Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.language.convert; import static com.opengamma.language.convert.TypeMap.ZERO_LOSS; import java.util.Map; import; import com.opengamma.language.Value; import com.opengamma.language.definition.JavaTypeInfo; import com.opengamma.language.invoke.AbstractTypeConverter; /** * Converts a map of A->B to Value[][2] */ public class MapConverter extends AbstractTypeConverter { /** * Default instance. */ public static final MapConverter INSTANCE = new MapConverter(); private static final JavaTypeInfo<Value> VALUE = JavaTypeInfo.builder(Value.class).get(); private static final JavaTypeInfo<Value[][]> VALUES = JavaTypeInfo.builder(Value[][].class).get(); private static final JavaTypeInfo<Value[][]> VALUES_ALLOW_NULL = JavaTypeInfo.builder(Value[][].class) .allowNull().get(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final JavaTypeInfo<Map> MAP = JavaTypeInfo.builder(Map.class).get(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final JavaTypeInfo<Map> MAP_ALLOW_NULL = JavaTypeInfo.builder(Map.class).allowNull().get(); private static final TypeMap TO_MAP = TypeMap.of(ZERO_LOSS, VALUES); private static final TypeMap FROM_MAP = TypeMap.of(ZERO_LOSS, MAP); private static final TypeMap TO_MAP_ALLOW_NULL = TypeMap.of(ZERO_LOSS, VALUES_ALLOW_NULL); private static final TypeMap FROM_MAP_ALLOW_NULL = TypeMap.of(ZERO_LOSS, MAP_ALLOW_NULL); protected MapConverter() { } @Override public boolean canConvertTo(final JavaTypeInfo<?> targetType) { return (targetType.getRawClass() == Map.class) || (targetType.getRawClass() == Value[][].class); } @Override public void convertValue(final ValueConversionContext conversionContext, final Object value, final JavaTypeInfo<?> type) { if ((value == null) && type.isAllowNull()) { conversionContext.setResult(null); return; } if (type.getRawClass() == Map.class) { // Converting from Values[][] to Map final Value[][] values = (Value[][]) value; final JavaTypeInfo<?> keyType = type.getParameterizedType(0); final JavaTypeInfo<?> valueType = type.getParameterizedType(1); final Map<Object, Object> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(values.length); for (Value[] entry : values) { if (entry.length != 2) { conversionContext.setFail(); return; } conversionContext.convertValue(entry[0], keyType); if (conversionContext.isFailed()) { conversionContext.setFail(); return; } final Object key = conversionContext.getResult(); conversionContext.convertValue(entry[1], valueType); if (conversionContext.isFailed()) { conversionContext.setFail(); return; } result.put(key, conversionContext.getResult()); } conversionContext.setResult(result); } else { // Converting from Map to Values[][] final Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value; final Value[][] result = new Value[map.size()][2]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == null) { result[i][0] = new Value(); } else { conversionContext.convertValue(entry.getKey(), VALUE); if (conversionContext.isFailed()) { conversionContext.setFail(); return; } result[i][0] = conversionContext.getResult(); } if (entry.getValue() == null) { result[i++][1] = new Value(); } else { conversionContext.convertValue(entry.getValue(), VALUE); if (conversionContext.isFailed()) { conversionContext.setFail(); return; } result[i++][1] = conversionContext.getResult(); } } // Don't be tempted to sort the results; the map instance may already have done that conversionContext.setResult(result); } } @Override public Map<JavaTypeInfo<?>, Integer> getConversionsTo(final JavaTypeInfo<?> targetType) { if (targetType.getRawClass() == Map.class) { return targetType.isAllowNull() ? TO_MAP_ALLOW_NULL : TO_MAP; } else { return targetType.isAllowNull() ? FROM_MAP_ALLOW_NULL : FROM_MAP; } } }