Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;

import com.opengamma.core.position.Position;
import com.opengamma.core.position.PositionOrTrade;
import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTarget;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.AbstractFunction;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.FunctionCompilationContext;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.FunctionExecutionContext;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.FunctionInputs;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ComputedValue;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueProperties;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValuePropertyNames;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueRequirement;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueRequirementNames;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueSpecification;
import com.opengamma.util.tuple.DoublesPair;

 * Able to scale values produced by the rest of the OG-Financial package.
public class PositionOrTradeScalingFunction extends AbstractFunction.NonCompiledInvoker {

    private final String _requirementName;

    public PositionOrTradeScalingFunction(final String requirementName) {
        Validate.notNull(requirementName, "Requirement name");
        _requirementName = requirementName;

    public String getShortName() {
        return "PositionScaling for " + _requirementName;

    public ComputationTargetType getTargetType() {
        return ComputationTargetType.POSITION_OR_TRADE;

    public boolean canApplyTo(final FunctionCompilationContext context, final ComputationTarget target) {
        final Object value = target.getValue();
        if (value instanceof Position) {
            if (!((Position) value).getTrades().isEmpty()) { // Use PositionTradeScalingFunction instead
                return false;
        return ((PositionOrTrade) value).getSecurity() != null;

    public Set<ValueSpecification> getResults(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
            final ComputationTarget target) {
        return Collections.singleton(
                new ValueSpecification(_requirementName, target.toSpecification(), ValueProperties.all()));

    public Set<ValueRequirement> getRequirements(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
            final ComputationTarget target, final ValueRequirement desiredValue) {
        final Security security = target.getPositionOrTrade().getSecurity();
        final ValueRequirement requirement = new ValueRequirement(_requirementName, ComputationTargetType.SECURITY,
                security.getUniqueId(), desiredValue.getConstraints().withoutAny(ValuePropertyNames.FUNCTION));
        return Collections.singleton(requirement);

    protected ValueProperties getResultProperties(final ValueSpecification input) {
        return input.getProperties().copy().withoutAny(ValuePropertyNames.FUNCTION)
                .with(ValuePropertyNames.FUNCTION, getUniqueId()).get();

    public Set<ValueSpecification> getResults(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
            final ComputationTarget target, final Map<ValueSpecification, ValueRequirement> inputs) {
        final ValueSpecification input = inputs.keySet().iterator().next();
        final ValueSpecification specification = new ValueSpecification(_requirementName, target.toSpecification(),
        return Collections.singleton(specification);

    public Set<ComputedValue> execute(final FunctionExecutionContext executionContext, final FunctionInputs inputs,
            final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueRequirement> desiredValues) {
        final ComputedValue input = inputs.getAllValues().iterator().next();
        final Object value = input.getValue();
        final ValueSpecification specification = new ValueSpecification(_requirementName, target.toSpecification(),
        ComputedValue scaledValue;
        final double quantity = target.getPositionOrTrade().getQuantity().doubleValue();
        if (value instanceof Double) {
            Double doubleValue = (Double) value;
            doubleValue *= quantity;
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, doubleValue);
        } else if (value instanceof MultipleCurrencyAmount) {
            final MultipleCurrencyAmount m = (MultipleCurrencyAmount) value;
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, m.multipliedBy(quantity));
        } else if (value instanceof YieldCurveNodeSensitivityDataBundle) {
            final YieldCurveNodeSensitivityDataBundle nodeSensitivities = (YieldCurveNodeSensitivityDataBundle) value;
            final Currency ccy = nodeSensitivities.getCurrency();
            final String name = nodeSensitivities.getYieldCurveName();
            final DoubleLabelledMatrix1D m = nodeSensitivities.getLabelledMatrix();
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, new YieldCurveNodeSensitivityDataBundle(ccy,
                    new DoubleLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), m.getLabels(), scaled), name));
        } else if (value instanceof DoubleLabelledMatrix1D) {
            final DoubleLabelledMatrix1D m = (DoubleLabelledMatrix1D) value;
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new DoubleLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), m.getLabels(), scaled));
        } else if (value instanceof LocalDateLabelledMatrix1D) {
            final LocalDateLabelledMatrix1D m = (LocalDateLabelledMatrix1D) value;
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new LocalDateLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), m.getLabels(), scaled));
        } else if (value instanceof ZonedDateTimeLabelledMatrix1D) {
            final ZonedDateTimeLabelledMatrix1D m = (ZonedDateTimeLabelledMatrix1D) value;
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new ZonedDateTimeLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), m.getLabels(), scaled));
        } else if (value instanceof CurrencyLabelledMatrix1D) {
            final CurrencyLabelledMatrix1D m = (CurrencyLabelledMatrix1D) value;
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new CurrencyLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), m.getLabels(), scaled));
        } else if (value instanceof StringLabelledMatrix1D) {
            final StringLabelledMatrix1D m = (StringLabelledMatrix1D) value;
            final double[] scaled = getScaledMatrix(m.getValues(), quantity);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, new StringLabelledMatrix1D(m.getKeys(), scaled));
        } else if (_requirementName.equals(ValueRequirementNames.PRESENT_VALUE_CURVE_SENSITIVITY)) { //TODO this should probably not be done like this
            final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> map = (Map<String, List<DoublesPair>>) value;
            final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> scaled = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (final Map.Entry<String, List<DoublesPair>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                final List<DoublesPair> scaledList = Lists.newArrayList();
                for (final DoublesPair pair : entry.getValue()) {
                    scaledList.add(DoublesPair.of(pair.first, pair.second * quantity));
                scaled.put(entry.getKey(), scaledList);
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, scaled);
        } else if (value instanceof DoubleLabelledMatrix2D) {
            final DoubleLabelledMatrix2D matrix = (DoubleLabelledMatrix2D) value;
            final Double[] xKeys = matrix.getXKeys();
            final Object[] xLabels = matrix.getXLabels();
            final Double[] yKeys = matrix.getYKeys();
            final Object[] yLabels = matrix.getYLabels();
            final double[][] values = matrix.getValues();
            final int n = values.length;
            if (n == 0) {
                return Collections.singleton(new ComputedValue(specification, value));
            final int m = values[0].length;
            final double[][] scaledValues = new double[n][m];
            final double scale = quantity;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                    scaledValues[i][j] = values[i][j] * scale;
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new DoubleLabelledMatrix2D(xKeys, xLabels, yKeys, yLabels, scaledValues));
        } else if (value instanceof DoubleLabelledMatrix3D) {
            final DoubleLabelledMatrix3D matrix = (DoubleLabelledMatrix3D) value;
            final Double[] xKeys = matrix.getXKeys();
            final Object[] xLabels = matrix.getXLabels();
            final Double[] yKeys = matrix.getYKeys();
            final Object[] yLabels = matrix.getYLabels();
            final Double[] zKeys = matrix.getZKeys();
            final Object[] zLabels = matrix.getZLabels();
            final double[][][] values = matrix.getValues();
            final int n = values.length;
            final int m = values[0].length;
            final int l = values[0][0].length;
            final double[][][] scaledValues = new double[n][m][l];
            final double scale = quantity;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < l; k++) {
                        scaledValues[i][j][k] = values[i][j][k] * scale;
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification,
                    new DoubleLabelledMatrix3D(xKeys, xLabels, yKeys, yLabels, zKeys, zLabels, scaledValues));
        } else {
            //REVIEW emcleod 27-1-2011 aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh Why is nothing done here?
            scaledValue = new ComputedValue(specification, value);
        return Collections.singleton(scaledValue);

    private double[] getScaledMatrix(final double[] values, final double quantity) {
        final int n = values.length;
        final double[] scaled = new double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            scaled[i] = values[i] * quantity;
        return scaled;
