Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; /** * Specific calibration engine for the LMM model with swaption. */ public class SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine extends SuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine { /** * The precision used in least-square search. */ private static final double DEFAULT_PRECISION = 1.0E-15; /** * The list of the last index in the Ibor date for each instrument. */ private final List<Integer> _instrumentIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>(); /** * The number of instruments in a calibration block. The total number of instruments should be a multiple of that number. */ private final int _nbInstrumentsBlock; /** * Constructor of the calibration engine. * @param calibrationObjective The calibration objective. * @param nbInstrumentsBlock The number of instruments in a calibration block. */ public SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationEngine( SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective calibrationObjective, final int nbInstrumentsBlock) { super(calibrationObjective); _instrumentIndex.add(0); _nbInstrumentsBlock = nbInstrumentsBlock; } /** * Gets the instrument index. * @return The instrument index. */ public List<Integer> getInstrumentIndex() { return _instrumentIndex; } /** * Returns the number of instruments in a calibration block. * @return The number. */ public int getNbInstrumentsBlock() { return _nbInstrumentsBlock; } @Override public void addInstrument(final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final PricingMethod method) { Validate.notNull(instrument, "Instrument"); Validate.notNull(method, "Method"); Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor, "Calibration instruments should be swaptions"); SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor swaption = (SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor) instrument; getBasket().add(instrument); getMethod().add(method); getCalibrationPrice().add(0.0); _instrumentIndex.add(Arrays.binarySearch( ((SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective) getCalibrationObjective()) .getLMMParameters().getIborTime(), swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg() .getNthPayment(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap().getSecondLeg().getNumberOfPayments() - 1) .getPaymentTime())); } @Override public void calibrate(YieldCurveBundle curves) { int nbInstruments = getBasket().size(); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(nbInstruments % _nbInstrumentsBlock == 0, "Number of instruments incompatible with block size"); int nbBlocks = nbInstruments / _nbInstrumentsBlock; computeCalibrationPrice(curves); getCalibrationObjective().setCurves(curves); SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective objective = (SwaptionPhysicalLMMDDSuccessiveLeastSquareCalibrationObjective) getCalibrationObjective(); final NonLinearLeastSquare ls = new NonLinearLeastSquare(DecompositionFactory.SV_COMMONS, MatrixAlgebraFactory.OG_ALGEBRA, DEFAULT_PRECISION); // final NonLinearLeastSquare ls = new NonLinearLeastSquare(); for (int loopblock = 0; loopblock < nbBlocks; loopblock++) { InstrumentDerivative[] instruments = new InstrumentDerivative[_nbInstrumentsBlock]; double[] prices = new double[_nbInstrumentsBlock]; for (int loopins = 0; loopins < _nbInstrumentsBlock; loopins++) { instruments[loopins] = getBasket().get(loopblock * _nbInstrumentsBlock + loopins); prices[loopins] = getCalibrationPrice().get(loopblock * _nbInstrumentsBlock + loopins); } getCalibrationObjective().setInstruments(instruments); getCalibrationObjective().setPrice(prices); objective.setStartIndex(_instrumentIndex.get(loopblock * _nbInstrumentsBlock)); objective.setEndIndex(_instrumentIndex.get((loopblock + 1) * _nbInstrumentsBlock) - 1); // Implementation note: the index start is from the first instrument of the block and the index end is from the last instrument of the block. DoubleMatrix1D observedValues = new DoubleMatrix1D(_nbInstrumentsBlock, 0.0); @SuppressWarnings("unused") LeastSquareResults result = ls.solve(observedValues, getCalibrationObjective(), new DoubleMatrix1D(1.0, 0.0)); // Implementation note: the start value is a multiplicative factor of one and an additive term of 0 (parameters unchanged). // The observed values are 0 as the function returns the difference between the calculated prices and the targets. } } }