Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2005 Pari Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Pari Networks, Inc. * */ package com.pari.nm.utils.backup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream; import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream; import; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder; import com.pari.api.utils.XMLUtil; import; import com.pari.logger.PariLogger; import com.pari.logger.PariLoggerFactory; import com.pari.nm.gui.guimessages.JobStatus; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.BackupComponentDetails; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.BackupComponentType; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.BackupMetaData; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.FTPServerType; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.FtpServerDetails; import com.pari.nm.gui.guiservices.PariException; import com.pari.nm.modules.cspc.CspcInfo; import; import com.pari.nm.modules.messaging.Callback; import com.pari.nm.modules.messaging.Messenger; import com.pari.nm.modules.msgdefs.JobDetailsMsg; import com.pari.nm.modules.msgdefs.MessageTypes; import com.pari.nm.utils.Constants; import com.pari.nm.utils.ServerStatus; import com.pari.nm.utils.ServerStatusFactory; import com.pari.nm.utils.approvals.NotificationMailGenerator; import com.pari.nm.utils.db.CspcDBHelper; import com.pari.product.ProductProfileFactory; import com.pari.server.ServerProperties; public class BackupRestore implements Callback { public static final String WINDOWS_BACKUP_PATH = "c:\\NCCMBackup"; public static final String LINUX_BACKUP_PATH = "/NCCMBackup"; public static final String WINDOWS_RESTORE_PATH = "c:\\NCCMRestore"; public static final String LINUX_RESTORE_PATH = "/NCCMRestore"; private static final String META_XML_FILE_NAME = "MetaData.xml"; private static final String IMAGE_DIRECTORY = "images"; // private static BackupRestore instance = null; private final String defaultKey = "rO0ABXNyABRqYXZhLnNlY3VyaXR5LktleVJlcL35T7OImqVDAgAETAAJYWxnb3JpdGhtdAASTGph\n" + "dmEvbGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7WwAHZW5jb2RlZHQAAltCTAAGZm9ybWF0cQB+AAFMAAR0eXBldAAbTGph\n" + "dmEvc2VjdXJpdHkvS2V5UmVwJFR5cGU7eHB0AAZERVNlZGV1cgACW0Ks8xf4BghU4AIAAHhwAAAA\n" + "GK5D2jteJiYI2q0Z4NCPXu89Z3ngua0a1nQAA1JBV35yABlqYXZhLnNlY3VyaXR5LktleVJlcCRU\n" + "eXBlAAAAAAAAAAASAAB4cgAOamF2YS5sYW5nLkVudW0AAAAAAAAAABIAAHhwdAAGU0VDUkVU"; PariLogger logger = PariLoggerFactory.getLogger(Constants.JOB_LOGGER); private boolean jobCancelled = false; private int jobId = -1; private int jobRunId = -1; // public static final BackupRestore getInstance() { // if (instance == null) { // instance = new BackupRestore(); // Messenger.getInstance().subscribe(MessageTypes.CANCEL_JOB, instance); // } // // return instance; // } public BackupRestore(int jobId, int jobRunId) { this.jobId = jobId; this.jobRunId = jobRunId; Messenger.getInstance().subscribe(MessageTypes.CANCEL_JOB, this); } public BackupRestore() { } public boolean clean(String localDir) { boolean success = true; File dir = new File(localDir); try { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { if (dir.isFile()) { dir.delete(); } dir.mkdirs(); return true; } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); return false; } try { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (jobCancelled) { return false; } File f = files[i]; if (f.isDirectory()) { success = clean(f.getAbsolutePath()); f.delete(); } else { f.delete(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); success = false; } return success; } public synchronized boolean doDBBackup(File backupDir, BackupRestoreJob statusIf) { try { // First run the back to a dir DBOperations bup = new DBOperations(); if (!backupDir.exists()) { backupDir.mkdir(); backupDir.setWritable(true, false); } String fileName = ""; if (isPostgres()) { fileName = "paridb"; } else { fileName = "paridb.dmp"; } { if (bup.backup(backupDir, fileName)) { statusIf.logMsg("Database backedup successfully."); print("Database backedup successfully."); statusIf.statusUpdate("Database backedup successfully", true, 30, ""); File exportLog = new File(backupDir, "export.log"); if (exportLog.exists()) { exportLog.delete(); } } else { statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); statusIf.logMsg( "Failed to exported the database. Contact Pari Support ("); statusIf.executionComplete( "Failed to exported the database. Contact Pari Support (", false, ""); logger.debug( "Failed to exported the database. Contact Pari Support ("); return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); statusIf.logMsg("Failed to exported the database. Contact Pari Support ("); statusIf.executionComplete( "Failed to exported the database. Contact Pari Support (", false, ""); } return false; } public boolean zipBackupFile(File backupDir, File backupZipFile, BackupRestoreJob statusIf) { if (!zipFolder(backupDir, backupZipFile)) { logger.warn("Failed to compress the backup file. " + backupDir + "paridb.dmp. Contact Pari Support ("); statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); statusIf.logMsg("Failed to compress the backup file. " + backupDir + "paridb.dmp. Contact Pari Support ("); statusIf.executionComplete("Failed to compress the backup file. " + backupDir + "paridb.dmp. Contact Pari Support (", false, ""); return false; } statusIf.logMsg("Backup file compressed successfully."); statusIf.statusUpdate("Backup file compressed successfully.", true, 60, ""); logger.debug("Backup file compressed successfully."); return true; } public boolean encryptBackupFile(File backupZipFile, File encrBackupZipFile, BackupRestoreJob statusIf) { try { encrypt(backupZipFile, encrBackupZipFile); statusIf.logMsg("Backup file encrypted successfully."); statusIf.statusUpdate("Backup file encrypted successfully.", true, 80, ""); } catch (Exception ee) { statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); logger.warn("Failed to encrypt the backup file.", ee); statusIf.executionComplete( "Backup operation failed. Failed to encrypt the backup file " + backupZipFile + ".", false, ""); return false; } return true; } public boolean uploadBackupFile(FtpServerDetails ft, File encrBackupZipFile, BackupRestoreJob statusIf) { FTPServerType serverType = ft.getServerType(); String fileName = encrBackupZipFile.getName(); String successMsg = "Backup file: " + fileName + " uploaded successfully into " + serverType.toString() + " server: " + ft.getFtpServer() + " and directory: " + ft.getDestDir(); if (serverType.equals(FTPServerType.SFTP)) { try {"Backup: LocalFile:" + encrBackupZipFile);"Backup: DestFile:" + ft.getDestDir() + File.separator + fileName); PariSFTP pariSFTP = new PariSFTP(jobId, jobRunId); pariSFTP.uploadFileSFTP(ft.getFtpServer(), ft.getServerPort(), ft.getUserName(), ft.getPassword(), encrBackupZipFile.getAbsolutePath(), ft.getDestDir() + File.separator + fileName, statusIf, serverType.equals(FTPServerType.SFTP)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); logger.warn("Failed to upload the backup file " + encrBackupZipFile + " Reason:" + ex.getMessage()); statusIf.logMsg("Failed to upload the backup file" + " Reason:" + ex.getMessage()); statusIf.executionComplete( "Failed to upload the backup file " + encrBackupZipFile + " Reason:" + ex.getMessage(), false, ""); return false; } } else if (serverType.equals(FTPServerType.FTP)) { PariFTP pftp = new PariFTP(ft.getFtpServer(), ft.getUserName(), ft.getPassword(), ft.getDestDir(), jobId, jobRunId); String errMsg = pftp.uploadFile(encrBackupZipFile.getAbsolutePath(), ft.getServerPort()); if (errMsg != null) { statusIf.setState(JobStatus.FAILED); statusIf.logMsg("Failed to upload the backup file to " + ft.getFtpServer() + " Reason :" + errMsg); statusIf.executionComplete( "Failed to upload the backup file to " + ft.getFtpServer() + " Reason :" + errMsg, false, ""); logger.debug("Failed to upload the backup file to " + ft.getFtpServer() + " Reason :" + errMsg); return false; } } statusIf.logMsg(successMsg); print(successMsg); statusIf.statusUpdate(successMsg, true, 100, ""); return true; } public boolean zipFolder(File backupDir, File backupZipFile) { FileOutputStream fileWriter = null; ZipOutputStream zip = null; try { fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(backupZipFile); zip = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter); addFolderToZip("", backupDir, zip); zip.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { try { if (zip != null) { zip.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } try { if (fileWriter != null) { fileWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } return true; } private void addFileToZip(String path, File backupFileName, ZipOutputStream zip) throws Exception { if (backupFileName.isDirectory()) { addFolderToZip(path, backupFileName, zip); } else { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(backupFileName); zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(path + File.separator + backupFileName.getName())); while ((len = > 0) { zip.write(buf, 0, len); if (jobCancelled) { throw new Exception("job Cancelled"); } } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } } private void addFolderToZip(String path, File backupDir, ZipOutputStream zip) throws Exception { for (String fileName : backupDir.list()) { if (jobCancelled) { throw new Exception("job Cancelled"); } File backupFileName = new File(backupDir, fileName); if (path.equals("")) { addFileToZip(backupDir.getName(), backupFileName, zip); } else { addFileToZip(path + File.separator + backupDir.getName(), backupFileName, zip); } } } private void print(String string) { if (logger != null) { logger.debug(string); } else { System.out.println(string); } } public boolean doRecovery(String serverType, String ftpHost, String port, String ftpUser, String ftpPwd, String ftpDir, String ftpFile, String localDir) { try { File restoreDir = new File(localDir, ftpFile.substring(0, ftpFile.length() - 4)); ServerProperties.getInstance(); ProductProfileFactory.getInstance().loadProductProfileFromResource(); ServerProperties.getInstance().setProductProfile(); // Drop the schema - Use JDBC to drop/create user DropAndCreateUser user = new DropAndCreateUser(); if (!user.dropAndCreateUser()) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize the database. Recovery failed."); return false; } DBOperations db = new DBOperations(); String restoreFile = null; if (isPostgres()) { restoreFile = "paridb"; } else { restoreFile = "paridb.dmp"; } if (new File(restoreDir, restoreFile).exists()) { System.out.println("Starting Database Restore operation."); if (!db.restore(restoreDir, restoreFile)) { System.out.println("Database Restore Failed."); return false; } System.out.println("Database Restored Successfully."); // restore the Image backup File imageFile = new File(restoreDir, IMAGE_DIRECTORY); if (imageFile.exists() && imageFile.listFiles() != null) { System.out.println("Starting coping of Image files."); if (!copyDirectory(imageFile, ServerProperties.getImagesDir())) { System.out.println("Failed to copy the image files"); return false; } System.out.println("Successfully copied the image files"); } System.out.println("clearing " + localDir + " directory"); clean(localDir); } else { System.out.println("paridb.dmp file does not exists under " + restoreDir); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception during restore operation :" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public BackupMetaData fetchAndExtractBackupFile(FTPServerType ftpServerType, String ftpHost, int port, String ftpUser, String ftpPwd, String ftpDir, String ftpFile, String localDirPath) throws Exception { File localDir = new File(localDirPath); if (!localDir.exists()) { localDir.mkdir(); } String restoreDirPath = ftpFile.substring(0, ftpFile.lastIndexOf('.')); String restoreBackupFileName = restoreDirPath + ".zip"; File restoreDir = new File(localDirPath, restoreDirPath); if (!restoreDir.exists()) { File encrFile = new File(localDirPath + File.separatorChar + "encr_" + restoreBackupFileName); File decryptFile = new File(localDirPath + File.separatorChar + restoreBackupFileName); if (ftpServerType.equals(FTPServerType.SFTP)) { try { PariSFTP.downloadFileSFTP(ftpHost, port, ftpUser, ftpPwd, ftpDir, ftpFile, localDirPath, encrFile.getName()); print("Successfully downloaded the backup file " + ftpFile + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); print("Failed to recover the backup image ftp://" + ftpHost + ftpDir + "/" + ftpFile + "Reason : " + ex.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Failed to recover the backup image ftp://" + ftpHost + ftpDir + "/" + ftpFile + "Reason : " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { PariFTP pftp = new PariFTP(ftpHost, ftpUser, ftpPwd, ftpDir, ftpFile); String errorMsg = pftp.downloadFile(localDirPath, encrFile.getName(), port); if (errorMsg != null) { print("Failed to recover the backup image ftp://" + ftpHost + ftpDir + "/" + ftpFile + "Reason " + errorMsg); throw new Exception("Failed to recover the backup image ftp://" + ftpHost + ftpDir + "/" + ftpFile + "Reason " + errorMsg); } print("Successfully downloaded the backup file " + ftpFile + "\n"); } if (!decrypt(decryptFile, encrFile)) { print("Failed to decrypt the backup file.\n"); throw new Exception("Failed to decrypt the backup file."); } print("Successfully decrypt the backup file " + ftpFile + "\n"); if (!unzip(decryptFile)) { print("Failed to unzip the backup file."); throw new Exception("Failed to unzip the backup file."); } print("Successfully unzip the backup file " + ftpFile + "\n"); // Added for MetaData XML File metaXMLFile = new File(restoreDir, META_XML_FILE_NAME); if (!metaXMLFile.exists() || !metaXMLFile.canRead()) { logger.error(META_XML_FILE_NAME + " file does not exist"); return null; } try { BackupMetaData metaData = new BackupMetaData(); FileInputStream fin = null; try { fin = new FileInputStream(metaXMLFile); Document document = XMLUtil.parseXMLDocument(fin); org.w3c.dom.Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); metaData.parse(root); } finally { if (fin != null) { fin.close(); } } return metaData; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Failed to parse " + META_XML_FILE_NAME); throw new Exception("Failed to parse" + META_XML_FILE_NAME); } } File metaXMLFile = new File(restoreDir, META_XML_FILE_NAME); if (!metaXMLFile.exists() || !metaXMLFile.canRead()) { logger.error(META_XML_FILE_NAME + " file does not exist"); return null; } try { BackupMetaData metaData = new BackupMetaData(); FileInputStream fin = null; try { fin = new FileInputStream(metaXMLFile); Document document = XMLUtil.parseXMLDocument(fin); org.w3c.dom.Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); metaData.parse(root); } finally { if (fin != null) { fin.close(); } } return metaData; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Failed to parse " + META_XML_FILE_NAME); throw new Exception("Failed to parse " + META_XML_FILE_NAME); } } public boolean unzip(File zipFile) { ZipFile zf = null; FileOutputStream fout = null; // File zipFile = new File(localDir, zipFileName); try { zf = new ZipFile(zipFile); Enumeration en = zf.entries(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry ze = (ZipEntry) en.nextElement(); String currentEntry = ze.getName(); File destFile = new File(zipFile.getParent(), currentEntry); File destinationParent = destFile.getParentFile(); if (!destinationParent.exists()) { destinationParent.mkdirs(); destinationParent.setWritable(true, false); } System.err.println("ZIP ENTRY NAME:" + currentEntry); if (!ze.isDirectory()) { InputStream in = zf.getInputStream(ze); byte[] data = new byte[4096]; int read = 0; File extractFile = new File(zipFile.getParent(), ze.getName()); fout = new FileOutputStream(extractFile); while ((read = != -1) { fout.write(data, 0, read); } fout.close(); } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (zf != null) { zf.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { if (fout != null) { fout.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } return false; } // Deletes all files and subdirectories under dir. // Returns true if all deletions were successful. public static boolean deleteDirContents(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { boolean success = deleteDirContents(new File(dir, children[i])); if (!success) { return false; } } } // The directory is now empty so delete it return dir.delete(); } private boolean copyDirectory(File fromDir, File toDir) { String[] files; if (!toDir.exists()) { toDir.mkdir(); } files = fromDir.list(); if (files == null) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (jobCancelled) { return false; } File fromFile = new File(fromDir, files[i]); File toFile = new File(toDir, files[i]); if (fromFile.isDirectory()) { copyDirectory(fromFile, toFile); } else { if (toFile.exists()) { toFile.delete(); } FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fromFile); fos = new FileOutputStream(toFile); copyFile(fis, fos); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); print("Failed to copy the directory" + ee.getMessage()); return false; } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } return true; } private void copyFile(FileInputStream fin, FileOutputStream fout) throws Exception { byte[] inbuf = new byte[2048]; do { int nCount =; if (nCount > 0) { fout.write(inbuf, 0, nCount); } } while (fin.available() > 0); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { com.maverick.ssh.LicenseManager.addLicense("----BEGIN 3SP LICENSE----\r\n" + "Product : J2SSH Maverick\r\n" + "Licensee: Pari Networks Inc.\r\n" + "Comments: Sreenivas Devalla\r\n" + "Type : Foundation License\r\n" + "Created : 20-Jun-2007\r\n" + "\r\n" + "3787201A027FCA5BA600F3CF9CCEF4C85068187D70F94ABC\r\n" + "E7D7280AAFB06CE499DC968A4CB25795475D5B79FDDD6CB4\r\n" + "7971A60E947E84A4DADFAB2F89E2F52470182ED2EF429A2F\r\n" + "2EC6D8B49CAF167605A7F56C4EB736ECA7150819FCF04DC6\r\n" + "01B1404EA9BC83BEAA4AB2F4FC7AB344BEC08CF9DDDAAA34\r\n" + "EC80C1C14FA8BB1A8B47E86D393FAECD3C0E7C450E0D1FE3\r\n" + "----END 3SP LICENSE----\r\n"); String mode = null; BufferedReader br = null; if (args.length < 9) { System.err.println("BackUpDatabase: Invalid Syntax."); System.err.println( "Usage - java BackUpDatabase <ftpserver> <ftpuser> <ftppassword> <ftpdir> <ftpfile> <localdir> <backup | recovery> "); System.exit(-1); } try { mode = args[8]; System.out.println("Request received with mode :" + mode + "\n"); // BackupRestore tbk = BackupRestore.getInstance(); BackupRestore tbk = new BackupRestore(); if ((mode != null) && (mode.length() > 0) && mode.equalsIgnoreCase("recovery")) { File restoreDir = new File(args[7], args[6].substring(0, args[6].length() - 4)); System.out.println("Restore Directory :" + restoreDir + "\n"); if (!restoreDir.exists()) { try { FTPServerType serverType = FTPServerType.valueOf(FTPServerType.class, args[0]); System.out.println("Fetching the backup File :" + args[6] + "\n"); System.out.println("Please wait, it may take sometime....." + "\n"); if (tbk.fetchAndExtractBackupFile(serverType, args[1], Integer.parseInt(args[2]), args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]) == null) { System.err.println("Error : Failed to fetch the backup File.\n"); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Successfully fetched the backup File :" + args[6] + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Error : Exception while fetching the backup file.Failed to restore the backup File.\n"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Starting recovery ...\n"); if (!File.separator.equals("\\")) { System.out.println("Stopping the Pari Server process.\n"); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("killall -9 pari_server"); MyReader min = new MyReader(p.getInputStream()); MyReader merr = new MyReader(p.getErrorStream()); try { min.join(20000); } catch (Exception ee) { } try { merr.join(20000); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (!File.separator.equals("\\")) { System.out.println("Stopping the Pari Server process.\n"); // Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("killall -9 pari_server"); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/etc/init.d/dash stop"); MyReader min = new MyReader(p.getInputStream()); MyReader merr = new MyReader(p.getErrorStream()); try { min.join(20000); } catch (Exception ee) { } try { merr.join(20000); } catch (Exception ex) { } } System.out.println("Start recovering the backup file.\n"); if (tbk.doRecovery(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7])) { System.out.println("Done recovering...\n"); validateCSPCInstanace(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to recover the backup File...\n"); } try { Process p = null; String cmd = ""; if (File.separator == "\\") { cmd = "cmd /k start_server.cmd > pari.out 2>&1"; } else { cmd = "/etc/init.d/dash start"; } System.err.println(cmd); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); Boolean flag = false; int count = 0; String[] nccmStatusCheckCmd = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "netstat -an | grep 42605 | grep LISTEN | wc -l" }; do { count++; Thread.sleep(60000); // The command output will be 1 if NCCM server started and Listening on port 42605 otherwise it // will return 0 p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(nccmStatusCheckCmd); int ex = -1; try { ex = p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Normal execution, exception: " + e); } System.out.println("Normal execution, exit value: " + ex); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String thisLine = null; while ((thisLine = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println("Command Execution Result:" + thisLine); if (thisLine.equals("1")) { flag = true; break; } } System.out.println("Count - " + count); BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream())); while ((thisLine = error.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(thisLine); } } while ((!flag) && count < 30); if (flag) { // System.out.println("NCCM Server came to listening state: after " + count + " mins"); // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh $DASH_HOME/webui/tomcat/bin/"); Thread.sleep(60000); System.out.println("NCCM Server came to listening state: after " + count + " mins"); // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh $DASH_HOME/webui/tomcat/bin/"); } else { System.out.println("NCCM Server didn't come to listening state: last " + count + " mins"); System.out.println("Please verify NCCM Server and start tomcat server manually."); } System.exit(1); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } else if ((mode != null) && (mode.length() > 0) && mode.equalsIgnoreCase("ftplist")) { PariFTP pftp = new PariFTP("", "guest", "guest", "/"); String[] list = pftp.getRemoteListing(); System.out.println("List of Files\n"); for (int i = 0; (list != null) && (i < list.length); i++) { System.out.println(list[i] + "\n"); } } else { System.out.println("Mode \t" + mode + "\t not supported\n"); } System.exit(-1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void validateCSPCInstanace() { // Get the NCCM Server IP Address String NCCMIPAdress = null; ServerStatus serverStatus = ServerStatusFactory.getInstance().getStatus(); HashMap ips = serverStatus.getIps(); if (ips != null) { Iterator it = ips.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry ip = (Map.Entry); if (ip.getValue() != null && !ip.getValue().equals("")) { NCCMIPAdress = String.valueOf(ip.getValue()); break; } } } if (NCCMIPAdress != null) { // Get the CSPC instance detail from DB List<CspcInfo> cspcInfoList = CspcDBHelper.getCspcInfoList(); for (CspcInfo cspcInfoObj : cspcInfoList) { // If both the IP Address are different update the Cspc Info with the latest NCCM Server IP Address. if (!NCCMIPAdress.equals(cspcInfoObj.getNccmIp())) { cspcInfoObj.setNccmIp(NCCMIPAdress); try { System.out.println( "NCCM IP Address present in cspc_customer_wing_instance table is different from currect NCCM IP Address"); CspcDBHelper.updateCspcInfo(cspcInfoObj); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Failed to update the NCCM IP Address in cspc_customer_wing_instance table"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } private Key getDefaultKey() { try { BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); byte[] bytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(defaultKey); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); ObjectInputStream objin = new ObjectInputStream(bin); Key key = (Key) objin.readObject(); return key; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private void encrypt(File backupZipFile, File encrBackupZipFile) throws Exception { try { File f = new File("/etc/secondTime"); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } } catch (Exception ee) { } FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(encrBackupZipFile); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESEDE"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getDefaultKey()); CipherOutputStream cout = new CipherOutputStream(fout, cipher); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(backupZipFile); try { int read =; while (read != -1) { if (jobCancelled) { throw new Exception("job Cancelled"); } cout.write(buffer, 0, read); read =; } } finally { try { fin.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { cout.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } public boolean decrypt(File backupZipFile, File encrZipFile) throws Exception { try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(backupZipFile); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(encrZipFile); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESEDE"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getDefaultKey()); CipherInputStream cin = new CipherInputStream(fin, cipher); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; try { int read =; while (read != -1) { fout.write(buffer, 0, read); read =; } } finally { try { fout.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { cin.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { fin.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public boolean doImageBackup(File backupDir, File imageDir, BackupMetaData bkupDetails) { File imgBkpDir = new File(backupDir, IMAGE_DIRECTORY); if (!copyDirectory(imageDir, imgBkpDir)) { logger.error("Failed to copy the image file"); return false; } BackupComponentDetails compDetail = new BackupComponentDetails(); compDetail.setComponentType(BackupComponentType.IMAGES); int numberOfFiles = updateTotalFile(imgBkpDir, compDetail); compDetail.setNumberOfFiles(numberOfFiles); double totalFileSize = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(imgBkpDir); compDetail.setTotalFileSize(totalFileSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); bkupDetails.setComponentDetail(BackupComponentType.IMAGES, compDetail); return true; } private int updateTotalFile(File imageDir, BackupComponentDetails compDetail) { int numberOfFiles = 0; File[] filelist = imageDir.listFiles(); if (filelist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { if (!filelist[i].isDirectory()) { compDetail.addFile(filelist[i].getAbsolutePath(), filelist[i].length()); numberOfFiles = numberOfFiles + 1; } else { numberOfFiles = numberOfFiles + updateTotalFile(filelist[i], compDetail); } } } return numberOfFiles; } public boolean prepareMetaXml(BackupMetaData metaData, File backupDir) { metaData.setCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); metaData.setTimeZone(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone().getDisplayName()); File metaXml = new File(backupDir, META_XML_FILE_NAME); FileWriter fstream = null; BufferedWriter out = null; try { fstream = new FileWriter(metaXml); out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); String xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter().outputString(metaData.generateMetaXML()); out.write(xmlOutput); out.close(); out = null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to prepare the MetaData.xml file."); System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } if (fstream != null) { try { fstream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } return true; } @Override public void receive(String messageType, Object obj) throws PariException { if (messageType.equals(MessageTypes.CANCEL_JOB)) { JobDetailsMsg cancelJob = (JobDetailsMsg) obj; if ((cancelJob.getJobId() == jobId) && (cancelJob.getJobRunId() == jobRunId)) { jobCancelled = true; NotificationMailGenerator.generateJobTriggered(jobId, jobRunId, cancelJob.getLogin(), EnumJobFlowStatus.CANCELLED, false); } } } public static boolean isPostgres() { return ServerProperties.getInstance().isPostgres(); } } class MyReader extends Thread { InputStream in = null; public MyReader(InputStream i) { in = i; start(); } @Override public void run() { try { String s; BufferedReader bread = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); while ((s = bread.readLine()) != null) { System.err.println("" + s + "\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Caught an exception in MyReader\t"); } finally { close(); } } public void close() { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }