Java tutorial
/** * OpenKM, Open Document Management System ( * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Paco Avila & Josep Llort * * No bytes were intentionally harmed during the development of this application. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.wizard; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.openkm.frontend.client.Main; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.GWTDocument; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.GWTFileUploadResponse; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.GWTPropertyGroup; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMPropertyGroupService; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMPropertyGroupServiceAsync; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMRepositoryService; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMRepositoryServiceAsync; import com.openkm.frontend.client.util.Util; import com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.propertygroup.PropertyGroupWidget; import com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.propertygroup.PropertyGroupWidgetToFire; import com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.upload.FancyFileUpload; /** * WizardPopup * * @author jllort */ public class WizardPopup extends DialogBox { private final OKMPropertyGroupServiceAsync propertyGroupService = (OKMPropertyGroupServiceAsync) GWT .create(OKMPropertyGroupService.class); private final OKMRepositoryServiceAsync repositoryService = (OKMRepositoryServiceAsync) GWT .create(OKMRepositoryService.class); private static final int STATUS_NONE = -1; private static final int STATUS_ADD_PROPERTY_GROUPS = 0; private static final int STATUS_PROPERTY_GROUPS = 1; private static final int STATUS_WORKFLOWS = 2; private static final int STATUS_CATEGORIES = 3; private static final int STATUS_KEYWORDS = 4; private static final int STATUS_FINISH = 6; private FiredVerticalPanel vPanelFired; private String docPath = ""; private List<GWTPropertyGroup> groupsList = null; private List<String> workflowsList = null; private int groupIndex = 0; private int workflowIndex = 0; private PropertyGroupWidget propertyGroupWidget = null; private WorkflowWidget workflowWidget = null; private int status = STATUS_NONE; public Button actualButton; public KeywordsWidget keywordsWidget; public CategoriesWidget categoriesWidget; public GWTDocument docToSign = null; public String uuid = ""; private boolean hasKeywords = false; private boolean hasCategories = false; private boolean hasWorkflows = false; private boolean jsWizard = false; /** * WizardPopup */ public WizardPopup() { // Establishes auto-close when click outside super(false, true); actualButton = new Button(""); vPanelFired = new FiredVerticalPanel(); vPanelFired.setSize("100%", "20"); setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading")); actualButton.setStyleName("okm-YesButton"); super.hide(); setWidget(vPanelFired); } /** * Starting wizard * * @param docPath * @param jsWizard */ public void start(String docPath, boolean jsWizard) { this.jsWizard = jsWizard; String fileName = Util.getName(docPath); if (fileName.length() > FancyFileUpload.MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 35) { setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading") + ": " + fileName.substring(0, (FancyFileUpload.MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 35)) + "..."); } else { setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading") + ": " + fileName); } vPanelFired.clear(); actualButton = new Button(""); actualButton.setEnabled(false); this.docPath = docPath; docToSign = null; status = STATUS_ADD_PROPERTY_GROUPS; // Property groups groupIndex = 0; groupsList = Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().getWizardPropertyGroupList(); // workflow workflowIndex = 0; workflowsList = Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().getWizardWorkflowList(); // Setting parameters hasKeywords = Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardKeywords(); hasCategories = Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardCategories(); hasWorkflows = Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardWorkflows(); // getting uuid repositoryService.getUUIDByPath(docPath, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { uuid = result; addPropertyGroups(); // Continue adding property groups } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Main.get().showError("getUUIDByPath", caught); } }); } /** * Starting wizard */ public void start(String docPath, GWTFileUploadResponse fuResponse, boolean jsWizard) { this.jsWizard = jsWizard; String fileName = Util.getName(docPath); if (fileName.length() > FancyFileUpload.MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 35) { setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading") + ": " + fileName.substring(0, (FancyFileUpload.MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 35)) + "..."); } else { setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading") + ": " + fileName); } vPanelFired.clear(); actualButton = new Button(""); actualButton.setEnabled(false); this.docPath = docPath; docToSign = null; status = STATUS_ADD_PROPERTY_GROUPS; // Property group groupIndex = 0; groupsList = new ArrayList<GWTPropertyGroup>(); for (String groupName : fuResponse.getGroupsList()) { GWTPropertyGroup pg = new GWTPropertyGroup(); pg.setName(groupName); groupsList.add(pg); } // workflow workflowIndex = 0; workflowsList = fuResponse.getWorkflowList(); // Setting parameters hasKeywords = fuResponse.isShowWizardKeywords(); hasCategories = fuResponse.isShowWizardCategories(); hasWorkflows = (fuResponse.getWorkflowList().size() > 0); // getting uuid repositoryService.getUUIDByPath(docPath, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { uuid = result; addPropertyGroups(); // Continue adding property groups } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Main.get().showError("getUUIDByPath", caught); } }); } /** * Gets asyncronous to add a group */ final AsyncCallback<Object> callbackAddGroup = new AsyncCallback<Object>() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { groupIndex++; if (groupsList.size() > groupIndex) { addPropertyGroups(); } else { groupIndex = 0; // restarting property group index to setting showNextWizard(); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Main.get().showError("AddGroup", caught); } }; /** * Add property groups to a document */ private void addPropertyGroups() { if (groupsList != null && groupsList.size() > groupIndex) { status = STATUS_PROPERTY_GROUPS; propertyGroupService.addGroup(docPath, groupsList.get(groupIndex).getName(), callbackAddGroup); } else if (groupsList == null || (groupsList != null && groupsList.isEmpty())) { status = STATUS_WORKFLOWS; showNextWizard(); } else if (groupsList.size() == 0) { status = STATUS_WORKFLOWS; showNextWizard(); } } /** * getProperties() */ private void getProperties() { HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HTML space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(actualButton); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "3"); propertyGroupWidget = new PropertyGroupWidget(docPath, groupsList.get(groupIndex), new HTML(groupsList.get(groupIndex).getLabel()), vPanelFired); vPanelFired.clear(); vPanelFired.add(propertyGroupWidget); vPanelFired.add(hPanel); HTML space2 = new HTML(""); vPanelFired.add(space2); vPanelFired.setCellVerticalAlignment(propertyGroupWidget, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); vPanelFired.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hPanel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); vPanelFired.setCellHeight(space2, "5"); propertyGroupWidget.getProperties(true); } /** * getWorkflows */ public void getWorkflows() { HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HTML space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(actualButton); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "3"); workflowWidget = new WorkflowWidget(workflowsList.get(workflowIndex), uuid, vPanelFired, new HashMap<String, Object>()); vPanelFired.clear(); vPanelFired.add(workflowWidget); vPanelFired.add(hPanel); HTML space2 = new HTML(""); vPanelFired.add(space2); vPanelFired.setCellVerticalAlignment(workflowWidget, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); vPanelFired.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hPanel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); vPanelFired.setCellHeight(space2, "5"); workflowWidget.runProcessDefinition(); } /** * showNextWizard */ public void showNextWizard() { switch (status) { case STATUS_PROPERTY_GROUPS: if (groupsList != null && groupsList.size() > groupIndex) { if (groupsList.size() == groupIndex + 1) { // Case last property group to be added if (!hasWorkflows && !hasCategories && !hasKeywords) { actualButton = acceptButton(); } else { actualButton = nextButton(); } } else { actualButton = nextButton(); } getProperties(); groupIndex++; } else { // Forward to next status status = STATUS_WORKFLOWS; showNextWizard(); } break; case STATUS_WORKFLOWS: if (workflowsList != null && workflowsList.size() > workflowIndex) { if (workflowsList.size() == workflowIndex + 1) { // Case last property group to be added if (!hasCategories && !hasKeywords) { actualButton = acceptButton(); } else { actualButton = nextButton(); } } else { actualButton = nextButton(); } getWorkflows(); workflowIndex++; } else { // Forward to next status status = STATUS_CATEGORIES; showNextWizard(); } break; case STATUS_CATEGORIES: if (hasCategories) { if (!hasKeywords) { actualButton = acceptButton(); } else { actualButton = nextButton(); } setCategories(); } else { status = STATUS_KEYWORDS; showNextWizard(); } break; case STATUS_KEYWORDS: if (hasKeywords) { actualButton = acceptButton(); setKeywords(); } else { status = STATUS_FINISH; showNextWizard(); } break; case STATUS_FINISH: hide(); if (jsWizard) { // By default selected row after uploading is uploaded file if (docPath != null && !docPath.equals("")) { Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser.mantainSelectedRowByPath(docPath); } Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser .refresh(Main.get().activeFolderTree.getActualPath()); } else { Main.get().fileUpload.resetAfterWizardFinished(); // Restoring // wizard } break; } } /** * Accept button * * @return */ private Button acceptButton() { Button button = new Button(Main.i18n("button.accept"), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { actualButton.setEnabled(false); executeActionButton(); } }); button.setStyleName("okm-YesButton"); button.setEnabled(false); return button; } /** * Next button * * @return */ private Button nextButton() { Button button = new Button(Main.i18n(""), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { actualButton.setEnabled(false); executeActionButton(); } }); button.setStyleName("okm-YesButton"); button.setEnabled(false); return button; } private void executeActionButton() { switch (status) { case STATUS_PROPERTY_GROUPS: if (propertyGroupWidget != null) { if (propertyGroupWidget.getValidationProcessor().validate()) { propertyGroupWidget.setProperties(); } else { actualButton.setEnabled(true); } } break; case STATUS_WORKFLOWS: if (workflowWidget != null) { workflowWidget.runProcessDefinition(); } break; case STATUS_CATEGORIES: status = STATUS_KEYWORDS; showNextWizard(); break; case STATUS_KEYWORDS: status = STATUS_FINISH; showNextWizard(); break; } } /** * setCategories */ private void setCategories() { categoriesWidget = new CategoriesWidget(docPath, new HTML(Main.i18n("document.categories"))); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HTML space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(actualButton); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "3"); vPanelFired.clear(); vPanelFired.add(categoriesWidget); vPanelFired.add(hPanel); HTML space2 = new HTML(""); vPanelFired.add(space2); vPanelFired.setCellVerticalAlignment(categoriesWidget, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); vPanelFired.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hPanel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); vPanelFired.setCellHeight(space2, "5"); actualButton.setEnabled(true); changeView(); } /** * setKeywords */ private void setKeywords() { // To be implemented keywordsWidget = new KeywordsWidget(docPath, new HTML(Main.i18n("document.keywords"))); HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HTML space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(actualButton); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "3"); vPanelFired.clear(); vPanelFired.add(keywordsWidget); vPanelFired.add(hPanel); HTML space2 = new HTML(""); vPanelFired.add(space2); vPanelFired.setCellVerticalAlignment(keywordsWidget, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); vPanelFired.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hPanel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); vPanelFired.setCellHeight(space2, "5"); actualButton.setEnabled(true); changeView(); } /** * changeView Ensures fileupload is hiden and panel is centered */ public void changeView() { Main.get().fileUpload.hide(); center(); } /** * FiredVerticalPanel * * @author jllort */ private class FiredVerticalPanel extends Composite implements PropertyGroupWidgetToFire, WorkflowWidgetToFire { private VerticalPanel vPanel; /** * FiredVerticalPanel */ public FiredVerticalPanel() { vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); initWidget(vPanel); } @Override public void finishedGetProperties() { if (propertyGroupWidget != null) { propertyGroupWidget.edit(); actualButton.setEnabled(true); } changeView(); } @Override public void finishedSetProperties() { showNextWizard(); } @Override public void finishedRemoveGroup() { // Not implemented } @Override public void finishedRunProcessDefinition() { showNextWizard(); } @Override public void hasPendingProcessDefinitionForms() { changeView(); actualButton.setEnabled(true); } /** * setCellHorizontalAlignment * * @param w * @param align */ public void setCellHorizontalAlignment(Widget w, HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) { vPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(w, align); } /** * setCellHeight * * @param w * @param height */ public void setCellHeight(Widget w, String height) { vPanel.setCellHeight(w, height); } /** * setCellVerticalAlignment * * @param w * @param align */ public void setCellVerticalAlignment(Widget w, VerticalAlignmentConstant align) { vPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(w, align); } /** * clear */ public void clear() { vPanel.clear(); } /** * add * * @param widget */ public void add(Widget widget) { vPanel.add(widget); } } /** * langRefresh */ public void langRefresh() { setText(Main.i18n("wizard.document.uploading")); } /** * getDocumentToSign * * @return */ public GWTDocument getDocumentToSign() { return docToSign; } }