Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * MemCached Java client, connection pool for Socket IO
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Greg Whalin
 * All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the BSD license
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
 * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * You should have received a copy of the BSD License along with this
 * library.
 * @author greg whalin <> 
 * @author Richard 'toast' Russo <>
 * @version 1.5.2
package com.painiu.pnfs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * This class is a connection pool for maintaning a pool of persistent
 * connections<br/> to memcached servers.
 * The pool must be initialized prior to use. This should typically be early on<br/>
 * in the lifecycle of the JVM instance.<br/> <br/>
 * <h3>An example of initializing using defaults:</h3>
 * <pre>
 * static {
 *    String[] serverlist = { &quot;;,
 *          &quot;; };
 *    SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance();
 *    pool.setServers(serverlist);
 *    pool.initialize();
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <h3>An example of initializing using defaults and providing weights for
 * servers:</h3>
 * <pre>
 * static {
 *    String[] serverlist = { &quot;;,
 *          &quot;; };
 *    Integer[] weights = { new Integer(5), new Integer(2) };
 *    SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance();
 *    pool.setServers(serverlist);
 *    pool.setWeights(weights);
 *    pool.initialize();
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <h3>An example of initializing overriding defaults:</h3>
 * <pre>
 * static {
 *    String[] serverlist = { &quot;;,
 *          &quot;; };
 *    Integer[] weights = { new Integer(5), new Integer(2) };
 *    int initialConnections = 10;
 *    int minSpareConnections = 5;
 *    int maxSpareConnections = 50;
 *    long maxIdleTime = 1000 * 60 * 30; // 30 minutes
 *    long maxBusyTime = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes
 *    long maintThreadSleep = 1000 * 5; // 5 seconds
 *    int socketTimeOut = 1000 * 3; // 3 seconds to block on reads
 *    int socketConnectTO = 1000 * 3; // 3 seconds to block on initial connections.  If 0, then will use blocking connect (default)
 *    boolean failover = false; // turn off auto-failover in event of server down   
 *    boolean nagleAlg = false; // turn off Nagle's algorithm on all sockets in pool   
 *    boolean aliveCheck = false; // disable health check of socket on checkout
 *    SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance();
 *    pool.setServers(serverlist);
 *    pool.setWeights(weights);
 *    pool.setInitConn(initialConnections);
 *    pool.setMinConn(minSpareConnections);
 *    pool.setMaxConn(maxSpareConnections);
 *    pool.setMaxIdle(maxIdleTime);
 *    pool.setMaxBusyTime(maxBusyTime);
 *    pool.setMaintSleep(maintThreadSleep);
 *    pool.setSocketTO(socketTimeOut);
 *    pool.setNagle(nagleAlg);
 *    pool.setHashingAlg(SockIOPool.NEW_COMPAT_HASH);
 *    pool.setAliveCheck(true);
 *    pool.initialize();
 * }
 * </pre>
 * The easiest manner in which to initialize the pool is to set the servers and
 * rely on defaults as in the first example.<br/> After pool is initialized, a
 * client will request a SockIO object by calling getSock with the cache key<br/>
 * The client must always close the SockIO object when finished, which will
 * return the connection back to the pool.<br/>
 * <h3>An example of retrieving a SockIO object:</h3>
 * <pre>
 *       SockIOPool.SockIO sock = SockIOPool.getInstance().getSock( key );
 *       try {
 *          sock.write( &quot;version\r\n&quot; );   
 *          sock.flush();   
 *          System.out.println( &quot;Version: &quot; + sock.readLine() );   
 *       }
 *       catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println( &quot;io exception thrown&quot; ) };   
 *       sock.close();   
 * </pre>
 * @author greg whalin <>
 * @version 1.5
public class SockIOPool {

    // logger
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SockIOPool.class.getName());

    // store instances of pools
    private static Map<String, SockIOPool> pools = new HashMap<String, SockIOPool>();

    // Constants
    public static final int NATIVE_HASH = 0; // native String.hashCode();

    public static final int OLD_COMPAT_HASH = 1; // original compatibility
    // hashing algorithm (works
    // with other clients)

    public static final int NEW_COMPAT_HASH = 2; // new CRC32 based
    // compatibility hashing
    // algorithm (works with
    // other clients)

    public static final long MAX_RETRY_DELAY = 10 * 60 * 1000; // max of 10
    // minute delay
    // for fall off

    // Pool data
    private MaintThread maintThread;

    private boolean initialized = false;

    private int maxCreate = 1; // this will be initialized by pool when the
    // pool is initialized

    private Map<String, Integer> createShift;

    // initial, min and max pool sizes
    private int poolMultiplier = 4;

    private int initConn = 3;

    private int minConn = 3;

    private int maxConn = 50;

    private long maxIdle = 1000 * 60 * 3; // max idle time for avail sockets

    private long maxBusyTime = 1000 * 60 * 5; // max idle time for avail
    // sockets

    private long maintSleep = 1000 * 5; // maintenance thread sleep time

    private int socketTO = 1000 * 10; // default timeout of socket reads

    private int socketConnectTO = 1000 * 3; // default timeout of socket
    // connections

    private boolean aliveCheck = false; // default to not check each connection
    // for being alive

    private boolean failover = true; // default to failover in event of cache
    // server dead

    private boolean failback = true; // only used if failover is also set ...
    // controls putting a dead server back
    // into rotation

    private boolean nagle = true; // enable/disable Nagle's algorithm

    //   private int hashingAlg = NATIVE_HASH; // default to using the native hash
    // as it is the fastest

    // locks
    private final ReentrantLock hostDeadLock = new ReentrantLock();

    // list of all servers
    private String[] servers;

    private Integer[] weights;

    private List<String> buckets;

    // dead server map
    private Map<String, Date> hostDead;

    private Map<String, Long> hostDeadDur;

    // map to hold all available sockets
    private Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> availPool;

    // map to hold busy sockets
    private Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> busyPool;

    // empty constructor
    protected SockIOPool() {

     * Factory to create/retrieve new pools given a unique poolName.
     * @param poolName
     *            unique name of the pool
     * @return instance of SockIOPool
    public static synchronized SockIOPool getInstance(String poolName) {
        if (pools.containsKey(poolName)) {
            return pools.get(poolName);

        SockIOPool pool = new SockIOPool();
        pools.put(poolName, pool);

        return pool;

     * Single argument version of factory used for back compat. Simply creates a
     * pool named "default".
     * @return instance of SockIOPool
    public static SockIOPool getInstance() {
        return getInstance("default");

     * Sets the list of all cache servers.
     * @param servers
     *            String array of servers [host:port]
    public void setServers(String[] servers) {
        this.servers = servers;

     * Returns the current list of all cache servers.
     * @return String array of servers [host:port]
    public String[] getServers() {
        return this.servers;

     * Sets the list of weights to apply to the server list.
     * This is an int array with each element corresponding to an element<br/>
     * in the same position in the server String array.
     * @param weights
     *            Integer array of weights
    public void setWeights(Integer[] weights) {
        this.weights = weights;

     * Returns the current list of weights.
     * @return int array of weights
    public Integer[] getWeights() {
        return this.weights;

     * Sets the initial number of connections per server in the available pool.
     * @param initConn
     *            int number of connections
    public void setInitConn(int initConn) {
        this.initConn = initConn;

     * Returns the current setting for the initial number of connections per
     * server in the available pool.
     * @return number of connections
    public int getInitConn() {
        return this.initConn;

     * Sets the minimum number of spare connections to maintain in our available
     * pool.
     * @param minConn
     *            number of connections
    public void setMinConn(int minConn) {
        this.minConn = minConn;

     * Returns the minimum number of spare connections in available pool.
     * @return number of connections
    public int getMinConn() {
        return this.minConn;

     * Sets the maximum number of spare connections allowed in our available
     * pool.
     * @param maxConn
     *            number of connections
    public void setMaxConn(int maxConn) {
        this.maxConn = maxConn;

     * Returns the maximum number of spare connections allowed in available
     * pool.
     * @return number of connections
    public int getMaxConn() {
        return this.maxConn;

     * Sets the max idle time for threads in the available pool.
     * @param maxIdle
     *            idle time in ms
    public void setMaxIdle(long maxIdle) {
        this.maxIdle = maxIdle;

     * Returns the current max idle setting.
     * @return max idle setting in ms
    public long getMaxIdle() {
        return this.maxIdle;

     * Sets the max busy time for threads in the busy pool.
     * @param maxBusyTime
     *            idle time in ms
    public void setMaxBusyTime(long maxBusyTime) {
        this.maxBusyTime = maxBusyTime;

     * Returns the current max busy setting.
     * @return max busy setting in ms
    public long getMaxBusy() {
        return this.maxBusyTime;

     * Set the sleep time between runs of the pool maintenance thread. If set to
     * 0, then the maint thread will not be started.
     * @param maintSleep
     *            sleep time in ms
    public void setMaintSleep(long maintSleep) {
        this.maintSleep = maintSleep;

     * Returns the current maint thread sleep time.
     * @return sleep time in ms
    public long getMaintSleep() {
        return this.maintSleep;

     * Sets the socket timeout for reads.
     * @param socketTO
     *            timeout in ms
    public void setSocketTO(int socketTO) {
        this.socketTO = socketTO;

     * Returns the socket timeout for reads.
     * @return timeout in ms
    public int getSocketTO() {
        return this.socketTO;

     * Sets the socket timeout for connect.
     * @param socketConnectTO
     *            timeout in ms
    public void setSocketConnectTO(int socketConnectTO) {
        this.socketConnectTO = socketConnectTO;

     * Returns the socket timeout for connect.
     * @return timeout in ms
    public int getSocketConnectTO() {
        return this.socketConnectTO;

     * Sets the failover flag for the pool.
     * If this flag is set to true, and a socket fails to connect,<br/> the
     * pool will attempt to return a socket from another server<br/> if one
     * exists. If set to false, then getting a socket<br/> will return null if
     * it fails to connect to the requested server.
     * @param failover
     *            true/false
    public void setFailover(boolean failover) {
        this.failover = failover;

     * Returns current state of failover flag.
     * @return true/false
    public boolean getFailover() {
        return this.failover;

     * Sets the failback flag for the pool.
     * If this is true and we have marked a host as dead, will try to bring it
     * back. If it is false, we will never try to resurrect a dead host.
     * @param failback
     *            true/false
    public void setFailback(boolean failback) {
        this.failback = failback;

     * Returns current state of failover flag.
     * @return true/false
    public boolean getFailback() {
        return this.failback;

     * Sets the aliveCheck flag for the pool.
     * When true, this will attempt to talk to the server on every connection
     * checkout to make sure the connection is still valid. This adds extra
     * network chatter and thus is defaulted off. May be useful if you want to
     * ensure you do not have any problems talking to the server on a dead
     * connection.
     * @param aliveCheck
     *            true/false
    public void setAliveCheck(boolean aliveCheck) {
        this.aliveCheck = aliveCheck;

     * Returns the current status of the aliveCheck flag.
     * @return true / false
    public boolean getAliveCheck() {
        return this.aliveCheck;

     * Sets the Nagle alg flag for the pool.
     * If false, will turn off Nagle's algorithm on all sockets created.
     * @param nagle
     *            true/false
    public void setNagle(boolean nagle) {
        this.nagle = nagle;

     * Returns current status of nagle flag
     * @return true/false
    public boolean getNagle() {
        return this.nagle;

     * Initializes the pool.
    public void initialize() {

        synchronized (this) {

            // check to see if already initialized
            if (initialized && (buckets != null) && (availPool != null) && (busyPool != null)) {
                log.error("++++ trying to initialize an already initialized pool");

            // initialize empty maps
            buckets = new ArrayList<String>();
            availPool = new HashMap<String, Map<SockIO, Long>>(servers.length * initConn);
            busyPool = new HashMap<String, Map<SockIO, Long>>(servers.length * initConn);
            hostDeadDur = new HashMap<String, Long>();
            hostDead = new HashMap<String, Date>();
            createShift = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
            maxCreate = (poolMultiplier > minConn) ? minConn : minConn / poolMultiplier; // only create up to maxCreate
                                                                                         // connections at once

            log.debug("++++ initializing pool with following settings:");
            log.debug("++++ initial size: " + initConn);
            log.debug("++++ min spare   : " + minConn);
            log.debug("++++ max spare   : " + maxConn);

            // if servers is not set, or it empty, then
            // throw a runtime exception
            if (servers == null || servers.length <= 0) {
                log.error("++++ trying to initialize with no servers");
                throw new IllegalStateException("++++ trying to initialize with no servers");

            for (int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {

                // add to bucket
                // with weights if we have them
                if (weights != null && weights.length > i) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < weights[i].intValue(); k++) {
                        log.debug("++++ added " + servers[i] + " to server bucket");
                } else {
                    log.debug("++++ added " + servers[i] + " to server bucket");

                // create initial connections
                log.debug("+++ creating initial connections (" + initConn + ") for host: " + servers[i]);

                for (int j = 0; j < initConn; j++) {
                    SockIO socket = createSocket(servers[i]);
                    if (socket == null) {
                        log.error("++++ failed to create connection to: " + servers[i] + " -- only " + j
                                + " created.");

                    addSocketToPool(availPool, servers[i], socket);
                    log.debug("++++ created and added socket: " + socket.toString() + " for host " + servers[i]);

            // mark pool as initialized
            this.initialized = true;

            // start maint thread
            if (this.maintSleep > 0)

     * Returns state of pool.
     * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if initialized.
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return initialized;

     * Creates a new SockIO obj for the given server.
     * If server fails to connect, then return null and do not try<br/> again
     * until a duration has passed. This duration will grow<br/> by doubling
     * after each failed attempt to connect.
     * @param host
     *            host:port to connect to
     * @return SockIO obj or null if failed to create
    protected SockIO createSocket(String host) {

        SockIO socket = null;

        // if host is dead, then we don't need to try again
        // until the dead status has expired
        // we do not try to put back in if failback is off

        try {
            if (failback && hostDead.containsKey(host) && hostDeadDur.containsKey(host)) {

                Date store = hostDead.get(host);
                long expire = hostDeadDur.get(host).longValue();

                if ((store.getTime() + expire) > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                    return null;
        } finally {

        try {
            socket = new SockIO(this, host, this.socketTO, this.socketConnectTO, this.nagle);

            if (!socket.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ failed to get SockIO obj for: " + host + " -- new socket is not connected");
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    log.error("++++ failed to close SockIO obj for server: " + host);
                    log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
                    socket = null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("++++ failed to get SockIO obj for: " + host);
            log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
            socket = null;

        // if we failed to get socket, then mark
        // host dead for a duration which falls off
        try {
            if (socket == null) {
                Date now = new Date();
                hostDead.put(host, now);

                long expire = (hostDeadDur.containsKey(host)) ? (hostDeadDur.get(host).longValue() * 2) : 1000;

                if (expire > MAX_RETRY_DELAY) {
                    expire = MAX_RETRY_DELAY;

                hostDeadDur.put(host, new Long(expire));
                log.debug("++++ ignoring dead host: " + host + " for " + expire + " ms");

                // also clear all entries for this host from availPool
                clearHostFromPool(availPool, host);
            } else {
                log.debug("++++ created socket (" + socket.toString() + ") for host: " + host);
                if (hostDead.containsKey(host) || hostDeadDur.containsKey(host)) {
        } finally {

        return socket;

     * Returns appropriate SockIO object given string cache key and optional
     * hashcode.
     * Trys to get SockIO from pool. Fails over to additional pools in event of
     * server failure.
     * @return SockIO obj connected to server
    public SockIO getSock() {
        if (!this.initialized) {
            log.error("attempting to get SockIO from uninitialized pool!");
            return null;

        // if no servers return null
        if (buckets.size() == 0)
            return null;

        // if only one server, return it
        if (buckets.size() == 1) {
            SockIO sock = getConnection(buckets.get(0));
            if (sock != null && sock.isConnected()) {
                if (aliveCheck) {
                    if (!sock.isAlive()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            log.error("failed to close dead socket");
                        sock = null;
            } else {
                sock = null;

            return sock;

        // from here on, we are working w/ multiple servers
        // keep trying different servers until we find one
        int bucketSize = buckets.size();

        // get initial bucket
        int bucket = (int) (Math.random() * bucketSize);

        int tries = 0;
        while (tries++ < bucketSize) {

            // try to get socket from bucket
            SockIO sock = getConnection(buckets.get(bucket));

            log.debug("host choose: " + buckets.get(bucket));

            if (sock != null && sock.isConnected()) {
                if (aliveCheck) {
                    if (sock.isAlive()) {
                        return sock;
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        log.error("failed to close dead socket");
                    sock = null;
                } else {
                    return sock;
            } else {
                sock = null;

            // if we do not want to failover, then bail here
            if (!failover) {
                return null;

            if (++bucket == bucketSize) {
                bucket = 0;

        return null;

     * Returns a SockIO object from the pool for the passed in host.
     * Meant to be called from a more intelligent method<br/> which handles
     * choosing appropriate server<br/> and failover.
     * @param host
     *            host from which to retrieve object
     * @return SockIO object or null if fail to retrieve one
    public SockIO getConnection(String host) {

        if (!this.initialized) {
            log.error("attempting to get SockIO from uninitialized pool!");
            return null;

        if (host == null) {
            return null;

        synchronized (this) {

            // if we have items in the pool
            // then we can return it
            if (availPool != null && !availPool.isEmpty()) {

                // take first connected socket
                Map<SockIO, Long> aSockets = availPool.get(host);

                if (aSockets != null && !aSockets.isEmpty()) {

                    for (Iterator<SockIO> i = aSockets.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        SockIO socket =;

                        if (socket.isConnected()) {
                            log.debug("++++ moving socket for host (" + host + ") to busy pool ... socket: "
                                    + socket);

                            // remove from avail pool

                            // add to busy pool
                            addSocketToPool(busyPool, host, socket);

                            // return socket
                            return socket;

                        // not connected, so we need to remove it
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            log.debug("++++ error trying to true close the socket");

                        socket = null;

                        // remove from avail pool

            // if here, then we found no sockets in the pool
            // try to create on a sliding scale up to maxCreate
            Integer cShift = createShift.get(host);
            int shift = (cShift != null) ? cShift.intValue() : 0;

            int create = 1 << shift;
            if (create >= maxCreate) {
                create = maxCreate;
            } else {

            // store the shift value for this host
            createShift.put(host, new Integer(shift));

            log.debug("++++ creating " + create + " new SockIO objects");

            for (int i = create; i > 0; i--) {
                SockIO socket = createSocket(host);
                if (socket == null) {

                if (i == 1) {
                    // last iteration, add to busy pool and return sockio
                    addSocketToPool(busyPool, host, socket);
                    return socket;
                // add to avail pool
                addSocketToPool(availPool, host, socket);

        // should never get here
        return null;

     * Adds a socket to a given pool for the given host. THIS METHOD IS NOT
     * Internal utility method.
     * @param pool
     *            pool to add to
     * @param host
     *            host this socket is connected to
     * @param socket
     *            socket to add
    protected void addSocketToPool(Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> pool, String host, SockIO socket) {

        if (pool.containsKey(host)) {
            Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = pool.get(host);

            if (sockets != null) {
                sockets.put(socket, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = new IdentityHashMap<SockIO, Long>();

        sockets.put(socket, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));
        pool.put(host, sockets);

     * Removes a socket from specified pool for host. THIS METHOD IS NOT
     * Internal utility method.
     * @param pool
     *            pool to remove from
     * @param host
     *            host pool
     * @param socket
     *            socket to remove
    protected void removeSocketFromPool(Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> pool, String host, SockIO socket) {
        if (pool.containsKey(host)) {
            Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = pool.get(host);
            if (sockets != null)

     * Closes and removes all sockets from specified pool for host. THIS METHOD
     * Internal utility method.
     * @param pool
     *            pool to clear
     * @param host
     *            host to clear
    protected void clearHostFromPool(Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> pool, String host) {

        if (pool.containsKey(host)) {
            Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = pool.get(host);

            if (sockets != null && sockets.size() > 0) {
                for (Iterator<SockIO> i = sockets.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    SockIO socket =;
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        log.error("++++ failed to close socket: " + ioe.getMessage());

                    socket = null;

     * Checks a SockIO object in with the pool.
     * This will remove SocketIO from busy pool, and optionally<br/> add to
     * avail pool.
     * @param socket
     *            socket to return
     * @param addToAvail
     *            add to avail pool if true
    public void checkIn(SockIO socket, boolean addToAvail) {

        String host = socket.getHost();
        log.debug("++++ calling check-in on socket: " + socket.toString() + " for host: " + host);

        synchronized (this) {

            // remove from the busy pool
            log.debug("++++ removing socket (" + socket.toString() + ") from busy pool for host: " + host);
            removeSocketFromPool(busyPool, host, socket);

            // add to avail pool
            if (addToAvail && socket.isConnected()) {
                log.debug("++++ returning socket (" + socket.toString() + " to avail pool for host: " + host);
                addSocketToPool(availPool, host, socket);

     * Returns a socket to the avail pool.
     * This is called from SockIO.close(). Calling this method<br/> directly
     * without closing the SockIO object first<br/> will cause an IOException
     * to be thrown.
     * @param socket
     *            socket to return
    public void checkIn(SockIO socket) {
        checkIn(socket, true);

     * Closes all sockets in the passed in pool.
     * Internal utility method.
     * @param pool
     *            pool to close
    protected void closePool(Map<String, Map<SockIO, Long>> pool) {
        for (Iterator<String> i = pool.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String host =;
            Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = pool.get(host);

            for (Iterator<SockIO> j = sockets.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                SockIO socket =;

                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    log.error("++++ failed to trueClose socket: " + socket.toString() + " for host: " + host);

                socket = null;

     * Shuts down the pool.
     * Cleanly closes all sockets.<br/> Stops the maint thread.<br/> Nulls out
     * all internal maps<br/>
    public void shutDown() {
        synchronized (this) {
            log.debug("++++ SockIOPool shutting down...");

            if (maintThread != null && maintThread.isRunning()) {
                // stop the main thread

                // wait for the thread to finish
                while (maintThread.isRunning()) {
                    log.debug("++++ waiting for main thread to finish run +++");
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {


            log.debug("++++ closing all internal pools.");
            availPool = null;
            busyPool = null;
            buckets = null;
            hostDeadDur = null;
            hostDead = null;
            initialized = false;
            log.debug("++++ SockIOPool finished shutting down.");

     * Starts the maintenance thread.
     * This thread will manage the size of the active pool<br/> as well as move
     * any closed, but not checked in sockets<br/> back to the available pool.
    protected void startMaintThread() {

        if (maintThread != null) {

            if (maintThread.isRunning()) {
                log.error("main thread already running");
            } else {
        } else {
            maintThread = new MaintThread(this);

     * Stops the maintenance thread.
    protected void stopMaintThread() {
        if (maintThread != null && maintThread.isRunning())

     * Runs self maintenance on all internal pools.
     * This is typically called by the maintenance thread to manage pool size.
    protected void selfMaint() {
        log.debug("++++ Starting self maintenance....");

        synchronized (this) {

            // go through avail sockets and create/destroy sockets
            // as needed to maintain pool settings
            for (Iterator<String> i = availPool.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                String host =;
                Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = availPool.get(host);
                log.debug("++++ Size of avail pool for host (" + host + ") = " + sockets.size());

                // if pool is too small (n < minSpare)
                if (sockets.size() < minConn) {
                    // need to create new sockets
                    int need = minConn - sockets.size();
                    log.debug("++++ Need to create " + need + " new sockets for pool for host: " + host);

                    for (int j = 0; j < need; j++) {
                        SockIO socket = createSocket(host);

                        if (socket == null)

                        addSocketToPool(availPool, host, socket);
                } else if (sockets.size() > maxConn) {
                    // need to close down some sockets
                    int diff = sockets.size() - maxConn;
                    int needToClose = (diff <= poolMultiplier) ? diff : (diff) / poolMultiplier;

                    log.debug("++++ need to remove " + needToClose + " spare sockets for pool for host: " + host);
                    for (Iterator<SockIO> j = sockets.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {

                        if (needToClose <= 0)

                        // remove stale entries
                        SockIO socket =;
                        long expire = sockets.get(socket).longValue();

                        // if past idle time
                        // then close socket
                        // and remove from pool
                        if ((expire + maxIdle) < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                                    "+++ removing stale entry from pool as it is past its idle timeout and pool is over max spare");
                            try {
                            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                log.error("failed to close socket");
                                log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

                            socket = null;

                // reset the shift value for creating new SockIO objects
                createShift.put(host, new Integer(0));

            // go through busy sockets and destroy sockets
            // as needed to maintain pool settings
            for (Iterator<String> i = busyPool.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

                String host =;
                Map<SockIO, Long> sockets = busyPool.get(host);

                log.debug("++++ Size of busy pool for host (" + host + ")  = " + sockets.size());

                // loop through all connections and check to see if we have any
                // hung connections
                for (Iterator<SockIO> j = sockets.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    // remove stale entries
                    SockIO socket =;
                    long hungTime = sockets.get(socket).longValue();

                    // if past max busy time
                    // then close socket
                    // and remove from pool
                    if ((hungTime + maxBusyTime) < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                        log.error("+++ removing potentially hung connection from busy pool ... socket in pool for "
                                + (System.currentTimeMillis() - hungTime) + "ms");
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            log.error("failed to close socket");
                            log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

                        socket = null;

        log.debug("+++ ending self maintenance.");

     * Class which extends thread and handles maintenance of the pool.
     * @author greg whalin <>
     * @version 1.5
    protected static class MaintThread extends Thread {

        private SockIOPool pool;

        private long interval = 1000 * 3; // every 3 seconds

        private boolean stopThread = false;

        private boolean running;

        protected MaintThread(SockIOPool pool) {
            this.pool = pool;

        public void setInterval(long interval) {
            this.interval = interval;

        public boolean isRunning() {
            return this.running;

         * sets stop variable and interupts any wait
        public void stopThread() {
            this.stopThread = true;

         * Start the thread.
        public void run() {
            this.running = true;

            while (!this.stopThread) {
                try {

                    // if pool is initialized, then
                    // run the maintenance method on itself
                    if (pool.isInitialized())

                } catch (Exception e) {

            this.running = false;

     * MemCached Java client, utility class for Socket IO.
     * This class is a wrapper around a Socket and its streams.
     * @author greg whalin <>
     * @author Richard 'toast' Russo <>
     * @version 1.5
    public static class SockIO {

        // logger
        private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SockIO.class.getName());

        // pool
        private SockIOPool pool;

        // data
        private String host;

        private Socket sock;

        private DataInputStream in;

        private BufferedOutputStream out;

         * creates a new SockIO object wrapping a socket connection to
         * host:port, and its input and output streams
         * @param pool
         *            Pool this object is tied to
         * @param host
         *            host to connect to
         * @param port
         *            port to connect to
         * @param timeout
         *            int ms to block on data for read
         * @param connectTimeout
         *            timeout (in ms) for initial connection
         * @param noDelay
         *            TCP NODELAY option?
         * @throws IOException
         *             if an io error occurrs when creating socket
         * @throws UnknownHostException
         *             if hostname is invalid
        public SockIO(SockIOPool pool, String host, int port, int timeout, int connectTimeout, boolean noDelay)
                throws IOException, UnknownHostException {

            this.pool = pool;

            sock = getSocket(host, port, connectTimeout);

            if (timeout >= 0)

            // testing only

            // wrap streams
            in = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
            out = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());

   = host + ":" + port;

         * creates a new SockIO object wrapping a socket connection to
         * host:port, and its input and output streams
         * @param host
         *            hostname:port
         * @param timeout
         *            read timeout value for connected socket
         * @param connectTimeout
         *            timeout for initial connections
         * @param noDelay
         *            TCP NODELAY option?
         * @throws IOException
         *             if an io error occurrs when creating socket
         * @throws UnknownHostException
         *             if hostname is invalid
        public SockIO(SockIOPool pool, String host, int timeout, int connectTimeout, boolean noDelay)
                throws IOException, UnknownHostException {

            this.pool = pool;

            String[] ip = host.split(":");

            // get socket: default is to use non-blocking connect
            sock = getSocket(ip[0], Integer.parseInt(ip[1]), connectTimeout);

            if (timeout >= 0)

            // testing only

            // wrap streams
            in = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
            out = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
   = host;

         * Method which spawns thread to get a connection and then enforces a
         * timeout on the initial connection.
         * This should be backed by a thread pool. Any volunteers?
         * @param host
         *            host to establish connection to
         * @param port
         *            port on that host
         * @param timeout
         *            connection timeout in ms
         * @return connected socket
         * @throws IOException
         *             if errors connecting or if connection times out
        protected static Socket getSocket(String host, int port, int timeout) throws IOException {
            Socket sock = new Socket();
            sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
            return sock;

         * returns the host this socket is connected to
         * @return String representation of host (hostname:port)
        String getHost() {

         * closes socket and all streams connected to it
         * @throws IOException
         *             if fails to close streams or socket
        void trueClose() throws IOException {
            log.debug("++++ Closing socket for real: " + toString());

            boolean err = false;
            StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder();

            if (in == null || out == null || sock == null) {
                err = true;
                errMsg.append("++++ socket or its streams already null in trueClose call");

            if (in != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    log.error("++++ error closing input stream for socket: " + toString() + " for host: "
                            + getHost());
                    log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
                    errMsg.append("++++ error closing input stream for socket: " + toString() + " for host: "
                            + getHost() + "\n");
                    err = true;

            if (out != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    log.error("++++ error closing output stream for socket: " + toString() + " for host: "
                            + getHost());
                    log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
                    errMsg.append("++++ error closing output stream for socket: " + toString() + " for host: "
                            + getHost() + "\n");
                    err = true;

            if (sock != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    log.error("++++ error closing socket: " + toString() + " for host: " + getHost());
                    log.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
                    errMsg.append("++++ error closing socket: " + toString() + " for host: " + getHost() + "\n");
                    err = true;

            // check in to pool
            if (sock != null)
                pool.checkIn(this, false);

            in = null;
            out = null;
            sock = null;

            if (err)
                throw new IOException(errMsg.toString());

         * sets closed flag and checks in to connection pool but does not close
         * connections
        void close() {
            // check in to pool
            log.debug("++++ marking socket (" + this.toString()
                    + ") as closed and available to return to avail pool");

         * checks if the connection is open
         * @return true if connected
        boolean isConnected() {
            return (sock != null && sock.isConnected());

         * checks to see that the connection is still working
         * @return true if still alive
        boolean isAlive() {

            if (!isConnected())
                return false;

            // try to talk to the server w/ a dumb query to ask its version
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                return false;

            return true;

         * reads a line intentionally not using the deprecated readLine method
         * from DataInputStream
         * @return String that was read in
         * @throws IOException
         *             if io problems during read
        String readLine() throws IOException {
            if (sock == null || !sock.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");
                throw new IOException("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");

            byte[] b = new byte[1];
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            boolean eol = false;

            while (, 0, 1) != -1) {

                if (b[0] == 13) {
                    eol = true;
                } else {
                    if (eol) {
                        if (b[0] == 10)

                        eol = false;

                // cast byte into char array
                bos.write(b, 0, 1);

            if (bos == null || bos.size() <= 0) {
                throw new IOException("++++ Stream appears to be dead, so closing it down");

            // else return the string
            return bos.toString().trim();

         * reads up to end of line and returns nothing
         * @throws IOException
         *             if io problems during read
        void clearEOL() throws IOException {
            if (sock == null || !sock.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");
                throw new IOException("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");

            byte[] b = new byte[1];
            boolean eol = false;
            while (, 0, 1) != -1) {

                // only stop when we see
                // \r (13) followed by \n (10)
                if (b[0] == 13) {
                    eol = true;

                if (eol) {
                    if (b[0] == 10)

                    eol = false;

         * reads length bytes into the passed in byte array from dtream
         * @param b
         *            byte array
         * @throws IOException
         *             if io problems during read
        void read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
            if (sock == null || !sock.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");
                throw new IOException("++++ attempting to read from closed socket");

            int count = 0;
            while (count < b.length) {
                int cnt =, count, (b.length - count));
                count += cnt;

         * flushes output stream
         * @throws IOException
         *             if io problems during read
        void flush() throws IOException {
            if (sock == null || !sock.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ attempting to write to closed socket");
                throw new IOException("++++ attempting to write to closed socket");

         * writes a byte array to the output stream
         * @param b
         *            byte array to write
         * @throws IOException
         *             if an io error happens
        void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
            if (sock == null || !sock.isConnected()) {
                log.error("++++ attempting to write to closed socket");
                throw new IOException("++++ attempting to write to closed socket");

         * use the sockets hashcode for this object so we can key off of SockIOs
         * @return int hashcode
        public int hashCode() {
            return (sock == null) ? 0 : sock.hashCode();

         * returns the string representation of this socket
         * @return string
        public String toString() {
            return (sock == null) ? "" : sock.toString();