Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;

import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;

public class ExponentialMeshing extends MeshingFunction {
    private final double[] _fpValues;
    private final UniformMeshing _um;
    private final double _theta;
    private final double _eta;
    private final double _lambda;
    private final boolean _linear;
    private final double _l;
    private final double _r;

     * creates a non-uniform set of points according to the formula $x_i = \theta + \eta*\exp(\lambda z_i)$, where the points run from 
     * $x_0$ to $x_{N-1}$ (i.e. there are N points), $\eta = (x_{N-1} - x_0)/(\exp(\lambda) - 1)$ and $\theta = x_0 - \eta$. The points $z_i$ are uniform on (0,1) and 
     * given by $z_i = i/(N-1)$. 
     * @param lowerBound The value of $x_0$
     * @param upperBound The value of $x_{N-1}$
     * @param nPoints Number of Points (equal to N in the above formula)
     * @param lambda Bunching parameter. $\lambda = 0$ is uniform, $\lambda > 0$ gives a high density of points near $x_0$ and $\lambda < 0$ gives a high density
     * of points near $x_{N-1}$
    public ExponentialMeshing(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound, final int nPoints,
            final double lambda) {
        Validate.isTrue(upperBound > lowerBound, "need upperBound>lowerBound");
        _l = lowerBound;
        _r = upperBound;
        _lambda = lambda;

        if (lambda == 0.0) {
            _linear = true;
            _theta = lowerBound;
            _eta = (upperBound - lowerBound);
        } else {
            _linear = false;
            _eta = (upperBound - lowerBound) / (Math.exp(lambda) - 1);
            _theta = lowerBound - _eta;
        _um = new UniformMeshing(nPoints);
        _fpValues = null;

     * creates a non-uniform set of points according to the formula $x_i = \theta + \eta*\exp(\lambda z_i)$, where the points run from 
     * $x_0$ to $x_{N-1}$ (i.e. there are N points), $\eta = (x_{N-1} - x_0)/(\exp(\lambda) - 1)$ and $\theta = x_0 - \eta$. 
     * The points $z_i$ are are close as possible to uniform on (0,1) while allowing the <em>fixedPoints</em> to be in the set of points.
     * @param lowerBound The value of $x_0$
     * @param upperBound The value of $x_{N-1}$
     * @param nPoints Number of Points (equal to N in the above formula).The number of points must exceed the number of fixed points by at least 2.
     * @param lambda Bunching parameter. $\lambda = 0$ is uniform, $\lambda > 0$ gives a high density of points near $x_0$ and $\lambda < 0$ gives a high density
     * of points near $x_{N-1}$
     * @param fixedPoints set of points that must be included. These must be within the lower and upper bound (exclusive) 
    public ExponentialMeshing(final double lowerBound, final double upperBound, final int nPoints,
            final double lambda, final double[] fixedPoints) {
        Validate.isTrue(upperBound > lowerBound, "need upperBound>lowerBound");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(fixedPoints, "null fixedPoints");
        _lambda = lambda;
        _l = lowerBound;
        _r = upperBound;

        _fpValues = FunctionUtils.unique(fixedPoints);

        int m = _fpValues.length;
        final double[] fp = new double[m];

        if (lambda == 0.0) {
            _linear = true;
            _theta = lowerBound;
            _eta = (upperBound - lowerBound);
            for (int ii = 0; ii < m; ii++) {
                fp[ii] = (fixedPoints[ii] - _theta) / _eta;
        } else {
            _linear = false;
            _eta = (upperBound - lowerBound) / (Math.exp(lambda) - 1);
            _theta = lowerBound - _eta;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < m; ii++) {
                fp[ii] = Math.log((_fpValues[ii] - _theta) / _eta) / lambda;
        _um = new UniformMeshing(nPoints, fp);

    public Double evaluate(final Integer i) {
        Validate.isTrue(i >= 0 && i < getNumberOfPoints(), "i out of range");
        if (i == 0) {
            return _l;
        if (i == getNumberOfPoints() - 1) {
            return _r;

        //short cut if required point is one of the specified fixed points 
        if (_fpValues != null) {
            int index = _um.getFixedPointIndex(i);
            if (index >= 0) {
                return _fpValues[index];

        final double z = _um.evaluate(i);
        if (_linear) {
            return _theta + _eta * z;
        return _theta + _eta * Math.exp(z * _lambda);
