Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.palantir.gerrit.gerritci.ui.client; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; public class JobPanels { public static HTMLPanel createJobPanel(String jobType) { if (jobType.equals("cron")) { return getCronPanel(); } if (jobType.equals("publish")) return getPublishPanel(); if (jobType.equals("verify")) return getVerifyPanel(); return null; } //Returns a Cron Job Panel with default values. private static HTMLPanel getCronPanel() { HTMLPanel cronPanel = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.cronPanel.toString()); TextBox cronCommand = new TextBox(); cronCommand.setName("cronCommand"); cronCommand.setText("./scripts/"); TextBox cronSchedule = new TextBox(); cronSchedule.setName("cronJob"); TextBox jobType = new TextBox(); jobType.setText("cron"); jobType.setName("jobType"); jobType.setVisible(false); cronPanel.add(jobType); cronPanel.addAndReplaceElement(cronCommand, "cronCommand"); cronPanel.addAndReplaceElement(cronSchedule, "cronJob"); addCommonFields(cronPanel); return cronPanel; } private static HTMLPanel getPublishPanel() { HTMLPanel publishPanel = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.publishJobPanel.toString()); TextBox publishCommand = new TextBox(); publishCommand.setName("publishCommand"); publishCommand.setText("./scripts/"); TextBox publishBranchRegex = new TextBox(); publishBranchRegex.setName("publishBranchRegex"); publishBranchRegex.setText("refs/heads/(develop|master)"); TextBox jobType = new TextBox(); jobType.setText("publish"); jobType.setName("jobType"); jobType.setVisible(false); publishPanel.add(jobType); publishPanel.addAndReplaceElement(publishCommand, "publishCommand"); publishPanel.addAndReplaceElement(publishBranchRegex, "publishBranchRegex"); addCommonFields(publishPanel); return publishPanel; } private static HTMLPanel getVerifyPanel() { HTMLPanel verifyPanel = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.verifyJobPanel.toString()); TextBox verifyCommand = new TextBox(); verifyCommand.setName("verifyCommand"); verifyCommand.setText("./scripts/"); TextBox verifyBranchRegex = new TextBox(); verifyBranchRegex.setName("verifyBranchRegex"); verifyBranchRegex.setText(".*"); TextBox jobType = new TextBox(); jobType.setText("verify"); jobType.setName("jobType"); jobType.setVisible(false); verifyPanel.add(jobType); verifyPanel.addAndReplaceElement(verifyCommand, "verifyCommand"); verifyPanel.addAndReplaceElement(verifyBranchRegex, "verifyBranchRegex"); addCommonFields(verifyPanel); return verifyPanel; } //Adds general setting to an HTMLPanel public static void addCommonFields(HTMLPanel p) { CheckBox junitEnabled = new CheckBox(); junitEnabled.setName("junitEnabled"); junitEnabled.setValue(true); TextBox junitPath = new TextBox(); junitPath.setText("build/test-results/*.xml"); junitPath.setName("junitPath"); TextBox timeoutMinutes = new TextBox(); timeoutMinutes.setText("30"); timeoutMinutes.setName("timeoutMinutes"); p.addAndReplaceElement(junitEnabled, "junitEnabled"); p.addAndReplaceElement(junitPath, "junitPath"); p.addAndReplaceElement(timeoutMinutes, "timeoutMinutes"); } //Returns TextBox and CheckBox values public static Map<String, String> getValueMap(HTMLPanel p) { HashMap<String, String> vals = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Widget w : p) { if (w instanceof TextBox) { vals.put(((TextBox) w).getName(), makeXMLFriendly(((TextBox) w).getValue())); } if (w instanceof CheckBox) { vals.put(((CheckBox) w).getName(), ((CheckBox) w).getValue().toString()); } } return vals; } public static HTMLPanel showJob(JenkinsJob j) { String name = j.getName(); HTMLPanel p = new HTMLPanel(""); if (j.getType().equals("cron")) p = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.cronPanel.toString()); else if (j.getType().equals("publish")) p = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.publishJobPanel.toString()); else if (j.getType().equals("verify")) p = new HTMLPanel(GerritCiPlugin.verifyJobPanel.toString()); else return null; TextBox jobName = new TextBox(); jobName.setName("jobName"); jobName.setText(name); jobName.setVisible(false); Label jobNameLabel = new Label("Job Id: " + name); p.addAndReplaceElement(jobNameLabel, "jobIdLabel"); p.add(jobName); TextBox jobType = new TextBox(); jobType.setName("jobType"); jobType.setText(j.getType()); jobType.setVisible(false); p.add(jobType); int numOfParams = j.getItems().length(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfParams; i++) { JobParam jp = j.getItems().get(i); String field = jp.getField(); String value = jp.getVal(); if (field.endsWith("Enabled")) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.setName(field); cb.setValue(Boolean.valueOf(value)); if (p.getElementById(field) != null) p.addAndReplaceElement(cb, field); else { cb.setVisible(false); p.add(cb); } } else { TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.setName(field); tb.setText(makeXMLReadeable(value)); if (p.getElementById(field) != null) p.addAndReplaceElement(tb, field); else { tb.setVisible(false); p.add(tb); } } } p.setVisible(true); return p; } public static String makeXMLFriendly(String s) { return s.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"); } public static String makeXMLReadeable(String s) { if (s == null) return null; return s.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"); } }