Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2007 Pentaho Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
 * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms 
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may not use 
 * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, 
 * please go to The Original Code is Pentaho 
 * Data Integration.  The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation.
 * Software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" 
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or  implied. Please refer to 
 * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
package com.panet.imeta.core.plugins;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.apache.commons.vfs.AllFileSelector;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemManager;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileType;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.jar.JarFileObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import com.panet.imeta.core.Const;
import com.panet.imeta.core.PDIClassLoader;
import com.panet.imeta.core.annotations.Job;
import com.panet.imeta.core.annotations.Step;
import com.panet.imeta.core.config.ConfigManager;
import com.panet.imeta.core.config.KettleConfig;
import com.panet.imeta.core.exception.KettleConfigException;
import com.panet.imeta.core.logging.LogWriter;
import com.panet.imeta.core.util.ResolverUtil;
import com.panet.imeta.core.vfs.KettleVFS;
import com.panet.imeta.core.xml.XMLHandler;
import com.panet.imeta.job.JobPlugin;
import com.panet.imeta.job.entry.JobEntryInterface;
import com.panet.imeta.trans.StepPlugin;

 * This class handles all plugin loading steps for Kettle/PDI. It uses the
 * ConfigManager class to load <code>PluginConfig</code> objects, which
 * contain all the location from where the plugin should be loaded.
 * Plugins are configured by modifying the kettle-plugins.xml file.
 * @see com.panet.imeta.core.plugins.PluginLocation
 * @see com.panet.imeta.job.JobEntryLoader
 * @author Alex Silva
public class PluginLoader {
    private static final String WORK_DIR = "work"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    public static final String DEFAULT_LIB = "lib/*.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final String JAR = "jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    // private static final Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("^*..(jar|zip)$");//$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance();

    private final Set<PluginLocation> locs;

    private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Set<? extends Plugin>> plugins;

    private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ResolverUtil.Test> tests = new HashMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, ResolverUtil.Test>();

    private static PluginLoader loader = new PluginLoader();

    private PluginLoader() {
        tests.put(Job.class, new ResolverUtil.AnnotatedWith(Job.class));
        tests.put(Step.class, new ResolverUtil.AnnotatedWith(Step.class));

        locs = new HashSet<PluginLocation>();

        plugins = new HashMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Set<? extends Plugin>>();// HashSet<Plugin>();
        // initialize map
        plugins.put(Job.class, new HashSet<JobPlugin>());
        plugins.put(Step.class, new HashSet<StepPlugin>());

    public static PluginLoader getInstance() {
        return loader;

     * Loads all plugins identified by the string passed. This method can be
     * called multiple times with different managers.
     * @param mgr
     *            The manager id, as defined in kettle-config.xml.
     * @throws KettleConfigException
    public void load(String mgr) throws KettleConfigException {
        ConfigManager<?> c = KettleConfig.getInstance().getManager(mgr);
        locs.addAll((Collection<PluginLocation>) c.loadAs(PluginLocation.class));

     * This method does the actual plugin configuration and should be called
     * after load()
     * @return a collection containing the <code>JobPlugin</code> objects
     *         loaded.
     * @throws KettleConfigException
    private void doConfig() throws KettleConfigException {
        synchronized (locs) {
            String sjar = "." + JAR;

            for (PluginLocation plugin : locs) {
                // check to see if the resource type is present
                File base = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
                try {
                    FileSystemManager mgr = VFS.getManager();
                    FileObject fobj = mgr.resolveFile(base, plugin.getLocation());
                    if (fobj.isReadable()) {
                        String name = fobj.getName().getURI();
                        int jindex = name.indexOf(sjar);
                        int nlen = name.length();
                        boolean isJar = jindex == nlen - 4 || jindex == nlen - 6;

                        try {

                            if (isJar)
                                build(fobj, true);
                            else {
                                // loop thru folder
                                for (FileObject childFolder : fobj.getChildren()) {
                                    boolean isAlsoJar = childFolder.getName().getURI().endsWith(sjar);

                                    // ignore anything that is not a folder or a
                                    // jar
                                    if (!isAlsoJar && childFolder.getType() != FileType.FOLDER) {

                                    // ignore any subversion or CVS directories
                                    if (childFolder.getName().getBaseName().equalsIgnoreCase(".svn")) {
                                    } else if (childFolder.getName().getBaseName().equalsIgnoreCase(".cvs")) {
                                    try {
                                        build(childFolder, isAlsoJar);
                                    } catch (KettleConfigException e) {
                                        log.logError(Plugin.PLUGIN_LOADER, e.getMessage());


                        } catch (FileSystemException e) {
                            log.logError(Plugin.PLUGIN_LOADER, e.getMessage());
                        } catch (KettleConfigException e) {
                            log.logError(Plugin.PLUGIN_LOADER, e.getMessage());

                    } else {
                        log.logDebug(Plugin.PLUGIN_LOADER, fobj + " does not exist, ignoring this.");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new KettleConfigException(e);


    public <E extends Plugin> Collection<E> getDefinedPlugins(Class<E> pluginType) throws KettleConfigException {
        Class type = pluginType == JobPlugin.class ? Job.class : Step.class;

        for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends Annotation>, Set<? extends Plugin>> entry : this.plugins.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getKey() == type) {
                return (Collection<E>) entry.getValue();

        throw new KettleConfigException("Invalid plugin type: " + type);

    private void build(FileObject parent, boolean isJar) throws KettleConfigException {
        try {
            FileObject xml = null;

            if (isJar) {
                FileObject exploded = explodeJar(parent);

                // try reading annotations first ...
                ResolverUtil<Plugin> resPlugins = new ResolverUtil<Plugin>();

                // grab all jar files not part of the "lib"
                File fparent = new File(exploded.getURL().getFile());
                File[] files = fparent.listFiles(new JarNameFilter());

                URL[] classpath = new URL[files.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
                    classpath[i] = files[i].toURI().toURL();

                ClassLoader cl = new PDIClassLoader(classpath, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

                for (FileObject couldBeJar : exploded.getChildren()) {
                    if (couldBeJar.getName().getExtension().equals(JAR))
                        resPlugins.loadImplementationsInJar(Const.EMPTY_STRING, couldBeJar.getURL(),
                                tests.values().toArray(new ResolverUtil.Test[2]));

                for (Class<? extends Plugin> match : resPlugins.getClasses()) {
                    for (Class<? extends Annotation> cannot : tests.keySet()) {
                        Annotation annot = match.getAnnotation(cannot);
                        if (annot != null)
                            fromAnnotation(annot, exploded, match);


                // and we also read from the xml if present
                xml = exploded.getChild(Plugin.PLUGIN_XML_FILE);

                if (xml == null || !xml.exists())

                parent = exploded;

            } else
                xml = parent.getChild(Plugin.PLUGIN_XML_FILE);

            // then read the xml if it is there
            if (xml != null && xml.isReadable())
                fromXML(xml, parent);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KettleConfigException(e);

        // throw new KettleConfigException("Unable to read plugin.xml from " +
        // parent);

    private void fromXML(FileObject xml, FileObject parent)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = db.parse(KettleVFS.getInputStream(xml));
        Node plugin = XMLHandler.getSubNode(doc, Plugin.PLUGIN);
        String id = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.ID);
        String description = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.DESCRIPTION);
        String iconfile = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.ICONFILE);
        String tooltip = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.TOOLTIP);
        String classname = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.CLASSNAME);
        String category = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.CATEGORY);
        String errorHelpfile = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(plugin, Plugin.ERRORHELPFILE);

        // Localized categories
        Node locCatsNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(plugin, Plugin.LOCALIZED_CATEGORY);
        int nrLocCats = XMLHandler.countNodes(locCatsNode, Plugin.CATEGORY);
        Map<String, String> localizedCategories = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        for (int j = 0; j < nrLocCats; j++) {
            Node locCatNode = XMLHandler.getSubNodeByNr(locCatsNode, Plugin.CATEGORY, j);
            String locale = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(locCatNode, Plugin.LOCALE);
            String locCat = XMLHandler.getNodeValue(locCatNode);

            if (!Const.isEmpty(locale) && !Const.isEmpty(locCat)) {
                localizedCategories.put(locale.toLowerCase(), locCat);

        // Localized descriptions
        Node locDescsNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(plugin, Plugin.LOCALIZED_DESCRIPTION);
        int nrLocDescs = XMLHandler.countNodes(locDescsNode, Plugin.DESCRIPTION);
        Map<String, String> localizedDescriptions = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        for (int j = 0; j < nrLocDescs; j++) {
            Node locDescNode = XMLHandler.getSubNodeByNr(locDescsNode, Plugin.DESCRIPTION, j);
            String locale = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(locDescNode, Plugin.LOCALE);
            String locDesc = XMLHandler.getNodeValue(locDescNode);

            if (!Const.isEmpty(locale) && !Const.isEmpty(locDesc)) {
                localizedDescriptions.put(locale.toLowerCase(), locDesc);

        // Localized tooltips
        Node locTipsNode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(plugin, Plugin.LOCALIZED_TOOLTIP);
        int nrLocTips = XMLHandler.countNodes(locTipsNode, Plugin.TOOLTIP);
        Map<String, String> localizedTooltips = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        for (int j = 0; j < nrLocTips; j++) {
            Node locTipNode = XMLHandler.getSubNodeByNr(locTipsNode, Plugin.TOOLTIP, j);
            String locale = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(locTipNode, Plugin.LOCALE);
            String locTip = XMLHandler.getNodeValue(locTipNode);

            if (!Const.isEmpty(locale) && !Const.isEmpty(locTip)) {
                localizedTooltips.put(locale.toLowerCase(), locTip);

        Node libsnode = XMLHandler.getSubNode(plugin, Plugin.LIBRARIES);
        int nrlibs = XMLHandler.countNodes(libsnode, Plugin.LIBRARY);
        String jarfiles[] = new String[nrlibs];
        for (int j = 0; j < nrlibs; j++) {
            Node libnode = XMLHandler.getSubNodeByNr(libsnode, Plugin.LIBRARY, j);
            String jarfile = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(libnode, Plugin.NAME);
            jarfiles[j] = parent.resolveFile(jarfile).getURL().getFile();
            // System.out.println("jar files=" + jarfiles[j]);

        // convert to URL
        List<URL> classpath = new ArrayList<URL>();
        ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(new FileSystemResourceLoader());
        for (int i = 0; i < jarfiles.length; i++) {
            try {
                Resource[] paths = resolver.getResources(jarfiles[i]);
                for (Resource path : paths) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        URL urls[] = classpath.toArray(new URL[classpath.size()]);

        URLClassLoader cl = new PDIClassLoader(urls, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

        String iconFilename = parent.resolveFile(iconfile).getURL().getFile();

        Class<?> pluginClass = cl.loadClass(classname);

        // here we'll have to use some reflection in order to decide
        // which object we should instantiate!
        if (JobEntryInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginClass)) {
            Set<JobPlugin> jps = (Set<JobPlugin>) this.plugins.get(Job.class);

            JobPlugin plg = new JobPlugin(Plugin.TYPE_PLUGIN, id, description, tooltip, parent.getName().getURI(),
                    jarfiles, iconFilename, classname, category);

            // Add localized information too...

        } else {
            String errorHelpFileFull = errorHelpfile;
            String path = parent.getName().getURI();
            if (!Const.isEmpty(errorHelpfile))
                errorHelpFileFull = (path == null) ? errorHelpfile : path + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + errorHelpfile;

            StepPlugin sp = new StepPlugin(Plugin.TYPE_PLUGIN, new String[] { id }, description, tooltip, path,
                    jarfiles, iconFilename, classname, category, errorHelpFileFull);

            // Add localized information too...

            Set<StepPlugin> sps = (Set<StepPlugin>) this.plugins.get(Step.class);


    private void fromAnnotation(Annotation annot, FileObject directory, Class<?> match) throws IOException {
        Class type = annot.annotationType();

        if (type == Job.class) {
            Job jobAnnot = (Job) annot;
            String[] libs = getLibs(directory);
            Set<JobPlugin> jps = (Set<JobPlugin>) this.plugins.get(Job.class);
            JobPlugin pg = new JobPlugin(Plugin.TYPE_PLUGIN,, jobAnnot.type().getDescription(),
                    jobAnnot.tooltip(), directory.getURL().getFile(), libs, jobAnnot.image(), match.getName(),



        } else if (type == Step.class) {
            Step jobAnnot = (Step) annot;
            String[] libs = getLibs(directory);
            Set<StepPlugin> jps = (Set<StepPlugin>) this.plugins.get(Step.class);
            StepPlugin pg = new StepPlugin(Plugin.TYPE_PLUGIN,, jobAnnot.description(),
                    jobAnnot.tooltip(), directory.getURL().getFile(), libs, jobAnnot.image(), match.getName(),
                    jobAnnot.categoryDescription(), Const.EMPTY_STRING);



    private String[] getLibs(FileObject pluginLocation) throws IOException {
        File[] jars = new File(pluginLocation.getURL().getFile()).listFiles(new JarNameFilter());

        String[] libs = new String[jars.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < jars.length; i++)
            libs[i] = jars[i].getPath();

        int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(libs, DEFAULT_LIB);

        String[] retVal = null;

        if (idx < 0) // does not contain
            String[] completeLib = new String[libs.length + 1];
            System.arraycopy(libs, 0, completeLib, 0, libs.length);
            completeLib[libs.length] = pluginLocation.resolveFile(DEFAULT_LIB).getURL().getFile();
            retVal = completeLib;
        } else
            retVal = libs;

        return retVal;

     * "Deploys" the plugin jar file.
     * @param parent
     * @return
     * @throws FileSystemException
    private FileObject explodeJar(FileObject parent) throws FileSystemException {
        // By Alex, 7/13/07
        // Since the JVM does not support nested jars and
        // URLClassLoaders, we have to hack it
        // see
        // We do so by exploding the jar, sort of like deploying it
        FileObject dest = VFS.getManager().resolveFile(Const.getKettleDirectory() + File.separator + WORK_DIR);

        FileObject destFile = dest.resolveFile(parent.getName().getBaseName());

        if (!destFile.exists())
            // delete children
            for (FileObject child : destFile.getChildren())
                child.delete(new AllFileSelector());

        // force VFS to treat it as a jar file explicitly with children,
        // etc. and copy
        destFile.copyFrom(!(parent instanceof JarFileObject)
                ? VFS.getManager().resolveFile(JAR + ":" + parent.getName().getURI())
                : parent, new AllFileSelector());

        return destFile;

    private static class JarNameFilter implements FilenameFilter {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            //return patt.matcher(name).matches();
            return name.endsWith(JAR) || name.endsWith(".zip");
