Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import; import; /** * Crank-Nicolson scheme using SOR algorithm to solve the matrix system at each time step. * <b>Note</b> this is for testing purposes and is not recommended for actual use. Use ThetaMethodFiniteDifference for production. */ public class CrankNicolsonFiniteDifferenceSOR implements ConvectionDiffusionPDESolver { private final double _theta; /** * Sets up a standard Crank-Nicolson scheme */ public CrankNicolsonFiniteDifferenceSOR() { _theta = 0.5; } /** * Sets up a scheme that is the weighted average of an explicit and an implicit scheme * @param theta The weight. theta = 0 - fully explicit, theta = 0.5 - Crank-Nicolson, theta = 1.0 - fully implicit */ public CrankNicolsonFiniteDifferenceSOR(final double theta) { Validate.isTrue(theta >= 0 && theta <= 1.0, "theta must be in the range 0 to 1"); _theta = theta; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public PDEResults1D solve(final ZZConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle pdeData, final int tSteps, final int xSteps, final double tMax, final BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, final BoundaryCondition upperBoundary) { return solve(pdeData, tSteps, xSteps, tMax, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, null); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public PDEResults1D solve(final ZZConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle pdeData, final int tSteps, final int xSteps, final double tMax, final BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, final BoundaryCondition upperBoundary, final Surface<Double, Double, Double> freeBoundary) { return solve(pdeData.getCoefficients(), pdeData.getInitialCondition(), tSteps, xSteps, tMax, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, freeBoundary); } @Override public PDEResults1D solve(PDE1DDataBundle<ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DCoefficients> pdeData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Override public PDEResults1D solve(ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DStandardCoefficients pdeData, Function1D<Double, Double> initialCondition, int tSteps, int xSteps, double tMax, BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, BoundaryCondition upperBoundary) { return solve(pdeData, initialCondition, tSteps, xSteps, tMax, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, null); } @Override public PDEResults1D solve(ConvectionDiffusionPDE1DStandardCoefficients pdeData, Function1D<Double, Double> initialCondition, int tSteps, int xSteps, double tMax, BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, BoundaryCondition upperBoundary, Surface<Double, Double, Double> freeBoundary) { // simple test code - doesn't use a PDEGrid1D final PDEGrid1D grid = new PDEGrid1D(tSteps + 1, xSteps + 1, tMax, lowerBoundary.getLevel(), upperBoundary.getLevel()); final double dt = tMax / (tSteps); final double dx = (upperBoundary.getLevel() - lowerBoundary.getLevel()) / (xSteps); final double dtdx2 = dt / dx / dx; final double dtdx = dt / dx; final double[] f = new double[xSteps + 1]; final double[] x = new double[xSteps + 1]; final double[] q = new double[xSteps + 1]; final double[][] m = new double[xSteps + 1][xSteps + 1]; // double[] coefficients = new double[3]; double currentX = lowerBoundary.getLevel(); double a, b, c, aa, bb, cc; for (int i = 0; i <= xSteps; i++) { currentX = lowerBoundary.getLevel() + i * dx; x[i] = currentX; final double value = initialCondition.evaluate(currentX); f[i] = value; } double t = 0.0; for (int n = 0; n < tSteps; n++) { t += dt; for (int i = 1; i < xSteps; i++) { a = pdeData.getA(t - dt, x[i]); b = pdeData.getB(t - dt, x[i]); c = pdeData.getC(t - dt, x[i]); double rho = a; // double bdx = (b * dx / 2); // if (Math.abs(bdx) > 10 * Math.abs(a)) { // rho = Math.abs(bdx); // } else if (Math.abs(a) > 10 * Math.abs(bdx)) { // rho = a; // } else { // rho = bdx / Math.tanh(bdx / a); // } aa = (1 - _theta) * (-dtdx2 * rho + 0.5 * dtdx * b); bb = 1 + (1 - _theta) * (2 * dtdx2 * rho - dt * c); cc = (1 - _theta) * (-dtdx2 * rho - 0.5 * dtdx * b); q[i] = aa * f[i - 1] + bb * f[i] + cc * f[i + 1]; // TODO could store these a = pdeData.getA(t, x[i]); b = pdeData.getB(t, x[i]); c = pdeData.getC(t, x[i]); rho = a; // bdx = (b * dx / 2); // if (Math.abs(bdx) > 10 * Math.abs(a)) { // rho = Math.abs(bdx); // } else if (Math.abs(a) > 10 * Math.abs(bdx)) { // rho = a; // } else { // rho = bdx / Math.tanh(bdx / a); // } aa = (-dtdx2 * rho + 0.5 * dtdx * b); bb = (2 * dtdx2 * rho - dt * c); cc = (-dtdx2 * rho - 0.5 * dtdx * b); m[i][i - 1] = -_theta * aa; m[i][i] = 1 - _theta * bb; m[i][i + 1] = -_theta * cc; } double[] temp = lowerBoundary.getLeftMatrixCondition(pdeData, grid, t); for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { m[0][k] = temp[k]; } temp = upperBoundary.getLeftMatrixCondition(pdeData, grid, t); for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { m[xSteps][xSteps - k] = temp[k]; } temp = lowerBoundary.getRightMatrixCondition(pdeData, grid, t); double sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { sum += temp[k] * f[k]; } q[0] = sum + lowerBoundary.getConstant(pdeData, t); temp = upperBoundary.getRightMatrixCondition(pdeData, grid, t); sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { sum += temp[k] * f[xSteps - k]; } q[xSteps] = sum + upperBoundary.getConstant(pdeData, t); // SOR final double omega = 1.0; double scale = 1.0; double errorSqr = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; while (errorSqr / (scale + 1e-10) > 1e-18) { errorSqr = 0.0; scale = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j <= xSteps; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k <= xSteps; k++) { sum += m[j][k] * f[k]; } double correction = omega / m[j][j] * (q[j] - sum); if (freeBoundary != null) { correction = Math.max(correction, freeBoundary.getZValue(t, x[j]) - f[j]); } errorSqr += correction * correction; f[j] += correction; scale += f[j] * f[j]; } } } return new PDETerminalResults1D(grid, f); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public PDEResults1D solve(final ZZConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle pdeData, final double[] timeGrid, final double[] spaceGrid, final BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, final BoundaryCondition upperBoundary, final Surface<Double, Double, Double> freeBoundary) { Validate.notNull(pdeData, "pde data"); final PDEGrid1D grid = new PDEGrid1D(timeGrid, spaceGrid); final int tNodes = timeGrid.length; final int xNodes = spaceGrid.length; Validate.isTrue(tNodes > 1, "need at least 2 time nodes"); Validate.isTrue(xNodes > 2, "need at least 3 space nodes"); // TODO would like more sophistication that simply checking to the grid is consistent with the boundary level Validate.isTrue(Math.abs(spaceGrid[0] - lowerBoundary.getLevel()) < 1e-7, "space grid not consistent with boundary level"); Validate.isTrue(Math.abs(spaceGrid[xNodes - 1] - upperBoundary.getLevel()) < 1e-7, "space grid not consistent with boundary level"); final double[] dt = new double[tNodes - 1]; for (int n = 0; n < tNodes - 1; n++) { dt[n] = timeGrid[n + 1] - timeGrid[n]; Validate.isTrue(dt[n] > 0, "time steps must be increasing"); } final double[] dx = new double[xNodes - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < xNodes - 1; i++) { dx[i] = spaceGrid[i + 1] - spaceGrid[i]; Validate.isTrue(dx[i] > 0, "space steps must be increasing"); } final double[] f = new double[xNodes]; final double[] q = new double[xNodes]; final double[][] m = new double[xNodes][xNodes]; double a, b, c, aa, bb, cc; for (int i = 0; i < xNodes; i++) { f[i] = pdeData.getInitialValue(spaceGrid[i]); } for (int n = 1; n < tNodes; n++) { for (int i = 1; i < xNodes - 1; i++) { a = pdeData.getA(timeGrid[n - 1], spaceGrid[i]); b = pdeData.getB(timeGrid[n - 1], spaceGrid[i]); c = pdeData.getC(timeGrid[n - 1], spaceGrid[i]); aa = (1 - _theta) * dt[n - 1] * (-2 / dx[i - 1] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * a + dx[i] / dx[i - 1] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * b); bb = 1 + (1 - _theta) * dt[n - 1] * (2 / dx[i - 1] / dx[i] * a - (dx[i] - dx[i - 1]) / dx[i - 1] / dx[i] * b - c); cc = (1 - _theta) * dt[n - 1] * (-2 / dx[i] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * a - dx[i - 1] / dx[i] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * b); q[i] = aa * f[i - 1] + bb * f[i] + cc * f[i + 1]; // TODO could store these a = pdeData.getA(timeGrid[n], spaceGrid[i]); b = pdeData.getB(timeGrid[n], spaceGrid[i]); c = pdeData.getC(timeGrid[n], spaceGrid[i]); aa = dt[n - 1] * (-2 / dx[i - 1] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * a + dx[i] / dx[i - 1] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * b); bb = dt[n - 1] * (2 / dx[i - 1] / dx[i] * a - (dx[i] - dx[i - 1]) / dx[i - 1] / dx[i] * b - c); cc = dt[n - 1] * (-2 / dx[i] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * a - dx[i - 1] / dx[i] / (dx[i - 1] + dx[i]) * b); m[i][i - 1] = -_theta * aa; m[i][i] = 1 - _theta * bb; m[i][i + 1] = -_theta * cc; } double[] temp = lowerBoundary.getLeftMatrixCondition(pdeData.getCoefficients(), grid, timeGrid[n]); for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { m[0][k] = temp[k]; } temp = upperBoundary.getLeftMatrixCondition(pdeData.getCoefficients(), grid, timeGrid[n]); for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { m[xNodes - 1][xNodes - 1 - k] = temp[k]; } // debug // m[xNodes - 1][xNodes - 3] = 2 / dx[xNodes - 3] / (dx[xNodes - 3] + dx[xNodes - 2]); // m[xNodes - 1][xNodes - 2] = -2 / dx[xNodes - 3] / dx[xNodes - 2]; // m[xNodes - 1][xNodes - 1] = 2 / dx[xNodes - 2] / (dx[xNodes - 3] + dx[xNodes - 2]); temp = lowerBoundary.getRightMatrixCondition(pdeData.getCoefficients(), grid, timeGrid[n]); double sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { sum += temp[k] * f[k]; } q[0] = sum + lowerBoundary.getConstant(pdeData.getCoefficients(), timeGrid[n]); // TODO need to change how boundary are calculated - dx[0] wrong for non-constant grid temp = upperBoundary.getRightMatrixCondition(pdeData.getCoefficients(), grid, timeGrid[n]); sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { sum += temp[k] * f[xNodes - 1 - k]; } q[xNodes - 1] = sum + upperBoundary.getConstant(pdeData.getCoefficients(), timeGrid[n]); // SOR final double omega = 1.0; double scale = 1.0; double errorSqr = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; while (errorSqr / (scale + 1e-10) > 1e-18) { errorSqr = 0.0; scale = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < xNodes; j++) { sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < xNodes; k++) { sum += m[j][k] * f[k]; } double correction = omega / m[j][j] * (q[j] - sum); if (freeBoundary != null) { correction = Math.max(correction, freeBoundary.getZValue(timeGrid[n], spaceGrid[j]) - f[j]); } errorSqr += correction * correction; f[j] += correction; scale += f[j] * f[j]; } } } return new PDETerminalResults1D(grid, f); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public PDEResults1D solve(final ZZConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle pdeData, final PDEGrid1D grid, final BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, final BoundaryCondition upperBoundary) { throw new NotImplementedException( "This is a simple test implimentation of Crank-Nicolson. If you do what to run this scheme, use ThetaMethodFiniteDifference with theta = 0.5"); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public PDEResults1D solve(final ZZConvectionDiffusionPDEDataBundle pdeData, final PDEGrid1D grid, final BoundaryCondition lowerBoundary, final BoundaryCondition upperBoundary, final Surface<Double, Double, Double> freeBoundary) { throw new NotImplementedException( "This is a simple test implimentation of Crank-Nicolson. If you do what to run this scheme, use ThetaMethodFiniteDifference with theta = 0.5"); } }