Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Pentaho Corporation. All rights reserved. * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to The Original Code is Pentaho * Data Integration. The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation. * * Software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.*/ package com.panet.imeta.trans.steps.pgbulkloader; // // The "designer" notes of the PostgreSQL bulkloader: // ---------------------------------------------- // // Let's see how fast we can push data down the tube with the use of COPY FROM STDIN // // import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import com.panet.imeta.core.Const; import com.panet.imeta.core.database.DatabaseMeta; import com.panet.imeta.core.exception.KettleException; import com.panet.imeta.core.row.RowMetaInterface; import com.panet.imeta.core.row.ValueMetaInterface; import com.panet.imeta.core.util.StreamLogger; import com.panet.imeta.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import com.panet.imeta.trans.Trans; import com.panet.imeta.trans.TransMeta; import com.panet.imeta.trans.step.BaseStep; import com.panet.imeta.trans.step.StepDataInterface; import com.panet.imeta.trans.step.StepInterface; import com.panet.imeta.trans.step.StepMeta; import com.panet.imeta.trans.step.StepMetaInterface; /** * Performs a bulk load to a postgres table. * * Based on (copied from) Sven Boden's Oracle Bulk Loader step * * @author matt * @since 28-mar-2008 */ public class PGBulkLoader extends BaseStep implements StepInterface { private PGBulkLoaderMeta meta; private PGBulkLoaderData data; public PGBulkLoader(StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int copyNr, TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans) { super(stepMeta, stepDataInterface, copyNr, transMeta, trans); } /** * Get the contents of the control file as specified in the meta object * * @param meta the meta object to model the control file after * * @return a string containing the control file contents */ public String getCopyCommand(RowMetaInterface rm, Object[] r) throws KettleException { DatabaseMeta dm = meta.getDatabaseMeta(); String loadAction = meta.getLoadAction(); StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer(500); String tableName = dm.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(environmentSubstitute(meta.getSchemaName()), environmentSubstitute(meta.getTableName())); // Set the date style... // // contents.append("SET DATESTYLE ISO;"); // This is the default but we set it anyway... // contents.append(Const.CR); // Create a Postgres / Greenplum COPY string for use with a psql client if (loadAction.equalsIgnoreCase("truncate")) { contents.append("TRUNCATE TABLE "); contents.append(tableName + ";"); contents.append(Const.CR); } contents.append("COPY "); // Table name contents.append(tableName); // Names of columns contents.append(" ( "); String streamFields[] = meta.getFieldStream(); String tableFields[] = meta.getFieldTable(); if (streamFields == null || streamFields.length == 0) { throw new KettleException("No fields defined to load to database"); } for (int i = 0; i < streamFields.length; i++) { if (i != 0) contents.append(", "); contents.append(dm.quoteField(tableFields[i])); } contents.append(" ) "); // The "FROM" filename contents.append(" FROM STDIN"); // FIFO file // The "FORMAT" clause contents.append(" WITH CSV DELIMITER AS '").append(meta.getDelimiter()).append("' QUOTE AS '") .append(meta.getEnclosure()).append("'"); contents.append(";").append(Const.CR); return contents.toString(); } /** * Create the command line for a psql process depending on the meta * information supplied. * * @param meta The meta data to create the command line from * @param password Use the real password or not * * @return The string to execute. * * @throws KettleException Upon any exception */ public String createCommandLine(PGBulkLoaderMeta meta, boolean password) throws KettleException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(300); if (meta.getPsqlpath() != null) { try { FileObject fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(environmentSubstitute(meta.getPsqlpath())); String psqlexec = KettleVFS.getFilename(fileObject); sb.append(psqlexec); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new KettleException("Error retrieving sqlldr string", ex); } } else { throw new KettleException("No psql application specified"); } DatabaseMeta dm = meta.getDatabaseMeta(); if (dm != null) { // Note: Passwords are not supported directly, try configuring your connection for trusted access using pg_hba.conf // // The username // // String user = Const.NVL(dm.getUsername(), ""); // sb.append(" -U ").append(environmentSubstitute(user)); // Hostname and portname // String hostname = Const.NVL(dm.getHostname(), ""); String portnum = Const.NVL(dm.getDatabasePortNumberString(), ""); sb.append(" -h "); sb.append(hostname); sb.append(" -p "); sb.append(portnum); // Database Name // String dns = Const.NVL(dm.getDatabaseName(), ""); sb.append(" -d "); String overrideName = meta.getDbNameOverride(); if (Const.isEmpty(Const.rtrim(overrideName))) { sb.append(environmentSubstitute(dns)); } else { // if the database name override is filled in, do that one. sb.append(environmentSubstitute(overrideName)); } } else { throw new KettleException("No connection specified"); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean execute(PGBulkLoaderMeta meta, boolean wait) throws KettleException { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { String cmd = createCommandLine(meta, true); logBasic("Executing command: " + cmd); data.psqlProcess = rt.exec(cmd); // any error message? // data.errorLogger = new StreamLogger(data.psqlProcess.getErrorStream(), "ERROR"); // any output? data.outputLogger = new StreamLogger(data.psqlProcess.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT"); // Where do we send the data to? --> To STDIN of the psql process // data.pgOutputStream = data.psqlProcess.getOutputStream(); // kick them off new Thread(data.errorLogger).start(); new Thread(data.outputLogger).start(); // OK, from here on, we need to feed in the COPY command followed by the data into the pgOutputStream // } catch (Exception ex) { throw new KettleException("Error while executing psql : " + createCommandLine(meta, false), ex); } return true; } public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (PGBulkLoaderMeta) smi; data = (PGBulkLoaderData) sdi; try { Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) // no more input to be expected... { setOutputDone(); // Close the output stream... // data.pgOutputStream.flush(); data.pgOutputStream.close(); // wait for the pgsql process to finish and check for any error... // int exitVal = data.psqlProcess.waitFor(); logBasic(Messages.getString("GPBulkLoader.Log.ExitValuePsqlPath", "" + exitVal)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if (first) { first = false; // Cache field indexes. // data.keynrs = new int[meta.getFieldStream().length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.keynrs.length; i++) { data.keynrs[i] = getInputRowMeta().indexOfValue(meta.getFieldStream()[i]); } // execute the psql statement... // execute(meta, true); String copyCmd = getCopyCommand(getInputRowMeta(), r); logBasic("Launching command: " + copyCmd); data.pgOutputStream.write(copyCmd.getBytes()); // Write rows of data hereafter... // } writeRowToPostgres(getInputRowMeta(), r); putRow(getInputRowMeta(), r); incrementLinesOutput(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { logError(Messages.getString("GPBulkLoader.Log.ErrorInStep"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } } private void writeRowToPostgres(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] r) throws KettleException { try { // So, we have this output stream to which we can write CSV data to. // Basically, what we need to do is write the binary data (from strings to it as part of this proof of concept) // // Let's assume the data is in the correct format here too. // for (int i = 0; i < data.keynrs.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { // Write a separator // data.pgOutputStream.write(data.separator); } int index = data.keynrs[i]; ValueMetaInterface valueMeta = rowMeta.getValueMeta(index); Object valueData = r[index]; if (valueData != null) { switch (valueMeta.getType()) { case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING: data.pgOutputStream.write(data.quote); if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { // lazy conversion. For this test, just dump the data to the output stream. // data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { data.pgOutputStream.write(valueMeta.getString(valueData).getBytes()); } data.pgOutputStream.write(data.quote); break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER: if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { data.pgOutputStream.write(Long.toString(valueMeta.getInteger(valueData)).getBytes()); } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE: // Format the date in the right format. // switch (data.dateFormatChoices[i]) { // Pass the data along in the format chosen by the user OR in binary format... // case PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_PASS_THROUGH: { if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { String dateString = valueMeta.getString(valueData); if (dateString != null) { data.pgOutputStream.write(dateString.getBytes()); } } } break; // Convert to a "YYYY/MM/DD" format // case PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_DATE: { String dateString = data.dateMeta.getString(valueMeta.getDate(valueData)); if (dateString != null) { data.pgOutputStream.write(dateString.getBytes()); } } break; // Convert to a "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS" (ISO) format // case PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_DATETIME: { String dateTimeString = data.dateTimeMeta.getString(valueMeta.getDate(valueData)); if (dateTimeString != null) { data.pgOutputStream.write(dateTimeString.getBytes()); } } break; } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { data.pgOutputStream.write(Double.toString(valueMeta.getNumber(valueData)).getBytes()); } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER: if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { data.pgOutputStream.write(Double.toString(valueMeta.getNumber(valueData)).getBytes()); } break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER: if (valueMeta.isStorageBinaryString()) { data.pgOutputStream.write((byte[]) valueData); } else { BigDecimal big = valueMeta.getBigNumber(valueData); if (big != null) { data.pgOutputStream.write(big.toString().getBytes()); } } break; } } } // Now write a newline // data.pgOutputStream.write(data.newline); } catch (Exception e) { throw new KettleException("Error serializing rows of data to the psql command", e); } } public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (PGBulkLoaderMeta) smi; data = (PGBulkLoaderData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { if (meta.getEnclosure() != null) data.quote = meta.getEnclosure().getBytes(); else data.quote = new byte[] {}; if (meta.getDelimiter() != null) data.separator = meta.getDelimiter().getBytes(); else data.separator = new byte[] {}; data.newline = Const.CR.getBytes(); data.dateFormatChoices = new int[meta.getFieldStream().length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.dateFormatChoices.length; i++) { if (Const.isEmpty(meta.getDateMask()[i])) { data.dateFormatChoices[i] = PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_PASS_THROUGH; } else if (meta.getDateMask()[i].equalsIgnoreCase(PGBulkLoaderMeta.DATE_MASK_DATE)) { data.dateFormatChoices[i] = PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_DATE; } else if (meta.getDateMask()[i].equalsIgnoreCase(PGBulkLoaderMeta.DATE_MASK_DATETIME)) { data.dateFormatChoices[i] = PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_DATETIME; } else { // The default : just pass it along... data.dateFormatChoices[i] = PGBulkLoaderMeta.NR_DATE_MASK_PASS_THROUGH; } } return true; } return false; } // // Run is were the action happens! public void run() { try { logBasic(Messages.getString("System.Log.StartingToRun")); //$NON-NLS-1$ while (processRow(meta, data) && !isStopped()) ; } catch (Throwable t) { logError(Messages.getString("System.Log.UnexpectedError") + " : "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ logError(Const.getStackTracker(t)); setErrors(1); stopAll(); } finally { dispose(meta, data); logSummary(); markStop(); } } }