Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies * * Licensed under the BSD-3 License (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.palantir.atlasdb.ptobject; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import com.palantir.atlasdb.encoding.PtBytes; import com.palantir.atlasdb.protos.generated.TableMetadataPersistence.ValueByteOrder; import com.palantir.atlasdb.table.description.ValueType; import com.palantir.common.annotation.Output; public class EncodingUtils { private EncodingUtils() { // empty } public static byte[] encodeVarLongAndFixedLong(long realmId, long v2) { byte[] b1 = encodeVarLong(realmId); byte[] b2 = PtBytes.toBytes(v2); return Bytes.concat(b1, b2); } public static long decodeFixedLongAfterVarLong(long realmId, byte[] k) { int size = sizeOfVarLong(realmId); Preconditions.checkArgument(k.length == size + PtBytes.SIZEOF_LONG); return PtBytes.toLong(k, size); } /** * Size of the encoded value will be the same as the protobuf encoding. * However, we have to use our own encoding and not the proto one because we need the bytes * to be lexicographically ordered so we can do range scans correctly. */ public static byte[] encodeVarLong(long value) { int size = sizeOfVarLong(value); byte[] ret = new byte[size]; encodeVarLongForSize(value, ret, size); return ret; } public static byte[] encodeUnsignedVarLong(long value) { return encodeVarLong(checkUnsigned(value)); } public static byte[] encodeSignedVarLong(long value) { final boolean negative = value < 0; int size = sizeOfSignedVarLong(value); value ^= (value >> 63); byte[] ret = new byte[size]; encodeVarLongForSize(value, ret, size + 1); if (negative) { flipAllBitsInPlace(ret); } return ret; } /** * There will be size-1 bits set before there is a zero. * All the bits of value will or-ed (|=) onto the the passed byte[]. * @param size must be <= 17 (but will most likely be 10 or 11 at most) */ private static void encodeVarLongForSize(long value, @Output byte[] ret, int size) { int end = 0; if (size > 8) { ret[0] = (byte) 0xff; end = 1; size -= 8; } ret[end] = (byte) ((0xff << (9 - size)) & 0xff); int index = ret.length; while (index-- > end) { ret[index] |= (byte) ((int) value & 0xff); value >>>= 8; } } public static int sizeOfVarLong(long value) { return CodedOutputStream.computeRawVarint64Size(value); } public static int sizeOfUnsignedVarLong(long value) { return sizeOfVarLong(checkUnsigned(value)); } public static int sizeOfSignedVarLong(long value) { value ^= (value >> 63); value <<= 1; return sizeOfVarLong(value); } public static long decodeVarLong(byte[] encoded) { return decodeVarLong(encoded, 0); } public static long decodeVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return decodeVarLong(encoded, offset, 0); } private static long decodeFlippedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return decodeVarLong(encoded, offset, -1); } private static long decodeVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset, int flipByte) { int first = encoded[offset] ^ flipByte; if (first >= 0) { return first; } int bitsBeforeZero = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(~first) - 24; if (bitsBeforeZero == 8 && (encoded[offset + 1] ^ flipByte) < 0) { bitsBeforeZero++; if (((encoded[offset + 1] ^ flipByte) & 0x40) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad varlong, too big"); } } int size = bitsBeforeZero + 1; int index = (size) / 8; int mask = size % 8; long ret = 0; while (index < size) { int b = ((encoded[offset + index] ^ flipByte) & (0xff >>> mask)); ret <<= 8; ret |= b; mask = 0; index++; } return ret; } public static long decodeUnsignedVarLong(byte[] encoded) { return checkUnsigned(decodeVarLong(encoded)); } public static long decodeSignedVarLong(byte[] encoded) { return decodeSignedVarLong(encoded, 0); } public static long decodeUnsignedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return checkUnsigned(decodeVarLong(encoded, offset)); } public static long decodeFlippedUnsignedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return checkUnsigned(decodeFlippedVarLong(encoded, offset)); } public static long decodeSignedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return decodeSignedVarLong(encoded, offset, 0); } public static long decodeFlippedSignedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset) { return decodeSignedVarLong(encoded, offset, -1); } private static long decodeSignedVarLong(byte[] encoded, int offset, int flipByte) { boolean isNegative = ((encoded[offset] ^ flipByte) & 0x80) == 0; if (isNegative) { flipByte ^= -1; } int first = encoded[offset] ^ flipByte; int bitsBeforeZero = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(~first) - 24; if (bitsBeforeZero == 8 && (encoded[offset + 1] ^ flipByte) < 0) { bitsBeforeZero++; if (((encoded[offset + 1] ^ flipByte) & 0x40) != 0) { bitsBeforeZero++; if (((encoded[offset + 1] ^ flipByte) & 0x20) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad varlong, too big"); } } } int size = bitsBeforeZero; int index = (size) / 8; int mask = size % 8; long ret = 0; while (index < size) { int b = ((encoded[offset + index] ^ flipByte) & (0xff >>> mask)); ret <<= 8; ret |= b; mask = 0; index++; } if (isNegative) { return ret ^ -1L; } return ret; } public static String decodeVarString(byte[] bytes) { return decodeVarString(bytes, 0); } public static String decodeVarString(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int len = (int) decodeVarLong(bytes, offset); offset += sizeOfVarLong(len); return PtBytes.toString(bytes, offset, len); } public static byte[] decodeSizedBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int len = (int) decodeVarLong(bytes, offset); offset += sizeOfVarLong(len); return Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, offset, offset + len); } /** * Warning: This function mutates the input array by flipping the bytes * that the string is parsed from (but not the bytes that the length of * the string is parsed from). */ public static String decodeFlippedVarString(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int len = (int) decodeFlippedVarLong(bytes, offset); offset += sizeOfVarLong(len); return PtBytes.toString(flipAllBitsInPlace(bytes, offset, len), offset, len); } public static byte[] decodeFlippedSizedBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int len = (int) decodeFlippedVarLong(bytes, offset); offset += sizeOfVarLong(len); return Arrays.copyOfRange(flipAllBitsInPlace(bytes, offset, len), offset, offset + len); } public static int sizeOfVarString(String str) { return sizeOfSizedBytes(PtBytes.toBytes(str)); } public static int sizeOfSizedBytes(byte[] bytes) { return bytes.length + sizeOfVarLong(bytes.length); } public static byte[] encodeVarString(String strValue) { return encodeSizedBytes(PtBytes.toBytes(strValue)); } public static byte[] encodeSizedBytes(byte[] bytes) { byte[] len = encodeVarLong(bytes.length); return Bytes.concat(len, bytes); } public static byte[] encodeUUID(UUID uuid) { return ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * Longs.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) .putLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()).putLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()).array(); } public static UUID decodeUUID(byte[] bytes, int offset) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, offset, 2 * Longs.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); long mostSigBits = buf.getLong(); long leastSigBits = buf.getLong(); return new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits); } public static UUID decodeFlippedUUID(byte[] bytes, int offset) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, offset, 2 * Longs.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); long mostSigBits = -1L ^ buf.getLong(); long leastSigBits = -1L ^ buf.getLong(); return new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits); } public static byte[] flipAllBits(byte[] bytes) { return flipAllBits(bytes, 0); } /** * This flips the bits starting at index and returns a new byte[]. * @return byte[] that is bytes.length - index long */ public static byte[] flipAllBits(byte[] bytes, int index) { byte[] ret = new byte[bytes.length - index]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = (byte) (bytes[index + i] ^ 0xff); } return ret; } /** * This flips the bits and returns the same byte[]. * @return bytes */ public static byte[] flipAllBitsInPlace(byte[] bytes) { return flipAllBitsInPlace(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } /** * This flips the bits starting at index and returns the same byte[]. * @return bytes */ public static byte[] flipAllBitsInPlace(byte[] bytes, int index) { return flipAllBitsInPlace(bytes, index, bytes.length - index); } /** * This flips the bits in the range [index, index + length) and returns the same byte[]. * @return bytes */ public static byte[] flipAllBitsInPlace(byte[] bytes, int index, int length) { int endIndex = Math.min(bytes.length, index + length); for (int i = index; i < endIndex; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) (bytes[i] ^ 0xff); } return bytes; } public static byte[] add(byte[] b1) { return b1; } public static byte[] add(byte[] b1, byte[] b2) { return Bytes.concat(b1, b2); } public static byte[] add(byte[] b1, byte[] b2, byte[] b3) { return Bytes.concat(b1, b2, b3); } public static byte[] add(byte[]... bytes) { int length = 0; for (byte[] b : bytes) { length += b.length; } byte[] result = new byte[length]; int i = 0; for (byte[] b : bytes) { System.arraycopy(b, 0, result, i, b.length); i += b.length; } return result; } public static byte[] getBytesFromOffsetToEnd(byte[] b1, int offset) { if (offset == 0) { return b1; } return PtBytes.tail(b1, b1.length - offset); } public static byte[] get32Bytes(byte[] b1, int offset) { return ArrayUtils.subarray(b1, offset, offset + 32); } public static long decodeLittleEndian(byte[] value, int offset) { byte[] subArray = ArrayUtils.subarray(value, offset, offset + PtBytes.SIZEOF_LONG); ArrayUtils.reverse(subArray); return PtBytes.toLong(subArray); } public static byte[] encodeLittleEndian(long val) { byte[] bytes = PtBytes.toBytes(val); ArrayUtils.reverse(bytes); return bytes; } private static long checkUnsigned(long value) { if (value < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected unsigned value: " + value); } return value; } public static class EncodingType { private final ValueType type; private final ValueByteOrder order; public EncodingType(ValueType type) { this(type, ValueByteOrder.ASCENDING); } public EncodingType(ValueType type, ValueByteOrder order) { this.type = type; this.order = order; } public ValueType getType() { return type; } public ValueByteOrder getOrder() { return order; } } public static byte[] toBytes(List<EncodingType> types, List<Object> components) { Preconditions.checkArgument(types.size() == components.size()); byte[][] bytes = new byte[types.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { EncodingType encodingType = types.get(i); Object obj = components.get(i); bytes[i] = encodingType.getType().convertFromJava(obj); if (encodingType.getOrder() == ValueByteOrder.DESCENDING) { EncodingUtils.flipAllBitsInPlace(bytes[i]); } } return EncodingUtils.add(bytes); } public static List<Object> fromBytes(byte[] b, List<EncodingType> types) { List<Object> result = Lists.newArrayList(); int index = 0; boolean lastDesc = false; for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { EncodingType encodingType = types.get(i); if (lastDesc ^ encodingType.getOrder() == ValueByteOrder.DESCENDING) { b = EncodingUtils.flipAllBits(b, index); index = 0; lastDesc = !lastDesc; } Object value = encodingType.getType().convertToJava(b, index); result.add(value); index += encodingType.getType().sizeOf(value); } return result; } public static Long decodeNullableFixedLong(byte[] value, int offset) { if (value[offset] == 0) { return null; } else { return Long.MIN_VALUE ^ PtBytes.toLong(value, offset + 1); } } public static Long decodeFlippedNullableFixedLong(byte[] value, int offset) { if (value[offset] == -1) { return null; } else { return Long.MAX_VALUE ^ PtBytes.toLong(value, offset + 1); } } public static byte[] encodeNullableFixedLong(Long value) { if (value == null) { return new byte[9]; } else { return ArrayUtils.addAll(new byte[] { 1 }, PtBytes.toBytes(Long.MIN_VALUE ^ value)); } } }