Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.language.object; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import com.opengamma.OpenGammaRuntimeException; import com.opengamma.language.definition.Categories; import com.opengamma.language.definition.JavaTypeInfo; import com.opengamma.language.definition.MetaParameter; import com.opengamma.language.function.AbstractFunctionProvider; import com.opengamma.language.function.FunctionProvider; import com.opengamma.language.function.MetaFunction; import; import; /** * A {@link FunctionProvider} that builds functions based on object constructors and their accessor/mutator * methods. The object information is read in from a resource file. The basic OG-Language functionality * can be extended for a custom language binding by inheriting from this class and re-implementing the * {@link #loadDefinitions} method. */ public class ObjectFunctionProvider extends AbstractFunctionProvider { private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectFunctionProvider.class); private static final String[] EMPTY = new String[0]; // TODO: move these into the resource file private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX = "Defines "; private static final String PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX = "The "; /** * */ protected final class AttributeInfo { /** * The name of the attribute to use when constructing parameter names. */ private final String _name; /** * The display name of the attribute to use in descriptions. */ private final String _label; /** * Whether the attribute *should* be readable. The attribute is exposed if this is set and there is an accessible getter. */ private final boolean _readable; /** * Whether the attribute *should* be writeable. The attribute is exposed if this is set and there is an accessible setter. */ private final boolean _writeable; /** * The preferred alias to use when constructing method names for the bound language. */ private final String _alias; public AttributeInfo(final String name, final String label) { this(name, label, true, true, name); } public AttributeInfo(final String name, final String label, final boolean readable, final boolean writeable, final String alias) { _name = name; _label = label; _readable = readable; _writeable = writeable; _alias = alias; } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getLabel() { return _label; } public boolean isReadable() { return _readable; } public boolean isWriteable() { return _writeable; } public String getAlias() { return _alias; } public String getDescription() { return PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX + getLabel(); } } /** * */ protected final class ObjectInfo { private final Class<?> _clazz; private final Map<String, AttributeInfo> _attributeInfo = new HashMap<String, AttributeInfo>(); private boolean _abstract; private String _name; private String _category; private String _label; private String _constructorDescription; private String[] _constructorParameters = EMPTY; private ObjectInfo _superclass; private ObjectInfo(final Class<?> clazz) { _clazz = clazz; _abstract = Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers()); } public Class<?> getObjectClass() { return _clazz; } public boolean isAbstract() { return _abstract; } private void setAbstract(final boolean abztract) { _abstract = abztract; } private void setName(final String name) { _name = name; } public String getName() { if (_name != null) { return _name; } else { return getObjectClass().getSimpleName(); } } private void setCategory(final String category) { _category = category; } public String getCategory() { return _category; } private void setAttributeLabel(final String attribute, final String label) { final int bracket = attribute.indexOf('['); if (bracket > 0) { final String name = attribute.substring(0, bracket); final String[] properties = attribute.substring(bracket + 1, attribute.length() - 1).split(",\\s*"); final String alias; if (properties[0].length() > 0) { alias = properties[0]; } else { alias = name; } boolean readable = true; boolean writeable = true; if (properties.length > 1) { if ("r/o".equals(properties[1])) { writeable = false; } else if ("w/o".equals(properties[1])) { readable = false; } else { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("Bad attribute property '" + attribute + "'"); } } _attributeInfo.put(name, new AttributeInfo(attribute, label, readable, writeable, alias)); } else { _attributeInfo.put(attribute, new AttributeInfo(attribute, label)); } } public AttributeInfo getDirectAttribute(final String attribute) { return _attributeInfo.get(attribute); } public Set<String> getDirectAttributes() { return _attributeInfo.keySet(); } public AttributeInfo getInheritedAttribute(final String attribute) { final AttributeInfo info = getDirectAttribute(attribute); if ((info == null) && (getSuperclass() != null)) { return getSuperclass().getInheritedAttribute(attribute); } return info; } public Set<String> getAttributes() { return _attributeInfo.keySet(); } private void setLabel(final String label) { _label = label; } public String getLabel() { return _label; } private void setConstructorDescription(final String constructorDescription) { _constructorDescription = constructorDescription; } public String getConstructorDescription() { if (_constructorDescription == null) { if (getLabel() != null) { return CONSTRUCTOR_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX + getLabel(); } else { return null; } } else { return _constructorDescription; } } private void setConstructorParameters(final String[] constructorParameters) { _constructorParameters = constructorParameters; } public String[] getConstructorParameters() { return _constructorParameters; } private void setSuperclass(final ObjectInfo superclass) { _superclass = superclass; } public ObjectInfo getSuperclass() { return _superclass; } public String getParameterDescription(final String parameter) { return getInheritedAttribute(parameter).getDescription(); } @Override public String toString() { final String str = "ObjectInfo[" + getObjectClass().getName() + "]"; if (getSuperclass() != null) { return str + "<-" + getSuperclass().toString(); } else { return str; } } } protected ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() { return ResourceBundle.getBundle(ObjectFunctionProvider.class.getName()); } protected String capitalize(final String str) { return StringUtils.capitalize(str); } protected String uncapitalize(final String str) { if (str.length() > 1) { if (Character.isUpperCase(str.charAt(0)) && Character.isUpperCase(str.charAt(1))) { return str; } } return StringUtils.uncapitalize(str); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected MetaFunction getCreateSecurityInstance(final ObjectInfo object) { final String[] parameterNames = object.getConstructorParameters(); final String[] parameterDescriptions = new String[parameterNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) { try { parameterDescriptions[i] = object.getParameterDescription(parameterNames[i]); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { s_logger.warn("Error processing parameter {} of {}", parameterNames[i], object); throw npe; } } final MetaFunction function = new CreateSecurityFunction(object.getObjectClass(), object.getConstructorDescription(), parameterNames, parameterDescriptions).getMetaFunction(); function.setCategory(Categories.SECURITY); return function; } protected MetaFunction getObjectValuesInstance(final ObjectInfo object, final String category) { // TODO: the string constants here should be at the top of the file final Class<?> clazz = object.getObjectClass(); final String name = "Expand" + object.getName(); final String description = "Expand the contents of " + object.getLabel(); final MetaParameter target = new MetaParameter(uncapitalize(object.getName()), JavaTypeInfo.builder(clazz).get()); target.setDescription(capitalize(object.getLabel()) + " to query"); final Map<String, Method> readers = new HashMap<String, Method>(); for (PropertyDescriptor prop : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(clazz)) { AttributeInfo info = object.getInheritedAttribute(prop.getName()); if ((info == null) || !info.isReadable()) { continue; } final Method read = PropertyUtils.getReadMethod(prop); if (read != null) { readers.put(info.getLabel(), read); } } if (readers.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return new ObjectValuesFunction(category, name, description, readers, target).getMetaFunction(); } } protected void loadManageableSecurityDefinitions(final ObjectInfo object, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions) { if (!object.isAbstract() && (object.getConstructorDescription() != null)) { definitions.add(getCreateSecurityInstance(object)); } if (object.getLabel() != null) { final MetaFunction func = getObjectValuesInstance(object, Categories.SECURITY); if (func != null) { definitions.add(func); } } loadGetAndSet(object, definitions, Categories.SECURITY); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected MetaFunction getCreateObjectInstance(final ObjectInfo object, final String category) { final String[] parameterNames = object.getConstructorParameters(); final String[] parameterDescriptions = new String[parameterNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) { parameterDescriptions[i] = object.getParameterDescription(parameterNames[i]); } return new CreateObjectFunction(category, object.getName(), object.getObjectClass(), object.getConstructorDescription(), parameterNames, parameterDescriptions).getMetaFunction(); } protected void loadObjectDefinitions(final ObjectInfo object, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions, final String category) { if (!object.isAbstract() && (object.getConstructorDescription() != null)) { definitions.add(getCreateObjectInstance(object, category)); } if (object.getLabel() != null) { final MetaFunction func = getObjectValuesInstance(object, category); if (func != null) { definitions.add(func); } } loadGetAndSet(object, definitions, category); } protected MetaFunction getGetAttributeInstance(final ObjectInfo object, final AttributeInfo attribute, final Method read, final String category) { // TODO: the string constants here should be at the top of the file final String name = "Get" + object.getName() + capitalize(attribute.getAlias()); final String description = "Returns the " + attribute.getLabel() + " from " + object.getLabel(); final MetaParameter target = new MetaParameter(uncapitalize(object.getName()), JavaTypeInfo.builder(object.getObjectClass()).get()); target.setDescription(capitalize(object.getLabel()) + " to query"); return new GetAttributeFunction(category, name, description, read, target).getMetaFunction(); } protected MetaFunction getSetAttributeInstance(final ObjectInfo object, final AttributeInfo attribute, final Method write, final String category) { // TODO: the string constants here should be at the top of the file final String name = "Set" + object.getName() + capitalize(attribute.getAlias()); final String description = "Updates the " + attribute.getLabel() + " of " + object.getLabel() + ". The original object is unchanged - a new object is returned with the updated value"; final MetaParameter target = new MetaParameter(uncapitalize(object.getName()), JavaTypeInfo.builder(object.getObjectClass()).get()); target.setDescription(capitalize(object.getLabel()) + " to update"); final MetaParameter value = new MetaParameter(attribute.getName(), JavaTypeInfo.builder(write.getParameterTypes()[0]).allowNull().get()); value.setDescription(attribute.getDescription()); return new SetAttributeFunction(category, name, description, write, target, value).getMetaFunction(); } protected void loadObjectGetter(final ObjectInfo object, final AttributeInfo attribute, final Method read, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions, final String category) { definitions.add(getGetAttributeInstance(object, attribute, read, category)); } protected void loadObjectSetter(final ObjectInfo object, final AttributeInfo attribute, final Method write, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions, final String category) { definitions.add(getSetAttributeInstance(object, attribute, write, category)); } protected void loadGetAndSet(final ObjectInfo object, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions, final String category) { if (object.getLabel() != null) { final Class<?> clazz = object.getObjectClass(); final Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<String>(object.getDirectAttributes()); for (PropertyDescriptor prop : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(clazz)) { final AttributeInfo attribute = object.getDirectAttribute(prop.getName()); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.isReadable()) { final Method read = PropertyUtils.getReadMethod(prop); if (read != null) { loadObjectGetter(object, attribute, read, definitions, category); attributes.remove(prop.getName()); } } if (attribute.isWriteable()) { final Method write = PropertyUtils.getWriteMethod(prop); if (write != null) { loadObjectSetter(object, attribute, write, definitions, category); attributes.remove(prop.getName()); } } } } if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { for (String attribute : attributes) { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException( "Attribute " + attribute + " is not exposed on object " + object); } } } } protected String categoriseObject(final Class<?> clazz) { final String n = clazz.getName(); if (n.startsWith("")) { return Categories.SECURITY; } if (n.startsWith("")) { return Categories.CURVE; } if (n.startsWith("com.opengamma.core.marketdatasnapshot.")) { return Categories.MARKET_DATA; } if (n.startsWith("com.opengamma.core.position.")) { return Categories.POSITION; } return null; } protected void loadDefinitions(final ObjectInfo object, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions) { s_logger.debug("Loading definitions for {}", object); if (ManageableSecurity.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getObjectClass())) { loadManageableSecurityDefinitions(object, definitions); } else { if (object.getCategory() != null) { loadObjectDefinitions(object, definitions, object.getCategory()); } else { loadObjectDefinitions(object, definitions, categoriseObject(object.getObjectClass())); } } } protected void loadDefinitions(final Collection<ObjectInfo> objects, final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions) { for (ObjectInfo object : objects) { loadDefinitions(object, definitions); } } // AbstractFunctionProvider @Override protected final void loadDefinitions(final Collection<MetaFunction> definitions) {"Starting loadDefinitions with {} in collection", definitions.size()); final Map<String, ObjectInfo> functions = new HashMap<String, ObjectInfo>(); final ResourceBundle mapping = getResourceBundle(); for (final String key : mapping.keySet()) { int dot = key.lastIndexOf('.'); final String clazz = key.substring(0, dot); final String attribute = key.substring(dot + 1); final String value = mapping.getString(key); ObjectInfo func = functions.get(clazz); if (func == null) { try { func = new ObjectInfo(Class.forName(clazz)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException( "Class '" + clazz + "' not available for function definition", t); } functions.put(clazz, func); } if ("_abstract".equals(attribute)) { func.setAbstract("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)); } else if ("_description".equals(attribute)) { func.setConstructorDescription(value); } else if ("_label".equals(attribute)) { func.setLabel(value); } else if ("_name".equals(attribute)) { func.setName(value); } else if ("_category".equals(attribute)) { func.setCategory(value); } else if ("_parameters".equals(attribute)) { func.setConstructorParameters(value.split(",\\s*")); } else { func.setAttributeLabel(attribute, value); } } final Collection<ObjectInfo> objects = functions.values(); for (ObjectInfo object : objects) { Class<?> superClazz = object.getObjectClass().getSuperclass(); while ((superClazz != null) && !Object.class.equals(superClazz)) { final ObjectInfo superclass = functions.get(superClazz.getName()); if (superclass != null) { object.setSuperclass(superclass); break; } superClazz = superClazz.getSuperclass(); } } loadDefinitions(objects, definitions); s_logger.debug("Finished loadDefinitions with {} definitions in collection", definitions.size()); } }