Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.strata.measure.fxopt; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.CurrencyPair; import com.opengamma.strata.calc.CalculationRules; import com.opengamma.strata.calc.runner.CalculationParameter; import com.opengamma.strata.calc.runner.CalculationParameters; import com.opengamma.strata.calc.runner.FunctionRequirements; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.fxopt.FxOptionVolatilities; import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.fxopt.FxOptionVolatilitiesId; /** * The lookup that provides access to FX options volatilities in market data. * <p> * The FX options market lookup provides access to the volatilities used to price FX options. * <p> * The lookup implements {@link CalculationParameter} and is used by passing it * as an argument to {@link CalculationRules}. It provides the link between the * data that the function needs and the data that is available in {@link ScenarioMarketData}. * <p> * Implementations of this interface must be immutable. */ public interface FxOptionMarketDataLookup extends CalculationParameter { /** * Obtains an instance based on a single mapping from currency pair to volatility identifier. * <p> * The lookup provides volatilities for the specified currency pair. * * @param currencyPair the currency pair * @param volatilityId the volatility identifier * @return the FX options lookup containing the specified mapping */ public static FxOptionMarketDataLookup of(CurrencyPair currencyPair, FxOptionVolatilitiesId volatilityId) { return DefaultFxOptionMarketDataLookup.of(ImmutableMap.of(currencyPair, volatilityId)); } /** * Obtains an instance based on a map of volatility identifiers. * <p> * The map is used to specify the appropriate volatilities to use for each currency pair. * * @param volatilityIds the volatility identifiers, keyed by currency pair * @return the FX options lookup containing the specified volatilities */ public static FxOptionMarketDataLookup of(Map<CurrencyPair, FxOptionVolatilitiesId> volatilityIds) { return DefaultFxOptionMarketDataLookup.of(volatilityIds); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the type that the lookup will be queried by. * <p> * This returns {@code FxOptionMarketLookup.class}. * When querying parameters using {@link CalculationParameters#findParameter(Class)}, * {@code FxOptionMarketLookup.class} must be passed in to find the instance. * * @return the type of the parameter implementation */ @Override default Class<? extends CalculationParameter> queryType() { return FxOptionMarketDataLookup.class; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the set of currency pairs that volatilities are provided for. * * @return the set of currency pairs */ public abstract ImmutableSet<CurrencyPair> getVolatilityCurrencyPairs(); /** * Gets the identifiers used to obtain the volatilities for the specified currency pair. * <p> * The result will typically refer to a surface or cube. * If the currency pair is not found, an exception is thrown. * * @param currencyPair the currency pair for which identifiers are required * @return the set of market data identifiers * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the currency pair is not found */ public abstract ImmutableSet<MarketDataId<?>> getVolatilityIds(CurrencyPair currencyPair); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates market data requirements for the specified currency pairs. * * @param currencyPairs the currency pairs, for which volatilities are required * @return the requirements */ public default FunctionRequirements requirements(CurrencyPair... currencyPairs) { return requirements(ImmutableSet.copyOf(currencyPairs)); } /** * Creates market data requirements for the specified currency pairs. * * @param currencyPairs the currency pairs, for which volatilities are required * @return the requirements */ public abstract FunctionRequirements requirements(Set<CurrencyPair> currencyPairs); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Obtains a filtered view of the complete set of market data. * <p> * This method returns an instance that binds the lookup to the market data. * The input is {@link ScenarioMarketData}, which contains market data for all scenarios. * * @param marketData the complete set of market data for all scenarios * @return the filtered market data */ public default FxOptionScenarioMarketData marketDataView(ScenarioMarketData marketData) { return DefaultFxOptionScenarioMarketData.of(this, marketData); } /** * Obtains a filtered view of the complete set of market data. * <p> * This method returns an instance that binds the lookup to the market data. * The input is {@link MarketData}, which contains market data for one scenario. * * @param marketData the complete set of market data for one scenario * @return the filtered market data */ public default FxOptionMarketData marketDataView(MarketData marketData) { return DefaultFxOptionMarketData.of(this, marketData); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Obtains FX options volatilities based on the specified market data. * <p> * This provides {@link FxOptionVolatilities} suitable for pricing FX options. * Although this method can be used directly, it is typically invoked indirectly * via {@link FxOptionMarketData}: * <pre> * // bind the baseData to this lookup * FxOptionMarketData view = lookup.marketDataView(baseData); * * // pas around FxOptionMarketData within the function to use in pricing * FxOptionVolatilities vols = view.volatilities(currencyPair); * </pre> * * @param currencyPair the currency pair * @param marketData the complete set of market data for one scenario * @return the volatilities * @throws MarketDataNotFoundException if the currency pair is not found */ public abstract FxOptionVolatilities volatilities(CurrencyPair currencyPair, MarketData marketData); }