Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 by PanicLauncher and Contributors * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ package com.paniclauncher.workers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.paniclauncher.App; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.paniclauncher.gui.ModsChooser; import com.paniclauncher.utils.Utils; public class InstanceInstaller extends SwingWorker<Boolean, Void> { private String instanceName; private Pack pack; private String version; private boolean isReinstall; private boolean isServer; private MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion; private String jarOrder; private boolean savedReis = false; // If Reis Minimap stuff was found and saved private boolean savedZans = false; // If Zans Minimap stuff was found and saved private boolean savedNEICfg = false; // If NEI Config was found and saved private boolean savedOptionsTxt = false; // If Options.txt was found and saved private boolean savedPortalGunSounds = false; // If Portal Gun Sounds was found and saved private boolean extractedTexturePack = false; // If there is an extracted texturepack private boolean extractedResourcePack = false; // If there is an extracted resourcepack private int permgen = 0; private int memory = 0; private String librariesNeeded = null; private String nativesNeeded = null; private String extraArguments = null; private String minecraftArguments = null; private String mainClass = null; private int percent = 0; // Percent done installing private ArrayList<Mod> allMods; private ArrayList<Mod> selectedMods; private int totalResources = 0; // Total number of Resources to download for Minecraft >=1.6 private int doneResources = 0; // Total number of Resources downloaded for Minecraft >=1.6 private int totalDownloads = 0; // Total number of mods to download private int doneDownloads = 0; // Total number of mods downloaded private Instance instance = null; private String[] modsInstalled; private ArrayList<File> serverLibraries; public InstanceInstaller(String instanceName, Pack pack, String version, MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion, boolean isReinstall, boolean isServer) { this.instanceName = instanceName; this.pack = pack; this.version = version; this.minecraftVersion = minecraftVersion; this.isReinstall = isReinstall; this.isServer = isServer; if (isServer) { serverLibraries = new ArrayList<File>(); } } public void setInstance(Instance instance) { this.instance = instance; } public boolean isServer() { return this.isServer; } public String getInstanceName() { return this.instanceName; } public String[] getModsInstalled() { return this.modsInstalled; } public String getInstanceSafeName() { return this.instanceName.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""); } public File getRootDirectory() { if (isServer) { return new File(App.settings.getServersDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "_" + version.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")); } return new File(App.settings.getInstancesDir(), getInstanceSafeName()); } public File getTempDirectory() { return new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "_" + version.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")); } public File getTempJarDirectory() { return new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "_" + version.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "") + "_JarTemp"); } public File getTempTexturePackDirectory() { return new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "_" + version.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "") + "_TexturePackTemp"); } public File getTempResourcePackDirectory() { return new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "_" + version.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "") + "_ResourcePackTemp"); } public File getLibrariesDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "libraries"); } public File getTexturePacksDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "texturepacks"); } public File getShaderPacksDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "shaderpacks"); } public File getResourcePacksDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "resourcepacks"); } public File getConfigDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "config"); } public File getModsDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "mods"); } public File getPluginsDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "plugins"); } public File getCoreModsDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "coremods"); } public File getJarModsDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "jarmods"); } public File getBinDirectory() { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "bin"); } public File getNativesDirectory() { return new File(getBinDirectory(), "natives"); } public File getMinecraftJar() { if (isServer) { return new File(getRootDirectory(), "minecraft_server." + minecraftVersion + ".jar"); } return new File(getBinDirectory(), "minecraft.jar"); } public String getJarOrder() { return this.jarOrder; } public void setTexturePackExtracted() { this.extractedTexturePack = true; } public void setResourcePackExtracted() { this.extractedResourcePack = true; } public void addToJarOrder(String file) { if (jarOrder == null) { jarOrder = file; } else { jarOrder = jarOrder + "," + file; } } public boolean wasModInstalled(String mod) { if (isReinstall && instance != null) { return instance.wasModInstalled(mod); } return false; } public Mod getModByName(String name) { for (Mod mod : allMods) { if (mod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return mod; } } return null; } public ArrayList<Mod> getLinkedMods(Mod mod) { ArrayList<Mod> linkedMods = new ArrayList<Mod>(); for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (modd.getLinked().equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getName())) { linkedMods.add(modd); } } return linkedMods; } public ArrayList<Mod> getGroupedMods(Mod mod) { ArrayList<Mod> groupedMods = new ArrayList<Mod>(); for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (modd.getGroup().equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getGroup())) { if (modd != mod) { groupedMods.add(modd); } } } return groupedMods; } public ArrayList<Mod> getModsDependancies(Mod mod) { ArrayList<Mod> dependsMods = new ArrayList<Mod>(); for (String name : mod.getDependancies()) { inner: { for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (modd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { dependsMods.add(modd); break inner; } } } } return dependsMods; } public ArrayList<Mod> dependedMods(Mod mod) { ArrayList<Mod> dependedMods = new ArrayList<Mod>(); for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (!modd.hasDepends()) { continue; } if (modd.isADependancy(mod)) { dependedMods.add(modd); } } return dependedMods; } public boolean hasADependancy(Mod mod) { for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (!modd.hasDepends()) { continue; } if (modd.isADependancy(mod)) { return true; } } return false; } private void makeDirectories() { if (isReinstall || isServer) { // We're reinstalling or installing a server so delete these folders Utils.delete(getBinDirectory()); Utils.delete(getConfigDirectory()); Utils.delete(getModsDirectory()); Utils.delete(getCoreModsDirectory()); if (isReinstall) { Utils.delete(getJarModsDirectory()); // Only delete if it's not a server Utils.delete(new File(getTexturePacksDirectory(), "")); Utils.delete(new File(getResourcePacksDirectory(), "")); } else { Utils.delete(getLibrariesDirectory()); // Only delete if it's a server } } File[] directories; if (isServer) { directories = new File[] { getRootDirectory(), getModsDirectory(), getLibrariesDirectory() }; } else { directories = new File[] { getRootDirectory(), getModsDirectory(), getJarModsDirectory(), getBinDirectory(), getNativesDirectory() }; } for (File directory : directories) { directory.mkdir(); } getCoreModsDirectory().mkdir(); getTempDirectory().mkdir(); } private ArrayList<PanicLauncherDownloadable> getDownloadableMods() { ArrayList<PanicLauncherDownloadable> mods = new ArrayList<PanicLauncherDownloadable>(); for (Mod mod : this.selectedMods) { if (mod.isServerDownload()) { PanicLauncherDownloadable downloadable; if (mod.hasMD5()) { downloadable = new PanicLauncherDownloadable(mod.getURL(), new File(App.settings.getDownloadsDir(), mod.getFile()), mod.getMD5(), this); } else { downloadable = new PanicLauncherDownloadable(mod.getURL(), new File(App.settings.getDownloadsDir(), mod.getFile()), this); } mods.add(downloadable); } } return mods; } private void downloadMods(ArrayList<Mod> mods) { fireSubProgressUnknown(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8); ArrayList<PanicLauncherDownloadable> downloads = getDownloadableMods(); totalDownloads = downloads.size(); for (PanicLauncherDownloadable download : downloads) { executor.execute(download); } executor.shutdown(); while (!executor.isTerminated()) { } for (Mod mod : mods) { if (!downloads.contains(mod) && !isCancelled()) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("common.downloading") + " " + mod.getFile());; } } } private void installMods(ArrayList<Mod> mods) { for (Mod mod : mods) { if (!isCancelled()) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("common.installing") + " " + mod.getName()); addPercent(mods.size() / 40); mod.install(this); } } } public boolean hasRecommendedMods() { for (Mod mod : allMods) { if (!mod.isRecommeneded()) { return true; // One of the mods is marked as not recommended, so return true } } return false; // No non recommended mods found } public boolean isOnlyRecommendedInGroup(Mod mod) { for (Mod modd : allMods) { if (modd == mod) { continue; } if (modd.getGroup().equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getGroup())) { if (modd.isRecommeneded()) { return false; // Another mod is recommended. Don't check anything } } } return true; // No other recommended mods found in the group } private void downloadMojangStuffNew() { firePropertyChange("doing", null, App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.downloadingresources")); firePropertyChange("subprogressint", null, null); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8); ArrayList<MojangDownloadable> downloads = getNeededResources(); totalResources = downloads.size(); for (MojangDownloadable download : downloads) { executor.execute(download); } executor.shutdown(); while (!executor.isTerminated()) { } if (!isCancelled()) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.organisinglibraries")); fireSubProgress(0); if (!isServer) { String[] libraries = librariesNeeded.split(","); for (String libraryFile : libraries) { Utils.copyFile(new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), libraryFile), getBinDirectory()); } String[] natives = nativesNeeded.split(","); for (String nativeFile : natives) { Utils.unzip(new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), nativeFile), getNativesDirectory()); } Utils.delete(new File(getNativesDirectory(), "META-INF")); } if (isServer) { Utils.copyFile( new File(App.settings.getJarsDir(), "minecraft_server." + this.minecraftVersion + ".jar"), getRootDirectory()); } else { Utils.copyFile(new File(App.settings.getJarsDir(), this.minecraftVersion + ".jar"), new File(getBinDirectory(), "minecraft.jar"), true); } } } private ArrayList<MojangDownloadable> getNeededResources() { ArrayList<MojangDownloadable> downloads = new ArrayList<MojangDownloadable>(); // All the files // Read in the resources needed if (!isServer) { try { boolean isTruncated; String marker = null; String add; do { if (marker == null) { add = ""; } else { add = "?marker=" + marker; } URL resourceUrl = new URL("" + add); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(resourceUrl.openStream()); isTruncated = Boolean .parseBoolean(doc.getElementsByTagName("IsTruncated").item(0).getTextContent()); NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName("Contents"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeLst.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeLst.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == 1) { Element element = (Element) node; String key = element.getElementsByTagName("Key").item(0).getChildNodes().item(0) .getNodeValue(); String etag = element.getElementsByTagName("ETag") != null ? element .getElementsByTagName("ETag").item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue() : "-"; etag = getEtag(etag); marker = key; long size = Long.parseLong(element.getElementsByTagName("Size").item(0).getChildNodes() .item(0).getNodeValue()); if (size > 0L) { File file; String filename; if (key.contains("/")) { filename = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, key.length()); File directory = new File(App.settings.getResourcesDir(), key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf('/'))); file = new File(directory, filename); } else { file = new File(App.settings.getResourcesDir(), key); filename = file.getName(); } if (!Utils.getMD5(file).equalsIgnoreCase(etag)) downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable( "" + key, file, etag, this)); } } } } while (isTruncated); } catch (Exception e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } } // Now lets see if we have custom mainclass and extraarguments try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(pack.getXML(version, false))); Document document = builder.parse(is); document.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("mainclass"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.hasAttribute("depends")) { boolean found = false; for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (element.getAttribute("depends").equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { break; } } NodeList nodeList1 = element.getChildNodes(); this.mainClass = nodeList1.item(0).getNodeValue(); } } } catch (SAXException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (IOException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(pack.getXML(version, false))); Document document = builder.parse(is); document.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("extraarguments"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.hasAttribute("depends")) { boolean found = false; for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (element.getAttribute("depends").equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { break; } } NodeList nodeList1 = element.getChildNodes(); this.extraArguments = nodeList1.item(0).getNodeValue(); } } } catch (SAXException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (IOException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } // Now read in the library jars needed from the pack try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(pack.getXML(version, false))); Document document = builder.parse(is); document.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("library"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; String url = element.getAttribute("url"); String file = element.getAttribute("file"); Download download =; if (element.hasAttribute("download")) { download = Download.valueOf(element.getAttribute("download")); } String md5 = "-"; if (element.hasAttribute("md5")) { md5 = element.getAttribute("md5"); } if (element.hasAttribute("depends")) { boolean found = false; for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (element.getAttribute("depends").equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getName())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } } if (librariesNeeded == null) { this.librariesNeeded = file; } else { this.librariesNeeded += "," + file; } File downloadTo = null; if (isServer) { if (!element.hasAttribute("server")) { continue; } serverLibraries.add(new File( new File(getLibrariesDirectory(), element.getAttribute("server").substring(0, element.getAttribute("server").lastIndexOf('/'))), element.getAttribute("server").substring( element.getAttribute("server").lastIndexOf('/'), element.getAttribute("server").length()))); } downloadTo = new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), file); if (download == Download.server) { downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable(App.settings.getFileURL(url), downloadTo, md5, this)); } else { downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable(url, downloadTo, md5, this)); } } } } catch (SAXException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } catch (IOException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } // Now read in the library jars needed from Mojang if (!isServer) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(Utils.urlToString("" + this.minecraftVersion + "/" + this.minecraftVersion + ".json")); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; if (this.mainClass == null) { this.mainClass = (String) jsonObject.get("mainClass"); } this.minecraftArguments = (String) jsonObject.get("minecraftArguments"); JSONArray msg = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("libraries"); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = msg.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { boolean shouldDownload = false; JSONObject object =; String libraryName = (String) object.get("name"); String[] parts = ((String) object.get("name")).split(":"); String dir = parts[0].replace(".", "/") + "/" + parts[1] + "/" + parts[2]; String filename = null; if (object.containsKey("rules")) { JSONArray ruless = (JSONArray) object.get("rules"); Iterator<JSONObject> itt = ruless.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { JSONObject rules =; if (((String) rules.get("action")).equalsIgnoreCase("allow")) { if (rules.containsKey("os")) { JSONObject rule = (JSONObject) rules.get("os"); if (((String) rule.get("name")).equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.getOSName())) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile((String) rule.get("version")); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(System.getProperty("os.version")); if (matcher.matches()) { shouldDownload = true; } } } else { shouldDownload = true; } } else if (((String) rules.get("action")).equalsIgnoreCase("disallow")) { if (rules.containsKey("os")) { JSONObject rule = (JSONObject) rules.get("os"); if (((String) rule.get("name")).equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.getOSName())) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile((String) rule.get("version")); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(System.getProperty("os.version")); if (matcher.matches()) { shouldDownload = false; } } } } else { shouldDownload = true; } } } else { shouldDownload = true; } if (shouldDownload) { if (object.containsKey("natives")) { JSONObject nativesObject = (JSONObject) object.get("natives"); String nativesName; if (Utils.isWindows()) { nativesName = (String) nativesObject.get("windows"); } else if (Utils.isMac()) { nativesName = (String) nativesObject.get("osx"); } else { nativesName = (String) nativesObject.get("linux"); } filename = parts[1] + "-" + parts[2] + "-" + nativesName + ".jar"; if (nativesNeeded == null) { this.nativesNeeded = filename; } else { this.nativesNeeded += "," + filename; } } else { filename = parts[1] + "-" + parts[2] + ".jar"; if (librariesNeeded == null) { this.librariesNeeded = filename; } else { this.librariesNeeded += "," + filename; } } String url = "" + dir + "/" + filename; File file = new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), filename); downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable(url, file, null, this)); } } } catch (ParseException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } } if (isServer) { downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable( "" + this.minecraftVersion + "/minecraft_server." + this.minecraftVersion + ".jar", new File(App.settings.getJarsDir(), "minecraft_server." + this.minecraftVersion + ".jar"), null, this)); } else { downloads.add(new MojangDownloadable( "" + this.minecraftVersion + "/" + this.minecraftVersion + ".jar", new File(App.settings.getJarsDir(), this.minecraftVersion + ".jar"), null, this)); } return downloads; } public static String getEtag(String etag) { if (etag == null) { etag = "-"; } else if ((etag.startsWith("\"")) && (etag.endsWith("\""))) { etag = etag.substring(1, etag.length() - 1); } return etag; } public void deleteMetaInf() { File inputFile = getMinecraftJar(); File outputTmpFile = new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), pack.getSafeName() + "-minecraft.jar"); try { JarInputStream input = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile)); JarOutputStream output = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputTmpFile)); JarEntry entry; while ((entry = input.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { if (entry.getName().contains("META-INF")) { continue; } output.putNextEntry(entry); byte buffer[] = new byte[1024]; int amo; while ((amo =, 0, 1024)) != -1) { output.write(buffer, 0, amo); } output.closeEntry(); } input.close(); output.close(); inputFile.delete(); outputTmpFile.renameTo(inputFile); } catch (IOException e) { App.settings.getConsole().logStackTrace(e); } } public void configurePack() { Boolean configsDownloaded = false; // If the configs were downloaded fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.extractingconfigs")); File configs = new File(App.settings.getTempDir(), ""); String path = "packs/" + pack.getSafeName() + "/versions/" + version + "/"; String configsURL = App.settings.getFileURL(path); // The zip on the server Downloader configsDownloader = new Downloader(configsURL, configs.getAbsolutePath(), this);; configsDownloaded = configsDownloader.downloaded(); while (!configsDownloaded) { if (App.settings.disableServerGetNext()) { configsURL = App.settings.getFileURL(path); // The zip on the server configsDownloader = new Downloader(configsURL, configs.getAbsolutePath(), this);; configsDownloaded = configsDownloader.downloaded(); } else { App.settings.getConsole().log( "Couldn't Download Configs For " + pack.getName() + ". Switching To Offline Mode!", true); App.settings.setOfflineMode(); cancel(true); } } Utils.unzip(configs, getRootDirectory()); configs.delete(); if (App.settings.getCommonConfigsDir().listFiles().length != 0) { Utils.copyDirectory(App.settings.getCommonConfigsDir(), getRootDirectory()); } } public String getServerJar() { Mod forge = null; // The Forge Mod Mod mcpc = null; // The MCPC Mod for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (mod.getType() == Type.forge) { forge = mod; } else if (mod.getType() == Type.mcpc) { mcpc = mod; } } if (mcpc != null) { return mcpc.getFile(); } else if (forge != null) { return forge.getFile(); } else { return "minecraft_server." + minecraftVersion + ".jar"; } } public boolean hasJarMods() { for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (!mod.installOnServer() && isServer) { continue; } if (mod.getType() == Type.jar) { return true; } else if (mod.getType() == Type.decomp) { if (mod.getDecompType() == DecompType.jar) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean hasForge() { for (Mod mod : selectedMods) { if (!mod.installOnServer() && isServer) { continue; } if (mod.getType() == Type.forge) { return true; } } return false; } public ArrayList<Mod> getMods() { return this.allMods; } public MinecraftVersion getMinecraftVersion() { return this.minecraftVersion; } public int getPermGen() { return this.permgen; } public int getMemory() { return this.memory; } public String getLibrariesNeeded() { return this.librariesNeeded; } public String getExtraArguments() { return this.extraArguments; } public String getMinecraftArguments() { return this.minecraftArguments; } public String getMainClass() { return this.mainClass; } public ArrayList<Mod> sortMods(ArrayList<Mod> original) { ArrayList<Mod> mods = new ArrayList<Mod>(original); for (Mod mod : original) { if (mod.isOptional()) { if (!mod.getLinked().isEmpty()) { for (Mod mod1 : original) { if (mod1.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getLinked())) { mods.remove(mod); int index = mods.indexOf(mod1) + 1; mods.add(index, mod); } } } } } return mods; } protected Boolean doInBackground() throws Exception { this.allMods = sortMods(this.pack.getMods(this.version, isServer)); this.permgen = this.pack.getPermGen(this.version); this.memory = this.pack.getMemory(this.version); if (this.minecraftVersion == null) { this.cancel(true); } selectedMods = new ArrayList<Mod>(); if (allMods.size() != 0) { ModsChooser modsChooser = new ModsChooser(this); modsChooser.setVisible(true); if (modsChooser.wasClosed()) { this.cancel(true); } selectedMods = modsChooser.getSelectedMods(); } if (selectedMods.size() != 0) { modsInstalled = new String[selectedMods.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedMods.size(); i++) { modsInstalled[i] = selectedMods.get(i).getName(); } } else { modsInstalled = new String[0]; } makeDirectories(); addPercent(5); File reis = new File(getModsDirectory(), "rei_minimap"); if (reis.exists() && reis.isDirectory()) { if (Utils.copyDirectory(reis, getTempDirectory(), true)) { savedReis = true; } } File zans = new File(getModsDirectory(), "VoxelMods"); if (zans.exists() && zans.isDirectory()) { if (Utils.copyDirectory(zans, getTempDirectory(), true)) { savedZans = true; } } File neiCfg = new File(getConfigDirectory(), "NEI.cfg"); if (neiCfg.exists() && neiCfg.isFile()) { if (Utils.copyFile(neiCfg, getTempDirectory())) { savedNEICfg = true; } } File optionsTXT = new File(getRootDirectory(), "options.txt"); if (optionsTXT.exists() && optionsTXT.isFile()) { if (Utils.copyFile(optionsTXT, getTempDirectory())) { savedOptionsTxt = true; } } File portalGunSounds = new File(getModsDirectory(), "PortalGunSounds.pak"); if (portalGunSounds.exists() && portalGunSounds.isFile()) { savedPortalGunSounds = true; Utils.copyFile(portalGunSounds, getTempDirectory()); } downloadMojangStuffNew(); if (isServer) { for (File file : serverLibraries) { file.mkdirs(); Utils.copyFile(new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), file.getName()), file, true); } } addPercent(5); if (isServer && hasJarMods()) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("server.extractingjar")); fireSubProgressUnknown(); Utils.unzip(getMinecraftJar(), getTempJarDirectory()); } if ((!isServer && hasJarMods() && !hasForge())) { deleteMetaInf(); } addPercent(5); if (selectedMods.size() != 0) { addPercent(40); fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.downloadingmods")); downloadMods(selectedMods); addPercent(40); installMods(selectedMods); } else { addPercent(80); } if (isServer && hasJarMods()) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("server.zippingjar")); fireSubProgressUnknown();, getMinecraftJar()); } if (extractedTexturePack) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.zippingtexturepackfiles")); fireSubProgressUnknown(); if (!getTexturePacksDirectory().exists()) { getTexturePacksDirectory().mkdir(); }, new File(getTexturePacksDirectory(), "")); } if (extractedResourcePack) { fireTask(App.settings.getLocalizedString("instance.zippingresourcepackfiles")); fireSubProgressUnknown(); if (!getResourcePacksDirectory().exists()) { getResourcePacksDirectory().mkdir(); }, new File(getResourcePacksDirectory(), "")); } configurePack(); if (savedReis) { Utils.copyDirectory(new File(getTempDirectory(), "rei_minimap"), reis); } if (savedZans) { Utils.copyDirectory(new File(getTempDirectory(), "VoxelMods"), zans); } if (savedNEICfg) { Utils.copyFile(new File(getTempDirectory(), "NEI.cfg"), neiCfg, true); } if (savedOptionsTxt) { Utils.copyFile(new File(getTempDirectory(), "options.txt"), optionsTXT, true); } if (savedPortalGunSounds) { Utils.copyFile(new File(getTempDirectory(), "PortalGunSounds.pak"), portalGunSounds, true); } if (isServer) { Utils.replaceText(new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), "LaunchServer.bat"), new File(getRootDirectory(), "LaunchServer.bat"), "%%SERVERJAR%%", getServerJar()); Utils.replaceText(new File(App.settings.getLibrariesDir(), ""), new File(getRootDirectory(), ""), "%%SERVERJAR%%", getServerJar()); } return true; } private void fireTask(String name) { firePropertyChange("doing", null, name); } private void fireProgress(int percent) { firePropertyChange("progress", null, percent); } private void fireSubProgress(int percent) { firePropertyChange("subprogress", null, percent); } private void fireSubProgressUnknown() { firePropertyChange("subprogressint", null, null); } private void addPercent(int percent) { this.percent = this.percent + percent; if (this.percent > 100) { this.percent = 100; } fireProgress(this.percent); } public void setSubPercent(int percent) { fireSubProgress(percent); } public void setDoingResources(String doing) { fireTask(doing); doneResources++; int progress = (100 * doneResources) / totalResources; fireSubProgress(progress); } public void setDownloadDone() { doneDownloads++; int progress = (100 * doneDownloads) / totalDownloads; fireSubProgress(progress); } }