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 * Copyright 2017 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.opensymphony.xwork2.util;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.ConstructorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * <code>ProxyUtil</code>
 * <p>
 * Various utility methods dealing with proxies
 * </p>
public class ProxyUtil {
    private static final String SPRING_ADVISED_CLASS_NAME = "org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised";
    private static final String SPRING_SPRINGPROXY_CLASS_NAME = "org.springframework.aop.SpringProxy";
    private static final String SPRING_SINGLETONTARGETSOURCE_CLASS_NAME = "";
    private static final String SPRING_TARGETCLASSAWARE_CLASS_NAME = "org.springframework.aop.TargetClassAware";

    private static final Map<Class<?>, Boolean> isProxyCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);
    private static final Map<Member, Boolean> isProxyMemberCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

     * Determine the ultimate target class of the given instance, traversing
     * not only a top-level proxy but any number of nested proxies as well &mdash;
     * as long as possible without side effects.
     * @param candidate the instance to check (might be a proxy)
     * @return the ultimate target class (or the plain class of the given
     * object as fallback; never {@code null})
    public static Class<?> ultimateTargetClass(Object candidate) {
        Class<?> result = null;
        if (isSpringAopProxy(candidate))
            result = springUltimateTargetClass(candidate);

        if (result == null) {
            result = candidate.getClass();

        return result;

     * Check whether the given object is a proxy.
     * @param object the object to check
    public static boolean isProxy(Object object) {
        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();
        Boolean flag = isProxyCache.get(clazz);
        if (flag != null) {
            return flag;

        boolean isProxy = isSpringAopProxy(object);

        isProxyCache.put(clazz, isProxy);
        return isProxy;

     * Check whether the given member is a proxy member of a proxy object.
     * @param member the member to check
     * @param object the object to check
    public static boolean isProxyMember(Member member, Object object) {
        if (!isProxy(object))
            return false;

        Boolean flag = isProxyMemberCache.get(member);
        if (flag != null) {
            return flag;

        boolean isProxyMember = isSpringProxyMember(member);

        isProxyMemberCache.put(member, isProxyMember);
        return isProxyMember;

     * Determine the ultimate target class of the given spring bean instance, traversing
     * not only a top-level spring proxy but any number of nested spring proxies as well &mdash;
     * as long as possible without side effects, that is, just for singleton targets.
     * @param candidate the instance to check (might be a spring AOP proxy)
     * @return the ultimate target class (or the plain class of the given
     * object as fallback; never {@code null})
    private static Class<?> springUltimateTargetClass(Object candidate) {
        Object current = candidate;
        Class<?> result = null;
        while (null != current && implementsInterface(current.getClass(), SPRING_TARGETCLASSAWARE_CLASS_NAME)) {
            try {
                result = (Class<?>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(current, "getTargetClass");
            } catch (Throwable ignored) {
            current = getSingletonTarget(current);
        if (result == null) {
            Class<?> clazz = candidate.getClass();
            result = (isCglibProxyClass(clazz) ? clazz.getSuperclass() : candidate.getClass());
        return result;

     * Check whether the given object is a Spring proxy.
     * @param object the object to check
    private static boolean isSpringAopProxy(Object object) {
        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();
        return (implementsInterface(clazz, SPRING_SPRINGPROXY_CLASS_NAME)
                && (Proxy.isProxyClass(clazz) || isCglibProxyClass(clazz)));

     * Check whether the given member is a member of a spring proxy.
     * @param member the member to check
    private static boolean isSpringProxyMember(Member member) {
        try {
            Class<?> clazz = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(SPRING_ADVISED_CLASS_NAME, ProxyUtil.class);
            if (hasMember(clazz, member))
                return true;
            clazz = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(SPRING_TARGETCLASSAWARE_CLASS_NAME, ProxyUtil.class);
            if (hasMember(clazz, member))
                return true;
            clazz = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(SPRING_SPRINGPROXY_CLASS_NAME, ProxyUtil.class);
            if (hasMember(clazz, member))
                return true;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {

        return false;

     * Obtain the singleton target object behind the given spring proxy, if any.
     * @param candidate the (potential) spring proxy to check
     * @return the singleton target object, or {@code null} in any other case
     * (not a spring proxy, not an existing singleton target)
    private static Object getSingletonTarget(Object candidate) {
        try {
            if (implementsInterface(candidate.getClass(), SPRING_ADVISED_CLASS_NAME)) {
                Object targetSource = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(candidate, "getTargetSource");
                if (implementsInterface(targetSource.getClass(), SPRING_SINGLETONTARGETSOURCE_CLASS_NAME)) {
                    return MethodUtils.invokeMethod(targetSource, "getTarget");
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {

        return null;

     * Check whether the specified class is a CGLIB-generated class.
     * @param clazz the class to check
    private static boolean isCglibProxyClass(Class<?> clazz) {
        return (clazz != null && clazz.getName().contains("$$"));

     * Check whether the given class implements an interface with a given class name.
     * @param clazz the class to check
     * @param ifaceClassName the interface class name to check
    private static boolean implementsInterface(Class<?> clazz, String ifaceClassName) {
        try {
            Class<?> ifaceClass = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(ifaceClassName, ProxyUtil.class);
            return ifaceClass.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

     * Check whether the given class has a given member.
     * @param clazz the class to check
     * @param member the member to check
    private static boolean hasMember(Class<?> clazz, Member member) {
        if (member instanceof Method) {
            return null != MethodUtils.getMatchingMethod(clazz, member.getName(),
                    ((Method) member).getParameterTypes());
        if (member instanceof Field) {
            return null != FieldUtils.getField(clazz, member.getName(), true);
        if (member instanceof Constructor) {
            return null != ConstructorUtils.getMatchingAccessibleConstructor(clazz,
                    ((Constructor) member).getParameterTypes());

        return false;