Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.engine.view.worker; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.threeten.bp.Instant; import; import; import com.opengamma.engine.view.ViewComputationResultModel; import com.opengamma.engine.view.ViewDefinition; import com.opengamma.engine.view.compilation.CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs; import com.opengamma.engine.view.cycle.ViewCycle; import com.opengamma.engine.view.cycle.ViewCycleMetadata; import com.opengamma.engine.view.execution.ExecutionOptions; import com.opengamma.engine.view.execution.ViewCycleExecutionOptions; import com.opengamma.engine.view.execution.ViewCycleExecutionSequence; import com.opengamma.engine.view.execution.ViewExecutionFlags; import com.opengamma.engine.view.execution.ViewExecutionOptions; import com.opengamma.engine.view.impl.ViewProcessContext; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; /** * Implementation of {@link ViewProcessWorker} that rolls work between two delegate workers to allow the secondary one to recompile a view while the first is still calculating values from the old * compilation. */ public class ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker implements ViewProcessWorker { private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.class); private static enum WorkerAction { TERMINATE, PROCEED, DEFER, BLOCK }; /** * Base class of the context used by the delegate workers. */ protected abstract class AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext implements ViewProcessWorkerContext { private final int _id; private final ViewCycleExecutionSequence _sequence; private CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs _lastCompiled; private ViewProcessWorker _worker; private WorkerAction _action; private ViewExecutionDataProvider _deferredCompilation; private ViewCycleMetadata _deferredCycleStarted; // caller must hold the outer class monitor public AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { _id = _nextWorkerId++; _sequence = options.getExecutionSequence().copy(); _worker = getDelegate().createWorker(this, options, getViewDefinition()); // Discard the first item from the sequence _sequence.poll(options.getDefaultExecutionOptions()); } protected ViewCycleExecutionSequence getSequence() { return _sequence; } protected abstract AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext newInstance(ViewExecutionOptions options); protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext createSecondaryWorker() { return createSecondaryWorker(getSequence()); } protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext createSecondaryWorker( final ViewCycleExecutionSequence sequence) { return newInstance(getOptions(sequence)); } protected void setCompiled(final CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs compiled) { _lastCompiled = compiled; } protected boolean isCompiled() { return _lastCompiled != null; } /** * Called on a secondary context to indicate a primary is about to start a cycle. * * @return {@code TERMINATE} to terminate the primary (must unblock this one), or {@code PROCEED} to allow the primary to continue (and start calculating) */ protected abstract WorkerAction primaryCycleStarted(); /** * Called on a primary context to indicate a secondary is about to start a cycle. * * @return {@code PROCEED} to allow the secondary to continue (may terminate this one), {@code IGNORE} to discard/defer the notification, or {@code BLOCK} to block the secondary */ protected abstract WorkerAction secondaryCycleStarted(); /** * Called on a secondary context to indicate a primary has completed a fragment. * * @return {@code TERMINATE} to terminate the primary (must unblock this one), or {@code PROCEED} to allow the primary to continue (and post its result) */ protected abstract WorkerAction primaryCycleFragmentCompleted(); /** * Called on a secondary context to indicate a primary has completed a cycle. * * @return {@code TERMINATE} to terminate the primary (must unblock this one), or {@code PROCEED} to allow the primary to continue (and post its result) */ protected abstract WorkerAction primaryCycleCompleted(); protected synchronized WorkerAction block() { s_logger.debug("Blocking worker {}", this); WorkerAction action = _action; while (action == null) { try { wait(); action = _action; } catch (InterruptedException e) { s_logger.debug("Interrupted", e); action = WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } } _action = null; s_logger.debug("Unblocked {} with action {}", this, action); return action; } protected synchronized void unblock(final WorkerAction action) { s_logger.debug("Unblocking worker {} with {}", this, action); _action = action; notifyAll(); } protected void terminate() { s_logger.debug("Terminating delegate"); if (!ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.terminate(this)) { s_logger.debug("Worker for {} already terminated", this); } } protected void deferredActions() { if (_deferredCompilation != null) { try { s_logger.debug("Notifying context of deferred compilation by {}", this); getContext().viewDefinitionCompiled(_deferredCompilation, _lastCompiled); } finally { _deferredCompilation = null; } } if (_deferredCycleStarted != null) { try { s_logger.debug("Notifying context of deferred cycle start by {}", this); getContext().cycleStarted(_deferredCycleStarted); } finally { _deferredCycleStarted = null; } } } protected void notifyCycleStarted(ViewCycleMetadata cycleMetadata) { deferredActions(); s_logger.debug("Notifying context of cycle started by {}", this); getContext().cycleStarted(cycleMetadata); } protected void notifyCycleFragmentCompleted(ViewComputationResultModel result, ViewDefinition viewDefinition) { deferredActions(); s_logger.debug("Notifying context of cycle fragment completed by {}", this); getContext().cycleFragmentCompleted(result, viewDefinition); } protected void notifyCycleCompleted(ViewCycle cycle) { s_logger.debug("Notifying context of cycle completed by {}", this); getContext().cycleCompleted(cycle); } protected void notifyCycleExecutionFailed(ViewCycleExecutionOptions options, Exception exception) { s_logger.debug("Notifying context of cycle execution failed by {}", this); getContext().cycleExecutionFailed(options, exception); } // ViewProcessWorkerContext @Override public final ViewProcessContext getProcessContext() { return getContext().getProcessContext(); } @Override public final void viewDefinitionCompiled(ViewExecutionDataProvider dataProvider, CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs compiled) { if (ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.viewDefinitionCompiled(this, compiled)) { _deferredCompilation = dataProvider; } else { terminate(); } } @Override public final void viewDefinitionCompilationFailed(Instant compilationTime, Exception exception) {"View definition compilation failure"); try { getContext().viewDefinitionCompilationFailed(compilationTime, exception); } finally { terminate(); } } @Override public final void cycleStarted(ViewCycleMetadata cycleMetadata) { WorkerAction action = ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.cycleStarted(this); while (action == WorkerAction.BLOCK) { action = block(); } if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { terminate(); return; } if (action != WorkerAction.DEFER) { notifyCycleStarted(cycleMetadata); } else { _deferredCycleStarted = cycleMetadata; } } @Override public final void cycleFragmentCompleted(ViewComputationResultModel result, ViewDefinition viewDefinition) { WorkerAction action = ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.cycleFragmentCompleted(this); while (action == WorkerAction.BLOCK) { action = block(); } if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { terminate(); return; } if (action != WorkerAction.DEFER) { notifyCycleFragmentCompleted(result, viewDefinition); } } @Override public final void cycleCompleted(ViewCycle cycle) { WorkerAction action = ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.cycleCompleted(this); while (action == WorkerAction.BLOCK) { action = block(); } if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { terminate(); return; } deferredActions(); notifyCycleCompleted(cycle); } @Override public final void cycleExecutionFailed(ViewCycleExecutionOptions options, Exception exception) { WorkerAction action = ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.cycleExecutionFailed(this); while (action == WorkerAction.BLOCK) { action = block(); } if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { terminate(); return; } deferredActions(); try { notifyCycleExecutionFailed(options, exception); } finally { workerCompleted(); } } @Override public final void workerCompleted() { if (ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker.this.workerCompleted(this)) { getContext().workerCompleted(); } } // Object @Override public String toString() { return _id + "[" + getContext() + "]"; } } /** * Context used by workers that are participating in a parallel execution strategy. */ protected class ParallelExecutionContext extends AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext { private boolean _resultsAvailable; public ParallelExecutionContext(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { super(options); } // AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext @Override protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext newInstance(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new ParallelExecutionContext(options); } @Override protected void notifyCycleFragmentCompleted(ViewComputationResultModel result, ViewDefinition viewDefinition) { _resultsAvailable = true; super.notifyCycleFragmentCompleted(result, viewDefinition); } @Override protected void notifyCycleCompleted(ViewCycle cycle) { _resultsAvailable = true; super.notifyCycleCompleted(cycle); } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleStarted() { // Allow primary to continue until we've got a result if (_resultsAvailable) { return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } @Override protected WorkerAction secondaryCycleStarted() { // Secondary can always run, eventually return WorkerAction.DEFER; } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleFragmentCompleted() { // Allow primary to continue until we've got a result if (_resultsAvailable) { return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleCompleted() { // Allow primary to continue until we've got a result if (_resultsAvailable) { return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } // Object @Override public String toString() { return "Parallel/" + super.toString(); } } /** * Context used by workers that are participating in a deferred execution strategy. */ protected class DeferredExecutionContext extends AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext { public DeferredExecutionContext(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { super(options); } // AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext @Override protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext newInstance(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new DeferredExecutionContext(options); } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleStarted() { if (isCompiled()) { // Terminate the primary worker, and unblock this one unblock(WorkerAction.PROCEED); return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { // Allow the primary to continue until we've compiled ourselves return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } @Override protected WorkerAction secondaryCycleStarted() { // Block the secondary worker until the primary has finished a cycle return WorkerAction.BLOCK; } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleFragmentCompleted() { // Allow the primary to continue return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleCompleted() { if (isCompiled()) { // Compiled and ready to run - unblock unblock(WorkerAction.PROCEED); } // Allow the primary worker to post its result; we'll kill it when it starts its next cycle return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } // Object @Override public String toString() { return "Deferred/" + super.toString(); } } /** * Context used by workers that are participating in an immediate execution strategy. */ protected class ImmediateExecutionContext extends AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext { public ImmediateExecutionContext(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { super(options); } // AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext @Override protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext newInstance(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new ImmediateExecutionContext(options); } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleStarted() { if (isCompiled()) { // Terminate the primary worker return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { // Allow the primary to continue until we've compiled ourselves return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } @Override protected WorkerAction secondaryCycleStarted() { // Always continue - we'll kill the primary at the first opportunity return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleFragmentCompleted() { if (isCompiled()) { // Terminate the primary worker return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } @Override protected WorkerAction primaryCycleCompleted() { if (isCompiled()) { // Terminate the primary worker return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } // Object @Override public String toString() { return "Immediate/" + super.toString(); } } private final ViewProcessWorkerFactory _delegate; private final ViewProcessWorkerContext _context; private final EnumSet<ViewExecutionFlags> _flags; private final Integer _maxSuccessiveDeltaCycles; private final ViewCycleExecutionOptions _defaultExecutionOptions; private TargetResolverChangeListener _resolverChanges; private int _nextWorkerId; private ViewDefinition _viewDefinition; private AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext _primary; private AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext _secondary; private boolean _terminated; /** * Creates a new worker. The worker will not do anything; the caller must spawn a primary delegate. * * @param delegate the factory for spawning delegate workers, not null * @param context the context controlling this worker, not null * @param options the options for this worker (and its spawned workers), not null * @param viewDefinition the initial view definition, not null */ public ParallelRecompilationViewProcessWorker(final ViewProcessWorkerFactory delegate, final ViewProcessWorkerContext context, final ViewExecutionOptions options, final ViewDefinition viewDefinition) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(delegate, "delegate"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(context, "context"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(options, "options"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(viewDefinition, "viewDefinition"); _delegate = delegate; _context = context; _flags = options.getFlags(); _maxSuccessiveDeltaCycles = options.getMaxSuccessiveDeltaCycles(); _defaultExecutionOptions = options.getDefaultExecutionOptions(); _viewDefinition = viewDefinition; } protected ViewProcessWorkerFactory getDelegate() { return _delegate; } protected ViewProcessWorkerContext getContext() { return _context; } protected EnumSet<ViewExecutionFlags> getFlags() { return _flags; } protected Integer getMaxSuccessiveDeltaCycles() { return _maxSuccessiveDeltaCycles; } protected ViewCycleExecutionOptions getDefaultExecutionOptions() { return _defaultExecutionOptions; } /* package */AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext getPrimary() { return _primary; } /* package */AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext getSecondary() { return _secondary; } protected ViewExecutionOptions getOptions(final ViewCycleExecutionSequence sequence) { return new ExecutionOptions(sequence, getFlags(), getMaxSuccessiveDeltaCycles(), getDefaultExecutionOptions()); } protected synchronized ViewDefinition getViewDefinition() { return _viewDefinition; } protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext createParallel(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new ParallelExecutionContext(options); } public synchronized void startParallel(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { setPrimary(createParallel(options)); } protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext createDeferred(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new DeferredExecutionContext(options); } public synchronized void startDeferred(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { setPrimary(createDeferred(options)); } protected AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext createImmediate(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { return new ImmediateExecutionContext(options); } public synchronized void startImmediate(final ViewExecutionOptions options) { setPrimary(createImmediate(options)); } private void setPrimary(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext primary) { if (_terminated || (_primary != null)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } _primary = primary; } // caller must hold the monitor /* package */void startSecondaryWorker(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext primary, final ViewCycleExecutionSequence tailSequence) {"Starting secondary worker"); _secondary = primary.createSecondaryWorker(tailSequence); } /* package */void promoteSecondaryWorker() {"Promoting secondary worker"); _primary = _secondary; _secondary = null; } // caller must hold the monitor protected void checkForRecompilation(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext primary, CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs compiled) { final ViewCycleExecutionSequence tailSequence = (getSecondary() == null) ? primary.getSequence().copy() : null; final ViewCycleExecutionOptions nextCycle = primary.getSequence().poll(getDefaultExecutionOptions()); if (nextCycle != null) { final VersionCorrection vc = nextCycle.getResolverVersionCorrection(); boolean changes = false; if ((vc == null) || VersionCorrection.LATEST.equals(vc)) { if (_resolverChanges == null) { _resolverChanges = new TargetResolverChangeListener() { @Override protected void onChanged() { // Something has changed; request a cycle on the primary and that may then do the necessary ViewProcessWorker worker = null; synchronized (this) { if (!_terminated && (getPrimary() != null)) { worker = getPrimary()._worker; } } if (worker != null) { worker.requestCycle(); } } }; getContext().getProcessContext().getFunctionCompilationService().getFunctionCompilationContext() .getRawComputationTargetResolver().changeManager().addChangeListener(_resolverChanges); } final Collection<UniqueId> uids = compiled.getResolvedIdentifiers().values(); final Set<ObjectId> oids = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(uids.size()); for (UniqueId uid : uids) { final ObjectId oid = uid.getObjectId(); if (tailSequence != null) { changes |= _resolverChanges.isChanged(oid); } oids.add(oid); } _resolverChanges.watchOnly(oids); } else { if (_resolverChanges != null) { getContext().getProcessContext().getFunctionCompilationService().getFunctionCompilationContext() .getRawComputationTargetResolver().changeManager() .removeChangeListener(_resolverChanges); _resolverChanges = null; } } if (tailSequence == null) { // Already got a secondary worker; just went this far to update any change listeners s_logger.debug("Secondary worker already active"); return; } if ((_resolverChanges == null) || changes) { startSecondaryWorker(primary, tailSequence); } } } protected synchronized boolean viewDefinitionCompiled(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context, final CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs compiled) { if (!_terminated) { if (getPrimary() == context) {"View definition compiled by primary worker"); getPrimary().setCompiled(compiled); checkForRecompilation(context, compiled); return true; } if (getSecondary() == context) {"View definition compiled by secondary worker"); CompiledViewDefinitionWithGraphs primaryCompile = getPrimary()._lastCompiled; final Map<ComputationTargetReference, UniqueId> primaryResolutions = primaryCompile .getResolvedIdentifiers(); final Map<ComputationTargetReference, UniqueId> secondaryResolutions = compiled .getResolvedIdentifiers(); if (primaryResolutions.equals(secondaryResolutions)) { // Nothing has changed, the primary is still valid s_logger.debug("Rejecting compilation from secondary worker"); _secondary = null; return false; } else { s_logger.debug("Secondary compilation valid"); getSecondary().setCompiled(compiled); return true; } } } return false; } protected synchronized WorkerAction cycleStarted(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { if (!_terminated) { if (getPrimary() == context) {"Cycle started from primary worker"); checkForRecompilation(context, context._lastCompiled); if (getSecondary() != null) { final WorkerAction action = getSecondary().primaryCycleStarted(); if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); } return action; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } if (getSecondary() == context) {"Cycle started from secondary worker"); final WorkerAction action = getPrimary().secondaryCycleStarted(); if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) {"Terminating secondary worker"); _secondary = null; } return action; } } return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } protected synchronized WorkerAction cycleFragmentCompleted(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { if (!_terminated) { if (getPrimary() == context) { s_logger.debug("Cycle fragment completed from primary worker"); if (getSecondary() != null) { WorkerAction action = getSecondary().primaryCycleFragmentCompleted(); if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); } return action; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } if (getSecondary() == context) { s_logger.debug("Cycle fragment completed from secondary worker"); return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } protected synchronized WorkerAction cycleCompleted(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { if (!_terminated) { if (getPrimary() == context) {"Cycle completed from primary worker"); if (getSecondary() != null) { WorkerAction action = getSecondary().primaryCycleCompleted(); if (action == WorkerAction.TERMINATE) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); } return action; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } if (getSecondary() == context) {"Cycle completed from secondary worker"); return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } protected synchronized WorkerAction cycleExecutionFailed(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { if (!_terminated) { if (getPrimary() == context) {"Cycle execution failed from primary worker"); if (getSecondary() != null) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } else { return WorkerAction.PROCEED; } } if (getSecondary() == context) {"Cycle execution failed from secondary worker");"Terminating secondary worker"); _secondary = null; return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } } return WorkerAction.TERMINATE; } protected boolean workerCompleted(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { if (!terminate(context)) {"Worker for {} already terminated", context); return false; } synchronized (this) { if (getPrimary() == context) { final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext secondary = getSecondary(); if (secondary != null) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); secondary.unblock(WorkerAction.PROCEED); return false; } else {"Primary worker completed - no secondary worker"); _primary = null; if (_resolverChanges != null) { getContext().getProcessContext().getFunctionCompilationService() .getFunctionCompilationContext().getRawComputationTargetResolver().changeManager() .removeChangeListener(_resolverChanges); _resolverChanges = null; } return true; } } else if (getSecondary() == context) { assert getPrimary() != null;"Secondary worker completed"); _secondary = null; return false; } else { // E.g. a late or incorrect notification from a worker throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } protected boolean terminate(final AbstractViewProcessWorkerContext context) { ViewProcessWorker worker; synchronized (this) { worker = context._worker; if (worker == null) { return false; } context._worker = null; } worker.terminate(); return true; } // ViewProcessWorker @Override public boolean triggerCycle() { do { ViewProcessWorker primary = null; synchronized (this) { if (!_terminated && (getPrimary() != null)) { primary = getPrimary()._worker; } } if (primary != null) { s_logger.debug("Triggering cycle on primary worker {}", primary); if (primary.triggerCycle()) { return true; } else { synchronized (this) { if (!_terminated && (getPrimary() != null) && (primary == getPrimary()._worker)) { s_logger.debug("Primary worker unable to handle request"); return false; } } s_logger.debug("Primary worker has terminated; repeating request"); continue; } } else { s_logger.debug("Ignoring triggerCycle on terminated worker"); return false; } } while (true); } @Override public boolean requestCycle() { do { ViewProcessWorker primary = null; synchronized (this) { if (!_terminated && (getPrimary() != null)) { primary = getPrimary()._worker; } } if (primary != null) { s_logger.debug("Requesting cycle from primary worker {}", primary); if (primary.requestCycle()) { return true; } else { synchronized (this) { if (!_terminated && (getPrimary() != null) && (primary == getPrimary()._worker)) { s_logger.debug("Primary worker unable to handle request"); return false; } } s_logger.debug("Primary worker has terminated; repeating request"); continue; } } else { s_logger.debug("Ignoring requestCycle on terminated worker"); return false; } } while (true); } @Override public void updateViewDefinition(ViewDefinition viewDefinition) {"Updating view definition"); ViewProcessWorker worker = null; synchronized (this) { _viewDefinition = viewDefinition; if (getSecondary() != null) { worker = getSecondary()._worker; _secondary = getSecondary().createSecondaryWorker(); } else if (getPrimary() != null) { _secondary = getPrimary().createSecondaryWorker(); } } if (worker != null) {"Terminating previous secondary worker {}", worker); worker.terminate(); } } @Override public void terminate() {"Terminating worker(s)"); ViewProcessWorker primary, secondary; synchronized (this) { if (_terminated) { s_logger.warn("Already terminated"); return; } primary = (getPrimary() != null) ? getPrimary()._worker : null; secondary = (getSecondary() != null) ? getSecondary()._worker : null; _terminated = true; } if (primary != null) { s_logger.debug("Terminating primary worker {}", primary); primary.terminate(); } if (secondary != null) { s_logger.debug("Terminating secondary worker {}", secondary); secondary.terminate(); } } @Override public void join() throws InterruptedException {"Joining worker(s)"); do { ViewProcessWorker primary; synchronized (this) { if (getPrimary() == null) { break; } primary = getPrimary()._worker; } s_logger.debug("Joining primary worker {}", primary); primary.join(); synchronized (this) { if (getPrimary() == null) { break; } else { if (getPrimary()._worker == primary) { if (getSecondary() != null) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); } else { _primary = null; break; } } else { s_logger.debug("Primary worker {} changed to {} during wait", primary, getPrimary()); } } } } while (true); s_logger.debug("Primary worker joined"); } @Override public boolean join(final long timeout) throws InterruptedException {"Joining worker(s)"); final long waitUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; do { ViewProcessWorker primary; synchronized (this) { if (getPrimary() == null) { break; } primary = getPrimary()._worker; } s_logger.debug("Joining primary worker {}", primary); final long waitDuration = waitUntil - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (waitDuration > 0) { s_logger.debug("Waiting for {}ms for primary worker {}", waitDuration, primary); if (!primary.join(waitDuration)) { return false; } } else { s_logger.debug("Timeout elapsed joining {}", primary); return false; } synchronized (this) { if (getPrimary() == null) { break; } else { if (getPrimary()._worker == primary) { if (getSecondary() != null) { promoteSecondaryWorker(); } else { _primary = null; break; } } else { s_logger.debug("Primary worker {} changed to {} during wait", primary, getPrimary()); } } } } while (true); s_logger.debug("Primary worker joined"); return true; } @Override public synchronized boolean isTerminated() { return getPrimary() == null; } @Override public void forceGraphRebuild() { ViewProcessWorker primary; ViewProcessWorker secondary; synchronized (this) { if (_terminated) { s_logger.warn("Already terminated"); return; } primary = (getPrimary() != null) ? getPrimary()._worker : null; secondary = (getSecondary() != null) ? getSecondary()._worker : null; _terminated = true; } if (primary != null) { primary.forceGraphRebuild(); } if (secondary != null) { secondary.forceGraphRebuild(); } } }