.trim().length() == 0) { fileInfo.hostName = "PIX"; } } if (fileInfo.ostype.equals("ASA")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null || fileInfo.hostName.trim().length() == 0) { fileInfo.hostName = "ASA"; } } if (fileInfo.ostype.equals("WLC")) { if (fileInfo.hostName == null || fileInfo.hostName.trim().length() == 0) { fileInfo.hostName = "Cisco Controller"; } } } processConiguration(fileName, fileInfo, entry, inZip); logger.debug("\t" + fileInfo.ostype + " Configuration. Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); return fileInfo.fileType; } case VERSION: { fileInfo.entryName = entry.getName(); if ((fileInfo.ostype != null) && (fileInfo.ostype.equals("CATOS"))) { versionFileInfoMap.put(fileName, fileInfo); } processVersionFile(fileName, fileInfo, entry, inZip); logger.debug("\t" + fileInfo.ostype + " Version. Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); return fileInfo.fileType; } case SHOW_TECH: { try { InputStreamGetter isGetter = new InputStreamGetter() { @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return inZip.getInputStream(entry); } }; processShowTechFile(fileName, ignoreBanner, isGetter, data); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while processing show tech file: " + fileName, ex); fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; fileResult.msg = "Exception while processing file:" + ex.getMessage(); fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return fileInfo.fileType; } // logger.debug("\t show tech. Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); return fileInfo.fileType; } case UNKNOWN: } fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN; fileResult.msg = "Not a valid file."; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); logger.debug("\t Invalid file. Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " msecs"); return fileInfo.fileType; } private boolean stopParsing(FileInfo f) { boolean osType = false; boolean hostName = false; boolean version = false; boolean fileType = false; if (f.fileType != ZIPFileType.UNKNOWN) { fileType = true; } if (f.hostName != null) { hostName = true; } if (f.version != null) { version = true; } if (f.ostype != null) { osType = true; } return (fileType && hostName && version && osType); } private void processShowTechFile(String fileName, boolean ignoreBanner, InputStreamGetter isGetter, DSPZipImportData d) throws IOException { String cmd = "unknown"; boolean cmdNeeded = true; StringBuffer cmdOutput = new StringBuffer(); HashMap<String /* cmd */, byte[] /* response */> cmdOutputs = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); String ipAddress = null; String newIpAddress = null; boolean isnxos = false; boolean firstcmd = true; // System.err.println("*** Processing " + contents.size() + " lines"); int lineno = 0; boolean insideBanner = false; int linesInsideBanner = 0; InputStream is = null; try { is = isGetter.getInputStream(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!ignoreBanner) { // note: If the configuration is // pulled using tftp copy, then the banner contains some unprintable characters (ETX=003) // instead of ^C. if (insideBanner) { if (bannerEndPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = false; } else { int idx = line.indexOf(3); if (idx >= 0) { insideBanner = false; } } linesInsideBanner++; if (cmdNeeded) { cmdOutput.append(trimShowTechLine(line)); } continue; } else { if (bannerStartPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = true; if (bannerSameLinePattern.matcher(line).matches()) { insideBanner = false; } } else if (bannerStartPattern1.matcher(line).matches()) { int idx1 = line.indexOf(3); if (idx1 >= 0) { insideBanner = true; int idx2 = line.lastIndexOf(3); if (idx2 > idx1) { insideBanner = false; } } if (cmdNeeded) { cmdOutput.append(trimShowTechLine(line)); } continue; } } } lineno++; Matcher m1; boolean showTechStart = false; boolean showTechCommand = false; String matchingPattern = null; if (d != null) { Map<String, Object> map = d.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); m1 = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m1.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechStartPattern")) { showTechStart = true; } else if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("showTechCommandPattern")) { showTechCommand = true; matchingPattern = pattern; } } } } } boolean matched = false; if (line.contains("!! IOS XR Configuration")) { isIOSXRtechfile = true; } // if (line.contains("Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version") || // line.contains("Cisco PIX")) // { // showTechStart = true; // } if (showTechStart) { if (firstcmd) { // Done with current device. Another show tech starts now. // Add the device that is read so far. addCmdOutput(fileName, cmd, cmdOutput, cmdOutputs); if (!cmdOutputs.isEmpty()) { addShowTechFile(fileName, cmdOutputs, ipAddress, d); } // cmdOutputs = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); cmd = "unknown"; cmdNeeded = true; cmdOutput = new StringBuffer(); ipAddress = newIpAddress; newIpAddress = null; firstcmd = false; continue; } } m1 = ipAddrFromShowTech.matcher(line); matched = m1.matches(); if (matched) { newIpAddress =; } boolean cmdstart = false; matched = showTechCommand; if (matched) { cmdstart = true; } else { Matcher m = ipsshowTechCommandPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (firstcmd) { isnxos = false; firstcmd = false; } cmdstart = true; } } String command = null; if (cmdstart) { // Done with current command. Another command starts now. // Add this command to the hashmap. If it is already present, // overwrite it. if (matchingPattern != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(matchingPattern); Matcher m = p.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { try { command =; command = command.trim(); if (d != null) { Map<String, Object> map = d.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); boolean test = false; m1 = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m1.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("command")) { command = prop.getProperty("command"); test = true; } } } if (test) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (d != null) { Map<String, Object> map = d.getAttributes(); Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry = (Entry); String pattern = thisEntry.getKey().toString(); boolean test = false; m1 = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(line); if (m1.matches()) { DevProperties prop = (DevProperties) thisEntry.getValue(); Map<String, String> prop1 = prop.getProperty(); Iterator it = prop1.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry thisEntry1 = (Entry); if (thisEntry1.getKey().toString().equals("command")) { command = prop.getProperty("command"); test = true; } } } if (test) { break; } } } } } if ((command.length() > 0) && !command.equals(" ")) { // IOS XR show tech has the command as "show running-config (no password) if (command.equals("show running-config (no password)") && !cmdOutputs.containsKey("show running-config")) { command = "show running-config"; } addCmdOutput(fileName, cmd, cmdOutput, cmdOutputs); cmd = command; cmdNeeded = commandNeedsToBeSaved(cmd); // for NXOS, the show version appears multiple times. First time for chassis and later for // the // modules. // We should ignore the other show versions. cmdNeeded = (cmdNeeded) && (!cmdOutputs.containsKey(cmd)); cmdOutput = new StringBuffer(); continue; } } } // if (line.contains("Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version") || // line.contains("Cisco PIX")) // { // command = "show version"; // addCmdOutput(fileName, cmd, cmdOutput, cmdOutputs); // cmd = command; // cmdNeeded = commandNeedsToBeSaved(cmd); // for NXOS, the show version appears multiple times. First time for chassis and later for // the // modules. // We should ignore the other show versions. // cmdNeeded = (cmdNeeded) && (!cmdOutputs.containsKey(cmd)); // cmdOutput = new StringBuffer(); // continue; // } if (cmdNeeded) { cmdOutput.append(trimShowTechLine(line)); } } } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while closing stream", e); } } } if (!ignoreBanner) { if (insideBanner) { // Something is wrong! We never found the end of a banner. Something wrong with // the end-of-banner detection code. Let us try it one more time, this time // let us ignore the banner.. just in case. logger.warn("File: " + fileName + " Unable to find end of banner commands. " + "Running once more and ignoring banner commands now."); processShowTechFile(fileName, true, isGetter, d); return; } else { int percentLinesInsideBanner = (linesInsideBanner * 100) / lineno; if (percentLinesInsideBanner > 85) { // Something wrong. Somehow, looks like 85% of the file is under banner commands! // Let us try it one more time, this time // let us ignore the banner.. just in case. logger.warn("File: " + fileName + " major portion of the file: (" + percentLinesInsideBanner + "%) " + "is found to be inside banner commands. Trying again by ignoring the banners."); processShowTechFile(fileName, true, isGetter, d); return; } } } addCmdOutput(fileName, cmd, cmdOutput, cmdOutputs); addShowTechFile(fileName, cmdOutputs, ipAddress, d); } private void addCmdOutput(String fileName, String cmd, StringBuffer cmdOutput, HashMap<String, byte[]> cmdOutputs) { String output = (cmdOutput == null) ? null : cmdOutput.toString(); if (output == null || output.trim().isEmpty()) { return; } if (cmd.equals("unknown")) { if (output.trim().startsWith("FWSM") || output.trim().startsWith("Cisco Adaptive Security") || output.trim().startsWith("Cisco PIX Security")) { // For FWSM the show tech starts with show version but without the command header ---- show version ---- cmd = "show version"; } else { return; } } if (!commandNeedsToBeSaved(cmd)) { return; } if (cmdOutputs.containsKey(cmd)) { return; } try { byte b1[] = CompressionUtils.getCompressedString(cmdOutput.toString()); cmdOutputs.put(cmd, b1); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Exception while compression " + cmd + " for file: " + fileName); } } private String trimShowTechLine(String line) { // Ordinary line. Some of the show tech outputs, (eg. Cisco Works output) // has " and ' before and after the line. Strip them. if (line.startsWith("\"")) { char c = line.charAt(0); int i = 0; while (((c == '"') || (c == ','))) { i++; if (i >= line.length()) { break; } c = line.charAt(i); } if (i < line.length()) { line = line.substring(i); } else { line = ""; } } if (line.endsWith("\"") && (line.length() > 1)) { line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1); } return line += "\n"; } private boolean commandNeedsToBeSaved(String cmd) { if (datasetMap.get(cmd) != null) { return true; } // for NXOS, show tech contains a bunch of commands that start with "show version | inc....." // We dont want to save them. // if (cmd.startsWith("show version")) if (cmd.equals("show version")) { return true; } // for NXOS, show tech contains a bunch of show running-config commands like show running-config ip etc // if (cmd.startsWith("show running-config")) // for Nexus-7K series contains command as show running if (cmd.equals("show running-config") || cmd.equals("show running")) { return true; } if (cmd.startsWith("show config")) { return true; } return false; } private void addShowTechFile(String fileName, HashMap<String, byte[]> cmdOutputs, String ipAddress, DSPZipImportData data) { ZIPFileResult fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); fileResult.fileType = ZIPFileType.SHOW_TECH; fileResult.msg = ""; byte show_version[] = cmdOutputs.get("show version"); byte show_config[] = cmdOutputs.get("show running-config"); // For IOS XR tech-support file, sometimes we don't have the show version command // Ignoring to check for this command in case of IOS XR devices if (show_version == null && isIOSXRtechfile == false) { fileResult.msg = "No Show version found."; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } String shVer = null; try { if (show_version != null) { shVer = CompressionUtils.getUncompressedString(show_version); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while uncompressing show version for device: " + ipAddress); fileResult.msg = "No Show version found."; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } if (show_config == null) { show_config = cmdOutputs.get("show configuration"); } // For Nexus-7K series we have the command as show running // 10:10:24.587 CET Wed Nov 06 2013 // `show running` // // !Command: show running-config // !Time: Wed Nov 6 10:10:24 2013 // // version 6.1(4) if (show_config == null) { show_config = cmdOutputs.get("show running"); } String cfg = null; try { cfg = CompressionUtils.getUncompressedString(show_config); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while uncompressing config for device: " + ipAddress); } FileInfo showVerFileInfo = new FileInfo(); if (shVer != null) { showVerFileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.VERSION; // Proces show version String[] verLines = shVer.split("\r*\n"); for (String line : verLines) { handleVersionLine(showVerFileInfo, line, data); } } // Proces show config FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo(); if (show_config == null) { // For CATOS devices, the command is "show config" show_config = cmdOutputs.get("show config"); if (show_config == null) { fileResult.msg += "No running configuration found."; return; } else { try { cfg = CompressionUtils.getUncompressedString(show_config); } catch (IOException e) { } configFileInfo.ostype = "CATOS"; } } configFileInfo.fileType = ZIPFileType.CONFIG; String[] cfgLines = (cfg == null) ? null : cfg.split("\r*\n"); if (cfgLines != null) { for (String line : cfgLines) { handleConfigurationLine(configFileInfo, line, data); } } String cfg_host_name = configFileInfo.hostName; String cfg_osType = configFileInfo.ostype; String cfg_version = configFileInfo.version; String osType = showVerFileInfo.ostype; String hostName = showVerFileInfo.hostName; String version = showVerFileInfo.version; if (cfg_osType != null) { if ((osType != null) && !cfg_osType.equals(osType)) { fileResult.msg += "Warning: OS Type gathered from show version: (" + osType + ") is not the same as the OS Type gathered from configuration (" + cfg_osType + ")"; addWarning("OS Type gathered from show version: (" + osType + ") is not the same as the OS Type gathered from configuration (" + cfg_osType + ") while processing show tech file: " + fileName); } osType = cfg_osType; } if (cfg_host_name != null) { if ((hostName != null) && !cfg_host_name.equals(hostName)) { fileResult.msg += "Warning: host name gathered from show version: (" + hostName + ") is not the same as the host name gathered from configuration (" + cfg_host_name + ")"; addWarning("host name gathered from show version: (" + hostName + ") is not the same as the host name gathered from configuration (" + cfg_host_name + ") while processing show tech file: " + fileName); } hostName = cfg_host_name; } if (version == null) { version = cfg_version; } if (hostName == null) { if ((osType != null) && osType.equals("CATOS")) { hostName = "Switch"; } } if (hostName == null) { fileResult.msg += " Unable to determine the host name from show tech"; addWarning("Unable to determine the host name from show tech: " + fileName); return; } if (ipAddress == null) { Matcher m1 = ipAddrFromFileName.matcher(fileName); if (m1.matches()) { ipAddress =; } } fileResult.hostName = hostName; fileResult.osType = osType; // Everything is good. Add this to the list. showTechFileMap.put(hostName, fileName); saveCommandOutputs(hostName, cmdOutputs); if (runConfigMap.get(hostName) != null) { fileResult.msg += " Duplicate hostname: " + hostName; addWarning("Duplicate hostname : " + hostName); } try { File f = copyEntry(new ByteArrayInputStream(cfg.getBytes()), hostName, "Config"); if (f != null) { runConfigMap.put(hostName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { fileResult.msg += " Unable to uncompress configuration"; logger.error("Exception while uncompressing configuration for device: " + hostName, ex); } osTypeMap.put(hostName, osType); versionNumberMap.put(hostName, version); if (shVer != null) { try { File f = copyEntry(new ByteArrayInputStream(shVer.getBytes()), hostName, "Version"); if (f != null) { showVerMap.put(hostName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { fileResult.msg += " Unable to uncompress version"; logger.error("Exception while uncompressing version for device: " + hostName, ex); } } if (ipAddress != null) { logger.debug("Device: " + hostName + " IP Address: " + ipAddress); ipAddressMap.put(hostName, ipAddress); } else { // logger.debug("Device: " + hostName + " has NO IP Address"); } fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); } private void saveCommandOutputs(String hostName, HashMap<String, byte[]> cmdOutputs) { for (String cmd : cmdOutputs.keySet()) { byte[] b = cmdOutputs.get(cmd); if (!cmd.equals("show version") && !cmd.equals("show running-config")) { try { String output = CompressionUtils.getUncompressedString(b); File f = copyEntry(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.getBytes()), hostName, cmd); if (f != null) { HashMap<String, String> map = cmdOutputMap.get(hostName); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, String>(); cmdOutputMap.put(hostName, map); } map.put(cmd, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while saving cmd: " + cmd + " for " + hostName, ex); } } } } private void addRunConfig(String hostName, ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip) throws IOException { File f = copyEntry(entry, inZip, hostName, "Config"); if (f != null) { runConfigMap.put(hostName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } private File copyEntry(ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip, String hostName, String cmd) throws IOException { InputStream inStream = inZip.getInputStream(entry); return copyEntry(inStream, hostName, cmd); } private File copyEntry(InputStream inStream, String hostName, String cmd) throws IOException { OutputStream os = null; try { // CSCul29590 - Removing special characters from hostName as File/Dir can't be created if it has Special // characters and VSEM file cannot be created and device import fails. hostName = hostName.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "_"); File d = new File(tmpRoot, hostName); d.mkdirs(); cmd = cmd.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "_"); File c = new File(d, cmd); byte b[] = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; os = new FileOutputStream(c); while ((len = > 0) { os.write(b, 0, len); } return c; } finally { try { inStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { os.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } private void addShowVersion(String hostName, ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip) throws IOException { File f = copyEntry(entry, inZip, hostName, "Version"); if (f != null) { showVerMap.put(hostName, f.getAbsolutePath()); } } private void addWarning(String string) { if (warnMsg == null) { warnMsg = ""; } warnMsg += string + "\r\n"; } private void processVersionFile(String fileName, FileInfo fileInfo, ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip) { String hostName = fileInfo.hostName; String osType = fileInfo.ostype; String version = fileInfo.version; ZIPFileResult fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); fileResult.hostName = fileInfo.hostName; fileResult.osType = fileInfo.ostype; fileResult.fileType = fileInfo.fileType; if (hostName == null) { fileResult.msg = "Unable to parse hostname"; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } else { if (hostName.contains("=")) { fileResult.msg = "Illegal hostname. Should not contain '='"; fileResult.hostName = hostName; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } } String currOsType = osTypeMap.get(hostName); if ((currOsType != null) && (!currOsType.equals(osType))) { // TODO: // Different OS types from different files. Handle this later } osTypeMap.put(hostName, osType); if (showVerMap.containsKey(hostName)) { logger.debug("\tDuplicate version for : " + hostName); fileResult.msg = "Duplicate version for: " + hostName; // HostName already exists. Duplicate hostname. String oldFileName = showVerFileMap.get(hostName); HashSet<String> hs = dupVersionsFileMap.get(hostName); if (hs == null) { hs = new HashSet<String>(); dupVersionsFileMap.put(hostName, hs); } hs.add(oldFileName); hs.add(fileName); showVerFileMap.remove(hostName); showVerMap.remove(hostName); } else { // Host name does not exist in show versions list. Check if it exists in the duplicates. HashSet<String> hs = dupVersionsFileMap.get(hostName); if ((hs != null) && !hs.isEmpty()) { fileResult.msg = "Duplicate version for: " + hostName; logger.debug("\tDuplicate version for : " + hostName); hs.add(fileName); } else { // It does not exist in the duplicates either. try { if (entry == null && fileInfo.entryName != null) { entry = inZip.getEntry(fileInfo.entryName); } addShowVersion(hostName, entry, inZip); showVerFileMap.put(hostName, fileName); if (version != null) { versionNumberMap.put(hostName, version); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while saving version for " + hostName, ex); } } } fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); } private void processConiguration(String fileName, FileInfo fileInfo, ZipEntry entry, ZipFile inZip) { String hostName = fileInfo.hostName; String osType = fileInfo.ostype; String version = fileInfo.version; ZIPFileResult fileResult = new ZIPFileResult(fileName); if (hostName == null) { fileResult.msg = "Unable to parse hostname"; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } else { if (hostName.contains("=")) { fileResult.msg = "Illegal hostname. Should not contain '='"; fileResult.hostName = hostName; fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); return; } } fileResult.fileType = fileInfo.fileType; fileResult.hostName = fileInfo.hostName; fileResult.osType = fileInfo.ostype; String currOsType = osTypeMap.get(hostName); if ((currOsType != null) && (!currOsType.equals(osType))) { // TODO: // Different OS types from different files. Handle this later } osTypeMap.put(hostName, osType); if (runConfigMap.containsKey(hostName)) { fileResult.msg = "Duplicate Configuration for: " + hostName; logger.debug("\tDuplicate config for : " + hostName); // HostName already exists. Duplicate hostname. String oldFileName = runConfigFileMap.get(hostName); HashSet<String> hs = dupConfigsFileMap.get(hostName); if (hs == null) { hs = new HashSet<String>(); dupConfigsFileMap.put(hostName, hs); } hs.add(oldFileName); hs.add(fileName); runConfigFileMap.remove(hostName); runConfigMap.remove(hostName); } else { // Host name does not exist in running config. Check if it exists in the duplicates. HashSet<String> hs = dupConfigsFileMap.get(hostName); if ((hs != null) && !hs.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("\tDuplicate config for : " + hostName); fileResult.msg = "Duplicate Configuration for: " + hostName; // It exists in the duplicates. Add it to that list. hs.add(fileName); } else { // It does not exist in the duplicates either. try { addRunConfig(hostName, entry, inZip); runConfigFileMap.put(hostName, fileName); if ((version != null) && (versionNumberMap.get(hostName) == null)) { versionNumberMap.put(hostName, version); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while saving running config for device " + hostName, ex); } } } fileResultMap.put(fileName, fileResult); } public String readFileContents(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream)); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { try { b.append(line + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } r.close(); return b.toString(); } public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); if (argv.length < 1) { System.err.println("Provide zip file name to process"); System.exit(1); } File pcbFile = null; String key = null; if (argv.length > 1) { if (argv.length < 3) { System.err.println("Usage: <ZIP FILE> [<PCBFILE> <CustomerKey>]"); System.exit(1); } pcbFile = new File(argv[1]); key = argv[2]; } String zipFileName = argv[0]; File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); ZIPProcessor zipProcessor =, -1); while (zipProcessor.inProgress) { System.out.println("Opened " + zipProcessor.currentEntryIdx + " files"); Thread.sleep(10000); } System.out.println("Processed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " msec"); String errors = zipProcessor.getErrorMessage(); if (errors != null) { System.err.println("Errors: "); System.err.println(errors); System.exit(1); } String warnings = zipProcessor.getWarningMessage(); if (warnings != null) { System.out.println("Warnings:"); System.out.println(warnings); } String[] deviceNames = zipProcessor.getDeviceNames(); if ((deviceNames == null) || (deviceNames.length == 0)) { System.out.println("No devices found."); } else { System.out.println( "Found: " + deviceNames.length + " devices in " + zipProcessor.getNumEntries() + " entries."); } for (String fileName : zipProcessor.fileResultMap.keySet()) { ZIPFileResult fr = zipProcessor.fileResultMap.get(fileName); System.out .println(fileName + "\t" + fr.hostName + "\t" + fr.fileType + "\t" + fr.osType + "\t" + fr.msg); } if ((pcbFile != null) && (key != null)) { System.out.println("Creating PCB File"); } zipProcessor.cleanup(); } public void cleanup() { try { if (tmpRoot != null) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpRoot); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception while deleting deleting directory: " + tmpRoot.getName(), ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void zipDirectory(String directoryName, String outFileName) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; File inDir = null; try { inDir = new File(directoryName); if (!inDir.isDirectory()) { return; } fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(outFileName)); zout = new ZipOutputStream(fos); File files[] = inDir.listFiles(); for (File f : files) { writeToZip(f, f.getName(), zout); } zout.close(); fos.close(); } finally { try { if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { if (zout != null) { zout.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void writeToZip(File f, String fileName, ZipOutputStream zout) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; try { if (f.isDirectory()) { File files[] = f.listFiles(); for (File f1 : files) { writeToZip(f1, fileName + "/" + f1.getName(), zout); } return; } ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(fileName); zout.putNextEntry(ze); byte b[] = new byte[1024]; fis = new FileInputStream(f); int n = 0; while ((n = >= 0) { zout.write(b, 0, n); } fis.close(); zout.closeEntry(); } finally { try { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public String getDeviceProperty(Object id, String propertyName) { if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(PCBFile.ATTR_CONFIG_FILE)) { return getConfiguration(id.toString()); } else if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(PCBFile.OS_NAME)) { return getOsType(id.toString()); } else if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(PCBFile.ATTR_FULL_VERSION)) { return getShowVersion(id.toString()); } else if (propertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(PCBFile.OS_VERSION)) { return getVersion(id.toString()); } return null; // return getConfiguration(id.toString()); } private interface InputStreamGetter { InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException; } }