Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.engine.depgraph;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTarget;
import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTargetSpecification;
import com.opengamma.engine.MemoryUtils;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.CompiledFunctionDefinition;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.MarketDataSourcingFunction;
import com.opengamma.engine.function.ParameterizedFunction;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueRequirement;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueSpecification;
import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;
import com.opengamma.util.PublicAPI;

 * A single node in a {@link DependencyGraph}. A node represents the need to execute a particular function at runtime to produce certain outputs.
 * <p>
 * The same node instance can belong to multiple graphs due to the possibility of sub-graphing.
 * <p>
 * A node consists of a computation target (e.g. a {@link Security}), a function to operate on that target, input values for the function, and output values generated by the function. Relationships
 * with other nodes - either input or dependent - indicate how input values are produced and how output values are to be used.
public class DependencyNode {


    private final ComputationTargetSpecification _computationTarget;


    private ParameterizedFunction _function;


    private final Set<ValueSpecification> _inputValues = new HashSet<ValueSpecification>();
    private final Map<ValueSpecification, Boolean> _outputValues = new HashMap<ValueSpecification, Boolean>();

    private final Set<DependencyNode> _inputNodes = new HashSet<DependencyNode>();
    private final Set<DependencyNode> _dependentNodes = new HashSet<DependencyNode>();


     * Creates a new node.
     * @param target the computation target, not null
    public DependencyNode(final ComputationTarget target) {

     * Creates a new node.
     * @param target the computation target specification, not null
    public DependencyNode(final ComputationTargetSpecification target) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(target, "Computation Target");
        _computationTarget = target;

    public DependencyNode(final DependencyNode copyFrom) {
        _computationTarget = copyFrom._computationTarget;
        _function = copyFrom._function;

     * Adds a set of nodes as inputs to this node. The nodes added are updated to include this node in their dependent node set.
     * @param inputNodes nodes to add, not null and not containing null
    public void addInputNodes(final Set<DependencyNode> inputNodes) {
        for (final DependencyNode inputNode : inputNodes) {

     * Adds a node as input to this node. The node added is updated to include this node in its dependent node set.
     * @param inputNode node to add, not null
    public void addInputNode(final DependencyNode inputNode) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(inputNode, "Input Node");

    protected void addDependentNode(final DependencyNode dependentNode) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(dependentNode, "Dependent Node");

     * Returns the set of all immediately dependent nodes - i.e. nodes that consume one or more output values generated by this node.
     * @return the set of dependent nodes
    public Set<DependencyNode> getDependentNodes() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_dependentNodes);

     * Returns the set of all immediate input nodes - i.e. nodes that produce one or more of the input values to the function attached to this node.
     * @return the set of input nodes
    public Set<DependencyNode> getInputNodes() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_inputNodes);

     * Adds output values to this node. Graph construction will initially include the maximal set of outputs from the function. This will later be pruned to remove any values not required as inputs to
     * other nodes and not specified as terminal outputs of the graph.
     * @param outputValues the output values produced by this node, not null
    public void addOutputValues(final Iterable<ValueSpecification> outputValues) {
        for (final ValueSpecification outputValue : outputValues) {

     * Adds an output value to the node. Graph construction will initially include the maximal set of outputs from the function. This will later be pruned to remove any values not required as inputs to
     * other nodes and not specified as terminal outputs of the graph.
     * @param outputValue an output value produced by this node, not null
    public void addOutputValue(final ValueSpecification outputValue) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(outputValue, "Output value");
        _outputValues.put(outputValue, Boolean.FALSE);

     * Removes an output value from this node. The value must not be used as an input to a dependent node.
     * @param outputValue the value to remove
    public void removeOutputValue(final ValueSpecification outputValue) {
        for (final DependencyNode outputNode : _dependentNodes) {
            if (outputNode._inputValues.contains(outputValue)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Can't remove output value " + outputValue + " required for input to " + outputNode);
        if (_outputValues.remove(outputValue) == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Output value " + outputValue + " not in output set of " + this);

     * Replace an output value from this node with another. Returns the number of times the value is consumed by dependent nodes.
     * @param existingOutputValue the existing value
     * @param newOutputValue the value to replace it with
     * @return the number of replacements made in dependent nodes
    public int replaceOutputValue(final ValueSpecification existingOutputValue,
            final ValueSpecification newOutputValue) {
        Boolean terminal = _outputValues.remove(existingOutputValue);
        if (terminal == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Existing output value " + existingOutputValue + " not in output set of " + this);
        _outputValues.put(newOutputValue, terminal);
        int count = 0;
        for (final DependencyNode outputNode : _dependentNodes) {
            if (outputNode._inputValues.remove(existingOutputValue)) {
        return count;

    /* package */void clearInputs() {
        for (final DependencyNode inputNode : _inputNodes) {

    public void addInputValue(final ValueSpecification inputValue) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(inputValue, "Input value");

     * Replaces the dependency node that an input value is sourced from. If this was the only input value sourced from the previous input node then it is removed from the input node set.
     * @param previousInputValue the input value to replace, not null
     * @param newInputValue the new input value to replace, not null
     * @param previousInputNode the node the data was being produced by, not null
     * @param newInputNode the new input node, not null
    public void replaceInput(final ValueSpecification previousInputValue, final ValueSpecification newInputValue,
            final DependencyNode previousInputNode, final DependencyNode newInputNode) {


        for (final ValueSpecification input : _inputValues) {
            if (!newInputValue.equals(input)) {
                if (previousInputNode._outputValues.containsKey(input)) {
                    // Previous input still produces other values we consume
        // Not consuming any other inputs from this node

    private void replaceWithCore(final DependencyNode newNode) {
        for (final DependencyNode input : _inputNodes) {
            if (input._dependentNodes.remove(this)) {
        for (final DependencyNode output : _dependentNodes) {
            if (output._inputNodes.remove(this)) {

     * Cuts all edges linking this node, replacing it with the given node. The new node will be updated to include the input and output value specifications from this node.
     * <p>
     * This must only be used on a free node; if the node is part of a graph, the state of the owning graph will be corrupted.
     * @param newNode the node to replace this in the graph
    /* package */void replaceWith(final DependencyNode newNode) {
        // Rewrite the original outputs to use the target of the new node
        for (final Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> outputEntry : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            final ValueSpecification outputValue = outputEntry.getKey();
            final ValueSpecification newOutputValue = MemoryUtils.instance(new ValueSpecification(
                    outputValue.getValueName(), newNode.getComputationTarget(), outputValue.getProperties()));
            newNode._outputValues.put(newOutputValue, outputEntry.getValue());
            for (final DependencyNode output : _dependentNodes) {
                if (output._inputValues.remove(outputValue)) {

     * Do not call directly; used by {@link DependencyGraph#replaceWithinGraph} only.
    /* package */void replaceWithinGraph(final DependencyNode newNode, final DependencyGraph graph) {
        // Rewrite the original outputs to use the target of the new node
        for (final Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> outputEntry : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            final ValueSpecification outputValue = outputEntry.getKey();
            final ValueSpecification newOutputValue = MemoryUtils.instance(new ValueSpecification(
                    outputValue.getValueName(), newNode.getComputationTarget(), outputValue.getProperties()));
            newNode._outputValues.put(newOutputValue, outputEntry.getValue());
            for (final DependencyNode output : _dependentNodes) {
                if (output._inputValues.remove(outputValue)) {
            graph.replaceValueSpecification(outputValue, newOutputValue);

     * Returns the set of output values produced by this node.
     * @return the set of output values
    public Set<ValueSpecification> getOutputValues() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_outputValues.keySet());

    /* package */Set<ValueSpecification> getOutputValuesCopy() {
        return new HashSet<ValueSpecification>(_outputValues.keySet());

     * Returns the set of terminal output values produced by this node. This is a subset of {@link #getOutputValues}. After graph construction any output values that are not consumed by other nodes will
     * be pruned unless they are declared as terminal output values.
     * @return the set of output values, or the empty set if none
    public Set<ValueSpecification> getTerminalOutputValues() {
        final Set<ValueSpecification> outputs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(_outputValues.size());
        for (Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> output : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            if (output.getValue() == Boolean.TRUE) {
        return outputs;

    /* package */void gatherTerminalOutputValues(final Map<ValueSpecification, ?> outputs) {
        for (Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> output : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            if (output.getValue() == Boolean.TRUE) {
                if (!outputs.containsKey(output.getKey())) {
                    outputs.put(output.getKey(), null);

    public void gatherTerminalOutputValues(final Collection<ValueSpecification> outputs) {
        for (Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> output : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            if (output.getValue() == Boolean.TRUE) {

    public boolean hasTerminalOutputValues() {
        return _outputValues.containsValue(Boolean.TRUE);

     * Tests if a give value is a terminal output from this node.
     * @param specification the specification to test, not null
     * @return true if the output is defined and is terminal, false otherwise
    public boolean hasTerminalOutputValue(final ValueSpecification specification) {
        return _outputValues.get(specification) == Boolean.TRUE;

     * Returns the set of input values.
     * @return the set of input values
    public Set<ValueSpecification> getInputValues() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_inputValues);

    /* package */Set<ValueSpecification> getInputValuesCopy() {
        return new HashSet<ValueSpecification>(_inputValues);

     * Tests if a given value is an input to this node.
     * @param specification value to test
     * @return true if the value is an input to this node
    public boolean hasInputValue(final ValueSpecification specification) {
        return _inputValues.contains(specification);

    public boolean isMarketDataSourcingFunction() {
        return _function.getFunction() instanceof MarketDataSourcingFunction;

     * Adds the market data requirements, if any, from this node into the given collection.
     * @param buffer the buffer to update, not null
    /* package */void addMarketDataRequirementsInto(final Collection<ValueSpecification> buffer) {
        if (isMarketDataSourcingFunction()) {
            for (Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, ?> output : _outputValues.entrySet()) {

     * Removes the market data requirements, if any, of this node from the collection.
    /* package */void removeMarketDataRequirementsFrom(final Collection<ValueSpecification> buffer) {
        if (isMarketDataSourcingFunction()) {
            for (Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, ?> output : _outputValues.entrySet()) {

     * Returns the function used at this node.
     * @return the function
    public ParameterizedFunction getFunction() {
        return _function;

     * Uses default parameters to invoke the function. Useful in tests.
     * @param function Function to be invoked
    public void setFunction(final CompiledFunctionDefinition function) {
        setFunction(new ParameterizedFunction(function, function.getFunctionDefinition().getDefaultParameters()));

     * Sets the function to be used to execute this node.
     * @param function Function to be invoked
    public void setFunction(final ParameterizedFunction function) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(function, "Function");
        // [PLAT-2286] We used to check the function's target was right for the target specification. This would require knowledge of
        // the resolution strategy to do properly. The function type has to be compatible with something that is a sub-type of the target.
        _function = function;

     * Returns the computation target of the node.
     * @return the computation target
    public ComputationTargetSpecification getComputationTarget() {
        return _computationTarget;

     * Removes any unused outputs. These are any output values that are not terminal output values and are not stated as inputs to any dependent nodes.
     * @return the set of outputs removed, the empty set if this has no outputs, or null if none were removed
    public Set<ValueSpecification> removeUnnecessaryOutputs() {
        Set<ValueSpecification> unnecessaryOutputs = null;
        if (_outputValues.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        for (final Map.Entry<ValueSpecification, Boolean> outputEntry : _outputValues.entrySet()) {
            if (outputEntry.getValue() == Boolean.TRUE) {
            final ValueSpecification outputSpec = outputEntry.getKey();
            boolean isUsed = false;
            for (final DependencyNode dependantNode : _dependentNodes) {
                if (dependantNode.hasInputValue(outputSpec)) {
                    isUsed = true;
            if (!isUsed) {
                if (unnecessaryOutputs == null) {
                    unnecessaryOutputs = new HashSet<ValueSpecification>();
        if (unnecessaryOutputs == null) {
            return null;
        for (ValueSpecification unnecessaryOutput : unnecessaryOutputs) {
        return unnecessaryOutputs;

     * Marks an output as terminal, meaning that it cannot be pruned. If this node already belongs to a graph, use
     * {@link DependencyGraph#addTerminalOutput(ValueRequirement requirement, ValueSpecification specification)}.
     * @param terminalOutput the output to mark as terminal
    public void addTerminalOutputValue(final ValueSpecification terminalOutput) {
        _outputValues.put(terminalOutput, Boolean.TRUE);

     * Unmarks an output as terminal, reversing {@link #addTerminalOutputValue}. The output will remain as an output of the node.
     * @param terminalOutput the output to unmark as terminal
    public void removeTerminalOutputValue(final ValueSpecification terminalOutput) {
        _outputValues.put(terminalOutput, Boolean.FALSE);

    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (getFunction() != null) {
        } else {
            sb.append("<null function>");
        sb.append(" on ");
        return sb.toString();
