Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Orange * * Authors: Christophe Maldivi & Joel Gardes * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. */ import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import; public class OpenCvImage { public static final byte SIMDOC_LINE_TERMINATION = '\n'; /** * @param imageFile * @return image OpenCV Mat */ public static Mat loadMat(File imageFile) { return Highgui.imread(imageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } public static Mat resize(Mat mat, int bytesSizeTarget) { long matBytesCount = matBytesCount(mat); float ratio = (float) matBytesCount / bytesSizeTarget; double sqrtRatio = Math.sqrt(ratio); int newWidth = (int) (mat.size().width / sqrtRatio); int newHeigth = (int) (mat.size().height / sqrtRatio); Mat newMat = new Mat(newHeigth, newWidth, mat.type()); Imgproc.resize(mat, newMat, newMat.size(), sqrtRatio, sqrtRatio, Imgproc.INTER_LANCZOS4); return newMat; } private static long matBytesCount(Mat mat) { long pixelBytesCount = mat.elemSize(); return pixelBytesCount *; } /** * @param image mat * @return byte[] image bytes array */ public static byte[] matToBytes(Mat image) { return getBytesOf(image, false); } /** * Get image bytes following the SimDoc format: * - we had a magic key header * - we had an image row termination character * @param image mat * @return byte[] image bytes array */ public static byte[] matToRaw(Mat image) { return getBytesOf(image, true); } private static byte[] getBytesOf(Mat image, boolean raw) { byte[] byteArray = computeImageBytesCount(image, raw); fillByteArray(byteArray, image, raw); return byteArray; } /** * @param bytes image bytes * @param rows * @param columns * @return Mat */ public static Mat bytesToMat(byte[] bytes, int rows, int columns) { return bytesToMat(bytes, rows, columns, false); } /** * @param bytes image bytes in SimDoc format * @return Mat */ public static Mat rawToMat(byte[] bytes) { int columns = computeColumnsCountOf(bytes); int rows = bytes.length / (columns + 1); return bytesToMat(bytes, rows, columns, true); } private static Mat bytesToMat(byte[] bytes, int rows, int columns, boolean raw) { int simDocLineExtra = raw ? 1 : 0; Mat mat = new Mat(rows, columns, CvType.CV_8UC1); byte[] dat = new byte[1]; for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { dat[0] = bytes[y * (columns + simDocLineExtra) + x]; mat.put(y, x, dat); } } return mat; } private static int computeColumnsCountOf(byte[] bytes) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { if (bytes[i] == SIMDOC_LINE_TERMINATION) { return count; } else { count++; } } return count; } private static byte[] computeImageBytesCount(Mat image, boolean raw) { int rawBytesCount = image.channels() * image.rows() * image.cols(); int simDocExtra = raw ? image.rows() : 0; return new byte[rawBytesCount + simDocExtra]; } private static void fillByteArray(byte[] byteArray, Mat image, boolean raw) { int colsNb = image.cols(); int bytesPerPixel = image.channels(); int bytesPerRow = colsNb * bytesPerPixel + (raw ? 1 : 0); byte[] pixel = new byte[bytesPerPixel]; int magicNumberOffset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < image.rows(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < colsNb; x++) { image.get(y, x, pixel); for (int z = 0; z < bytesPerPixel; z++) { byteArray[magicNumberOffset + y * bytesPerRow + x * bytesPerPixel + z] = pixel[z]; } } if (raw) { byteArray[magicNumberOffset + y * bytesPerRow + colsNb * bytesPerPixel] = SIMDOC_LINE_TERMINATION; } } } }