Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.util.test; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; import org.testng.annotations.*; import com.opengamma.OpenGammaRuntimeException; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; import com.opengamma.util.ZipUtils; import com.opengamma.util.db.*; import com.opengamma.util.test.DbTool.TableCreationCallback; import com.opengamma.util.time.DateUtils; /** * Base DB test. */ public abstract class DbTest implements TableCreationCallback { /** Logger. */ private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbTest.class); protected static Map<String, String> s_databaseTypeVersion = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static final Map<String, DbDialect> s_dbDialects = new HashMap<String, DbDialect>(); private static final File SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR = new File(DbTool.getWorkingDirectory(), "temp/" + DbTest.class.getSimpleName()); static { DateUtils.initTimeZone(); addDbDialect("hsqldb", new HSQLDbDialect()); addDbDialect("postgres", new PostgresDbDialect()); addDbDialect("sqlserver2008", new SqlServer2008DbDialect()); } static { try { extractSQLScript(); } catch (IOException ex) { s_logger.warn("problem with unzip publish sql script to {} rethrowing", SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR, ex); throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("problem with unzip publish sql script to " + SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR, ex); } } private final String _databaseType; private final String _targetVersion; private final String _createVersion; private final DbTool _dbtool; protected DbTest(String databaseType, String targetVersion, String createVersion) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(databaseType, "databaseType"); _databaseType = databaseType; _dbtool = TestProperties.getDbTool(databaseType); _dbtool.setJdbcUrl(getDbTool().getTestDatabaseUrl()); _targetVersion = targetVersion; _createVersion = createVersion; if (isScriptPublished()) { _dbtool.addDbScriptDirectory(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); } else { _dbtool.addDbScriptDirectory(DbTool.getWorkingDirectory()); } } /** * Initialise the database to the required version. This tracks the last initialised version * in a static map to avoid duplicate DB operations on bigger test classes. This might not be * such a good idea. */ @BeforeMethod public void setUp() throws Exception { String prevVersion = s_databaseTypeVersion.get(getDatabaseType()); if ((prevVersion == null) || !prevVersion.equals(getTargetVersion())) { s_databaseTypeVersion.put(getDatabaseType(), getTargetVersion()); _dbtool.setTargetVersion(getTargetVersion()); _dbtool.setCreateVersion(getCreateVersion()); _dbtool.dropTestSchema(); _dbtool.createTestSchema(); _dbtool.createTestTables(this); } _dbtool.clearTestTables(); } private static void extractSQLScript() throws IOException { if (isScriptPublished()) { cleanUp(); unzipSQLScripts(); } } private static String getZipPath() { return TestProperties.getTestProperties().getProperty("test.sqlzip.path"); } private static void unzipSQLScripts() throws IOException { File zipScriptPath = new File(DbTool.getWorkingDirectory(), getZipPath()); for (File file : (Collection<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(zipScriptPath, new String[] { "zip" }, false)) { ZipUtils.unzipArchive(file, SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR); } } @AfterMethod public void tearDown() throws Exception { _dbtool.resetTestCatalog(); // avoids locking issues with Derby } @AfterClass public void tearDownClass() throws Exception { _dbtool.close(); } @AfterSuite public static void cleanUp() { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR); } protected static Object[][] getParametersForSeparateMasters(int prevVersionCount) { String databaseType = System.getProperty("test.database.type"); if (databaseType == null) { databaseType = "all"; } Collection<String> databaseTypes = TestProperties.getDatabaseTypes(databaseType); ArrayList<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (String dbType : databaseTypes) { DbTool dbtool = TestProperties.getDbTool(dbType); dbtool.setJdbcUrl(dbtool.getTestDatabaseUrl()); if (isScriptPublished()) { dbtool.addDbScriptDirectory(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); } else { dbtool.addDbScriptDirectory(DbTool.getWorkingDirectory()); } for (String masterDB : dbtool.getScriptDirs().keySet()) { Set<Integer> versions = dbtool.getScriptDirs().get(masterDB).keySet(); int max = Collections.max(versions); int min = Collections.min(versions); for (int v = max; v >= Math.max(max - prevVersionCount, min); v--) { parameters.add(new Object[] { dbType, masterDB, "" + max /*target_version*/, "" + v /*migrate_from_version*/ }); } } } Object[][] array = new Object[parameters.size()][]; parameters.toArray(array); return array; } protected static Object[][] getParameters() { String databaseType = System.getProperty("test.database.type"); if (databaseType == null) { databaseType = "all"; } Collection<String> databaseTypes = TestProperties.getDatabaseTypes(databaseType); ArrayList<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (String dbType : databaseTypes) { parameters.add(new Object[] { dbType, "latest" }); } Object[][] array = new Object[parameters.size()][]; parameters.toArray(array); return array; } protected static Object[][] getParametersForDatabase(final String databaseType) { ArrayList<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (String db : TestProperties.getDatabaseTypes(databaseType)) { parameters.add(new Object[] { db, "latest" }); } Object[][] array = new Object[parameters.size()][]; parameters.toArray(array); return array; } private static boolean isScriptPublished() { String zipPath = getZipPath(); if (zipPath == null) { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("missing test.sqlZip.path property in test properties file"); } File zipScriptPath = new File(DbTool.getWorkingDirectory(), zipPath); boolean result = false; if (zipScriptPath.exists()) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection zipfiles = FileUtils.listFiles(zipScriptPath, new String[] { "zip" }, false); result = !zipfiles.isEmpty(); } return result; } @DataProvider(name = "localDatabase") public static Object[][] data_localDatabase() { return getParametersForDatabase("hsqldb"); } @DataProvider(name = "databases") public static Object[][] data_databases() { return getParameters(); } @DataProvider(name = "databasesVersionsForSeparateMasters") public static Object[][] data_databasesVersionsForSeparateMasters() { return getParametersForSeparateMasters(3); } protected static int getPreviousVersionCount() { String previousVersionCountString = System.getProperty("test.database.previousVersions"); int previousVersionCount; if (previousVersionCountString == null) { previousVersionCount = 0; // If you run from Eclipse, use current version only } else { previousVersionCount = Integer.parseInt(previousVersionCountString); } return previousVersionCount; } public DbTool getDbTool() { return _dbtool; } public String getDatabaseType() { return _databaseType; } public String getCreateVersion() { return _createVersion; } public String getTargetVersion() { return _targetVersion; } public DataSourceTransactionManager getTransactionManager() { return new DataSourceTransactionManager(getDbTool().getDataSource()); } public DbConnector getDbConnector() { DbDialect dbDialect = s_dbDialects.get(getDatabaseType()); if (dbDialect == null) { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("config error - no DBHelper setup for " + getDatabaseType()); } DbConnectorFactoryBean factory = new DbConnectorFactoryBean(); factory.setName("DbTest"); factory.setDialect(dbDialect); factory.setDataSource(getDbTool().getDataSource()); factory.setTransactionIsolationLevelName("ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED"); factory.setTransactionPropagationBehaviorName("PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"); return factory.createObject(); } /** * Adds a dialect to the map of known. * * @param dbType the database type, not null * @param dialect the dialect, not null */ public static void addDbDialect(String dbType, DbDialect dialect) { s_dbDialects.put(dbType, dialect); } /** * Override this if you wish to do something with the database while it is in its "upgrading" state - e.g. populate with test data * at a particular version to test the data transformations on the next version upgrades. */ public void tablesCreatedOrUpgraded(final String version, final String prefix) { // No action } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public String toString() { return getDatabaseType() + ":" + getTargetVersion(); } }